The Lancaster High School Vocal Music Department

LHS Women's Choir: Open to any female singers from grades 9-12. No audition is required.

LHS Mixed Chorus: Open to any male singers from grades 9-12, with no audition required. Female singers must serve one year in the LHS Women's Choir and audition for this group.

LHS Concert Choir: Lancaster High School's select choir. Entrance to this choir is by audition only. Men must serve one year in the LHS Mixed Chorus and women must serve one year in the LHS Women's Choir before being eligible to audition. (Women's Choir or Mixed Chorus membership requirement may be waived for Band or Orchestra members in grades 10-12 at the discretion of the director)

LHS Men's Choir: The combined men's sections of the LHS Mixed Chorus and the LHS Concert Choir. Portions of rehearsals of the respective groups in addition to occasional morning or after school meetings will be used for preparing this choir for their three (3) yearly concert appearances.

LHS Show Choir: Extra Curricular select performing group. (1st Semester) Interested singers from grades 9-12 are invited to audition each fall to make up this 12-member song and dance ensemble. Rehearsals are held twice a week, after school, from 2:30-4:30 PM.

LHS and Decibelles /Vocal Jazz: Extra Curricular select performing group. (2nd Semester) Interested singers from grades 9-12 will be invited to audition in February to make up an acappella and Vocal Jazz ensemble. Rehearsals for this group be held twice a week from 2:30-4:00 PM.

Performing Arts Society: Extra Curricular organization that presents the annual school musical. Membership is open to any students in grades 9-12 interested in serving on the many committees that contribute to the production of the musical. Positions in the cast, chorus, or dance ensemble are by audition.

LHS Choir Objectives

1. Members will be able to function with a vocal score. They will observe, understand, and apply all musical symbols, tempo markings, and dynamic markings to their performance.

2. Members will work toward mastering proper breathing techniques, voice projection, and achieving a correct and pleasing tone quality.

3. Members will be aware of and practice proper theater/concert etiquette both as a performer and as an audience member.

4. Members will attend and participate in all required performances.

1 Student Leadership

1. Student Officers will be elected from the membership of each of the choirs that meet during the school day. The Concert Choir will elect its officers in June for the following year. The Mixed Chorus and Women's Choir will elect officers in September for the school year. You must have one years experience in an LHS Choir to be eligible to run for President or Vice-President. (Men's Choir will not have officers)

2. Student Leadership for the LHS Show Choir, A Cafellas and Decibelles shall consist of a student director/manager. Interested students should apply to and will be interviewed by Mr. Lee in September for Show Choir and in February for the acappella/Vocal Jazz Ensemble.

3. Performing Arts Society will elect officers in September of each school year. One year of previous membership is required in order to be eligible to run or to vote.

Officer's Job Descriptions President: Shall coordinate all choir activities or designate a committee to do so. The President shall represent the Choir to The LHS Student Union and to Mr. Lee. The President shall take charge in the absence of the director and run a normal rehearsal.

Vice-President: The Vice-President shall assume all duties of the President in his/her absence. The Vice-President is responsible for recording attendance at daily rehearsals AND at ALL evening performances and field trip performances.

Secretary/Treasurer: The Secretary/Treasurer is in charge of ALL fund raising, record keeping, and collection of funds. The Secretary/Treasurer is the ONLY person to collect funds and is NOT to designate anyone else to do so. The Secretary/Treasurer must authorize disbursement of any choir funds.

Secretary: (This is a separate position for Concert Choir only) The Secretary shall record minutes of all Choir Officers & Choir member's meetings. He/she shall duplicate same and disperse to membership. The Secretary may also help to maintain financial records at the discretion of the President or request of the treasurer. (This should be done in a manner that will be CONSISTENT and beneficial to accurate record keeping)

Librarians: The Librarians are to make sure that each choir member has, or has visual access to, a copy of each piece of music in the choir's repertoire. The Librarians will also keep accurate records of what music is assigned to whom, and will be responsible for collecting said music or its value in money. The Librarians are also in charge of assigning uniforms and the keeping of records required thereof. They must maintain labels on EACH article of clothing owned by the LHS Vocal Music Department. They will also acquire additional uniforms needed for any new members.

