The Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin

Council Meeting July 3, 2019

CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH ALGONQUIN AGENDA COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, July 3, 2019 9:00 a.m. Municipal Office 7 Third Avenue Whitney,

1. Open Meeting/Call to order – 9:00 a.m.

2. Additions / Amendments to the Agenda

3. Adoption of the Agenda

4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest

5. Petitions, Delegations and/or Presentations • Dwight Bennett- Petition to Change the Name of a Road

6. Minutes of Previous Meetings (s) • Adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of June 5, 2019

7. Business Arising from the Minutes

8. Unfinished Business

9. Committee, Staff and/or Councillor Reports

10. Correspondence – Action Items

11. Correspondence – Information Items

12. New Business

13. Motions of Council

14. Notice of Motions

15. By-Laws

16. Resolution to Move into a “Closed Session” • Land Lease Agreements

17. Payment of Accounts

18. Adjournment

Members of the public must request permission to use cameras, flash bulbs, recording equipment, and any other device of a mechanical or similar nature used for transcribing or recording proceedings subject to the approval and/or direction of the Chair/Presiding Officer and/or Council

Petition to Council of South Algonquin Township July 3, 2019 By Dwight Bennett

Petition: that Hayward Road be renamed Bennett Road

Location: • Paved: Hwy 127 (9.8 km south of Hwy 60), McRae-Hay Lake Rd (3.3 km) • Unpaved: Hay Lake Landing Road (0.7 km), Hayward Road (1.5 km) Hayward Lane (Private Rd, 1km)

1. Reasons for name change

(a) Clearer and safer directions • Two different names (Hayward and Bennett Roads) would make for clearer directions Service companies and visitors are often confused by the two roads with the same name: Hayward Road ends at the turn around where Hayward Lane begins. • The current duplication causes confusion or medical delay (in the past ambulance took to wrong road during three deaths here: my uncle (Tom), cousin (Ken) and Mrs. Carrick; service companies such as Bell, delivery services, and visitors, regularly get Road and Lane confused); the change would clarify directions and avoid confusion for service companies, visitors, ambulance, police and fire

(b) Previously discussed • Gerry Dunn and I had discussed the duplication (Hayward Road and Hayward Lane) and that Hayward Road should be Bennett Road, but it was a very busy period, and somehow let it slide. I discussed it with Councilor Richard Shalla in 2017 and Mayor Jane Dumas in 2018, and both said it seemed possible.

(c) Recognition of heritage (built the road, hydro, cottages) • To honour Don (my father) and Dwight (my grandfather) Bennett’s significant contribution to Hay Lake • Don Bennett and Gord Hayward built the road from the public boat launch to the turn around and maintained it for many years, then the Township took it over. • Don (father) and Dwight (my grandfather) were active at Hay Lake area from the 1950’s. (Although Bennetts have been in the general area since the early 19th century o They moved eight McRae Lumber houses from the Boat Launch road across the ice over two years to the assigned lots for no charge, and helped Charlie Scott place people for the lots available o Don Bennett convinced Queen’s Park to find the money to pave the McRae Hay Lake Rd o Don Bennett was instrumental in getting approval for Hydro to come to Hay lake o Don and family served on the McRae Hay Lake Rd committee and the HLPOA from their beginning

(d) The property owners using the road voted at their annual meeting in 2018 that, the Lane should be Hayward and the Road should be Bennett • The name duplication causes regular and sometimes severe problems • They do not want a tragic repeat of the lost ambulance • The roads were intended to be changed before finalization • Since both men built the roads, the Lane should be Hayward and the Road should be Bennett

2. Solutions to Potential Problems

(a) Costs • Dwight and Annick Bennett agree to pay for all expenses incurred by the Township for this name change, such as signage, administration costs

(b) Time • Only one sign is needed • Use this proposal as a blue print for future decisions to avoid less valid and practical applications

(c) Addresses changes (none) • No address changes needed as no one owns property or has an address on Hayward Road

1 of 6 Petition to Council of South Algonquin Township July 3, 2019 By Dwight Bennett

(d) Water access • No public water access. The public boat launch is before Hayward Road

3. Policy and precedent considerations

Although the Township of South Algonquin is committed to commemorating its heritage, streets are named after significant people, events, and subjects related to its history, and considering that the Township rarely names or renames roads, any road change must meet at least the following criteria: • If street names are duplicates. Duplications cause confusion or medical delay of medical, fire or police services; service companies such as Bell, delivery services, and visitors regularly get Road and Lane confused; the change would clarify directions and avoid confusion and improve safety • All (100%) property owners on the road must agree to name change (Newmarket is 60% approval of 80% of affected residents) • No owner’s addresses will need to be changed • No extensive historical tradition of name (because the road until recently was unnamed, there is no historical tradition to respect or research) • Any Council approval is conditional on the applicant paying the Township for all costs for signage and administrative time (estimate $600-$1,500) (e.g. City of Mississauga: “A certified cheque in the amount of $1,550 (plus all applicable taxes) must be attached to the petition to cover the City's cost” • There is no effect on water access • There is no legal encumbrance as the Council has the authority • Name must reflect the heritage of the local area and the Township • Application based on heritage value and service rather than nostalgia or less objective reasons • The name shall not be discriminatory or for business use • Does not reflect negatively on the Township and its residents

4. Contacts

• Dwight & Annick Bennett, 91 Hayward Lane, Whitney ON, K0J 2M0 613-637-5585 [email protected] On behalf of eight property owners at end of the road in this petition

• Property owners who use the road to reach Hayward Lane (private road) to go to their cottages (all would like to this name change):

Shirley Kay Dwight & Annick Bennett Gennie Hedges Carl & Glenda (Hayward) Swanson Shaun & Ivy (Malley) Blondin Bill & Ann Gordon Eric & Donna Bennett Wayne Carrick

5. References

• Street name policy (Mississauga)

