Checklist ~ March 11-19, 2011

247 total bird species seen italicized = new for Sue's Costa Rica birdlist BIRD SPECIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 c = commonly seen Tinamou, Great -/h Chachalaca, Grey-headed 4/- Guan, Crested 2 -/3 3/- Guan, Black 1 9 5/- near threatened, endemic to CR & W. Duck, Muscovy 4/- Teal, Blue-winged I Ingrid only Grebe, Pied-billed -/1 Stork, Wood 5 Ibis, White Ibis, Green 2

Tiger-Heron, Bare-thrtd 5 Heron, Boat-billed 7 Night-heron, Blck-crowned 1 Night-Heron, Yllw-crowned 2 Heron, Green 1 1/- c Egret, Cattle c -/c c c c c Heron, Great Blue c c Egret, Great c -/c c c/- c c Egret, Snowy c c Heron, Little Blue -/1 c c Heron, Tricolored c

Frigatebird, Magnificent 10 Cormorant, Neotropic 3 Anhinga 3 1/- 1 15 Vulture, Black c c c c c c c c Vulture, Turkey c c c c c c c c Vulture, King 4 1/- Osprey c Kite, Swallow-tailed 2 1/- Kite, White-tailed 2 Kite, Double-toothed 1 Hawk, White 1 Black-Hawk, Mangrove 3 Hawk, Grey 1 -/2 1 1 Hawk, Roadside -/1 Hawk, Broad-winged 1/- Hawk, Short-tailed 2 Hawk, Swainson's 500 Hawk-eagle, Ornate -/1 Caracara, Yellow-headed 2 Kestrel, American 1

Gallinule, Purple -/5 4 4/- Thick-knee, Double-striped 2 Plover, Black-bellied 2 Plover, Semi-palmated 1 Jacana, Northern -/3 c c/- c c Whimbrel 10 Willet 1 Sandpiper, Spotted 30 c/- c Sandpiper, Least 2 Tern, Royal I only Ingrid identified this bird

Pigeon, Common c c c introduced species Costa Rica Species Checklist ~ March 11-19, 2011

BIRD SPECIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 c = commonly seen Pigeon, Band-tailed 2/- Pigeon, Pale-vented 5 Pigeon, Red-billed 3 6 2 Pigeon, Short-billed 1 Dove, White-winged c c c Dove, Inca 2 1 Ground-Dove, Ruddy 6 -/4 3 2 Ground-dove, Blue 2 Dove, White-tipped 8 4/- 8 Dove, Gray-chested 1 2 Quail-dove, Buff-fronted 1 endemic to CR & W. Panama

Macaw, Great Green 2/- endangered Macaw, Scarlet 2 12 Parakeet, Orange-fronted 4 Parakeet, Orange-chinned 4 -/6 Parakeet, Crimson-fronted 6 -/8 6 4 endemic from SE to western Panama Parakeet, Olive-throated 2 1 Parrot, Blue-headed 2 Parrot, White-crowned 4 -/2 1 Parrot, Red-lored -/2 4 4/- Ani, Groove-billed c -/c c c/- c c Cuckoo, 1 -/1

Pygmy-Owl, Ferruginous H heard by Sue & Ricardo as we were loading luggage on the bus Potoo, Great -/H Nighthawk, Lesser 2 Pauraque, Common -/3 2 -/2 Swift, Black Swift, White-collared 20 12 12/- 8/- Swift, Chimney 6 8/- Hermit, Bronzy 1 Hermit, Green 2 2/- Hermit, Long-billed 1 Hermit, Stripe-throated 1/- Sabrewing, Violet 10 8/- Jacobin, White-necked -/1 2 5/- Hummingbird, Violet-headed 6/- Coquette, Black-crested 3/- Woodnymph, Violet-crwned 2/- Hummingbird, Rufous-tld c c -/1 2 2/- 1/- Mountain-gem, Prple-thrtd 5 7/- endemic to Nicaragua and CR Brilliant, Green-crowned 6 9/- Woodstar, Magenta-thrtd 2 2/- Hummingbird, Ruby-throated 1 Hummingbird, Scitillant 2 2/- endemic to CR & western Panama

