כ"ד תמוז תשפ“ Thurs, Jul 16 2020 

OVERVIEW of the Daf Distinctive INSIGHT 1) Identifying the source that permits preparations for The Bris takes place even on Shabbos וביום השמיי ימול – ואפילו בשבת וכו ' (.milah (cont A pasuk is cited as R’ Eliezer’s source permitting even preparations for milah on Shabbos. R av Yochanan learns that a bris should take place on The notes that according to all opinions the the eighth day of the boy’s life , even if it is on Shabbos. bris itself overrides the prohibitions of Shabbos. What is This is derived from the verse (Vayikra 12:3) “And on the the source for this halacha? eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised.” After numerous failed attempts by others, R’ Nachman The commentators note that we find several occurrenc- bar Yitzchak identifies a gezeirah shavah that teaches that es when the rabbis postpone the performance of a mitzvah bris milah overrides Shabbos prohibitions. and do not allow it to be done on Shabbos, due to the A second source for this halacha is cited by R’ Yochan- concern that someone may carry on Shabbos. We do not an and the source stands despite the challenges presented allow the blowing of a on Rosh Hashana, the taking by Reish Lakish. of the lulav on Sukkos, or the reading of the Megillah on A Baraisa is cited that supports R’ Yochanan’s source. Purim, if any of these occur on Shabbos. In each case, we are concerned that a person may carry the shofar, the lulav 2) Milah overrides the prohibition against removing or the Megillah to have someone instruct him as to how to tzaraas do the mitzvah. Why, then, do we allow a bris on Shabbos One Baraisa rules that bris milah overrides the prohibi- when there is the possibility that someone may either carry tion against removing tzaraas, and a second Baraisa identi- the child or one of the bris milah implements in the pub- fies the source for this ruling. lic domain? Two versions of Rava’s interpretation of the Baraisa Tosafos (Megillah 4b) writes that a bris is different, as are quoted. we find that thirteen covenants have been associated with According to both versions, we can only deduce that it. (Nedarim 31b-32a) Because it is such a significant mitz- the bris milah of an adult or a child on the eighth day vah, and its symbolism is so meaningful, we do not delay it overrides the prohibition against removing tzaraas. How due to the remote possibility that someone might carry on do we know this halacha applies even for child being cir- Shabbos. Tosafos also mentions that a bris is only per- cumcised after his eighth day? formed by an expert, in contrast to blowing the shofar, Abaye answers that it is learned from the common de- taking the lulav and reading the Megillah, which are in- nominator of the other two cases, namely, both adults and cumbent upon everyone. Therefore, we trust that an ex- children must be circumcised, and the circumcision over- pert will be more conscientious.  rides the prohibition against removing tzaraas, so too in the case of a child more than eight days old.

