The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan

utt uik Trans. Iq)id, Soc. Japati 56 (4): 267-275, September 2005

Rhopobota grypedes (Meyrick) (, [[brtricidae, ), a newly recorded species from Japan, with descriptions of immature stages

Ybshitsugu NAsu]' and Satoru ToMiNAGA2'

L' ]53-2. Nakado, Hashimoto, Wakayama, 648-O023 Japan ii 251-3, Kochinda, Kochinda, Okinawa. 901-0401 japan

Abstract Rhopobota gt:y'podes (Meyrick) is newly recorded from Okinawa-jima Island. Japan. We provide illustrations of the adult, including genitalia. and the immature stages. Larvae feed on the leaves of Katopanar pictus (Araliaceae). Relationships among the species of Rhopobota arc dis- cussed in the context of the male hindwing patch and the s{gnum.

Key words Tertricidae, Rhopobota gt)7]odes (Mcyrick), larva, pupa, autapomorphy, Katopanax piclLts,Japan.

Rhopobota Ledcrer, 1859 (tribe ) is widely distributed in all regions except the Ethiopian, with over forty described species world-wide (Brown, R,, 1983; Nasu, 1999, 2000; Razowski, 1999a, b; Oku, 2003; Brown, J., 2005), Brewn, R. (1983) and Razowski (1989) proposed two autapomorphies for the genus; a pair of projections from the tegumen in the male genitalia and a caudal sclerotized band (V- or U-shaped sclerite) in the corpus bursae in the female genitalia,

In Japan sixteen species have been recorded (Kawabe, 1982, 1989: Brown, R., 1983; Nasu, 1999, 2000; Oku, 2003). In 2003, the second author found olethreutine larvae feeding on thc leaves of Katopanax pictus (Araliaceae) in Okinawajima Island, Japan. The adults proved to be Rhopobota gopodes (Meyrick, 1912). which previously was known from Sri Lanka and Java,

The purpose of the paper is to redescribe R. gr)podes, present descriptions of the immature stages, and discuss the autapomorphy for the species and allied gpecics.


The present study is based on specimens reared from larvae on Katopanax pictus in Okinawajima Is, Material for comparison includes Japanese specimens of R. naevana (HUbner. 1817), R. sp. 4 of Oku (2003), R. folcata Nasu, 1999 including the holotype, and Thai specimens of R. bicolor Kawabe, 1989 including the holotype. The holotype of R..fal- cata and Thai specimens of R. bicvior are deposited in the collection of the Entomological Laboratory of Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Japan; the remaining specimens are in the private collection of Yl Nasu, Hashimoto, Japan,


Rhopobota g, ypodes (Meyrick) (Figs 1-20)

Acroclita g,1mpodes Meyrick, l912: 857; Diakonoff, 1950: 278; Clarkc. 1958: 272, pl. I35. figs 4-4a (adult. dV' geniLalia), Eumarissa gr.},podes: C]arke, 1976: 34, Rhopobota g,:spodes: Diakonoff, 1982: 54: Brown, R., 1983: 101; Razowski, 1999h: 35e: Brown. J.. 2005/

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268 and ToM[N,xG,N Yoshitsugu ` NAsu Sateru

・・.,・pt・....:./tl/'? ・:・ .t- .- !#iglkk$ .

M2-4 5

Figs 1-8. Rhopobota [. ,/"udult. 2. Adult. restlng 3-S. S" hind win.u. ,gtl'podes'

53S. Acrociita vulntrina Meyrick, 1936: 61O; Diakonoff, 1950: :7g: Clarke. I958/ 272. pl. 136. figs 1-lb (udult, {' gcnitaliu); Brown, J., 2005: 53S.