• Street sign confusion (Eastern Ontario) leads-to-tragedy-1.4818696

• Streets with “same” name (Nova Scotia)

2 of 6 Petition to Council of South Algonquin Township July 3, 2019 By Dwight Bennett

• Name duplications (Halton) Development/2004/July06/PD04088.pdf

• Street Naming Policy (Town of Newmarket 2016) %20Street%20Naming%20Policy.pdf Example of Criteria (Newmarket 2016): 3.2 Street Name Criteria: 3.2.1 Names must relate to local individuals/families posthumously who: a. Have had a considerable relationship with the Town, and/or b. Have made a significant social, political or cultural contribution to the Town. Or 3.2.2 Other names of historical significance. 3.2.3 Themes for large developments (e.g. residential and/or industrial subdivisions) shall be of local, regional, provincial or national significance. Priority shall be given to themes with local significance. 3.3 Proposed street names should not have any of the following characteristics: 3.3.1 Generic names, such as Bay Street 3.3.2 Names with undesirable definitions or pronounced or spelled similar to such undesirable words 3.3.3 More than one word; use surname unless given name(s) is necessary to avoid duplication 3.3.4 The re-use of a first word in a street name 3.3.5 Corrupted, or modified names, such as Sandiford in recognition of Sandford 3.3.6 Discriminatory or derogatory names (e.g. with regard to race, sex, colour, creed, political affiliation or other social factors) 3.3.7 Names seen as advertising for a particular business 3.3.8 Re-use of former street names 3.3.9 Names of existing institutions, parks, facilities, enterprises, service clubs or similar organizations, lands or structures. 3.3.10 Sound alike/similar street names are prohibited (e.g. Lynx and Links) 3.3.11 Names of existing streets shall be used on new streets which are continuations of, or in alignment with, existing streets

• Street Naming Policy (Kingston)

• Street Naming Policy (County of Haliburton)

6. Attachment: 3 emails (2017, 2018, 2018) following

3 of 6 Petition to Council of South Algonquin Township July 3, 2019 By Dwight Bennett

From: Holly Hayes [email protected] Subject: RE: Meeting with Roads Committee per Jane Date: June 26, 2018 at 1:09 PM To: adwightbennett [email protected]

Good afternoon Dwight, The email provided was included in the June Council package for discussion. In that our July meeting is the last meeting prior to the lame duck period and we have only three meetings remaining until the election council has agreed that this road re-naming will not be added to our workplan prior to the new council. Once the new council has been put in place in December we can discuss the road re-naming policy and your specific request. Thank you for the information that you have provided and I will be in touch in the new year.

Holly Hayes

CAO/Clerk Treasurer Township of South Algonquin

613-637-2650 ext. 202 613-334-5923

Notice of Collection/Use/Disclosure: All information about municipal services is collected in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001, under s.8 and for Council’s purposes under s.239(1) and may be used in Council deliberations, and disclosed in full, including email, names, opinions and addresses to other persons requesting access to records, or as part of a public agenda. All information submitted to the municipality is subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). Questions about this notice of collection should be directed to the Clerk 613-637-2650 extention 202.

Be sure you get a vote in the Municipal Election, go to and ensure you are on our list. From: adwightbennett Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2018 2:45 PM To: Hayes Holly Cc: Dumas Jane Subject: Meeting with Roads Committee per Jane

Hi Holly,

As we just discussed, when chatting today with Mayor Jane, she thought that while there is a contentious connected issue, and there may be more applications looming, that perhaps I should attend a Roads Committee meeting and use the discussion of our lessdistruptive application to further develop guidelines for street name change applications, so that a policy can be developed that is rational, fair, and discourages random applications, in the context of there being many long standing families in the area, and perhaps others, newer to the area might think about “nostalgic” applications, which are perhaps unwarranted and impractical.

We are away May28 to June 28, tho I might get back earlier. It would be great if you can let me know when a meeting is coming that I can attend, and perhaps be used as a community member sounding board, and one, tho with an application in line, is very supportive of the Mayor and Council who are managing the Township well and within a restricted tax base, and trying to set an environment attractive to residents and new and old businesses. I wouldn't talk much, promise. For us, there is no better place to live.

My email is: [email protected] Tel 613-637-5585 (messages are forwarded)

You mentioned a few considerations we had not thought of, so I added them to our thinking so far, below:

I guess our application might be one of the most straight forward possible, but little is simple.

1. no address changes needed for anyone including us (if there were, we probably wouldn’t have applied)

2. everyone at this end of the lake is in agreement for the name change, and particularly as no addresses would change, and it would clear up the Rd vs Lane issue (our Lane/Road owners meets once a year re our road, and I look after the maintenance of the road from the Township turnaround to the last building on the point).

4 of 6 Petition to Council of South Algonquin Township July 3, 2019 By Dwight Bennett

3. Hayward Rd is all crown land, with no lots or buildings/addresses now, and probably for ever; also there are no claims in the Algonquin Agreement-in-Principle; the road was built by my father and grandfather as a private road; eventually taken over by the Township and eventually including snow plowing. It runs from the Boat Launch (now Hay Lake Landing) to the end, the “turnaround”. This Hayward Rd is the one we awk be renamed Bennett Rd.

The road with the cottages/houses was named Hayward Lane, and is a private road maintained by the property owners year round. Gerry was talking with us about making Hayward Rd, Bennett Rd, given the above, and my family had put much more into building this road (Hayward Rd) than the side road (Hayward Lane), so it all made sense building this road (Hayward Rd) than the side road (Hayward Lane), so it all made sense and affected no property owners, but time got away from us and we (I) never got to it, as I suppose we thought Gerry would be around forever, or at least we were hoping, and his quick passing was very sad for many of us.

4. There is some confusion for visitors and service/trade companies between Hayward Rd and Lane, and this would make this problem go away and the long term clearer for regular and emergency issues.

