the Inside , Weather Gtcmla Shutout Carda Twice Paril7 e ...4.7 ..... _ •• ... Paqe 4 Iered Ut... ~" ... 81 Paaa Bar Examl day. Ceeler .....~. ... Sa,..... ,.. .nUt _tterN .. , Pa~ 6 shewen. II1a1a WAT. N: Oulald. Library Work Nearl, DOlle at ·owan Ie,.. 55. H"~ Tlllanaa,.. • • •.Pa9D 6 'V"",,~--,.:.J II: lew. N . Eal. 1868 - AP Leaaed Wire, AP WIrephoto, UP l.ealed Wir. - Five Cenll Iowa City, Iowa. Friday, June 23, 1950 - Vol. 84, No. 221 Caltech ·Researcher Called ., ... Senate Votes Extension Into G~urt for Questioning . LOS ANGELES (AP)-Dr. Jacob W. Dubnoff of California 111stituto of T~ehllOIQgy was taken into federal court Thursday on Of Peacetime Draft Act otders by a grand jury investigating a colleague Ilccllsed of hid­ ing ~is Communist party membership. . U.S. Atty. Ernest Tolin said Dubno£f, 41, had refused to an­ Some Days You Can't Make a Nickel Okays Renewal swer ' questions about Dr. Sidney Weinbaum, 52, Calteeh scien­ ST. LOUIS tt1l-A landlady Thursday gave her house to thc mt ronnerly with its jet propul. Cedcral Tent director hcre and challcnged him to make a profit a.t Of Three Years; ion laboratory. Dr. Weinbaum the legal rent rates. Wa. arrested by the FBI last Fri­ Rerouting 01 Highway Mrs. Grace C. HUI, a widow, sent a Quit claim deed to a da,. and aL'l'algned on charges of t.wo-story, Crame house to Arca Rent Dil'ector Grover C. Van­ Bill to House ~tiur.Y and fraud against the gpv­ Seutfl Coralville dover. She told him "drastic and unwarranted" rcnt reductions efr,\ment 101 ordered by his oUiec made It Impossible for hcr to kecp the WA5HINGTON liP! - The lien­ Qubnott was taken before U.S. Te ['art Th'IS Year house. ate gave overwhelm1n11 approval Judge fames M. Cuter. The judge, I JI Vandover said he won't take the house and Is sending the Thursday to a three-year renew­ DtJhnotf, the scientist's cOlln ~ el deed back. He promised to review ber case. al of the peacetimo draft .ct ana · a . court , r'epl'rter then went Construction of the "Coralville with limited authority for the Ih\b a closed session in the judge's cut-off," a project to reroute high­ President to ordcr Inductions in r • chlimbers. They emerged a half way 6 south of that town, is ex­ casc of emer~ency. hour later and ~j)notf told th~ ~~ted to begin late this year, It t~ thl. tep by a voice vote court he would rcturn to the Fred R. Whitc, chief engineer of Four· Shot in Tennessee shortly alter both houIe and HD­ gra'ud lury. the Iowa state highway commis- ate had pa ed • noDiap 15-day Members of tile grand jury, I sian, said here Thursday. • conscription law which II due to wbo had beeo court spectators, White, speaking at an Iowa Riot; UAW Calls Strike expire at'nUdnliht today. then resume!l their cession. City Rotary club luncheon, added, By VNITIID PRESS aenewal aulan n,..... /L. L. Wirln, DubnoU's attor- however, that it is improbable the Four men were shot aud wounded in violell • at a trik· The emerlleney renewal wu ney, when as~ed It his client highway commission will reroute rusoed throulh because admlnis­ woUld answer the l\lry's ques- highways around Iowa Oity. bound Tennessee rayon pI Ilt Thursday and the CIO unit 'd auto tra tlon kadcra feared th.t the tiO!)S, replied; "I thinlt he will." A recent survey by the com- 'I Want to Get Up and Pick loses' workers ordered a strike MOllday against th big Briggs auto body existing act might 1.Ple .nd the Dubnof! ' is a senior research mission revealed that about 80 plants in Detroit. selective RrVlcc machinery lose feUow In biology, a graduate oC percent of the .traffic on major BECAUSE SHE WANTED TO PICK ROSES, five·,.e.r·old Susanne ~rt (above) saved six families Its le,al balll beCore the two tl\c . Uni'1e,rslty 'ot California at highways is either destined to­ from prssible death here Thursday. The little I'lrl -who thourh& abe wu smeJUnr rOles - melled &al The UAW aid 30,000 Briggs workers would be called on houses eould aarea on lon, ranle Lps Angeles who received his ward or originates from the busi­ from the refrigeration unit shown above and .w.kened: here rr."dmother, Mrs Loran, 415 strike unless a pension and wage increase agreement is reached extension. S. Capital street. Mrs. Lo, In reslKlnse to Susanne'll request te "'et 1/$1 and pick r08ell," reallzed there Ph.D. at Caltech in 1944. He is a ness sections of cities, he e.xplain- before the deadline of 9 a.m. But later In a tlnal bW'st of native ot Los Angeles. ed. was gas In the apartment buUdln&, lind hurried the six families ItvinC, there l'ut Into the street. As a speed, the aenate brushed He joined Cal tech as a research White said the "cut-olf" pro- result, no one was seriously allected by the ...s· (Iowa time) Monday. proposalJ to attach a sellrelat10n ' lstant in ~93il , ject will begin at the "Y" inter- Bl'iggs makes bodlcs for the GOP Counsel Says amendment to the measure and ,, * .. * section 10rmed by Newton road Chrysler corprration and Packard. then shouted Its approval 01 the Weinbaum Indicted . . . and highway 6 four blocks west hone Rates Hiked Violence eruptcd again at the Service Gave Secrets three-year extension requested by ~ .. ' . • of the new Veterans hospital. Five-Year-Old ~Sa ·yesr ., E:amllies strlkebounq American Enka tex­ the adminIstration. ,,' ~ANG,ELES · (JP) - The U.S. , From the "Y" the project will Ule plant at Morristown, Tenn., U.... ""lau.. sr'_Od ~ i.ur.y. ThijrSd8! night in- extend westwa;d, generally para­ By DON STEFFEN . ~-7S. Cents Monthly when three non-Ltrlkers werc To Amerasia Editor Th Is lelililJ lion now goes back di~ ~Ik SIdney Wembaum, Cal- Ilel to the Rock Island railroad Little fiv e.-year-old Suzanne Elbert. savt,'n laboratory. 'The govern- proposed that the new segment m~ther, Rl1ss~lI ~hone service, eHectlve Thurs­ Eastern oWc\al, disclosed secret Under the senate measure, the mliitary Information to Philip ~t acc~,:d 'him of to of highway 6 be four lanes, 48 feet visiting Mrs, Elbert's mother, Mrs. Catherine Logan, 415 S. Capi­ day, were announced by R.A. Wil­ Heavily-armed state police ru~h­ Presldcnt could luue the d~lt army' t'e"le~v board qUestioners wide, according to White. tol street. F.ive other families liams, Northwestern Bell Tele­ cd in to disperse pickets at the Jafte. Amerasia magazine editor. calls only wh n con&ress is not ~~one ma'nager tor Iowa City. rayon phll1t and later arrested Service immediately denied that hI! was a member of the White emphasized that It pro- live in the apartment house. in se ~ ion and after Clndlnll thil Continued increased costs in more than 50 strikers. ever knowingly passing along such a "national necessity" C~mlll~nis\ P~Tty. bably will be necesary later to . Smelled BOlleS .' • extend the four lane portion of furnishing 1()Ca1 telephone serv­ The Order of Railway Conduc­ Information. He de crlbed talks When tho lawmakers arc on duty Deny Suzanne was sleeping .with Mn. with Jattc In 194:1 as in the na­ Hew' , Directory the ,· highway eastward past the Academic ice was given by Williams as tors, meanwhile, called a strike ot they would havo thc powcr to de­ Veterans hospital. Logan who said she heard Su­ the reason for the Increase. Rates all Pullman conductors for July tl/Te of normal relnUonships with cide whether sut:h a slep was eli- zanne tossinll and Cl')i\illi In her wc:rc increased Crom 25 to 75 cen 18 I n demand tor reduction 01 the editors and writers seeking back­ se,""" to aMioruil W'lty. Q~ ; ~GIe tod~y Libertv Hiniled slee,e. When asked what wa~ a month. basic monthly work rate. ground data. wrong, Suzanne said, ."J want to "Since 1922, the added cost a l! was Robert Morris, Republi­ Tp.e 5tJI sUmmcr scssion direc­ Probe 01 Spending 'CHAMPAIGN, ILL. nPI -Pres. get up and pick roses. 1 smjlll month to subscribers has been can counsel for the senate ror­ Kazmayer to Open tot1 wll1 go 'on sllle today, Prot. George D. Stoddard of the Uni- roses." 