Orissa Review # February-March - 2005

History of Press in Orissa R.P. Shastry

In the glorious chapters of the history of be fully established in this part of the country journalism in , Orissa with her history of in 1848. Thus the history of journalism in over one hundred years of journalism occupies Orissa is little over a century or to put it more a place of pride and honour. precisely it would now be just 138 years old. (In 1662 the first newspaper of London Oriya journalism played an important was published. The number of newspapers role in moulding socio-political within of the increased to 53 in 1970. The London Gazette province several and in awakening the people's was founded in 1665 as the official organ of consciousness in particular. In those days the the Government. The world famous 'Times' great men who had pioneered this noble paper began its publication as the Daily profession in this part of the country were solely Universal Register in 1785 and adopted the inspired by the spirit of social service and present title in 1788). missionary zeal. The First Newspaper of India The First Oriya Magazine (In India the first attempt for the In 1861 five years before the catastrophic publication of newspapers was made by an famine of Orissa of 1866 the first Oriya Englishman William Bolts in Calcutta in 1776. Magazine of Orissa 'Bodha Dayini' was But he could not succeed due to official published from . The main object of restrictions and obstructions. James Agustus this magazine was to spread the Oriya Hicky another Englishman started the 'Bengal literature and to point out the administrative Gazette' in 1780. In Madras in 1785, the first lapses. Then the most powerful and influential newspaper the 'Madras Courier' was published Oriya paper. 'The Utkal ' made its appearance in early 1866 under the able by an Englishman named Richard Johnson with official support. The paper was edited by editorship of late Gourisankar Ray with the patronizing helps of late Bichitrananda Das Boyd. Bombay's first newspaper, the 'Bombay who was the Seristadar of then Revenue Herald' came into existence in 1789.) Commissioner, T.E. Ravenshaw, who enjoyed Orissa came to the newspaper map of the honour as the founder of the historic India, about 70 years later in 1862 and offered Ravenshaw College of . 'Utkal resistance to the British rule which could only Deepika' played a significant role for the

43 Orissa Review # February-March - 2005 amalgamation of outlying Oriya-speaking areas Cuttack and another English weekly named which remained scattered under different 'Orissa Students' edited by Laxmi Narayan provincial administrations. The Utkal Deepika Dasgupta was published from Kendrapara carried on a vigorous campaign for bringing during that period. all the Oriya-speaking areas under one The publication of these papers during administration, development of Oriya language the last part of the 19th century, indicated the and literature and protection of Oriya interests. desire and the determination of the people of In 1869 late Bhagavati Charan Das started Orissa to uphold the right of freedom of 'Utkal Subhakari' to propagate Brahmo faith. expression and the freedom of the press with a Another weekly paper 'Sambad Vahika' was view to ultimately fighting for the freedom of published from Balasore in 1868. the country from the British rule. The Utkal Society of Cuttack published Swadeshi Movement 'Utkal Hiteisini' in 1869. In the last three and In the early part of twentieth century we half decades of the 19th century a number of find that "Swadeshi" movement in Bengal had newspapers were published in Oriya, gained momentum and it had great impact on prominent among them were 'Utkal Deepika' Orissa's political and social life. At that time 'Utkal Patra' Utkal Hiteisini from Cuttack, Utkal another paper named 'Nava Sambad' also Darpan and Sambada Vahika' from Balasore, appeared from Balasore. Both 'Nava Sambad' Hiteisini (30th May, 1889) from of Balasore and 'Utkal Deepika' of Cuttack gave Deogarh. strong support to the 'Swadeshi' movement and The last named Oriya weekly continued in their writings of 30th August 1905 and 2nd for 34 years under the patronage of Sir Sudhal September 1905 respectively those two papers Deb, Raja of Bamra. In 1879 an Oriya expressed the views that the Swadeshi fortnightly newspaper called "Mayurbhanj movement would give impetus to the production Pakshika Patrika" was published from of "Swadeshi" goods in Orissa. Baripada being edited by Haraprasad Das with In 1903 the Oriyas of Ganjam under the the financial help of Maharaja Krushna Chandra leadership of Raja of Khallikote, Raja Harihar Bhanja Deo. It was said that the main objective Mardaj and with the guiding inspirations of Late of the paper