The Diocese of Ogdensburg Volume 71, Number 35 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Reflection on Week of Prayer for Christian NORTH COUNTRY Unity I PAGE 6

Finding common ground with new administration I PAGE 7 CATHOLIC JAN. 18, 2017 'Watch out for false gods' SYNOD ON VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Watch out for solitude and ease the exer­ since they are figments of of statues made of "silver YOUTH the tempting promises and tion of believing" in God, es­ the imagination and not and gold," the said easy rewards of false gods pecially in times of trouble, "alive and real" like God. idols also include anything To include and idols because they al­ the pope said jan. 11 during The pope continued his se­ people hold up as the ulti­ ways lead to confusion, dis­ his weekly general audience ries of talks on Christian mate answer to their happi­ their input appointment and even at the Vatican. hope by reflecting on Psalm ness and security like death, said. But the hope and security 115, which warns of the false money, power, success and "We are tempted to seek that come from God "never hopes and securities offered false ideologies - all of which even fleeting comfort, which ever disappoint," he said. by man-made idols. carry "illusions of eternity seems to fill the emptiness of "Idols always let you down" While the psalmist speaks and omnipotence."

Bishop urges CREATING ACULTURE OF VOCATIONS support for respecting life jan. 22 marks the 44th an­ niversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision le­ galizing abortion in the United States. Bishop LaValley has urged CNS photo/Bob Roller generous support of the an­ Pope Francis waves as he arrives for a nual diocesan Respect Life welcoming ceremony during the collection, jan. 21-22, "that 2016WorldYouth Day in Krakow, supports our many local ef­ Poland.As the pre­ forts to help form con­ sciences to embrace the gift pares for a meeting of the Synod of of human life at all its Bishops focused on youth, setfor Oc­ stages." tober, 2018, the pope wrote a letter to Also, Kathleen Gallagher, young people saying the church Director of Pro-Life Activities, wants ''to listen to yourvoice,your for the bishops of New York sensitivities and your faith, even your State, writes about the pro­ doubts and your criticism." The pope's life movement 44 years after letter was released Jan.13 along with Roe. the preparatory document forthe FULL STORIES, PAGE 3,5 synod. The document includes a series of questions to be answered by na­ Human tional conferences of bishops and trafficking Father Thomas Higman,assistant director of vocations for the Diocese of Ogdensburg, and leagon Carlin, a diocesan seminar­ other church bodies. The responses, ian from Plattsburgh, visited the students of Seton Academy in Plattsburgh Jan. 6. They talked about following Christ and pre­ along with input from young people Sisters ofStJoseph plan presentation; sented the Gospel story of the Rich Young Man. Carlin, at left, and the Seton students also joined in a"selfie"taken by Father themselves, will form the basis of the Higman."The students had great fun and really enjoyed Father's visit," said St. Sister Mary Helen Herrmann, principal of synod's worldng document Watertown mayor issues Seton Academy. proclamation on need for action FULL STORY, PAGE 3 YOUNG FAITH: A look at special events for teens planned for 2017 ... p. 4 II NOR THe 0 U N TRY CAT H 0 Lie DIOCESAN LIFE JAN. 18, 2017 NORTH COUNTRY EDITOR'S NOTE CATHOLIC Box 326 Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669 For the young and faithful USPS 0039-3400 BISHOP TERRY The NeC's january edition of rector offers great hope for retreat is "a day of prayer, re­ released a letter to young peo­ R.LAVAllEY "Young Faith" (page 4) is well­ those of us (all of us!) who care flection and fun for all in ple, saying the church wants President timed since Pope Francis also about youthful grades 6-12." "to listen to your voice, your REV. JOSEPH A.MORGAN has his mind on young Catholics. It almost makes me sensitivities and your faith, Vice President Catholics this week. In addition to oppor­ wish I was back in high even your doubts and your JAMES D. CROWlEY As does Bishop LaValley. tunities that have been schooil criticism." Secretary-Treasurer Kelly Donnelly, our diocesan offered for decades A slightly older group "Make your voice heard," the MARY lOU KlUAN youth director, takes a look at (Guggenheim, the na­ is the focus for the pope told them. "Let it resonate the next 12 months that are tional youth confer­ pope and the synod in communities and let it be Editori filled with faith-building op­ ence, the March for "Young people, faith heard by your shepherds of General Manager portunities for teenagers. Life) there are some in­ and vocational discern­ souls." Publish 45 is- Pope Francis is looking ahead triguing new events to ment." The October Young people will have an to 2018 when he will convene sample. 2018 synod will ad­ opportunity to contribute to ® sues per year: ... Weekly except the next Synod of Bishops. Kelly has been work- Marylou dress the faith of the working document by sub­ skipping And, Bishop LaValley is look­ ing closely with mem- Kilian Catholics from the ages mitting reflections "on their ex­ every other ing ahead to jan. 27 when he bers of the Diocesan of 16 to 29. pectations and their lives" week begin­ will join scores of mostly Youth Council to plan For their discussion, through a dedicated website -­ ning July young people from the North two day-long Lenten re- the bishops will be www.sinodogiovanLva -- that Wthrough Aug. and skipping Country at the annual March treats held in Malone on March asked to consider the voices of will be launched March 1. one week in Dec. by the Dio- for Life in Washington, DC. 25 and Canton on March 26. these young people. And this almost makes me cese of Ogdensburg. The article by our youth di- As she writes, the Reawaken This past week, Pope Francis wish I was 20 again! 622 Washington Street,Og­ densburg, N.Y. 13669. FATHER MUENCH SAYS EdttorialOffice: 622 Washington Street, Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669. John & Jesus different kind of baptism Telephone: (315) 608-7556 Our Catholic Christmas litur­ - repent and believe. He chal­ would be furthered verified For us, sacramental Baptism gical Season continues every lenged people to make a deci­ when he suffered and died for brings us new life, brings a E-mail: year until the Feast of the Bap­ sion to change and live a better all sinners. new moment in our lives. As news@northcountry tism of jesus, a commemora­ life. john was rather surprised we are blessed through the tion of jesus being baptized by Part of his method was to do when jesus came before him; Holy Spirit, our life takes on a . Then something so that the we are told that john tried to new value. We are called to Entered at the we will begin the next people would remem­ prevent jesus from accepting bring the message of our Sav­ Post Office: liturgical season, our ber their new dedica­ his baptism. "I need to be bap­ ior to our world as members of Ogdensburg, NY solemn preparation for tion. So he baptized tized by you, and yet you are Christ's Church. 13669 and Easter with the peniten­ them. He took them coming to me." I have often thought about additional mailing offices as tial time of Lent. into the jordan River jesus tells him, "Allow it that day when john baptized Periodical Postage. Today, I would like to and plunged them into now, for thus it is fitting for us jesus. Can you imagine being take some time with the water. It was a bap­ to fulfill all righteousness." So there? Subsoiptioo: you to consider this in­ tism of repentance. john baptized jesus. Imagine noticing jesus in the For one year: teresting event of the As far as we can tell As it turned out, this became line of us sinners before john In-Diocese Rate: $27 Baptism of jesus. jesus often visited this a spectacular, miraculous mo­ the Baptist. I guess I would Outside of Diocese Rate: $30 As you may remem- Rev.WilliamG. place where john ment. As jesus came out of the have hope that jesus would ber, john's Baptism was preached. The Gospels waters of the River jordan, a give a talk to the rest of us. In­ Matters for publication not the sacramental Muench indicated that john voice is heard - ''This is my stead he humbly joins us in ap­ should be Baptism that you and I knew jesus and be­ beloved Son, with whom I am proaching john the Baptist to addressed to received. Our Baptism lieved in him as the well pleased." The voice of be baptized. PO Box 326 was that essential sacramental Messiah. God the Father blesses jesus It is obvious to me that he is Ogdensburg, NY 13669 moment when we were In one story john pointed and, in a touching, loving mo­ far more innocent than we are. and should be received by brought into new life by the jesus out to his disciples. So, ment, speaks this supporting, Yet, he calmly walks with us - Thursday prior to Holy Spirit, uniting us to Our we can assume jesus spent loving praise. no explanations - just strongly publication. Savior, jesus Christ, as a mem­ some time near where john john the Baptist, speaking of supporting us, walking with us, Paper is printed each ber of his Church. jesus, as preached. They may have jesus, tells us that he will come that we may all live out our Monday; Our Savior, brought that new even spent some time together. baptizing with the Holy Spirit. new decision in the Lord. dateline is Wednesday. Member, Catholic Press Baptismal life through the Holy I would love to have listened in Association. Spirit. on their conversations. john the Baptist and jesus So, one day jesus lines up Visit our web site were cousins. They were about with the people who were com­ POSTMASTER: 30 years old during the stories ing to john seeking baptism. www.northcoun Send address changes to in the Gospels, when john Many have tried to imagine Read B ishop LaVall ey's columns North Country Catholic, began his public ministry. why jesus did this. Possibly, in Search archived papers V iew diocesan events and m uch more • PO Box 326 john became a public preacher humility, jesus wanted to make Ogdensburg, NY at a spot along the jordan it clear that he wanted to be IJ F ind us on Facebook! 13669-0326 River. His message was simple united even with sinners. This N O R.TH CO UNTR.Y C ATH O LI C JAN . 1 8, 2017 DIOCESAN LIFE

FOllOW ME 'Every life is a gift to be treasured'

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, The Psalmist proclaims: For it was you who created my being, Knit me together in my mother's womb. I thank you for the wonder of my being, For the wonders of all your creation.

