N.º 43 Year 1999

The Acknowledgement of Euskadi Purpose of the 2nd Congress of Basque Communities

Somarriba won The Lehendakari visited Giro’99 Argentina and Uruguay LABURPENA SUMMARY

Leading article “EUSKAL ETXEAK” 3

N.º 43 Año 1999










Bake, elkartasun A century for eta justiziaren peace, solidarity mendea and justice

Bakea. Hori da egun hauetan elkarri Peace. This is our wish for one an- opa egiten dioguna, Gabonetako espiri- other these days full of Christmas spirit. tuz beterik. Baina aurten, bakea ez da But this year peace is not merely a wish nahi hutsa izan eta benetan gauzatu dai- any more, it could become a reality at tekeen zerbait bihurtu da. 2000. urte fa- last. About to enter emblematic year matua hastear dagoenean eta milurteko 2000 at the threshold of the new milleni- berria aurrez aurre dugunean, gure ame- um, our dreams have a great chance of tsak gauzatzeko aukera dugu. Azkenal- becoming true. We had never in our re- diko historian, ez dugu inoiz bakea hain cent history been so close to peace. gertu eduki. Horregatik, gure aurrean du- Therefore the landscape opening up be- gun ikuspegia inoiz baino itxaropentsua- fore us is more hopeful than ever, in spite goa da, gainditu beharreko zailtasun eta of all the difficulties and suffering we still sofrimenduak handiak badira ere. have to overcome. Azken urtea, nahiz eta gogorra izan, We have gone through a difficult itxaropenez beterik azaldu zaigu. Suetena- year, though it has also been a very en- ren urtea, hildakorik gabeko urtea izan da. couraging one, a year of cease-fire and Ez da urte erraza izan; zoritxarrez, zailta- a year with no casualties. It has not been sunak, oztopoak eta sofrimenduak daude an easy year, the difficulties, the set- oraindik ere. Baina ezin dugu perspektiba- backs and suffering unfortunately still rik galdu, ez gara ezezkortasunean eta prevail. But we cannot lose perspective etsipenean galdu behar. Gaur, inoiz baino and give way to pessimism and discour- gehiago, ezinbestekoa da itxaropena be- agement. Today it is more important rreskuratzea eta hainbeste nahi dugun ba- than ever for us to recover hope and kea lortzeko helburuz, ilusio, baikortasun work tirelessly with hope and optimism eta gogoz lan egitea. in order to achieve the peace we long for 2000. urtean behin betirako bakea, so much. guztiontzako bake justua lortu eta sendot- Year 2000 must be the year in zeko gai izan behar dugu. Guztion artean eraiki behar dugun gi- which we manage to achieve and consolidate lasting peace, a zartean, bakean bizitzea lortu behar dugu, gure desberdintasun peace that must be fair for all. We must be able to work all to- guztiak errespetatuz. Bai, ziur naiz Euskadin eta, oro har, Espainia gether to build a society where it is possible to live in peace re- osoan bakea oso gertu daukagula. XX. mendea ankerkeriaz bete- specting our differences. I am absolutely certain that peace is very rik egon da eta, bukatzear dagoenean, konponezin ziruditen ga- close in Euskadi and in the whole of Spain. The twentieth century tazka guztiz konplikatuetan, bakea lortzeko garrantzizko urratsak has been especially gory, however practically at the end of it some eman dira, azkenaldi itxaropentsu honetan. Irlanda edo Israel be- very complex troubles that seemed to have no solution have en- zalako herrietan, poliki poliki, pazientzia handiz eta, batez ere, bo- tered a very hopeful phase, with important steps towards lasting rondate handiz, bake prozesuak finkatzen ari dira. Horregatik, peace. Countries such as Ireland or Israel are consolidating their orrialde hauetan baikor azaldu nahi dut. Nire ustez, XXI. mendea, own peace processes step by step, with lots of patience and most bakearen mendea izango da mundu osoan. Gainera, bakearekin of all with tireless determination. That is why I am optimistic. I be- batera, garrantzi bera duten baloreak zabalduko dira. XX. mende- lieve the Twenty- first Century will be the century of peace in the aren ezaugarri batzuk oso positiboak izan dira: edonolako tekno- world. And peace will bring about other values that are just as logi aurrerakuntzak hedatu dira, gizartearen atal handiek kultura important. The Twentieth Century has witnessed all kinds of tech- eta heziketa lortzeko aukera izan dute, gero eta berdintasun han- nological advances, access to culture and education for most of diagoa egon da, emakumeen iraultza burutu da; baina, zoritxa- society, more equality and the women’s revolution. But unfortu- rrez, gerrak, pobrezia, gosea eta lehenengo eta hirugarren mun- nately it has also featured wars, poverty, famine and the differ- duen arteko desberdintasunak ere nagusi izan dira. Eta azken ences between the first and third worlds. Those are things we have hauek desagertarazi behar ditugu. Benetan espero dut, denon ar- to banish. I hope we can work all together to make the Twenty-first tean, XXI. mendeak elkartasuna eta desberdintasun guztien erres- Century a mutually sharing time span, respectful of the differ- petua ezaugarritzat dituen mundu bat ekarriko digula; bertan, he- ences, where all citizens regardless of race, culture, sex or origin rritar guztiok, arraza, kultura, sexu edo jatorria kontuan hartu gabe, can live together with dignity. A century without extreme poverty, duintasun osoz elkarrekin bizitzeko aukera izan dezagun. Azken ba- famine, wars or persecutions. A world where riches is redistrib- tean, miseria, gose, gerra eta pertsekuziorik gabeko mende bat izan- uted, a more equal, just and sharing world where welfare reach- go delakoan nago. Eta ziur naiz ere, mundu horretan, aberastasunak es everyone. ■ hobeto banatzeaz gain, berdintasun, elkartasun, justizia eta ongiza- tea guztiontzako errealitatea izango direla. ■


3 2nd Congress of Basque Communities


Concha Dorronsoro such as the Casa de Juntas in Gernika A GREAT INAUGURATION CEREMONY or the Loyola Basilica. They also met the During the last fortnight of October representatives of the Basque institu- The actual Congress of Basque Euskadi became the meeting place for tions, such as the President of the Au- Communities started on October 26th nearly a hundred Basques from all over tonomous Parliament, the General with an opening ceremony that took the world, which had been summoned Deputies of the three historic territories place at the headquarters of the Presi- by the Presidency of the Basque Gov- and the majors of the three Basque cap- dency (Lehendakaritza) in Vitoria, ernment and came to take part in the itals. Moreover, the delegates from where the Congress was held. All the 2nd Congress of Basque Communities. abroad held meetings with the directors social institutions were present in the 75 people attended this reunion of the Basque Technological Parks and ceremony: representatives of the politi- representing all 150 Euskal Etxeak of the Mondragón cooperative group, cal parties, institutions, unions, business spread all over the world, as well as the the first Basque industrial group. They associations, the University, the culture, different Institutes and Foundations cre- also visited the main cultural infrastruc- arts and media attended the celebra- ated in Argentina, Chile, the United tures of the country: the Guggenheim tion. States, Mexico and Venezuela. This Museum and Euskalduna Palace in Bil- The central atrium of Lehendakar- was the second occasion the Basques bao and the Kursaal in San Sebastián. itza hosted over 500 people gathered from inside and outside Euskadi had of to welcome the representatives of the getting together in order to discuss the Basque communities abroad, which future and design a plan including the were the guests of honor of the evening. main policies of the Government in re- Flanked by the guards of honor of the lation with the Basque communities Ertzaintza and accompanied by its mu- abroad, for the next four years. As es- sic band, they were received one by tablished by the Law of Basque Com- • Euskal exiliatuak one by the Lehendakari, Juan José Ibar- munities, passed in 1994 –the year the hartu zituzten retxe, and by the directors of the Secre- first Congress was celebrated– a Con- tary of Foreign Action, who organized gress with the Diaspora shall be orga- nazioei omenaldi the Congress. Afterwards an act nized every four years. bat egin zitzaien. –broadcast by the international channel As usual, during the days before of ETB and followed by many Basques the Congress, the representatives of the living abroad– took place, with moving Basque centers visited some of the most moments, such as the award of the La- symbolic sites of the Basque Country, gun Ona Distinction to Professor


William Douglass, and the most impor- tant speeches. Xabier Leizaola, President of the Venezuelan-Basque Institute “Eguzki” was the first speaker. In the name of all delegates from abroad he spoke of the wonderful opportunity offered by the Congress of turning the “painful event” of the 60th anniversary of many Basques’ exile into a joyous celebration and homage to the countries which wel- comed at the time more than 200,000 Basques. He remembered some illustrious names such as the Ustariz Marquis, protector of Simon Bolivar during his stay in Spain, Saint Francisco Javier, Father Francisco de Vitoria, who worked in favor of authochtonous peo- ples, or Archbishop Juan de Zumárra- ga, who introduced printing in Mexico. Then Xabier Leizaola urged the atten- dants to keep alive the flame of the hu- man ideals of justice, freedom and sol- idarity. “We Basques are not –he pointed out– land conquerors, but we do try to conquer minds with a sense of human dignity and solidarity”.