was to review the political matters Pandit Nilamani Vidyaratna a veteran of Mayurbhanj in simple 'Oriya' language. journalist, social reformer and a political (source Mayurbhanj Gazetteer). In April 1891 leader of that time formed Ganjam Jatiya Samiti a literary magazine titled 'Utkal Prabha' was to demand for the unification of Ganjam (then published from Baripada with the financial help in Madras) with other Oriya areas. Vidyaratna of Maharaja Sri Ramachandra Bhanja Deo. In started an Oriya weekly paper 'Praja Bandhu' 1880 Dina Banerji edited a paper called from Ganjam to espouse the cause of the Oriyas Bideshi from Cuttack. After 1866 Famine some and the amalgamation movement. He also English journals were also started publishing joined the 'Sambalpur Hiteisini' in the last in Orissa. In 1868 "Cuttack Standard", Argus' decade of ninteenth century and gave a new and an English Weekly 'Orissa Patriot' edited fillip to the cause of amalgamation movement by Kalipada Banerji were published from and development of Oriya literature with the

44 Orissa Review # February-March - 2005 help of the Raja of Bamra, the great lover of New Phase of Journalism culture and literature. Pandit Vidyaratna had In 1913 a new phase of journalism began encouraged the great poet Gangadhar Meher in Orissa under the adventurous leadership of and Radhanath Ray by publishing their literary the grat Journalist, late Mr. Sashibhusan Rath. works through the columns of the paper which On 13th April, 1913 he published the weekly he edited. 'Asha' which soon held the public opinion of This period was also marked for the the district under its influence. spread of journalism in different parts of Orissa Though, Mr. Rath started his weekly and publication of more papers from Ganjam without any capital money, he was able to and Cuttack. attract the support of the stalwarts of that period Star of Utkal like Pandit Gopabandhu Das, Pandit Nilakantha Das, Pandit Godavarish Mishra, the great In 1905 Babu Khirod Ray Choudhury freedom fighters and scholars, who later published an English newspaper named "Star became editors of powerful newspapers. They of Utkal" from Cuttack. The paper was highly were also the writers in this new weekly, till critical of the then Bengal Government's Food 1917 this group which was more popularly Policy and held the Government responsible known as the Satyavadi Group maintained very for the large scale starvation deaths of 1907- intimate contacts with 'Asha' by regularly 1908 in the districts of Cuttack, Puri and writing in its columns. Pandit Gopabandhu, the Balasore which then constituted the 'Orissa founder of Orissa's influential Oriya Division' under the Bengal Government. The newspaper, the Samaj published his first Lt. Governor of Bengal demanded Rs.2000/- monthly magazine "Satyavadi" from Asha Press as security deposit from the press. The editor of . During this period the refused to pay the security deposit and in protest publication of 'Asha' by Sashi Bhusan had stopped the publication of the paper. kindled new hopes in the minds of the people of Orissa and particularly the people of Ganjam During this decade the enterprising Oriya who were zealously agitating for the formation journalists of Ganjam published a number of of a separate Orissa province and development papers. An English weekly named "Ganjam of Oriya language and literature. 'Asha' soon News" was published from Parlakhemidi, the attracted many leading writers and leaders of great seat of Oriya culture, literature and music public opinion of that time and became the to support the cause of Orissa. The other papers powerful vehicle of public opinion. The other of Ganjam of that period were Oriya Weekly, prominent writers and leading men who had "Oriya Hitavadini" from Berhampur, "Ganjam enriched the columns of 'Asha' were late Gopal Guna Darpan" from Digapahandi and 'Utkal Chandra Praharaj (author of Oriya Vasi' from Ichhapur (now in Andhra Pradesh) Encyclopaedia-Bhasakosh), the great social which were published to fight for the formation reformer Ananta Mishra, Appanna Panigrahi of Orissa province based on language, culture of Paralakhemidi, Gadadhar Vidya Bhusan and and literature and also to advance the cause of Sadasiva Vidya Bhusan of South Ganjam, the freedom movement. great Oriya novelist and writer Fakir Mohan

