OS Pacific Cifizeii
NS'DE PAG Who are the Hanforci Hibakushas? OSConedionHott Issue: 12825/ Vol 125, tl NationalPacificPijtjlicatioh of the Japanese American CitizensCifizeiiLeague (JACL) J1.50 potipald (U.S., Can.) / $2.30 (Japan Ah) #2826/ Vol. 125, No. 2 JACL website: www.jacl.org / PC e-mail: paccil>'->aol.com jJACL adopts policy on Akaka seeks Opening week’s tone of Senate census change hearing on campaign finance ‘multiraciar censusissue WASHINGTON-Native Ha- waiians should be counted in the reform‘disappointing’ SAN FRANCISCO — The Na- positicm does not specify how people same group as American Indians image that exploits radal sterecH tidoal Board of Directors of the of mixed race are to be counts but and Alaskan Natives “in the next WASHINGTON—As theSenate bearings on campaign fina ncing types and intensifies xenophobic Japanese American Citizens rather aims to explain the needs census, Hawaii Sen. Daniel Akaka League by unanimous vote July 8, and reasons why an accurate coimt during the 1996 Section cycle be- fears —as a result of the all^ has told a House subcommittee. ^ this past week (July8), a coa campaign finance .abuses of a f adopted a “Policy Position on the is needed. The issue,goes beyond Changing 20-year-old classifica just a matter of identify. Agrow lition of six national Asian Pacific individuals, . Multiracial Category," adding to tions used on the 1990 census and “Several leading national news i > the debate about whether or not ing mixed race population could be American organizations, including on most federal forms would “rec the Japanese American Citizens paper have failed to make distinc people of mixed race should be able having health, economic, political tify a long-standing misperception and social impacts on our sod^ League, had offered hearing chair tions between Asian foreigners and to identify thems^ves in the next that Native Hawaiians are not in Americans of Asian descent and censtis.
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