Lane Cove West Public School Annual Report



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The Annual Report for 2017 is provided to the community of Lane Cove West Public School as an account of the school's operations and achievements throughout the year.

It provides a detailed account of the progress the school has made to provide high quality educational opportunities for all students, as set out in the school plan. It outlines the findings from self–assessment that reflect the impact of key school strategies for improved learning and the benefit to all students from the expenditure of resources, including equity funding.

Tania Weston


School contact details

Lane Cove West Public School Avalon Ave Lane Cove, 2066 [email protected] 9427 4743

Message from the Principal

In my first year as Principal of Lane Cove West Public School it has been an honour to both serve and lead an inspiring, inclusive, learning school community, committed to excellence and attaining outstanding learning outcomes for all our students. Schools of the twenty–first century are in the business of change as we work to develop and educate young minds. We expect that over their time at our school, children will grow and change, learn new things and constantly reflect on that learning. As teachers we are also constantly learning and adapting to new ways of working, but also continually reflecting on our work.

Our school continues to achieve excellent results in academic achievements, sport and in the performing arts. The school provides opportunities for students to excel through a positive learning environment, where a strong community connection and an active parent body contribute to a positive school culture. So many parents have given freely of their time to assist us and create a sense of community which adds value to our school like nothing else can.

Our students enjoy a wide range of sports, as well as robotics, Mandarin lessons, dance, drama, music and visual arts. Our parent–run school band program includes award winning Junior, Senior, Concert and Jazz bands, which all perform at various school and community functions. Our choral program is very strong and is led by teachers with great talent in this area, with our choirs performing at the Opera House and Sydney Town Hall each year. Students have the opportunity to be involved in a variety of lunch clubs including science, robotics, art, gardening, games and chicken clubs. Leadership opportunities are also available through an active Student Representative Council and Year 6 committees and leadership team. The students of our school continuously give back to the community through initiatives including Stewart House, The House of Welcome Food Drive, Cherrybridge Station Reading Program and Toys 'n' Tucker.

Student learning needs are assisted through the support of a second Learning and Support teacher (LAST) to supplement the 2.5 days provided by the Department of Education. The extra teacher paid from school funds, allows a support teacher 5 days a week. Technology plays a major role at our school with wireless devices including laptops and iPads in every classroom.

In 2017, the school staff commenced their journey of embedding Visible Learning practices within their classrooms, which is linked to the extensive educational research of John Hattie. We are so fortunate to have such a dedicated team of staff who are committed to ensuring our students always reach their potential in a safe, happy and creative environment. Our teaching, administrative and support staff consistently go above and beyond the call of duty for the children in their care and work in a cohesive team which I really feel puts them in a league of their own.

As Principal of Lane Cove West Public School, I am truly optimistic about what it is that we have before us as we work hand in hand to create an inspiring school full of wonderful opportunities for all. In every facet of school life we aspire as a school community to achieve excellence.

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School background

School vision statement

To provide a positive and inclusive environment in which all students are prepared to be lifelong learners and responsible global citizens.

School context

Lane Cove West Public School prepares students for participation in a democratic and sustainable society. The school continues to grow while maintaining a community feel. An active parent body contributes to a positive school culture and enables the provision of quality resources and technology for the benefit of all students. The school provides excellent teaching/learning programs, with an emphasis on literacy and numeracy, resulting in student achievement well above state averages and in line with neighbouring schools. Effective programs cater for students with additional learning needs and the PBEL program supports student wellbeing across the school. A range of extra–curricular opportunities is provided in sport and performing arts. Lane Cove West Public School supports the local community through involvement in local festivals, environmental awareness projects and public speaking events. Students are encouraged to uphold the school values of ‘respect’, ‘responsibility’ and ‘endeavour’.

Self-assessment and school achievement

Self-assessment using the School Excellence Framework

This section of the Annual Report outlines the findings from self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework, school achievements and the next steps to be pursued.

This year, our school undertook self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework. The framework supports public schools throughout NSW in the pursuit of excellence by providing a clear description of high quality practice across the three domains of Learning, Teaching and Leading.

Within the learning domain, the school's focus has been on the elements of Learning Culture, Curriculum and Assessment and Reporting. Our focus on individualised learning intentions and success criteria has meant that our students are self–directed learners who can articulate their learning journeys, set meaningful goals and develop the dispositions of an effective learner. We are developing evidence–based change to whole school practices, that will result in measureable improvements in wellbeing and engagement to support learning.