FROM KNOWLEDGE TO • «Gure garapenari ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF EUSKADI IN esker herri bat THE WORLD garela erakutsi Lehendakari Juan José Ibarretxe’s behar dugu». speech was especially moving. He un- derlined the historical importance of the Congress “for our relations for the next century are going to be prepared here –he explained–. Therefore we are fac- ing the huge responsibility of designing our productive quality and competence”. the guidelines of our relations for the The Lehendakari pointed out to the at- next four years”. tendants the need to create international Then the Lehendakari listed the networks both in the economic sector greatest challenges Euskadi will have to and in relation to political supports overcome as a people, and he pointed through the worldwide association of out that the role of the Basque communi- Basque businessmen and the interna- ties abroad will be crucial in the process. tional association of friends of the According to Ibarretxe the first of the Basques. This is in his opinion the second challenges is to go from the knowledge challenge we are facing. of Basque reality to the progressive in- In the third place he referred to the ternational acknowledgement of the youth question as a common challenge Basques as a people. “An acknowledge- for both Euskadi and all the Basque ment –he explained– not only of our his- centers. “Basque population –Ibarretxe tory and past features, but also of our said– is growing older and, therefore, knowledge, our technological advances, our future depends on our younger

5 • Douglassek “Lagun Ona” domina jaso zuen bere bizitzan euskaldunen alde egin duen lanagatik.

generations. We must teach them the values of our ancestors and prepare them to lead in the near future. We Before the Congress the delegates visited, among other places, have a strong advantage to help us the Casa de Juntas in Gernika, the Basque Parliament and the overcome this challenge: the fact that City Hall of Bilbao. our young generations are better trained than ever before in our history. At the end of his speech, Lehen- dakari Ibarretxe talked about solidarity as the fourth and last challenge. He de- clared that Euskadi should be known in the world not because of the tensions it generates, but “as a small nation with a great calling to lead international soli- darity and peace”. “We should prove –he ended– that although we are small, we have our own responsibility both concerning ourselves and the rest of the world”. ■

• JOSU GARRIZ (México): «We have to take advantage of the Gaztemundu Program to give way to the young generations in the management boards». • LUIS BASAURI (Chile): «The generation of new centers should be spontaneous». • MARIA RUIZ DE ZARATE (Cuba): «The celebration of Aberri Eguna should be promoted, especially among the young people». • IZASKUN SALSIDUA (United Kingdom): «Each situation should be assessed individually. All centers do not re- quire the same aids». • RAMON J. AROZARENA (Argentina): «We should know what the Basque Government expects from the Basque Centers». • BEGOÑA CHAVARRI (Puerto Rico): «Promoting tourism could be one of the functions of the Basque centers». • CARLOS SOSA (Argentina): «If anybody is thinking of creating a Basque center because there is money, it will only bring about the reduction of the aids for the rest of the centers». • EMILIA DOYAGA (United States): «We dream of the day when an International Center of Basque Culture is built in New York». • JOSÉ FELIX OLAIZOLA (Dominican Republic): «The Basque center should be seen as a company: either it is fi- nancially independent or it goes under». • FRANCISCO J. GOGENOLA (Argentina): «In order to know the situation of all Basque centers of the world a fi- nancial examination should be organized».


Professor William Douglass, an- thropologist from Nevada University and a true expert on Basque subjects, which he has studied for many years, received the Lagun Ona Distinction dur- ing one of the most moving moments of the opening evening. Because of his dedication for the Basque people, the Lehendakari gave him the “Lagun Ona” After some brief words of gratitude (good friend) distinction, which is one and after mentioning all the people of the most important awarded by the who helped him in any way to pursue Government of Euskadi. The presidents his career, Professor Douglass, a veter- of Chile and Uruguay, Eduardo Frei an in this kind of congress, delivered a and Julio Sanguinetti are the only other speech during which he described two people who share with the profes- some of the achievements that the 1st sor this distinction. Congress, which was celebrated four William Douglass has developed years ago, made possible. He also out- his entire professional career at the lined some ideas to consolidate these University of Nevada. He began as as- achievements. Douglass spoke in favor sistant teacher of anthropology and of a common Diaspora policy with the from 1981 on he has been a professor collaboration of Navarre and certain in the Basque Studies Program. His institutions in Iparralde “for until now first field works on Basque subjects –he stated– the Basque Government took him to live during the early six- has made most of the efforts, especially ties, for three years, in villages in in the financial field”. He also spoke in Bizkaia and Navarre. He has written favor of promoting Basque self-aware- many anthropological essays, but his ness among the different communities most important work is certainly of the Diaspora “I mean, –he ex- Amerikanuak, published in 1975 af- plained– an orientation of the Basques ter a very hard research work, which living abroad towards the Mother Land, had started eight years before. The both in the case of the immigrants and Basque historian Jon Bilbao helped in that of the descendants of old Basque Professor William Douglass was deeply gra- him with this important research. colonies”. ■ teful for the “lagun Onari” award.


The General Secretary of Foreign Action has already sent the bases to participate in the program GAZTEMU- NDU 2000 to all Euskal Etxeak in America and Australia. The applications must be sent before February 15th to the following e-mail: [email protected] The purpose of Gaztemundu is to give the young generations of the Basque communities the chance to have a direct knowledge of the Basque Country, to enable them to contact organizations, companies and people who work in Euskadi, and to promote contact platforms among the young Basques from inside and outside of Euskal Herria. ■



ince last July the General Secretary of S Foreign Action of the Basque Government is headed by Iñaki Aguirre, a Basque born in Antwerp (Belgium) 42 years ago, who lives in Euskadi since 1990. Although his re- sponsibilities at the head of the foreign Secretary are recent, he is very ex- perienced in the field of foreign relations, for he was until very recently the director of relations with Basque communities, not to mention his previous work at the European Par- liament. Aguirre will re- place Andoni Ortuzar, who is at present devoted to radio and television (he is the General Manager of Basque Public Radio and Q.– In regard to the Basque cen- ters, which are the main operation Television). outlines in relation to the Basque com- • «Kanpoko munities abroad? I.A.– This is precisely what we have harremanak Question: You come from the pre- to define yet, with the participation of ezinbestekoak vious team inside the Secretary of For- all parties. That is why we have cele- dira Euskadi eign Action. Does this mean that we brated the 2nd World Congress of bezalako herri should not expect many changes? Basque Communities in Vitoria, in Oc- Iñaki Aguirre: That’s right. I would tober. We discussed many questions txiki like to continue the last few years’ ef- there: the future of the Euskal Etxeak, batentzat». forts, which have contributed to consol- the model of Basque presence abroad, idate the actions undertaken abroad by the role of the Euskal Etxeak in the for- the Government. eign policies of the Basque Government


Because of his work, Aguirre knows the nost important people. Ia the picture he is greeting Sanguinetti.

• «Euskal Etxeek arlo ekonomiko, Euskal Etxeak could become contact point out that the Basque centers exist- politiko eta points or information networks to create ed before there was a Basque Govern- kulturaleko gaiak closer links with these countries. The ment, therefore they have always been ezagutzera eman cultural image of Euskadi could also autonomous and independent entities. benefit from a change. Until the mo- So the Euskal Etxeak cannot become behar dituzte». ment the Euskal Etxeak have merely entities under the guidance of the been showcases for folkloric aspects, Basque Government. However, we can but Basque culture has many more design a relation framework where and the possibility of creating through sides, ranging from information about both parties are comfortable and that them contact networks all over the the Guggenheim Museum to gastrono- enables us not only to take effective ac- world. Foreign support is crucial for a my, not to mention our sculptors or our tions abroad but also to improve the life small country such as Euskadi. Certain- writers. All this is an important part of and future of the Euskal Etxeak. ly, a country with a population of two our identity too. Q.– What would the pattern of million people needs contacts in a glob- Q.– What would you say has been those relations be like? al world in order to defend both its the contribution of the Basque Diaspo- A.– It has to be an open and flex- identity and its economy. ra to the country? ible pattern, for we are talking about Q.– In your opinion what is the A.– For 150 years they have sus- very different realities. In many ways a role the Euskal Etxeak should play in tained the international image of the Basque center in Venezuela has little in this context? Basques so that the word “Basque” has common with one in the United States, I.A.– I believe the Basque centers a familiar ring. The image is good, for for instance, not to mention the Basque should think about their own future, I those people were and are very well in- centers in Belgium or even in the mean, they must decide whether or not tegrated both economically and social- Spanish State. There are centers more they want to continue with the old mod- ly in the countries that welcomed them. than a hundred years old whereas oth- el, which was good for a time I believe An important part of the Basque emi- ers started two years ago... I mean is gone. I believe it is crucial that they grants found success, are very well there cannot be a unique pattern. But keep Basque folklore and culture alive, placed and have invaluable contacts in we can establish a framework of com- but this is not enough any more in or- all areas. I must say these contacts have mon objectives. At the moment there der to defend the interests of Euskadi in made the work of the institutions a lot are two senses in this matter: the ex- the world. I am absolutely certain that easier. This is a very important asset for pectations of the Basque Government economic and industrial relations be- a country such as Euskadi. in regard to the Basque centers and tween Euskadi and the countries with Q.– What is the responsibility of the expectations of the centers in rela- Basque communities will be among the the Basque Government towards the tion to us. This matter is still open and main factors in the future. This could be Euskal Etxeak? we will keep thinking and defining it in one of the operating guidelines, for the A.– In the first place we have to common. ■


