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Current Biology, Vol. 12, R452–R454, July 9, 2002, ©2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII S0960-9822(02)00943-0

Gravitropism: Lateral Thinking in Dispatch Transport

Ian Moore and so on. In this way, polarised efflux could account for net polar transport of auxin through the tissue. In 1998, analysis of an Arabidopsis mutant with stems and orient themselves with respect agravitropic roots identified the PIN proteins as strong to directional illumination and gravity by differential candidates for the efflux carrier. The eight Arabidop- growth on either side of the organ. A model formu- sis PIN proteins are membrane proteins that show lated in the 1930s proposed that tropic growth cur- sequence similarity with bacterial transporters and vature arose from growth hormone redistribution. detoxification carriers [4–7]. Crucially, the distribution Studies with Arabidopsis are beginning to reveal the of PIN1 and PIN2 in the plasma membrane of auxin mechanism. transporting cells of the stem and was found to be asymmetric, as predicted by the chemiosmotic hypothesis (Figure 1). Another mutant defective in root Research on tropic curvatures in has focused , aux1, defined a second family of puta- on the relatively simple responses of germinating tive transporters with characteristics of the auxin seedlings, the roots and shoots of which orient them- uptake carrier [8]. Although the mutant roots are selves to grow either directly along or against the pre- agravitropic, indicating a role for active auxin uptake vailing light and gravity vectors. Early experimental in tropic root curvatures, cells can accumulate auxin work pioneered by Charles and Frances Darwin [1,2] passively and the lack of AUX1 activity in the root tip suggested the involvement of a transported signalling can be complemented by external (and presumably molecule, which was later identified as the plant non-directional) auxin application. This suggests that growth hormone auxin. Auxin can promote elongation the role of the uptake carrier in gravitropism is not to growth in stems, but inhibit elongation in roots. Fur- provide directional auxin transport, but it may simply thermore, it is unusual among plant growth hormones be required to provide sufficient endogenous auxin to in having a specific transport mechanism that facili- the cells that carry out . tates its polar movement along the root and shoot These studies have borne out the predictions of the axes (Figure 1). Importantly, in stems and roots under- chemiosmotic hypothesis for auxin transport, but they going tropic curvatures, auxin was found to accumu- have not addressed the central Cholodny–Went idea late differentially on either side of the organ such that that tropic stimuli evoke a transverse cellular polarisa- the resulting differential growth rates would evoke cur- tion with respect to auxin transport. Indeed, it is not vature in the appropriate direction. clear that PIN proteins are part of the proposed lateral These observations led to the formulation of the auxin transport mechanism, nor that their activity or Cholodney–Went hypothesis, which was summarised distribution is altered to achieve lateral auxin transport. by Went and Thimann [1] in 1937 as follows: “...growth A new study [9] has now provided some clues to the curves, whether induced by internal or external link between gravity perception and auxin transport in factors, are due to an unequal distribution of auxin stems and roots. between the two sides of the curving organ. In the A wealth of genetic and physiological evidence brought about by light and gravity, the indicates that gravity perception in plants depends on unequal distribution is brought about by a transverse the sedimentation of dense starch-rich known polarisation of the cells which results in lateral as in the root cap columella cells and the transport of auxin”. endodermal layer of the stem and hypocotyl Polar auxin transport moves auxin from cell-to-cell (Figure 1B). Friml et al. [9] now report that a third across the intervening cell wall by sequential uptake member of the PIN family, PIN3, is expressed in a few and subsequent efflux via an active carrier. Polar auxin specialised cell types including the gravity-sensing transport inhibitors, such as 1-N-naphtylphthalamic cells of the stem, hypocotyl and root cap. Within the acid (NPA), inhibit auxin efflux and tropic growth curva- root cap columella, PIN3 is found in the central cells of ture but not auxin uptake, placing active auxin efflux at the first two cell tiers, precisely the cells that are most centre stage in polar transport and tropic responses. In important to the root’s gravitropic response and exhibit 1975, the chemiosmotic hypothesis predicted that polar the most rapid sedimentation rates in auxin transport could be explained if the efflux carrier response to gravity [10]. Importantly, when the PIN3 was located asymmetrically at the basal end of auxin locus was inactivated by insertional mutagenesis, the transporting cells [3]. Some of the auxin exported from plants grew essentially normally but exhibited sub- the cytoplasm at the basal end of one cell could enter stantially reduced gravitropic curvature in roots and the next cell, where it would be trapped in the cyto- hypocotyls, with the latter also exhibiting a 50% plasm only to be exported at the basal end of that cell, reduction in . Unfortunately, the effect of the mutation on gravitropism and phototropism in the Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, South stem was not reported. Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3RB, UK. Intriguingly, when the PIN3 protein was localised E-mail: [email protected] within the plasma membrane of endodermal cells of Current Biology R453

