to becompetitive,” Walk them toruntogether, towin, dent. Mallott isaDemocrat. nor in 2014 as an indepen that he would run for gover lican whoannouncedin2013 any party. candidates notaffiliated with enough signatures torunas November ballot by gathering ous plantogo straight tothe a change from their previ inAugust, Democratic primary Byron Mallott willenterthe [email protected] By RodBoyce Walker Democratic primary for aims One dollar Inside TodayInside MORNING GOOD INSIDE “This is a path that allows“This Walker is a former Repub Gov. Bill Walker and Lt.Gov Sunrise: tonight Low High today mph. with winds10to15 Sunset: Part The weather. Janesville. Game 5against Ice Dogswin,force TIME ONE MORE landing ajob.” have aproblem pilotswon’tbet activity,airport I “With somuch SOURDOUGH JACK: WEATHER » A5 ly cloudy Page B1 SPORTS 10:30p.m. • • 5:07 Classified » B7 | Comics » B6 | Dear Abby » B5 | Markets » A7 | Obituaries »A3|OpinionA6 »A7|Obituaries Abby Classified»B7|Comics »B5|Markets »B6|Dear ...... today a.m. 29 52 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Hawaii’s newlava BigIslandhitwith6.9earthquake, vents, toxic gas. - - - - - rights. gun Congress todefend more Republicans to implored themtoelect ciation onFriday and the National Rifle Asso cheering membersof ald Trump before stood Florida, President Don land schoolshootingsin the horror of the Park ASSOCIATED PRESS By Catherine Lucey ElectTrump: Republicans to save rights gun ity increaseswereattributable the DeltaandUnited seat capac information abouthowmuchof for Anchorage service. boprop planestoBoeing737jets smaller BombardierQ400tur recently switchedbackfromthe seats) becausethe company 20 percentallsummer(17,000 seat capacity tobeup isforecast said. However, Airlines spokeswoman Sammy Loud ty year, similartolast airport these two airlines look pret 830 seats. adding August, pared withlast by33percentcom in August summer, isincreasingcapacity Seattle duringthe andChicago United Airlines,whichflies to May,with last adding1,112seats. in May by37percentcompared son, isincreasing seat capacity neapolis duringthesummersea which flies toSeattle andMin May Delta Airlines, and August. ly duringthebookend months, tocomemain mer areexpected that goes backtoat 2014. least trend ofyear-over-yearincreases itwouldcontinueaas forecast, the traffic. because ofearly for departures people torememberwitharrive year,pared tolast andisasking of travelers thissummerascom anticipates crowds bigger port @NEWSMINER.COM SFRIEDMAN By SamFriedman FAI predicts more summer this traffic Loud didn’t immediately haveLoud June andJuly numbersfor trafficThe increasesthissum If passenger capacity increases Fairbanks International Air DALLAS — as aDemocrat intheDemo and thelieutenantgovernor governor asanindependent tinue tointendrunwiththe endorn said. 6 general ballot, Heck election filiated candidates ontheNov. er-Mallott cam would need to appear as unaf the number of signatures they team, had gathered about half year termasa a secondfour- Mallott, seeking said Friday. Heckendorn John-Henry paign manager “I think so long as they con “I thinksolongasthey Walker and T Months after Months after

HE - AIRPORT »A3 VO Walker - - - law guns” and said if the law guns”andsaidifthe Democrats want to “out Institute for Legislative Institute forLegislative he speaksat theNRA- Trump claimedthat ICE OFIN Trump gestures from the podiumFriday as Forum inDallas. PHOTO/SUE OGROCKI Action Leadership Leadership Action ------President Donald President Donald - - - - Airport onFridayAirport afternoon. theFairbanksAn AlaskaAirlinesflightdeparts International SATURDAY,MAY 5,2018 want a two-wayHecken race, however. Walker andMallott race in November was a factor, gather thesignatures,” hesaid. fidence wewouldbeableto Heckendorn said“notat all.” required number of signatures, about theability togather the aconcern reflected primary to enterthe er thedecision tures,” hesaid. gather signa to continue much sense wouldn’t make cratic primary, it Concern about a three-way “We had100percentcon Asked wheth GUN »A4 AP AP - - - TE Mallott RIOR AL ERICENGMAN/NEWS-MINER - - istered membersofthepar istered bereg election in aprimary law requiringthat candidates astatesuit seekingtooverturn Democratic Party in its law ruled infavor oftheAlaska the AlaskaSupremeCourt tion comesonemonthafter elec sion to enter the primary I do.” race, Heckendorn said,“Yeah, chance to win in a three-way Dunleavy had a better Mike Dunleavy,” hesaid. nominee. see as the likely Republican dorn said,withthemanthey Walker andMallott’s deci hethoughtAsked whether “We like aone-on-onewith AS KA - - - - - vote ontheDemocratic ballot. including Republicans,can vote onGOPballots.Anyone, can undeclared ornonpartisan asRepublican,ers registered can Party’s primary. Onlyvot includes theAlaskaRepubli isAug.21andalsoelection thereby toattract morevoters. party’s and elections primary ated candidates torun in their rules in2016 toallowunaffili Democrats. rulingthat favoredcourt the state hadappealedalower ty holdingtheprimary. The The statewide primary statewide The Democrats changed their court lower to returned case Weed deserves a new trial. anew deserves theman ation ofwhether forconsider er court Tok man’s casetoalow a hasreturned Court @NEWSMINER.COM DCHOMICZ By Dorothy Chomicz and ahalfofmarijuana. approximately apound more than25ounces,or with aresultingyieldof and weighedthem, the leaves, driedthem od. Troopers stripped as the“one-sixth” meth plants,” whichisknown forlive approved method ijuana bythestatutorily means toweighthemar have the“immediate 2009. Troopers didn’t Tok inAugust property marijuana plants on his State Troopers found 15 Alaska after misconduct drugsny fourth-degree on two countsoffelo dan, 60,wasindicted plant have been removed. therootsof after of the measured weight plant shallbeone-sixth weight ofalivemarijuana od states theaggregate weighing marijuana led for method statutory edge andresearchofthe to testify that his knowl tive. other reasonablealterna and theofficers hadno was not exclusive method grounds the “one-sixth” denied themotion on the but thesuperiorcourt not legallysanctioned, wasweighing method the groundstroopers’ onmiss theindictment Antonio N. Jor state SupremeThe The “one-sixth”The meth Jordan movedtodis At trial,Jordan planned » A7 PRIMARY »A4 WEED »A4 » AX ------F17530424 -