Ardanza, President of Euskaltel

New Structure. The Secretary of Foreign Action of the Basque Gov- Lehendakari José Antonio ernment has a new directing board since last summer. We can see in the pic- Ardanza has been appointed ture from left to right Iñaki Rica, Director of European Affairs; Josu Legarreta, president of the Basque Tele- Director for the Basque Communities; Iñaki Aguirre, General Secretary; Jose phone operator, Euskaltel. Mari Muñoa, the Lehendakari’s commissioner; Mila Aguirre, Director of Coop- Until a little while ago the ex eration for Development and Alex Aguirrezabal, Manager of the Brussels Of- ■ Lehendakari worked as consul- fice. tant for the Alavan company Tubacex. Euskaltel is a global telecommunications operator operating in telephony. In his ANDONI ORTUZAR AT THE HEAD OF EITB new position he will cooperate with the delegate consultant of Andoni Ortuzar left a few the firm and he will promote the months ago his position as General development of Euskaltel win- Secretary of Foreign Action of the dow, a package integrating Basque Government in order to un- fixed telephone services, Internet dertake the highest responsibility in and cable television. The Eu- the public entity EITB. The new Gen- skaltel Foundation is about to be eral Director is an old acquaintance born, in order to sponsor and for most of the Basques living outside patronize the Basque operator. Euskadi. While he was at the head Euskaltel is already an ex- of the Secretary of Foreign Action he panding consolidated enter- made many trips to contact the prise, for in only two years it has reached a market quota of Basque communities. Now at the top 30%. The three Basque Savings of the public radio and television, Banks, the electric companies Andoni Ortuzar is determined to Endesa and Iberdrola, Telecom guarantee the presence of Euskera, Italia, the Mondragón group to overcome the challenge of the new and the Basque Government audiovisual supports and keep EITB “as a model of communication are among the company’s main ■ done by Basques and for Basques”. shareholders. ■

10 Ibarretxe met the Presidents of Argentina and Uruguay, Carlos Menem and Julio Mª Sanguinetti. During his visit to Argentina and Uruguay THE LEHENDAKARI SPOKE IN FAVOR OF INCREASING ECONOMIC AND POLITIC COLLABORATION Raquel Ugarriza (DEIA special correspondent)

Lehendakari Juan José Ibarretxe’s visit to Argentina and Uruguay in No- vember had a double purpose: to in- crease the political and economical ex- changes with these two members of Mercosur on one hand, and to strength- en relations with the important Basque communities living in both States. This journey was surrounded by circum- stances that gave it a special impor- tance. It was Juan José Ibarretxe’s first The Basque community warmly welcomed official visit since he was elected Lehen- the Lehendakari. dakari by the Basque Parliament nearly a year ago. The visit took place when both countries were undergoing politi- José Ibarretxe was received in the Pink they talked about joint projects and cal changes, the transfer of power from House by Carlos Menem, who was still about the investments of Basque com- one administration to another in the the president at the moment. They ex- panies in the country. The elected pres- case of Argentina, and the celebration changed their points of view about the ident, Fernando de la Rua was under- of presidential elections in Uruguay. Argentinean and Basque situations, going a surgical operation, which pre- As a summary of this aspect of the vented him to see personally the Lehen- visit the Lehendakari pointed out that dakari. Finally Ibarretxe met the most the political leaders who will rule the • Argentina eta important members of the De La Rua destinies of Argentina and Uruguay team: Rodolfo Terragno, a key compo- during the next years have agreed to Uruguay-ko buruzagiek nent of the new Argentinean President’s strengthen political and economic rela- Euskadirekin dituzten cabinet. They both reached an agree- tions with Euskadi. Ibarretxe explained ment so that the Basque companies es- everywhere that Euskadi is willing to in- harremanak tablished in Argentina advise the Ar- crease the political and economic col- sendotzeko gentinean government in economic laboration, and he pointed out that the matters. Basque people “is not troubled but konpromezua hartu The Secretary of Foreign Action, peace-loving, hardworking and with a dute Iñaki Aguirre, and the Director of Rela- calling for universality” tions with Basque Communities, Josu During his stay in Argentina Juan Legarreta, accompanied the Lehen-

11 dakari during the visit. Ibarretxe was more industrial part of his visit, the also received by the authorities in the Lehendakari supported with his pres- Gobernación de Buenos Aires, the ence the presentation of the Harbor of Palacio Municipal de la Plata and the Bilbao as a strategic place for the en- Municipality Assembly of Bahia Blanca, trance of goods in the European Union. as well as by the Argentinean deputies He also visited the central offices of of Basque descent. several Basque companies established in the country. BUSINESS ASPECTS His two-day stay in Uruguay took place when the second round of the The different meetings with Argen- presidential election was impending. tinean businessmen took a great part of The hot struggle between the Encuen- the official visit of the Lehendakari. Dur- tro and the Colorado (red) party made ing one of the meetings José Ignacio de it very difficult to keep the appoint- Mendiguren, General Secretary of the ments made with Tabaré Vazquez and Argentinean Industrial Union (UIA), Jorge Battle. The latter could not see spoke in favor of starting a new stage the Lehendakari, who saw instead the in Argentinean economy similar to vice-president of the Colorado party, what has taken place in Euskadi during Luis Hierro, and the president of the the last few years. He mentioned the Blanco (white) party, Luis Alberto La- need for a “planning of the economic calle. After the meeting with Tabaré pattern of the country”. During this Vazquez Juan José Ibarretxe had a Homage to Artigas in Montevideo Argentinean to the pot,

“Argentinean to the pot..., but also The Lehendakari Juan José Ibar- Basque”. Patxi Aguirre a “porteño”, retxe, his wife, Begoña Arregui, and whose father was born in Erandio, the Basque delegation that visited Ar- Bizkaia, and was exiled after the Span- gentina and Uruguay witnessed a ish civil war when he was only a child, spectacular welcome from the Basque is a typical example of the Basque communities in Buenos Aires and Mon- community who received the Basque tevideo. The Basque National Week delegation in Argentina and Uruguay took place in mid-November in Bahía in November. Argentineans and Blanca. The Basque Union of Mutual Uruguayans proud of their countries Assistance of Bahía turned a hundred but also fully identified with their his- years old, and the Basque community torical, cultural, linguistic and senti- of Argentina decided to celebrate its mental Basque heritage. annual reunion in this important port. The number of first or second-gen- The Lehendakari was the guest of hon- eration Basques living in those two or in this double celebration. countries is decreasing steadily. How- The celebrations program of this ever, a Basque from Euskal Herria on National Week included the celebration his first visit to Argentina and Uruguay of the reunion of all the Basque centers would be surprised by the fervor with of the country, where the role of the Eu- which these descendants of Basques skal Etxeak in the 21st century was dis- from Baztán, the Gohierri, Gernika, cussed. The Lehendakari acknowl- Maule or Aiala keep alive the memory edged in the presence of a thousand of their ancestors, adapt Basque folk- people the important work of the lore and traditions to their culture and Basques in Argentina and he urged, es- learn again a language whose origin pecially the young people, who filled lies more than ten thousand kilometers the premises, to keep passing on the away. values of their ancestors.