Diagnosis. Sexual dimorphism limited. The has a protruded forewing apex, brown ground color. bluish green on dorsal and tornal areas of forewing. and a black patch on the under surface of the male hindwing {Figs 3-5), The male genitalia are characterized by a pair of pro.iections from the tegumen. Iarge socii, and semicircu]ar cuculli (Fig. 1O). Thc fe- male genitalia are characterized by a long ductus bursae and a smal] corpus bursae without acaudal sclerotized band (Fig. 11). The species is digtinguishable from its congeners by the bluish grcen dorsal and tornal areas of the forewing and the lack of a caudal sclerotized band on the corpus bursae in the female genitalia.

Adult (Figs 1-5, 9, 10-13). Male and fomale. Wing expanse 12-14mm in male. 12-15mm in fcmale. Head bluish green. Antenna simple, brownish gray. Ocellus and chaetosema present, Labial palpus short. bluish gray. inner side whitish. Thorax bluish green, tips of scales pale; tegula brown, tips of scales whitish. Forewing clongate ublon.u, apex protrud- ed. without costal fold, Veins R, and R, stalkcd, in disca] cell M-stem present (FiLg. 9). Ground color brown. overlaid with cream-white, en dorsal and tornal areas h]uish green. Costa blackish brown, with seven pairs of whitish costa] strigulae froin apex to lf4 of base, Outward-oblique brownish white streak originating from each of basa] six costal strigulae; basal two streaks wide; each streak confluent in order. rcaching first apica] costal strigula. A blackish brown line at middle and two blackish brown lines at base. A whitish brown band running outward]y from base of costa to before torntt1 area, tapering apically. Apex

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269 Rhqpobora go7)odes (Meyrick) from Japan

Fig, 9. Wing vcnation ot' Rhopobota gr.vpodes (Meyrick), 9. Seale line: 1 mrn.

blackish brown, A black line along termen from apex to middle of termen. Dorsum with some blackish brown dots, Cilia brownish white, blackish on apex. Hindwing trapezoidal, CuP distinct on edge. 3A indistinct (Fig. 9), Color light grayish brown, Under surface with a black patch consisting of long black scales on each side of middle of Rs vein and dark brown scales in discal cell from Rs vein to a fo]ded line (Figs 3-5). Cilia concolorous with wing.

Male genitalia (Fig. 10). Uncus absent, Tegumen with a pair of club-shaped prejections laterally, spinulose on lateral surface. Socius long, digitate, setose. Valva large, club- shaped, with a prominence on caudal part of sacculus. Cucullus semicircular, with a pro- truded lobe bearing 15-22 thick setae at dorsal angle, Aedeagus cone-shaped; vesica with 1 3-17 deciduous cornuti.

Female genitalia (Figs 11-13), Papilla analis flat, Apophysis posterioris as long as apoph- ysis anterioris. Ostium bursae located ip a deep incision on posterior edge of sternite VII. Lamella postvaginalis oblong, fused with sternite VII, with a slender gap in middle (Fig. 12). Sternite VII trapezoidal. Ductus bursae long, with a sclerotized ring in posterior end. Ductus seminalis originating from posterior 314 of ductus bursae, Corpus bursae small, globular, with two sma]1 horn-shaped signa (Fig, l3),

Larva (Figs 7, 8, 14-17, 19), Last instar length about 12 mm. Head somewhat shorter than broad, dark brown; adfrontal areas extending near]y to epicranial notch (Fig. 19A); six stemmata in semi-circle (Fig. 19B); spinneret short, tapering distally. Prethoracic shield dark brown. Thoracic leg dark brown. with two enlarged pretarsal setae, the inner spatu- late, the outerblade-like (Fig. 16). Body brownish yellow-white (Fig. 7), becoming reddish before pupating (Fig. 8);integument spinulose (Figs 14, 15), Crochets on ventral prolegs in a uniordinal circle, 48-54, posterior crochets biordinal (Fig. 14); crochets on anal proleg in a semicircle, 28-29. Small circular plate with a groove in the middle present in antero-dor- sad from ventral proleg on abdominal segments III-Vl (Figs 14, 19D: arrows, 15). Setae pale. Pinacula somewhat large, brown, Anal plate dark brown, pale medially (Fig. 7).

