The Cowboys organization is a tight family; same owner (Clint Murchison), same general manager ( “Tex" Schramm), and same coach () for entire 15 year history of team. North Forty portrays the Dallas management as Christian and fascist, and the players as diverse. We should assume as much until we know more. People to check out in Dallas: 1. Doug Todd Assistant Director of Public Relations. His boss is Curt Mosher. You can get Doug through the main Cowboys number, (214)369-8000. He knows us, is friendly, and is look- ing for a call today (Monday). Doug sez, among other things, that we can "interview" players any day from 12 noon to 1 pm. 2. Kay Lang, Ticket Manager. Interviewed by Megan and Elon during Rams game. Should be contacted today about Tuesday ticket rush details at same number. Megan sez she is low-key but friendly. 3. Clint W. Murchison, owner. Rich Rosen at (305)964-4242 might be of help in setting up personal entre. If not, go through Todd or Mosher and do pre-Miami interview in Dallas if possible. At least make some kind of direct contact and find out travel plans to Miami and schedule while at . 4. , General Manager, and , VP-Personnel Development, are two Dallas higher-ups who might be accessible, colorful, or better tape than Murchison. Check out. 5. Randy Harvey, sports reporter, Dallas Times Herald. Met him at Rams NFC banquet. Young, average-seeming, but probably knows his stuff, like good players, fan contacts, etc. His numbers are (214)744-6498 (office) and (214)526-0464 (home). He lives at 4442 Cole Avenue Hill, 75205.

The Cowboys headquarters are at Expressway Tower Bldg, 6116 North Central Expressway, Dallas 75206