Mapping the hidden assets of Mapping the hidden assets of Morecambe Bay

The ‘Seldom Seen™ Series of Maps,’ (2016), has been developed by Art Gene The Islands of Barrow (, working with Morecambe Bay Partnership ( Featuring: The Islands of Barrow Together, these 5 maps span from the islands of Barrow to Cockerham, plotting the hidden assets of the spectacular Morecambe Bay area of & . They capture its Rigid Airships - Natterjack Toads - Gulls - Super-Normal Stimuli - remarkable natural history, industrial (& military) heritage & social history: revealing that places are never just one thing but layers coexisting & connecting through time. Basking Sharks - X-Craft - Atlantic Seals - Submerged Forests - Thanks to the Morecambe Bay community who shared the seldom seen gems of the places Cistercian Farms - Fort Walney - Barnes Wallace - Sand Dunes - they live & love: we hope you enjoy using your maps! Thanks also to the many experts for Semaphore - Hermits - Howitzers - Searchlights - Slow Worms - SEldom SEEN being so generous with their knowledge, & our partner organisations: Cumbria Wildlife Trust, Arnside & Silverdale AONB, Natural , the RSPB & the National Trust for their Salt Works - Sandwich Terns - No.1 invaluable help throughout the last 5 years of research, writing & design. Polaris - Practice Trenches - Hides - Oysters & Mass Observation... A free, smart-phone based interactive guided tour is also available for 5 sites around the Bay 2nd Edition - just search ‘Seldom Seen’ in your App Store.

The ‘Seldom Seen Series of Maps’ are generously funded by the Coastal Communities Fund & the Heritage Lottery.

Seldom Seen™ is an unregistered trademark of Art Gene. © Stuart Bastik & Art Gene. Published by Art Gene, Barrow-in-, 2016.

The Islands of Barrow

The ‘Seldom Seen Series’ 3. 4. 2.


Allotments Known locally Art Gene Seldom Seen Event, Searchlight Emplacement, , 2009. Photo: Gavin Parry as ‘the pens’ - 5. were used for geese & goats. “The land of goose-shit & feathers” Duddon Sands Waxcaps Introduction 9-10 SPA/RAMSAR This illustrated map deCltaiyls Pcuitrrent & historic points of interest, including internationally Following the Dissolution of the Monasteries, Roanhea1. Thed Islands of Barrow (2nd Edition) Medieval Period The earliest recorded Henning & its castle, originally built by the Cistercian Gannets can dive deeper than any hamletsother bi rond: uthep t oisland 22 met arer emes ntionedDead in minke 1247 awhalet North One2. ofFu rtheness most Peninsula beautiful Thomas West (1720-79) - author, Wood Monks at nearby , became the property 3. Cartmel Peninsula Scale, North End & South End. washed up 2014 ) Brick Barrow-in-Furness grew rapidly across athnet iqislanuadrsian of B&a rchrowapl, taaikinng li vadedva anttage Tyt uofp the Ha nlla.tural Sandscale Haws & views of 4.the Ar Lakenside &Dist Silvreicrdalet Area em (see ‘Seldom Seen Furness Peninsula Map’). Shaft (D works harbours between them. By 1865, Barrow had established the largest ironworks in the world (dis) Dead gannetBiggar was recorded some 45 years later as a ‘Grange’ 5. Morecambe &Heysham Area ay National Nature Reserve mountains. lw Kestrel est. – much to the disapproval of Victorian social reformer John Ruskin, who could see it lighting found by Stuart Bastik & ai Beacon (a monastic farm) belonging to Furness Abbey. For R 1865 up the nGigrheenst sky fcrooem his home 20 miles away. Furness was a Parliamentarian stronghold preserved by Kate Davis. l AY ”We all become(boa ther dplawcalks)es we live, that goes for ’uglrya’ places as e Quarry (dis) Tytup Hall during the . For this reason the Now on displtheay nine thext 600 years the population of the island was n ) much as ‘beautiful’ ones. I have lived in both... & ultimai tely the c 1710 G2* m ‘Seldom Seenar Coundollectio 300.n’, Nearly half the population perished from M Former e Bronze Age & nuclear submarines still takes place in the heart of the town - whilst out to sea one of the (D Piel Island. al Way distinctions are meaningless - beautiful places can be (private) y ast Neolithic Site Nigel Pit iron ore mines a the plague in the 17th C. Aot this time agriculture Former w Dunlin AY C Bombing ecologically worthless & ugly places N abundanto.2 & pMroadunyc tinamedve...” after Holy W ia m Isle of M r North Pit a provided the principleb way of lifdee. cToyhe growing & Nigel Pit Well The islands of Barrow encapsulate huge conitrronasts owherer emines industrial & natural histories collider

