angry birds 2 cheats pc Star Wars. That is funny you can buy this same game on PC for 5 or 5 on PS4 you need pay 35 Amazing If cost be less than 15 i ROVIO read this. That is funny you can buy this same game on PC for 5 or 5 on PS4 you need pay 35 Amazing If cost be less than 15 i think about buy game. … Expand. Nothing added to the damn game, what a joke. (Getting this game would make you react like candy was stolen from you as a baby.) "Sticks Nothing added to the damn game, what a joke. (Getting this game would make you react like candy was stolen from you as a baby.) "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but this game will only make me cry a lot." … Expand. Angry birds star wars 2 cheats pc. We'll begin emailing you updates about %gameName%. Latest on Angry Birds Star Wars. Angry Birds Star Wars - Launch Trailer. Check out the console launch trailer for Rovio's action-strategy game, Angry Birds Star Wars. Angry Birds Star Wars confirmed for PS4, . Bird-flinging puzzle game coming to next-generation consoles as launch titles next month. Angry Birds Star Wars - Console Trailer. Remastered for gaming systems, Angry Birds Star Wars features all new competitive and cooperative multiplayer modes, 20 exclusive new levels created just for the console game, and over 25 hours . Jul 25, 2014 1:50pm. Angry Birds Star Wars - Multiplayer Trailer. Check out this multiplayer trailer for Angry Birds Star Wars revealed at 2013. Jul 25, 2014 1:50pm. Angry Birds Star Wars - Character Trailer. Check out the various characters you'll be able to play as in this trailer for Angry Birds Star Wars. Jul 25, 2014 1:49pm. Angry Birds Star Wars appears for Xbox One, PlayStation 4. ESRB, GameFly listings suggest Rovio's bird-flinging puzzle game coming to next-generation consoles. Oct 24, 2013 6:28am. Apple developer center hacked. [UPDATE] Turkish researcher claims responsibility. Jul 23, 2013 5:14pm. Apple sold 31 million iPhones in latest quarter. iPhone sales a record high for the June quarter, up from 26 million last year; iPad, Mac sales down; overall profit hits $6.9 billion. Jul 23, 2013 5:02pm. Angry Birds Star Wars coming to consoles. Bird-flinging strategy game coming to , PS3, , , PS Vita, and 3DS this October from Activision. Jul 18, 2013 4:23pm. GameSpot GamePlay Episode 49: E3PO Meets King Organa. Tom Mc Shea takes over Kevin's hosting duties this week to explore EVO 2013 and Star Wars geekery with Caro and Peter. Jul 18, 2013 1:20pm. Rovio teases new Angry Birds Star Wars game. Developer hints at prequel with imagery from The Phantom Menace; game will be revealed July 15. Jul 12, 2013 8:21am. Angry Birds studio sales double in 2012. Rovio full-year revenue grows 101 percent to €152.2 million, head count doubles. Apr 3, 2013 4:41pm. Angry Birds Star Wars - Cloud City Trailer. Here's the official gameplay trailer for Angry Birds Star Wars' Cloud City update. Mar 28, 2013 11:17am. Angry Birds Star Wars - Escape from Gameplay Trailer. Angry Birds Star Wars' Escape from Hoth episode is now available. Jan 31, 2013 9:20am. Angry Birds Star Wars hits Facebook. Rovio brings bird-flinging licensed game to social networking site with new powerups, additional features. Dec 18, 2012 6:26am. Angry Birds Star Wars - Launch Trailer. Angry Birds Star Wars is now available on Facebook. Dec 17, 2012 2:19pm. Angry Birds Star Wars - Hoth Episode Trailer. Angry Birds Star Wars' Hoth Episode is now available. Nov 29, 2012 9:11am. AU Shippin' Out November 20-22: Hitman: Absolution, Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale. Which games are out in Australia this week? Will you be brawling as an iconic character in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale or on the streets in Hitman: Absolution? Nov 18, 2012 4:00pm. Most Recent Forum Activity. Where to buy. Angry Birds Star Wars. GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. Angry Birds Star Wars. 3DS Android + 13 more BlackBerry iOS (iPhone/iPad) Macintosh Online/Browser PC PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4 PlayStation Vita Wii Wii U Windows Mobile Xbox 360 Xbox One. Angry Birds Star Wars has you use the Force, wield your lightsaber, and blast away Pigtroopers on an intergalactic journey from the deserts of to the depths of the Pig Star. Angry Birds Star Wars. Did you know that there is an Angry Birds Star Wars for the PS4? Yes, you knew that. You knew thatbecause there is an Angry Birds or an Angry Birds Star Wars for every platform: iPhone, iPad, Wii, PC, Xbox 360, PS3, , Lite Brite, you name it. So, there might as well be one for the PS4. At whom, precisely, is this game targeted? The super late adopters who haven’t yet purchased the game on one of these other platforms? Obsessive-compulsive completionists who have to own every version? Regardless of the answer to that question, you should probably pass on buying this version, unless you have no way of owning any other. Other than 20 exclusive levels, there is nothing to justify paying the ridiculous $50 that is being charged for this game in the PlayStation store. Angry Birds Star Wars is the Star Wars-themed version of the wildly popular, ubiquitous, bird-slinging, structure-destroying, pig-killing mobile game Angry Birds. If you have never played Angry Birds Star Wars, then you should own it in some form. It is actually one of the best applications of the Star Wars license since the original . In Angry Birds Star Wars, the birds are now stand-ins for the good guys from the original trilogy, and the pigs are Star