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270 Yoshitsugu NAsu and Sateru ToMiNAGA

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Figs 10-18. Rhopobota gcMpodes (Meyrick). 10. X genitalia, shde YN-11S6. 11. ? gemta]ia, s]ide YN-1157. 12. Ditto, lamella postvaginalis. 13. Ditto. signa. 14. Abdominal segment IV of larva, ventral, left (arrow: small circular plate). 15. Small circular platc on the ab- domina] segment IV of larva, left, 16. Pretarsal setae of right foreleg of larva. 17. Anal fork of larva. ]8. Small oval knob on abdominal segment VI of pupa. Ieft. Scale lines: O.5 mm for Figs 10. 11, O,2 mm for Figs 12-i4; O,05 mm for Figs 15-17; O,02 mm for Fig. 18.

Anal fork present,with five or six irregular setae (Fig.

Chaetotaxy(Fig. 19).Onhead,Pl closer to AFI17)thanto AF2, A2distinctly closer to A1

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271 Rhopobota gr.vpodes (Meyriek) frum Japan

than to A3. 0n abdominal segments I-VII, SD] and SD2 antero-dorsad to spiracle, L group trisetose, Ll and L2 on a common pinaculum. On abdominal segment VIII, SDI and SD2 antero-ventrad to spiracle, On abdominal segment IX, D2s on a common pinaculum, Dl and SDI on a common pinaculum, L group trisetose on a common pinaculum. SV group on abdominal segments I, II, III, VII, VIII and IX consisting of 2(3), 3, 3, 2, 2 and 2 setae, respectively,

Pupa (Figs 18, 20), Length about 8 mm, Color brown. Clypeus with two pairs of setae, Maxillae shorter than prothoracic legs. Antennae about as long as mesothoracic tegs, Mesothoracic legs about as long as forewings. Distal ends of metathoracic legs exposed. Forewings extending slightly beyond midd]e of abdominal segment IVI Spiracles slightly protruded. Proleg scars discernible on abdominal segments V and VI. Small oval knob with a groove in the middle present ventrad from proleg scar on abdominal segments IV-VI (Figs 18, 20A: arrow). Abdominal segment X with four pairs of hooked setae,

Material cxamined, Adult. JARPLN: Ryukyu: Okinawajima Is., Okinuwa-shi, Goya, 2 9,

emerg. 15-28. IX. 2003 (S, Tbminaga leg,), 1 g'1\,, emerg. 8-16. XII. 2003 (Y. Nasu leg,), 1 8'59,emerg. 2-12. VI, 2004 (S, Tbminaga leg.), 6r3?, emerg. 5-24. VI. 2004 (Y, Nasu leg.),2\,emerg, 3, IX, 2004 (S. Tominaga leg.). All adults were reared from larvae feeding on Kalql)ancLx pict"s. Larva. The same locality as aduit, 2 cxs, fixed on 31, V. 2004 (Y. Nasu leg,), Pupa. The same locality as adult, 1 ?, fixed on 15. VI. 2004 (Y. Nasu cuticles: on Nasu leg.). leg.).Pupal 5 8 2 ? , fixed 5-24.VI.2004 (YL

Distribution, Sri Lanka, Java, Japan (Ryukyu: Okinawajima Island).

Biology. Larvae feed on the under surface of the leaves of Kalopanax pictus (Thumb,) Nakai var. tutchuensis (Nakai) Nemoto (Araliaceae), living within a silken web covered with faeces along the leaf vein (Fig. 6), or within a silken pocket constructed between close ]eaf veins. Under laboratory conditions, fully-grown ]an'ae vacated the larval habitat and cut a leaf transversely at two points along the margin and folded it over, constructing a pupal case, Pupation took place in the case, The rearing data suggest that the moth has several generarions per year in Okinawa-jima Island.