12 moving reunion with the President of the country, Julio María Sanguinetti, who has had a long relationship with Euskadi, and obtained in 1997 the “Lagun Onari” Distinction of the Basque Government. But there weren’t only high level re- unions with politicians and business- men. The Lehendakari, who was ac- The Basque delegation had institutional meetings and companied by his wife, Begoña Ar- they also took part in several acts organized by the Basque community. regui, had the chance to get a closer look at these countries and learn more about their ideas. He also received the warm welcome of the Basque commu- nity and the Basque centers federations in Argentina and Uruguay. The Lehen- dakari’s busy visit ended with the con- ferences he gave at the universities of La Plata, la del Sur (Bahía Blanca) and the Catholic University of Uruguay, as well as with the inauguration of a train- ing project in Buenos Aires. ■ but also basque”

FESTIVE ACTS grandfather Patxi for most of the year. We would also like to mention, among The festive acts were an important the hundreds of people who took part in component of the National Week, and the Basque Week, the Uruguayan Juan they filled with joy all premises of the Pedro Arín, who acted as a cicerone for Basque Union and a great part of Bahía part of the Basque delegation both in Ar- Blanca. Excursions, dance exhibitions, gentina and in his own country. kalejiras, tamborradas, exhibitions, con- The visit of the Basque delegation certs by Alaitz eta Maider, a young and was made even more enjoyable, if pos- successful group that came for this occa- sible, by the presence of many Basque sion from the Basque Country, completed descendants scattered all over the hu- a week where the young population man geography of Argentina and played the main role. These same young- Uruguay. sters met the Lehendakari and his wife at Brian Covaro, for instance, a young the dance organized by the Basque man from Patagonia, who has just ob- Union, and they kept asking both of them tained a degree in sociology by the Uni- to dance and pose for home pho- versity of La Plata, was taking notes dur- tographs to fill the family albums. ing the Lehendakari’s conference in this Many Argentinean-Basques attend- university. Brian, whose grandmother ed these celebrations, among them Patxi was from Tafalla and emigrated to Ar- Aguirre, whom we mentioned before, gentina aged three, wants to write his who was chatting with his son, Martin, thesis on the difficult subject of Basque who lives in Euskadi. Martin Aguirre nationalism and the peace process. came some years ago to visit Euskal Her- For him and for all the people who ria, and he met his wife during that trip. made this visit to Argentina and Now he lives in Llodio, Alava, and he has Uruguay unforgettable, we wish from two children, dearly missed by their Euskal Herria peace and prosperity. ■


To the Grandfather i never met...

text read by Maria Amelia Irastorza, from the Basque Union of Bahía Blanca during the acts celebrated with the occasion of the Basque National Week in the mentioned Ar- A gentinean city. We found it so moving that we are reproducing the whole text here.

It is strange, I have never seen you, however I know you so well! I know you were young and alone when you came, I can almost imagine your fear. I know you sowed thousands of seeds and that you only harvested a few of them; I know you were poor and that fire, hail, rain and drought, and sometimes the governments took away some of your harvests. But they could never take away, even when they were laughing at your outward ignorance, your honesty, your free spirit and your immeasurable sense of equality. Sometimes I wonder which of those virtues exist and which are in danger of extinction. Then, a take your picture, the brown and wrinkled one I keep in my drawer, I hold it tight to take strength to face adversity and to avoid corruption... for “I need to remember: there is the origin of my feeling, my conduct and my nature. If I lose this memory I will become erratic optimism. For if I don’t know who I am, how will I know what I am looking for? How will I know where I am heading to?” I have never seen you, however I know you so well! My father was so like you! And I can see myself in your gaze: I know that is where I come from, and I know you were the result of that distant And your children... and your chil- and SOLIDARITY are some values we land that shaped your spirit... dren’s children, there are so many of have really learned. That is why today I would like you us! It is time to go back home. It is time to be able to look through my eyes and That is why I say today in your to go back to give ourselves; and it is to discover looking around you that name to all those who share this spirit time to stop believing “all the miseries there is an unexpected harvest that has that if we feel small our surroundings our eyes see: they only show limita- not been lost, that will never be lost. You will be so too. Our land will be as great tions”. We must look with our under- would be proud to see that this house as our dreams. standing and with the eyes of our soul: where you sometimes met some friends ... It is time to go back home, but to that way we will discover what we al- that had also left their home and family go back in order to multiply our efforts: ready know, and we will find at last the is now a hundred years old... and that to live with no passion would be just the way to fly... ■ many other have multiplied as ears in same as killing the sacrifices of those the fertile field of solidarity. It does not who were here before us. • Bibliographical quotations: matter any more where those men are ... That is why it is time to go back Eduardo Mallea, History of an now, but the kind of men they were. and prove that EQUALITY, FREEDOM Argentinean Passion.


Koldo Ordozgoiti general, Basque heritage in the United States, the present and future of mus The annual reunion of the North and pelota, the possibilities of receiving American Basque Organizations took Euskal Telebista in the West of the USA plate at the Louis Basque Corner Hotel and finally, the recovery in auzolan in Reno. –community work– of the Basque Shep- More than thirty Clubs and Euskal herds Camp in Whiskey Creek. Etxeak from all over the United States Juan Mari Atutxa, President of the are represented in NABO, a federation Basque Parliament was especially invit- born in order to spread Basque culture ed to the reunion, and he gave his and feeling in the USA, as well as es- greeting to the representatives of the tablishing closer links among the Amer- United States Basques. ican-Basques and promoting Basque activities in this great American coun- CULTURE AND FEAST IN RENO try. During this reunion, the most im- The main annual reunion of NABO portant of the three celebrated yearly was celebrated during Reno Basque by NATO, Bob Etxebarria was reelect- Week, Reno’s Aste Nagusia. ed president and Pierre Etxarren, from A team of 110 volunteer workers California, vice-president. lead by Kate Camino, president of the Many subjects were discussed dur- Reno Zazpiak Bat, had been working the Basque community and the future of ing NABO annual reunion apart from during the whole year in order to orga- Euskera among the new generations of the usual economic and management nize the biggest Basque festival of the American-Basques. balances: the Summer Basques in USA. The result of all the ef- But there were also activities that Camp, very popular among the Ameri- forts was a week crammed with reflec- link culture and leisure. A Bertso can-Basque population, the develop- tion and cultural activities. The main Afaria, a poetical dinner, gathered ment of courses and activities in subjects of the conferences and round bertsolaris from both sides of the At- Euskera, the use of new technologies to tables organized for the week were: the lantic Ocean (Jonny Curutchet and broadcast the activities and information present and future of Basque culture in Jesús Arriada from San Francisco, about the Basque population and, in the United States, the role of women in Jesús Goñi from Reno, Martin


Goikoetxea from Rock Springs – Wyoming, Oihane Enbeitia and Estitxu Arozena came from Euskal Herria, and Xabier Euzkitze, who was on vacation in the United States also attended the dinner). The film “Secrets of the heart” by the Basque director Montxo Armen- dariz was another of the attractive of- fers of the week. Through the acts of the cultural week the Basques in Reno tried to intro- duce a new component, that of reflec- tion and a space, that of culture in the National Festival of the United States Basques. The Basque Festival, which took place from Friday to Sunday, end- ed the Aste Nagusia 40 years after the celebration of the first Basque festival in the United States, organized in Reno in 1959 under the name Western Basque Festival. At present there are nearly 40 Basque festivals organized in different towns of the American West. The most intense moments of the Reno Aste Nagusia took place during the weekend. The festival, Basque in form San Sebastián had been especial- ly hours of the morning. The American- origin, but in some ways typically ly invited to the festival. With them, the Basque fair took place there with the American, congregated several thou- kuxkuxu Txaranga from Urruña (Lapur- group Gaupasa from Boise. sands of people. di) contributed to liven up the celebra- Sunday started with a High Mass in The celebrations started with the tions. Euskera celebrated by Father Martxel homage to the organizers of the Basque After dinner the party continued at Tillous, the Bishop of Reno and several Western Festival of 1959, to the priests the Flamingo-Hilton Hotel until the ear- priests of Basque descent. During the of the Basque community, in the person Mass the choral groups Elgarrekin from of Father Tillous and those who came be- San Francisco and Donosti Ereski, bert- fore him and to anthropologist William • Atlantico-ko bi solaris, dantzaris and the group Klika from San Francisco supplied the music. Douglass, soul of the Basque Studies aldeek bat egin Program of the University of Nevada. Basque music, songs and dances During the whole day dance zuten bi aldeetako enhanced a festive day, which ended groups, choruses, musicians and all bertsolariek izan with a crowded picnic in Wingfield kinds of artists performed at the main ziren Bertso Afari Park. stage of Wingfield Park. Close by, bati esker. Boise will host in July 2000 NABO Basque sports exhibitions were taking annual assembly and the National place. The choral group Donosti Ereski Basque Festival of the United States. ■

• Estatu Batuetako lehenengo Euskal Festak 40 urte bete zituen.

• Etorkizunari begira eztabaida eta erreflexio une egokia izan zen Renoko bilkura.

• Euskal Festa Nazionala eta Naboko Batzar Nagusia Boisen egingo da 2000. urtean.