Wars-themed bad guys like storm troopers and tie fighters. The young Jedi bird can slash blocks with his light saber, the Jedi master can force push blocks, and Han Solo can shoot them with a blaster. Those birds are the workhorses for much of the game, but there are others as well. One of them is a C-3PO bird whose special ability is getting blown into little pieces (yes, Angry Birds Star Wars possesses some of the satirical humor that the Lego Star Wars games are known for). In addition to making great use of the Star Wars license, Angry Birds: Star Wars features some creative and clever level design. Levels in space make great use of gravity tricks. Weak points and explosives provide all kinds of ways to destroy levels with long chain reactions. Turrets that shoot lasers can sometimes be knocked askew so that they shoot pigs instead of your birds. Cloud City levels have vents that blow your birds upwards so that they can go farther. If you have played the original Angry Birds and you are weary of its gameplay, then you may find the Star Wars-themed version to be surprisingly refreshing. If you are new to the series, then you will find the game to be a great mixture of casual, puzzle- based destruction. Here is the fly in the ointment though – almost everything above applies to all of the other versions of Angry Birds Star Wars. It is nice to play the game in HD on a big screen, but the game doesn’t look noticeably better than the HD version for the iPad. That version costs three bucks, plus another three bucks for the Boba Fett and "Path of the Jedi" missions. This one costs $50. For a whole bumch of extra money what do you get? You get to use a gamepad to play the game, which is tethered to your living room. The analog sticks work perfectly fine for the game, but so does a touch screen. The game also uses the Dual Shock touch pad, but it controls poorly when compared to the analog sticks. If you play this game, chances are you will find yourself experimenting with the touch pad a little bit before concluding that it isn’t worth your time. Besides trophy support, the Playstation 4 doesn’t offer any advantage to the levels that already show up on the iPad. It goes without saying that the processing power of the platform is not fully put to use here. This version does offer 20 exclusive levels. While they are quality levels, they don’t offer any new tricks or functionality. They are essentially more of the same. If it were priced competitively, Angry Birds Star Wars for the PS4 might be recommendable. However, at $50, it appears to be an attempt to take advantage of the PS4 early adopters who are desperate to find something to play. There are a lot of worthy ways for you to spend your $50, and there are a lot more legitimate excuses to turn on your PS4. Angry Birds Star Wars Level 2-21 Walkthrough. Our strategy for Angry Birds Star Wars Death Star level 2-21 should only require one bird. Keep Han low and activate the lasers as level as you can. This will make the lasers bounce back and forth taking out both sides of the level. 93,000. 97,763. Related Videos Shared in Comments Jump to Comments. Comments (65) It is possible with 2 birds, i score 96100 with 2 birds. The first shot as video and second shot shoot the TNT. Exactly. The key is to shoot Han to the left and fire blaster to the right as in video, otherwise aim is off. If pigs are left, shoot Han into TNT and fire blaster at any remaining debris on the for points. Two birds seem to average about 97,000. One bird got me 103110 first time. 3* / 2 Birds – after a lot of effort with one berdie – 92.800. Now 1 Bird / 96.050. Finally a 1-Birder just like on video, otherwise, almost impossible to 3 star with 2 birds. I’ve three starred with two birds. Just need about total destruction. Yeah, I’d agree with that. I’ve done it with two, more often than with just one. I fianlly got a 1-birder with very disappointing results considering how hard it was to get the TNT to blow. 96440. Improved my score but with a 2-birder. I’m not feeling the kind of luch you need to get a 1-birder with a good score. At least I’m above above the average. Just suffered premature calculation on what could have been a total clearance – really miffed. So far I got 97k with 2 birds. Whinge factor paid off. I found the best result for me at least, was to shoot to the same side Han is flying, as opposed to the side he is flying away from as in the video. Might just be me though. What is a whinge? LOL. @playdbird (like the name change!), I think @cmdrbond meant ‘whine’ factor. Just added a ‘silent’ ‘G’. LOL. The G is not silent, think hinge as in door or gate. whinge (hwnj, wnj) intr.v. whinged, whing·ing, whing·es Chiefly British To complain or protest, especially in an annoying or persistent manner. Interesting – was not aware of this until today. I had assumed it was a misspelling of “whine” (pronounced like “wine”). Thanks for the education. Ah So @cmdrbond! Check. Kind of like the British form of ‘while’ – ‘Whilst’. Means same thing just like ‘whine’ and ‘whinge’ then. Well sort of. Thanks for the clarity! Here inIreland the word winge is mainly used to discribe a crying child. Stop winging you winger! That doesn’t work very well on a PC with a mouse control. Just can’t get there fast enough. – 96010 to date. For me the direction of the shot was all important. The further the target is from Han the less the angle of error. That way all the shots remain in play, pretty much horizontal. 