May 14, 2020

The Honorable Steven F. Sisolak Governor State of State Capitol Building 101 N. Carson Street Carson City, NV 89701

Re: Request To Immediately Lift The Ban On In-Person Worship Services Where Ten Or More Persons May Gather So Long As Each Church Develops, Implements, And Maintains A Safety Plan That Adheres To Applicable Social Distancing And Hygiene Guidelines.

Dear Governor Sisolak:

This correspondence is a collaborative communication signed by over 190 Pastors and Ministry leaders from many different Christian denominations and expressions of the Christian faith, representing racially, socioeconomically, and politically diverse congregations, large and small, residing in communities across the State of Nevada. Each one of the undersigned pray for you, your wife, and your administration daily. We know your job is difficult under the best of circumstances, but in the face of a global pandemic we empathize with you as the weight of the decisions you have had to make must feel impossibly difficult. Nevertheless, we thank God that he has given you strength, wisdom, and conviction to make decisions that have prevented widespread outbreak of COVID-19 in Nevada and mitigated the number of deaths related thereto. We also applaud your efforts to support health care workers, first responders, and essential workers who have heroically served our communities during this unprecedented time.

Just like you, we care deeply for the people of the State of Nevada. During this time of crisis, our houses of worship and the people we serve have adapted to the pandemic and taken safety precautions related thereto. We have restricted our in-person services and done our best to utilize virtual platforms to serve our congregations and our communities.

That being said, we have been gravely concerned that the actions you have taken appear to have targeted religious gatherings. For example, the, "DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY DIRECTIVE 013” issued by your office on April 8, 2020, is one of the most restrictive orders in the United States. Section 4 states:


Places of worship shall not hold in-person worship services where ten or more persons may gather, including without limitation, drive-in and pop-up services, for the remainder of the Declaration of Emergency. Places of worship may, however, hold worship services via alternative means, including but not limited to, video, streaming, or broadcast, provided that any personnel needed to perform tasks related to such alternatives do so in a manner that is consistent with social distancing guidelines promulgated by the Nevada Health Response, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and all Directives promulgated pursuant to the March 12, 2020 Declaration of Emergency, including without limitation, the prohibition on gatherings of ten or more persons and maintaining minimum separation distances of at least six feet between persons.

See 19_Declaration_of_Emergency_Directive_013/ (emphasis supplied).

Additionally, the order also provided enforcement provisions stating, “Government agencies may use all existing civil and criminal statutes, ordinances, codes, and regulations to enforce the provisions of this Directive.” See Section 11, supra.

We trust that you had good intentions when you issued this order. We understand that it was your express purpose to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and save lives. However, the order went too far, especially when there are other policies and practices available that are not as restrictive. We respectfully submit that the restrictions on in-person church services are more burdensome than they need to be in order to accomplish our shared goal of preventing the spread of COVID-19. Emergency Directive 013 restricts religious gatherings in a way that is overbroad and not narrowly tailored to accomplish our shared goal of preventing the spread of disease and death. As one federal court explained last Friday when it struck down a similar order in Kentucky:

The Constitution will endure. It would be easy to put it on the shelf in times like this, to be pulled down and dusted off when more convenient. But that is not our tradition. Its enduring quality requires that it be respected even when it is hard.

Tabernacle Baptist Church, Inc. of Nicholasville, Kentucky v. Beshear et al, Case No. 3:20-cv- 00033-GFVT, Doc #: 24 (E.D.KY May 8, 2020).

Here in Nevada, there is no evidence that houses of worship have in any way contributed to the spread of COVID-19. In fact, most houses of worship have closely followed government orders, prepared comprehensive safety plans, and otherwise complied with all the social distancing guidelines. Prohibiting in-person church services is not necessary given the reasonable steps we have all taken to protect our congregations and the communities we serve. While we understand your concern for the health and safety of people in our state, we simply ask that


you understand that we share your concern and that you can trust us to lead and protect our faith communities as we minister to people in need of our care and comfort.

If a person can safely take their car to a fast food drive through, congregate at a Costco, assemble in mass at a supermarket parking lot, or go to work at a professional office, construction site, or distribution warehouse with appropriate PPE and comply with other CDC social distancing guidelines, then houses of worship should be permitted to do the same. There is nothing that makes a manager of a supermarket, foreman on a job site, or office manager, wiser or more capable than any of us to provide for the safety of those we have been called to serve.

