Active Savannah Burning Projects Regis tered With the CER as at Jan 2020 – WA


Australian Wildlife Conservancy Balanggarra Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC KIMBERLEY

Artesian Range-Charnley ERF101503 Balanggarra EOP100650

Charnley LR ERF102946 Dunkeld Pastoral Co P/L as Trustee for the Yasme Trust MID WEST N Kimberley Pastoral EOP100894 Marion Downs ERF103010 GOLDFIELDS- r


R Nyaliga Aboriginal Corporation Dept of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions e g SOUTHERN r SOUTH o OCEAN e WEST GREAT SOUTHERN

G Nyaliga ERF109670 ERF118333 g n r r i ve Ind ex to map area e K i Indian Riv R King Leopold ERF121498 Major town d Wunambal G U r a w

Town Ocean r Balanggarra Prince Regent ERF103354 d e

EOP100641 E



M g R EOP100650 n

i i t e

l c K

Primary road h a

Purnululu/Ord ERF117018 e d y l s e l el y rk r Be Wanjina-Wunggurr (Native Title) Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC Secondary road D

Rive Drysdale River Dambimangari EOP100647 Watercourse r N Kimberley Pastoral M ERF118333 Forrest o r River ra EOP100894 e n iv R Wilinggin EOP100642 Local government boundary n R o iv rs er a C Wunambal G U EOP100641 State border Prince Regent Wynd ham k Riv ERF103354 c er a r u D Pr inc K e in R g Dambimangari eg en - R t VER W iv WY Kununurra Riv RI Y e IA H N EOP100647 er Shire of Wyndham- GIBB N r TOR DH VIC 0 25 50 75 100 East Kimberley AM RD r e v kilometres i


r b Produced by Data Analytics, b e i v i r Wilinggin G Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, e R v i r on behalf of the Western Australian Planning Commission. R e EOP100642 d l C n Copyright © January 2020 h Nyaliga i a a a rn l C ley r er Ri ERF109670 e iv Lake \\dopgisfilesvr02\iProducts\StateMultiregion\ W ver b R alc m am Argyle \SavannahBurningprojects\ ott a nh Inle h u Kimberley_ActiveSavannahBurningProjects_A3L.mxd t C D

r Y e

Base information supplied by iv R Western Australian Land Information Authority R n O a

SLIP 1096-2018-1 Artesian Range-Charnley m T p I a Charnley LR h r C R ERF101503 D ve i R R Rob ERF102946 R N inso nn E n R a A i T ve D H C r R N R r e I E v U s i d V D e I R ll R Marion Downs ow R B B

i ve IB r -G

King Leopold Y ERF103010



E r ERF121498 D e iv

R L r en e k na r rd

a N B R ive Derby r R E

Purnululu/Ord H T

ERF117018 R

O O r

Shire of Derby- d N R iv e West Kimberley r r e iv R y ro Shire of tz Panton R. i r F e N Broome v Halls Creek r i i e c R v h I o ld l o r R s eop ive o L l R e n l r ne i R n v i o l 'D ve O E r Ma rga F re i t R Halls Creek tz Fitzroy Cros s ing iv ro er y r ive Shire of R m R iv gha e nin Broome r Cun

T A N A M DRAFT COPY ONLY GRE I Dep artment of Planning, Land s and Heritage AT NORT HERN HWY R D w orking p lan, d ata not yet valid ated . Internal us e only - not for d is tribution.

SOURCE: Emissions Reduction Fund Project Register, accessible at