****Job descriptions for Performing Arts Society officers are in the PAS Charter.

2 Audition Procedures

1. Auditions for Concert Choir and Mixed Chorus shall be comprised of singing in quartet or form, one person to a part, a song designated by Mr. Lee. The audition is for ONE YEARS MEMBERSHIP in the respective organization. The caliber of your performance at your audition, combined with your test grades, concert attendance, school attendance and involvement in music department activities such as NYSSMA Solos, Area All-State, All-County, solo auditions, school musical, Show Choir, A cappella Ensembles and Vocal Jazz.

2. Students interested in auditioning for Show Choir should prepare a "pop" tune and provide their own accompanist or accompaniment tape. They will be asked to go through some simple choreographed movement to determine their dance ability.

3. Students interested in auditioning for Acafellas or Decibelles/Vocal Jazz should prepare a “pop” tune. Since good intonation is crucial to the success of an acappella ensemble, you will be asked to sing without accompaniment.

4. Audition requirements for position in the cast, chorus, or dance ensemble of the school musical shall be determined and posted yearly, according to the demands of the script and musical score.

AUDITIONS: An "audition" is defined in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as "a trial performance to appraise an entertainer's merits." At Lancaster High School such a trial performance shall be offered with:

* An understanding that the appraisal is unbiased, and that neither YOU nor other auditioning students will be discriminated against or favored in any way.

** A sincere faith in the rater(s), whose decisions will always reflect what is best for YOU and all involved performers.

REMEMBER that your PERFORMANCE is the first and foremost consideration, --THEN we look at your other assets… punctuality, dependability, attendance, and involvement or service in other LHS Music Department activities.

so, VERY IMPORTANTLY!!! --- * A knowledge that age, grade level, and past experience are NOT considerations in the appraisal of an entertainer's merits, --it is your performance at a given audition session that opens the door to further consideration.

Featured Performers: The director reserves the right to assign vocal solos, instrumental accompanists, and County and State representation based on the capabilities as well as the DEPENDABILITY of the individuals. If a "featured performer" is in violation of any of the established rules and regulations of the choir, the director reserves the right to substitute his/her performance with another member of the choir.

3 Rehearsal Procedures

1. Choir members are to be on time for daily rehearsals. On time means that you are in the room before the bell rings, NOT arriving as it rings. More than two (2) lates per quarter will require serving one night detention in the choir room. You may choose to serve on the day of the 3rd offense or on the next day of school.

2. Gum should be put in the wastebasket upon entering the choir room. Absolutely NO eating is permitted during choir.

3. Take your seat promptly and, upon receiving your folder from the librarian, organize your music according to the agenda that the choir President has written on the chalkboard.

4. Talking is to cease when the director steps on to the podium. The director will step off of the podium between songs. This is your time to talk, USE IT!! When the director returns to the podium it is time to begin working on another piece of music and the room should become quiet immediately.

5. Proper singing posture is to be exhibited at all times, whether seated or standing. When seated, sit upright with your back away from the back of your chair, and both feet flat on the floor. When standing, your feet should be approximately 6" apart with one foot slightly forward of the other. Never lock your knees! The chest should be erect but not tense. In either position the music should be held so that you can see both the music AND the conductor by moving only your eyes, --NOT your head. Chairs in the choir room that have retractable desktops are used for our Music Theory classes. Desktops should be put in the down position for rehearsals. HAVE A PENCIL HANDY AT ALL TIMES. YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO WRITE IN YOUR MUSIC, BUT IN PENCIL ONLY, NEVER PEN!

6. Keep your eyes and attention on the director at all times when working on a song. Stay focused throughout the entire rehearsal. Don't begin "packing up" your music until the final cut off.

7. The choir room is ours!! --Treat it that way!! Take Pride in it!!! Littering or defacing property will result in a referral.

8. You may take your music to practice, and are encouraged to do so, however it MUST be brought to the next rehearsal.

9. Music, music books, videotapes, and audiotapes of many kinds, including of our own concerts and productions, are available for you to borrow. Please sign them out with Mr. Lee.

10. You may get passes to come to the choir room to practice during your study halls or lunch period. Get the pass before the period that you want to come down. Passes will NOT be given for you to go late to your study hall or lunch period to come down that same period.

4 11. Passes will not be given for you to go late to your class following choir unless the director detains you.

12. Substitute teachers are to be treated with respect and are "in charge" in the absence of Mr. Lee. The choir will NOT take a study hall or free period in the event that Mr. Lee is absent. ALL choir members will participate in a normal rehearsal under the direction of the choir President.

