Application to Participate(A66731) Filing Date: 2015-02-24 Hearing Information Project Name: Energy East Project and Asset Transfer Company: Energy East Pipeline Ltd. File Number: OF-Fac-Oil-E266-2014-01 02 I am Applying as:

{ An Individual { Authorized Representative on Behalf of an Individual ~ A Group

Select which one best describes your group: { Company { Association (Special Interest Group) ~ Aboriginal { Federal Government { Provincial Government { Territorial Government { Municipal Government { Others

~ My group is an organization that will represent its own interests { My group is a collection of individuals with common interest

Contact Information:

517 Tenth Avenue SW Telephone/Téléphone : (403) 292-4800 Calgary, Alberta T2R 0A8 Facsimile/Télécopieur : (403) 292-5503 517, Dixième Avenue S.-O. 1-800-899-1265 Calgary, (Alberta) T2R 0A8 1 • If you apply as individual, the contact information is for the Person Applying to Participate. • If you apply as Authorized Representative, the contact information is for the Individual you are representing. • If you apply as Group, the contact information is for the Group’s main contact.

Salutation: Mr. Last Name: Naveau First Name: James Title: Lands & Resources Liaison Address: Organization: Mattagami First Nation 75 Helen Street P.O. Box 99 Telephone: 705-894-2072 , P0M 1W0 Facsimile: 705-894-2887 Email Address: [email protected]

Authorized Representative(s) Information: If you do not have an authorized representative this section will be blank. Method of Participation

I wish to participate as a: { Commenter ~ Intervenor Interest or Expertise

; The Group I am representing is directly affected by the proposed Project ; The Group I am representing has relevant information or expertise Connection to Project Issues

517 Tenth Avenue SW Telephone/Téléphone : (403) 292-4800 Calgary, Alberta T2R 0A8 Facsimile/Télécopieur : (403) 292-5503 517, Dixième Avenue S.-O. 1-800-899-1265 Calgary, (Alberta) T2R 0A8 2 7. The potential environmental and socio-economic effects of the Project, including the environmental effects of accidents or malfunctions that may occur in connection with the project, and any cumulative effects that are likely to result from the Project, as considered under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 9. The appropriateness of the general route and land requirements for the Project 11. Potential impacts of the Project on Aboriginal interests 14. Contingency planning for spills, accidents, or malfunctions during construction and operations of the Project 16. The terms and conditions to be included in any recommendation or approval the Board may issue for the Project o Our territory is home to the Ojibway and OjiCree people from the and Mattagami Lake areas and as far as the Moose River headwaters on the James Bay coast. We are signatories to Treat #9 and community members extensively use the land for fishing, hunting and other cultural practices, and done so for generations. Our community members, historically, to date, and with a desire to continue to do so in the future, extensively use the areas between the proposed Smooth Rock Falls Pump Stations and Haileybury Pump Station. Our ability to continue our traditional practices will be directly affected by the proposed Project activities including clearing, construction and maintenance activities, as well as potential spills. o Mattagami will provide information on our traditional land use activities and sites around the Project area. This will present a more thorough understanding of the receiving environment, both in the biophysical and socio-economic-cultural context, creating a more accurate baseline against which to assess how potential environmental effects likely to result from the Project, including via accidents or malfunctions, will impact on the socio-economic and biophysical environment and our Aboriginal and Treaty #9 rights. This includes identification of potential Project interactions that cannot be identified without both baseline data collection and effects characterization on current use of lands and resources for traditional purposes and other key elements considered under CEAA, 2012. o The proposed pipeline ROW runs near and across core watercourses including the Mattagami River and Grassy River used and highly valued by Mattagami members. In addition, the proposed route and land requirements for pump stations, construction stage activities, and other physical works and activities, would occur in critical harvesting and cultural areas for Mattagami. No assumptions can be made before reviewing Mattagami’s input on areas of importance and sensitivity in the receiving environment about the appropriateness of the route and facility locations for an extremely large oil pipeline, a very different type of development than an existing gas pipeline. o Mattagami will provide information on our past, current and desired future traditional land use and occupancy activities and the biophysical resources they rely upon. This is critical foundational information for the NEB to properly consider how the Project will impact on Aboriginal interests, including Treaty #9 and other Aboriginal rights, and Mattagami members’ livelihoods, social, economic and culture health and well- being, and food security. This information can only be provided by Mattagami and will be provided by adding critical local and traditional knowledge and mapped information to support a fulsome assessment of Project interactions with Aboriginal interests, in the construction and operations phases of the proposed Project, as well as describing likely effects on Aboriginal interests in a variety of accident and malfunction scenarios.

517 Tenth Avenue SW Telephone/Téléphone : (403) 292-4800 Calgary, Alberta T2R 0A8 Facsimile/Télécopieur : (403) 292-5503 517, Dixième Avenue S.-O. 1-800-899-1265 Calgary, (Alberta) T2R 0A8 3 Access, Notification and Service

Which official language do you wish to use in correspondence with the Board and at the public hearing? English ; French

Documents submitted electronically are available on the Board’s electronic document repository, (Click 'View' under 'Regulatory Documents' at If you have the capability to access the repository, the Board and other Participants in this proceeding may serve you by notifying you that a document has been filed and is available in the repository, instead of serving you with a hard copy of the document. Are you able to access the Board’s electronic document repository? Yes ; No

Notification by email advising that a document has been filed will be sent to the following email addresses: James Naveau [[email protected]]

517 Tenth Avenue SW Telephone/Téléphone : (403) 292-4800 Calgary, Alberta T2R 0A8 Facsimile/Télécopieur : (403) 292-5503 517, Dixième Avenue S.-O. 1-800-899-1265 Calgary, (Alberta) T2R 0A8 4