5. Perhaps there should be an application fee ($250-$500+) to offset Township costs, and discourage less serious requests, as this is something that should be a rarity, especially as, at least here all names are new, and in our case, in actuality almost an oversight or error in the process of naming so many places in the Township.

6. Also, the actual sign costs should be paid by the applicant, tho perhaps minimal as the sign posts are in place.

7. Heritage probably should be a factor, as in our case, the white cottage at the south end (our families) was one of the first on the lake, and my grandfather and father moved all the McRae Lumber houses (from the 1930-40’s) along the Boat Launch Rd across the ice to lots bought by relatives and others (opened by the Province as a part of this agreement to clear those structures away from the Boat Launch area and, maintain a few heritage cement remnants of the original Mill). Dad was on the original Hay Lake Rd Roads Board and got the government agreement and support for the paving of the road. He was also instrumental in bringing hydro to Hay Lake and Sabine (with Mrs Lavallee). Hopefully I can help out going forward, tho we were traveling more than usual this winter.

Sorry for the informal and off-the-cuff writing - so many years of needing to be concise and professional, now retirement (mostly) brings out some carelessness, but hopefully some awareness of the bigger picture.

Have attached the 2017 email below

Thanks again, Dwight

______Dwight Bennett [email protected] 91 Hayward Lane, Whitney, ON, Canada, K0J 2M0 tel: 1-613 637 5585 earlier email: October 25, 2017 Dear Mayor Dumas,

Thanks for talking with me last week regarding changing Hayward Rd to Bennett Rd.

As mentioned, Richard Shalla and I had a long positive chat about this in September.

Main points:

1. Change Hayward Road (the first road off Hay Lake Landing public Boat Launch) to Bennett Road

2. This change would not involve anyone changing their address, because this road has 2. This change would not involve anyone changing their address, because this road has no property owners on it.

3. The six property owners on Hayward Lane (including the Hayward family) are in full agreement, as are my family, the Bennetts/Carrick on their private-gated lane straight off the turnaround.

5 of 6 Petition to Council of South Algonquin Township July 3, 2019 By Dwight Bennett

At the yearly meeting of these owners (Roads Committee for South Hay Lake) this August at the Hayward cottage, while reviewing some of the decade old meeting Minutes, everyone thought that remembering my parents work for Hay Lake, with a road sign would be a good thing.

4. The Bennetts offer to pay for the cost of the new sign.

5. This change would fix the sometimes confusion of having two roads with virtually the same name (Hayward Rd running into Hayward Lane).

6. Historical heritage: my father, Don Bennett and his father, AD, were one of the earliest cottagers on the lake, with Charlie Scott, about the same time as the Palbiski's built the lodge. Dad moved all but one of the old McRae Lumber Mill houses from the Boat Launch Rd across the ice over two years to various locations on Hay Lake. His love of the lake, lead to over 12 family and friends owning property on Hay Lake, including my family after owning a lot for many years, and waiting until my work travel slowed down, finally building our home here in 2011 where we live full time.

7. Dad designed and helped build both the road east of the Boat Launch Rd, and Hayward Lane.

8. He was instrumental in negotiating with the Province to have the Hay Lake Rd paved, and worked on a team to help bring hydro and telephone to the Lake.

9. Although the Bennetts were not original settlers in Sabine by any means, my parents were very active on Hay Lake, active with the HLPOA from day one, and the Whitney United Church. Dad was an active hunter in the area, and basically a dedicated supporter of everything Hay Lake and Whitney.

10. He like so many of us felt that there is no better place to be than Hay Lake.

Although Don and June Bennett were more recent, 20th century property owners, they did play a role in developing and protecting our beautiful area, and thus we ask that you and Council approve changing Hayward Rd to Bennett Rd to keep the Bennett name in the heritage and history of Hay Lake. As we discussed on the phone (and have discussed with Richard Shalla who knows Sabine very well) I am interested in the history of the area and can be a 'heritage' volunteer if appropriate sometime.

Thank you for taking the time to review this suggestion, and continued best wishes guiding the affairs of South Algonquin.


______Dwight Bennett

6 of 6 June 5, 2019 COUNCIL MEETING – MINUTES On Wednesday, June 5, 2019 the Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin held a Regular Council Meeting.

Present- Councillor Joe Florent Staff- Holly Hayes, CAO/ Clerk –Treasurer Councillor Dave Harper Dave Gatley, Works Superintendent Councillor Bongo Mike Kalimin Carla Gatley, Deputy Clerk-Recording Secretary Councillor Richard Shalla Councillor Joey Vermaire

Regrets- Mayor Dumas Councillor Sandra Collins

1. OPEN MEETING/CALL MEETING TO ORDER: Councillor Joe Florent chaired the meeting which was called to order at 9:02 a.m.


3. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Moved by: D. Harper Seconded by: J. Florent Res. # 19-095 “BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adopts the Agenda as circulated for the Regular Council meeting of June 5, 2019.” -Carried-




Moved by: J. Florent Seconded by: D. Harper Res. # 19-096 “BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adopts the minutes of the Emergency Services meeting of April 26th, 2019 as circulated and amended.” -Carried-

Moved by: R. Shalla Seconded by: J. Florent Res. # 19-097 “BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adopts the minutes of the Regular Council meeting of May 1st, 2019 as circulated and amended.” -Carried-

Moved by: B. M. Kalimin Seconded by: D. Harper Res. # 19-098 “BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adopts the minutes of the Asset Management meeting of May 8th, 2019 as circulated and amended.” -Carried- 1 Moved by: R. Shalla Seconded by: D. Harper Res. # 19-099 “BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adopts the minutes of the Waste Management meeting of May 8th, 2019 as circulated and amended.” -Carried-

Moved by: D. Harper Seconded by: J. Florent Res. # 19-100 “BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adopts the minutes of the Closed Session of the Asset Management meeting of May 8th, 2019 as circulated.” -Carried-

Moved by: B. M. Kalimin Seconded by: D. Harper Res. # 19-101 “BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adopts the minutes of the Human Resources/ Administration and Public Relations meeting of May 21st, 2019 as circulated.” -Carried-

Moved by: B. M. Kalimin Seconded by: D. Harper Res. # 19-102 “BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adopts the minutes of the Economic Development meeting of May 21st, 2019 as circulated.” -Carried-

7. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: -Councillor Kalimin outlined a resident concern regarding the public having the ability to use a boat launch on Poverty Lake; after discussion council agreed that it is not a boat launch, it is an access point for the island property to get cars off the road. -No organized spring clean-up. It was suggested that councillors organize individual clean-ups in their wards next spring.