Already you knew my soul, My body held no secret from you When I was being fashioned in secret And molded in the depths of the earth. (Psalm 739:73-75) These words are particularly inspiring when we reflect on the gift of human life. The sentiments of the Psalmist are clearly those of gratitude: I thank you for the won­ PHOTO BY SISTER NOEL CHABANEL, SS) der of my being, for the wonders of all your creation. Watertown Mayor Joseph Butler issued a prodamation announcing Jan.11 as National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. The Sisters Do we believe every human life is a wonder· filled ofStJoseph will be holding aprogram "A look at Human Trafficking Close Up and Personar' Jan.22 at 1:30 p.m.atthe SSJ Mother­ gift? When I don't embrace human life as a gift, then I house. Watertown City Manager Sharon Addison presented the proclamation on behalf of the mayor. She is shown above with mem­ need not treat it with any special dignity or respect. The bers ofthe Sisters of StJoseph social justice committee. From left are StJoseph Sister Cathleen Moore, Patricia Fanning, Ms. Addison body becomes merely an object that I can do with as I and St.Joseph Sisters Bethany Fitzgerald and JenniferVotaw. please. Enter: pornography, euthanasia, abortion. If I don't believe that every human life is precious, my heart risks becoming hardened towards the sufferings en­ dured by others who are vulnerable: the refugee, the SSj's to raise awareness of homeless, the immigrant. Back in 1995, Pope John Paul II, in Evangelium Vitae, wrote: "Every individual, precisely by reason of the mys· tery of the Word of God who was made flesh, is en­ human trafficking in area trusted to the maternal care of the Church. Therefore, WATIRTOWN- Mayor Joseph M. Also presenting will be risk for being trafficked for every threat to human dignity and life must necessarily Butler, Jr. issued a proclama­ Anita K. Seefried·Brown, Di­ sexual exploitation. Nearly be felt in the Church's very heart." tion Jan 11, declaring that rector of Community Preven­ 75% of the victims are Amer· The Church's heart continues to suffer the wounds in· day as National Human Traf­ tion at the alcohol and ican Citizens, flicted by our nation's Supreme Court Roe v Wade deci­ ficking Awareness Day. substance Abuse Council of WHEREAS the average age sion, when it decided, forty· four years ago, that human In the statement the mayor Jefferson County. of entry into the sex industry life in a mother's womb was not a precious gift from urged the citizens to citizens In the United States today, is 12 to 14 years old, God to be protected and nurtured. to support the Sisters of St. it is estimated that 300,000 WHEREAS human traffick· Again this year, tens of thousands of people from Joseph in actively working minors are at risk for being ing continues because of the throughout our nation, including faithful pilgrims from towards stopping human trafficked for exploitation. huge potential for profit, the North Country, will join together in the annual trafficking. Human trafficking continues based on enormous demand, March for Life in Washington, DC. Although the media The Sisters of St. Joseph because of the huge poten­ and because of the negligible gives this event scant attention, our legislators will see have planned a program "A tial for profit, based on enor· or low risk of prosecution, the large numbers of their constituents who care deeply Look at Human Trafficking mous demand, and because WHEREAS mortality rates about the right to life from conception to natural death. Close Up and Personal" for of the negligible or low risk for women in prostitution The message is clear and compelling: with grateful Jan. 22 from 1 :30 p.m. to of prosecution. are over 200 times greater hearts, every human life is a gift to be treasured, not 3:30 at the SSJ motherhouse. than those of women with discarded. The presentation will be The proclamation similar demographic pro· Thank you for your generous support of this year's given by Andrea Marie, Pro­ The text of Mayor Butler's files, collection that supports our many local efforts to help gram Director of DISARM proclamation follows: NOW THEREFORE I, Joseph form consciences to embrace the gift of human life at all THE DARK in Montreal, Que­ PROCLAMATION M. Butler, Jr., Mayor of the its stages. Let us continue to pray that minds be opened bec, and a member of the WHEREAS the United States City of Watertown, New York, and hearts softened. North Country Human Traf­ Senate designated January do hereby proclaim January Faithfully yours in Christ, ficking Task Force. 11 as National Human Traf­ 11,2017, as Ms. Marie will present ficking Awareness Day in NATIONAL HUMAN TRAF· some root causes of human 2007, FICKING AWARENESS DAY trafficking, methods often WHEREAS human traffick­ and urge all citizens to used to recruit victims, and ing is the modern day prac­ support the Sisters of St. conclude with a discussion Joseph in actively working Most Reverend Terry R.laValley tice of slavery, about ways all of us may be WHEREAS today in the towards stopping human Bishop of Ogdensburg able to help stop this mod­ United States, it is estimated trafficking. ern·day slavery. that 300,000 minors are at Joseph M. Butler, Jr. II NOR TH e 0 U N TRY C AT H 0 LI e DIOCESAN LIFE JAN. 18, 2017 YOUNG FAITH Youth pilgrimages, retreats, camps & more profoundly filled with grati­ Laura and Mary Kizor, and By Kelly Donnelly tude as I look at the many stand up for life as they par­ Diocesan youth director people working tirelessly to ticipate in the National help guide our young peo­ March for Life . Greetings from the De­ ple so that they are fully Please keep the youth and partment of Youth Ministry! aware of the beautiful fam­ chaperones in your prayers In Pope Francis' homily ily of faith that they belong as they participate in this for the Solemnity of Mary, to. profound pilgrimage! Mother of God, he stated, Across the diocese, many Diocesan Youth Council "Celebrating the feast of the past and upcoming events members are hard at work Holy Mother of God makes speak to the ever-growing planning for two day-long us smile once more as we warmth enabling all of us to Lenten retreats held in MaI­ realize that we are a people, grow together in humanity. one on March 25 and Can­ that we belong, that only Two bus-loads of youth ton on March 26. within a community, within from the diocese are travel­ The members of Diocesan a family, can we as persons ing to Washington, D.C. to Youth Council met for an find the climate, the participate in the March for opening retreat in Malone warmth, that enables us to Life. Organized by Colleen where they participated in PHOTO BY ZACK LEADER grow in humanity, and not and John Miner, the Respect leadership workshops and Busloads of young people traveled to Washington Jan.2016 for the March for merely as objects meant to Life Directors, teens will at­ prayer, and now they are life. Diocesan youth will take part in the annual pilgrimage again this year with two consume and be con­ tend a youth rally and Mass putting some of that train­ busloads of teenagers planning to attend ayouth ral~ and Mass fur Ufe, tour the National sumed." for Life, tour the National ing into action as they plan Basilica,hear guest speakers Laura and Mary Kizor,and stand up fur life as they partidpate in the As we enter 2017, I am Basilica, hear guest speakers and prepare for the upcom­ National Marchfur Ufe. The march is one ofseveral youth events scheduled fur 2017 according ing peer-led Lenten retreat. to diocesan youth director Kelly Donnel~. The theme of the retreat is Diocese of Ogdensburg Diocesan Youth Council Reawaken, and it will in­ The rally will feature the on the website and are due clude a day of prayer, reflec­ inspiring and engaging Paul on February 21. tion, and fun . Open to all in ]. Kim as the keynote ad­ Looking ahead, the Na­ grades 6-12, registration for dress, include opportunities tional Catholic Youth Con­ the retreat is available at: for prayer, workshops, fun, ference will be held in­ and a closing Mass presided Indianapolis November treat by Bishop LaValley. 