The “Phase One” order that has begun the process of reopening of Nevada did not lift the restrictions on houses of worship to have in-person services of more than 10 people. However, restaurants have been permitted to re-open for in-person dining (take-away and delivery still preferred; 50% seating capacity; reservations required; six feet apart; bar tops closed; waiting patrons must wait outside to be seated; masks for employees). Bars that serve food have been permitted to open. Barber shops, salons, and nail shops have been permitted to reopen to the public (partitions preferred or 6ft rule; appointments only; masks required). Retail businesses have been given the green light to resume business (no more than 50% of allowed occupancy inside at any time -- includes big box stores). Car Dealerships have been allowed to reopen to the public to sell cars (appointment only, test drive okay without dealership rep; 50% occupancy). Finally, Cannabis dispensaries can resume indoor sales once approved by State regulators.

The distinctions being made in the Phase One reopening plan appear to us to be arbitrary. There is no longer a distinction between “essential” and “non-essential” business. Instead, it appears the determinations being made about who can reopen and host gatherings of more than 10 people and who cannot host such gatherings are ad hoc and inconsistent. The distinctions being made between a salon and a gym or a big box store/restaurant and a church don't appear to have a coherent rationale. Concluding that a restaurant with a capacity of 100 can open to 50 people at a time as long as they practice social distancing, utilize PPE, and follow other health and safety guidelines, but houses of worship cannot do the same does not make sense to any of us or the people we serve in our congregations and communities.

What you and many others may not fully appreciate about many of us and our houses of worship is that, although the notion that a building does not define who we are as people of faith is true, the gathering of the ekklesia (which is the New Testament Term for “Assembly” or “Called out”) is central to the Christian faith. The virtual gatherings we have been forced to settle for during this time of crisis, while necessary for the physical health and safety of people in our community, are not an acceptable substitute for the communal gathering of the Church. The gathering of the ekklesia is more than just a motivational speech from a gifted orator, a deep teaching from a skilled teacher, or the warm feeling we get when we sing worship songs together. For Christians, the assembly of saints is the embodiment of Christ on Earth. This is how we best express His image and likeness on earth. It cannot be done well alone or via video


conference. We believe we are not called to be isolated individuals expressing Christ in the privacy of our homes, but a collective city on the hill where Christ is expressed together to one another. There are over 100 New Testament scriptures addressing our commitments to one another in the context of our assembly So, while we are eager to do what is safe and right for our community, we cannot settle for the notion that what we are doing "virtually" is a substitute for the gathering of the ekklesia. In this regard, it is our sincerely-held religious belief that online services and drive-in services do not meet the Lord’s requirement that the church meet together in person for corporate worship. For this reason, your order violates our First Amendment rights to free exercise of religion and freedom of assembly.

In addition to the central role of community gatherings for Christians, churches and ministries have been and continue to be valuable contributors to the good of communities especially during those times in history when society has faced a major health crisis. During the periods when the Roman Empire was besieged by plague, Christian churches were indispensable to civilization. For example, during the Antonine Plague of the 2nd century, which is reported to have caused the deaths of nearly 25% of the Roman Empire, Christians cared for the sick and offered mental and spiritual comfort.1 Likewise, in the 1500s, when the bubonic plague hit Wittenberg, Martin Luther is reported to have refused calls to flee the city and protect himself. Rather, he and others stayed and ministered to the sick. According to Luther, the appropriate response for a person of faith to an epidemic was: “We die at our posts. Christian doctors cannot abandon their hospitals, Christian governors cannot flee their districts, Christian pastors cannot abandon their congregations. The plague does not dissolve our duties: It turns them to crosses, on which we must be prepared to die.”

Today, this commitment to our solemn duty of love and service in time of crisis simply means that houses of worship must continue to care for their congregations and the communities they serve. This service takes many forms, including responsibly hosting regular services and providing ceremonies and sacraments for spiritual care and comfort, providing assistance to the poor, to immigrants (documented and undocumented), and to families in need, caring for the elderly, ministering to the mental, emotional, and spiritual needs of first responders and health care providers, providing guidance to unemployed people as they manage the anxieties and stresses of being jobless, helping raise money for PPE, medical equipment, and supplies that health care professionals need, partnering with government leaders to develop strategies for preventing the spread of disease and death. The foregoing services that houses of worship provide are “essential” to the people and communities they serve and should not be restricted by a government order.