8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: -Councillor Shalla requested that staff review the waste collection schedule for feasibility in implementing Sunday pick up instead of Tuesday pick up in Sabine Ward and part of Lyell Ward from May to October.

9. COMMITTEE REPORTS, STAFF AND/OR COUNCILLOR REPORTS: -There is one new protentional volunteer for the Library Board.

Councillor Shalla Attended Hay Lake Property Owners Association meeting with Mayor Dumas; reported the Association: - Is considering implementing the “Take a Book, Leave a Book program”. - Expressed concern about the increase in crown land camping. - Expressed concern about the amount of overnight camping at the landing area. - Would like a maintained vault privy at the boat launch.

Councillor Vermaire Reported that there was a small act of vandalism at the Aylen Lake Boat Launch. 2 Councillor Florent The Madawaska Recreation Committee has decided to purchase one new reasonably priced rectangular table to try out as they are versatile and easy to move around.

Councillor Kalimin Reported that he was contacted by a constituent on Hill Top Crescent with a concern about a neighbour.

Administration A written report was provided in the council package by CAO/Clerk-Treasurer H. Hayes. Verbally reported: -Grand Opening of the DNSSAB South Algonquin Community Hub and Kidz Kastle Daycare will be on June 19th. -There will be a Grand Opening of the Chamber of Commerce at the end of June on the 25th, 26th or 27th. -The June 20th Emergency Management Training meeting has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for the fall. -Reminder that there will be an Emergency Services meeting on July 11th at 6:00 p.m. -The AMO Conference is the last week of August. -A Committee of Adjustment meeting was scheduled for July 23rd at 9:00 a.m. The Asset Management meeting scheduled on that day will start after the Committee of Adjustment meeting. -A draft copy of the Newsletter was provided to council. -There has been a change in ownership of the radio tower system that runs the works department and the fire department radios, located on private property; working with the new owners on a new agreement. -Provided a summary of the results of the downtown revitalization grant survey. Focus will be on the six ideas that scored the highest: - Photo frames - Map stations - Electric car chargers - Benches and seats - Street art - Village market Scheduled a Public Open House meeting to discuss the street art project and other downtown revitalization grant ideas on July 25th from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at the Lester Smith Building.

Public Works/Operations Works Superintendent D. Gatley verbally reported: -Colby Klentz was the successful candidate for the Summer Job position. -A part time employee is having some health issues and will be off of work for about a month; the position is currently being covered by a rink attendant. -Commercial garbage pick up needs to be addressed; deferred to the next Waste Management meeting. -Will order “slow” sign for Aylen Lake Road.

10. CORRESPONDENCE-Action Items: -Bill 108, resolution -Cuts to Ontario Library Services, resolution 3 -Government of Ontario E-Learning, resolution -Lyell Landfill Site Expansion, staff to send letter

11. CORRESPONDENCE -Information Items


13. MOTIONS OF COUNCIL: Moved by: D. Harper Seconded by: B. M. Kalimin Res. # 19-103 “WHEREAS public libraries provide safe, inclusive, and vibrant community spaces where everyone is welcome to learn, work, connect, and have fun; and, WHEREAS the Township of South Algonquin Public Library actively partners with the community to deliver valued services and contribute to a culture of social good by sharing knowledge and resources; and, WHEREAS the Township of South Algonquin Public Library continues to deliver services that support provincial initiatives such as lifelong learning and skill development, local economic development, health literacy, and provides equitable access to government websites and services; and, WHEREAS the Township of South Algonquin Public Library continues to manage public resources with the utmost care and are committed to the sustainability of their services; and WHEREAS the Township of South Algonquin Public Library requests that the Township of South Algonquin Council urge the Province of Ontario to recognize the importance of services provided by Ontario Library Service - North and the Library Service including the administration of bulk purchasing agreements, technology consultation, strategic planning and policy development consultation, the provincial Interlibrary Loan system, board and staff training opportunities, collection development support, support for libraries and the administration of the Joint Automation Server Initiative; and WHEREAS the Township of South Algonquin Public Library requests that the Township of South Algonquin Council urge the Province of Ontario to restore funding to Ontario Library Service - North in recognition of the unfair and disproportionate impact of these cuts on public libraries, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Township of South Algonquin Municipal Council supports the Township of South Algonquin Public Library’s request for the Government of Ontario to restore funding to Ontario Library Service-North; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Township of South Algonquin urges the Province of Ontario to support sustainable long-term funding for Ontario’s Public Libraries; and, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Office of the Premier, to the Minister of Tourism, Culture, and Sport, to the Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs, to the local MPP, to the Association of Municipalities Ontario, to the Ontario Library Association, and to the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries.” -Carried- Moved by: D. Harper Seconded by: J. Florent Res. # 19-104 “BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin proclaims the month of June as Seniors Month and to acknowledge that staff is working together with CRC to attempt to bring more programing to our Seniors and will be submitting grant applications for these programs in June.” -Carried-