51.20 per phone. The cost per SUI Woman First elgn relations sub - committee, Fred M. Pownall, piree~or of pub­ In Primaries Planned versity of Illinois and Dean How- Mrs. Logan sat up in bed, be­ phone goes up as the numbcr who said the' tClitimony had been lications, said Th\lr8(\ay. ard R. Bowen denied Thursday Igan to choke on the gas, and im­ in local use goes up," he ex­ received. Lecture Series Today The 63-paie ~k will cost 25 there has been any impairment mediately awakened everyone else centl. It will be ava able at the WASHINGTON (JP) - An om­ plained. For Music Honor The source and details of the (Story .n re.' Df summer '-"1Ifi of the academic freedom of an I in the house and hurried them out Des Moines, for example, will testimony, taken by the subcom­ aeries oa pare S.) publications otrl~, room W9 East cial probe of campaign spending Prof. Anne E. Pierce, head of economics professor who resigned to the street. , face a grca ter Increase in ra tes mittee behind closed doors last hall, and. at IQeal book stores. In the senatorial primaries in at music at university experimental • • • to take a position at the Un\ver- PotSlbly Fatal Gas than will Iowa City, he added. month, was not clearly Identified SU1'oS summer lecture serlos wlll Letis time "lapsed between re- least five states was announced schools, is the first woman to be sity of Florida. S)1e then called t.tie tire depart- at Thursday's public hearing. Sen_ open at 8 p.m. loday on the .outh V$tration and publication of the Thursday by Sen. GUY Gillette Monthly residential phone serv­ awarded an honorary doctor's de­ Stoddard made his statement in ment and police. The gas .' Evans.' . t.he slto of tbe parfy, Dean Frit­ , Cole, pleaded guilty ThurSday .to ~hen, (:3, Decorah, Union board 'J.'oursday. Sung Cohol, 35. He is accused of coDlilder prosecutin. a mllii)' a marilla charge. HC ';"as tjlken.: to qubUcity chairman, said Thurs­ 'I'he engagement of Oscar slaying Chun Kuen Oh, another dollar-a-ycu racing news fer' Wilde's play was scheduled to end Ft. Madison by Sheriff Albert J. ~ay. Dubuque university Korean stu­ under the anti-trust laWs. (Pat) Murphy. . "The street will be roped off, with Friday's performance, but dent, last Jan. 8. At the time of He told the senate crlmr Cole was arrested May 20 near washed and waxed for dancing. the demand for tickets has cauaed his arrest. Chol said he "cut" Oh veatillatin, committee thett' Univer§ity high schoo). The s\ate 'the juk~ box in the Union's RI­ the extension. because of an Oriental code at "strong probablllty" the C. accused him of performing lasciv­ fer room wiJI provide the music TiekeUi tor SatuTday are avail­ honor alter a brief argument. • ental Press service of CleYoIM ious acts with children. for the free come-ils·you-arc par­ able to students wbo present their E. Marsball Thomas, cOW't-ap­ holds a monopoly ID rumUil Cole, accordinl to court infor­ ty," he added. LD, cards in room 8A in Schaef­ pointed attorney for Choi. claim­ racln' information to distrilMdo. mation, was arrested May 3 on a The party will be open to fer hall. Non-stUdent tickets Jllay ed an extension In thc trial date who in turn pass It to selec:ted d1b­ similar charllc and sentenced to everyone-6tudents, faculty and be obtained at the theater box of­ iranted by Judge Milton Glenn trlbuton. 30 d,lYs ' in the count.y jail. He lowa Cltians. fice, he said. was Illegal. was released May 17 on terms of LIGIITNING STUKES good behavior. JACKSONVILLE. FLA. (lI') - When he appeared in court, Daht \Jueb811 players and 811 un Cole said he did not desire coun­ Truman'Wanls r'Real Democrats' in (ongress plre were knocked down bl .. ... sel. bolt of U&htnin& ~ WASHINGTON (JP) - To no­ Ferguson. at the naval 'Iir iUUon lIere body's sW'prise, President Tru­ A couple of houn after the Thursdily. All nine were exam­ Boone Youth Shot man sllid ThW'sday \hat: news conference, Mr. Truman Ined at the Davy ~bIIJ'Y and I. If Ise Uve4 III Ohio he would was host at a hotel luncheon for releued. In 'Tell' Game vote the straight Democratic tick­ a group ot Democratic governors. et. includin, ~uic.. , homeward , BOONE (III - Authorities said bound from WhIte SulpbW'. that a teen-aged farm boy was t. Tbat "real DeaGen"" oarht to be elected to congress. Lausche confirmed that he had ...... T ....taa.n. ' wounded seriously Thursday ., &1Ie ~a". Pr_ when a companion attempted to It wasn't the thinlls he said, a chat with Mr. Truman. It WBI a I .... CII, .... , ...... shoot a tin can oft his head In but when and where he said pleasant one. he I8ld, but he C ....,. • ...... them that Clavored the head Dem­ wouldn't dl.cuss the lubJect mat­ etaol•• aU ...... a game ot "William Tell." Dd ••1t ...... peral's words with mild reproach ter. •...... u...... N Clayton Robertson, 15, who lives ...... on a farm near here, was taken lor Ohio's Gov. Frank J. La\ISChe, The Truman newl conference. .-.... to. University hoapltals at Iowa an aeeredl.ed member of the the ftrst In three weeks, aIBo pro­ --.." ...... l8!'1e political party. duced another presidential apaak­ 0" ....1 ...... City for treatment of a bullet a- CH, ...... wound In his head. ~Ince Mond~y. Lausche has Ing for Gov•. J. Strom Thurmond • ..... Sl. ••• 1 ...... A 13-year-old 1'Iaymate fired a been poised on the poUtical of South Carolina and Fleldilll 0__ ...... CII, ...... 22 caliber rifle at a can On Ro· fence. , Wright of MtntnIDPI. They bead­ ...... bertson's head bl,lt missed hi. tar­ He told reporters at the White ed the anti-Truman States Rights ...... -,Hew Yo ...... get and struck the boy, autbor!· 8ulphW' Sprinp governors con­ presidentlal ticket In II'" and F ... Wert, .... , ...... lA' "1"••• Ie) tlea said. ference that he hadn't made up captured 31 electoral votes. 1'1 •• 0 ...... _ ...... The President made It C!l')'Stal D,.".r OAMPUS BUrMA1 In tbe 189'b commenCement prolleu1on ,Mer.'ar)' .of (SUI ho.pital ~uthoritles said his mind whether to vote this fall CIOt.INO .~Yo\.D 'w;" clear that Ibey weren't invited to .....h ...... (Ion (rODt) .c~""ed b)' Prof. Archlb.ld MacLelsh. (orIDor , librarian or con· RobertsQn had underllone Burllel'y *,r Republican Seq. Roberl Tal.t L .. A ...... ""D "...... F ...... OJ' fqr Taft'a Democ:rat rival, State his luncheon. I only invited Oem­ GOV. "ANI LAl1SCIIB ..... 'eUowt ...... a · ~n tbe left are SeD. ia'pb FlaDders (a. V&') IUId PhllIpplDe . Amb.... dor ThW'sday, and that his con· ...111. Auditor Joseph T. (Jumping Joe) oc;rats, he l8i

" ,.. • rSOlye~ $udet nland Question BERLIN (.4» - East ()er~ In Worsaw signed away German • Communists went to anothor' elaims to the thousands of square \ ' Help Wanted - , nich Wednesday, fl Munich In r~- miles of territory held by Poland, verse. , , a storm of protest was raised IImong the millions of refugees This Munich wa~ In l!t'allu. Musical therapy is not new to the fields of Ii lieu, &0 .1lIIde ... tand that a pallent trom those areqs who are now Deputy Prime Minister \f ~ medicine and rehabllltatlon, ~ut has been in­ who JriUlt .,end months In a hOIPlial likes U1bright 01 tl;1e east Germ r- living in western Germany. &0 feel' he Is "keepln, up" with thln .. s. 'The gime annollnced in the C The forthcoming renunciation at troduced into many hospitals since World War Prague seemed likely to provoke II. • ~ who ,oes back to hi. room hummln&' capital that his government w6U "I'm Gonna Wash that l'IaD ", RI 'Qui of renounce all claims for 2-m111io)1 similar feelings among Sudetens Doctors in the service discovered music a Mr Hair" Is (HIIn.. !loeky aDd optiml!jtic- Germans to \lve In the Sudete1- in western Germany who have been campaigning lor resettle­ fine therapuetica~ devlc:e for healing the pa­ land tor which Adolph I Hltl~r and Uke retUJia welL . ment in Czechoslovakia. tients mind, or, mental aUitl,lde, and his body. Mrs. Stagg has been using borrowed or once threatehcd war. For example, paralytic cases are otten taught to In the 1138 Mwlicb Hider Coinmunlit sources here ad­ . 4 rented record players for the program. This ha s mit prlvatel)" that there now Is ~alk again to music. become a problem because often she is Unable won the Su!letenland. After the war ClecbOllovakla eXpelled no IIkelihdod 01 unlfyln, Ger­ At UDlve,.Uy bOlplials. Librarian Leota to obtain a machine, and the pro~am must be many &8 lon, as the cold war Stacl' bu discovered tba' the "Dnlvenal more than 2-mJl1lon Qermaa. postponed. She ~as borrowed from friends, the Irom the territor), within her continues. 1&116U&l'e" of all t7Pe1! of lIluslcal recorcls albums and records, or used some from her own borden. Wednesday, tbe' S.viet­ The two steps by Ulbrlglit has been belpful In brll'htenin&, the atti­ collection or' those contributed to the library. IIceDied news a&,ency ADN quC/­ seemed to confirm this. The ces­ tudes of pa.tlent!. 