2963 ' CONFIRMATIONS OKLAHOMA Execuhive Nomitwtions Confirmed by the Senate February 4, Eugene F

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2963 ' CONFIRMATIONS OKLAHOMA Execuhive Nomitwtions Confirmed by the Senate February 4, Eugene F 1927 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 2963 ' CONFIRMATIONS OKLAHOMA ExecuHIVe nomitwtions confirmed by the Senate February 4, Eugene F. Harreld, Ardmore. 1921 Roscoe E. Robertson, Eufaula. COMMISSIONERS OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Charles C. Sellers, Quapaw. ~roctor L. Dougherty. PENNSYLVANIA Sidney F. Taliaferro. Harry M. Bowman, Annville. CLERK OF UNITED STATES COURT FOR CHINA Harry H. Wilson, Blairsville. J. Marvin Howes. Floyd A. Hellyer, Cranesville. UNITED STATES MARSHAL Anna l\I. Black, Flora Dale. Harry S. Hubbard to be United States marshal, district of Ralph B. Kunkle, Homer City. Porto Rico. Otto R. Baer, Irwin. POSTMASTERS Wilbur C. Johnson, Lopez. GEORGIA William H. Young, McDonald. John S. Steinmetz, Richland. James A. Brackett, Blairsville. James S. Fennell, Salina. Corine E. Dickerson, Homerville. George W. Kreidler, Yoe. IDAHO TENNESSEE Osmond Buchanan, Blackfoot. John L. Rooke, Cottonwood. Anderson W. Warren, Waverly. ILLINOIS VIRGINIA Evan Harris, Gillespie. Agnes L. Ivey, Catlett. Warren E. Wright, Murrayville. William B. Dew, Sweet Briar. John F. Mains, Stronghurst. David G. Birkett, Washington. IOWA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Charlie l\I. Willard, Persia. Samuel 0. Laverty, Promise City. FRIDAY, February 4, 1927 KENTUCKY The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Walter Creech, Cumberland. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered the following prayer : MAINE James Mahaney, Cherryfield. 0 love divine, accept our tribute of praise and thanksgiving. We would say, Holy, holy, ·holy, Lord God Almighty. Lead us MARYLAND to strive to be worthy of all, and may evil lose its power over Howard E. Dixon, Brunswick. us. Imbue us thoroughly with a spirit of love for our country Harry R. Kinnaman, Myersville. and devotion to its lasting welfare. When the way is steep and Philip E. Huntt, Waldorf. straight, long and lonely, come from behind the clouds and be MICHIGAN the beacon light on the upward journey. Through stress and Grace Tillie, Honor. strain and storm may we know that God is God and blessed for­ Perry Anderson, Stanwood. evermore. May our directive purpose for this day be for God Gertrude S. Scott, Sterling. and our dear homeland. Amen. MISSISSIPPI The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and James S. Niles, Kosciusko. approved. Mary E. Cain, Vaiden. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE MONTANA A message from the Senate, by l\Ir. Craven, its principal clerk, Prince A. Mowbray, Brady. announced that the Senate had agreed to the report of the Fred N. Weed, Terry. committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two NEW JERSEY Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill H. R. Walter W. Whitman, Pleasantville. I 16462, entitled "An act making appropriations to supply urgent Edward J. Tidaback, Short Hills. deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending Wilbur Fuller, Sussex. June 30, 1927, and prior fiscal years, and to provide urgent NEW MEXICO supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, Timothy B. Baca, Belen. 1927, and for other purposes."- Pearl Hare, Bloomfield. The message also announced that the Senate had passed with Augustin F. Sisneros, Espanola. amendments House bill of the following title, in which the con­ NEW YORK currence of the House is requested : Christopher Martin, Altamont. H. R. 11601. An act granting pensions and increase of pen­ Hilbert W. Becker, Brightwaters. sions to certain soldiers and sailors of the Regular Army and Michael Gleason, Carthage. Navy, and certain soldiers and sailors of wars other than the Maurice M. Parker, Deferiet. Civil War, and to widows of such soldiers and sailors, etc. Emil M. Pabst, Huntington Station. The message also announced that the Vice President had Charles G. Mackey, jr., Milton. appointed Mr. HALE and Mr. SWANSON members of the joint Henry A. Holley, Otisville. committee on the part of the Senate as provided for in the act Henry E. Johnston, Spencer. of February 16, 1889, as amended by the act of March 2, 1895, Frank L. Millen, Watkins Glen. entitled "An act to authorize and provide for the disposition of useless papers in the executive departments," for the disposition Albert A. Patterson, Willsboro. of useless papers in the Navy Department. NORTH DAKOTA Carl Indergard, Belfield. ENROLLED BILLS SIG]',""EO Inez Grams, Bowbells. Mr. CAMPBELL, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, re­ John W. Vogel. Coleharbor. ported that that committee had examined and found truly Milo C. Merrill, Flaxton. enrolled House bills and House joint resolutions of the follow­ Ruth Ellickson, Regent. ing titles, when