4 Moved by: D. Harper Seconded by: J. Florent Res. # 19-105 “BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin awards Tender No. SA2019-02 ‘Asphalt Resurfacing (Hot Mix Paving) Algonquin Street & Madawaska Street’ to Greenwood Paving Pembroke Ltd. in the amount of $82,214.00 excluding H.S.T.” -Carried- Moved by: B. M. Kalimin Seconded by: R. Shalla Res. # 19-106 “WHEREAS the Township of McNab/Braeside has asked for support of resolution Number 131-2019 pertaining to opposition of The Government of Ontario’s proposal of education adjustments; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT The Township of South Algonquin opposes the adjustments and supports the Township of McNab/Braeside resolution.” -Carried- Moved by: R. Shalla Seconded by: D. Harper Res. # 19-107 “BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin awards Tender No. SA2019-01 ‘Supply and Application of Liquid Calcium Chloride’ to Miller Paving Limited in the amount of $41,280.00 excluding H.S.T.” -Carried- Moved by: R. Shalla Seconded by: B. M. Kalimin Res. # 19-108 “WHEREAS the Ministry of Transportation has been installing moose crossing/warning signs along Provincial Highways in the area; and WHEREAS historically, there may have been more vehicle accidents related to moose in the Township of South Algonquin, on Hwy. 127, within the geographic Township of Sabine between the McRae Hay Lake Road and the Hastings Boundary than anywhere else in the area, and today it is common occurrence to see moose in that area. THEREFORE, Council agrees a letter be sent to the Ministry of Transportation requesting they investigate with OPP and the Roads Maintenance Contractors to confirm such accidents, also moose populations to support installing Moose Warning signs on Hwy, 127 within the Township of South Algonquin to enhance public safety along that stretch of highway.” -Carried- Moved by: J. Vermaire Seconded by: R. Shalla Res. # 19-109 “WHEREAS the Town of Halton Hills has asked for support of resolution Number 2019-0102 pertaining to opposition of Bill 108 which in its current state will have negative consequences on community building and proper planning; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT The Township of South Algonquin opposes Bill 108 and supports the Town of Halton Hills’ resolution.” -Carried-


15. BY-LAWS: FIRST AND SECOND READING Moved by: J. Vermaire Seconded by: R. Shalla Res. # 19-110 “Being a By-Law to adopt a Strategic Asset Management Policy for all Township Assets and that it be read a first and second time and be referred to a committee of the whole council.” -Carried- THIRD READING Moved by: D. Harper Seconded by: J. Vermaire Res. # 19-111

5 “Being a By-Law to adopt a Strategic Asset Management Policy for all Township Assets and that and that it be read a third time and passed and numbered 19-597 and that the said by-law be signed by the Mayor and CAO/Clerk Treasurer-sealed with the seal of the Corporation, and be entered in the By-Law Book.” -Carried-

FIRST AND SECOND READING Moved by: D. Harper Seconded by: J. Vermaire Res. # 19-112 “Being a By-Law to constitute and appoint a Committee of Adjustment and delegate the authority of council pertaining to consents to the Committee of Adjustment and that it be read a first and second time and be referred to a committee of the whole council.” -Carried- THIRD READING Moved by: J. Vermaire Seconded by: R. Shalla Res. # 19-113 “Being a By-Law to constitute and appoint a Committee of Adjustment and delegate the authority of council pertaining to consents to the Committee of Adjustment and that it be read a third time and passed and numbered 19-598 and that the said by-law be signed by the Mayor and CAO/Clerk Treasurer-sealed with the seal of the Corporation, and be entered in the By-Law Book.” -Carried-

FIRST AND SECOND READING Moved by: B. M. Kalimin Seconded by: J. Vermaire Res. # 19-114 “Being a by-law to adopt optional tools for the purposes of administering limits for the Commercial, Industrial and Multi-Residential Property Classes for the year 2019 and that it be read a first and second time and be referred to a committee of the whole council.” -Carried- THIRD READING Moved by: D. Harper Seconded by: R. Shalla Res. # 19-115 “Being a by-law to adopt optional tools for the purposes of administering limits for the Commercial, Industrial and Multi-Residential Property Classes for the year 2019 and that it be read a third time and passed and numbered 19-599 and that the said by-law be signed by the Mayor and CAO/Clerk Treasurer-sealed with the seal of the Corporation and be entered in the By-Law Book.” -Carried-

FIRST AND SECOND READING Moved by: R. Shalla Seconded by: J. Vermaire Res. # 19-116 “BEING A BY-LAW to approve and adopt a Property and Tax Collection Policy, FIN-002-01 and that it be read a first and second time and be referred to a committee of the whole council.” -Carried- THIRD READING Moved by: J. Vermaire Seconded by: D. Harper Res. # 19-117 “BEING A BY-LAW to approve and adopt a Property and Tax Collection Policy, FIN-002-01 as referred by the committee of the whole council and that it be read a third time and passed and numbered 19-600 and that the said by-law be signed by the Mayor and CAO/Clerk Treasurer- sealed with the seal of the Corporation and be entered in the By-Law Book.” -Carried-

6 16. PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS: Moved by: J. Vermaire Seconded by: D. Harper Res. # 19-118 “BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin authorizes the payment of all bills as recorded for the meeting of June 5, 2019: Batch 2019-00026 for $48,292.49 and Batch 2019-00028 for $133,224.63 and Batch 2019-00030 for $27,445.14.” -Carried-

17. ADJOURNMENT: Moved by: J. Vermaire Seconded by: D. Harper Res. # 19-119 “BE IT RESOLVED THAT That Council for the Corporation of the Township of South Algonquin adjourns the Regular Council meeting of June 5, 2019, at 12:17 p.m.” -Carried-

The next council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 3, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.