We don’t assume you have approved such restrictive orders regarding church gatherings with a specific animus toward our churches and our vital role in society, but your orders have sent an unfortunate message to us and the people of the State of Nevada that churches and church

1 See Lyman Stone, Foreign Policy Magazine titled “Christianity Has Been Handling Epidemics for 2000 Years” coronavirus/?fbclid=IwAR3nVmgzsUleAR8NFhS8OFphFcIkB1Im2KzKlkLHhLAkoX8aa9b3gsI8fjA


leaders can’t be trusted to take the steps necessary to protect our congregations and the communities we serve when we are engaged in the work of ministry in our communities.

Although we acknowledge there have been bad actors in the community of faith who have not taken their duty to prevent the spread of disease and death, the response to these bad actors should not be to shut down all communities of faith and the essential work we do. Indeed, we know that COVID-19 has resulted in sickness and death on the Raiders Stadium project as a result of a failure to adhere to appropriate social distancing guidelines, but you have not issued an order limiting construction operations in the state. So, your order regarding houses of worship seems especially heavy handed when compared to how other essential businesses in various industries have been given deference to manage their operations. In this regard, United States Attorney General Barr recently opined in his April 14, 2020, Statement on Religious Practice and Social Distancing that, “… government may not impose special restrictions on religious activity that do not also apply to similar nonreligious activity.” See practice-and-social-distancing-0

Church leaders take the safety and security of their congregations and communities as seriously as any other leaders. Here is a link to an exhaustive handbook for churches prepared by one church leader that demonstrates just how much thought and care most faith leaders put into keeping their congregations and communities safe: edit Like this author, many faith leaders consider their actions in service to one another as an important part of our expression of faith, not just a mere legal duty.

Therefore, in accordance with the foregoing, we respectfully submit that our churches should not be singled out and treated as if we are not essential to the health and wellbeing of the people we serve in this great State and cannot otherwise be trusted to act responsibly to protect the people under our care. As one commentator put it, “[t]he coronavirus leaves over 95 percent of its victims still breathing. But it leaves virtually every member of society afraid, anxious, isolated, alone, and wondering if anyone would even notice if they’re gone. In an increasingly atomized society, the coronavirus could rapidly mutate into an epidemic of despair. Church attendance serves as a societal roll call, especially for older people: Those who don’t show up should be checked on during the week. Bereft of work, school, public gatherings, sports and hobbies, or even the outside world at all, humans do poorly. We need the moral and mental support of communities to be the decent people we all aspire to be.” See, Stone, Ibid.

During this crisis, we are sincere in our desire to sacrifice for others. We understand the need to fastidiously maintain a social distancing and the CDC hygienic routine that prevents the spread of COVID-19. Our churches are essential to preserving meaningful human community where people can receive care for their mind and soul, while at the same time receiving other services they provide. Our churches have faithfully shepherded communities through countless plagues over two millennia. There is no reason to believe that our collective wisdom and experience does not have relevance during this pandemic. Our houses of worship are indeed


“essential” and our faith leaders trustworthy in their collective efforts to prevent the spread of the virus, save lives, and care for the needs of people who have had their lives turned upside down by COVID-19 and the government policies related thereto.

In closing, we submit this correspondence as one united voice of diverse churches and ministry leaders from multiple denominations and expressions of the Christian faith throughout the State of Nevada to hereby request that you immediately lift the ban on in- person worship services where ten or more persons may gather so long as each church develops, implements, and maintains a safety plan that adheres to applicable social distancing and hygiene guidelines. The plans each house of worship will adopt will be informed by the, “Interim Guidance for Administrators and Leaders of Community- and Faith- Based Organizations to Plan, Prepare, and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)2” and incorporate the relevant safety requirements you have placed on restaurants, bars that serve food, barber shops, salons, nail shops, retail businesses, supermarkets, professional offices, and other businesses where gathering of more than ten people are permitted.

Thank you for your time and attention to this request.