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Senapati, the poet and writer Ramchandra newspapers helped for the production of other Acharjya and many others. daily papers in the state during later periods. Oriya Weekly "Samaj Mitra" East Coast English Weekly In 1917 another Oriya weekly paper After the publication of ''Dainik Asha' 'Samaj Mitra' was published from Cuttack. But Sashi Bhusan also published an English it was prescribed by the British Government weekly, 'The East Coast' and entrusted its for its publication of an article under the editorship to Pandit Godavarish Misra whose caption 'Hindu Dharmar Gourab' in which he love for the freedom of the country and the strongly criticised certain disparaging remarks people had brought for him poverty and many of some foreign Christian missionaries against difficulties in life. In 1930 an Oriya newspaper Hindu scriptures and deities. "Prabhat" was also published from Cuttack. Madhusudan Das's Oriya Weekly "The First English Daily Newspaper "New Oriya" Orissa" During the same period late Gopal On 5th May, 1933 the first English daily Chandra Praharaj edited "Satya Samachar", of the Province 'The New Orissa' made its Utkal Gourab Madhu Sudan edited 'The Oriya' appearance from the Asha Press of Berhampur and Dibyaprasanna Roy Choudhury edited under the Editorship of Sashi Bhusan ably 'Navya Bharat' from Cuttack. Another weekly assisted by Mr. Sharma and Mr. K.N. Acharya 'Swaraj' which became a daily in 1932 was who came from Madras. Mr. Acharya who also published in 1921-22 from Cuttack. was the colleague of Mr. Rath later became the Editor of 'New Orissa'. The management Publication of "Dainik Asha" of the paper was looked after by Mr. Hadu In 1928 Sashi Bhusan Rath took another Raiguru who was a trusted Assistant and bold step and started the Oriya Daily 'Dainik colleague of Mr. Rath. Sharat Mahapatra, a Asha' from Berhampur on the Oriya New Years brother of Sashi Bhusan was an Asst. Editor Day (Mesha Sankranti). This was really a great in Dainik Asha who later became the Editor of day for the people of Orissa and was a turning weekly 'Asha' and continued it for a long time point in the history of the State as it had helped even after the death of Mr. Rath. (It may not be the people of Orissa to launch their struggle out of place to mention here that for the proper more effectively and vigorously to secure the growth and development of Oriya journalism unification of the outlying Oriya areas under and development of language and literature, one administration. This paper also spread the necessity for the invention of Oriya type-writer message of freedom movement of the country was greatly felt and a brother of Sashi Bhusan in the rural areas of the State. With the late Ranganath Mahapatra of Surada, Ganjam publication of Dainik Asha many public invented the first Oriya type-writer in early spirited youngmen got the opportunity to forties. The Oriya type-writers were receive the practical training in daily manufactured in Germany and were put to use newspaper work and journalism. Some of them in some of the offices soon after the formation who got training in the editing of these of the separate Orissa Province on 1st April,

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1936. The Zamindars of Ganjam and also the Gopabandhu was not there to see this eventful Rajas of some of Garjats were greatly beginning of the new life of "Samaj". encouraged to use the Oriya type-writers. But After the outbreak of the Second World after the outbreak of Second World War the War in September 1939, the Orissa Congress British Government did not allow further Ministry headed by Mr. Biswanath Das manufacturing and use of these type writers. resigned on 4th November, 1939. A non- Ranganath did not get any recognition for his Congress coalition Ministry headed by great work even after the independence of the Maharaja of Parlakemindi K.C. Gajapati Dev country and he died in poverty fighting his was formed by the end of 1941 with the active lonely battle to gain what was legitimately due support of Pandit Nilakantha Das, Pandit to him. But he lost his fight. Godavarish Mishra and others. Pandit End of a Chapter Nilakantha who was the chief architect of the said coalition Ministry started an Oriya daily During the time of Second World War in called "Navarat" to support the Ministry and 1942, Daily Asha changed hands with its sister the war efforts of the Government. He was also publication the English daily 'New Orissa' having a monthly magazine ''. This which was purchased by a businessman of paper continued as long as it enjoyed official Calcutta, Mr. M.L. Jajodia who later settled support and after the fall of the Ministry and down at Cuttack. These two papers gave the end of war it closed down. Pandit Das's effective support to war efforts of the British daily and the monthly however, greatly Government and were also recipients of enriched the Oriya literature through valuable Government's aid. Both were closed down in literary contributions. Some of the writings of 1951 marking the end of a great chapter of the the old Nava Bharat were reproduced by pre-independence era journalism in