Within the teaching domain, the school's focus has been on the elements of Effective Classroom Practice, Learning and Development and Professional Standards. Teacher Professional Learning initiatives, collaboration through the QTSS model and research–driven thinking informed all our improvement strategies. Successful implementation of the Performance and Development Framework processes and the Beginning Teacher Mentoring Program led to a systematic, rigorous and authentic approach to teacher performance and development. Teacher Professional Learning, aligned with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and the descriptors from the School Excellence Framework, was the driving force behind School Plan projects. Future directions in this domain include planning quality professional learning for staff that meets the demands of the school's School Plan 2018–20 and fostering a proactive improvement culture which emphasises teacher quality.

Within the leading domain, the school's focuses were on the elements of Educational Leadership, School Planning, Implementation and Reporting and Management Practices and Processes. Opportunities for leadership capacity building led to improved whole school practices and the introduction of transparent, systematic management systems and processes allowing for streamlined, improved efficiency across the school. In 2017, we focused on enhanced student, staff and parent engagement at a whole school level. We are developing longer–term financial planning integrated with school planning and implementation processes to meet strategic priorities.

Our self–assessment process will assist the school to refine our school plan, leading to further improvements in the delivery of education to our students.

For more information about the School Excellence Framework:–and–learning/school–excellence–and–accountability/sef–evidence–guide

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Strategic Direction 1

Quality educational practices across the school.


To maximise learning outcomes for all students through quality teaching and high standard professional practices.

Overall summary of progress

During the year, quality teaching and learning has been a focus as all staff commenced the Visible Learning journey based on evidence based research from John Hattie. The school's focus has been to embed Learning Intentions and Success Criteria in all classrooms and develop a common language on what makes an effective learner and the learning dispositions of effective learners. QTSS continued to focus on the explicit teaching of writing K–6. History and Geography curriculums were introduced at the commencement of the school year with all teachers K–6 developing quality, differentiated units of work, embedding project based learning, historical and geographical concepts, skills and tools into programs.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures Funds Expended Progress achieved this year (to be achieved over 3 years) (Resources)

NAPLAN 0.2 Visible Learning Staff All staff participated in the Foundation Day Allocation of $20000 Professional Learning for Visible Learning with Percentage of students achieving Corwin University and introduced Learning at proficiency in literacy and $21000 Staff Professional Intentions and Success Criteria into Literacy numeracy consistent with Similar Learning for Visible programs. Leadership team participated in Schools Group(SSG) Learning Foundation Day 'Evidence into Action' and collected baseline data with Corwin University K–6 to determine school focuses over the next 5 Student growth in literacy and years. Baseline data indicated that school focuses numeracy consistent with SSG $16000 Leadership over the next 5 years will include 'What Makes an Professional Learning for Effective Learner' and Quality Teacher and Peer School–based assessment Visible Learning with Feedback. Corwin University Improved performance in The Quality Teaching Successful Students initiative school–based assessments A–E $101000 Quality Teaching used to employ a full time Writing expert to build scales Successful Students capacity of all staff K–6 to explicitly implement the Self Regulated Strategy Development Program. $19621 Literacy/Numeracy Maker Model and Bloom's Taxonomy rubrics Professional Learning from ensured teacher consistency across stages for A–E RAM reporting.

All staff involved in the collaborative creation of History and Geography units of work, with ongoing assessment and a focus on historical and geographical concepts, skills and tools, as well as project based learning. Additional quality literature was purchased to support units of work.

Next Steps

The school Visible Learning leadership team will engage in expert consultation to develop a three year journey to continue our professional learning in the area of Visible Learning. The leadership team will engage in four 'Leadership for Action' training days in 2018 and staff will participate in professional learning that will focus on building and developing visible learners and feedback that makes learning visible. In 2018, there will be a school focus on professional learning in the explicit teaching of writing with Quality Teaching Successful Students Initiative funding used to employ an instructional leader to team teach with all K–6 classes in the Self Regulated Strategy Development and Sentence a Day programs. The school will be working with a network of schools, curriculum advisors and an expert in mathematics to unpack the mathematics curriculum and develop strategies to differentiate the curriculum for all learners. Staff will work across schools to further develop Scope and Sequences, programs and formative and summative assessments. 2018 will see the introduction of the school's STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) program with two

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dedicated classroom teachers released to develop the K–6 Digital Fluencies Scope and Sequence and implement a team teaching STEM model K–6 over the next two years. The aim is for all staff to develop confidence to collaboratively program and team teach integrated STEM units, with a focus on Project Based Learning.

