Adapted from the Skills leaflets, produced for the British Chess Federation by JE Littlewood and RA Furness. Developed from the Tactics for Juniors sheets originally prepared by RG Wade, R Bott and S Morrison. The Fork A knight fork is a knight attack on two pieces at the same time.

&àâäãåçéè' ÜJ6BgDJ6<6| Ö6:m:767m::{ Ñ:6767m:76z É676:6767y Ç767g=L676x Å68oN76767w Ä8q@L6@m88m8v ~nG767sK76Gu ,êëíìîïñó-

Here, the Black Knight attacks the White , and – a family fork!

&àâäãåçéè' Ü76767s<76| Ö6:6J6:qB7{ Ñ:6:676:m:z É67676767y Ç7686N676x Å686J6767w Ä86767m88m8v ~67nG7nG7sK7u ,êëíìîïñó-

White plays Nc5 with a double attack on the two Black Rooks. Find the Knight Fork

1. White to move has a Knight fork to 2. White forces Black to move into a win material Knight fork

&àâäãåçéè' &àâäãåçéè' ÜJ6D676<6| Ü7676J67s<| Ö67676:m::{ Ö6767676:{ Ñ7m:767676z Ñ7m:7676:6z Ém:76N6767y É67m:76767y Ç76768676x Ç76767m8N6x Åm87676G68w Åm886767m88w Ä7m876=686v Ä767q@7676v ~676767sK7u ~676767sK7u ,êëíìîïñó- ,êëíìîïñó-

3. Again White has a knight fork to win 4. White’s wins a piece because of a material knight fork to follow

&àâäãåçéè' &àâäãåçéè' ÜJ6767s<76| ÜJ67gD<67nJ| Öm:Bm:7gD7nJ7{ Öm::676:m::{ ÑLm:7m::m:7g=z Ñ76L67676z É6768oN7m:7y É6N6Bm:767y Ç76867676x Ç76767676x Å67nG7m87m87w Å6767q@768w Ä8m876@68m8v Ä8m87g=7m886v ~67676GsK7u ~nG7676GsK7u ,êëíìîïñó- ,êëíìîïñó-

5. Black forces the White King or Queen 6. White to move to a fatal square for a decisive Knight fork

&àâäãåçéè' &àâäãåçéè' ÜJ6BgD<67nJ| Ü767676<6| Öm::m::6:m::{ Ö676BqB:m:7{ Ñ76767oL76z Ñ:676:oL76z É67qB7oL767y É6:67gD7oN7y Ç76768676x Ç7m876767g=x Å6@m8767g=7w Å67oN767m87w Ä8m8767m88m8v Ä86768m87m8v ~nGNq@7sK7oNGu ~67q@767sK7u ,êëíìîïñó- ,êëíìîïñó-

7. White moves to threaten mate, with a 8. Black wins a piece due to a crushing winning fork to follow Knight fork to follow

&àâäãåçéè' &àâäãåçéè' Ü<6767676| Ü767676Js<| Ö6G6:6D67{ Öm::676:nJ:{ Ñ:6767676z Ñ7gD7m:7m:76z ÉoN7676767y É6NqB7oL867y Ç767m:7676x Ç76767676x Å67676767w Å676767m87w Ä7sK7m87676v Ä8m87g=@m87m8v ~67676767u ~nG7676GsK7u ,êëíìîïñó- ,êëíìîïñó-

9. Find Black’s next move 10. What should White play here

&àâäãåçéè' &àâäãåçéè' ÜJ6767nJ<6| Ü76J67s<76| Ö6:m:76:m:7{ Ö6:nJ767gD7{ Ñ:6D6767m:z Ñ:67m:=676z É67qB767oL7y É6768m:8oN7y Ç76867oN76x Ç76767676x Åm87nG7m8767w Å6867m8767w Ä7m87g=@m88m8v Ä7m8767676v ~67676GsK7u ~676767nGKu ,êëíìîïñó- ,êëíìîïñó-

11. Black wins a piece because of a 12. What is White’s best move and why Knight fork to follow

&àâäãåçéè' &àâäãåçéè' Ü76767676| Ü767676<6| Ö6=67m::s<7{ Ö67676J6:{ Ñ767676:6z Ñ:67oN7676z É67gDN6767y ÉoL:m:867gD7y Ç:6J676L6x Ç76867676x Å676767m87w Å6867oN767w Ä867676Km8v Ä8g=76767m8v ~67676G67u ~6767676Ku ,êëíìîïñó- ,êëíìîïñó-


1. 1 Ne7+ forks the Black King and Queen 2. 1 Bc3+ Kg8 (if the Rook blocks the , it is captured) 2 Nf6+ Kf8 3 Nxe8 Kxe8 and White has won the , rook for knight. 3. 1 Ng6+ The Black Rook cannot capture because it is pinned against the King by the White Queen. 4. 1 Qxd5 Qxd5 2 Nc7+ forking the Black King and Queen. White then captures the Queen to emerge a to the good. 5. 1… Bxf2+. If the Bishop is not captured, it takes the White Queen on its next move. If 2 Kxf2 Nxe4+ forking the King and Queen. If 2 Qxf2 Nd3+ also forks King and Queen. 6. 1 Qh8+ Kxh8 2 Nxf7+ forking King and Queen 7. 1 Nc6 threatening both 2 Ra7 mate and Rb8 mate. If 1… dxc6 2 Rxf7. Now for the Knight fork. If after 1 Nc6 Kxb7 2 Nd8+ forking King and Queen and winning the Queen for the loss of a Rook. 8. 1… Qxb5 2 Bxb5 Nf3+ forking King and Queen. Black gains a Knight by these exchanges. 9. 1… Ne4 forking the White Queen and Rook, winning . 10. 1 Qxc8+ Rxc8 2 Ne6+ forks King and Queen 11. 1… Qxd5+. If White plays 2 Qxd5, Black forks King, Queen and Rook with 2… Ne3+ 12. 1 Qh8+ because Black has to capture and then Nxf7+ forks King and Queen. White has won a Rook.