2017. The diocese will be Planning for the 2017 Youth ministry leaders taking a group of 9th-12th High School Youth Rally is can register chaperones and graders to this inspiring underway! Committee youth at event that welcomes members are planning Catholic teens from across workshops and finalizing This summer will offer the country and includes the schedule for this full­ several opportunities for speakers, music, work­ day event that is open to youth to stay active in the shops, interactive programs, students in grades 9-12. Church. Registration for and prayer. Interested teens The youth rally will be held Catholic Heart Work Camp, can register and get more at IHC in Watertown on May which will be held in Platts­ information at 6, and the theme of the day burgh from June 25-30 is is "You Were Made for More." open; youth in grades 9-12 In addition to these up­ interested in attending can coming events, parishes register by email: chwc.og­ across the diocese continue densburg to host local and regional Camp Guggenheim regis­ youth ministry events tration for 2017 is also where teens are growing available. Weeks 1-5 are closer to the Lord. open to youth ages 12-15, If you have any questions and Week 6 is available for or concerns regarding youth " Lent comes pro\lidenlially 10 r eawaken 16-18 year olds; campers ministry, feel free to get in us, 10 shake us from our lethargy." ·Pope r '-dI1C;S can be registered at www.rc­ touch with the Department :J/t;VI()It/ ./611(1 (jjtap of Youth Ministry at 315- REGISTER & GET DETAILS AT WWW.RCDONY.ORG/LENTENRETREAT Staff and Teen Vision ap­ 393-2920. Thank you for all plications for Camp Guggen­ your prayers and support QUESTIONS/CONCERNS? EMAIL KELLY AT [email protected] !hI' %c(di()liJ heim 2017 are also available for the youth of our diocese! II NOR. THe 0 U N T R. yeA THO Lie JAN. 18, 2017 DIOCESAN LIFE RESPEGLIFE The pro-life movement 44 years after Roe I recently signed an on- Boy have they got that Iiance of Gays and Lesbians. I can personally swear to graphic photos of dead un­ line petition at right. I have been active in In the state legislature, I the media bias that the peti­ born children. I'm not ordinarily a the pro-life move­ have worked hand-in-hand tion seeks to eliminate. Then there was the time I petition kind of per­ ment for more than with both Democrats and Back in the early 90's, I handed my business card to son, but this particu­ forty years, and I Republicans, women and was seven months pregnant the New York Times re­ lar petition caught have witnessed the men, to advocate for laws to with my second child, and porter so that he would get my eye. diversity of the cause protect the unborn. testifying at a legislative my correct spelling and title It was aimed at up close and per­ And I recently became hearing in Albany about the when the paper printed my media organizations sonal all across this aware of a group called the need for better maternity quote. You know, the card and implored them country. 'New Wave Feminists,' an leave policies. I knew the that reads "Director of Pro­ to show the diversity I've attended con­ edgy new-age bunch of mil­ Associated Press reporter Life Activities" for the of the pro-life move­ ferences sponsored lennials with brightly col­ who covered the Capitol Catholic Bishops. Except ment when covering by Concerned ored hair and sharp wit who was in attendance, and I when the story ran the next the issue of abortion. Kathleen Women for America say "Sometime before we also knew he was planning a day they quoted me as the It was developed by Gallagher and seminars organ­ were born, our womanhood feature piece on "the face of "Director of Anti-Abortion a group called The ized by Feminists for was traded for a handful of the pro-life movement." Activities." Apparently they Consistent Life Net- Life. I've spoken at birth control pills, the 'privi­ "Here I am," my expectant can't even read without work, and it took issue with roundtables convened by lege' to degrade ourselves in body seemed to say as I bias. They were forced to the media feeding false peace-loving social justice Playboy, and the 'right' to waddled up to the micro­ publish a correction. stereotypes. organizations and conven­ abort our children." phone, my witness broaden­ We need to shatter the As a signer, I attested to tions assembled by conser­ They aim to take femi­ ing the very meaning of stereotypes and discourage the fact that I am "frustrated vative Evangelical Christian nism back from those who "pro-life" by encouraging the media from typecasting that news organizations, groups. have corrupted it. You go, more family-friendly poli­ the pro-life cause. Yes, it's who would never think of I've worked with members girls. cies in our state. an uphill battle. But it needs discriminating against of the Knights of Columbus Diverse? You bet we are. No such luck. The re­ to be done to bring balance women or ethnic minorities and members of Atheists for And yet the secular media porter's syndicated piece and fairness into the public in other contexts, do so with Life. consistently portray us as a ran that weekend. It fea­ conversation surrounding free abandon by not select­ I've marched for life single issue, male-domi­ tured an angry old man who abortion, a conversation ing them as spokespersons" alongside the nated, right-wing, intolerant often stood outside the Sen­ that's showing no signs of for the pro-life cause. Society and the Pro-Life AI- bunch of zealots. ate chamber holding large ending, even after 44 years.

Support the Respect Life Collection of the Diocese of Ogdensburg in our parishes the weekend of January 21-22 ~

l'£(~ce~eas will be distributed through grants to various North Country parishes, organizations, and programs for the support of a variety of respect life initiatives.

Thank you for your generosity toward this most special need. Please continue to pray that all will recognize, honor and protect the precious gift of life. II NOR TH e 0 U N TRY CAT H 0 Lie DIOCESAN LIFE JAN. 18, 2017

JAN. 18-25 WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY Bishop's Schedule Environmental Stewardship Jan.19- 12:00 p.m .,Mass at St. Mistaken Notion The ecumenism Mary's Cathedral Often people who have not read Pope Francis' encyclical, Jan.20 - 9:45 a.m., Episcopal Coun­ Laudato 5i, mistakenly think that cil at the Bishop's Residence it is only about the environment. While care for our"common of St. Peter Faber Jan.23 to 26 - New York State Bish­ home"upon which our life de­ ops' Retreat in N. Palm Beach, Florida pends is crucial for our survival, ting to consider these words These early companions Pope Francis speaks of integral By Deanna Hagan of Father Faber especially had all met at the University ecology."A sense of deep com­ Contributing Writer since Pope Francis consid­ of Paris, where the protes­ To Report Abuse munion with the rest of nature ers Father Faber as one of tant reformers studied with cannot be real, if our hearts lack If you have a complaint of suspected "We need to win their the roles for his papacy and the same professors as the tenderness, compassion and con­ goodwill (Le. of the Protes­ canonized him on his birth­ companions. Influenced by misconduct involving diocesan cern for our fellow human be­ tant reformers such as day Dec. 13,2013. the ideas of Luther, one clergy, religious, employees or volun­ ings." #91 Luther) so they can love such student was john teers, contact Victims Assistance Co­ In Chapter 3"The Human uS ... This can be done by Will the method proposed Calvin, who had to escape ordinator, Terrianne Yanulavich, Adult speaking familiarly with through the roof of his dor­ Roots of the Ecological Crisis," the them about matters we both by Father Faber help us to mitory to avoid execution & Youth Counseling Services of Pope states "In the absence of objective truths or sound princi­ share in common and avoid­ accomplish unity, Le. to agree when King Francis I of Northern New York, PO Box 2446, ing any debate in which one decided to crack Plattsburgh, NY, 12901 ; e-mail:terri­ ples other than the satisfaction of side tries to put down the in friendship on that which down on some of the uni­ [email protected] Phone: our own desires and immediate other." (The Spiritual Writ­ versity's freedoms in dis­ 518-483-3261; or Father James Sey­ needs, what limit can be placed ings of Pierre Favre, Insti­ unites us and avoid that cussing new ideas mour, the Episcopal Vicar for Clergy on human trafficking, organized tute of jesuit Sources, St. challenging the faith. crime, the drug trade, commerce which divides us? at 315-393-2920 ,ext. 1340 Louis, 1996, p. 379). This topic of Christian in blood diamonds and the fur of Such was the advice of St. unity was a recurrent theme The pope declared in an endangered species." #123 Peter Faber (co-founder of throughout the pilgrimage Protecting God's Children During this month of January the Society of jesus together interview with jesuit Father especially at the Pierre Favre with St. Ignatius Loyola and Antonio Sparada in 2013 Chapel in Villaget, Haute The Diocese of Ogdensburg has designated as National Slavery St. ) to jesuit that he admired Faber's Savoie, which stands on the scheduled sessions for Protecting and Human Trafficking Preven­ Father Diego Laynez on his "ability to dialog with all .. birth site of Faber in the tion Month, Mayor Joseph Butler, even his adversaries." More­ God 's Children for Adults. Pre-regis­ way to the Council of Trent. alpine shadow of the rugged tration online is required in order to of the City of Watertown, pro­ over, the pope has incorpo­ claimed January 