Characteristics oj'the immatures

The immatures of R. gmpodes show several notable characteristics, The tarsus of the tho- racic leg has a pair of enlarged pretarsal setae, the inner of which is spatulate and the outer blade-like (Fig. 16), Similar enlarged setae are present in several species of the genus, in- cluding R, naevana, R. Iatipennis (Walsingham, 1900), R. illexi Kuznetzov, 1969, and sev- eral species of the family Tbrtricidae, e. g. the subfamily Tbrtricinae: Adoxoph.yeh' orana ,fasciata Walsingham, 1900, A. duhia Yasuda, 1998, A. honmai Yasuda, 1998, and the sub- family Olethreutinae: Notocelia nimia Falkovitsh, 1965, Heteanna jukugi Nasu, 1999, H. melanomochla (Meyrick, 1936) (Nasu, unpubl, data), Nasu et aL (2004) suggested the pos- sibility that this character is character{stic of larvae that bore inte fruits or stems and mine leaves because most larvae bearing such enlarged setae, e. g. Incurvariidae, Lyonetiidae, Palaephatidae, Elachistidae, Cosmopterididae, Peleopodidae, Heliodinidae, and Copromor- phidae, are stem- or fruit-berers or leaf miners. However, the function of the setae is un- known. Most larvae of lbrtricidae mentioned above are not borers or miners but leafjoin- rlbrtricidae, ers. In contrast, the larvae known as borers and gall makers of e. g, Eucoeno- genes 1'aponica Kawabe, l978, E?)ihlema foenellum (Linnaeus. 1758), E, sugii Kawabe, 1976 and Eucosma metzneriana (Trietschke, 1830), have normal pretarsal setae (Nasu, un-

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272 Yoshitsugu NAsu and Satoru ToMiNAGA



Fig. 19. Larval chaetotaxy ofRhopobota gr)tpedes (Mcyrick).

publ, data). In [Ibrtricidae, the enlarged pretarsal setae and mode of life, borer or miner, may be independent of each other. Tb analyze the association between the setae and mode of life, it is necessary to show the function of the setae.

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273 Rhopohota go・vodes (Meyrick) from Japan

' x` .N





L' Ftg. 20. Pupa of Rh(tpobvta gr.vpodes (Meyrick). . (A) Ventral aspect (aiTow: smalt oyal knob); (B) lateral aspcct. Scalc line: 1 mm.

A small circular plate is present antero-dorsad from the ventral proleg on abdominal seg- ments III-VI of the larva (Figs 14, 19D: arrows, 15), The function of the plate is unknown, but the structure is widely distributed in (Komai, 1999; Nasu, unpubl. data).

The pupa has a small oval knob ventrad from the proleg scar on abdominal segments IV-VI (Figs 18. 20A: arrow). The knob is structurally similar to the small circular plate antero- dorsad of the yentral proleg on abdeminal segments III-VI of the larva (Figs 14: arrow, 15), Although the knob is not located antero-dorsad of the proleg scar as in the larva, but ven- trad of ir, and is smaller than the circular plate of {he larva, they may be homologous be- cause of the similarities of structures.

A"tapomorph.v for the species and altied .vJec'ies

R. gizMpodes has a pair of projections frem the tegumen in the male genitalia and lacks the caudal sclerotized band (VL or U-shaped sclerite) of the corpus bursae in the female geni- talia. Thesc characters are usual among the other species of the genus. and not observed in rlbrtricidae. other genera of Therefore Brown, R. (1983) and Razowski (1989) recognized the characters as autapomorphies for the genus. In this species the caudal sclerotized band may be secondarily lost. We propose that the loss of the caudal sclerotized band is an au- tapomorphy for the species.

