Abstract for Invert Production Line

Ensymm Abstract for a Production Line of Invert Sugar 1 INVERT SUGAR

INVERTThe SUGARand ABSTRACTbeverage industry the , canning, , and other . Theheavily fooddepends and drinkon enzymesindustry. These and dairy products industries has 70-75% the sweetening dependskind of proteins heavily producedon .by as well. Fructose, also known as strength of beet sugar (), have been used for thousands of fruit sugar, is the sweetest natural but fructose is twice as sweet as Enzymes produced by yeast have years in and baking. Invert sugar and is found in , sucrose. Thus, processes for the beensugar used(IS) forcontains thousandsfructose of yearsand vegetables, and . manufacture of fructose are of inglucose brewing andin baking.roughly Invertequal The body responds to fructose in a considerable value. is sugarproportions (IS) contains. The invertfructosesugar and is different way than to glucose and used traditionally in the production glucosegreater inin roughlydemand equalthan pure sucrose. Fructose is more satiating, of inverted sugars for industry, proportions.glucose as Thefood Invertand sugardrink is and it is up to 1.8 times sweeter especially in the manufacture of greatersweeteners, in demandbecause thanfructose pure is than sucrose, making it useful in and preserves, production sweeter than glucose. foods and beverages for the health of lactic acid and glucose as food and drink Main consumers of invert sugar are conscious. Fructose is also ideal for production from of sweeteners,the baking, becausebeverages, fructosecanning, is use in diabetic foods as it has very cane sugar . sweeterconfectionery than glucose.and dairy industries. little effect on blood glucose and MainIn addition consumersto this, of Inverthigh fructoseSugar only a negligible effect on the aresyrup the baking,is used beverages,in many other secretion of insulin. canning,processed confectioneryfoods like andjams dairyand Enzymatic treatments are a major industries.jellies. However, In addition,it is beinghigh used way producing sweeteners, only in biscuits and soft drinks. A including derived from fructose is used in manufacturer of IS expecting to sucrose or that contain supply it in next couple of years to mixtures of glucose, , 2 INVERT SUGAR PATHWAY


Invert sugar is prepared by the can be difficult to manage in the and fructose. Now, fructose is a sugar, of sucrose to glucose busy production environment. which can be consumed even by (dextrose) and fructose. This is Properties of Invert Sugar diabetic patients due to the fact that achieved by subjecting a sucrose Invert sugar has the following its is insulin independent. solution to acid and heat: properties that provide benefits in Invert sugar syrups can be fully many food applications: inverted as above, or partially inverted to leave part of the original sugar unchanged. These syrups are Medium invert (50% sugar, 50% known as medium or partial invert invert) has an increase sweetness of sugar syrups. The term "invert" 20%, when compared to pure sugar originates from the effect on the or pure invert. This additional polarimeter instrument traditionally sweetness can be of benefit in fruit used to analyze sucrose solutions. flavored drinks where around 20% Compared to pure sucrose, a less sweetener can be mixture of glucose and fructose used as ordinary sugar is replaced "inverts“ the plane of polarised with medium invert. Enzymatic light, and so this is known as invert invert sugar is an absolutely health sugar. friendly sweetener. Herein, the Inverting sugar in your own factory invertase is employed for is a time consuming process that hydrolysis of sucrose into glucose needs critical process control, and 4 PROPERTIES OF INVERT SUGAR Moreover, invert sugar is 28-30% sweeter than table sugar so the amount of sugar required for a particular degree of sweetness is also reduced. Finally, enzymatic invert sugar does not involve the use of any chemicals or acids unlike the conventional acid-hydrolyzed invert syrup. Hence, it is a completely healthy sweetener.

Sucrose Inversion Using Invertase The conventional method of manufacturing invert sugar involves acid hydrolysis of sucrose, the popular and cheap sweetener. However, such acid hydrolysis has a low conversion efficiency, high-energy consumption and thus cost of production is high. The acid-hydrolyzed product also contains impurities introduced by uncontrollable parameters during inversion. This conversion can also 5 PROPERTIES OF INVERT SUGAR

be achieved by enzymatic action of Now, because of the feasible Note that alpha-D-glucosidase, invertase on sucrose with a production of invertase can be used which splits off a terminal glucose conversion efficiency of almost as free enzyme. The advantage unit, can also catalyze this reaction. 100% without the inherent against the hot acid process is: Note that sucrose can be disadvantages of acid hydrolysis. hydrolyzed relatively easily. The The key to the developed process is ▪ Near 100% yield reaction proceeds in an acidic a specific enzyme for the ▪ Low temperature and thus low environment without the continuous production of energy cost interaction of invertase but with concentrated invert sugar using ▪ No impurity very low yield! The key to the immobilized yeast cells in an ▪ 1:1000 dosage developed process is a specific inorganic insoluble matrix. ▪ Better of the product enzyme for the continuous Sucrose can be inverted to an ▪ Easy handling production of concentrated invert equimolar mixture of glucose and ▪ Small stock sugar using immobilized yeast cells fructose called invert sugar. There in an inorganic insoluble matrix. are different methods of inversion Invertase Enzyme among which acid inversion and The official name for invertase is Invert Sugar as Liquid Product bio-inversion are more popular. Bio- beta-fructofuranosidase, which A considerable change in the inversion though expensive, is a implies that the reaction catalyzed market of sweetening of foods has better alternative as it does not by this enzyme is the hydrolysis of been observed and the dominance produce any polymerized the terminal non-reducing beta- of sucrose as a major carbohydrate byproducts as seen in case of acid fructofuranoside residues in beta- sweetener has been challenged. inversion. fructofuranosides. 6 PROPERTIES OF INVERT SUGAR

A wide range of new and more Some of the important application desirable carbohydrate based of invert sugar are: sweeteners has emerged on the ▪ Sweet-meat, bread, biscuits, ▪ Infant foods scene to keep pace with the chocolates, condensed milk, ▪ Intravenous injectables for advances in food technology. These jams, jelly etc. treatment of certain sweeteners have wide applications ▪ Syrups in the pharmaceutical pathological conditions in the food and pharmaceutical industry such as diabetes industries. The most important ▪ Beverages including aerated ▪ In paper and among them is invert sugar, an beverages industries because of its equimolecular mixture of glucose ▪ As a substitute for honey humectancy and fructose. Invert sugar is a valuable sweetener in food and pharmaceutical application because of its functionally more desirable properties i.e. high osmotic pressure, high solubility and humid nature. 7 INVERT SUGAR PROCESS LINE AND USE

Invert sugar can be used in: PROCESS LINE: • Biscuits: For and enhanced flavor. • Better texture • Bread, cakes & pastries: For better crust color and softer crumb and faster yeast activation. • Fruit processing: For better shelf life due to good humectant properties. Provides better taste profile and enhances flavor. • Honey: For bee feeding and blending with honey. Restricted bacterial activity. Good and chemically purer replacement of honey. • Squashes, Lemonades and Instant Energy Drinks- Glucose and fructose provide instant energy and better taste. • Pharmaceuticals-Ready to use for cough syrups and glucose and fructose based intravenous fluids. ensymm is a German based premier project consulting company for Life Sciences, serving biotech companies, pharmaceutical industry and food ingredient companies. We provide clients with a variety of business and technology consulting services as well as with specialized teams in various areas of our competence.

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