'Because lew persons know about the thera­ tell U1b'rI a. say In .. thlslHO: sion to Poland left a trail of For at least one , 1;10ur 'every week, pa­ py program, the contributions are few. Civic luUon waS reco .. nflled b the 'wreckage within the Communist tients walk or are whe!!led on carts and in and church groups strive to learn of' needy eut Germl.o, ..ovemment .. party in western Germllny. The "final solution." ,Prague concession also seemed chairs to the tiny se~'OIld floor patient's library. situations in tH'eir community, but' sometimes likely to be damaging. There in the cheerful, book-lined room, they overlook or are not aware of wher~ their ser­ The east German governme'lt s swallowing the pili apparently It appeared, therefore, that Rus­ hear "Oklahoma," ilSotJth pacific" and other vices ' could be beneficial. ' fo/. sia has written off the west Ger­ popular albums. Need we say more? . the same reason that it acceptetl 1 the Oder-Neisse eastern ftoller man Communist party as a poli­ tical weapon against the allied dictated by :Russia and Polandr lt powers. She Is reported bent on Is working Its way to fuJI /lOP Churches Must Lead equal membership in the Soyi t solidly establishing the Stalinist. bloc. - system in east Germany regardless We note wUh a degree 01 pleasure that a pll'ment. , ,. I of whether she alienates poten­ Ulbright made it olear a fortn I southern conteren~e the Methodist church One of the greatest criticlsm~ , of ~t ht! Chris­ ?t , declaration relinquishing ' tial sympathi:ters in the Bonn re­ tian churches is that they preach racial equality a 1 public, Tuesday of thi!! ,w.etM aUow~ . a Negro bishop claims for the return ot tbe ex. to preside over Its one-hundredth annual meet­ as one of the tundamental -teachin"" ot.,Jesus, .1 , .,. pelled Germans to Czechoslova~ ing, yet their ,doors are often closed to Ne2roes and kia would be signed this week in Demo Chairman Sure Bishop Alexander P. Shaw, of Baltimore, Asiatics. Qften subtle and seemingl~ Uq"llbvjbus Prague. I Of Switzer Confirmation Md" who was born and educated in Mississippi, barriers keep worship segrejlation. ~ '., ; "Between the (cast) German was especially Invited by the conference to pre­ Occasalonally ODe bears qlsuell coura,­ - demtcratic republic and the Ra- DES MOINES I~ - Democratic side over its week-long session at Redlands, eoUi acUoD u that of Old South Conere ... - - public ot CzechoslovakJa, there State Chairman Jake More pre­ Ca lifornla. • .. , tlonal Church 'In Chlca ..o. The,church build­ are no more open guestions," ADN dicted Wednesday Carroll Switzer It was the n.-st ~Ime in the history of In.. Is located in 'tbe area into ''which ~he quoted him as saying, , will be confirmed by the senate Methodism tbat such ~ .J1ePltrture has been "Nea-ro beW' Is spreadlD ... Me~t1@rs or the "The resettlement ot GermaDi as federal judge of the southern conrrera.tlon decided that to lell this bulld­ In Gel'll1Jl.ny from Clletlhol}ov,a-, Iowa dist.rict. made. .\nd It I. a ilinJfI~iI\ step forward I· kla. was carried throurh III ac- More, who recently returned 01 in, and &0 build a new one in the suburbs in one 'he ch~cht4 Which.; was torn apart cardll.nce with the aa-reem~nt 01 from Washington, said he was by the slavery Issue I'lld the Civil war. would be to lose Its Ion I' and ,reat tradi­ the aUled powe... at Yalta and confident Sen. GUY Gillette (0- But the acl.\,on was a little' \oo obvious. He tion. So the)' made it known that the doors Potsdam, and, waS I. rlnal solu- lowa) would eventually wJthdraw was , "especiall~" . invited .t.? tllke the chair of of their ch1ll'ch would be open to anyone. tion." . his objectiQns to t:iWIIZ ~ .·'S /.1_""'''''_ the presiding otticer. '.- . . I In that parish now exists one of the most A fortnight ago, when Ulbright ment. Until the time c.omes when Negroes can be harmonious atmospheres in the city ot Chicago. recognized oh their individual merits alone and No Imaginary line is drawn through the sanc­ accepted as any other person, the true spirit tuary-the pews are open to all. Only recently LETTE~S of Christian' acti6n i.J'I Mlciar affairs will be the church which is still predominantly cwhite I Heard thai::' TO THE EDITOR lacking. ," called a Negro to De its minister, re ogtlizing The Rev. Mt. 'Shaw ' is recognized by him to be one of the truly outstandi'ng', clergy­ (It.a4 ... are 'nyll.d 10 ex"... opln. Ion In Lollt,. 10 'h. Edllor. All I.U.,. churchmen as an "outstanding preach!!r and one men of his day. Happily and lovingly they mu,' IMld. banel .,IUen .I~.ature Ind .SUI I(oeds Oufnlihlbered 3·1 ll-ddrell - t"ewrltten .I,natures net ae· ,,, .... \." , .. '.1 ' '. of the leaders 'of the Metho~ist central juris­ worship sJde-by-side, like members of a f:lmily •• pClbl •. L.II... hcomo pto,ettr .f Tbe diction." And that ' mu~h is .gbod. But the tone praying , to a common Father. Dally Iowan: .... r ...... Ihe rlrllt 10 1 FRttlAY, JUNE 23, 1950 VOL. XXVI, NO. 221 * . * •. ," ,, r- . * * * edit or wllbbol1 litlo'ti. "'. 'd.... t lot. , ot his appolnmt!nt WIIS that they look special But 6uch ' examples are uncommon. They f·" . By TOM DpRS!Y , .... b. liOllled to 8tO ... " •• o ••e • Opln. j : pains to honor him because they thought it are the exceptions. counted, be- JOI'I!l eJrpree:sed 411 ao~ necessarll7 re,­ , ••• nt Iho•• or The n.lIr ....lIn.1 l • would be "nice" to have a Negro chairman, The message of Christianity cannot be SUI COEDS attending the' UNIVERSiTY CALENDAR White ChrlstJalJll and Chri,Uanlty must preached satisfactorily until the churches them­ . mer session can 'c6HsJdel' UNIVER8ITY CALENDAR Items are scheduled be more than toleraftt of Nea-ro,es and other selves lucky. P ellmln,JlrY ; . In 'be Presldeat'. oUlce. Old Capitol selves practice what they preach. Christianity tration flgur«!s .rehlated' this , . race.. They must -Uaeh themselves to be must lead the way in the touchy and tender Walker's Resignation, show tha~ Ulete 6re . thte~ Friday, June 2a pers, Dr. E. Fay Campbell on totally unconscious or any d!'tlerence In skin subject of race relations. ,tudents to every temaJe ot"rlon' .., Ever since I saw the notice of i - 8 , IMn . ...:.. Summer session lec­ "Religion :md Mor111 Unrest in attending (he UnivetsitY. . Dr. Walker's resignation from the ture r . itobe~t Kazmayer, new com­ Education." West approach to Old .' I 7' menta tor" "The Changi,rig Eqro­ So, gals, gOe~s you canl literature depadment, I've been Capitol, (in cose of rain Congre­ Mock Communism - choosy· OuchJ leHas! · • trying to figure out how a small pean, PictUre ," Iowa Unlon Band gational Church). ~ , • tII ,~.-. Shell, }or, MlIcbride auditorIum in Monday, June 26 The editor of The Times in Mosinee, Wis., ell.ce~ a lot or publlclb for the towns, Many state teacher's college can com­ caSe of ~oin , ) " A RECENT LEm.... to " tfi~ 9 a,m, - Conference ()h schOOl the town which staged the first "Communist peoale 1,,:u,hed, a~ " ,ar,Uey lo~ J~mpln ... on a. pete with the State University. of 8 p.m.-Summer session lecturE, puildlng and planning, Old Cap­ Day" 'd~mOnslTatlon ;-Sa ill"feC~iitly in Tl'l:c! jNa­ editor of Washington University':, bana wa.. on ibat a'l'real!y' was sourtlffw, IIrrl- "Student Life," !laid, "I smoke, Iowa in hiring people. Robert Kazmayer, news commert­ ftol. t,iona1 Publisher: " ~itlea ..was that this ex- tator, "The Ch.anging EuroPean b conu'· .n,otes. • j drink and che'w..-but. thank·heav", (Prof, James A. Walker re­ Tuesday, June ~1 llmPle,( would, emphaSize. \ some'~ of t he thmgs. we Plcttlre:' west approach tQ Old We canit believe there were many people en, I :don't talk ,in libr~ y.. " ~' signed from SUI's En,tlsh dlh had as Americahs, tha~ cannot be found und~r ... . ') ~ Capitol, (or Macbride a\ldltor\U$\ ~ a.m. - Confercnce on schOQI over- 'th\l country nodding their heads In sol­ -. , ~ partment to bej!ol"e professor in of raill) \)ullding and p'annlng, Old Cap- other types of gover\lmentsj an.d through the ,. -, ' ca ~ e emn ' ', r~markin, aboul what u great ONE',. rw6,: .\T· B.J:E ; · rlJ,I!~!( :Jf JEr.rllsh at CorU.nd 8tatt; experiences of our town people, here in Mos­ :~ ~flon ~,' Parliament 8 p.m:'-Unlversily play, "The itoL Idea tlled"hole · ,was. We can't believe peo­ :l8-year old Teacher's collea-e, OOl'tland; Importance pt · Being Earnest.", June 28 inee, we might catrY:lthe message to friends · ~n .'li"''''!~IJ'''' N.Y., effeetlve September, people evet'ywl1ere wer~ t alking ' about how it 10 feet' · into a , f!;r,~ii~iii£ltQn theater. 9 a,m, - 11 a,m, - Co,)l'Iieren.ce and relatives in hie surrounding areas of the last 1950.) 8 p.m'. - lowa Latin Wor)l:shop on school building and planning. wall just ~ho~. W~ need. ,. week. VVVliJVU ~y .France, state of Wisconsin.". his ai4, ' I've been taking courses in lec~Jlre, ,Ralph Merriam, "Cicero's Old Capito\. :But .there are a few things we do believe. many departments and under Well, they carried nothlnl' .to' us except His th I.