an mine owner’s T Quarries Cum Waxcaps Gun range P No.1 Following the rest“Horationws” isof old King Norse Cha frorles hil II,l .the milling of grain caused Walney to become known as Stuart Bastik: ‘Revisioning Utopia’ to share a coastline of idyllic beaches & mountain backdrops. (dis) Historic 9-10 site (1880s) Cottages WC www.a r t gen £4.99 A595 Lordship of Furness was given to the Duke of ‘The Bread Basket of Fruabbitrness’. Firing point Plunger Quarry warren 400 yds Lime Pit Albemarle, incl. & other parts of Piel Island. Bombing Target 200 Winding Kiln Kathleen Pit Burlington Fisheries (dis) Green Shaft Round-leaved wintergreen Rabbit warrens in the sand dunes at the denocoryth & Target 300 300 (dis) After this date, activity on Piel Island revolved around Sanderling AY Bombing Common 200 engine base iron mines (dis) Haume decoy 150 Rita Pit Getting Around South Lakes south of theSkyla islandrk were at this timelizar damongst Tthearge t 500 Burlington Windmill shipping & industry. A salt works is recorded as Wet Pit Wild Animal most economically AY valuable land possessed bTayr gtheet 60 0 Road markings (rems) existing on the island from as early as 1662, which was Meadow Ethel Pit appear from Tip Park

Cisterian Ms onks at FurMnessarram Abbe y. Park (dis)

e Cinnabar moth under new planting.

n grass Peggy Pit iron mines (dis) A wonderful piece of perhaps

Knot AY u Common Barrow &Island caterpillar at war Vickers shipyard on d Target 800 unintended historic

Industr ialisation & Recreation By

d Great Barrow Island was (& remains) an esseBettny tialPit naval-vessel ‘interpretation’ - Old Road n