16 Ample sector of society responded to the Lehendakari’s call to defend the Economic Agreement

Ibarretxe: “The Basque Agreement is not a privilege but a right”

Lehendakari Ibarretxe summoned the support received by his initiative. istence” and therefore –he explained– an ample sector of Basque society to Nearly 500 signatures from as many our capacity for making our own make public an institutional declara- groups and institutions of every possi- rules, having our own taxes and our tion in defense of the Basque Econom- ble kind answered the Lehendakari’s own regulations on incentives to in- ic Agreement. This declaration was re- request: football clubs, sports federa- vestment”. sponding to the many appeals lodged tions, training schools, communication He also spoke in favor of prevent- by the central Government against media, cultural and social associations ing the conflict to be permanently in the Basque financial rules, and the corre- and a long etc. courtrooms. In his opinion political sponding files open in European enti- The Lehendakari underlined in his agreements such as the Basque Agree- ties. On that occasion, after the pe- speech the great social support to the ment should not be judicially appealed. rusal of a text, which started stating Agreement “which proves –he said– The best way to defend it would be to that “the Economic Agreement is the that Basque society is often more will- reach a compromise with the State and crucial article of Basque self-govern- ing to reach consensus about basic el- the European Union. ment”, Juan José Ibarretxe summoned ements than in the sphere of the polit- Juan José Ibarretxe insisted that the all sectors of Basque society to express ical parties system”. According to Economic Agreement is not a privilege their support to the Basque fiscal sys- Lehendakari Ibarretxe the Government but a right “and when we are defend- tem. Two months after, the Lehen- in Madrid and the European entities ing rights –he concluded– we have to dakari appeared again before society are not just questioning the applica- do it in the open, with no inferiority or to express in public his gratitude for tion of the Agreement, but its very ex- superiority complexes”. ■ Sidenor chooses México

The Basque Special Steels Com- into other very important markets, pany Sidenor has acquired 51% of especially in America. the Mexican Companies Atlax and Atlax, located in Apizako, 60 Metemex, investing 35 million dol- kilometers away from Puebla, fea- lars in the purchase. tures a modern steel industry, With the control of these com- which reach a capacity of 450,000 panies Sidenor reinforces its posi- tons of liquid steel. Metamex, on tion in the world market and takes the other hand, is 15 kilometers the fourth position in the special from Puebla and it manufactures steel industries ranking, according special steel bars with a capacity of to the directors of the company. 50,000 tons. After the new facilities This landing in Mexican soil will en- are installed it will manufacture able the Basque company to move about 60,000 tons a year. ■

17 Good economic expectations for year 2000

Xabier Gabilondo n’t forget that the two preceding years UNEMPLOYMENT DECREASES –especially 1998– have been extraor- dinarily positive, difficult to match in re- In spite of the relative contraction of Euskal ekonomiaren gard to the economic balance sheet activity the data about unemployment azterketa egin aur- they have thrown. are showing hopeful tendencies. Last fi- A retik kontuan izan Once we have pointed out these nancial year was also exceptional in re- behar dugu azken bi two facts, we must say however that the lation to job generation and, conse- urteak apartekoak izan growth forecasts for Basque economy quently, unemployment rates were re- direla eta Europako herrien still indicate higher levels of activity duced (from 20.2% to 16.4%). Accord- than the surrounding economies. So, if ing to the first data of this year, the ekonomia une honetan no- the official growth forecast for the GNP trend continues. labaiteko dezelerazio in Euskadi in 1999 is between 3 and During the first seven months of prozesu batean dagoela. 3.5%, that of the OECD countries is 1999 unemployment rates in Euskadi Hori guztia dela eta, lortu- 2.2% and the European Union average have reached 15%, more than two tako maila berdintzea zaila is 2.1%. Now, if we leave estimations points less than at the same period of izango da. Dena den, dat- and analyze real data of the first quar- the preceding year. To put it different- ter of the year, we can observe that the ly, employment has grown 4.4% this uek diotenez, euskal trend we were indicating is correct: year, until the present. There has also ekonomia gorantz doa, in- Basque GNP has increased in the first been a corresponding increase in the guruko ekonomiak baino quarter of 1999 4% in real terms, rate of occupation, which has sur- gorantzago, hain zuzen whereas the Spanish GNP has grown passed in absolute terms the psycho- ere. 3.6%, the French one 2.3% and the logical barrier of 800,000 occupied German 0.8%. population, a new occupation record Basque industry has certainly, in in Euskadi. Before we start analyzing the evo- spite of the comparative stoppage of According to the vice-Lehendakari lution of Basque economy during the activity, continued growing moderately. of the Basque Government, Idoia first months of the current year, it would The growth has reached an average in- Zenarruzabeitia, “this evolution, the be convenient to make two previous crease of production of 0.5%. At the fact that the unemployment rate has considerations. On one hand, we must same time, Basque exports have grown decreased in a half point during the bear in mind that Basque economy 2.2% in the first six months of 1999, es- first half of the year can be translated moves in a context of a certain deceler- pecially exports to the European Union in absolute terms in the creation of ation in the surrounding countries, –the main Basque market–, which have about 25,000 new jobs at the end of which means that Euskadi won’t be an increased by 11% during the same pe- the year. Then, the unemployment rate exception. On the other hand we must- riod. will be about 15%. The figure is cer-


tainly high, especially when compar- ing it to the European Union average and so we must continue considering job creation as our main priority in the next few years. However, having reduced our unemployment rate in more than five points in only one year and a half, shows certainly a good evolution” However there is in this context of big macroeconomic figures, a variable, that of prices, which is not behaving as we would wish, although during the last few months there has been a certain readjustment of Consumer Prices. Al- though inflation is reaching historic lows, mostly due to the low interest rates of the last few years, the immedi- ate future presents a little uncertainty in regard to the evolution of the prices of energetic products, especially oil and its derivatives. • Datuen arabera 1999an Barne Produktu According to the vice-Lehendakari Gordina %3,5 igo da. there are “solid reasons” to face the near future with a “moderate opti- • Nahiz eta langabezi tasa handia izan, enplegua mism, for the forecasts point towards 4,4 puntu igo da azken urte honetan. an increase of activity in the Euro zone”. ■ A social budget

The Basque autonomous community has just passed its Budget for year 2000, a bud- get of nearly 861 billion pese- HEALTH tas. As it is becoming a habit, EDUCATION most of the economic effort of DEBT the Basque Government is for HOME OFFICE social needs, to guarantee the JUSTICE same opportunities for all citi- TRANSPORTS zens and to ensure social co- INDUSTRY hesion. Nearly 70 pesetas of OTHER SECTIONS every 100 are destined for so- cial coverage: health, educa- tion, training, employment policies, housing promotion and access, and social salaries and aids. ■


Proposal: A Hymn for the Euskal Etxeak Author: Txomin Almendariz Author: Jokin Arregui

I III Euskaldunaren histori zaharrak Pilota joko dantza saioak Badauka hainbat oroimen. Ta umetxoen jolasak. Utzi zituen bere lurraren Hango usaina daukaten zenbait Herrimin ta irudimen. Ekitaldien urratsak. Bihotzak berdin sentitzen bai du Atzerriratu batentzak dira Kantaurin edo kariben Hain ezaugarri zehatzak. Euskal Etxea sentipen horren Era berean bihotzarentzat Lekuko bihurtu zinen. Zer bizipen aberatsak. Bidean bila bidetxur hortan Taupada oso berezia du Zutaz maitemindu ginen. Herriminaren arnasak.

II IV Amets eginez bidetxur horrek Egun sentiko eguzkia ta Muga itxirik etzeukan. Ilunbistako itzala. Euskaldunaren abots zaitugu Euskal Herrian dugu mamia Munduko hainbat lekutan. Euskal Etxean azala. Herriminaren kandela xarra Oreka horrek gure sustraira Beti daukazu zuk sutan. Beti eraman gaitzala. Argituz une berezietan Xumetasunez arbaso haiek Zure gailurraren puntan. Sentitzen zuten bezala. Erakutsiaz Euskal Arbolak Euskal Herria herri bat dela Zenbat sustrai txiki daukan. Munduak jakin dezala


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20 CONSOLIDATING COOPERATION WITH BEGOÑA ERRAZTI, NEW AQUITAINE PRESIDENT OF EA Begoña Errazti has been elect- Lehendakari Juan José Ibarretxe speaking capacity in European institu- ed President of Eusko Alkartasuna and the president of the Regional Coun- tions, will encourage cooperation after Carlos Garaikoetxea decided cil of Aquitaine, Alain Rousset, decided among the three towns, which will func- in a reunion held in Bordeaux to consti- tion as a unique city. not to run for reelection. Errazti, tute a permanent commission to develop On the other hand, the French Gov- an adopted Navarran aged 42, common projects. They agreed to pro- ernment has selected, together with four with a Geography and History de- mote the High Speed Train Madrid-Bor- other similar experiences, the eurocity gree, was elected by 64.5% of the deaux-Paris and its link with the Basque project Bayonne-San Sebastián, spon- EA convention delegates attending Y, as well as an international platform to sored by the Gipuzkoa County Council the 5th party Congress celebrated group port, road and rail services for and the Bayonne-Anglet-Biarritz dis- in November. During the same the Gulf of Biskay and Gascogne. trict, as a pilot experience in trans-fron- Congress, Euro-deputy Gorka Irun, Fuenterrabia and Hendaye tier cooperation. This axis wants to be- Knörr was elected General Secre- have created the first trans-frontier enti- come a unique metropolis of European tary. ■ ty in Europe. This entity, which will have average size. ■