Performance Procedures

1. All performances scheduled outside of the school day will be announced in choir rehearsal and given to you in writing at least two (2) weeks in advance. Choir members can then adjust their schedules in order to be present at the concert. Attendance at scheduled performances is a REQUIREMENT, NOT AN OPTION. Only in extremely urgent situations can a choir member be excused from attending a performance. For example, jobs or babysitting are NOT a consideration. Personal or family illness would be a more reasonable excuse for missing a concert. In this situation, choir members should see the director before the concert. See him in school, or in an emergency call the choir room at 686-3352 or Mr. Lee at home at 883-5213. In this case arrangements will be made for you to prepare a written assignment relative to the music we are studying in choir in lieu of performing with the choir for that particular concert. Failure to appear at a concert and attempting to explain your absence at a later date is inconsiderate to your fellow choir members, unprofessional, AND UNACCEPTABLE. THIS WILL BE CONSIDERED A CUT AND WILL RESULT IN A REDUCTION IN YOUR GRADE*. (*Concert Choir members who are a ‘no show’ for a concert will no longer perform with the ensemble) (*no make-up assignment will be available for a cut)

2. Choir members should report to the warm-up room designated by Mr. Lee promptly at the time announced in rehearsal. Time given is always the time warm-up will begin, NOT the time that you should arrive. PLAN AHEAD!

3. Choir members should be sure to have COMPLETE UNIFORM with them for performances. COMPLETE UNIFORM IS: for WOMEN"S CHOIR: YOU must bring stockings and BLACK closed toe shoes. You can wear a skirt or shorts under your Black Choir Robe with Red collar that will be provided to you. Showing at the bottom of the robe should be your "stockinged legs" and black dress shoes. So, --don't wear long pants because you will have to roll them up. This can be uncomfortable OR they could come "unrolled". for MIXED CHORUS: MEN, you will be given a white tuxedo shirt, a black bow tie, and a black vest at the beginning of the year, which you may keep until June. Please make sure that your shirt is clean and pressed for concerts. YOU should provide BLACK dress pants, BLACK socks, and BLACK shoes. (Please, BLACK is BLACK, Not gray, dark blue, brown, ---BLACK!) NO SNEAKERS! WOMEN, you will be given a white tuxedo shirt, a black jumper, and a red rosette at the beginning of the year, which you may keep until June. Please make sure that they are clean and pressed for concerts. YOU should provide stockings and black closed toe dress shoes. (Ladies… if you need to iron your jumper, be sure to do it inside out! Men… same thing for the vest!) 5

for CONCERT CHOIR: MEN, you will be given a white tuxedo shirt, a long red tie, black pants, a black vest and a tuxedo jacket. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT EVERYTHING IS CLEAN AND PRESSED FOR CONCERTS! YOU should provide BLACK dress shoes and BLACK socks. (Please, BLACK IS BLACK, not gray, dark blue, brown, ---BLACK!) NEVER WHITE SOCKS, AND NEVER SNEAKERS! I will not allow you to perform with the choir unless you have your COMPLETE UNIFORM! WOMEN, you will be given a white blouse, a black skirt, and a red cummerbund. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT EVERYTHING IS CLEAN AND PRESSED FOR CONCERTS! YOU should provide stockings and BLACK closed toe dress shoes.


**** To all choirs... A professional appearance is an important

part of our performance! If there are any financial problems regarding the acquiring of the proper concert attire, see the director and arrangements will be made to assist you.

4. Choir members may choose to arrive in their uniforms or change into them at school. Which ever you choose, be advised that the only changing rooms that you should use when in uniform or changing into them are the faculty lavatories adjacent to the choir room. It is unprofessional to be seen in the lobby or ANY audience-contact areas before the concert when you are in uniform.

5. While on the choral risers, stand straight and tall with one foot slightly in front of the other. Do not change the position of your feet, but alternate your weight on each leg occasionally during the concert. NEVER LOCK YOUR KNEES. Relax, and act as if you are confident of your singing. If something out of the ordinary happens during a concert, act as if it were meant to happen that way, don't over react. WATCH THE DIRECTOR; NEVER look to see who is in the audience. Be careful not to engage in distracting movements, especially during solos, because it is distracting to the performance. If there is a person in the audience who knows you but does NOT know good audience etiquette, and calls out to you or tries to make you laugh, DON'T let them break your concentration. You do NOT have the right to make your fellow choir members look unprofessional just because YOU are unable to control yourself. If you ignore someone like that, they will usually stop acting so immature.

6. Plan on staying for the entire length of the evening concerts. You are not finished after your "part". After you perform it is time to politely support your friends as they perform with their organization. Doors will be opened for audience members at the same time that choir members are to report, so that they may be comfortably seated while waiting for the performance to begin.