Piel Island became an important trading post a fungus Sandscale to Askam, now a 1872 the islandS became part of the increasingly wind farms in the World crested builder during WW1 & WW2. ‘The Yard’ also became a & customs men were permanently stationed on the newt Yellow iron mines (dis) Violet cycle route. industrialised Barrow Borough. The rapidly growing prime target for enemy bombers. Numerous pillboxePits, Island. Smuggling was still rife at the time. In the Natterjack workforce used Walney for weekend recreation. Its machine gunB ombingbatteries, searchlight emplacemeLittlent s, air (active) second half of the 18thOne cen oftu rthey, the group iron : Oormondee trade Wind Farm 2011 sited toad 3-7 Six spot decoy control egret Domestic waste popularity increased when a regular ferry service was raid shelters & bombing raid decoys were erected P began to develop on the Furness Peninsula & fPeielatu res 30 of the world’s burnet AY provided (late 19th C.), followed by the construBombingction mothduring WW2 to protect it. Many of these remain across Harbour continued to bela rimpogest rwindtant t otu therbines econo - 156mmy. high & 661 tonnes decoy Airships 1911: of the ‘Marine Indust Graialrden wast eC ity’ in 1898 & 6-7 the islandsRoe of deerBarrow: often lying within what are now Dalton-in-Furness As the volume of shipping increased, "His Majesty's Cormorant Jubilee Bridge in 1908. incl. Cellophane Lapwing AY Little Jack Sea holly nature reseAYrves & SSSI’s (detailed overleaWfood). specially constructed hangar. Some of the Boatmen" were stationedBlac onkpool Piel TIslandower, aswhich harbour can be seen from the AY Buzzard Dalton Castle George Romney (artist) Mine pilots & customs inspectWoralneys. Their coast cottages on a stillclear stan dayd,, is only 2m taller than Biggar Bank During the 1870s, Biggar Bank AY Robb’s Water 14suppoth c. pertingle to struwerc usetured can still beBo seenrn Becksid risinge ,out Dal tofon 1734 shafts Wrecked became an ever more popular seaside site. However, During the Blitz, inaccuratFear mbombing causedSedge many the w atser a c(pioucrtutrooredm r ight). but are now in private ownershieach of pthese. In fo massirmal tveer mtusr,bine Piel s. Fishermen’s warbler 4-10 4x4’s the land was then ownedcabins by farmers, who seeing a residential neighbourhoods in BaOakrro Lwea to be destroyed. & gaol. V B Island was a creek (outstaTtion)he ro oftors the a Preo r126mt of Lancas in diameter, ter: larger than the Bass Curlew AY Farm D 83 civilians were killed, 330 injured & over 10,000 W C S. First school est. 1622 London Eye. Together they are capable of providing Lowsy Point Beckside Pillbox d P. Pinfold - Goose Green. to charge an entry fee. After numeShrousove lper otests & houses were damaged or destroyed - 25% of the town'so a Market place power for 100,000 homes. k R Cavendish Dock but important lessons were learnt. ge housing stock (see Nella Last below left). Par Quarry T W. Home of Dr William Close 1775-1813. Piel Island became the subject of a poem by etrespassingrita events by local people beWginning around AY (dis) S g H Scarth Hole Later designs for rigid & non rigid airshipsStation were built T. Town hall 1884 (former Fire station). ‘Romantic’ William Wordsworth. The island fell into theF lounder Fishin 1874, the land was leased to the Town Council & free St Mary’s by H.BChu. Prarttch & c Ba1885rnes PWallis for the Vickers airshipD. Drill Hall: Former army base. Now a Community Centre. Ship wreck ‘Anastasi,’ 1909 access allowed. By 1881Ro thews of to postswn (l ohadw tide) purchasedHe rtheon Hindenburg ZeppelinThe A nF eaartly Csigon noft roller G2* DANGEROUS QUICKSANDS land & began building Trhougecrehat tionalto be W W2facilities measure which AY German interest in Barrow came in May 1936, when the dept. in a new hangar on Walney Island C(n. Foowrmer Crown Court (1879-1928). The Thomas the Tank Engine stories were based on The churchyard is said to AND FAST INCOMING TIDES to prevent invasion forces demolished). Anty The Duke of Buccleuch donated Piel Island to the eventually included a pavilion, sand pit, boating lake P Barrow’s once extensive railway system which serviced be the site of a plague pit B. Earliest recorded book club in the world est. 1764. & a popular lido. Elabor a t e , lalandingrgely tr unoopsrealised in gliders .plans to Government believed it was spying on the shipyard, containing over 300 Cross people of Barrow-in-FurneTshes as r emainsa War M ofem theori alv esselfollow airnge still visible at low Medieval shell (incl. Polished Pillbox Former the iron works, docks & passengers. Walney Island is victims ofBa thrnese 1631 W allis’ Walney airships Foodculmin wasat leedft in theV. Town End: Former village & 19th c. iron ore middens Axe) although it was claimed she ‘Swodoas r’ simplyacross a bcaridgerrying (Jubilee Bridge) between Barrow & tide, but anyone thinking of paying a develop the area as a major seaside resort continued Cello- ‘black death’. Cemetery here for towns carthorse watering spot known as ‘Never Green,’ into the 20th C. passengers phaneon a luxu ry trip. Vicarstown (Vickerstown). as the iron ore stained the ground red. visit to the wreck site should factory people during the Roe deer AY The Fat Controller was modelled on one of Barrow’s Millwood Tunnel great plague have a good knowledge of Walney at war From 1911 the west coastDeer can be seen (later a candle Barnefoundings Wallis ’ fdesatherigsn, the for industthe rialist Sir James Ramsden. Manor & of 1631. The whitethe lime tide rende timesred inn& the looks sands like a became gradually more militarised with the buildingswimming acBrossouncing bomb First British Seaplane 1911: Maiden Skylark famous bo facutonrycing bomb used in the ‘Dam Busters’ raids Millwood NCN70 typical south Lakelanda roundfarmhouse it: the with vessel ba hasrns & of Fortdead Walne maskedy. The fcorrabt w foundas constructed to countWeralney Channel. now Hall AY (see map cover) was conclosed)struct ed by Vickers, BarrMow,i lealwrly oodin 1943 M- in anor Viking Hoard outbuildings. Possibly initially a chandlers, an inn is what was then thought to be the most likely landing The Duke of Buccleuch commissioned Millwood Manor for Buzzard Up-ended Barrow B Mill- c 995 AD much haste & under a veil of secrecy. r AY thought to have been on the site since the 17th his land & mineral agent Edward Wadham c 1860. Millwood e wood Marram site for an enemy invasion. It also protected the Golf Club a found 2011 omain - pillbox on s Lodge Part of