Trogon, Violaceous 1/- Trogon, Orange-bellied 1/- endemic to CR & western Panama Trogon, Black-throated 1 2 Trogon, Slaty-tailed 1 Kingfisher, Ringed 3 Kingfisher, Belted 2 Kingfisher, Amazon 3 -/2 5 3 8 Kingfisher, Green 4 5/- 8 Kingfisher, Am. Pygmy 3 Motmot, Blue-crowned 2 Motmot, Broad-billed -/1 Costa Rica Species Checklist ~ March 11-19, 2011

BIRD SPECIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 c = commonly seen Motmot, Turquoise-browed 4 Puffbird, White-necked 1/- Nunbird, White-fronted 1 Aracari, Collared -/2 Toucan, Keel-billed 1 2/- Toucan, Chestnut-mandibld 1/- 2/-

Woodpecker, Black-chked 1 -/2 5 2/- 4/- Woodpecker, Hoffmann’s 7 endemic from S. to CR Woodpecker, Hairy 1 2/1 Woodpecker, Smoky-brown 5 Woodpecker, Cinnamon 2 1/- Woodpecker, Lineated -/1 1 1/- Spinetail, Red-faced 1 Xenops, Plain -/2 3 Woodcreeper, Plain-brown 1 Woodcreeper, Wedge-billed 1 Woodcreeper, Cocoa 1 1

Antshrike, Black-hooded 6 Antvireo, Streak-crowned -/1 endemic from SE Honduras to CR Antwren, Dot-winged 2 Antbird, Dusky 1 Antbird, Chestnut-backed 2 Elaenia, Yellow-bellied -/1 1 Elaenia, Mountain 1 1/- Flycatcher, Ochre-bellied S Only Sue saw this bird Tyrannulet, Paltry 1 2 Pygmy-Tyrant, Scale-crstd -/2 Tody-Flycatcher, Common 1 Phoebe, Black 2 2/- 1 Flycatcher, N. Tufted 3 Pewee, Dark 1 endemic to CR & western Panama Flycatcher, Yellowish 2 Tyrant, Long-tailed -/2 1 Flycatcher, Piratic 2/- Flycatcher, Social c c/c c c c c Flycatcher, Gray-capped 1 Kiskadee, Great c c c c c c c c Flycatcher, Sulphur-bellied 1 Kingbird, Tropical c c c c c c c c

Manakin, White-collared 1 Manakin, Red-capped 2 Tityra, Masked 2 4/1 2 Tityra, Black-crowned -/4 2 1/- Becard, Cinnamon 2 -/1 Becard, Rose-throated 2 Shrike-Vireo, Green -/1 Vireo, Yellow-throated 1 Vireo, Philadelphia 1 Vireo, Red-eyed 1 Greenlet, Lesser 3

Jay, Brown 2 3 Magpie-Jay, White-throated 1 Silky-flycatcher, Long-tailed 2 2/- endemic to CR & western Panama Martin, Gray-breasted 25 30/- Swallow, Mangrove -/50 c c/- c Swallow, Blue-and-white c c c/- Swallow, S. Rough-winged -/18 25 Costa Rica Species Checklist ~ March 11-19, 2011

BIRD SPECIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 c = commonly seen Swallow, Barn 16

Wren, Band-backed 2 -/2 3/- Wren, Rufous-naped 2 2 Wren, House 2 -/1 1/- Wood-Wren, Gray-breasted -/I only Ingrid saw this bird Gnatcatcher, Tropical S only Sue saw this bird Catbird, Gray 2 Thrush, Wood -/1 Thrush, Clay-colored c c c c c c c c Euphonia, Yellow-crowned -/1 endemic to Costa Rica, Nicaraqua & Panama Euphonia, Yellow-throated 2 1 Euphonia, Olive-backed -/2 1 Chlorophonia, Golden-browed 4 3/-