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Strategic Direction 2

Student success as learners and responsible citizens.


To develop the capacity of all students to contribute positively to the school and wider community through the provision of meaningful, integrated programs and experiences.

Overall summary of progress

The school has in place comprehensive and inclusive practices to ensure wellbeing is supported and maintained. The school engaged in the GOT IT! (Getting On Track in Time) program, in collaboration with North Sydney Area Health to develop an understanding of Emotional Intelligence. The leadership team developed an understanding of Positive Psychology and all staff were trained in Friendology and How Trauma presents in the Classroom. There was an ongoing commitment to sustainable practices across our school and initiatives to build on our PBEL welfare system.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures Funds Expended Progress achieved this year (to be achieved over 3 years) (Resources)

School audits Learning and Support 0.5 The whole school Positive Behaviour Engaging Staff Allocation $50500 Learners program (PBEL) ensures all students are Decreased electricity usage per upholding school's core values and expectations. class Learning and Support Ongoing data is collated by all staff and reteaching $10000 of core values is proactive to ensure a consistent Decreased rubbish as measured approach K–6. by class survey spot–checks on PBEL $5000 ‘Nude Food’ program GOT IT! program with North Sydney Area Health Wellbeing Professional ensured all staff participated in Professional Extension of current recycling Learning $10000 Learning in Emotional Intelligence and over 100 practices parents attended Parent Workshops on Emotional Chicken Project and Intelligence. Increased student participation in Chickens $10000 school Gardening Club 73 students were identified by Learning and GOT IT! $6000 Support to require ongoing adjustments which were PBEL data monitored, reviewed and updated every 10 weeks in line with Departmental guidelines. MiniLit, MultiLit and Spelling Mastery programs continued to support students in literacy.

Leadership team trained in Positive Psychology to introduce strategies when working with students, staff and parents that were solutions focused and supported building positive relationships. All staff participated in Professional Learning in Friendology and How Trauma Presents in the Classroom.

Whole school environmental practices are in place to ensure that waste is reduced within the school grounds and that sustainable practices, such as recycling and composting are part of school practice. The Chicken Project saw Year 6 research, design, cost and build a new chicken coop with an increase in our chickens to 6. 'Chook Chat' group continue to look after the needs of the chickens.

Next Steps

Student and Staff Wellbeing will be a focus with continued professional learning in Emotional Intelligence, Positive Psychology and Self Care strategies. Mindfulness and Social Skills programs will be introduced K–6, and the school's

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current Positive Behaviour and Engaged Learners and Friendology programs will continue with an emphasis on positive behaviour and a common language in the community. Professional learning in Differentiating the Curriculum will be key in ensuring all students are catered for K–6.

The Chicken Program will be extended and composting practices will be introduced into the Chicken Program. Educational programs will be evaluated to ensure that sustainability and environmental education are embedded through teaching and learning programs. Ongoing audits by students will measure the success in these areas.

Community engagement and partnerships will continue with students giving back to the community by visiting local preschools and primary schools to volunteer time. A whole school community 'Give back' initiative will take place, where students are encouraged to perform acts of kindness for their family and friends outside of school. Student leadership will be further enhanced through the continuation of a Junior SRC for students in Year 1 and 2. The school library will open its door after school hours to encourage families in the community to utilise the facility. There will be more opportunities for families to engage with the school through the STEM Sensory Garden, STEM Showcase Evening and Science Day.

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Strategic Direction 3

Consistent, high standard management practices across the school.


To best meet the needs of a growing and changing school through development of school–wide systems and management practices.