94700 with 2 bird XD. how do you get the tnt to detonate like in the video? I’ve been trying for days, and it’s not working… @Oobgular – that’s tough. I haven’t managed it either after hundreds of tries as in the video. I noticed in the video a laser blast sneaks in under the collapsing tower to take out the tnt. When I do it the tower collapses on top of the blast. You might try @CmdrBond approach. That does take out the tnt. I can’t figure out how to get the right side piggie that way though. Good Luck! I too am having the same problem. The TNT will not explode. I played the video in slow motion. It appears the vibration of the second tower from the left, when it drops down, causes the TNT to explode. This one is a great advertisment for using a stylus. Since my fingertip covers up the whole base and the block above it, having any precision to make the shot horizontal is pretty much pure luck. My method: shoot Han to the left, in the moment where he hit the square stone, aim at the wood behind. This should make the shots bounce left and right and after a few (or 100) tries, makes everything fall. 99520 finally a one birder. Just slightly better than my two birder at 98650. Took a few hundred flings to finally get this with 1 bird by following the walkthrough. Had to study it very carefully as positioning & timing are crucial. Despite being a bit frustrating it’s fun to watch the blaster shots ricocheting all over the place when you miss. I could not get it done with one bird in pc, I have got around 91,000 with two birds. I shoot han to right and lasers to left, the pig in the rightmost tower always survives. ONE BIRD SOLUTION TIP(s): As video shows with Han but pay no too much attention to the left, even to the TNT. What matters its the angle of the bouncing lasers… Its mandatory (for high scores) ALL the following: – Shoot LIGHTLY DOWN after lauch Han; (do as the video) – The lasers MUST BOUNCE 3 TIMES each column (left-right)in the same panel; – You MUST DESTROY THE RIGHT WOODEN BOX… (for high score over 100K the right column must fall too) I’ve achieve more that 104K without hit the TNT, a falling crate blow it. Not a easy way but when it work, BIG SCORE. ANOTHER TIP: I’ve found more easy targeting/shooting making Han to shot pointing at the wooden box than the right column. This way the angle its more easy to calculate. “May the birds be with you…” Thank you @tienshenlong! Finally over avg and a very nice score!! :) Awesome score @Kimmiecv :) i used this strat along with yuriyigolkin video great combo they should be a team:) your coming right along..i just noticed a couple of my scores fell below average I’ll probably finish before you so I’ll go back and bring them up after keep up the good fight your doing great!! Thanks @Kathy :) I can’t seem to get yuriyigolkins videos up :( I wish he’d post them like e-star does! Good luck going backwards when you do! Some great strats on these walkthroughs!! :) When you go to you tube type in search .’angry birds death star level 2-21 yuriyigolkin ‘ then after watching video hit your settings button and hit subscribe i had a hard time at first got ta type exactly like i write above..without the apostrophe :) Ahh ok thank you @Kathy I will try this and see if I can get it to work!! :) Angry Birds Star Wars (XB1) Review. Angry Birds is a phenomenon, there is no better way to put it. Everyone knows what it is, “core” gamers tend to hate it, yet nearly everyone who has ever played a game has experienced it. When Activision packaged the original trilogy on consoles last year for $39.99 everyone thought they were insane. Then it sold over a million copies, which means this year we get Angry Birds Star Wars for consoles. Having never played this version and being a huge Star Wars fan meant I was in for a treat, but is it worth the hefty price tag? Angry Birds Star Wars is exactly what the title suggests. This is the same formula of hurling birds at structures in order to knock down pigs, but with a Star Wars twist. Birds with lightsabers and force powers tangle with pigs in Stormtrooper outfits while they fire blasters at me. Yes, it is as nerdy as it sounds. Offering Star Wars-inspired powers really tugs at my fanboy strings. I also have to mention that the level design is fantastic here. Rovio has chosen some of the most interesting locales and mixed the two franchises together seamlessly. It goes without saying that Angry Birds Star Wars is packed with content. There are so many levels it can feel overwhelming at times. All of the levels from the mobile versions are here, as well as a host of exclusive new content that features some new locales and items. The sticker system in place checks off the collection aspect, while the scoring system kept me retrying levels. This is the same formula, but once it got its hooks back in me, I couldn’t stop playing. Rovio has really perfected what makes Angry Birds so addictive. Even though Kinect on Xbox One is far superior to its predecessor, this game controls no better with the device. Controls are still finicky at best, and often don’t work at all. The biggest difference for the XB1 version is that challenges are added on a weekly basis, which still doesn’t justify the price inflation. Angry Birds Star Wars is even more expensive on Xbox One, and that hurts. The extra $10 this version costs is insulting as it really should only be that much for the whole package. The crisper visuals and weekly challenges are nice, but if you already own it elsewhere, there is zero reason to upgrade to the next generation of Angry Birds.