11 as National Father Faber was also ap­ Grand Borland. participate. Participants may pre­ rated the humility and Human Trafficking Awareness pOinted by Pope Paul III to It was made a permanent register at by select­ the Council, but never openness of Father Faber in chapel by the Bishop of Day. his ecumenical efforts. ing the registration button and made it due to his death in Geneva, St. The Proclamation states that In tune with the vision of following the directions. Further in­ 1546 at the age of 40. (1602-1622) who did his " in the United States, it Pope Francis, Father Ward formation is available from Atone­ However, Father Faber's best to promote the beatifi­ is estimated that 300,000 minors called Father Faber "a gentle ment Sister Ellen Donahue,315-393- approach to church unity cation of Favre. are at risk for being trafficked for soul who wanted to do great 2920, ext. 1440. Upcoming sessions: has not been forgotten by Interestingly the feast of sexual exploitation. Nearly 75% today's jesuits. In fact, je­ things for God" when he cel­ St. Francis de Sales falls on Jan.26 - 7:30 p.m., Wakefield of the victims are American citi­ suit Father Don Ward of St. ebrated Mass in Paris at the january 24 within the Hall,SUNY Potsdam Therese Catholic Church in St. Denis Chapel, the place church unity octave. St zens. The average age of entry where the jesuits took their Feb. 2 - 5:30 p.m.,Holy Family into the sex industry is 12 to 14 Mooresville, North Carolina, Francis De Sales had been School, Malone repeated this theme more vows of Montmartre in tormented in his youth by years old." than any other in his homi­ 1534. the Calvinist idea of predes­ In an effort to provide more Also in his sermon, Father lies given during a pilgrim­ tination and tried diligently Rest in Peace education about this modern day age to France in September Ward went on to recall Fa­ to reconvert his flock. Al­ practice of slavery, the Sisters of ther Faber's advice to Father 2016 entitled "In Search of though the sainted bishop This week marks the anniversary of St. Joseph are offering the fifth Peter Faber." Laynez. was successful with many, These words were espe­ the deaths of the following annual presentation on the topic. During this Octave of to this very day, the north­ The presentation, to be held Church Unity, it seems fit- cially moving in this place ern shore of Lake Geneva re­ clergymen who have served in the where Pierre (Father Faber), Diocese of Ogdensburg on January 22 at 1:3 0 - 3:30 pm mains Protestant while the at their Motherhouse in Water­ Editor's Note as the first priest of the So­ southern side is Catholic. Jan.18- Rev.Hugh Shields, 1881; ciety, and his companions, In these troubled times of Rev. Telesphore Campeau, 1935; Rev. town, will include a look at the received their preliminary root causes of human trafficking Deanna Hagan,a former resident of Christian persecution and vows "to leave for jerusalem Paul Martin Hagan, 1980 and how persons even in our Watertown, who now lives in North even genocide, many recall Jan.19 - Rev.Arthur P.Condon, 1966; at a date which would be in­ the words of jesus in john own backyard may be recruited. Carolina, took part in a pilgrimage dicated to us and to place 17:20, "I pray that they all Rev. Aloysius R.lsele, 1974 Adiscussion will follow on to France this past September"ln ourselves under the author­ will be one." Jan.20 - Rev. William D.O'Byrne, how we can take an active part in Search of Peter Faber." St. Peter ity of the Roman Pontiff, Will the method proposed 1928; Rev.Joseph Ponture, 1940 helping to stop this fastest grow­ and to begin each one of us by Father Faber to Father Faber was a co-founder of the Je­ at a certain time to leave our Jan.21- Rev.AlbertW.Giroux, 1991; ing crime in the world. suit order who was known for his Laynez help us to accom­ Rev. Zajdel,OJ.M.Conv., 1997; For more details, see: Calendar parents and our nets, keep­ plish this unity, Le. to agree efforts for ecumenism. Here, Mrs. ing only a little money for Rev. Patrick C. Callaghan, O.F.M., 2001 Events for Jefferson Deanery; web in friendship on that which page for USCCB, Catholic Relief on Hagan shares insights she gained the journey." (Pierre Favre, unites us and avoid that Jan.22 - Rev.James E.Joy, 1950 during the pilgrimage. Memorials, #15.) which divides us? Jan.23 - Rev.J. C. Manning, 1909 human trafficking. II NORTH CO U N TRY CAT H 0 Lie JAN 18,2017 WORLD/NATION Catholic panel sees need CATHOLIC to find common ground with Trump administration WORLD 2012, created a policy that that individuals can do much By Rhina Guidos allows certain undocu­ by performing kind actions Catholic NewsService mented young people who toward others. People can AT A GLANCE came to the U.S. as children start by asking: "What did I Father Scanlan, college and church leader, dies at age 85 WASHINGTON (CNS) - Catholic pan­ to have a work permit and be do today? It's not an agency elists gathered to discuss exempt from deportation. that can make things better STEUBENVILLE, OHIO (CNS) -- Franciscan Father Scanlan, whose name "Faithful Priorities in a Time Chilin is one of more than but people," he said. is almost synonymous with the Franciscan University of Steubenville, died Jan. of Trump" said it is difficult 750,000 people who signed Chilin said it's important to 7 at Garvey Manor, a Catholic nursing home in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, to get over some of the up for DACA. During the keep in mind language that after a long illness. He was 85. The priest transformed the struggling Col lege of words the president-elect campaign, Trump said he we use in daily conversation. Steubenville -- now known as the Franciscan University of Steubenville -- in said during the campaign - would kill the program and "Be conscientious of lan­ the 1970s. He was its longtime president -- from 1974 to 2000 -- and then and even before he was a threatened mass deporta­ guage," she said. "Illegal is a chancellor at the university from 2000 to 2011 when he retired. The school be­ candidate. tions, sending those like racial slur. No human being Chilin into panic. is illegal and yet, in many cir­ came a university in 1980 and changed its name in 1986. Father Scanlan's fu­ But as his presidency nears, many of them said it's "I felt a fear unlike any cles, they use it to describe neral arrangements reflect his involvement not only at the school but also his important to find ways to other fear I have had before," us." roots with his order: Third Order Regular Province of the Most Sacred Heart of work with him for the com­ she said about the moment Panel moderator john Carr, Jesus, based in Loretto, Pennsylvania. Amemorial Mass was to be celebrated at mon good. she learned Trump won the director of Georgetown Uni­ the school's field house Jan.11. Aviewing and vigil service also was to be held "When Donald Trump says election. ''The fear was vis­ versity's Initiative on Jan.11 at St. Francis Friary in Loretto, followed by Mass of Christian Burial Jan. things about women ... I have ceral. ... one thought that oc­ Catholic Social Thought and 12 at the Chapel of the at St. Francis University, Loretto. a hard time stomaching cupied my mind was that Public Life, which sponsored Father Scanlan, whose 1997 autobiography was titled "Let the Fire Fall," was those comments," said Msgr. homeland security knows ex­ the event, asked how actly where I live. It was hard Catholics can build bridges described by the provincial of his order, Franciscan Father Richard Davis, as "one john Enzler, president and CEO of Catholic Charities of to imagine myself having a in "an angry country, a di­ of the most obedient, charitable, humble, and very holy men in our commu­ the Archdiocese of Washing­ future in 2017." vided country." There are a nity." ton. "We can still find a way, joan Rosenhauer, execu­ lot of people who feel under though, to listen and say, tive vice president of U.S. attack, he said. McDonald's nearVatican to give free meals to the poor 'How do we find common Operations for Catholic Re­ "It's important to see what VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- While the controversial opening of a McDonald's near ground?'" lief Services, said now is a role (Catholics) can play in the Vatican may not have all local residents singing, "I'm lovin' it," the popular Msgr. Enzler was one of good time to review the prin­ divisions that have been cre­ fast food chain is trying to do its part in the neighborhood by helping the poor five panelists jan. 12 who ad­ ciples of Catholicism and so­ ated over the past year," cial justice, explaining that Rosenhauer said. "I was re­ and the hungry. "Medicina Solidale" ("Solidarity Medicine") announced Jan.12 dressed the role the Catholic faith can playas the country they don't divide people and ally struck by Cardinal that it is joining forces with