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Supreme 85.Pdf F. No. J-1 1 016 1212020-Judicial Government of lndia Ministry of Law and Justice Department of Legal Affairs (Judicial Section) Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi, Dated 2nd July,2021 ORDER The President is pleased to engage following 85 Advocates as Group 'A'/ Group,B'/ Group '.C' Panel counsel for conducting central Government litigation before the supreme court of lndia, as mentioned below, for a period of three years with effect from the date of this order or until further orders, whichever is earlier: SUPREME COURT OF INDIA sr. Name of Contact details Enrl. No No Advocate (S/Shri) Group 'A' Panel Counsel 1 A.iay Kumar Flat No. N-103, GH-1 , Plumeria Dt2807t2011 Gupta Garden Estate, Omicron, Greater NOIDA Mob: 9910311387 Tel: 0120-4546789 Email [email protected] 2 Anil Hooda 8'l-C, Gautam Nagar, Near Neeti Bagh, Dt2692t1999 New Delhi-49 Mob: 9810307802 Email: [email protected] 3 Anirudh B-10, Second Floor, Jangpura Dt1270t2005 Sharma Extension, New Delhi-1 '10024 Mob: 9868481182 Email: reachan irud h@gmail. com 4 Ankur Rastogi M-l 13, First Floor, Laxmi Nagar, New uP/1979/1 998 Delhi-92 Mob:9414023422 5 Ms. Anuradha #C-554, LGF Defence Colony, New MPt2872t2009 Mishra Delhi Mob: 9971391034 6 Ashish Tiwari B-14, Ground Floor, Paruvana Dn 11t2011 Apartment, Mayur Vihar Extension, New Delhi-110091 Mob:9990401 577, 9971 382986 Email: aash ish@g 7 Gibran Ci9, Flat No. 9342, Vasant Kunj, New Dt4678t2017 Naushad Delhi Mob: 9910305746 Email: G ibran. na ushad@gmail. com -t- ry_ 8 Md. Farman B-11214, 2 Floor, Joshi Colony, Di 165/1996 Mandawali FazalPur, Delhi-1 10092 Mob: 9313508135 email: [email protected] o Mrinal Elker N-20, LGF, Jangpura Extension, New MAH/41112003 Mazumdar Delhi Mob: 981 1535226 Email: m rinalelker@hotma il. com 10 Om Prakash No. 06, Golf Apartment, Ramana D1337211999 Maharishi Marg, New Delhi-l10003 Mob: 9818199103 Email: o lawassociates 11. Pu kh ram bam M-84, Second Floor, M Block Ma rket, Enrolled with Ramesh Kumar Greater Kailash-ll, New Delhi-1 10048 Bar Council of Mob: 981 1851800 Assam in year Tel: 01 1-40041061 1999 Email ukh rambam 12. Raghavendra #221, Supreme Enclave, MaYur Vihar KAR/639/1999 S. Srivatsa Phase-|, Delhi-1 10091 Mob: 9818726501 fel 011-22754031 Email: ra havendra tJ. Rajeev Kumar QU-120 B, First Floor, Pitampura, D/1160/2000 Delhi-1 10088 Mob: 991 1 1 1 1395, 9868592272 Email: [email protected] 14 Shiv Ram 196-E, Pocket-1, Mayur Vihar Phase-1, Dt2749t2008 Pandey Delhi-110091 Mob: 9899723888 Email: [email protected] 15 Sudhir Naagar Chamber No. 307, M. C. Setalvad Dt1083t2004 Block, Supreme Court of lndia, New Delhi-1 10001 Mob: 9811951070 Tel: 01 1-47048903 Email: sudhir naa '16. 