Orissa. "Samaj" in its weekly literary columns. During However, the "Dainik Asha" resumed this period another Oriya paper named 'Lok publication from Berhampur being controlled Mata' also came into existence, but it by a "Trust" set up by late Brindavan Nayak in disappeared after a short peirod. the Seventies. In the early pre-independence period two "Samaj", the Oriya Daily of Cuttack now English weeklies, 'The Orissa First' edited by edited by Madam Manorama Mahapatra was Mr. K.N. Acharya and 'Observer' by Mr. M.S. founded by late Pandit Gopabandhu Das as a Mahanty, and an Oriya Weekly named Janata weekly in 1919 to support the cause of freedom by Surendra Mohanty published from Cuttack struggle of the country. Pandit Das continued had influenced public opinions in their own his relentless struggle against the British rulers respective ways. Mr. K.N. Acharya's 'Orissa through the columns of the paper and never First ' commanded respect and prestige in yielded to any pressure and temptations of the official and enlightened circles of the State. British Government. Another Oriya monthly magazine which In 1931 it was made daily by Pandit commanded great influence through out the Nilakantha Das, Pt. Godavarish Mishra, Pt. State for its critical writings was 'Niakhunta'. Lingaraj Mishra and others. But Pandit It was more popular for its satirical writings

47 Orissa Review # February-March - 2005 and poems. This was first started in 1938 from of April 1948. The 'Amrit Bazar Patrika' of Berhampur by late Godavarish Mahapatra and Calcutta published an edition from Cuttack from later shifted to Cuttack. 'Krusak', another Oriya the Tulasipur residence of Mr. Biju Patnaik. weekly also started its publication in 1938 from But it also discontinued its publication after Cuttack under editorship of Sarangdhar Das. two years. The Post-Independence Era 'Matrubhumi' which was started as a weekly in 1947 was made a Daily by its founder In the Post-Independence Era journalism Editor Mr. Balakrushna Kar in 1951 on the eve in Orissa assumed new attitude and direction. of First Election in 1952 with the From its missionary character of old times it financial help received from Maharaja of has gained a new momentum for trade Balangir Patna, late R.N. Singh Deo. unionism. It has attracted many ambitious youngmen who accepted journalism as avenue In 1956 an Oriya Daily called for employment. Dr. H.K. Mahatab's 'Ganatantra' owing its political allegiance to "Prajatantra" offered this opportunity to the opposition "Ganatantra Parishad" of the ex- employment seekers in journalism and also to Garhjat rulers of Orissa was published by the the young aspirants for building political Gana Prakasani Trust Board. This paper careers. Dr. Mahatab's 'Prajatantra' which first continued for about five years. started publication as a weekly from Balasore In 1960 another important Oriya Daily on 2.10.1923 and ceased publication on 28th "Kalinga" was published by Mr. Biju Patnaim, December, 1930 in protest against the Press the then Congress leader of Orissa. It was Ordinance of British government again made controlled through a trust. This paper went out its re-appearance on the 8th August, 1947 as of existence after 1967 General Elections an Oriya Daily with renewed vigour and during the time of "Swatantra-Jana Congress" strength under the fostering care of Dr.Mahatab Coalition Ministry. On 1st April 1966 another who was the first premier of the State on the Oriya Daily "The Janasakti" made its eve of the transfer of power and also became appearance and continued for about four years. Chief Minister after independence. The This paper owed its existence to Mr. Biren 'Prajatantra" played its role effectively during Mitra, ex-Chief Minister of Orissa. During its the crucial period of the integration of the short span of existence it had been able to gain Princely States of Orissa with the province popular support and good will of the people. under the guidance of Dr. Mahtab who was not After the Fourth General Election only the Premier of Orissa but was one of the another Oriya daily the "Swarajya" owing its right-hand men of Sardar Patel, the Chief full allegiance to the Swatantra Party was Architect of new India who secured the merger published from under the of the princely states. As a matter of fact. working editorship of Mr. Rama Prasad Sinha, "Prajatantra" was the training centre for many a well-known freedom fighter, writer and a journalists who occupied important positions veteran journalist. This paper was controlled one politics and in public life. Another sister by the ex-Maharaja of Balangir Patna, late R.N. paper of the Prajatantra, English Daily, "The Singh Deo as the Chairman of a new Trust Eastern Times" was also published on the 1st Board.