McDonald's and the papal almoner's office, which gets ready for the incoming don't say refugees or immi­ Uoseph) Tobin and his hom­ gives the pope's charitable aid to the homeless around the Vatican, to distrib­ Trump administration. Some grants are enemies or a bur­ ily at his installation where ute 1,000 meals to poor men and women who often find shelter in and around Catholics such as Rep. Fran­ den on society. one of his key points was St. Peter's Basilica. Starting Jan.16, volunteers from the charitable organization cis Rooney, R-Florida, ex­ "What we have to do is lift that our kindness must be will distribute aspecially prepared menu for the poor; it includes a double pressed great optimism. up our principles," Rosen­ known to all." cheeseburger, fresh apple slices and a bottle of water. Lucia Ercoli, director of "We can have a lot of hope hauer said. "The problem is It's important to stand up "Medicina Solidale," said that the organization plans to distribute 100 meals a that he will protect life the deeper because our own for beliefs even when others way we want him to do ... de­ Catholic people do not know disagree with them, she said, week for 1a consecutive Mondays.The program, she added, is "the beginning of those principles." "but we have to find a way to adialogue" with McDonald's to expand in the future. "It is truly asmall drop in funding Planned Parenthood, protecting life," Rooney said. Sister Simone Campbell, do it with kindness." an ocean of things being done by so many other associations, by so many peo­ ''Things like the insurance executive director of Net­ "We want to protect chil­ ple who spend their time helping others," Ercoli said Jan.12 in an interview mandate can be brought into work, a Catholic social jus­ dren in the womb. That's with Vatican Radio. harmony of First Amend­ tice lobbying organization, something we can work with ment rights." said the country is showing a this (the Trump) administra­ Bishop opposes death sentence for man Who killed churchgoers Yet others such as panelist high level of ambiguity, fear, tion and Congress on," CHARLESTON, S.c. (CNS) -- Jurors unanimously agreed to sentence Dylann Roof jessica Chilin Hernandez ex­ dysfunction and chaos. Rosenhauer said. "Senator "I think that challenges all Ueff) Sessions said there to death for killing nine black churchgoers. In closing statements before the de­ pressed uncertainty and ap­ of us as people of faith," she would be no Muslim ban. liberation Jan.l0, the unrepentant 22-year-old told jurors that "I still feel like I prehension of the days ahead. Chilin works at said. That's something we would had to do it," the Associated Press reported. Bishop Robert E.Guglielmone said Georgetown University's Now is the time to stand up support and work together in a statement that the Catholic Church opposes capital punishment and re­ Kalmanovitz Initiative for for the stranger, the working on .. . then let's be clear about minded people that all life is sacred. "We are all sinners, but through the fa­ Labor and the Working Poor, poor, and anyone who needs the areas for disagreements." ther's loving mercy and Jesus' redeeming sacrifice upon the cross, we have thanks to a work permit she of our kindness or help, and Msgr. Enzler said Catholics, been offered the gift of eternal life. The Catholic opposition to the death has through the Deferred Ac­ Catholic social teaching has a particularly the church's penalty, therefore, is rooted in God's mercy.The church believes the right to life tion for Childhood Arrivals, lot to say about it, Sister leaders, must also speak and known as DACA. Campbell said. raise their voices for the vul­ is paramount to every other right as it affords the opportunity for conversion, Msgr. Enzler noted that it is nerable, and strongly speak even of the hardened sinner," Bishop Guglielmone said. President Barack Obama, through executive action in also important to understand the church's message. II NOR THe 0 U N TRY CAT H 0 LIe COMMENTARY JAN. 18, 2017 SCRIPTURE REFlEGIONS Seeking unity and light in times of darkness Our readings this week­ yet his message of deliver­ Christ's answer: He is the mercy, and salvation for all end speak loudly of ance and the power true light that has power to JAN.22 people and nations. the importance of of His grace dispel the darkness.. His Next week, thousands of "unity" and "light." brought tremen­ message of love for all peo­ Third Sunday in Ordinary TIme people will flood Washing­ How important for dous changes .. ples is the true source of READINGS ton with the message of re­ us who live in a With fear and unity. The marvelous 8:23-9:3 spect for life at all stages. world and in a na­ anxiety we begin a prophecy of Isaiah concerns ICorinthians 1:10-13,17 Their mission seems even tion overshadowed new administration the land of Zebulun and Matthew 4:12-23 more urgent this year. by darkness and di­ in our country. We Naphtali in northern Galilee Never have we seen such vision! see hints of policies where Jesus lived and abuse of human dignity as In the first read­ and attitudes that worked. in our time. ing, the prophet Isa- are quite the oppo­ What worked there so Gentiles sat in darkness In the Middle East espe­ iah announces: 'The Monsignor site of the teaching long ago can also work until Jesus came, so too do cially our refugee children people who walked Pau l E. of Jesus. Our lead- today in our world and in those in our time and in our are deprived of education, culture, await a new evange­ in darkness have Whitmore ers are confused our country. It will take freedom, security, and a fu­ seen a great light." and divided. much prayer, trust, and lization. ture. In 2016, there were How very much we How can we bring courage for those who are Pope Francis calls for a 150 million child laborers. need that assurance that the light of our Christ's true followers of Jesus and new boldness and fiery Thousands of children are Jesus brings!1 teaching into our present lovers of the world God has hearts from all fo llowers of kidnapped and forced into His world was filled with distress? created. Christ that will bring the human trafficking. as much darkness as ours, Into the darkness comes Just as the land of the message of God's love, CHRIST, BE OUR LIGHT!.

MAKING SENSE OF BIOETHICS Thinking through the temptation of cohabitation Men and women clearly Even as many women try platitudes, (that he "cares they can always beat a hasty times as likely to experience need each other and natu­ to tell themselves they are for her," "loves her", etc.), retreat to the exit. physical abuse, and about rally gravitate towards "preparing" for marriage by experience shows it doesn't Or as Chuck Colson has nine times more likely to be arrangements of mutual cohabiting with their part­ typically help him put it: "Cohabitation murdered. support and lives of shared ner, they may sense the trap reach the commit­ -- it's training for di­ Children also tend to fare intimacy. Because women of the "never ending audi­ ment reflected in vorce." poorly when it comes to are frequently the immedi­ tion" to be his wife, and be­ those all-important Many studies con­ these live-in arrangements. ate guardians of the next come intuitively aware of words, "Will you firm that the divorce Rates of serious child abuse generation, they have a par­ how they are being used. marry me?" rate among those have been found to be low­ ticular need to ascertain if Cohabitation, in who cohabit prior to est in intact families; six there will be steady support fact, is a relation­ marriage is nearly times higher in step fami­ from a man prior to giving Cohabitation is dearly bad ship that is defined double the rate of lies; 20 times higher in co­ themselves sexually to him. for men, worse for women by a holding back those who marry habiting biological-parent The bond of marriage is of commitment. without prior cohab­ families; and 33 times ordered towards securing and terrible for children The notion that it Father Tadeusz itation. higher when the mother is this critical element of on­ somehow allows Pacholczyk Ph.D. Some researchers cohabiting with a boyfriend going commitment and sup­ Cohabitation also invites both parties to "try believe that individu­ who is not the biological fa­ port. Cohabitation, where a the woman to focus on out" a marriage be­ als who cohabit are ther. man and woman decide to lesser concerns like saving forehand is conve- more unconventional Cohabiting homes see sig­ live together and engage in on rent or garnering tran­ niently make-believe, a kind to begin with, being less nificantly more drug and al­ sexual relations without sient emotional attention of "playing house," mostly committed to the institution cohol abuse, and bring in marriage, raises a host of is­ from her partner by moving because it's impossible to of marriage overall and less income than their