The Ukrainian Weekly 1983, No.21 /ГЛ^ ) 4. Nii'^' " Д Д Published by the Ukrainian Nationaпаlї Association Inc.Inc., a fraternal non-profit association! a' о - o` > n і 01 O P--OJ O-c О ao ramiaann Week! OOO ї HKI Vol. LI No. 21 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 22.1983 25ЙгіЬ; 13,000 attend Great Famine memorial service by Roma Sochan Hadzewycz SOUTH BOUND BROOK, N.J. - Nearly 13,000 persons, according to police estimates, gathered here at the Ukrainian Orthodox Center of St. Andrew the P`irst-Called Apostle on May 15, St. Thomas Sunday according to the Julian calendar, to pay their respects and mourn the 7 million men, women and children, who died 50 years ago in the Great Famine of 1932-33 - Stalin's planned genocide of the Ukrai nian nation. St. Thomas Sunday, known as "Pro- vidna Nedilia" (Seeing-Off Sunday) to Ukrainians, is traditionally set aside as a day to honor the dead. The memorial services at the Ukrai nian Orthodox Center, which this year were specially dedicated to the famine victims, began with a 9 a.m. arch- pastoral divine liturgy celebrated by Metropolitan Mstyslav of the Ukrai nian Orthodox Church with the as sistance of Archbishop Mark of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and Bishop Iziaslav of the Byelorussian Autocephalous Orthodox Church. The responses at the liturgy, as well as at the subsequent requiem service, were sung by the Memorial Church Choir directed by Taras Pavlovsky. Immediately following the liturgy, thousands congregated before the steps of St. Andrew's Memorial Church for the outdoor ecumenical requiem service that was conducted by clergy of the Ukrainian Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant faiths.
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