KILOMETROAK crossing the ocean

For the first time the Gipuzkoan feast in favor of Euskera will be simultaneously celebrated in Euskadi and in America, more specifically in Rentería (Gipuzkoa), Boise (USA) and Arrecifes (Argentina). A great celebration was organized at the Boise ikasto- la, mainly for children. Before the festival started, Nere Lete, the Renterian living in Boise who launched the only ikasto- la outside Euskadi, sent thank-you notes to the parents and teachers who chose years ago to have education in this lan- guage. In Argentina, delegations from all over the country trav- eled so far as 800 kilometers in some cases, in order to at- tend the reunion in Arrecifes. There they walked along a two-kilometer circuit in favor of Euskera, accompanied by the dance group from Ugarritzak and the rock band “In- darrak”. Boys and girls drew murals to send to Orereta Ikastola. ■

21 tioaren historioa” by José Saramago. Juan Martin Elexpuru presented his erot- ic anthology, Gerardo Markuleta and Ibon Zaldua their “Ipuin euskaldunak”, Harkaitz Cano “Pasaia Blues” and all the Euskadi Prizes of Literature of this year could also be found at the fair. In the section of children and teenagers literature the series Bambulo by Bernardo Atxaga and the stories in Euskera and English published by Gara were exhausted several times. There were also other stories that sold very well Durango, yet another success such as “Leo Ferguson” by Igerabide and Olariaga, the collection “Siberiako Once again the Durango Basque that the readers are becoming familiar Treneko ipuinak”, “Nire Kuleroak” by book and record fair was very success- with many writers, not just with presti- Anjel Lertxundi and Antton Olariaga ful. 150.000 people visited the stands gious authors”. This balanced situation and “Hodei artean kulunkaturik” by during the six days of exhibition and could also be appreciated in the sales Carlos Gorrindo. But “Conquest of the 400 literary novelties –80% of them in ranking. The ranking was lead by Jose- Pyrenees” by Marcos Feliu, which was Euskera– and 90 records were present- ba Sarrionaindia with a record-book of reedited, was one of the main jewels of ed. There was a wide diversity of gen- poems “Hau de ene ondasun guzia”, the fair, especially for mountaineers. res and authors, which is very hopeful Arantza Iturbe with “Ai ama”, Jon Ar- In music “Bizkaiako Kopla Zahar- for the future. According to Josune retxe with “Ostiralak”, Lourdes Oñeder- ra” by Tapia, Leturia and Amuriza, Ariztondo, vice-consultant of Linguistic ra with “Eta emakumeari sugeak esan “Homo Sapiens” by Su ta Gar and their Policies of the Basque Government “the zion”, Joxean Sagastizabal with “Ger- recompilation 87-89 were at the top of Euskera that is being used is becoming turik daukagu odola”. There were also the sales ranking. Children chose the more and more clear and natural. This other interesting books such as Jon Idig- record by the clowns Txirri, Mirri eta favors nearness and it opens up genre oras’s autobiographical book “Juanita Txiribiton, recorded with the Euskadi alternatives: it is also hopeful to realize Gerrikabeitia’s son” and “Lisboako se- Symphonic Orchestra. ■ Euskadi Prizes of literature

The Euskadi Prizes of Literature ’99 were awarded to An- jel Lertxundi for “Argizariaren Egunak”, Andoni Egaña for “Pausoa noiz luzatu”, Bernardo Atxaga for “Lista de Locos”, Juan Garzia for “Ipuin hautatuak” Juan Kruz Igarabide for “Jonas eta hozkailu beldurtia”. The Oriotarra Lertxundi received the award in Euskera be- cause, according to the jury, he had achieved an “imposing novel” where several literary genres are used, and through the combination of reality and fiction, reason and madness, From left to right: Garzia, Egaña, Atxaga, Lertxundi and he does manage to define the men and women of today. Igerabide. Andoni Egaña, twice champion of bertsolaris and born in Zarautz, received the Diffusion Prize with his first novel. This novel, according to the jury, “chains masterfully” the experiences of a Zarautz convent and those of a military group in Jaca during the revolt previous to the 2nd Republic. The Price for children and teenagers literature was awarded to Juan Kruz Igerabide for a book where fear is de- picted in a new and pleasing way. As for Bernardo Atxaga, he has become the first Basque author to win three Euskadi Prizes of Literature. This time it was the prize in Spanish language for a recompilation of fifteen alphabets on literature and storytelling. Finally, Juan Garzia received the translation prize for his translation of 26 short stories by Jorge Luis Borges and for “pouring into Euskera the style and concept world of Borges, facing a rhetoric unknown in Euskera until now. ■

22 Novelties

Basque subjects: Euskadi by Amilcar Garay Basque songs

The Argentinean-Basque Amilcar Garay examines in this book different aspects of our customs, his- Eusko Ikaskuntza and the Archivo Musical tory, institutions, typical features, and the problems of the Basque people, including difficult matters Eresbil have been working for two years in a such as the activities of ETA. database of Basque songs, which could give The first half of the book describes the life of the Basques in their natural habitat, and the second its first fruits in year 2000. With this work, describes that of those who immigrated to American lands, where they found a second homeland. ■ described by the author and singer Antton The author was founding vice-president of the Basque center Gernikako Arbola in Junin. Valverde, as emblematic, they are trying to recover old songs in order to renew them and make them known to the public in general. The starting point of the work has been a list of traditional songs based on existing collec- tions. The list includes cards with information “Footballsophy” by about the person who recovered the song, the date, the place, etc, for although the mu- Xabier Azkargorta sic in the central axis of this compilation, oth- er aspects such as ethnography, folklore and The author, who coached several Spanish foot- literature have also been considered. This in- “Kutsidazu bidea, Ixabel” ball teams, the Bolivian Selection and a Japan- formation will be completed with the melody by Sagastizabal ese team, has written a book, published by Al- and scores of each song. There are 2,500 berdania, in which he finds common features cards for the moment, although the authors in football and in life. expect to reach the number of 6000. These The story “Kutsidazu bidea, Ixabel”, by Jox- This Azpeitiarra, who became a hero in Bo- cards will be published in Euskera, Spanish, ean Sagastizabal, one of the most profitable livia when he managed to have their selection French and English. books written in Euskera, faces now the chal- classified for the football World Champi- The project is multidisciplinary and its pro- lenge of new technologies. Alberdania and onship, reflects with his usual sharpness and moters expect the database to become an in- the Aurten Bai Foundation have published irony about the different aspects of the king of valuable tool for researchers in different multimedia Ixabel, an interactive CD giving sports. ■ fields. ■ music and images to a humorous story, which has sold in only five years more than 40,000 copies. This multimedia version, the first adap- tation of a Basque work to this technology is very useful for learning Euskera. The book is the autobiographical story of a young man aged 19 who goes to a caserío to learn Euskera, meets the difficulties of the language, and bumps as a city person against rural real- ity. All of it described with a great sense of hu- mor. ■ “Hau de ene ondasun guzia” by Joseba Sarrionaindia

A record-book with the collection of 32 poems by Joseba Sarrionaindia recited by the author. The book published by Txalaparta and Esan Who is who in the Basque scientific community Ozenki also provides a revision of Basque mu- sic. The record-book alternates poems and songs Eusko Ikaskuntza-Society of Basque Studies has published a “Who is who” of Basque scientific com- that are already a part of the Basque musical munity from 1918 until the present (Diccionario biográfico de Eusko Ikaskuntza 1918-1998) and a culture. The lyrics of the songs have been writ- catalogue that goes through the publishing activity of the academic institution (“Catalogo de la ac- ten by Sarrionaindia and the music has been tividad editorial 1918-1998”) composed by prestigious Basque authors. The The first of the two books gives a profile of 150 researchers of the Basque Autonomous Communi- lyrics are reproduced in Euskera, Spanish, ty, Navarre and Iparralde, who have contributed during the 80 years of existence of Eusko English, French and German. Ikaskuntza to the development of the institution. The second work compiles all the writings published ■ Sarrionaindia, a notable example of a mili- by this Studies Society. tant period in literature, is one of the most prestigious Basque writers, and one of the most sought after by musicians. The writer, who was convicted for being a member of ETA, escaped prison in 1985 and lives since then in hiding. ■ “The patriotic pendulum” by Santiago de Pablo, Ludger Mees and Jose Antonio Rodriguez Ranz