mar­ sues and concerns. Sex, of in with him and becoming tryout something perma­ more open to the possibility ried peers. sexually available. course, has a certain power nent and irrevocable of divorce. Cohabitation is clearly all its own, and both sides Even as a woman becomes through something tempo­ Others suspect something bad for men, worse for may be tempted to play attuned to the power of sex rary and revocable. more insidious - that living women, and terrible for chil­ from an early age, she can with it in ways that are po­ As Jennifer Roback Morse together slowly erodes peo­ dren. tentially damaging, all the eventually fall prey to an has described it, "Cohabit­ ple's ability to make a com­ "Marriage," as Glenn Stan­ more so when they decide easy mistake. Aware that ing couples are likely to mitment by setting them up ton notes, "is actually a very sexual intimacy is also to cohabit. about bonding, she may have one foot out the door, into patterns of behavior pro-woman institution. Peo­ One concern is that co­ throughout the relationship. that work against succeed­ ple don't fully realize what a habitation can often become suppose that by surrender­ The members of a cohabit­ ing in a long-term relation­ raw deal for women cohabi­ a rehearsal for various self­ ing this deeply personal ing couple practice holding ship. tation is. Women tend to ish patterns of behavior. It part of herself through co­ back on one another. They Both may actually be true. bring more goods to the re­ perpetuates an arrangement habitation, she now has a rehearse not trusting." Various risks correlate lationship - more work, of convenience, popularly "hook" into a man and his They don't develop the el­ strongly with cohabitation. more effort in tending to phrased as, "Why buy the heart. ements crucial to a success­ Compared with a married the relationship - but they cow when you can get the While such an arrange­ ful marriage, but instead woman, a cohabiting get less satisfaction in terms ment can trigger various milk for free?" keep their options open so woman is roughly three CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE II NOR. THe 0 U N T R. yeA THO Li e JAN. 18 2017 ENTERTAIN MENT ATTHE MOVIES LA LA LAND first-rate actors, and superb bastian, broke, joins a rock By Joseph McAleer jazz music. band led by his newfound Catholic News Service In the city where dreams friend Keith Uohn Legend), are manufactured, two star­ and heads out on the road, Though it's set in present­ crossed lovers meet: Mia sacrificing his craft for a day Los Angeles, the com­ (Emma Stone), an aspiring paycheck. edy-drama "La La Land" actress, and Sebastian (Ryan Separation frays the rela­ (Lionsgate) takes a spirited Gosling), a jazz pianist. Each tionship, and conflict en­ stab at reviving the musi­ is driven toward a singular sues. As the music swells cals of Hollywood's golden goal. Mia wants to be a and Mia warbles tunes like age. movie star, while Sebastian "The Fools Who Dream," the Writer-director Damien hopes to open his own club. power of love to conquer all Chazelle ("Whiplash") Their gooey romance bub­ seems momentarily in dreams big in this over-the­ bles over into a series of doubt. top fantasy where drivers numbers worthy of Gene The film contains an im­ exit their cars on a freeway Kelly and Leslie Caron. In plied premarital relation­ overpass and burst into this context, the corny dia­ ship, a few rough terms and song, and lovers float in the logue is utterly appropriate, some crude language. air amid the projected stars even charming: The Catholic News Service in a planetarium. "It's pretty strange that we classification is A-lII -­ Beautifully shot in keep running into each adults. The Motion Picture other," Mia tells Sebastian. Association of America rat­ CNS PHOTO/UONSGATE widescreen CinemaScope, Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone star in ascene from the movie "La La Land "La La Land" is a unique and "Maybe it means some­ ing is PG-13 -- parents self-indulgent film, to say thing," he replies. strongly cautioned. Some the least. But it tends to lose And how! material may be inappropri­ its way when song and Needless to say, the path ate for children under 13 . dance take over. to success is rocky, and per­ Adirondack Fortunately, that's largely severance is sorely tested. made up for by Chazelle's Mia suffers one humiliating Center For PEACE engaging script, a cast of audition after another. Se- P.o. Box 2748 Plattsburgh, New York 1290 I , Phone: (5 18) 561·5083 Thinking t CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 diocese of Fall River, MA, These Massesfor Life are co-sponsored by of relational commitment and serves as the Director Adirondack Center For PEACE and security." While mar­ of Education at The National riage doesn't automatically Catholic Bioethics Center in and solve every problem, it Philadelphia. Knights of Columbus Council #255 clearly offers a different and See St. Peter's Church St. John's Church vastly better set of dynam­ ics than cohabitation for all 2017 Day Date Time Day Date Time the parties involved. 1'b: Diocete ofopnsblq JAN Sat. 1/7/2017 8:15 a.m. Thurs. 1/12/2017 9:00 a.m. Follow Pope Francis on NORTH COUNTRY FEB Sat. 2/4/2017 8: 15 a.m. Sun. 2/12/2017 11:00 a.m. Twitter! Father Pacholczyk, Ph.D. MAR Sat. 3/4/2017 8: 15 a.m. Mon. 3/13/2017 9:00 a.m. www.twitter.comjPontifex CATHOLIC earned his doctorate in neu­ AP R Sat. 4/1/2017 8: 15 a.m. Wed. 4/12/2017 9:00 a.m. roscience from Yale and did is on MAY Sat. 5/6/2017 8: 15 a.m. Thurs. 5/11/2017 9:00 a.m. post-doctoral work at Har­ jUN Sat. 6/3/2017 8: 15 a.m. Mon. 6/12/2017 9:00 a.m. vard. He is a priest of the W#Pontifex FACEBOOK jUL Sat. 7/1/2017 8: 15 a.m. Wed. 7/12/2017 9:00 a.m. AUG Sat. 8/5/2017 8: 15 a.m. Sun. 8/13/2017 11:00 a.m. SEPT Sat. 9/2/2017 8: 15 a.m. Wed. 9/13/2017 9:00 a.m. North Country Catholic has gone OCT Sat. 10/7/2017 8: 15 a.m. Fri. 10/13/2017 9:00 a.m. ~ Green ~ NOV Sat. 11/4/2017 8: 15 a.m. Mon. 11/13/2017 9:00 a.m. lJiI DEC Sat. 12/2/2017 8: 15 a.m. Tues. 12/12/2017 9:00 a.m . Here is what one subscriber has to say: • Find Us Our Lady of Victory: "What a pleasure to be able to r ead the North Country One per month, date and time TBA Catholi c online. I am pleased that it has been offered in • Like Us this manne r - as som e times I don't have time to s it and read a paper - but when I can't s leep at night - I log • Follow Us p~ ~ ud. Ut, ~ /;04 G ~ onto the computer. Very nice gesture - thanks" ~ alL ~ To sign up to receive the NCCin your e-mail you can call CJ Like /;04 J4e! our office at 315-608-7556 II NORTH COUNTRY CATHOLIC AROUND THE DIOCESE JAN. 11 , 2017

CLINTON Contact: Anne Seegebarth Dates: Jan 29; Feb 12; Mar 5; BREAKFAST [email protected],315-783-4596 Time:3 p.m. Place: St. Mary's Rectory Mooers Forks - All you can eat breakfast WEEKLY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Features: Reflection and vespers. No to be held. Sackets Harbor - St. Andrew 's has sched­ reservation necessary. Open to men who Date: Jan. 22 uled weekly exposition and Adoration of are Juniors in high school and older. Time: 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. the Blessed Sacrament on every Friday. Contact: Your Catholic Campus Minister Place: St. Ann's Hall Time: 5 p.m. to 6 or Father Stephen Rocker, pastorsmsp@ Cost Adults, $8; Children 6-12, $5;, 315-265-9680; or Fr. Doug under 5,Free HOLY HOUR FOR VOCATIONS Lucia, [email protected] Contact: call 236-6118 for take-outs Watertown - Holy Hour for vocations Date: Mon.-Fri. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CDA TEA PARTY Time:9:30-10:30a .m. Massena - St. Mary's & StJoseph's hold Peru - Tea Party to be held to honor Place: Holy Family Church Benediction and Adoration every Friday women serving in WWII sponsored by Time: 9 a.m. to 10 the CDA Court St. Monica #2598. LEWIS Place: St. Mary's Family Room Date: Feb. 12 KOF CBRUNCH Time: 1 p.m. to 4 DIOCESAN EVENTS The North Coonty Catholic welcomes contributions to "Around the Diocese': lyons Falls -The Father Pascal Rys Place: St. Augustine's Church Parishioners are invited to send information about activities to: Knights of Columbus will sponsor an all­ CAMP GUGGENHEIM REGISTRATION Cost: $1 0; 50%ofthe proceeds will go North Country Catholi~ PO Box 326, you-can eat brunch . Registration for 2017 season for Camp to the Plattsburgh Honor Flight. Ogdensburg, NY 13669;lax, 1-866-314-7296; Date:Jan.22 Guggenheim is now open through Contact:Jane Woods 518-834-5324 or e-mail [email protected]. Time: 8 a.m. Janice at 518-643-2435 ext. 101 Items must be received in the NCCoffice bythe Thursdayb efore publication. Place: St.john's Church Contact: For more information contact MARCH FOR LIFE Cost: Adults, $7; Children 5-12, $4; the Office of Youth Ministry at 315-393- to considerthe call to the priesthood. Time: 7 p.m. under 5,Free 2920 or [email protected] or visit Plattsburgh -The Champlain Valley Dates: Jan 22; Feb 5& 19; Mar ch 5&26; Place: Sisters of StJoseph Mother camp website: Right to Life is sponsoring the annual April9 and 23; May 7 & 21 House, Hearthside Hospitality Center DIVINE MERCY Plattsburgh March for Life. Time: 3 p.m. Speaker: Joyce Combs:Chaplain and Be­ Houseville - Divine Mercy Devotions for Date:Jan.22 Place: St. Bartholomew's Rectory reavement Coordinator at Hospice of Jef- the month of February to be held. COLLEGE SPRING RETREAT Time: 12:15 p.m. Features: Reflection, Vespers & dinner. ferson County Date: Feb.5 Ogdensburg -If you are an area college Place: Gather at Newman center and Juniors in high school and older. Topic: "Facing the New Year" Time: 3 p.m. student, please join us for our annual March to St.john the Baptist Church Contact: Fr. Howard Venette,­ Place: St. Hed wig's Church Catholic Campus Ministry Spring Retreat. Features: Guest speaker, Dale Barr, RN, barts SPAGHml SUPPER Features: The program includes:Vespers Date: Feb.l0 - 12 Silent No More Coordinator to speak at 1 15- Watertown - St.Anthony's Altar Rosary (Evening Prayer), Exposition of the Most Place:Wadhams Hall p.m. Reception follows in Parish Center. 