Very truly your faithful friends and partners in service to the people of the State of Nevada,

Signed and approved in both form and substance on May 12 and 13, 2020, by:

Dallas E Ramsey, Pastor Rev. Robin G. Wright, Senior Pastor A VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS ABUNDANT GRACE CHURCH 513 E 2nd 2690 N. Decatur Blvd. Reno, NV 89504 , NV 89108

Francisco Contreras, Senior Pastor Shawn Pennell , Founder APOSENTO ALTO ARISE- INTERCESSORS UNITED 735 East Glendale 3430 Bowie Road Sparks, NV 89431 Reno, NV 89503

Richard Hill, Senior Pastor Martin Real, Pastor BETH YESHUA MESSIANIC CONGREGATION BETHESDA CHURCH 7570 Peace Way 3697 Kings Row Las Vegas, NV Reno, NV 89503

Melissa Holland, Executive Director Mitchell Alvin Serviss, Pastor AWAKEN BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH P.O. Box 40635 2238 Sandy Lane Reno, NV 89504 Las Vegas, NV 89115

2 organizations.html


Andrew Poh, Pastor Dr. Sam Crouch, Senior Pastor CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1881 Harvard Way P.O. Box 1225 Reno, NV 89502 Elko, NV 89801

Kevin Austin White, Senior Pastor Garry D Leist, Senior Pastor Jeffrey L. SeGraves, Deacon Shayne Matthew Gottschal, Elder & Head of CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Safety/Security 4 Flowery Ave Joshua Chappell, Elder Dayton, NV 89403 David I Miller, Worship Leader Regina Denise Lee, Director of Women's Ministry Brittnee Joan Chappell, Director of Children's Ministry CALVARY CHAPEL DAYTON VALLEY 28 Enterprise Way Dayton, NV 89403

Jimmy Morales, Senior Pastor Thomas Edward Luitwieler, Pastor CALVARY CHAPEL LONE MOUNTAIN Juan M Rodriguez, Assistant Pastor 4295 North Rancho Drive Leonard Sanchez, Jr., Assistant Pastor Las Vegas, NV 89130 Andrew L. Morales, Assistant Pastor CALVARY CHAPEL OF RENO SPARKS 220 Edison Way Reno, Nevada 89502

Gregg Seymour, Lead Pastor Maurice Washington, Senior Pastor CALVARY RED ROCK CENTER OF HOPE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP 513 Puenta Del Rey St. 1327 Pyramid Way Las Vegas, NV Sparks, NV 89431

Rozalia Erhardt, Church Elder/Director of Rev. Mario E. Rodriguez, Senior Pastor Prayer C3 CHURCH LAS VEGAS CHRIST COMMUNITY CHURCH 501 N Mojave Rd. 322 Fairgrove Drive Las Vegas, NV 89101 Spring Creek, NV 89815

Dan R Klatt, Owner Craig Dyson, Lead Pastor CHURCH GUY NETWORK CONVO Church 5805 W Harmon Ave #60 380 Edison Way Las Vegas, NV 89103 Sparks, NV 89431


James A. Slavin, Pastor Josef G. Massanari, Pastor Barry R. Bale, Deacon Richard Burton Farris, Missions Pastor Mary Elizabeth Bale, Deacon CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Matthew Campbell, Administrator 5825 Eldora Ave. Neal Scott Jones, Elder, Board Secretary Las Vegas. NV. 89146 Ronald Lee Falstad, Elder/Pastor Terri Phelps, Member Debra Ornelas, Children's Ministry Director CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY CHURCH 300 Country Club Dr. Incline Village, NV 89451

Douglas Wayne Vaughan, Pastor Dietrich Murphy, Pastor CROSSPOINT COMMUNITY CHURCH CHRIST'S CHURCH 2900 Mill Street 4300 N Lamont St Suite 253 Reno, NV 89502 Las Vegas, NV 89115

Otto Kelly, Pastor/Executive Director Darrell C. Porter, President CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER DARRELL C. PORTER EVANGELISTIC 853 Haskell Street ASSOCIATION 5513 Lucky Clover St Reno, NV 89509 Las Vegas, NV 89149

Dana B. Hill, Senior Pastor Mayco Hernandez Moreno, Jewish Messianic Evan Louis Gannon, Rabbi Administrator/Discipleship Pastor DEREJ HASHALOM CONGREGATION Glen Ross Schierholt, Worship Pastor 1537 Vassar St Linda K Blochowiak, Board Member Carson City, NV 89705 DAYTON VALLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 407 V&T Way PO Box 1746 Dayton, NV 89403

Aaron Garcia, Pastor Pastor Kurt Baker, Pastor DESIGNER’S CHURCH DESTINY CHRISTIAN CENTER 1305 W Horizon Ridge Pkwy Reno, NV Henderson, NV 89013

Dean Sanner, Pastor Jose Luis Rodriguez, Pastor DISCOVERY CHURCH ENCOUNTER CHURCH 4310 Losee Road, Suite 7 528 Pyramid Way North Las Vegas, NV 89030 Sparks, NV 89431