______Councillor Joe Florent CAO/Clerk-Treasurer Holly Hayes Deputy Clerk Carla Gatley Recording Secretary


July 3, 2019


1) Whitney Fire Department, RE: Monthly Report 2) Madawaska Fire Department, RE: Monthly Report 3) M&L Parks and Recreation, RE: Meeting of June 11, 2019 4) South Algonquin Public Library, RE: Mtg. of June 24, 2019 and Monthly Report 5) Administration Report 6) Public Works/Operations Report, report will be verbal 1



• General practice on 21st Calls/Responses

• None


• Nothing at this time

Upcoming Events None --- 2


Training / Courses

• June 11th – Monthly Practice Calls / Responses

• Nothing to Report Complaints / Concerns

• Nothing to report Upcoming Events

• July 11th – Meeting at Twsp. office, I have asked Deputy Chief Aleck if he would like to attend with me! Correspondence / Other

• I have received two calls questioning about burn permits, one from Aylen Lake and one from McCauley Lake areas. • I have forwarded 2 e-mails to Carla, one about a fire works course that Chief Herback is trying to run in Pembroke. Another is from someone looking for a letter of compliance, he is doing a tender for the District School Board. I have forwarded it to Chief Stubbs as well! 3 4 5

Township of South Algonquin Public Library May 2019 Report Prepared by: Charlene Alexander

Last Library board meeting June 24th. Next meeting is August 26th @ Madawaska Branch. Grants/Funding: Inter Library Loans: Our library system has been granted permission to resume Inter Library Loan services. We are considered low volume and for the time being, do not need to upgrade to becoming a loaning library. Researching and making a plan for the future.

Operational: Both branches implemented extended summer hours. These hours are in effect from June 1st – September 30th. Post Memorial Branch - Whitney Tuesday 4:00pm - 7:30pm Wednesday 11:00am – 6:00pm Thursday 4:00pm - 7:30pm Madawaska Branch Monday 5:30pm - 8:00pm Tuesday 10:00am - 2:00pm & 5:30pm - 8:00pm Thursday 12:30pm - 3:00 & 5:30pm - 8:00pm


1. Both branches will be hosting children’s activities day this summer. 2. Book talk with Adam Shoalts Monday October 7th afternoon school presentation and evening book talk, location to be determined. 3. Letter Writing Project thru the Button Arts Factory September -March. 4. I have applied to the Tackle Share program, sponsored by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. If we are selected, we will be given 4 fishing rods and 4 fully stocked tackle boxes for lending purposes. 5. I have been in contact with Kelly Wallace/Think Turtle Conservation Initiative. We are in the early planning stages of planning a Turtle Talk. 7

ADMIN REPORT July 3, 2019 from the desk of CAO/Clerk/Treasurer as of June 26, 2019

1. Administration; I. At the meeting we will set dates for Training and Table Top (Sept and Oct), II. Holly has been accepted to sit on the AMCTO Legislative & Policy advisory committee (2 year term), I am asking for council’s permission to accept this appointment with the intention to be able to work with and network with other AMCTO members. My goal is to provide AMCTO and by extension provincial ministries with an opinion on Provincial issues from our rural single tier perspective. I have requested clarification on the time commitment and will provide this verbally to council next week. III. We have accepted two volunteers to the library board resolutions will be included on the table, IV. Bongo and Holly are scheduled to attend AMO August 18-21 in , V. Cancel HR/Admin/HR meeting scheduled for August 20 due to Holly and Bongo being away, VI. Cassellholme announcement was made June 25, 2019 in North Bay $55.5 M was given for re- development and $12M for operations – this information is from twitter – nothing formal has been sent to the Township regarding this matter, VII. I attended a Community Safety and Well Being (CSWB) training session in Pembroke June 17; will be meeting with the coordinator of the CSWB plan June 27 and will provide a report to council on this requirement, VIII. We have submitted the Energy Audit and are working on Asset management updates and Financial information returns, IX. July 12 is going to be a safety training day and BBQ for all staff, the office will be closed in the afternoon so that all staff are able to attend, X. Thank you to those staff and council who were able to attend the DNSSAB Daycare grand opening there were about 80-100 people attended. There are currently 30 children between the ages of 1 and 12 enrolled in the daycare, XI. Staff and members of council also participated in the Chamber of Commerce grand opening June 26, thanks to all who were able to make it, XII. Deadline for submission of delegation requests is July 5 for AMO, the requests that I’m working on include; MECP regarding landfill expansion and Ministry of Long Term Care regarding Cassellholme. If there are others please provide details asap. 2. Operations update; XIII. All seasonal docks are in, new floating dock in at Whitney Beach, XIV. Algonquin Street has been completed, XV. Landfill shredding is nearing completion, 3. Recreation; XVI. JR Booth Playground being installed prior to July long weekend. 4. Planning; XVII. Tracy participated in a Tiny Home webinar put on by the MMAH; Tiny homes are essentially recreational vehicles, however are being utilized in some townships for affordable housing. Our ZBL does not have a minimum building size, however there are compliance requirements with the OBC and the Official Plan that would affect Tiny Homes in our township. See Tracy if you would like further information on Tiny Homes. COUNCIL MEETING July 3, 2019

ACTION: 1) Jeff Bowman, RE: Public Library Board Application 2) Richard Ronholm, RE: Public Library Board Application


1) Desjardins, RE: Privacy Beach 2) Chery Gallant, M.P., RE: Bill C-68 3) DNSSAB, RE: Minutes of May 22, 2019 Meeting 4) DNSSAB, RE: Update on Provincial Budget Implications


From: Jennifer Baragar To: "Holly Hayes" Subject: FW: Privacy Breach Date: June 21, 2019 12:15:57 PM Attachments: image001.jpg

From: Isabelle Marchand [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, June 21, 2019 11:53 AM To: Jennifer Baragar Subject: RE: Privacy Breach

Hi Jennifer,

This is a confirmation that the accounts under The Township of South Algonquin have not been affected.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.


Isabelle Marchand 40, rue Elm St. Unit/Unité 166 Directrice de comptes Sudbury, ON P3C 1S8 Account Manager

705 525-2382, poste/ext. 7127260 [email protected] Sans frais/Toll free : 1 888 260-4697 Télécopieur/Fax : 705 525-2613 Faites bonne impression et imprimez seulement au besoin. Help us save the environment, please print only when necessary. Ce courriel est confidentiel, peut être protégé par le secret professionnel et est adressé exclusivement au destinataire. Il est strictement interdit à toute autre personne de diffuser, distribuer ou reproduire ce message. Si vous l’avez reçu par erreur, veuillez immédiatement le détruire et aviser l’expéditeur. Merci. This message is confidential, may be protected by professional secrecy and is addressed exclusively to the addressee. It is strictly forbidden for any person to disseminate, distribute or reproduce this message. If you have received it in error, please notify the sender and destroy it immediately.