7. Encourage friends and family to come see and hear you performance. Boyfriends/girlfriends/ --just friends, --should not be brought to the warm-up room or back stage prior to the concert. There will be several performers backstage and we all have a job to do. Avoid the distraction, --ask your friends to have a seat in the auditorium and enjoy the performance. Hopefully they WILL come backstage AFTER the concert to congratulate you on your work!

8. When you are attending the performance of other groups at LHS, remember that audience members will recognize you from seeing YOU on stage in other concerts. You should represent your choir with pride and be the model of a "perfect audience member". When you are in the audience it is NOT the time to have conversation. If you must arrive late or leave early, NEVER walk in or out while a group is performing! Walk in or out DURING APPLAUSE ONLY!! ALSO NOTE...

While refreshments in a performance area are acceptable at the movies or the circus, they are NOT appropriate at Concert performances or live theatrical presentations.


Cell Phone use is NOT permitted in the music suite at any time during the school day, during evening concerts (including in the warm-up rooms), or during out of school field-trip type performances (including while riding on the school bus). This includes all rehearsal rooms, practice rooms, offices, and in the auditorium. Violation of this rule will result in the confiscation of your cell-phone. Your parents will be required to pick it up from the main office.

Remember that you can always check the school website for further choir info!

  Lancaster High School  Classrooms  Mr. Lee  Your choir



Quarterly grades for the LHS Choirs shall be based on the following criteria:

1. A class grade, which will be a reflection of a choir members professional approach to choir with regard to punctuality, responsibility, proper singing posture, being prepared (ex.: having a pencil at every rehearsal), and a good overall working attitude when in class.

2. A test grade, which will be the score each choir member receives on a 100- point test on musical terms and facts discussed throughout the quarter.

3. Group singing in trio or quartet form, one time per semester. The grades received by individual choir members from items 1 & 2 will be added together and divided by two (2) which will equal the choir members 1st and 3rd quarter grade. In the 2nd and 4th quarters, the quartet/trio grade will also be included and the total divided by three (3). Points will be added to that grade based on the following criteria: a. A satisfactory rating from quarterly FOLDER CHECK, which determines if a choir member has made designated markings in his or her music. b. Auditioning or being selected for Festival Choirs outside of school. For example, All State or All County Choirs. c. Auditioning or being selected for extra-curricular LHS performing groups. For example, Show Choir, School Musical. d. Serving as an usher for concerts that you are not performing in. e. Attending LHS Concerts that you are not performing in.

FOR BEING A "NO SHOW AND NO CALL" AT A CONCERT, OR FOR HAVING AN UNEXCUSED ABSENCE FROM A CONCERT, TWENTY (20) POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED FROM YOUR GRADE. You will be suspended from choir for two (2) weeks, which is 1/5 of the quarter. 1/5 of 100= 20.


The Lancaster High School Choirs Lancaster,

September 2013 Dear LHS Chorus Parent,

Welcome to the start of what is planned to be another musically exciting, productive, and successful school year. I have compiled the attached handbook with the hope that it will help all of us to be on the same "track" with regard to what we hope LHS Choir members will get out of the program offered here. Undoubtedly, your child will long remember his or her high school musical experiences. I am hoping that this handbook will help to make these memories happy and positive ones as well as inspirational towards your child's future musical experiences, be it as a performer or appreciative audience member.

Please read the contents of the Vocal Music Department Handbook in order that we may all be thinking and operating from the same ground rules and toward the same goals. With your understanding of the audition procedures, rehearsal procedures, concert procedures, performance procedures, and grading policies we will operate with continuity and in a smooth and cohesive fashion.

I fully realize that parental and community support is crucial to our success as a performing arts program. On those frequent occasions when you become members of our audience, I hope that you will enjoy the performances of our several ensembles and that you will see the results of the musical discipline that this handbook imparts.

I'd like to thank you in advance for your support and encouragement, and I hope to see you at the first concert!


Mr. Gary M Lee, Director Lancaster High School Choirs

*Please sign and return the form below before September 25, 2013 Remember that you can check concert dates and further info at the school website! School/Classrooms/Mr. Lee/then click on your child’s chorus. ------I have read and support the information in the 2013-2014 Vocal Music Department Handbook, which includes items regarding Auditions, Rehearsals, Performances, and Grading.

Parent Signature______

Student Signature______