$, '·; h,~w~ev. et: J,w ....' Orafory as 'VieWed by II Lawybr" Thursday, June 211 the slUy Idea. And It was too bad that art Even though. It probably was started with good h is rescuers. He, ·Agiicul1ure Pool many teachers, and I feel that Studto E, ' EI1,1llncering billiding. 9:30 a,m, - University club, Iowa town, Hartley, had to be the one to intentions oC being something serious and You'd be~ter - ~et . there are v!:ry few who can com­ Public invit!!d. , coffee hour, bridge and ~ew in g worthwhile, we believe it turned into nothing the rescue pel·ty .a~aJ!,,~ , /: PARIS' - france Wednesday pete with Dr. Walker as a teacher. ta.~ up tile silly Idea-· an" use It a,aln. Sunda)" Junl!! 25 party, Iowa Union. l?r(lp~Sed a European federal more than a good time lor a few guys who that, and aft!lr His classes covered every line 6:30 p.m.-University club, ~u p- Friday, June SO The Communist part.>' headquarters In I heaving fina).ly parliament' to hold the reins over Omaha recently told the residents of Hartley wanted to show off a while, Many of pic­ ;)f the assigned material and yet per and prcgrarn, husbands and 8 p.m. - Summer session lec- out of the cellar .:..... oo'uncJ.l!i\ ~}lfO~e '~ co(ll and steel ond hint­ "!lanaged to range into every as­ guests invited, Iowa Union. ' ture - recital, KUrt J anssen. Mac- that their demonstration was a "Nuremberg spec­ tures showed the men laughing as they went ed ' it may , propose a similar pool- about their "arresting." Others showed some of him. 'lect o[ modern life and know­ 7:15 p.m.-Sunday evening ves- bride auditorium. aclie designed tt5' fill the minds of thousands of ~ ¢ ' • 11 " • . log of I.\gricul!ural resources. bird who obviously was having a great time :cdge. What was particularly im­ An'\ericans with police state ideas under the MISS Um)~R8·'fAND~. 1 This ' development came as pressive about Dr. Walker was (For laformatloa re"nII~ dates beyond this -cheduJe, being the center of attraction. , France's . top economic planner, lee reservations In the .rrlee of the President, Old CapitoL smdke-screen of fighting communism." Brasfield Qt J':I~qs , '~Granti '"lis enthusiasm in teaching the Can we aetuaUy beUeve the people are The Communisf.s have . nothing to worry Opry" t~l~ ot th~ ,radlp IP Jelllll )\'lonnet, proposed that a course, an enthusiasm which was ut on that score, Ohances are they are not ' all)' more aware of communism's meanin.. who waS diotating to ,a nl'e'l',at. ,tiopary sI;heme to unite their Merrick, N.Y. jdate of o'le Of ,the major parties tor the tainly, he was "versed in the principles and art Ch t. . basic industries under a supra­ lid) of President. ot, the United States al- of government" lind he was . ('inlluentiai in ings..icago urnlt\lre--, m; nati0!lal authority. ough you ml&ht be . .ague about the year shaping Its pOlicy." Four years of forceful po- The de~isipn to ,s~ip · tl\~ , In tondon dcmands that the ailyIowan. " (L940). One try, how~~r, hardly makes an oc- nUcal service, without ever winning a public tress to Stalin '(Gilowed tbe join ,the Paris Schuman Ouarter-Million Vote~ cupatlon of standiPi ~~ election. Only William omce, !pade a place lor him in the register of pletion , of s4ie/iti110 ;~ labl()rlltGl~YI talks were made Tuesday , I' Jennings Bryan ' and~..,~rrnap Thomas can be the country's statesmen. _ . '. tests Wbich indil;oh!d ' t ' by Conservative J,.eader D 1868 inston Churchill and Liberal Cast for Be~rdsley ,. saId to have made a vocation ot the presiden- There is ellcourlliement in thc attainments chol,.,lcaL .1en£lwu' .an'd ~.allS- FRIDA V, JUN E 23, 1950 Ual nomination although MI'. Dewey may still of Mr. Wi~lkle tor young citizens with an in- bc called by proper sl!l~p. Party ' Chie( Clcment Davies, DES MOINES (.4»-GoV'. Willi- , , f • t " ., .. , . Government Confident am S. Beardsley, unopposed for pullumet daU), 'l«lept Moneta), bl NJI)IBER 01' THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ualify. terest in politics. Statesmen-like achleve~ent Is HAVE YOU PLANT!D YOUR Studenl .ubllcatlons. Inc., 1M lowl Ave., The Associ a led Pre•• I. enltlled .xcl~ .. _ A lufflclently lJcUed curiosity would not dependent upon winning politi,cal , blattles. LICENSE PLATts YET? in'lIre 'the IOhor government was re- Republican renomination In the II>wa oil),. Iowa. En"t.rtd .. Heond bla" IY~IY to Ibe uae ror N!pubUealion ot aU ... t l:~il 1, a BOurce sueh as the World 'The courllge arid will and conscience to strug- will be tails. illBteJl.~ 'of new . preparing to risk its lite J~ne :I primary election, polled mall lIIaller at tha pootofflce CIit 10"", the local n.w' p,lnled ill Ihls ne ..." s~eklng a . vote of confidence 238,686 votes, the official canvass City, 10",a, undar lb. lei 01 .o~.r... paper II well • • III AP neW, dl.plIcM.. A ....~. Tl"e YQU would find the entry: gle tor whllt Ol)e 'believes may be valu.e<\, more c~nse . plates ' on iowa ' car~ 01 March •• 117.. ' , Pri'me Minister Clement Att- of ballots' showed Thun;day. CA La. • - 2 I ~ I I. , ...... I ..eel •• Wendell L. Willkle, born 189Z, died 19'4, highly than victory at the polls. y,ear. Johnson coii"W '. ~aJS ' , ••, ",Ur lew •• It, Il:" Mall.­ to porticipatc in the' There were 14 write-in votes for Sub~~tlofl r,l.- _ b)' earrl., In 10",. .,nt. cL ______--.,.-_..-~~------....,.- ----~------' I..,' this week. The that , ••~ .,.. 1.. II IU ••nl •• '\;...... -- CItY. 10 ~nl. , ,.Ieekl,. or '1 per ten 1ft .1... .. t.ngt wltll red the Republican gubernatorial ,/"r. ro;o,lt. _, ~ I " •.•. ~h. , , d advance ; ,Ix month. '''''Llbr" monU,. CI,.. I~U.. 1, choice, six of which were tor Rob­ ,I,..,. By maU In Jo",~ ,""So per lIt.t~ .,all, I..... p.".rl ..... 2 Indepen ence Women isn't unusual bbut the I. lb. ., Oil JOIruU ••••11_' Atom Energy .Study Iowa SchOols .Pla.« n cou~r~~~d d~o;~ ert D. Blue. Beardsley defjlated .Ix mon\lj~ "10; Ihr. month. " ,00 , "'nil ,." D •••,.. ••• I... ,1"._., I. Killed in Car ' Accident came Is. The oxes, although its nor- olher ' ,u~lptlons .. p'r yair; Ilx 0". . .M .,... I. U NOjl. • •• Former GClVernor Blue for Re.) month. ,,.is; Ihl'lMl monlha ...... , Ir... • arrlvlld wer~ eig"t voles over fr•• 11" " •. I, II" p,m , ,"n, II" State Superintendent of Puplic INDEPE~DENCE, IOWA (.4') _ and packed in ""1I111~OI:JlIII\; u.,.'.,.... ,,· I' publican renomln\ltion In the IP48 ,~pl ...... , ...... , llliarll , ," e," . ,. ve,Liberal combin- primary. ,- Instruction Jessie Parker, self! Two Independence women were '.' ' •• .. .. f, been whittled down to TW? ~.iI"' , ~N ~~, /",1 • ." .. ,,- rograms were des, 1""ed for each R01,JNPTBIP. BY' , The oWcllll tabulation for the P ... Injured fatally Wednesday in a Icen-year 'ollt Illflesses. Democratic nomlnatioD tor gover­ age group amopg school chll!lren. two _ car collision seven mile8 Napoleon, Ohi9. ij llppOrehtly won support nor showed Leiter S. Gllletto, ',:' ,.', WSUI PROGRAM CALENDAR Plans also' called fQr Introducing south of here on highway, 150. he got out of h~' C.llf ,a few Laborlte critics ot a Fostoria farmer, lot '70,O.~ votes '",. th I . 11 ... d h d J I" t meeting of memQer ot to 23,458 for Myron I. Jiennlltt; , ., e program n co ege, an Three of the other 'six persons !>t er ay. u Ian ",au 0 B'.... ""~ 4 ~~lrDlll~1I1lIml!n 'rNa" Jh. '1, 1... 2:1'0 p,m, Early IlIlh Ccntury Millie • of the course next fall among adult edllcation ,rOUP$. rid Ina In thQ two cars were hos- the railroad tracKs '. ' ~u"urn', Wednosday, former Des Moine~ pfety com­ 3:110 p,"" Plllt"r Pick"" missioner. There· were two write­ 8~~ I.m, Momlnl 'Chapel 4:00 p.m. Memornble Mi,.le pub!ll"''ltch®ts The program wasn't lIltended pltaUzed, Ind. . , ~.. " " ' :15 a,m. Newl • ~ : 30 p,"" Tc~ Tlme In votes tor others. , ~ · oo p ,m , r.hlldren' IInllr 1:30 I,m, Summ.r nation to ofler to make nuclear sclentl,9ts of Mis L. Grace Cl~yton : 69, was 'V~~~~:un~ot rte~ ~:~k be~~t~ra~ ~~' J?amC. ~.9'd 'in Night, The canvass shbwl!d that Albert ~ : I~ p,m, Lppe& . atomic; t!nergy as Iowa's school children, but Will thrown out of the ' car in which train . the and dra"ed 'it a . J. Loveland, former U.S, un!ler­ ':00 D,m. Hlalory or Ruilil. 1:30 p,m , N.WA l:..~r Ih~n Reports I:!IO 1,111. ,".WI h ft:45 p,m, Sporl ~ Time curricula, .of- formulated In otder tq Jnlpatt ~ she was riding and klll,d, instant- quart~r of a llllLe ,up, ,the }rl\ok. , A Icar belonllng to Frank Dole- secretary of state and .J"ne8vIUe 10:00 •. /ri, Tn , .....k. 8,00 p,m, DInner HOllr , general understsndln, of atomic " ," Thel'i!, the", car dropl*d tree zal, 9211 N. Dodge, was struck by farmer, won th, Democratic aen­ 10:15 a,,", The 8:85 p,m. Newl 10:30 . ,m. B.ker·s Dolen , 7:00 p,m. Meel Ille Band u, ~ lDdlridual ' enerlY. ly. Mrs. Althea Hand, .71 .. a sIs-, rl,ht In tront of all eaitbcund car and damaged Wednesday atorlal nomination, He ,ot 88,& 11:00 .,m, .rld., Wor",hop 7;301l.m . Spotll.hl un Shaw .... 