De : Jennifer Baragar Envoyé : 21 juin 2019 10:10 À : Isabelle Marchand Objet : Privacy Breach

Sécurité – Ce courriel provient d'un expéditeur externe. Merci d'être vigilant, particulièrement avec les liens et pièces jointes, et de ne jamais donner des informations personnelles.

Warning – This email is from outside Desjardins. Don’t click any links or attachments unless you trust the source. Never share personal information. Good morning Isabelle, We just learned of the massive privacy breach with Desjardins Group. We are wondering if we were one of the reported 2.7 million persons affected? Thank you,

Jennifer Baragar Deputy Treasurer Township of South Algonquin 7 Third Avenue PO Box 217 Whitney, ON K0J 2M0 [email protected] 613-637-2650 ext 201

Notice of Collection/Use/Disclosure: All information about municipal services is collected in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001, under s.8 and for Council’s purposes under s.239(1) and may be used in Council deliberations, and disclosed in full, including email, names, opinions and addresses to other persons requesting access to records, or as part of a public agenda. All information submitted to the municipality is subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information Act (MFIPPA). Questions about this notice of collection should be directed to the Clerk 613- 637-2650 extension 202.

2 3

Minutes of Proceedings Wednesday, May 22, 2019 ______


REGULAR BOARD MEETING – WEDNESDAY MAY 22, 2019 3:00 PM – Council Chamber 101-225 Holditch Street, Sturgeon Falls.


Mayor Dean Backer (East Nipissing) Councillor Mac Bain (North Bay) via teleconference Mayor Jane Dumas (South Algonquin) Councillor Mark King (North Bay) Councillor Terry Kelly () Councillor Chris Mayne (North Bay) Councillor Dave Mendicino (North Bay) Mayor Dan O’Mara () via teleconference Councillor Dan Roveda (West Nipissing) Councillor Scott Robertson (North Bay) via teleconference Representative Amanda Smith (Unincorporated)

REGRETS: Councillor Bill Vrebosch (North Bay)

STAFF ATTENDANCE: Joseph Bradbury, Chief Administrative Officer Jean Guy Belzile, EMS Chief Melanie Shaye, Director of Corporate Services Lynn Démoré-Pitre, Director of Children’s Services Michelle Glabb, Director Social Services Marianne Zadra, Executive Coordinator and Communications Stacey Cyopeck, Manager, Housing Services Pierre Guenette, Manager, Housing Operations

CALL TO ORDER The Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 3:02 PM by Chair Mark King.

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Adoption of the Roll Call Resolution No. 2019-73

Moved by: Councillor Terry Kelly Seconded by: Councillor Dan Roveda

That the Board of Directors accepts the Roll Call as read by the Secretary for the Regular Board meeting of May 22, 2019. Motion carried.


[The Auditor presented later in the agenda.]

Adoption of the Agenda Resolution No. 2019-74

Moved by: Councillor Terry Kelly Seconded by: Councillor Dan Roveda

That the Board accepts the agenda for the Regular Board meeting of May 22, 2019. Motion carried.

Minutes of Proceedings Resolution No. 2019-75

Moved by: Councillor Dave Mendicino Seconded by: Mayor Jane Dumas

Resolved THAT the Board adopt the minutes of the proceedings of the Proceedings of the Regular Board Meeting of April 24, 2019.

Motion carried.


Chair Mark King welcomed everyone to the West Nipissing council chambers and thanked Mayor Savage, Councilor Roveda and Deputy Clerk Dupuis for their hospitality and for hosting our Board meeting. The Chair talked about conferences attended by himself, the CAO and other members,

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including the OMSSA conference in Thunder Bay where they also visited social housing units and long term care homes, remarking that municipality seems to be advanced in this respect. The Chair also mentioned FONOM, attended by the Chair, CAO and members Bain, Kelly, Roveda and Vrebosch. He congratulated Councilor Bain on an award he received from FONOM.

The Chair reminded members the auditors would be presenting the financial statements for 2018.

He also indicated the CAOs last day is June 10th but that he would be attending the Board meeting in South Algonquin on June 19th. He also stated that the Board move immediately to start the recruitment process for the new CAO, and that anyone with concerns can speak with him after the Board meeting.

CAO Report Resolution #2019-76

Moved by: Councillor Roveda Seconded by: Councillor Terry Kelly

The CAO talked about provincial budget implications with relation to child care and EMS, and funding that has been either frozen or reduced. Ministry officials are concerned about potential EMS service reduction in South Algonquin, particularly Algonquin Park since the area sees in excess of 1.1M visitors a year. They advise they are willing to meet to offset this expense so it’s not advisable to close this station now. Over the next month or so we should have clarity about funding for that station. Municipal clerks of member municipalities have been informed about a potential levy adjustment. Information we’re receiving from the province is sporadic so we have no idea about shortfalls. We don’t have sufficient reserves in EMS to offset this cost. And there are additional risks with other costs that are outside of our control, such as PTSD and equipment. The province continues to insist front line jobs won’t be lost.

The Indigenous Hub is moving ahead well. He also offered a reminder that the South Algonquin Community Hub will have its official opening the same day as the Board meeting.

The Board will be asked to approve a motion to go ahead with a business case for additional housing to be built at the Edgewater property. The approved build could receive up to 95% federal funding. There are no guarantees but if approved the project can move ahead with an additional 92 units to help with increase required units towards service level standards.

Caseloads are trending down again. This is significant in a negative fiscal environment

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when we’re not growing as a community. It’s unclear if we can sustain this trend.