369-3554; Society to have a spaghetti dinner. Blessed Sacrament, Adoration, The Di­ Cost: $20, includes meals and lodging Date:Jan.26 SPAGHml DINNER vine Mercy Chaplet and Benediction. Features: Come take a rest from the JEFFERSON Time: 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.; Take-outs Contact: 348-6260 for information. business of campus for Faith, Fellowship, Peru - St.Augustine's Knights of Colum­ HUMAN TRAFFICKING begin at 4 p.m., bring containers and Formation. bus Council will host aspaghetti dinner. Watertown - Presentation on Human Place: Msgr. Sechi Hall EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Contact: Please contact your local Cam­ Date: Jan. 21 Trafficking to be held. Cost: Adults, $8; Children, $4; Children lowville - All are invited to one hour of pus Minister or Amanda Conklin at acon­ Time: 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 Date: Jan. 22 under 3, Free; Sauce, $5 per quart; Meat­ exposition, silent adoration, the Divine [email protected] Place: St. Augustine's Parish Center Time: 1:3 0 p.m. to 3:30 balls, $.75 each Mercy Chaplet, and benediction . more information or to register. Cost Adults, $7.50;Children 6-12, Place: Sisters of StJoseph Motherhouse Date: Jan . 19 $2.50; Children under 5, Free Features: Andre Marie, from Montreal, LlFERIGHT MEETING Time: 4 p.m . to 5 PILGRIMAGE TO EASTERN EUROPE Features:Regular & gluten-free Member of the North Country Human Watertown - Liferight of Watertown Place: St. Peter's Church Father Donald Robinson is hosting a pil­ spaghetti. Take-outs available. Trafficking Task Force, will present how meets the first Wednesday of the Month. S1 LAWRENCE grimage to Poland and Eastern Europe. people are often recruited and ways that Time: 1 p.m. PANCAKE BREAKFAST Date: April 24- May 7 we may be able to help. Event is free and Place:870 Arsenal Street. WINTER RETREAT DAY Cost: $3199 per person from New York. Treadwell Mills- St.Alexander and St. open to the public. Features: The office has a variety of Morristown - Sister Bethany Fitzgerald, Price includes roundtrip airfare, govern­ Joseph to hold pancake breakfasts. Contact: To reserve a seat, please call pro-life videos, books and educational SSJ will lead a retreat day on the theme ment taxes/a irline surcharges, first class Dates: Feb.5,March 5,April2 and 23 315-782-3460. materials which may be borrowed. "Praying With the Psalms." select hotels, most meals, services of a Time: 8 a.m .to Noon Contact: Phone 315-788-8480 Place: Cedarhaven professional tour director & comprehen­ Place: StJoseph's Hall LlFERIGHT PRAYER VIGIL Date: Feb. 4from 9:30 a.m. to 4 with sive sightseeing, all hotel service Cost: Adults, $7; kids, $3; under 5, Free Watertown - Liferight will hold a prayer CURSILLO MEETINGS option of overnight for extended retreat charges, local taxes, porterage & en­ FRANKLIN vigil. Carthage -The Jefferson/Lewis Cursillo Suggested offering: $25 for day (in­ trance fees. Date: Jan. 23 holds its monthly meeting on the third SATURDAY DEVOTION cludes lunch); Additional $25 for Features: Visit Warsaw, Poland'scapital; Time: 7 p.m. Tuesday of every month. overnight (dinner, breakfast included) Krakow,site of the Divine Mercy Shrine; St.Regis Falls - First Saturday Devotion Place: St. Anthony 's parking lot Time: 6 p.m. to 8 To register. Call 315-212-6592 or email Jasna Gora Monastery in Czetochowa, and Holy Hour to be held Features: Refreshments in Sechi Hall. Place: Community Room of StJames [email protected] by Feb. 1 home ofthe Black Madonna;Wadowice, Time: after 4:30 p.m. anticipated Mass Church birthplace of Pope John Paul II; Bu­ Place: St. Ann 's Church BEREAVEMENT MEETING Features: All Cursillistas are encouraged DAYS OF DISCERNMENT dapest, capital of Hungary;Vienna, and HAMILTON-HERKIMER Watertown - Ecumenical Bereavement to attend.We also welcome those inter­ Potsdam - Discerning men are invited to beautiful, 1,000 year old Prague. Meeting to be held. ested in deepening a personal relation­ DAYS OF DISCERNMENT come together & consider the call the Contact: Father Robinson at 315-493- Date:Jan.23 ship with Jesus Christ. Roman Catholic Priesthood. 3224 or [email protected] Old Forge - Discerning men are invited NORTH COUNTRY CAT HOLIC JAN . 18 , 2017 ______~ ______R ______NEWS ~ OBITUARIES I ~ ~ ~ The Pontifical Mission Societies of the Au Sable Forks -Ruth C. (Clodgo) Bor­ Church; burial in Notre Dame Cemetery. neral Services Jan.16, 2017 at St. Peter's ~ H. I Diocese of Ogdensburg, Inc. rette, 91 ; Funeral Jan .13, 2017 at Holy Church; burial in parish cemetery. H Name Church; burial in parish cemetery. Malone - Lee W. Dumas, 70; Funeral ~~~$t The Society for the Propagation of the Faith Services Jan.14, 2017 at Notre Dame Plattsburgh - Todd Christopher Filion, ,. I "'" ,'" Sr. Mary Ellen Brett, SSJ, Director Au Sable Forks - Virginia M. Wray, 92; Fu­ Church. 45; Funeral Services Jan.ll, 2017 at St. 622 Was hington St., Ogdensburg, NY 13669 (3 1S ) 393-2920; lax 1-866-31 4-7296 neral Services Jan .14, 2017 at Holy Name Peter's Church . [email protected] Church . Massena - Evelyn M. McKenzie, 75; Fu­ neral Services Jan .12, 2017 at Sacred Redford - Margaret Mary Waldron, 86; Carthage - Leslie "Red " Nevills, 93; Fu­ Heart Church; burial in StJoseph's Ceme­ Funeral Services Jan.14, 2017 at Church neral Services Jan .8, 2017 atthe tery, Bombay. of the Assumption. The founder Bezanilia-McGraw Funeral Home. Massena - Cecile M. (Pomainville) Rafter, Saranac Lake - George Joseph "Larry Croghan - Paul J. Martin, 91; Funeral 88; Funeral Services Jan.l 0, 2017 at Walker" Campion, 62; Funeral Services ofSPOF Services Jan .12, 2017 at St. Stephen's Church of the Sacred Heart; burial in Pine Jan. 7, 2017 at St. Bernard 's; burial in St. january 9, 2017 marked the 155th anniversary of the Church; burial in St. Vincent de Paul Grove Cemetery, Norfolk. Bernard 's Cemetery. death of the founder of the Society for the Propagation of Cemetery, Belfort. the Faith, Pauline Marie jaricot. Morrisonville - Edward Robert DuBray, Saranac Lake - Germaine (Martin) Baptized Marie Pauline jaricot on the day of her birth Uuly Ellenburg - Vincent Victor Fisher, 70; Fu­ 65; Funeral Services Jan . 9, 2017 at St. Miller, 87; Funeral Services at St. 22, 1799), she was the last child born to Antoine and jeanne neral Services Jan .14, 2017 at St. Ed­ Alexander's Church; burial in parish Bernard 's Church; burial in St. Bernard's jaricot in Lyons, Frances. The couple had seven children. mund'sChurch. cemetery. Cemetery. Pauline wrote of her parents: "Happy are those who have re­ ceived from their parents the first seeds of faith .... Be Ellenburg - Doritha Tourville Fisher, 91; Morrisonville - Gloria (Frenyea) Phaneuf, Saranac Lake - Peter H.Sullivan, 80; Fu­ praised Lord, for giving me a just man for a father and a vir­ Funeral Services Jan.14, 2017 at St. Ed­ 84; Funeral Services Jan .14,2017 at St. neral Services Jan .l0,2017 at St. tuous and charitable woman as a mother." mund 's Church. Alexander's Church; burial in parish Bernard's Church; burial in Stjohn's Lyons, Pauline's hometown, was an industrial city that be­ cemetery. Cemetery, Lake Clear. came famous for its silk factories. Her family were silk mer­ chants, and bourgeois family of that French city. While the Hogansburg - Hubert J. "Hubie" Rourke, early years of her childhood were marked by the exclusive 59; Funeral Services Jan. 9,2017 at St. Ogdensburg - Shirley E. (Spooner) Watertown - Michael L. Murphy, 61; Fu­ society life of Lyons, something would happen as a teenager RegisChurch. Smith, 98; Funeral Services at St. Mary's neral Services Jan. 9,2017 at Church of that would open her heart to the whole world. Pauline saw Cathedral; burial in St. Mary's Cemetery. the Holy Family; burial in Glenwood this as her vocation - to become a missionary of the love of Indian Lake - Maria King, 89; Funeral Cemetery. God. She came to believe that "to truly help others is to Services Feb. 6, 2017 at St. Mary's Church; Plattsburgh - Robert F. Champagne, 77; bring them to God." burial in Cedar River Cemetery. Funeral Services Jan.l0, 2017 at St. Watertown - Edna E. (Shaw) Sullivan, One day while at prayer, 18-year-old Pauline had a vision Peter's Church . 