Overall summary of progress

Consistent management practices have been improved and reflect Department of Education Procedures and Guidelines through staff professional development and leadership development. Communication practices with families were evaluated and improved through an update of the school website, the introduction of SkoolBag App and open and transparent P&C Meetings.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures Funds Expended Progress achieved this year (to be achieved over 3 years) (Resources)

Survey of students, staff and Community Engagement in Ongoing opportunities for aspiring leaders through parents on communication School Plan 2018–20 Strategic and Learning Area Committees, as well as practices $5000 Visible Learning Leadership Team. Leadership team worked proactively with students, staff and Tracking of professional Evaluation of Canteen parents to evaluate School Plan 2015–17, lead standards of individual teachers Menu $2000 in line with Community Forums on School Plan 2018–20 with a Healthy Schools Canteen focus on developing the Vision Statement, Strategic Teacher reflections on Strategy Directions and major projects that were supported Performance and Development by the entire community. Leadership team Plans Staff Professional Learning evaluated the canteen menu in line with the Healthy $29404 School Canteen initiative and communicated changes to the community. Beginning Teacher Funding $85463 Staff participated in ongoing, meaningful Professional Learning targeting Strategic Direction Community Engagement initiatives and mandatory Departmental Movie Night, Art Auction requirements. $5000 Beginning teacher funding was utilised to employ 2 experienced teacher mentors to provide support for 7 new scheme staff members and 2 teachers in their second year of full time employment. Support included collaboratively writing teaching and learning programs, classroom management, ongoing quality assessments, reporting to parents, observation, feedback and reflection.

Communication with parents was further enhanced throughout the year through the introduction of the SkoolBag App, updated school website, presentations of school initiatives at P&C meetings and numerous parent workshops including Emotional Intelligence, Body Image and Cyber Safety. Transition meetings were introduced at the commencement of the school year to allow for open communication regarding student needs, as well as Kindergarten Welcome Drinks and Movie Night.

Next Steps

In 2018, relieving and newly appointed executive staff will participate in an induction and leadership program at a school

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level and across schools to ensure they have an understanding of the roles of managing and leading teams, as well as whole school programs and initiatives. The leadership team will further develop their knowledge and understanding of Department of Education Policies, Procedures and Guidelines and ensure school practice is in line with DoE and all staff adhere to the expectations. The Visible Learning Leadership Team will further refine their leadership capabilities through Leadership into Action professional learning. All staff will identify Performance and Development goals in line with the Teaching Standards to grow and improve individual teaching practice.

New Scheme Teachers will be supported through a Mentoring Program through in class support and opportunities to work one on one with an expert teacher to develop sound classroom routines and practices, establish literacy and numeracy differentiated programs, develop classroom teaching and learning programs, and assessment and reporting practices.

Additional transition meetings will be offered to parents of students who receive learning support, and adjustment plans will be communicated and formed at these meetings. This will further improve the communication between teachers, the learning support team and parents, ensuring precise and up to date record keeping to inform teacher practice and student learning.

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Key Initiatives Resources (annual) Impact achieved this year

Low level adjustment for disability 0.5 teacher allocation 95 transition meetings were held to support through RAM (50787) transition of students with adjustments from 2017 to 2018 school year.73 students 40992 Targeted Funding identified in 2017 as needing quality RAM differentiated teaching practice adjustments, as well as supplementary adjustments. One 27791 Low Level students required substantial adjustments to Adjustment RAM her learning environment.All staff participated in 3 hours of Professional Learning on 6000 North Sydney Area Emotional Regulation in children and Health strategies to support students to regulate their emotions. Staff developed an understanding • RAM ($8 000.00) of the difference between emotions and behaviours.8 students K–2 were targeted for the intensive Getting on Track In Time (GOT IT!) program with 100% successfully completing the program.

Quality Teaching, Successful QTSS staff member Quality Teaching Successful Students funding Students (QTSS) • Quality Teaching, utilised in Semester 1 to support ongoing Successful Students Performance and Development Goals, (QTSS) ($101 000.00) observation, feedback and reflection.Semester 2 targeted building teacher capacity to explicitly teach writing through the Self Regulated Strategy Development Program. 24 classroom teachers participated in a team teaching model to explicitly teach sentence structure, with the focus on Learning Intentions and Success Criteria embedded into each lesson and all students setting measurable goals in

Socio–economic background • English language The additional flexible funding of 26510 was proficiency ($40 630.00) used to employ an additional day of • English language EAL/D.0.6 RAM allocation used to employ an proficiency ($26 510.00) EAL/D teacher 3 days a week. Funding used • Socio–economic to support students to access areas of the background ($1 740.00) curriculum and increase student level of participation and level of engagement.