Ronald J. Scarpa, DMin. Chaplain - Pastor Roland Gray, Pastor EPIC CHURCH LV & CITY LIGHT CHURCH Mark Younge, Campus Minister 8755 W. Warm Springs Road Every Nation Church Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV 89148 3750 S Buffalo Dr Las Vegas, NV

David Anthony Oberg, Senior Pastor Joseph Leonard Bock, Associate Pastor FAITH ALIVE CHRISTIAN CENTER 120 Hubbard Way Reno, Nevada 89502

Ricky Joe Brown, Deacon & Board Member Glenn Cox, Pastor FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH FAITH COLORS CHURCH 5715 Elm Street 4447 Imperial Court Silver Springs, NV 89429 Sparks, Nevada 89436

Godwin Azeke, Pastor Jimmy F Hunter, Jr., Pastor FAITH LIFE FAMILY CHURCH FAITH MINISTRY 1401 E. Washington Ave. 2301 Kings Row Las Vegas, NV 89101 Reno, NV 89503

John Gee, Pastor Jimetta Mayne, Pastor FAMILY WORSHIP CHRISTIAN CHURCH FATHER'S HEART TAHOE 3945 E Patrick Lane Suite F 3195 Panorama Drive-Box 1010 Las Vegas, NV 89120 Reno, NV 89511

Karen Elizabeth Page, Pastor Samuel S Stanton, Senior Pastor FATHER’S HEART RENO/SPARKS FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 2415 Sycamore Glen 900 S. Taylor St. Sparks NV 89434 Fallon, NV 89406

Dr. Juan Miguel Sclafani, Senior Pastor Hoyt A. Savage, Senior Pastor FIRST SPANISH BAPTIST CHURCH FOOTHILLS BAPTIST CHURCH 3770 W. Washburn Rd. 6405 W. Cheyenne Ave North Las Vegas, NV 89031 Las Vegas, NV

Rudy Ray Reeder, Pastor Sharon L. Harvey, Pastor and President FULL ARMOR BIKER CHURCH, LV GLORY TEMPLE CHURCH 4035 S Tenaya, 6380 Mae Ann #6 Las Vegas, NV 89147 Reno, NV 89523


Mari D. Parlade, Esquire Laurie R Swank, Member Ambassador for Christ GRACE BAPTIST GOD’S SECRET SERVICE 460 W Main St Ste 108 3513 E. Russell Road, Suite D. Fernley, NV 89408 Las Vegas, NV 89120

Michael Benevides, Pastor Mark Morton, Senior Pastor Lia Faith Fischer, Worship Director GRANITE HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH GRACE CITY VEGAS CHURCH 10350 Red Rock Rd. 6360 S Pecos Rd Reno NV. 89506 Las Vegas, NV

Dr Robert Boyd, Lead Pastor John Mark Simmons,Sr Pastor GREEN VALLEY BAPTIST CHURCH Caroline K Morrison, Financial 270 North Valle Verde Drive Secretary/Ministry Henderson, NV 89074 Diana K Lucas Connect Group Coordinator Allen Otis Carver, Food Ministry Leader Dustin Wade Hines, Director of Homeless Outreach HIGHLAND HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH 615 College Drive Henderson, NV 89002

Donald Arthur Baumann, Jr., Outreach Pastor J. Teddy Johnson, Lead Pastor of Worship Tammy Lynn Brower, Women's Pastor Vickie E Herrold, Member HILLTOP COMMUNITY CHURCH HOPE CHURCH 3588 Romans Road 850 E Cactus Ave. Carson City, NV 89705 Las Vegas, NV 89183

Yvette Marie Dix Nickolas E. Emery, Lead Pastor HOPE CITY CHURCH HOPE CROSSING COMMUNITY CHURCH 4865 Joule St. Ste C4 1505 Railroad Drive Reno, NV 89502 Carson City, NV 89701

William L. Sherman, Lead Pastor Karin Hockman, Director HOPE COMMUNITY HOUSE OF PRAYER CARSON CITY 755 Trademark Dr 669 College Parkway Apt 14 Reno, NV 89521 Carson City, NV