Lodge was the gate house & the family had their own t Century. The current building is 18th & 19th century. grass M (undisclosed location) t) airshipNo rshethd, Wshiapylanrde &y dock s, all of which made

beach est run railway siding (remains still visible). The Wadham family i The Cistercian Way t Ringed l

l near Stainton. oi n Barrow a prime target. The coastline was defended

National Nature Reserve B ublic D

P lived in the Manor until the 1940s. Evacuees from Germany Peregrine e

Plover P Now displayed: c

Since 1746 there have been 23 recorded landlords. sy

with barbed wire & land mines & the beaches were housed here during WW2. k AY

Kimberley Clark ommons

Dock Museum

and dunes AY w R

o Natural England n Abbots Way

Each was crowned as the King of Piel in a Shopeceremo Tnreey S d Toilet roll & tissue L an Avro Type D biplane, which was used to evaluate became a no-go area - lost to recreation once again. e C Natterjack Barrow. r

o factory: makes white ti v

o toad 3-7 om L From 1st March to 31st July Sir Edwin Lutyens e a

m r ouncing bomb (f r ‘Andrex’ toilet paper for Abbey House Hotel 1914 by Sir Edwin Lutyens Green woodpecker AY s mage in the means 'farm by stones' I B dogs must be kept on a short lead, no C aircraft's standard undercarriage. e Historic across Europe. k (1869–1944). The mansion was the home & guest a Cold War nuclear

more than two metres: R HMA 23 Gondola: Flight trials on Non rigid airship inside Walney

rabbit warren Tower with OS trig point Boat club shed Jubilee Bridge 1908 to Walney Island: house of Commander Craven, Chairman of V a W alney Islandbunker 1917 si -t ePhoto airship hangar -

(Walney Island)Ground nesting birds (Barrow Island) Lane

Pillbox replaced an earlier ferry service Wnka lney ChannVelickers towar dShipbuildins North Scaleg. Many dignitaries came l

Ba e courtesy of Photo courtesy of the Dock Museum Site of Sir James Iron mines

Waxcaps to stay, including King George V. o

f Ramsden’s house (dem) (dis)


Cockle shell Victorian A590 Gas Terminal Abbey House N Abbot’s Walney airship hangar 1913 i bottle dump Hotel g Wood Site of minor Civil War Photo courtesy of the Dock Museum Drinking fountain 1876 G2 h skirmish. t Footway W2W * s Quarries e Chapel (rems) tunnel under railway an h on L Diversion (dis) Wildfowling Pillbox Dalt a (great echo inside) Aircraft Furness Abbey Hotel d Newton-in- e dispersal Quarry Furness General 1847. pads (dis) railway-company built Abbey walls G1 Furness WW1 Hospital P Pillbox ane P hotel aimed solely at tourists. l L practice il G2 (dis) Shelduck Sewage g the medieval manor of Low Furness. s trenches m How Tun works r It was the seat of the Lords of Aldingham, & included the O Wood BAE’s ‘Beechcraft P Mill Bow Bridge: villages of Bardsea, Urswick, Scales, Stainton, Sunbrick, King Air’ makes Ormsgill Abbey fe Romney Cottage (private) a 15th c. stone bridge Codling Farmhouse C on ancient packhorse route. Six spot om ( Grade 2 listed building)