Rava disagrees and identifies a different source for the REVIEW and Remember halacha that bris milah overrides the tzaraas prohibtion . אין דין קל וחומר מהלכה even for a child more than eight days old. 1. Explain R’ Safra unsuccessfully challenges Rava’s rationale. The Gemara comments that the dispute between Rava and 2. Is a gezeirah shavah always limited to one word? R’ Safra is a dispute between Tannaim.  3. Why does the Gemara entertain the possibility that Today’s Daf Digest is dedicated the milah of a child more than eight days would not By Mr. and Mrs. Michael Daniels override the prohibition against removing tzaraas? In loving memory of their father ר' שלמה בן ר' מיכאל דוד ע"ה 4. What limitations does R’ Ashi put onto the princi- ? עשה דוחה לא תעשה Today’s Daf Digest is dedicated ple of לע" הגאון הצדיק הרב אליהו בן הרב אשר שטרבוך זצוק"ל שבת קל ב“ —Number 194 day. This is the opinion of other authorities 7 as well. As well, this position can be derived from a statement of 8 in our pas- HALACHAH Highlight sage 9. More issues regarding a delayed circumcision In a related ruling, Nissim Avraham Ashkenazi 10 permit- ted to postpone the post-eighth day circumcision of a child until תיח גדול דכתיב בהו בשר. קטן מי כתיב ביה בשר. ביוי מלן? This exegesis deriving circumcision as overriding the prohibition of after the child’s father completed the period, such that he flesh) would be able to more fully participate and appreciate the joyous) בשר Tzara’as (a leprosy-like condition) from the superfluous term flesh) is written event. However, this decision was challenged strongly by later) בשר applies to an uncircumcised adult, because the term extraneously for them. Regarding an eight day old child as well, the word Poskim. Rav Chaim Chizkiah Medini 11 , the Sdei Chemed, coun- flesh) is written. However, from where can we learn the law that tered this ruling by citing the opinion of the Magen Avraham 12) בשר the Tzara’s (a leprosy-like condition) may be cut off in the course of cir- that it is prohibited to leave a child uncircumcised once he is able cumcising a child who is in the middle category, that is: older than eight to be circumcised. [In the Shabbos 131 issue of the Daf Digest, days, but not yet an independent adult? numerous Poskim 13 were cited who maintain that delay of the post-eighth day uncircumcised child is forbidden.] Other T he Poskim deliberate the Halachic character of the father’s Poskim 14 also ruled that even under these sad circumstances, it obligation to circumcise his son even the child passes his eighth would not be permitted to delay any further the child’s circumci- day. Rav Avraham Teomim 1 cites an authority 2 who ruled that in sion.  .1 שו"ת חסד לאברהם (מה"ת חיו"ד סי' ס') וכן ראה בשו"ת דבר אברהם a case when there are two circumcisions to be performed: a child ח"א (סי' לג) on his eighth day and a child whose circumcision was delayed .2 שו"ת ברית אברהם (חאו"ח סי' יד) .3 רמב"ם (פ"א מהל' מילה ה"ב) beyond the eighth day, then the circumcision of the eight day old .4 שם אמם עי' בשו"ת יביע אומר ח"ה (חיו"ד סי' כג אות ב' ד"ה אלא .child is assigned precedence. Rav Teomim rejects this position דלכאורה) שהעיר שאין הדבר מוכרח בדעת הרמב"ם בחיבורו משום He reasons that to delay the circumcision of the eight day old דלא כתב כן אלא לגבי גדול שלא מל, אבל לגבי אב י"ל שכל שקיים אח"כ מצוות מילה איו עובר בלא כלום. ע"ש באורך child a little longer is only a violation of the principle that the .5 מחצית השקל (סי' תמד ס"ק יא) (זריזים מקדימים למצוות) careful perform the Mitzvos with alacrity .6 כל בו שהובא בדרכי משה (יו"ד סי' רסא אות א) as long as the circumcision is not delayed beyond the eighth day .7 קובץ על יד (פ"א מהל' מילה) וכן ראה בשו"ת יהודה יעלה אסאד (חיו"ד itself. However, for the child whose circumcision was delayed, the סי' רמה) matter is more severe. According to the Rambam 3 and the .8 רש"י (דך קלב ע"ב ד"ה ביוי) 4 .9 כ"כ בשו"ת יביע אומר ח"ה (שם) וכן ראה בשו"ת דבר אברהםח"ב (סי' Ra’avad every moment that the circumcision is delayed there is a א' אות ח) continuing transgression for having delayed the circumcision. As .10 שו"ת מעשה אברהם (חיו"ד סי' מח) -such, doubtlessly, the circumcision of the child whose circumci .11 שדי חמד (כללים, מע' ז כלל ב) ע"ש sion was delayed takes precedence over the circumcision of the .12 מג"א (סי' רמט ס"ק ה) .child who is eight days old .13 עי' דרכי משה (יו"ד סי' רסא אות א) בשם הכל בו. וכן ראה במג"א (סי' 5 רמט ס"ק ה') ושכן מוכח בתוס' (מועד קטן דף ח' סוע"ב) ע"ש. וכל Indeed, the Machatzis HaShekel ponders whether there is an בשות תשובה מאהבה ח"א (סי' פה) ועוד obligation of Torah origin obligating a father to circumcise his .14 שו"ת ירך יעקב (חיו"ד ס"ס יב) וכן בשו"ת חשב האפוד ח"א (סי' ג) -son even after the eighth day has passed. He derives from a cita ושכן הסכים אתו בזה מהר"י מיזברג. וכן פסק בשו"ת יביע אומר ח"ה 6 (חיו"ד סי' כג אות ב ד"ה אלא דלכאורה) ובמילוים לשם (דף ש"א -tion of the Kol Bo that in fact the father does have a Torah ע"א) כתב שכן מבואר בשו"ת בית דוד (חיו"ד סי' קפד) origin responsibility to circumcise his son even after the eighth  from a chassidish perspective. Reb Chaim ever, milah does not take place to save an listened with interest as the present- endangered condition. What, therefore, is ? קל וחומר STORIES off the Daf ed him with our Gemara and the lesson of the basis for this The Chassidishe outlook Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya, who determined “Rather, it must be that there is a spir- that we can save a life on Shabbos based itual danger if the milah is not done on מין לפקוח פש שדוחה את השבת ראב"ע אומר upon the halacha that the mitzvah of mi- time. The lesson is now clear. If we can מה מילה שהיא אחת מאבריו של אדם דוחה את השבת, ק"ו לפיקוח פש שדוחה את השבת crisis, how רוחיות lah is permitted on Shabbos. save one limb from its The Rebbe asked, “The lesson of Rab- much more so can we act to save an entire ne time, The Admo”r Rebbe - O bi Elazar ben Azarya would have been easi- body that is in physical danger! We see shon Henoch Chanoch of Radzhin, zt”l, er to understand if the milah was being that the Torah equates spiritual and physi- was speaking in halacha with Reb Chaim done to a limb that was in some sort of cal well-being.” Brisker, zt”l. The Rebbe mentioned that danger. Then, if we can save a single limb, Reb Chaim agreed with the Rebbe’s he found a Gemara which could not be in the Gemara, and he responded ” פשט“ -the logic would teach that we could cer understood according to its simple mean- tainly save an entire life, which is com- with a hearty, .  ” יישר“ ing without reverting to interpreting it prised of 248 limbs and 365 sinews. How-

Daf Digest is published by the Chicago Center, under the leadership of HaRav Yehoshua Eichenstein, shlit”a HaRav Pinchas Eichenstein, Nasi; HaRav Zalmen L. Eichenstein, Rosh ; Rabbi Tzvi Bider, Executive Director, edited by Rabbi Ben-Zion Rand. Daf Yomi Digest has been made possible through the generosity of Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Ruben.