241404, Commonwealth Games t(489/1981 Chitamba resh Village, Near Akshardham, Patparganj, Delhi-1 10092 (Sr. Advocate) Mob: 9846053871 , 9447622110 Email: [email protected] 17. Vijay Mohan. V 128, New Lawyer's Chamber, O/o Shri K267t1994 G. Prakash (AoR), Supreme Court of lndia, New Delhi Mob: 9847435336 Email: [email protected] 18. Mrs. Jayshree Bungalow No. 16, Nizamuddin East, Anand New Delhi-1 1001 3 Mob: 9810132 130, 8287678889 Email: jaysh reetrived ian a nd@g m a il com -2- v_ Group 'B' Panel Counsel 19, A. Velan #J-38, 4 Floor, Paryavaran Complex, KAR|20281201 J Block, IGNOU Main Road, Neb Sarai, 2 New Delhi-1 10068 Mob: 9787779686 Email: athenam'l velan 20 Abhigya Office: D-228, Narman Vihar, Delhi- Dt466t2007 Kushwah 110092 Mob: 9868215049 Email. meet abhi t 21 . Ms. Alpana House No. N-64, GK-1, New Delhi Rt295512015 Sharma Mob. 7 0427 67 297, 9460789988 Email: sharmaal ana66 mail com 22. Annirudh Office: A-45, Hauz Khas, New Delhi- D/1595/2013 Sharma 110016 Mob: 9999080715 Email :chamberofannrrudhsharma mail com 23 Ms. Archana Chamber No. 25, Supreme Court of uPt475Bl2004 Sharma lndia, New Delhi Mob: 9650630011 Email la rarchanasharma mail. com 24 Bishnudeo Gyan Khand-1, Plot No. 247lSecond Biharl82l1978 Prasad Yadav Floor No. 4, lndirapuram, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh Mob: 9868577513 25 Gautam Kumar 40, First Floor, Hanuman Lane, Baba Dt491t2013 Kharak Singh Math, Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001 Mob: 9891637735 Email: autamkumarsin h24 mail com 26 Gobind Kumar H. No. K-2l12, Kali Bari, Gole Market, D/1633/2006 Sector-2, New Delhi-1 10001 Mob: 981 0079351, 981 0079352 Email obindkuma hotmail. com 27. Ms. Gwen E-31, 3 Floor, Lajpat Nagar-1, New KAR/1901/201 Karthika Delhi-1 10024 2 Mob: 7042868568 Email: wenkarthika 28 Ms. lndira Chamber 308, C. K. Daphtary Block, AP/163/2001 Kandra Tilak Lane, Bhagwan Das Road, New Delhi-110001 Mob: 9618070316 Email: indirakandra 29 Jaideep Singh 18, Todermal Road, Bengali Market, Rt990t2012 New Delhi-110001 Mob: 9953432792 1n K. S. Rana Chamber No. 106, M.C. Setalvad Dt407t1983 Block, Supreme Court of lndia, New Delhi-110001 rel 0120-2413867 31 Mrs. Manvi Delhi Cantt, New Delhi Dt1375-N2013 Sharma Mob: 9999499521 Email: Manvi advocate ahoo. com ) E 32. Man ish Chamber No. 01, Old LaurYers D/520-c/1998 Shanker Chambers, R. K. Garg Block, SuPreme Court of lndia, New Delhi Mob: 9810577026 Email: mssrivastavadv JJ Mehul Milind 8, Lawyer's Chambers, SuPreme Court D/808/2008 Gupta of lndia Compound, SuPreme Court of lndia, New Delhi-1 1 0001 Mob: 98'10993043 ret 011-24339924 Email: mehulm u ta 34 Harsh Vardhan #138, New Lawyeis Chambers, Dt1648t2001 Supreme Court of lndia, Bhagwan Das Road, New Delhi-110003 Mob: 9871345416 Email: hv9236434 2t Ms. Seema Room No. 109, CPS, SSS-Il, JNU, uPt279012011 Patnaha New Delhi-110067 Mob:9717299476 Email: seemairs 7 36 Ms. Sneha 422, New LawYer's C hambers, Assam/411/20 Kalita Supreme Court of lndia, New Delhi- 05 1 10001 Mob: 9910623965 37 Mukesh Kumar Chamber No. 17, GF, M.C. Setalvad Dt52512001 Verma Block, Supreme Court of lndia, New Delhi Mob: 9810379289 Email: uandvassociates2009 mail com JO Navank S Otfice. 