Warbler, Tennessee 3 2 2 Warbler, Flame-throated 2 endemic to CR & western Panama Warbler, Yellow 1 -/1 3 1/- 4 Warbler, Chestnut-sided 2/2 3 Warbler, Black-throated Green 2 Warbler, Black-and-white 1 Warbler, Prothonotary 1 Waterthrush, Northern 1/- 1 Warbler, Wilson’s 2 Redstart, Slate-throated 5 in some lists - Whitestart Warbler, Golden-crowned Warbler, Rufous-capped 1 Warbler, Three-striped 2 Warbler, Buff-rumped 1/-

Oropendola, Montezuma 20 -/14 25 20 14 10 Cacique, Yellow-billed 1 Oriole, Black-cowled 2 4 Oriole, Orchard 1 Oriole, Baltimore 2 2 1/1 1 2 Blackbird, Red-winged 15 -/10 8 16 Blackbird, Melodious 3 Grackle, Great-tailed c c c/c c c c c Cowbird, Bronzed 3 -/1 Bananaquit 2 2 7 Sparrow, Rufous-collared c c c c/c c c/c c Ground-Sparrow, Wht-eard 2 Sparrow, Orange-billed -/3 1 Sparrow, Black-striped 6 Brush-Finch, Chestnut- capped 6 6/- Finch, Yellow-thighed 8 4/- endemic to CR & western Panama Bush-Tanager, Common c c/-

Tanager, Olive -/1 on some lists - Carmiol's Tanager Tanager, White-shouldered 3 Tanager, White-lined 1 1/- Shrike-Tanager, White- throated -/2 endemic eastern Honduras to Panama Tanager, Summer 2 -/1 1 Tanager, Passerini’s c -/c c c/- c Tanager, Cherrie's 5 endemic Tanager, Blue-gray c c c c/c c c/- c/- c 6 Tanager, Palm 4 -/1 3/- Costa Rica Species Checklist ~ March 11-19, 2011

BIRD SPECIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 c = commonly seen Tanager, Silver-throated 5 4/- Tanager, Bay-headed 3 1 Tanager, Golden-hooded 4 -/3 3 2/- 1 2 Tanager, Spangle-cheeked 2 endemic to CR & western Panama Dacnis, Scarlet-thighed 2 1/- 2 Honeycreeper, Green -/2 Honeycreeper, Shining 2 Honeycreeper, Red-legged 1 1/- 4 Flowerpiercer, Slaty 2 endemic to CR & western Panama

Grassquit, Blue-black -/2 Seedeater, Variable 18 -/12 10 8 12 20 Seedeater, White-collared -/4 Seed-Finch, Nicaraguan 3 endemic Nicaragua, CR & western Panama Grassquit, Yellow-faced 1 -/4 5/- Grosbeak, Black-faced 2 -/2 Saltator, Grayish 3 -/2 2 Saltator, Buff-throated 3 -/2 1 Saltator, Black-headed 2 2 Sparrow, House c c -/c

MAMMAL CHECKLIST Hoffmann's Two-toed Sloth 1 White-thr. (faced) Capuchin 24 Mantled Howler Monkey -/H H H/H 6 H Spider Monkey -/6 3 White-nosed Coati 3 4 Collared Peccary 7 Variegated Squirrel c c Central American 3 1 Paca 4 Bat, Jamaican Tent-making 1 Bat, Long-nosed 8

Reptiles & Amphibians Crocodile, American 3 Caiman, Spectacled 1//- Iguana, Green 3 -/1 1 Iguana, Black-spined 4 9 Lizard sp., Baselisk 5 -/1 3 Toad, Cane 1 House Gecko Sp. Brown Tree Frog Poisin-dart Frog , Green-and-black 2 Poisin-dart Frog, Strawberry 1 Common Dink Frog Viper, Eyelash -/1 poisonous other interesting sightings: Caligo butterfly Morpho Butterfly Army ants Bullet ant Leaf-cutter ants