Carlos Marquez, Pastor Yolanda Amaya, Pastor IGLESIA EL JUSTO POR LA FE VIVIRA IGLESIA CRISTIANA EL VERBO DE DIOS 1845 Prater Way, Suite K 2580 Wrondel Way Sparks, NV 89431 Reno, NV 89502 Andres Charry, Pastor IGLESIA MINISTERIO CRISTIANO MISERICORDIA Y VE 3421 E Tropicana Ave, Suite L Las Vegas, NV 89121

Carlos Arturo Melgar López, Pastor Ángel Pérez García, Pastor IGLESIA PENTECOSTÉS EL REDIL DEL SEÑOR Rubi Avelar, Pastor 2850 Wrondel Way Unit A. Ruby E Cole, Assistant Pastor Reno, Nevada 89502 Fernando Suarez Moises, Worship leader Nicole Gonzalez, Worship leader Marcos Adolfo Suarez Moises , Worship Leader Mitzy Cruz Paz, Leader Veronica G. Lider, Leader Yolanda Huerta de Cid, Leader AnaK Ramos Villagomez, Leader INCLINE VILLAGE HISPANIC FOURSQUARE CHURCH 754 Mays Blvd, Suite 12 Incline Village, NV 89451

John Poundstone, Senior Leader Cheryl K. James, Senior Pastor JOY! CHURCH JUST FAITH MINISTRIES 4120 US Highway 50 E 311 Madison Ave Fernley, NV 89408 Las Vegas, Nevada 89106

William John Wynn, Bishop Ronald Williams, Jr., Pastor LIFE CENTER CHURCH LIFE CHANGE MINISTRIES 11153 Campsie Fells Court 3513 E Russell Rd Unit D Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas, NV 89120

Roger Dean Worsham, Senior Pastor Ric Fehr, Senior Pastor LIFE SPRINGS CHRISTIAN CHURCH LIVING WATERS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP 2075 E. Warm Springs Rd 350 Captial Hill Las Vegas, NV 89119 Reno NV 89502


Randy Whitten, Servant of The Lord Jesus Rev. Duke G. Taber, Senior Pastor MASON VALLEY SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH MESQUITE WORSHIP CENTER 5A 2nd South Street 140 Riverside Rd. Ste D Yerington, NV 89447 Mesquite, NV 89017

Hilda Espadas, Pastor Dr. Cesar Minera, Senior Pastor MINISTERIO INTERNACIONAL Rita L. Minera, Associate Pastor EVANGELISTICO SIQUE Jason D. Guinasso, Esq., Associate Pastor 5650 W Charleston Blvd MINISTERIO PALABRA DE VIDA Las Vegas, NV WORD OF LIFE RENO MINISTRIES 2375 South Virginia St. Reno NV 89502

Jose Manuel de Jesus Lop Pastor Shelley Hines, Mission Leadership Board MINISTERIO ZIHON Member 3940 Spring Dr. HIGHLAND HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH Reno, NV 89502 615 College Dr Henderson, NV 89002

Thomas I. Moore, Pastor Barry A. Mainardi, Sr. Chaplain MODERN WORD MINISTRIES MOFM 237 N. Stephanie St. 8635 W. Sahara Ave #110 Henderson, NV 89074 Las Vegas, NV 89117

Chase Ward, Pastor Narciso J. Boveda, Senior Pastor MOUNTAIN VISTA BAPTIST CHURCH Cameron Taylor, Ministry Worker 1750 Mountain St. MY FATHER'S HOUSE CHURCH Carson City, NV 89703 3910 E Patrick Lane Las Vegas NV 89120

Kelcey Anderson West, Senior Pastor David Moreno, Reverend NEHEMIAH MINISTRIES CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEW WINE CHRISTIAN MINISTRY 3606 N. Rancho Drive, Suite 144 2400 West 7th Street Las Vegas, NV 89013 Reno, Nevada 89506

Kevin White, Executive Director Gloria Campman, Director NEVADA BAPTIST CONVENTION NEVADA HOUSE OF PRAYER 406 California Ave 334 S Water Street Reno, NV 89509 Henderson, NV


Jason J. Sheffield, Director Leroy George Roybal, Pastor Joanne Rae Owens, Co. Director NEW DAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEVADA HOUSE OF PRAYER-RENO 2651 Crimson Canyon Drive Suite 200 435 Spokane St. Las Vegas, Nevada Reno, NV 89512 Karen Lynne Cohen James Felix Vazquez, Senior Pastor NEW HOPE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH NEW HOPE NORTH COMMUNITY CHURCH 780 West Street 3621 Chedworth Rd. Pahrump, NV 89048 North Las Vegas, NV 89031