'deeldl' whe~ber • ter of Mill Clayton, died later In train whlcp j)ushed the auto 19b while pa'rked in front of h1s percent of the vote. State law re­ 11:11 I,m, Mu~1o br Itoll1 7:45 p.m, 1'11. Edllor', De k eGllr&e.: But it BUENOS AIR!S (.4"\ - 'Or. Ro- People's hospital In Independence. back' IIgaln. . ,'. ~ Dole~al reported. Ill4. a,l1\, 'Su_er man.,amen' ' :00 p,m. IAlln Work lhnp quires thot If no candidate aets 811 11;00 noon Ilh,\IIm RlImblfl c' :4& II,m , U,N, 'todlY lIle de~'IU'1 perto _Repetto, . 18, forlnaer chief T~ .bro\hers, Roger Clayton, ,,'1 • ddver of the other car left perceht of the vote the party's 11:30 ""'VI 1:00 p.m, C.mpu~ 1I11"f. ....,... ' .... w'de~ ..l'- 1justice Of . the luprIMI ,court, died '7;4, ~nd •• Cecil Clayton, 1.11, .were , C.NItl~ <;,\'''8: An' DOl~z.a1 has not elll- post-primary convention makel 'J:4~ p.m l SpoH., RDllnc! T.III. I :'" p,m. Sportl HI.hl 'lila 1:00 p.Ift, Mutlaal Cllall .: .. p.m. N'III' .• Wedn.. aay atter a 101ll illness. Injured seriously., woman Ib'ow~ up dilimage to hl, car. the nomination. .tC4 p.ln. HI ... 10U/o p,lft. 110N orr t '" . , 'i ,t t' . Ii t ., , r, : ... . ., I . - Married Students Give 'Vet's' Playschool' ~ Fa .Lift i n9 IM,rs, William Files ': ' Tile barracks-housed Veterans' , Dies ,After Illness Children's Playschool, 12 E. Dloomington, Is getting a face Mrs. William Files, 76, died at ~ves of chemistry .,.ad~t lifting treatment during evenings 8:15 p.m. Wednesday at her home. students are aaked to disre this week. 1828 G . street, after a long illness. .. the anoo~ent of a meetin SqI married students who have Mrs. Files, a resident of Iowa to be beld Tuesday at the Del I ' children em'olled at the school City for the last 44 years, was' Siema Delta fraternity house. 1 arc painting and repairing all the born May 17, 1874 in Linn COlin- II Riv~ stnel,. The meeUnc Is for outsIde equipment and re-tltting ty, the daughter of Martin and wives of ''e ' age groups. The 31,(, through supervisor of the' playschool 'and ;Danny, 17 months, and Kay. 6 :i-year-old youngsters attend is assisted by Mrs. Guy Mills and months. several volunteer mothers . . Use 'Quick Molasses Cake' for Any Meal Monilay, Wednesday lind Friday. I 'J ______ChfLCir.en in the 2 ~ through 3 age A speedy and delicious solution' ents are combined. Spread the ~nglish Nurse Studies group' lire enrolled for Tuesday, TO RETURN GIRLS to that problem of what to feed batter i,n a greased pan. At SUI on Scholarship Tbwsday and Saturday. The play­ panlnts of two Iowa City' gil-ls, unexpected guests is Quick Mo- ComQine the butter, molasses, J scl\o91 will be open from 8 a.m. who left home for Chicago ' with- lasses Coffee Cake. Topped with nutmeats and rice cereal, and mix Janet Craig, England, Is spend­ to :Il a.m. • Monday through Sa t­ urday.untiP"AU$"ust 9, Mrs. Hum- oul . p€!J:mission Wednesday; went nutmeats and rice cereal, this at- well. Sprinkle this mixture over ing three weeks at SUI studying me\ -said. to Chicago Thursday to return the tractive cake is deJicious when the batter and bake in a' moder- in the department of pe- served with a hot or cold drink. ately hot oven (400 degrees F.) (treatment of children) Mrs. Walter Knox is teaching girls to their homes. Baking time for molasses cake about 30 minutes. The recipe the college of medicine. is only 30 minutes, and it will be should yield about nine servings, Miss Craig is visiting medical suitable for breakfast. dessert if a nine-inch ring mold is used, centers in the United States on at lunch or dinner, or an evening or a nine-inch square pan. Florence Nightingale rBesf Tailored snack. Her work at SUI is primarily with the study ot in-' If you are preparing the cake C h t 0' U for guests, use a nine-inch ril')g oc ran 0 ISCUSS ' se fant metabo1ism (process which mold for more attractive results. Of Audio-Visual Aids creates Cllcrgy).------Quick Molasses Coffee Cake 1 :y. cups sifted flour. Lee W. Cochran, executive as­ SUI Speech Student 2, t,easpoons baking powder. sistant of SUI extensioll division, Teaching in Kansas * teaspoon soda. will speak at audio - visual con­ 1 tea&poon ,salt. ~e[ences in St. Louis, Mo" a~d Mrs. Darlene Haring, SUI 3 tablespoons sugar. Norman, Okla., next week. uate speech student, Is a % cup shortening. Cochran wilt' talk on "Teaching instructor In radio and teleVision 1 egg, beaten. and Communications'" at the at Pittsburg State college, Pitts­ 1 cup sour cream. audio - visual ' and radio confer­ burg, Kan. 2 tablespoons melted butter or ence Tuesday in 51. Louis. The , Mrs. Haring attended SUI margarine. Gonference will be for students jng the 1949-50 sessions. She will l i 3 cup molasses. from fotir SI. Louis universities. continue her graduate studies at" 'Il cup chopped nutmeats. I, On Wednesday and Thursday SUI this fall. 1 cup rlce cereal. pe will lead disc\lIision panels at Mrs. Haring received her B,A., Sift the dry ingredients together !,he Oklahoma audio visual con­ and M.S. degrees trom Pittsburi and cut in the shortening until ference at Oklahoma university. State college. the mixturc resembles cornmeal. Add the egg and cream, stirring until the liquid and dry ingredi- Announcing 'the annual , Student Church Groups Summer

CONGREGATIONAL STUDENTS F.,day. ~:O\J-5:"0 p.m. Iced tea time. Sunday. 10 :45 8 .. m. Church school. Morning worship. Sermon theme: "Let Serenade lnere l3e Righteo~.n •• ~." 5:30 • 7:30 p.m. United Student Fellowship recep­ 'tton and tea lor all summer sChool stu­ dents. Studenls are invited to partici. pate In all church activities sc heduled Dance in the cool, tor the summer. 7:15 • 8:00 p.m. Sum­ mer vespers to be held on the west ap· proach to 01d Capitol. Of, in case 01 air conditiol}ed Iowa Union rain, at the Cf.ngrc,aUollal church. Gen­ eral theme: 'Religion and Moral Un ­ beer atyk bDGQlnabk rest." The Rev. E. Fay Campbell will speak on h -(n Education." Enjoy the fountain service E-..ry color you cCN1c! EPISOOPAL STUDENTS .:.- E9ery .. d_QIIK Saturda,Y, Nativity of St. John the BapUst, 7:00 p.m. Choir rehearsal. ~ ... tenIk. heQIIl Sunday, Third Sunday after Trinity. ,on the Union's roof deck CJrOUI - Cill OIl 1Cd.1 8:00 a,m. Holy cpmmunlon and break· , test. 10 :45 a.m. Morning pra)l cr and ser· , mono 3:00 p.m. Canterbury swim and picnic. Sludcnts wJJl mect at the Parish " ALL REDUCED Hou ~ e at 3:00 p.m. and 8'0 to Cedar Val· 1ey if enough cars tlfe avallabJe. Oth· erwlse group wiJI Co to City park. The TO· cosl will be ~o cents. Wcf\.neFday. 6:00 a.m. Hoty communion and breakfast. at lo\,¥a Union Thurtday, St. Petcrs Daf. '1 PRESBYTERlAN STUDBNTS I Saturday. 8:00 p.m. Open houie. ',' Sunda~. 6:00 p.m. Fellowship supper Sat,:,rday, July lS and sing. 7: 15 p.m. Summer service at the west approach to Old tal. in cas. 01 rain. Congregational church. Make plans to ~ttend the biggest METHODIST STUDBNTS Salurday. 3:rO p.m! All Methodist stu­ dance or the Summer Session. The dents ere Invited to an outdoot recre· ation .... Ion: bridge. volley baU, re· freshments. etc. behind Ihc Wesley .air conditioned Union is the perfect ,"oundatlon cenler, 120 North DUbu~ue . Sunday, 4:00 p.m. A picnic I. planned place for summer dancing, lor all Metrodlst ' studenl. at Hoovcr 35.00 11.50 park. West BranCh. Students will mcet , the Wesley FOUndation center where transportation ",Ill be provided Iur Music by Bill Meardon 45,00 2U1 tkose who need it. 1I0no Mall,Y SUI's Favorite Orchestra TELEVISION RADIO CAPITAL 1I0STESS BLOUSES STEALING A MAN'S SHOT ISN'T '\S BAD as stealing his title - the trll'k these len women turned whliln they were named Ihe "best taUorl:d women In Ute UnUed Stales" b)' the Custom Tailors rulld HOBBY 01 America. The rulld conduch an I anlhlal poll 10 select the year's m.. ' Imartly taIlored women. TOOLS Weclclif1\ • I Dremel Molo-Tools, • ,1 , b...... " Summer Session ' Directory Leather Tools, X­ • NnoNS .; .> ::' And 'l.... acto Tools, Solder­ • stt.ks In, Irons, W~­ • MYONS' ,'1/ Burnln, Penclll, • uNiNs' 2 NQW O. ~ SALE, Pamta, Brushes, and I t many 'Other ' ItelDl Department of Publications ror Ute bobby tan. , W9 East Hall Naai and Loca I Bookstores HObby Harbor Intermi •• ion Entertainment II' BI.,II, l\I.rl. .f 11.11 ••u lit N. LI... III. Tlake.. qn Sal. Price 25 Cents DIa' ....14 July S at UIQ~" Deak Sl.f,!) per COIlpl.

