Appendix 5 References Robb Trend Project Appendix 5 – References
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Appendix 5 References Robb Trend Project Appendix 5 – References Abacus Datagraphics Ltd.’s AbaData Oil and Gas Map Software. Accesssed March 2, 2012. Ackerman, B. B., F. A. Leban, M. D. Samuel, and E. O. Garton. 1989. User’s manual for Program Home Range. Forest, Wildlife and Range Experiment Station, Tech Rep 15, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID. 79pp. Adams B.W., Ehlert G., Stone C., Lawrence D., Alexander M., Willoughby M., Hincz C., Moisey D., Burkinshaw A., Carlson J., and France K. 2009. Rangeland Health Assessment for Grassland, Forest and Tame Pasture. Government of Alberta: Edmonton, Alberta. Publication # T/044. Adams, L. and S. D. Davis. 1967. The internal anatomy of home range. J. Mammal. 48(4):529-536. AENV (2011) Alberta Environment. Final Terms of Reference: Environmental Impact Assessment Report for the Coal Valley Resources Inc. (CVRI) Proposed Robb Trend Project. AENV (Alberta Environment). 1990. 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