the Speaker signed the same: Josephine M. Lierboe, Turtle Lake. H. R. 2190. An act for the relief of Agnes W. Wilcox; OHIO H. R. 2994. An act for the relief of Harry J. Dabel; Leonard T. Cool, Canton. H. R. 3664. An act to correct the military rectlrd of Daniel C. Jesse L. Bales, Jackson. Darroch; Rossiter S. Williams, Oak Hill. H. R. 5085. An act to remove the charge of desertion from Eugene G. Dick, Oberlin. and correct the naval record of Louis Nemec, otherwise known Edward J. Cranmer, Ostrande:::-. as Louis Nemeck ; Claude Jl.J. Gardner, Powell. H. R. 5243. An act to promote the mining of potash on the Minnie A. Jackson, Rockford. public domain ; William E. Thomas, Wellston. H. R. 5486. An act for the relief of Levi Wright; 2964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE · }fEBRUARY 4 n. R. 6384. An act to amend the acts of June 7, 1924, and 1\Ir. TILSON. Let me say to the gentleman from Texas that March 3, 1925, i:ranting certain public lands to the city of Members are coming in rapidly, and it may be as we go along Phoenix, Ariz. ; there 'will be no need for a roll call. H. R. 7563. An act to amend section 4900 of the United States The SPEAKER. The Clerk will report the ~onference report. Revised Statutes; The Clerk read the conference report, as follows : H. R. 7849. An act for the relief of Ella Miller; H. R. 8784. An act for the relief of Bertha M. Leville; OONFERENOE REPORT H. R. 8923. An act for the relief of Sheffield Co., a corporation The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the of Americus, Ga. ; two Houses on the ame·ndments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. H. R. 9061. An act to authorize Lieut. Commander Lucius C. 16462) making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in Dunn, United States Navy, to accept frpm the King of Denmark certain appropriations for the fiscal yea!" ending June 30, 1927, a decoration known as a "Knight of the Order of Danne­ and prior .fiscal years, and to provide urgent supplemental ap­ brog"; propriations for the .fiscal year ending June 30, 1927, and for H. R. 9268. An act to amend the agricultural credits act of other purposes, having met, afte~ full and free conference have 1923; agreed to recommend and do recommepd to their respective H. R. 9433. An act for the relief of Alexander Edward Metz ; Houses as follows : H. R. 9919. An act for the relief of Stanton & Jones; That the House recede from its disagreement to the amend­ H. R.10082. An act to permit construction, maintenance, and ments of the Senate numbered 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6, and agree to the use of certain pipe lines for petroleum and its products ; same. H. R. 10424. An act to ratify the action of a local board of Amendment numbered 11: That the House recede from its sales control in respect of a contract between the United States disagreement to the amendment of the Senate numbered 11, and Max Hagedorn, of La Grange, Ga. ; and agree to the same with an amendment as follows:· In lieu H. R. 10901. An act to authorize the incorporated town of of the sum named in said am'!:mdment insert the following : Wrangell, Alaska, to issue bonds in any sum not exceeding " $1,500,000 " ; and the Senate a,gree to the same. $50,000 for the purpose of constructing and equipping a public­ The committee of conference have not agreed on am!mdments school building in the town of Wrangell, Alaska ; numbered 4, 7, 8, 9, and 10. H. R. 11139. An act for the relief of Celestina Mateos; WILLIAM R. Woon, H. R.l1174. An act to· amend sectiQn 8 of the act of Septem­ Loms C. CRAMTON, ber 1, 1916 (39 Stat. L. p. 716), and for other purposes; JOSEPH W. BYRNS, H. R.l1259. An act to reimburse or compensate James E. Managers mr, the pfPrt of the H01tse. Parker- for money, clothing, and other property misplaced or F. E. WARREN, appropriated by United States authorities during the World CHARLES CURTIS, War; LEE S. OVERMAN, H. R.11586. An act.for the relief of Fannie B. Armstrong; Ma1wgers on the part of the Senate. H. R. 12109. An act to amend section 115b of subchapter 3 of chapter 1 of the District of Columbia Code ; Mr. WOOD. Mr. Speaker, I move the adoption of the confer­ H. R. 12110. An act to amend section 1135, chapter 31, of the ence report. Di. trict of Columbia Code ; Mr. BLACK of Texas. Will the gentleman yield for a ques­ H. R. 12952. An act to authorize the village of Decatur, in tion before he makes that motion? the State of Nebraska, to construct a bridge across the Missouri Mr. WOOD. I will. River between the States of Nebraska and Iowa; Mr. BLACK of Texas. As I understand the conference agree­ H. R. 13451. An act to increase the pensions of certain maimed ment, it provides for $1,500,000 for the purchase of a site for a veterans who have lost limbs or have been totally disabled in the Supreme Court building? sanie, in line of duty, in the military or naval service of the Mr.
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