“The patriotic pendulum” is the first volume of the official story of the PNV (Basque Nationalist Par- ty), published by Editorial Critica of Barcelona. The book covers the period from 1895 to 1936. The authors had access to the funds of the PNV files in Artea, although most of those files have information from 1936 on. The authors found unpublished documents that complete and explain events, which were until now little known, such as the behavior of PNV during Primo de Rivera’s dictatorship. They also found many personal letters from important politicians such as luis Arana or Kizkitza. The negotiations with Lerroux in 1934, to support for the first time in history a Spanish Government in parliament are al- so documented. ■

23 Warhol and motorcycles at the Guggenheim During its second anniversary the tary materials of this character, who be- nology and design in motorcycles. We Guggenheim Museum is showing an came a forerunner in so many aspects can admire from the steam velocipede extensive retrospective exhibition of the and certainly the most versatile and that was on the market in mid-19th cen- works of pop artist Andy Warhol. The original artist of the American culture tury to the most revolutionary of present exhibition shows the works of the artist after the war. machines. since the fifties until the late eighties. Moreover, the Basque museum of- The exhibition had a splendid inau- Andy Warhol: A Factory examines the fers the exhibition: “The art of motorcy- guration with the presence of cycle-lov- production of the artist in a multidisci- cle”, a collection of 130 vehicles that ing actors of the importance of Dennis plinary way in each of his three succes- describe the history of motorcycles as Hopper, Jeremy Irons, Laurence Fish- sive factories, where he gave birth to cultural icons of 20th century. burne and Lauren Hutton, as well as his oeuvre during three decades. The exhibition features cycles since singer Bob Geldof, who entranced their The exhibition offers an unprece- 1868 until the present and it means to fans riding along the streets of Bilbao dented variety of artistic and documen- be a chronicle of the evolution of tech- astride magnificent motorcycles. ■

The Orfeón triumphs in Salzburg

The Orfeón Donostiarra had a declared that with the innovative and splendid success at the Salzburg Fes- avant-garde montage presented in tival with its performance during the the Festival and with the brilliant per- premier of the montage designed by formance of the Orfeón the aesthetics the Catalan theatre group “La Fura of opera were entering the 21st centu- dels Baus” of the opera “The Damna- ry. It was the first time the Orfeón tion of Faust” by Berlioz. performed in Salzburg in the frame The six performances of the Or- of the most important classic music feón Donostiarra in Salzburg were festival in the world, but they have al- received with long ovations, bravos ready received propositions to take and a standing audience. The critics part in future editions. ■




The Greek Professor of UPV, Jose Luis Malena received the Eu- skadi Prize of Research from the hands of Lehendakari Ibarretxe for his dedication to the study of the Mycenaen culture and, more specif- The Congress Palace and Audi- ically, for his discoveries, through torium of San Sebastian opened its the clay tablets recovered in the doors with the intention of becoming Mediterranean excavation sites. A the economic and cultural engine of great decipherer of Hellenic inscrip- the city with its modern facilities, tions, Malena is the author of many which can host all kinds of cultural research articles and of 8 books re- and congress activities. lated to these studies. Designed by Rafael Moneo, the Malena, aged 53 and born in architect from Navarre, it has two San Sebastián is the only person auditoriums inside two glass cubes trying to reconstruct the Mycenaen located at the mouth of River texts in Greek from the second mil- Urumea. The palace has a surface of lenium before Christ. That is why, 50,000 square meters apart from the during his speech, the professor de- two auditoriums with a capacity of clared that this prize will enable 1,850 and 600 people each. Its him to continue his research more restaurant is managed by the presti- peacefully. “The acknowledgement gious cook Martin Berasategi, and it –he said– of a whole life dedicated has an exhibition hall of 1,000 to the study of such a small and square meters. even superfluous period of Classic Three months after its inaugura- Antiquity in times when globaliza- tion the Kursaal has already reached tion on one hand and provincialism 80% of activity. At the end of the year 100,000 people will have seen the premis- on the other, push away the Hu- es, and there are already applications to use the auditorium until year 2004. The manities in the crucial high educa- building has hosted performances during the Jazz Festival and many concerts that tion, this award granted to some- took place during the 60th edition of the Musical Fortnight. The quality of the body who studies the most human acoustics has received excellent critics by prestigious directors such as Lorin of all letters, brings a breath of Maazel. Moreover the Kursaal has hosted the world première of Roman Polanski’s hope, a message that not every- last film “The ninth door”, with the presence of the director and the star of the film, thing is lost, even though university Emmanuelle Seigner. It has successfully become the new location of the San Se- degrees are taken from us. ■ bastian Cinema Festival. ■


Agur Basarri

The great bertsolari Iñaki Eizmendi Basarri has passed away at the age of 86. Basarri has been one of the most im- portant bertsolaris in 20th century. It was probably because of this illustrious Za- rauztarra born in Errezil, that ber- tsolarism survived during the years after the war. He was a great reformer, proposing a more cultivated kind of bert- solarism, and taking it to the cinemas and theatres, raising therefore the social prestige of this art that is still growing at present. He rejected the personal “Sabotage” in Artaza. A hilarious and family confrontation among the bertsolaris themselves, and he Napoleonic comedy entitled “Sabotage” has changed the subjects talking of other areas of life. He even dressed in a recently been shot in Artaza Palace in Leioa. different way than was the usual style among the bertsolaris. He intro- The building, owned by the Basque Govern- duced innovations in language, logic and chaining of ideas in the same ment has been chosen by the Ibarretxe broth- stanza. He was also the author of a written theory on this aural activity. ers to give life to the characters in this story, Basarri won the championships in 1935 and 1960. ■ which plays with fiction and history around the figure of Napoleon. ■ Euskadi Orchestra

The Euskadi Symphonic Orches- tra will go on a gig to Latin America in May. The Orchestra will offer from six to eight concerts in Argentina, Uruguay and Chile, during the most ambitious gig organized in the histo- ry of this orchestra. Among the activities pro- grammed for year 2000, the orches- tra plans to do a record with Xabier Lete, as they have already done with Benito Lertxundi. ■

Nobel Saramago in Bilbao

The Nobel Prize of Literature, José on blindness”. This is a complicated Saramago, visited Bilbao in order to novel that did not find luck, but accord- present the translation to Euskera of his ing to the author, it contains “some of novel “The siege of Lisbon”, done by the best pages I have ever written”. Jon alonso. The translation of this novel is part The writer was surprised by the of the project of the Association of Inter- choice of this novel in particular, but at preters and Translators of the Basque the same time he was satisfied of avoid- Country, the publishing house Ibaizabal ing the cliché that his best novels are and the Basque Government, of trans- “Memorial of the Convent”, “The year lating to Euskera 100 oeuvres of univer- of the death of Ricardo Reis” or “Essay sal literature. ■

26 Ralph and Martha Fiennes

Angelica Huston


This year the Donosti Prize was awarded to two great ladies of universal cinema: An- gelica Huston and Vanessa Redgrave; and to a splendid Spanish director, actor and scriptwriter: Fer- nando Fernan Gomez.

Antonio Banderas, Tippi Hedren and Melanie Griffith

There was a lot of expectation and a cer- tain alarm concerning the new location of the Cinema Festival at the Kursaal Palace. But the agitation proved unfounded and the new Palace was another success to add up to the series of successes harvest- ed by the Festival, which sees every year an increase in public, number of visiting stars, and what is most important, in the Sigourney Weaver quality of the films shown. KIROLAK SPORTS

Euskadi Prizes for Sports

Lehendakari Juan José Ibarretxe awarded the ’99 Euskadi Prizes for Sports. The Deportivo Alavés (Alavan Football club) received one of them for its evolution since its foundation in 1921. The Prize for Basque values was given to the Hondarribitarran golfer Jose Maria Olazábal and to the Vitori- an mountaineer Juanito Oiarzábal, who became last April the sixth man on Earth to have conquered his 14th sum- mit of more than 8 thousand meters high. The Prize to Dedication and Hu- man Values was for the Azkoitiarra marathon runner Diego García and for one of the best climbers in the world, the Lazkaotarra Josune Bereziartu. Fi- nally the Basque Mountain Federation From left to right: Diego García, Juanito Oiarzábal, Paco Iriondo, President of the received the Federation Prize. ■ Basque Mountain Federation, the Lehendakari and Josune Bereziartu. Clemente txuriurdin