Rev/Dr. Tim M Allen D. Wayne Evans, Chaplain NEW LIFE CHURCH NEW HOPE CHRISTIAN CENTER 918 Northwood Blvd ASSEMBLY OF GOD Incline Village, NV PO Box 619 Overton, NV 89040

Joseph Doug Linderman, Senior Pastor Dan W. Dix, Pastor Aaron Flanagan, Pastor Kristopher Dahir, Pastor OASIS CHRISTIAN CHURCH OUTLOOK CHRISTIAN CHURCH 8826 S. Eastern Avenue, suite 107 3697 Kings Row Las Vegas, NV 89123 Reno, NV 89503

Byron Rene Gomez, Pastor Linda Barror Bailey, Ministry leader OVEJAS DE CRISTO/ SHEEP OF CHRIST PAHRUMP COMMUNITY CHURCH 1630 Merchant St. FOOD PANTRY Sparks NV 89431 1061 E. Wilson Rd Pahrump, NV 89048

Charles William Grimm, Executive Director Ronald Thomas, Bishop PATHFINDERS CHILDREN'S MINISTRY RECONCILIATION APOSTOLIC MINISTRIES 8900 Double Diamond Parkway 911 G Street Reno, Nevada 89521 Las Vegas, NV 89106

Matthew Mckinney, Pastor Richard L Broo, Reverend RENEWED GRACE RIVER ROCK CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP 2800 South Eastern Avenue 809 4690 Longley Lane A8-11, Las Vegas, NV Reno, NV 89502

Harrietta Basile, President RENDERED POWERFUL 290 E 9th Ave Reno, NV


Brent T. Brooks, Senior Pastor Lindsay Bridges, Area Director RENO CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP RENO/SPARKS YOUNG LIFE 1700 Zolezzi Lane P.O. Box 5390 Reno, NV 89511 Sparks, Nevada 89432

Gilfredo Salas Forteza, Pastor Larry Webb, Pastor RESTORATION CARSON CITY CHURCH Bryan David McGhee, Student and Children's 911 E 2nd ST Pastor Carson City, NV 89701 SHADOW MOUNTAIN CHURCH 1311 Centerville Ln. Gardnerville, NV 89410

Joe Kent Taylor, Senior Pastor John Barry Tweedy, Worship Pastor SOUTH RENO BAPTIST CHURCH Michael Katz, Associate Pastor 6780 South McCarran Blvd SPRING VALLEY BAPTIST CHURCH Reno, NV 89509 3135 S. Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89146

Fr. William E. Bauer, Parish Priest James Arthur Moore, Senior Pastor ST. COLUMBA ORTHODOX PARISH STAGECOACH CHURCH OF GOD 1320 Mission Way 8925 Hwy 50 Fernley, NV 89408 Stagecoach, NV 89429-0236

Kristin Anderson, Member SPARKS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP 510 Greenbrae Dr. Sparks, NV 89431

Camilo Pérez, Pastor Bryan Smith, Lead Pastor STRONG TOWER CHRISTIAN CENTER Stephen Bond, Lead Pastor 1999 Whitney Mesa Dr. SUMMIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Henderson, NV 89014 7075 Pyramid Highway Sparks, NV 89436

Amanda Palomino Timothy J Royal, Sr., Lead Pastor St Joan of Arc Catholic Church THE BRIDGE CHURCH 315 S Casino Center 836 Spring Valley Parkway Las Vegas, NV Elko, NV


Hezekiah Usim , Senior Pastor Reginald Cooley, Associate Pastor THE REDEEMED CHRISTIAN Victory Outreach Las Vegas CHURCH OF GOD-HOUSE OF PRAISE 3375 S. Mojave Rd 3035 E Patrick Ln Suite 5, Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas, NV

Jeffrey Ogden, Pastor Michael Ray Sweazy, Director Timothy Alden Gilbert , Elder Angela Marie Sweazy, Co.Director Darlene Nilsson, Elder & Dir. of Children’s YOUTH WITH A MISSION MOUNTAIN VIEW Ministry 2430 Polk St Marjorie L. Hansen, Women's Ministry Board Reno, NV 89503 Theodore W Bandaruk, Elder THE VILLAGE CHURCH 736 McCourry Blvd Incline Village, NV 89451

Brenda Sandquist, Pastor/Executive Director XQUISITE 2494 Harvest Drive Carson City, NV 89701