Support for beginning teachers • Support for beginning 2 staff members completed accreditation at teachers ($85 463.00) proficient through NESA with one additional staff member finalising documentation for Accreditation. 3 staff members completed their accreditation maintenance with ongoing mentor support. 7 Beginning teachers supported throughout the year through the Beginning Teacher Mentor Program and 2 teachers supported through their 2nd year.

Targeted student support for EAL/D supports new students to the country. refugees and new arrivals

Aboriginal background loading School does not receive any Aboriginal Background Loading.

English language proficiency • English language 0.6 RAM allocation used to employ an EAL/D proficiency ($40 630.00) teacher 3 days a week. Funding used to • English language support students to access areas of the proficiency ($26 510.00) curriculum and increase student level of • Socio–economic participation and level of engagement. background ($1 740.00)

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Student information Class sizes Class Total Student enrolment profile KP 21 Enrolments KL 21 Students 2014 2015 2016 2017 KA 22 Boys 331 337 325 324 K/1C 23 Girls 245 258 254 264 KS 21 1D 22 Student attendance profile 1W 21 School 1J 21 Year 2014 2015 2016 2017 2K 22 K 97.3 96.8 96.9 96.3 2C 21 1 96 96.8 96.5 95.7 2Q 22 2 96.6 95.7 96.6 96.2 2N 22 3 96.4 96.8 96.5 97.2 3W 29 4 95.7 96.8 96.5 96.1 3S 28 5 96.4 96.2 95.3 96.2 3L 29 6 96 94.9 96 96 4M 29 All Years 96.4 96.3 96.4 96.3 4C 29 State DoE 4A 32 Year 2014 2015 2016 2017 5B 26 K 95.2 94.4 94.4 94.4 5R 27 1 94.7 93.8 93.9 93.8 5H 25 2 94.9 94 94.1 94 6T 26 3 95 94.1 94.2 94.1 6L 26 4 94.9 94 93.9 93.9 6J 25 5 94.8 94 93.9 93.8 6 94.2 93.5 93.4 93.3 All Years 94.8 94 94 93.9

Management of non-attendance

Attendance at Lane Cove West Public School is consistently high. Non–attendance is managed in line with the Department of Education Attendance Procedures and Guidelines.

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Workforce information All New Scheme Teachers, including those who are on temporary contracts, are working towards achievement Workforce composition of their accreditation from the National Education Standard Authority (NESA). Most staff are maintaining Position FTE* their accreditation at Proficient level, while others are seeking accreditation at Highly Accomplished level. In Principal 1 order to achieve the necessary mentoring and Deputy Principal(s) 1 observation, funds have been set aside in the budget to ensure that all staff are given the support required to Assistant Principal(s) 4 achieve these goals. Head Teacher(s) 0 Financial information (for schools Classroom Teacher(s) 21.48 fully deployed to SAP/SALM) Teacher of Reading Recovery 0 Learning & Support Teacher(s) 0.5 Financial summary Teacher Librarian 1 The information provided in the financial summary includes reporting from 1 January 2017 to 31 Teacher of ESL 0.4 December 2017. School Counsellor 0 School Administration & Support 4.06 Staff 2017 Actual ($) Other Positions 0 Opening Balance 912,530 Revenue 5,157,113 Appropriation 4,165,213 *Full Time Equivalent Sale of Goods and Services 66,260 One staff member is of Aboriginal decent. Grants and Contributions 910,224 Gain and Loss 0 Teacher qualifications Other Revenue 0 All teaching staff meet the professional requirements Investment Income 15,417 for teaching in NSW public schools. Expenses -5,109,307 Recurrent Expenses -5,109,307 Teacher qualifications Employee Related -4,224,134 Qualifications % of staff Operating Expenses -885,173 Undergraduate degree or diploma 100 Capital Expenses 0 Postgraduate degree 30 Employee Related 0 Operating Expenses 0 Professional learning and teacher accreditation SURPLUS / DEFICIT FOR THE 47,806 YEAR All staff at Lane Cove West Public School participate in regular whole school, stage and individual Professional Balance Carried Forward 960,336 Learning and collaborative planning days. The Professional Learning links directly with the school's Strategic Directions and Performance and The majority of RAM funds are spent on teacher and Development goals. A focus for 2017 was our administration staff salaries, including additional 0.5 Foundation Day to Visible Learning, Learning Learning and Support Teacher, 2.0 Student Learning Intentions, Success Criteria and Effective Learners, and Support Officers and an additional 1.0 classroom Self–Regulated Strategy Development Writing teacher. Major expenditure in 2017 included upgrading Program, The Wellbeing Framework, Getting On Track of OOSH facilities (kitchen, cupboards, carpet, vinyl, In Time (GOT IT!) initiative with North Sydney Area lighting), upgraded WiFi throughout the school, 1–1 Health, How Trauma Presents in the Classroom and devices in Stage 3, 1–2 devices K–4, updated laptops student wellbeing practices. All staff also participated in throughout the school, installation of TVs in Year 6, mandatory training in Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Child lighting of netball court and professional learning in Protection, Emergency Care and CPR. Visible Learning. Funds have been set aside for