The male hindwing of R. gr:v.vodes has a black patch on the under surface (Figs 3-5). A similar black patch is found in some congeners: R. naevana, R. seteropa (Meyrick, 1912: 857), R. h){pomelas Diakonoff. 1983: 15, R. sp. 2 and R. sp. 4 of Oku (2003: 119), and R,

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274 Yoshitsugu NAsu and Satoru To"ciNAGA

bicoior, Theblackpatch is variable in size among the species. These species are also fair- ly similar to each other in external features and structures of the genitalia (of figures of adult and male genitalia of R. seteizrpa by Clarke, 1958: pl. 139, figs 2, 2a; those ofR, hy- pometas by Diakonoff, 1983: pl. 4, fig, 6, pl, 15, fig, 85). While R, sp. 3 of Oku (2003) and R. fatcata lack the black patch, they are closely related to R. naevana on the basis of simi- larities of external features and genitalia (Oku, 2003; Nasu, 1999). In R, sp. 3 and R. folca- ta the patch may be secondarily lost, Whether several species described by Diakonoff and Meyrick in South and South-east Asia, e. g, R, eclipticodes (Meyrick, 1935), R. folcigera (Diakonoff, 1950), R. microrrhyncha (Meyrick, 1931), which are similar to R. naevana in external features, have the black patch is unclear, because their males have not yet been recorded. [Ib hypothesize the species relationships within the genus only on the basis of the shared possession of the black patch is an error because of the occasional secondary loss of the patch among the species. Diakonoff (1983) regarded the sca]es of the black patch in R. h}pomelas as androconial scales; however, he gave no evidence that the patch is a scent organ.


We express our thanks to J, W, Brown, Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA, cfo National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, USA, for critical reading of the manuscript, T. Hirowatari, Osaka Prefecture Uniyersity, Sakai, Japan, for allowing us to ex- amine the specimens of Rhopobota bicoior including the holotype, and T. Oku, Morioka, Japan, and U. Jinbo, National Science Museum, [[bkyo, for their kind advices, Our thanks are due to M. Higa, the South-east Botanical Gardens, Okinawa, Japan, fbr identification of the host plant.


Brewn, J.W., 2005. Tortricidue (Lepidoptera). In Landry, B. (Ed.), Wbrld Catatogue ofIhsects 5: l-741, Brown R, L., 1983. Taxonomic and morphological investigations of Olethreutinae: Rhopobora, Griselda, Melissop"s, and O'dia (Lepidoptera: Tortricidac). Entornegraph.v 2: 97-120. Clarke, J, F, G., 1958. Catatog"e qf'the mpe SPecimens ofMicrolepidoptera in the British Museum (Ndt"ral Histor),) described b.v Edward Me.vrick 3. 600 pp., 298 pLs. British Museurn, London,

, 1976.Microlepidoptera:Tortricoidea.insectsMieronesia 9: 1-145. Diakonoff, A., 1950, The type specimens of certain oriental Eucesmidae and Carposinidae (Microlepi- dQptera) described by Edward Meyrick togethcr with descriptions of new Eucosmidae and Carposinidae in the British Museum (Natural History). BuU. Br. M"s. IVt:t. Hist. (Ent.) 1: 275-300, pls 3-8. , 1982. 0n ac]lection of seme families ofMicrolepidoptera from Sri Lanka (Cey]on). Zool. Verh. Leiden (193): 1-124, pls l-18. 1983, Aljeh, Northern Sumatra , Tortricidaefrom (Lepidoptera).Z]ot.1,lerh.Leiden(204):1-132, p]s1-22. Kawabe, A, 1982. Tortricidae, In Inoue, H., Sugi, S., Kuroko, H., Moriuchi, S. and A. Kawabe, Meths qf Japan 1: 62-151,2: 158-1S1.pls 14-30, 227. 279-293. Kodansha, Tokyo. (In Japanese). 1989. Records and descriptionsof , the subfamily Olethreutinae (Lcpidoptera: Tortricidae) from Thailand, Microlep, 77iai, (2): 23-82, Komai, F.,1999. A taxonomic review ofthe genus Gtiipholita and allied genera (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in the Palaearctic region. Entomolegica scand. (Suppl.) 55: 1-226. Meyrick. E., 1912. Descriptions of lndian Micro-Lepidoptera. J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 21: 852-877. 1936 . (reprintcd in 1969), Exoti('Microtepid. 4: 609-642. E. W. Classey Ltd.,Hampton. Nasu, Y., 1999. Description of Rhopobota jutcata sp. n. from Japan, with notes on R. s),・mbotias (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Ent. Sci. 2: 127-130. 2000. 0ne new and three newly recorded , olethreutine (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) frorr) Japan, 7)'ans. tepid. Soc. Japan 51: 19-28. Nasu, Y., Saito, T. and F. Komai, 2004. Discovcry of the previously unrecorded family Copromorphidae