. ., '" , • 11)'\1( I . DAILY IOWAN, FRIDAY. " .. . Iowa City Selected As Site of Missouri Valley Tennis Meet Louis Sidds Boston Manager Feels 'Lousy' - To' Iowa City has been selected as Third Plqce the site of the 44th annual MIs­ NEW YORK (JP) - Ri~hthand­ souri Valley tennis tournament er Larry J d,nsen and Lefthander McCarthy Sick;/i;eaves Club July 10 through 16, it was an­ Dllve Koslo turned in master­ nounced by meet officials Thurs­ ful pitching performancBf Thurs­ BUFFALO. N.Y . (,lP) - Joe Mc- cd anxious to get to his farm in his Chicago hotel room since day. day as they hurled tI New Carthy. 63 , ailing manager of the suburban East Arn)lerst. He turn­ Tuesday with influenza onct The tournamen , which will be York Giants to 3-0 and -0 decl­ losing Boston Red Sox, came home eel. to reporters and said: pleurisy. He was ordered by his held on the SUI cOLil·ts, is the most sions over the St. Louis rdinals. important meet sanctioned by the Thursday night from Chicago to "I have nothing to say." then phYSician to take a long rest. The defeats dumped the Cardi­ added: Missouri Valley Tennis associa­ take' a rest. Including Thursday's gllmc with nals out of a first place ie with "Have you ever fC!lt lou 'y? Well, tion. It is expected by tourna­ As he arrived at the airport the Chicago White Sox, the Red Brooklyn into third place behind that's how I feel, lousy." • ment sponsors that tennis stars the climbing Philadelphia PhilIJes. here at 4:20 p.m., McCarthY rush­ Sox have lost 11 of their Inst 13 Later, at their home, Mrs. Mc­ throughout the midwest will en­ The Cards trail the Phils by five games. tel. ed through the gatc swinging at Carthy denied a report that hel percentage points and the Dodg­ a photographcr's camera as he McCarthy became managcr of Championships in 12 events will ers by a half game. The victories husband had resigned officially. a~ the Red Sox In 1948. He formerly Red Sox manager. be decided in the meet. enabled the Giants to reach the went through. was manager of the New York "There's no truth to that re­ Dick Hainline of Rock Island, .500 mark and also moved them His wife met him and together Yankees. 111., will be back to defend the to within five and one half games port at all," she said. they walked through the station "He's just sick and I'm wait­ Coach Steve O'Neill was plac­ men's singles title he won at last of the Dodgers. toward their automobile where ing for the docle.· to come now." ed in command ot the Red Sox year's tourney. Hainline is a Jansen stopped the Cardinals their pet terrier lapped his face Red Sox 0!flcia1s ib Chicago unlll further notice. O'Neill, a former Augustana and Iowa net on six hits in posting his third enthusiastically. also saLrl...J,hat . Joe WII~ merely former Detroit and Cleveland star. consecutive shutout and seventh l manager, joined the Red Sox McCarthy smiled and said: /, . rs • :-tmthere was no thought o( other Winners victory in the opener. The tall "At least somebody Jove me, l his reSignation. The date [or his coaching statt during the winter. O:her winners last year cxpecl- righthander now has pitched 29 anyhow." return to the team was reported Announcement of McCarthy'S ed back to defend their champ- straight scoreless innings. Looks Drawn to be indefinite. departure via plane was made ionships are: Doris Popple. wo- Lefty Howie Pollet pitched well McCarthy looked a little drawn Rest Ordered suddenly just before Thursday's men'S singles; Ronald Barnes, for the GJrds but home runS prov­ from his sie,l:e of illness and scem- McCarthy had been confined to I · ~ I.; Kansas City. Mo .• junior singles; cd his undoing. Rookie Tookie Natalie Cobaugh, 51. Joseph, Mo .• Gilbert connected with one on in girls' singles; Jamie Andrews. the fourth and Alvin Dark com­ Iowa City, boys' singles; Hainline pleted the scoring with a homer PHILADELPHIA CATCHER ANDY SEMINICK was taned .out at the plate in the Phillie-Pittsburgh and Len Proseel', Mission, Kan., in the eighth, his fourth of the Iflime Thursd,y by Pirate Catcher Earl Turner Semi nick tried to score after Bob Miller flied out to center men's doubles. season which surpassed his p're- field. Philadelphia maved illto second place in the NaUlnal league with a 7-4 victory. The St. Louis Card­ Mrs. Lucille Davidson, Lee's vious single season out put in Inals skidded to third place Thursday after Icslng a doubleheader to tbe New York Gi ants. Brooklyn is Summit. Mo., lind Mrs. Nora Pros- . the majors. leading the league. sel', Mission, K an.. women's, Koslo was brilliant in the fi­ doubles; Wallace Gunlach and nale limiting the Cards to two Guy F~umson . SI. Louis, Mo., hits - thirci inning singles by junior doubles; Martha Goebel Eddie Miller and Tommy Gla­ and Mary Vassely, St. Louis. iano. Philadelphia Spills Pittsburgh, 7-4 Mo., girls' doubles. The Giants nicked Starter Al . John Been, Okmulgee, Okla." razle for a run in the fourth on tain the National lead. I and Don McKee, Oklahoma City, a walk. ground out and single by Win Moves Phils lHank Thompson. They routed the I' A play came in the D t t R t Okla .• boys' doubles and Mrs. Nina IIi seventh after tile Pirates had DDS on 0 epresen Hamilton and Ward Parker. both lveteran lefty in the seventh with (nto Second Place scored one run. Ted Beard was of St. Louis, Mo., mixed doubles. a four run barrage. . - on third and Henry Schenz on I . NAAU M t G;rls Division Sl. Louis ...... 000 000 000-0 r. 0 46 oz. PHIlADELPHIA (IP) - Four first when Gus Bell hit to Miller. owa In ee New York ...... I)(lII '!OO O l "-~ II 0 rllns and a triple play car­ In addition to these events the Pollel Itl·.l) and Ri ce; J an •• n (1·41 J Thc rookie right handel' caught Marcellus Boston, sprinter and 9 0 ' and W. slrum. lI ome runs-Gllberl (14Ih). ri d Rookie Bob Miller to his Schenz at second with a throw to ] 5 tournament will include a ~.rk IHh). si th pitching victory without a Hamner and Bell was doubled. broad jU)'I'l pcr, will be lowa's only divisicn for girls 15 years imd (:! nd ,ome) " • Orangeade f:r l'epres,,·htatJv.c tt ~ , week€'Ild in 'under. ~. I.ou ...... 111111 l1li0 000-0 •• de 'eat Thursday as the Philadel­ Waitkus' peg to Andy Seminick th ft ' -AAU h . h' t C I New York ...... 1100 Ion 40x-.l I'! 0 phi a Phillies defeat~d the Pitts­ gave the catcher time to tag ~ !~ C amplons IpS a 0 - L. Brul., no yer n) lIearn (HJ Olld Ric.; bu 'gh Pirates, 7-4. Beard trying to score from third. lege Par;,/<, Md. * * * I\oslo (7.~J and We.lrum . LP-Brul. Franco-American Willie Jones scnt the Phillies P1U!IIburch •. • • ... . • ,IIUI! - OOU - IIO-'I -fU__ 1 Boston will compete in the 100- Klotz Will Instruct (•. ~). . away to a one-run lead with his Ph ilad e lphla. ...•. (J I O-:to~-1 f)x-7-JJ-!t yard dash and broad jump in the 'j ------7 cans Borow ~'-. P il pish (4) Walsh ((,~ Lom­ 12th homer of the season in the bardi (7) 2nd Turner, Mu e ll er <'!.l ; Mill­ ,iunlor cham\.. , ,nship sel'tion of Davis Cup Squad Pean Li'nd , Dailey Meet for second. After the Pirates had tak­ er ('i-R) and Seminick. LP. H,JYromy (11_ the meet and may also enter the Spaghetti 't.) Home rUns - Jonr. t ilth), .::1115 . b d' Th " In Western Golf Finals en advantage pf the first of Gran 114Ih), Semlni ck Wh), I'Cholson (1st). SenlDl' roa Jump. e Jumor Iowa tcnnis Coach Don Klotz t ~ Ha\llner's two errors to go out in Kin er (lMh ). section is open to athletes whe! flrl1t 2-1 in the third, Del Ennis have not won a major conferente has been appointed captain and SOUTH BEND, IND. (A') -De- IGA RED KIDNEY pi rked his 14th in thc Cubs .Nip 01' 1nalional title. coordinator of the junior Davis fending Champion Dean Lind of Boston was second high scorer Cup tennis squad for the Mis- CRocklord, III., and Darkhorse War­ left field stands with Eddie Wait­ SPRINGFIE • MASS. (JP) - No.2 $1 on the J 950 Iowa track team. He souri Valley district. it was an- ren Dailey of Manitowoc, Wis., Dres cd .. on base in the fourth. The Chicag~ Cubs defeated their Beans .... 8 cans ·0rore th,e inning was over Springfieldl farm club of the In­ placed first in the 70-yard dash nounced Thursday. won the semifinal matches in v Seminick socked his fourth ternati~al league here Thursday in the Illinois Tech relays and the Klotz will be in charge of train- the Western Junior Golf tourna­ .it clout of the year. And then night.; 4-0, before 7,746 fans. broad jump in the Central Col- ing a selected group .of ]6 boys ment Thursday. Stewh'\C a sixth after Jones had doubl- Hil;'1 Vo;