Mayor Backer asked about flexibility of staff regarding EMS and if a reduction would put people at risk. The CAO does not recommend a reduction in staffing patterns. The only area this would be feasible would be in the closure of a station or reductions in West Nipissing or North Bay. Call volumes in both those areas warrant current staffing patterns and even enhanced staffing patterns.

CAO added we don’t want reserves to be used and auditor will point this out. Cash flow can change very quickly depending on what transpires with the province. Currently we have 30-days of reserve coverage if funding was to stop. The $225K shortfall is just for EMS and at this time.

Councillor Mendicino asked if there is any sense of movement with the province regarding EMS. The EMS funding level is at 2017 levels that doesn’t reflect increases since then. The Chair says the province claims they will do everything they can to work with us. Further discussion about EMS funding followed.

The Chair indicated he has big concerns about not having a CAO at this time, and that is why he is pushing to have a search begin soon.

There was no support at the executive level to move forward with an added levy and Board members felt they need more definite information before making any decisions. They want to know as much as possible because they don’t want to go to their municipality more than once, if at all. It was agreed to continue the discussion at the June meeting in South Algonquin. Mayor Backer suggested that managers be advised to move ahead as usual.

Resolved THAT the Board accepts the Report from the Chief Administrative Officer B04-19, dated May 22, 2019. Motion carried.

Consent Agenda Resolution #2019-77

Moved by: Mayor Dean Backer Seconded by: Mayor Jane Dumas

Resolved THAT the Board of Directors approves the Consent Agenda of May 22, 2019 which includes the following: 7.1 Executive Audit Committee Minutes – May 7, 2019 7.2 Social Services and Employment Committee Minutes – May 7, 2019 7.3 Children’s Services and EMS Committee Minutes – May 7, 2019 7.4 Housing Services Minutes – May 7, 2019 7.5 Special Board Meeting Minutes – May 7, 2019 7.6 Correspondence/Media Coverage

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7.6.1 Memo from MOHLTC received May 7 2010 RE 2019/20 Land Ambulance Budget Allocation 7.6.2 May 9 2019 Nugget article RE May 9 Nugget Article RE DNSSAB issues 30-day layoff and surplus notices 7.6.3 May 9 2019 Nugget Article RE Province freezes EMS funding 7.6.4 May 10 Nugget Article RE North Bay Crisis Centre braces for surge in demand

Motion carried.

EX14-19 2018 Investment Report Resolution #2019-78

Moved by: Councillor Dave Mendicino Seconded by: Representative Amanda Smith

Resolved THAT the Board of Directors accepts the 2018 Investment Report EX14-19 for information purposes. Motion carried.

HS09-19 Edgewater Development Briefing Resolution #2019-79

Moved by: Councillor Dan Roveda Seconded by: Mayor Dean Backer

Resolved THAT the District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board (DNSSAB) provides a decision on the immediate future of the Co-Investment Fund application for an affordable housing development located on the property of 365 Lakeshore Drive, North Bay, as outlined in report HS09-19. Motion carried.

In - Camera Resolution #2019-80

Moved by: Councillor Dan Roveda Seconded by: Councillor Terry Kelly

THAT the Board move in-camera at 3:58 to discuss a legal matter.

Motion carried.

***In Camera minutes are filed separately***

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Adjourn In-Camera Resolution #2019-81

Moved by: Councillor Terry Kelly Seconded by: Councillor Dave Mendicino

THAT the Board adjourns in-camera at 4:14.

Motion carried.

Approve In-Camera Resolution No. 2019-82

Moved by: Mayor Jane Dumas Seconded by: Representative Amanda Smith

THAT the Board accepts action(s) discussed in-camera.

CARRIED Staff returned to the room.

The Auditors presented their findings and financial statements at this time. Dean Decaire of BDO Canada, North Bay walked members through the audit findings and financial statements. He explained that Board has oversight of the organization. The external auditor must be licensed and independent and he explained this along with materiality. Materiality was set at $1M for DNSSAB. He noted the biggest change in 2017 to 2018 was in Childcare with an increase of about $7M. DNSSAB has net assets of $5.9M but much of this is earmarked. DNSSAB has a clean audit in the non- consolidated financial statements. There are no statements of claim against DNSSAB. The auditor commended Senior Accountant Justin Avery and his team on a job well done.

In-Camera Resolution No. 2019-83

Moved by: Councillor Seconded by: Councillor

THAT the Board move in-camera at ______to discuss a financial matter.

Adjourn In-Camera Resolution No. 2019-84

Moved by: Councillor

Page 6 of 8 Minutes of Proceedings Wednesday, May 22, 2019 ______Seconded by: Councillor

THAT the Board of Directors Adjourns the in-camera session at _____ PM.

Members felt no need to have a private discussion with the Auditor, and decided to forgo the in-camera session scheduled on the agenda.

Accept Financial Statements Resolution No. 2019-84

Moved by: Mayor Dean Backer Seconded by: Councillor Dave Mendicino

THAT the District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board (DNSSAB) receives the information presented at the in-camera session; AND THAT the District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board accepts the 2018 Audited Non-Consolidated Financial Statements and the Audited Consolidated Financial Statements as presented by the Auditors.

OTHER BUSINESS Councillor Bain asked for clarity on the hiring committee for the CAO. It was determined previously that Councillors Kings, Bain, Roveda and Mayor O’Mara would be on the hiring committee. It was clarified that Sudbury Manitoulin District CAO Fern Dominelli has agreed to be part of this process.

Next Meeting Date

Wednesday, June 19, South Algonquin Township Office, Whitney

Adjournment Resolution No. 2018-86

Moved by: Councillor Dan Roveda Seconded by: Councillor Terry Kelly

Resolved That the Board meeting be adjourned at 4:55 p.m. Motion carried.


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Minutes of Proceedings Recorder: Marianne Zadra, Executive Coordinator

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