Figure 1. A model for auxin transport and redistribution during tropic stimuli, based ABC on PIN protein localisation. (A) Schematic diagram of an Arabidopsis plant. (B) Direction of polar auxin trans- port (black arrows), and the sites of action of PIN1–PIN4 (numbers), in the stem (top), 1 1 hypocotyl (middle) and root (bottom). Stem vascular bundles and root are indicated by orange and grey shading, D respectively. The horizontal grey arrow heads indicate the predicted direction of auxin transport mediated by PIN3 in the 1 endodermis (blue) and the root pericycle (yellow). (C) Cross-section of the stem showing the (white), cortical cells (green), endodermis (blue) and xylem parenchyma (orange) of the vascular 1 bundles. The polarised distribution of PIN3 at the inner face of the epidermal cell layer is represented by the red ring. Grey arrows indicate the predicted direc- 2 2 E tion of auxin efflux mediated by PIN3. (D) Schematic diagram of polarised PIN 4 protein distribution (red) in individual root tissues: stele (white), pericycle (yellow) 3 endodermis (blue), cortex (violet) and epi- dermis (orange). Arrows indicate the direction of auxin efflux from each cell. (E) Representation of PIN3 distribution (red) in a section through the root cap 5 minutes after reorientation with respect to gravity. Columella initals (pink), columella Current Biology cells (green) with amyloplasts (black ovals), quiescent centre cells (black). the stem and hypocotyl, it was found to be asymmet- in roots that were turned 90° to the gravity vector, rically distributed — not at the basal end of the cells, PIN3 relocalised within 2–10 minutes to the lower side as PIN1 and PIN2 are, but rather at their inner longitu- of the cell. In this position, PIN3 would be able to dinal wall. Thus, the endodermis is radially polarised effect an increase in auxin distribution to the lower for PIN3 distribution. As Friml et al. [9] note, in this side of the root cap. This localisation was maintained position PIN3 is ideally situated to control the lateral for up to 20 minutes and then substantially lost after transfer of auxin between the central vascular cells an hour. These time scales are similar to the transient and the surrounding cortical and epidermal cells that period of asymmetric growth in gravistimulated accumulate differential auxin concentrations during roots [11], which is detectable at 5 minutes and tropic responses. Furthermore, in a gravistimulated reaches its zenith after 50–60 minutes. Again, it has stem, amyloplasts would sediment towards the mem- not been demonstrated that pin3 roots fail to establish brane containing PIN3 at the upper side and away asymmetric auxin gradients in the cap or elongation from this membrane at the lower side. zone, but the circumstantial evidence suggests that It is possible that this difference can be transduced PIN3 redistribution may represent the first visual- into differential effects on PIN3 distribution or activity isation of the lateral polarisation envisaged by the on each side of the stem. Friml et al. [9] used an Cholodny–Went hypothesis. auxin-responsive reporter gene to infer that auxin gra- But how is PIN3 redistribution achieved? It has been dients are established in Arabidopsis hypocotyls shown previously that PIN1 cycles to an internal com- during phototropism — as demonstrated previously partment from which it is redelivered to the basal for gravistimulated roots [4] — but unfortunately it is plasma membrane (reviewed in [12]). Friml et al. [9] not clear whether the pin3 mutant is compromised in found that PIN3 in the root cap appears to be a the establishment of such gradients. Nevertheless, it particularly itinerant member of the PIN family. At may be that the PIN3 protein and pin3 mutant provide steady state, PIN3 is found in 70 nm vesicles as well as the tools to finally test the Cholodny–Went prediction the plasma membrane, and it redistributes from the that tropic curvatures of the stem result from lateral plasma membrane to punctate structures in the cyto- polarisation of cells and lateral auxin transport. plasm within minutes of treatment with Brefeldin A The localisation of PIN3 in the root cap columella (BFA), which can disrupt a number of intracellular cells yielded more surprises [9]. Firstly, at steady state, vesicle transport events in eukaryotic cells. Disruption PIN3 showed a much less pronounced polar localisa- of the network with latrunculin B also resulted tion within the plasma membrane than had been found in rapid PIN3 accumulation in cytoplasmic structures, in other PIN localisation studies. Remarkably though, though the steady-state PIN1 distribution is not affected Dispatch R454

by this drug [13]. The hypothesis is that PIN3 redistrib- consistent with the observed onset of differential utes to the lower plasma membrane via an actin- growth — the same cannot be said of larger roots, dependent membrane transport pathway that recycles such as those of maize, which respond just as rapidly it through an internal compartment. It will be interest- but have 3–4 mm between columella and elongation ing to investigate the effects of these inhibitors and of zone [11]. gravity on PIN3 distribution in the endodermis, as the Finally, what is the role of PIN3 in the root peri- protein in these cells adopts a laterally polarised distri- cycle? These cells surround the vascular cylinder and bution even in the absence of a tropic stimulus. initiate lateral root formation in response to an auxin These studies place membrane traffic at the heart of signal, so perhaps PIN3 in the root is located in the the PIN localisation mechanism and suggest that pericycle rather than endodermis to marshal the accu- polarised membrane traffic may underlie the lateral mulation of auxin in these auxin-sensitive cells. polarisation of cells in the Cholodny–Went model. In Answers to these questions should soon be forth- fact, a recent study [13] of the effects of BFA on PIN1 coming and will help to explain how it is that root and distribution suggested that polar auxin transport shoot branches are able to adopt the appropriate ori- inhibitors may act indirectly by disrupting membrane entation with respect to light and gravity [17]. traffic rather than directly inhibiting efflux. 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