. c Walney 1605 Park Furness Abbey 1123 Grade 2 Listed Structure. burnet moth 6-7 s Formerly known as ‘High

k ings G2* Scheduled Ancient Monument G1 useum The King is crowned in an ancient carved chair, eet Cocken’: An early home of w Peggy BraithwM aite MBE 1919n - 1996 Medieval Salt Pans Salt used to be made Headin Haw In 1853, the Melfort GunBuzzapowderrd a The second most wealthy & powerful Cistercian

-islan d George Romney (artist) from wearing the regalia of a helmet & sword, while alcohol B Upperon a relatively small scale across the southern coasts of Oystercatcher Site (dis) 1742-1755 (8 to 21yrs old). Born monastery in Britain managing a massiock M vCeo amparea ofn yland bu asilt a rather decorative but short-l i v AeYd Walney Lakes Gliding Club g Ormsgill is poured over him through clay pipes. Beware: those a

Industrial alne y Beckside, Dalton 1734. principal lighthouse-keeper, looked after thle Walney reseCumbrvoir ria at Millom, & near HePielr ringIslan gulld, b AyY grange Farms, mainly producing wool. powder magazine on Headin Haw. From here, waste - incl. Airport S

who inadvertently sit in the throne must stand a round e 1919 - 1996 lig avhailable)thouse. Her father, sister & brother-in-law also kept (derained)vaporating concentrated brine in lead pans to slowly Furness Abbey Hotel G2 - later Abbey Tavern (dis) Mine shafts & low level d powder was delivered to their magazine at Powka Oystercatchers Gun ‘Stories Behind The Stones’: or Headin H a Dendron ai t f nuclear Blenheim e The hotel was rebuilt from the remains of the17th c. house of reservoirs (dis) s 1871 - 1901 w the light. Sheranges became an assistant keeper & was walk by Rod White: download Stank Mine Probable meaning nest on cobbles waste. esy of w near Lindal Moor & also to Hodbarrow Iron Mine at

base WW2 esy of the D

u t Sir Thomas Preston. The hotel was largely demolished by 1954,

Barrow t Common s on Barrow Council website An iron (haematite) mine, ‘clearing in valley’ i ait h promoted to principal in 1975. She was awarded the crystals were air dried in wicker baskets, allowing thefoll owing bombing during WW2 when used as a control centre r

ou r Cemetery ou r The inn served pilots competing for boaPleasets to guide avoid mussel D for Anti Aircraft guns. engine house & buildings Dendron farms

o c MBE, 10 years before she retired, at the age of 74. soluble sulphates known as bittern to drain away. company's ships. The magazine, last used in 1876, has o c into Piel Harbour. Visitor books from 1850’s (now in the der magazine Yarlside Mine (rems) c.1875 Grade 2 listed. cobble areas 1st March Hangar w ho t

Avro Anson eggy B etail of plans ho t TnVo wmasts almost completely disappeared though some P P D P to July 31st Born on P ielLen Isnyla Hnilld, she moved to Walney as a teenager As the salt content of seawater is relatively low & varies p o An iron (haematite) mine. rds County Archives) record the names of knights with Site (dis) base WW2 Stank Farm rmya above-ground remains of walls built from a mix of ly fa St Matthew's humorous notes & sketches. The entries show the Domestic when her father became the lighthouse's assistant from day to day - a process of sleeching was often urness Beacon Hill c.1600 G2 ear Barrow-in-F 2 Hangar s