BeQ1nnln'l ,July 1.t, we will 'live our customers coupons that are rede.mabi. for tine-qual\ty UNIVERSAL DINNER· WARE and KITCHEti\V ARE. ,-otc:h lor lurth.r detaU. D axt week - plan now to build your complete 88t. ,. .. . , . I ~tlE DAILY lOW N, FRIDAY. ro.'': 23, .9:10 - PAOE . '1\'£ .-~ IThe Brat' Relaxes Sam Snead Medalist in P G A Golf Meet; Fellow flo/lers Jeer Crowd Appreciates r WANT AD RATES T_ General Service. ROOlDII for Rent • 'tn.Ll:R and ute -.... (or mftl. • and _Inl!' Below Par Round ChwUied Display oar ... mp.a .bMpil I. Yanks·, Tige·rs Drop Decisions fu",lIhed. DLIl ~n. COLUMBUS, OHIO IIPI -Slam­ One Day ...... 75c per col. Inch POIITABLE fledrie £.-\nI madlIneo I'RONT clDubw room. U .... Dial lIlT. CLEVELAND (.4') - The Cleve­ DETROIT (.lP) - The Washing­ Six 80nsecutive days, tor unL " per month. SINGER min' Sammy Snead fired a four stWUfG CENTER. 11$ S. Dubuque. I DOUBLE ...... ms and OM haU-_. op· under par 68 which tied the com­ land Indians crashed five home ton Senators backed Bob Kuzava's per day ...... 6Oe per col. Inel1 petitive course record and gave runs otf lefty Joe Ostrowski five hit pitching with a IS-hit One month ...... _.5Oe per col. Inch --MUw--,.-'-''Ttl-fIO- u- .. -f-or-Sa-l-e-- th=I~'ioo~DOI",orth'" 11) ClIntoa. him medalist honors in the PGA Thursday to defeat the New York. attack as they beat the Detroit (Avi. 26 insertions) golf tournament Thursday - to Yankees, 6-2, in the rubber game Tigers, 5-2, Thursday to sweep a UNDERWOOD no! I. Wanted To Rent For consecutive Insertion. Kn~~r . 2183. the cheers of the spectators antI of the three-game series. three-game series from the Am­ Dodor and wife anlvlq July (O? I the jeers of his fellow pros. All but one at the runs made erican leagur leaders. One cia, ...... ~ .. _ Ie per wer. )..... trllnlntl .t Unl\oMllty ltal. Dftlre ...... (umlahod .pI~nl . A large and loyal gallery ap­ by both teams were driven in by The Tieers still clung to a one­ Three oa,...... 11c per we" GOOD hOlpt.l~ .nll" W rU. boJ< 11. Dill) ]o.... n. home rUns. None of the seven game lead over the second-place Six Da,...... 130 per WON Che.p. <:.U WIlIOI\ plauded Snead's pin - splitting p.m. shots as he toured SCioto country homers came with OJ man on base. New York Yankees. The two One Month ...... 390 per word club's rolling hills and gullies Jim Hegan and Luke Easter each league-leaders open a four-game DOU8LI: rolla .... y bed. Aplrtm~n'- I WANTED wuher Hl ington Senators, were the en lire d,.mond" rloth:n.. olc. REUABLIt For new shoe looks . . L.OAN CO" 10' E. lJurll~on. ed dining room. Cincinnati Takes Series Over, Dodgers, 9-5 Name Players Out Ilnd 11e,1l", 11 0n.# '"nil - Olma,r1o show ' as the Chicago White Sox LET US REPAIR YOUR SIIOES Ualh). £ ••I.r (~-HI" " 11th). MI •• (hi). hung a 4-2 kayo on the Boston Eilher way, yo,,'l1 love BROOKLYN UPI - The cellar­ the spell with a double and Duke While such name pros as Clay­ Rooo. :Ird). U~,on (~-' Ih '" Rth ) Shoe Reooiring and Supph Rcd Sox Thursday. Scarborough Where Shall We Go LOGHRY'S delicious load dwelling Cincinnuti Reds made Snider followed with his 13th ton Heafner and Dutch Harrison gained his seventh win of the \ Chicken, Shrimp, Steak . • it six out of nine over the top­ homer. Gil Hodges hit another were falling by the wayside, School Pitcher Confident " LOOK. he', ,ltUnr 1101 burl.p:· " Well. ED SIMPSON ranking Rrooklyn Dodgers Thurs­ .. . Snead moved in two strokes in season, fourth for Cll-icngo, via lor lunn)' ..ok." WI'!'" '9111DS Ft..QCK Order a, IIO.ndwich, a Calif-hi tter as Robinson drove TO THE RA WK'S NEST. 113 Iowa AvchUt' dey by trouncing them. 9-5, in r~und trapper with one on 10 the rront of AI Brosch of Garden City, After Signing Contract --'-'-- or lounlain delight. the odd game of the currenl threo­ mnth.· N.Y., who had led the early fin- OSHKOSH', WIS. Ill'! - Prep in all tour of the White Sox runs FOR TI IE BEST bu)' 10, lawn. It·. It 's all goodl with his No. 5 homer in tpe first REICH'S Siudent Dinner c"mple!1I I:ame series. It was the Iirst se­ Wehryefer also was aided by ishers with a 70 for 142. pitching prize Bill Hoeft si"ned with m} lk .nd dUI.rl-\ge. innine and an eighth round single. OPEN TODAY lies lost at home by the Brooks I a contract wIth tile Detroit Tig­ \ MAHER horne runs. Ted Kluszewski hit Before Snead came blazing in, It was Boston's eleventh loss in BROS. this year. ers Thursday and promptly pre­ Insurance 11 1.111. - 1% p.m. his lOlh with two on off Dan only three men had bettered 01' the last games as Coach Stevie A crowd of 23.952 saw Ii rman dicted, "I'll be throwing In the 13 Bankhead ill! the third. The Nee:ro matched par. Brosch was two O'Nelll debuted as the team's For AUTOMOBiLE INSURANCE .nd Frida,. and WehmeIer go the route against big time in three year~." q'RANSFER righthander was wild, walking under with his n2 and at 144. acting manager. oth~r Jnlurancc, purchale or HO~1E5 , Iturd.,.. the Brooks for the third tim . The six. He WilS yanked following two even figures, were former Nation­ The most sought high schOOl ' OTS. anti F H ...... lOin . - 'ee Whltln.­ ScsrborQugh was a no - hit Korr Reilly Co. 01.1 2123. young righthander, who had a 1-8 passes and Crady Hatton's slOgle al Open Champion Lloyd Man­ star of the year said he finally 11 '.m. - Z a.m. pitcher going into the sixth For Etflclen Furniture rccord again~t the rest of lhe in the fifth. grum and Charles Bassler of Can- decided to join the Tigers be­ II, mil .. ",ul when Dominic DiMaggio tagged Music and Radio II.. Q league, was nicked for three ...... ~O:I-Oln· · !O:I-n-n- . , tons ville, Md. cause "it has always been my fa­ Movln, sineles in the first inning and Brooklyn . , ' " , liltl. tlOO-I)'!'!-;.-7-'t ______vorite team." him for his No. 2 hOlTle run, a Wthmeler ~-.) and Scheltl",: !lank .. line drive Into the lett field lower RADIO r~palrln. . JACKSON'S ELEC: "1)(/1'(' ;/1 for n /11('(1/ fir a s/lork" didn't allow another hit until the bud. IJalicll Hn HaUen en) And Cam .. WESTERN LEAGUE TRIC ... ND ClFT. lind l deck, aCter Pitcher Mel Parnell, eighth. llanelill "P. Bankhead c;.a) . lIome runs l ucblo 'I, Des 1\1olnes :4 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION JUJ\l1AN fEED rtp.lI'I ror ell rnakt' Then G nc TJermansltj broke - ltlu ,~ewskl ( U.tb ), Snider ( I:UI,). nenver Ij, Lincoln 0 Toledo It, l\U lwaukee ,. the loser, struck out. Homt .nd Auto rod 1M. We pld< up and Banngc Transfer ~r hdlln~ j'rd), nfJd rf"'I: (fJth). Co lorado Sprlnl" II , Sioux City I Minneapolis G, 1.Gulsvllle 4 (13 Jnnlnl&) Boolon ...... , . OOO-OIII·tIIIl-~-4-1 d.lIv.r. SUTTON RADIO Ind TI!Ll!VI • . . •. ...• ..• ~~·OOu·o I ,,- I 'I~-~ ION. 331 E. Markel. blat wt. ~ BLONDlE Porn til 111-7) u" 'I'.bb.It •• Batto (9): Dial - 9696 - Dial 1 t>PIV~·IN ""0 ll~J'T-AU~ANT Surborea,b (7 .. 0) ana ~' Uome run I:XPERT radio r.pal". Pickup .nd de· I -!lob ...... (Mh ) J)IMoUlo (~.d) . lIvory. WOODBURN souzm SER­ VICE. 8 E. Collere. Dill eo!!l. Shantz Hurls A's Work Wanted

w... SJI Ind Iron ~Irta . Alio limn Past . Browns, 8·4 w.shlnlr and Ironln,.. Will pl~k. UP ond deliver. Dlnl 8-2>11. ST. LOUlS (.lP) - Philadelphia CURTAINS Ilundered. DIal 5ft2 )))' 10 hammered five Brownie pitchers _.m, for 15 hits Thursday night to DRESS·mDkln.. E"p

!100M AND IOABb I 0101, FAW, IlO8lto1. '!OlYRE ..rUST A BORN PESSIMtST/ ···· ~ N/lUSEMENT PAAK SHOOTING GAUER-Y MUST BE PROFIT­ "'BLE ... . Tij,V' \oIii . 86CN ".., POPULAR ATTR~ SINCE I w~S /A l..!'DL OOL.L.U. l\ie SPENT.... ""'NY tN ''EM." TRYING OUT MY MA~\(SMANSI-IIP.l A " ~ . / · -'l · ll~ltJLJIJ.L)j -:" ~~49 "~ow, don't worry about a thiDc at tbI oft:e..... th. We've foufid out that we can get along fute wt~t you." J I . • ! ~;:t.':~ r :"'." •• :: • .,..,_...... -.r1 ~ ,";J" .... .~(-'I~ ... ~:(~t! ~ ...'!-.'\: I \'" -", ~-. , ./'1: ', ,~ • ,I·,'.';·· iii :.'ftl' '., • _,' .t:""n'; .. ... f\"'k . o· , :. t : .: . , ~ "'1~ .... ~ .... I ~ J.'1t. ~ " r If;--'''' '. {.. .1 • I I . " ":!: .' ( r ,/; ' . '.,' . " •• > _ ~ ~ , ~ t ~ " . • • .tt..t( fAG" liB ~ ,;... ,., D"~T ; . JOW~N, :.r. nmAY , JUNE 23, 1958 . /' ,.4.. ~~:~::~ .~ .. , :,,_4 ~>.:"-, .. 7.J; .':. : , ; ~ i ' ~ .., 77"SUr'lafll""rt·Fh~i'l;: - '. . ,. Professo~ .: Honored· • ,~ # • , .\ • '" , ~. c. .. ,. • Dunner Urges, Aid l. .' for Zi~riist ' Grou~ By "French 'Society EjlhJ,~_}t'w; :Sjiiilents Pass Bar . . Prof. EmU WltschJ, SUI d<:part­ ,' I > .