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dedicated STEM teachers K–6 over the next 2 years, students in Year 5 achieved in the Top 2 Bands. improve STEM, robotic and coding resources K–6, Numeracy Support Program, Visible Learning In writing, 87.4% of students in Year 3 achieved in the Professional Learning with Corwin University for all staff Top 2 Bands, well above state average. In Year 5, and a sensory garden. Additional funds will continue to 25.1% of students achieved in the Top 2 Bands; support Learning and Support teacher and additional however, only 3.8% achieved in Band 6. NAPLAN SLSO support K–6. analysis identified the use of persuasive devices, use of precise language and sentence structure as areas for improvement in Year 5 and text structure, ideas and persuasive devices as areas for focus in Year 3, Financial summary equity funding leading to Writing being identified as an area for whole The equity funding data is the main component of the school improvement in the School Plan 2018–2020. 'Appropriation' section of the financial summary above.

2017 Actual ($) Base Total 3,811,534 Base Per Capita 88,486 Base Location 0 Other Base 3,723,047 Equity Total 147,457 Equity Aboriginal 0 Equity Socio economic 1,740 Equity Language 67,140 Equity Disability 78,578 Targeted Total 40,992 Other Total 43,710 Grand Total 4,043,693

Figures presented in this report may be subject to rounding so may not reconcile exactly with the bottom line totals, which are calculated without any rounding.

A full copy of the school's financial statement is tabled at the annual general meetings of the parent and/or community groups. Further details concerning the statement can be obtained by contacting the school.

School performance


In the National Assessment Program, the results across the Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 literacy and numeracy assessments are reported on a scale from Band 1 to Band 10. The achievement scale represents increasing levels of skills and understandings demonstrated in these assessments.

In reading, 86% of students in Year 3 achieved in the Top 2 Bands, and 70% of students in Year 5 achieved in the Top 2 Bands, well above state average and in line with similar school groups.

In spelling, 88.5% of students in Year 3 and 56.3% of

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The numeracy results over the last 3 years show steady achievement. 75.9% of students in Year 3 achieved in the Top 2 Bands, and 68.3% of students in Year 5 achieved in the Top 2 Bands. Results are in line with similar school groups and well above state average.

The My School website provides detailed information and data for national literacy and numeracy testing. Go to to access the school data.>

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Parent/caregiver, student, teacher satisfaction

Each year schools are required to seek the opinions of parents, students and teachers about the school. Their responses are represented below.


Appreciate communication from the school on a regular basis regarding their child's learning

Would like to see STEM education introduced consistently K–6, enrichment opportunities and learning Multicultural and anti-racism education and support for students who require additional support Our students are encouraged to learn about the Would like more initiatives and programs to support customs and beliefs of other nations and to respect and students to develop social skills, resilience and celebrate the differences through events, including mindfulness Harmony Day and community partnerships with organisations such as the House of Welcome Asylum Teachers: Seeker Centre and Stewart House. Multiculturalism and anti–racism is embedded in teaching and Want to develop students into resilient, persistent learning programs across the school, and is promoted Visible Learners through the school's code of conduct and core values of Respect, Responsibility and Endeavour. Provide a positive environment for students to develop their critical and creative thinking skills, as well as futures focused capabilities Other school programs

Students: Student Leadership

Like Student Voice and input into their learning The Lane Cove West Student Representative Council (SRC) strives to nurture positive and proactive Enjoy the extra curricula opportunities provided to them leadership within students at Lane Cove West Public School. In 2017, the opportunity to join the SRC grew with the introduction of the Junior SRC. This created additional opportunities for students in Years K–2 to be part of the school leadership. Years 3–6 continued to lead the school with a boy and girl student from each class being part of the SRC. Student elections were held at the beginning of Term 1.