1 1237, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, Mishra uP-201012 Mob: 8470059972 Email: shekhar.mishra26 ma rl. com ?o Nirmal Kumar Chamber No. 90, Lawyer's Chambers, D11708t2007 Ambastha A. K. Sen Block, Supreme Court of lndia, New Delhi. Mob: 9899368041 Email: nirmalambastha 40 Nitin Gaur l-Block-1743, LGF, Chittranjan Park, Dt1388t2007 New Delhi-'1 1001 9 Mob: 9999799708, 921 2341 000 Tel: 01 1-41 049708 41 Paramhans Durga Mandir Gali, Kondli Village, uPt9737 t2003 Delhi-110096 Mob: 9891449561 42 Parth Awasthi B-5/1 11, Safdurjung Enclave, New Dt2358t2013 Delhi- 1 1 0029 Mob: 9716168390 Email: parthawasthiadvocate@gmarl com 43 Priyank Khattar 164, Lawyer's Chambers, Delhi High Dt545t2005 Court, New Delhi-1 10003 Mob: 981 1927928 Tel: 011-23584567 Emarl: fl anklaw ahoo. com Ll- E- uPt279012011 44 Rahul G. K-40, GF, JangPura Extension, Delhi- Tanwani 110014 Mob: 9920287802 Email: rahultanwani 45. Santosh Kumar Plot No. 46 A, S-2, Sector-6, Vaishali, Dt1048t2006 Vishawkarma Ghaziabad, UP Mob: 9910224969 Email: santoshkumaradv 46 Sarthak Office: C1/1001, Cleo County, Sector- Dt257812017 Raizada 121, NOIDA Mob: 9871760500 Email : sarthakr aizada22 Dt3874t2018 47 Shantanu Singh 27, Panchsheel Enclave, Lower Ground Floor, Delhi -17 Mob: 9582164171 Dt605012017 48 Sudhanshu 208, C. K. DaPhtary Lawyers Prakash Chambers, SuPreme Court of lndia, New Delhi-1 Mob 9205200742 Email. sudhanshu b mail com MP1215612011 49 Veer Vikrant 1563, B-1, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi- Singh 1 10070 Mob: 9448914378, 881 981 8999 Email: veervikrantsn h 50 Vijay Verma H-26/8, Shankar Vihar, New Delhi uP/9195/2010 Mob: 9532173904 MP/1063- 51 Vikas Flat No. 88, Ankur APartment' 7-t.P. Upadhyay Extension, Near Mother Dairy, New B/2006 Delhi-1 10092 Mob: 9910368399 Tel: 01145558399 Email: u adh ikas Group 'C' Panel Counsel 52. Abhishek F3, South Extension Part-ll, Delhi- Dt137412014 Khanna 110049 Mob: 9953432792 53 Alabhya Dl , Second Floor, VijaY Nagar, De thi Dt283712017 Dhami a Mob: 8373932931, 9599902627 54 Amith J B-57, Shashi Garden, MaYur Vihar Dt370212013 Phase-1 , New Delhi-1 10091 Mob: 8527768151 Email: amith sharma 55 Amritesh Raj Office: A-52, Sector-17A, NOIDA- Dt175312012 201301 Mob:9971094938 Email: amriteshra stn h 56 Aniruddha 5, Lawyer's Chambers, R. K. Garg Dt503712016 Pu rushotham Bloc, Supreme Court of lndia, New Delhi-110001 Mob: 9730882553 Tel: 011-23381219 Email: anrruddha urushotham mail com ->--> -5 1\, " q-7 Animesh Kumar A-320, LGF, Defence Colony, Delhi- ot132512015 110024 Mob: 9999703460. 9999703400 Email: animeshsin h72 5B Anshul Sharma B-109, LGF, Defence ColonY, New Rt176212011 Delhi-'1 10024 Mob: 9958476498 Email: anshul rks 59 Anukalp Jain Residence-9, South Extension, Parl-2, D11328t2016 New Delhi Mob: 9999911484 60 Mohd. Asad D-278, Ganesh Nagar, 2 Floor, Dt4907- Khan Padav Nagar ComPlex, Delhi-110092 1N2010 Mob:8447122142 Email: asadlaw2007 61. Ashok Kumar Gali No. 62, D-514, Mahaveer Enclave, uP/790/2000 Part-lll, New Delhi-1 10059 Mob: 93352077 1 1. 77 5401 8682 Email: er.a antha 62 Asmita Kumar 2 Floor, 69 Regal Building' Dt415412010 Connaught Place, New Delhi-1 10001 Mob: 98999675 16, 9654517 027 Email: bJ Bharat Kumar Plot 138, Flat S-4, Roof ToP, Sector 5, Dt149012017 Singh Vaishali, Ghaziabad-201 01 0 Mob: 7827065676 Email: kumarbharatol 23 64 Geet Ahuja C-103 (Basement), South Extension, Dt3634t2017 Part-2, Delhi-1 10049 Mob: 8920967998 Email: adv eetahu a 65 Krishna Pal Oscar 105, Omaxe Heights, Sector 86, Dt58312014 Singh Faridabad, Hary ana-1 21 002 Mob: 9958470034 Email: advsin hk exb cl 66.
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