Eledritjt.:i WotKets! . 'I.' ", . 1 . (Dally ' ....n PlIol.) " • \ . \f t ~ T • I ", 'i" .... , ' • • Four persollli were fined a tot HIGH STEPPERS . FOil OI'l'Y HJG~ were these four Junior ml es llraC!tlcill an th~ UI eampu we.' of ot $28 by, PoUc~ Judlle Eti11l Gain · .. ~: ' BOosJ ea~~ riall. Fro~ left .tO Tltht, t~e ~·rl. · a ~e ,Jl\net Scil'llUt. ~ freshman; Joneal Boyle and Jean KasJ;lar, both Wage; ...... Trott in police cou~t Thurlid~y . ~,pII('mcires, and Alta DUffy, .. junl~r. only one ef '''e majoreUes, Joneal Boyle. has ever twirled aba­ Ray Curry, 12~ W. Blooming\o(f, A new wage agreement has been ~ before. J&"ill~ tho Clb birh band lAenaU. The ,Iris, Intend to hold weeky practice sesslonl$ lor the was sentenced to two days ii reached betw~en the Iowa-lliinoi! r~\ Itt the summer so thit' the LUte Hawks will be lI~oud of them. Johnson county jail tor intO,ICI.o~r Gas'and Ji;lectrlc company aQd the lion when he failed to pay 'hit 66 Iowa City employes of that ,,' MVI Ch Nf $7.50 line. Jtobtrl D. Chell, ' 63_ • E. Fairchild, was fined $5.00 tor o;:~:~nouncement was i.. ued Exter;or of.: : Ne ~w , ·· ~ibrary arge e ~ driving a ear which had no mulf~ Thursday by iI. J, Roberts,. as- .. ••,. . C".1·, ." 'I • 3 F,·nes, 1Sentence ler. . ' , sistant 'manager <91 the iowa City It;., N'" · .. , t Joltn H. Grothaus. 826 Ride Qranch, and Charles·A. McComas. IV... OW eo.rlng '·· 'omp Ion One man was sentehced to a str~t. was filled $12.50 for :fliil president of tbe' union local; No. " e year in tbe county Jail Thursday ing to stop at a stop sign. William 599, Internation,l Brotherhood of The outside of the Iiew StII libiar>: is ,almost completed, Job in dislrict co w'! on a bad chcck .r. Lartl . 5S0 S . Clinton paid .$~.ob Electrical Workers (AtL). ,.., charge and three men wqre fined for parking in a pro~ibited zoQe. An increase of fiYe pU~ent SupcrintendentClarence'Casey said ThurSday. $300 on charges of opdating a j' in the hoJrly ,phy, rate for all 10- . ' The metal south. half of tho outsid~ wall is being painted at molor vehicle while intoxicated. cal employes and lin increasf in d' . Judge Harold D. Evans sen- STRAND ~AS1 ' DA ,(I vacation. tim~ fot eml?loyes with presen!. The .ollIY ,.othef. ":"r" , ~(>ncre t ot .J~ nurlk g'ra.nte.d b'y tb~ ~~~h.~.. ., ,,1 grou,nd edgp of.·the south s;lid: :', false checi<. Gedraitis pleaded Keellllrr WyJ/n , ',' '''''. < Un'der ' ,'h'!! < nc»,~ -coqtra~t"'Yl)lch I rflie ' ~etal · s.i.djhlfbein'g , ,:,p, , .. guilty to the charge Thul:sday. , J,:t~el BanlU1 ure Nadler. San, Antonio; Tex.;' ard F. w~gner t Otll.IIT\\Y~; ,i W1!- w,i!l. ~o ,i,nta. . !::ftecf' ·J.l!oe · 1 " . ~950, On ' the smith' hltlf '6f rhiJ . . Rev' .Gam "pbell to Be He had plear Shea, Cedar Rapids. J U . ,I II ,. III metal c~uld be ; emoved at slight with a talk entitled "In Educa- 18 DIE IN WRECK Donald H. Sitz, Davenport·, • t ' d Id b t'I' d f t'h tion." GUAYAQUIL. ECUADOR (JP)- Cla,rk J. Sloan, Manchester; J ames St ory on fI rs titsummer ec- on i ght with . a lectu.. 1e k b' y Robert cos,, an eou e u I Ize or 0 - A graduate• of Yale university A bus an d a rai Iway Iocomo t'Ive F. Smith, Charles City; John N. ture today on pare 1).. . Kazmayer, and will ' con'tmue er purposes. and of Yale Divinity school, collided Friday, touching oCf a . St. C!.aii·, Vinton; Paul fl . Sulhoff. ••• through July. , " ' qoncrete flooriJ;lg is almost com- Cal,llpbell is now chairman of the gasolme explosion and fire that Glenwood; Lyle, E. Swanson, Dav- Under the directorship of Prof. On June SO. ' G1irt Janssen will ple~d ' on tre fir~t .a.n d _ second board' of direc~ors of the Student Ikilled 18 persons and injured at ei)p.or~; Freeman B. Swift, Des M. Willard Lampe. SUI school ot "'j tJoors. Some has' yel . to ' be put yolunteer movement. least 11 others. Mllmes. religion, the 1950 summer lecture presen, t lecttift!rr'.. . , a, , ~ital , call~ do"{n., in , tlfe th, i[d·(~oor ~air cbn- "'flll:tlf!WS;7·1~ .t ltl;t.g':' : 1t.i>ar'Win E. Thornton. lo"'a City', series .will include fou~' le\!tu~es , "T"e Trumpet Sh ~ n .· "-und.!' n'c ' I j.' ,. 11" qu n' dltioning f!ln.-rQom. Cl\.sey said. . E'nds , ,.,' George Raft Willhirn Tucker, Iowa City; Les- one reGj tal and one combi.natlon will talk on the roi~ , the , itu~pet s puridp.roof ·' ~tee( c;eilin"s , and Barbara St~nwyk .l.i,e!P. ~Tutn~r , Indeperi~ence; How- , recital-lecture, , T~e series op~hS ~as p~aied since tM dawn' Of" his- par~i.tlon3 , have arHved. and in': Tonit~' • (LADY, GAMBLES .Johnny Allegro . D' t " st.a'liation will beD'ii.J 'ln.".a,bout " :ij"H\ ~JO!l(S o;, MC:tDDY at.· emocratlc ory.He J,)laY5. !I reprh.en~litive. group !lRYS. 'llpst e.rl~g .... ~~.... t~e ,~ .. ,, ~ ":..- df trumpets ·tieee;! by ,varlgti$i taces an ctt s,tIlirwel\s Wijl .\begln.. . , over II """'lod: pro$ev ._t!Iil, t .l1un"dted s~e 'tlwe-, he . ~~id \ 'l~(;lncrete tile SATURnAY .... ' "is being . irlatllUed ; in, JOlrnkes and TURU TUESDAY years. ./., "...... ~talhv'eIls rrb"vy :~ " • ,. I" S.Ul ;·~~~iunnUl : ' te " t"'k . J~ly 7 ,lirinis SUI ' Alumnul Cit,'s Latest ~nd Newest Refrigeration Plant Now in Operation Fraru;is 0 . ,. Wilco~ to speak, on "The Cold War and OUr ' Bi-Barti- sah Foreign POlicy.". . -l, , Wilcox :t~liitd both his B.A. and Ph.D. degrees at SUI and won major "I's" in lrack. He was awarded the Blg Ten scholarshlp IRROIHY~~ Alf~~ ~Mrrn trophy for atjlletes. He presently is chief of statt to the U.S. senate foreign rei a t\OIl8 committee, Max Lerner, Socialist writer and New York Post columnist, comes to ~UI July if. Lerner was born In RUSlia. formerly edited "The NaJion,': apd later worked t9r P.M., the New. Republic arid ENGLERT • 'LAST DAYI the New York Star. ' '.. . ~~ . , Ler~er is the :author 'ot' 'lit Is

ter . Than, " YouI Tli1nk" and ~"deas Are Weapo~s.1I He , wllJ talk on "America and ', the Moral Crisis." . A Japane~e , Christian leader; Kagawa, will appear her~ ,JulY 21. He Jectured in SUI's fieldbouse In 14P 1938 and dtew a crowd of more TII,Vllf,A", ' PLAYS HOST to Democratic rovernors at ~ IUllcheon In a Washinctol1, D.C. than 7,000 people. He III chiefly _' .... D'.. ". ~1Ir.~~~;~~~. :' •.. I.... ~ll, ,ovel'1lon Fruk· I,.auache ':If Ohio, John O. PaltoJ'e of RhlHle ' lalalld, Jotin remembered for a pre-VVorld Wat ttl Clh,... t.~r BOwIe. Iff ConDf.etlcllt; Democratic Na.tlonal Chairman William Boyle II apology to the Chinese people Trl~man ...... __ .... ' u1d Jae DIllY 8uppor" Republica.n Robert Taft for re-eJectlon to the ' senate lor Japanese atrocities. ... -'..... -'- Thundat, said he woul d vote. a Itralcht Democratic tlcht If be Jived in " . Dance Recital COOLED by R.&iqeration The summer series wlll con· clude July 28 with a Latin Am­ Sell unused artl!:les lodllY with a ('rican dance recital by Tc~eslta Want Ad . Call 4181 now, ectZJ!fJ Osta Zalbldea. I ENDS TODAY Selected .2 Hits in " One Show

PLl]S .. Celor "THE RED t at 'liCE