79; Funeral Services Jan .12, 2017 at of two lamps. One had no oil; the other was overflowing Malone - Grace M. (Emery) Bourey, 95; Cummings Funeral Home; burial in In­ and from its abundance poured oil into the empty lamp. To Funeral Jan.l0, 2017 at Notre Dame Plattsburgh - Donald L. Durocher, 86; Fu- dian Rive r Cemetery, Indian River. Pauline, the drained lamp signified the faith in her native France, still reeling from the turbulence of the French Revo­ lution. The full lamp was the great faith of Catholics in the OUR READERS WRITE Missions - especially in the New World. By aiding the faith of the young new country of the United States of America, Mercy in Motion least of these, you did it not to me.' an appendix. Pauline knew that seeds planted would grow and bear much Jesus said, And they will go away into etemal Yes, the Year of Mercy is over, but the fruit. '" I was astranger and you did not punishment, but the righteous into eter­ need for love and mercy abounds all So she came up with a plan to support missionaries. She welcome me, naked and you did not nallife. "(Matthew 25: 43,45-46) around. gathered workers in her family's silk factory into "c ircles of clothe me,sick and in prison and you did Here's a New Year Resolution for 10." Everyone in the group pledged to pray daily for the not visit me.' Bishop LaValley's Christmas message 2017: Mi ssions and to offer each week a soup, the equivalent of a Then He will answer them, Truly, I in the Dec 21st North Country Catholic - Have you ever visited someone in a penny. Each member of the group then found 10 friends to say to you, as you did it not to 1of the invited us "to see His Face in our sisters nursing home, hospital, a sick person or do the same. Within a year, she had 500 workers enrolled; and brothers who we so often neglect" .. someone who is shut-in/homebound? soon there would be 2,000. letters to the Editor . to make room in our hearts for our Won't you please make a visit and you As a child, Pauline had in fact dreamed of building such hurting neighbors and family members. will visit Jesus in His distressing disguise. support for the Missions: "Oh! I'd love to have a well of gold We welcome letters from readers of Being a disabled shut-in, i am aware CHRIS LAROSE MEV to give some to all the unfortunate, so that there would not the North Country Catholic. offeeling alone and abandoned, a use­ POTSDAM be any more poor people at all and that no one would cry less member of the Body of Christ, like anymore." 'Due to space limitations, we ask Pauline's successful efforts - where clearly not isolated or that the number of words be For a New or Used Car unique - were the main thrust behind the formation of the limited to 300. Society for the Propagation of the Faith. She was "the match -We cannot accept letters which Mort for More Information, Visit Our Web Page that lit the fire ." Pauline died on january 9, 1862; the prayer at: support ideas which are contrary to MARKIT SI POTSDAM. NY ¥ 13151 265·8800 found after her death, written in her own hand, ended with Backus & )0'" \\) HtII",,,a/(,1/ & \u/>aru \up~t( rmrr these words: "Mary, 0 my Mother, I am Thine!" In 1963,100 the teachings of the Catholic years after her death, Pope john XXIII signed the decree Church. Sons which proclaimed the virtues of Pauline jaricot, declaring -Send letters to North Country On Canton-Ogdensburg Rd. her "venerable." The cause for her and canon­ Catholic, PO Box 326, Ogdensburg, 315-393-5899 ization continues. NY, 13669 or e-mail to Please remember'1he Society for the Propagation ofthe Faith" [email protected] when writing or changing your Will. - Join the conversation! CHEVROLET BACK PEW II NORTH COUNTRY C ATHOLI C JAN. 18 , 2017 Pope: Vocations require prayers, open doors, big hearts, busy hands cloak and follow me." The how tiring, frustrating or dif­ By Carol Glatz angel freed him and led him ficult it can be to do outreach Catholic News Service safely to an alley, but then with today's young people. left him there alone, a bit He said when he was VATICAN CITY (CNS) - While God is confused at first, but then young, he and his friends the one calling people to a excited and eager to find his were happy to go to parish­ vocation, clergy and reli­ friends. organized meetings where gious have to cooperate by Unfortunately, the pope they just sat around and being inspirational role mod­ said, when Peter got to the talked about a particular els, keeping their doors open home where his friends were topic, then went out after to and giving restless young praying fervently for him, watch a game at the stadium people constructive things to the door was shut and the or do some charity work. "We do, Pope Francis said. servant didn't think to open were easygoing" and didn't Praying for vocations and it right away when she heard need so much activity like holding meetings to discuss him calling. young people today crave. effective strategies are key, How often does this hap­ To foster vocations, he he said, but if those things pen today, the pope won­ said, "you need to make are done "without making dered, with so many people young people walk," do sure that the doors are open, praying for vocations and for something, go on a journey it's useless." the Lord to tell people to rise and accompany them -- "an W arm up with a subscription The pope made his re­ up and be free, but then apostleship of walking" and marks near the end of a Jan. when those people go out to working because it will be 3-5 conference on pastoral seek what they are looking while they are helping and to the N orth Country Catholic ministry for vocations, spon­ for, they find a closed door. interacting that they will feel sored by the Italian bishops' This happens when a part of the church and then and find out what is happening conference national office priest has very limited or in­ start going to confession and for vocations. convenient hours for receiv­ Communion -- not the other with the Setting aside his prepared ing the public or for hearing way around, he said. text, the pope told his audi­ confessions or when the Priests also have to "be Diocese of Ogdensburg. ence he wanted to talk to parish has a very unfriendly nailed to the chair" when them about the conference secretary who "scares the they listen to young people theme of the divine com­ people away. The door is who come to see them for Visit our website at mand -- "Get up!" open, but the secretaries guidance or answers. They The pope recalled how show their teeth" like a snarl. have to be patient and make Peter heard this call while he 'To have vocations, being the person feel they have all to pay by Credit Card for was sleeping, chained in welcoming is necessary. It's the time in the world to lis­ prison awaiting trial. An in a home that you welcome" ten, offering very brief com­ immediate delivery. angel told him, "Get up people, he said. ments like "a seed that will quickly" and "Put on your The pope said he knows do its work from the inside." OR Send this coupon with payment to: Young people may have dreamy, crazy ideas or really North Country Catholic tough questions or cause PO Box 106, Canajoharie, New York, trouble with their "shenani­ gans," but that's because 13317 they are young, "thanks be to **Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery when God," and eventually they mailing in your renewal * * will get their act together with time, the pope said. o Inside Diocese $27 0 Outside Diocese $30 The pope urged the priests I New or Used Manufactured and Modular Homes I and religious men and I want to be a Patron: 0 $3 5 0 $50 0 $100 0 $250 women how important it was I Located on 7109 State Route 9 o New Subscription ORenewal I they set a good example for I Exit 39 of the Northway, across from the city beach of Plattsburgh I young people. Name ______It's true people are called I I to a religious vocation by Address ------God, he said, but it is also WE ARE OPEN ON SUNDAYS 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. true a majority of those vo­ City ______State_ Zip___ _ cations were also prompted YOUR BEST DEAL CAN BE FOUND ON SUNDAY!! I I Sllecial: 28x48 used Double, ExceUent Condition. I by the effective, inspiring Parish.______L. _ _ _ J4~9 ~ ~I~err a!!,.d ~ t~ , ,!O!! x:.. ___ .. witness of the people in their lives.