The SRC is responsible for representing the student body, deciding on fundraising ideas and coordinating special events such as the Stewart House mini fete. SRC members are recognised as an important part of the school community and are involved in important decision–making processes within the school.

In 2017, the SRC supported a variety of charities Policy requirements through fundraising events including the Asylum Seekers Centre, The House of Welcome, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Anglicare’s ‘Toys ‘n’ Aboriginal education Tucker’ and Stewart House. All fundraising activities encouraged school spirit and pride, building empathy All staff are trained and follow the Aboriginal Education for others within the wider Sydney community. Policy and teach our students about indigenous culture through history and geography, art, music, dance and Members of the SRC also had the opportunity to literacy lessons. Although we do not have any students represent the school at the Anzac Day Service and who identify as Aboriginal we celebrate Reconciliation Remembrance Day Service coordinated by Lane Cove Week activities and participate in the local Cameraygal Council. They also attended the House of Welcome at Festival. Granville to learn about the valuable work they do for asylum seekers and refugees.

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Sport Sustainable and Environmental Education

Lane Cove West Public School continued to excel in Part of the school vision is to foster responsible citizens the sporting domain. A wide variety of sports were beyond the school context. This is achieved through the offered to students to extend their ability, including embedded environmental practices across the school swimming, athletics and cross country carnivals, during that promote sustainability. which student participation reached record levels. Students were given opportunities to participate in gala Stage 3 students participated in a challenge based days, attend zone trials and participate in high quality project to design and make a chicken coop. Students sporting programs. These events played host to a designed a chicken coop using SketchUp, budgeted number of notable achievements. materials, presented their work to the school community and then built the chicken coop chosen by Students participated in specialist sporting programs the community. including Yoga, athletics, Zumba and PE health programs. Stage 3 students competed in the PSSA Students engaged in cooking lessons using ingredients netball and soccer competitions, and received high from the gardens in the school and the eggs from the quality AFL and cricket training from expert coaches. school chickens. During this process students collected Students in K–2 were engaged in a two–week intensive ingredients, followed recipes and were able cook food swim school program, while Years 3 and 4 were with the support and supervision of teachers. involved in the surf education program hosted by Surf Education . Composting continues to be a part of the school environmental practice. Each class collected food Our school participated in the Paul Kelly Cup AFL scraps throughout the week.Once a week, supervised a competition at ELS Hall Park. This was great exposure teacher from the Environment Committee, students to Australian Football for many students. Students also empty their scraps into the school compost bin. This participated in Touch Football and League Tag Gala waste is then broken down and then used by the Days where two of our teams reached the regional school’s Garden Club to help fertilise the school finals. gardens.

Achievements in the Arts Council grants, from , were utilised to provide opportunities for students to be involved in Creative and performing arts play a major role at Lane guided environmental walks through Blackman Park by Cove West Public School. The school has excellent the Field of Mars. The students studied the ‘Digital programs in band, dance, choral performances and Woodlands’ topic and learnt about local flora and fauna. musical theatre.

The school employs a specialist performing arts teacher who, together with other classroom teachers with similar skills in this area, provide a rich variety of experiences for every student from K–6.

Last year’s musical production, The Enchanted Forest, involved a huge cast with all students from Years 5 and 6 singing, dancing and acting magnificently. Lindsay Lamb and Alix Campbell wrote and produced this entertaining show with assistance from many other teachers.

We had two choirs last year perform in large choral concerts organised by the Arts Unit. The Chorals choir, trained by Candyce Harding and Lindsay Lamb, sang at the Sydney Opera House and the Primary Proms choir, trained by Nikki Adams and Susan Watt, performed at the Sydney Town Hall. The Year 2 choir and the Kindergarten ‘Toothless Choir’ entertained us at school functions.

Our Senior Dance Group, trained by Lindsay Lamb and April Butler, performed ‘Arabian Nights’ at the Sydney North Dance Festival at the Glen Street Theatre in June.

The school band program continues to offer students opportunities to three training bands and the Jazz Band, which perform at various community events and compete in Band festivals.

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