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On 24th November 1974 a new Oriya in Oriya and English from the Baripada Printing Daily "Dharitry" was added to the family of Press, Calcutta Bhanja Pradip in October, the Daily Newspapers of Orissa published 1934, Mayurbhanja Chronicle in October, 1935 ownership of under the Madam Nandini were also published. The Mayurbhanj State Satapathy a former Chief Minister of Orissa Gazetteer in January, 1936 speak of the big role and members of her family. Mr. Tathagata played by this state for the promotion and Satapathy is its editor now. This was first development of journalistic activities in Orissa. published by Smt. Mahapatra on In post-independence period the following behalf of "Samajwadi Society. A new English periodicals and journals were published from Daily the "News of the World" was also the Mayurbhanj district. "Mayurbhanj Jagarana published from Cuttack by an enterprising press - 1963, Janata-1963, Hint - (in English) 1963, worker in 1976 under his managing editorship. and Bahni, Khabar (English), Anjali, Besides this, some Oriya and English weeklies Chalantika, Ramarajya in 1969. were published from Cuttack. "The Orissa Times", an English Weekly was established in In Bolangir "Patna Deepika" and 1965 by Mr.R.P. Shastry a veteran journalist Prajamitra were published before the merger under his editorship. The Eastern Times of the feaudatary State with Orissa and Weekly which was edited by Dr. Mahtab is discontinued later. In 1959, a weekly called now closed down. The 'Kosala' of Sambalpur 'Dunia' and another weekly named "Swatantra" has become a small town daily, "Orissa Times" were published and in 1961 Abhijana, was made a daily newspaper in 1985 April Ganatantra and Yugavarta weeklies made their and since then has been continuing its appearances and faded out after sometime. publication from Bhubaneswar. Koraput, a tribal district of Orissa has Besides these papers, there were many also made its contributions to the growth of other papers which were published in the early journalism in the State. 'Jana-Sakha', Ajikali part of this century and went out of existence and Amakatha were published in Oriya from in Orissa. Utkal Sevak was published in 105- Nawarangapur a few monthly magazines like Sambalpur Frazer by Press and continued till 'Durmukha' and Achalapatra were published 1914. The Oriya weekly "Sadhana" 1921, from Cuttack. Sambalpur, Jagarana - Oriya weekly 1936, Though, there is a big scope and Praja Sakti and Subrati 1958, Jeeban- 1960, necessity for the development of small papers Squeeze English weekly - 1964, Khadyot - in the districts, in order to highlight the 1962, Panchamukhi - 1966, Katusatya - 1968 problems of different areas and to focus the were published from Sambalpur. public attention on the problems of rural The Mayurbhanj, an ex-feudal state Orissa, due to the high cost of production and which was under the administration of a lack of sufficient encouragement from various Maharaja also played an active role in the field agencies enterprising journalists do not embark of journalism from 1879. That year in the month on such ventures. (Reproduced from "Orissa of April, the Mayurbhanj Pakshika Patrika Times Special issue of 1978). made its appearance with the help of the ruler. Utkal Prabha - April 1891, Weekly Manorama - 1905 from Baripada, Mayurbhanja Gazetter R.P. Shastry is the Editor of Orissa Times, Bhubaneswar