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275 Rhopobota gtlvpode、s((Meyrick)from Japan

R〕r the fainily. Meyrick (Lepidoptera〕in Japa匹 , wilh description of a new species and aulapomorphics − Ent,∫c ’,7:73 83. ’ . − Oku , T .、2003 , Microlepidoptera of the lwate Prcfecture. 7rans , Iyvate酊 ,∫‘丿‘ .(Suppl .) 211 157 (in Japanese), Razowski , J.,1989. The generu of Tortricidac(Lepidoptera). Par111; Palaearctic Olcthreutinae. Acta zo ‘♪’. ’ − {/t Clcov ・.32: 107 328. V : Palaearctic Eucosomina and Enarmoniina ,1999a , Ca しalogue of the spccies of Tor匸ricidae . Purt , − (lnsecta: Lepidoptera).∫HJLt4 P Reしt‘1. Lepi‘1.27 : 437 506 , .1999わ. Discovcry of ノ〜ノiopobota Lederer,1859 (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in the Neotropiじal ・ − Region. with description of four new speclcs . A ( ta lool . c 厂aco レ .42; 349 353.

摘 要

, ハ 凵本 新記 録 種 ハ リ ギ リ ミ ド リ ヒ メ ハ マ キ (新称 )Rhopohota gt:〉podes (Meyrick)(鱗 翅 且 マ キ ・ ガ科 .ヒ メ ハ マ キ ガ 亜科)の 記 録お よ び 幼 生 期 の 記載 (那須義次 富永 智)

ハ い の ヒ メ ハ マ キ ガ が 第 2 著 者 の 富永 に よ り沖縄 島 の リ ュ ウ キ ュ ウ リ ギ リ を 摂 食 し て る 未 知 幼虫 発 見 さ れ た .羽 化 成 虫 を検 討 した と こ ろ ,目 本 未記録 の R 加 ρo かo ’α 9堺 ,‘,如 ∫ (Meyrick)で あ る こ とが 判 明 した .

本種 は前 翅 の 後 縁 部 と 肛 角域 が 青緑色 で あ る こ と に よ り ,同 属 の 他 の 種 と 区別 で き る .本種 の ♀ 交尾 ・ バ ン い 、こ の 器 の コ ル ブ ス ブ ル サ エ は 本属 の 固 有新形 質で あ る後 方 の 硬 化 した ド を もた な 欠失状 態 は 本種 の 固有新形 質 と考え られ る 、♂成 虫 の 後翅 裏面 は黒 色 紋 を もつ .こ の 形 質は 属 内 の い くつ か の 近 縁 な種 で 見 ら れ る ,

分 布 : ス リ ラ ン カ ,ジ ャ バ ,日 本 (沖縄 島).

ハ Thumb Nakai var tutchuensis(Nakai Ncmoto ウ コ 寄 主 植 物 : リ ュ ウ キ ・・ ウ リ ギ リKalo ρanax pictus〔 .) . ) ( ギ科).

幼 虫 は 寄卞植物 の 葉 裏 の 葉 脈 沿 い に 絹 糸 で 造 ら れ た 巣 (表 面 に 糞 を付 着 させ て い る )の 中か あ る い は隣 1 る . で は お そ ら く り合 っ た 葉 脈 の 間 に 造 ら れ た ポケ ッ ト状 の 巣 の トに 潜 み な が ら .表面 を摂 食 す 沖 縄 年 数世代 を経過 す る と 思 わ れ る .

(Acceptcd Apri126 ,20 〔)5)

Puhlishcd by the Lepidopterological Society ofJapan 、 − 5−20,Motoyokoyama 2, Hachioji, Tokyo .192 0063 亅apan

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