Controversial Basque coach Javier Clemente was appointed in November the new coach of the Real Sociedad. Clemente has been a play- er in the Athletic de Bilbao, and later he coached this same team. Now he will train the Donostiarran team, a fact that has irritated some of the fol- lowers of both teams. However, Clemente has managed to gradually able to take part in the Games, the get the support of the supporters, es- A Basque lady physicians told her to forget all about pecially after the results obtained by cycling forever. Joane fled from the the white and blue team after a drea- ■ wins the Giro clinic in spite of the doctors’ advice ry start of the season. and her parents, in order to help her Joane Somarriba , from Bizkaia, overcome her sadness, bought her a is the first cyclist of the State to have mountain bike, so that she could at won the Italy Giro, after suffering real least be a cyclist in the weekends. A agonies when she was declared by little by a little this bicycle became a the physicians unfit for sports. race bicycle, with the support of her In 1991 she was urgently operat- parents and her boyfriend, cyclist ed of a disk hernia, so that she could Gonzalez Arrieta. recover in time for the Barcelona Joane Somarriba will remain in Olympic Games. The operation did Italy for another year as the leader of not work out and on top of being un- Alfa Lum. ■

28 The 2000 effect

The century that remains Javier Guillenea

The moment has come. About thir- ty years ago, one of the first things I subtracted apart from the compulsory accounts of the classroom, were the years that remained to reach year No delays, 2000. That wasn’t a very original idea. I suppose millions of people have calculated it some time. The figures would reveal to many of them some- thing they already knew: that they would reach year 2000 with all their please! ages exhausted. The subtraction told me that I would be too old to get into a spaceship and travel to a colony es- Juan Ugarte tence, the consequences of his extreme tablished in the newly conquered weakness, the desolation of his absolute Moon. I thought it would have been Man has always lived in fear. Born of loneliness. All the riffraff man has built to better to have been born a little later nature, he dreads it will finally swallow him feel more secure, is getting out of control in so as to live my youth at the beginning again. He knows he is weaker than nature. this end of millenium, it is threatening to fall of the new times. Therefore, he has always sought salvation to pieces. Will planes fly that night? Will I admit I was wrong in practically everything. Not in the calculations from supernatural spheres, he has tried to operation theatres work? Will all bank ac- however, for I repeated them several make alliances to protect him from nature. counts –hopefully– be mixed up? times so as to be sure. But I was wrong But to no avail, for the supernatural world, But apart from these collective fears in the rest. At almost forty I am not as this huge and fascinating mystery, soothes that are common to all mankind, each per- old as I thought I would be then and him on one side, but deeply disturbs him son has his or her own personal and par- spaceships don’t leave Earth everyday on the other. There is no shelter for man to ticular anguish. I, for instance, who practi- to explore the Universe. Some do from hide from his own fear. cally do not use technology – I am writing time to time, but with no astronauts Fear, always hunting man, is some- these lines by hand- have a very personal and they disappear in Mars, with less times unleashed with special virulence and fear, my own 2000 dread. It is like the re- emotion than I expected then. lack of control. This happens with the turn of a recurring nightmare that used to The next calculation is that of the change of millenium. It happened near wake me when I was a child. I know from remaining years until year 2100. Here year 1000. It is happening now we ap- this moment that when dusk starts falling I have fewer possibilities of being proach year 2000. on 31st December, my hands will start to wrong. I shall be a little under 140 Then, with a deeply religious culture, sweat, my heart will beat at breakneck years old. man feared the end of the world in apoca- speed and my breath will be uneven, an- This is a fact I can be sure of and I lyptic terms. All would end in a blood and guished at the thought that whoever is don’t even need my calculator, I must fire bath, everyone would be devoured by charged of the universal chronology might admit I have nearly forgotten how to gaping earth and swept by unleashed have forgotten to wind up time and that the do more complicated subtractions. I won’t even be too old then, so I don’t seas. The trumpet summoned mankind to third millenium –God forbid!– should be need to worry about the space trips I acknowledge their guilt in the Final Judge- late. Then all mankind would fall, like little might be able to do. Maybe man will ment. Amen. The end. puppets, into the abyss of nothingness in have trod in Mars by then, but I am At present, more lay and unbelieving, this last false step with which we will confi- not so sure, for I expected that to hap- man does not hear the pounding of the sev- dently abandon old 1999 and start trying pen in the 20th century. I only hope en riders of the apocalypse, but he waits for to reach this new year 2000 with our feet. space ships won’t shake the soil too the final catastrophe of the 2000 effect. The But God knows for what reason this New hard. I will be under there calculating same dogs with different collars. Technolo- Year 2000 may have not come yet. Can the remaining centuries of my earthen gy instead of religion. Man fears, as he did you imagine the catastrophe? They will age. ■ in the past, the effect of his own incompe- have an extra hour in the Canaries! ■

29 GABONAK CHRISTMAS GG aa bb oo nn KK aa nn tt aa kk

Haur eder baten bila Olentzero

Haur eder baten bila Olentzero joan zaigu mendira lanera galbitza zoratzen intentzioarekin ikatz egitera ta izarrak esan digu aditu duenean Jesus jaio dela galdetzeko hemen lasterka etorri da berri ematera. Jaungoikoaren herri maite Jerusalen Horra, horra gure Olentzero esan zaiguzu laister Hator hator pipa hortzean dula eserita dago Jesus non jaio den (bis) kapoiak ere baitu arraultzatxoekin Hator, hator mutil etxera bihar meriendatzeko botila ardoakin. gaztaina ximelak jatera. Gabon gaua ospatutzeko Olentzero guria ezin dugu ase aitaren ta amaren ondoan bakarrik jan dizkigu hamar txerri gazte Haurtxo txikia ikusiko dek aita barrezka saiheski ta solomo makina bat heste amaren poza atseginez. Jesu jaio da eta kontsola zaitezte. Haurtxo txikia seaskan dago Horra, horra… zapi txuritan txit bero. Eragiok mutil aurreko danbolinari gaztainak erre artian (bis) txipli txapla pun. Txakur haundi bat etorriko da Olentzerok dakarzki atsegin ta poza Gabon gaua pozik igaro daigun. zuk ez badezu egiten lo. jakin baitu mendian Jesusen jaiotza Epel-epel gaur sukaldean Egun argi honetan alaitu bihotza Amonak dio: “Ene, potxolo, aitaren ta amaren ondoan kanpo eta barruan kendu azkar hotza. egin agudo lo...lo. Jesus haurra jaio dela Horregatikan, ene, potxolo, alkarren maitasun sutsuan Horra, horra… arren egizu,bai,lo..lo. gaurko gau honen argi biziak pozten gaitu bihotzean. Lo...lo...lo Eragiok mutil… CCaarrttaa aall OOlleennttzzeerroo Dear Olentzero and knowledge and won’t use them to ent to other people’s suffering, to reach peace. those who think, as Franco and Hitler This year I won’t ask you to bring any- Send black coal, as black as their did before them, that freedom is not thing for myself, I believe I have black souls to the politicians who pass for everybody. everything, even more than I need. their arrogance as tenacity. Send black coal, as black as their This year I am asking you to soothe a Send black coal, as black as their black black souls to those who believe they pain I have got inside, it has been souls to those who believe that those are in possession of the whole truth, with me for about four years now and who think differently are enemies. the only truth, their truth. I can’t seem to get rid of it. The pain is Send black coal, as black as their Let us hope that with all this coal we quite extended and it has something black souls to the artists of manipula- can make a fire to keep us all warm, to do with the people I belong to. The tion, to the professionals of confusion. and that when the wind blows away vast majority of us are trapped in the Send black coal, as black as their the smoke we can “all together” find a dynamics a few inflict upon us. We black souls to the tyrants and ex- way to start walking, each one bring- are tired and we don’t know what to ploitators. ing their possessions. ■ do or who to turn to. So, dear Send black coal, as black as their black Olentzero, I beg you to give us a souls to gangsters, false Christians, hand and to send them a sack of coal. apostles of white or red violence. This lelter was published in a web Send black coal, as black as their Send black coal, as black as their page called Basque Diaspora, written by black souls to those who have power black souls to those who are indiffer- Daniel Bilbao de Santa Rosa - La Pampa

30 GURE SUKALDARITZA OUR CUISINE AniseedAniseed doughnutsdoughnuts



5 eggs Mix eggs and sugar in a bowl and add oil. Beat with a wooden spoon and 175 grs. of sugar add aromas: the half glass of aniseed liquor, the aniseeds and the grated lemon 1/2 l. of oil peel. 900 grs. of flour Add flour with baking powder and mix carefully until we form uniform 1 small spoonful of baking powder dough. Pour a little oil over the table and beat the dough until it is elastic. 1/2 glass of aniseed liquor Cut the dough is small pieces and roll them into cigar shapes about 20 cen- Natural aniseeds timeters long with your hands. Then form the doughnuts. Grated lemon peel Fry them in hot oil until they are golden everywhere. They can be sprinkled Ground sugar, optional with ground sugar after they are taken out of the pan. ■