Holiday Theme Ideas (.Pdf)
Holiday Theme If you find these resources helpful, or have comments or additional resources we can add, please let us know by sending us a message to our Facebook page at Content ➢ Gathering Activities ➢ Opening Ceremonies ➢ Leader Recognition ➢ Advancement Ceremony ➢ Skits ➢ Songs ➢ Cheers ➢ Runons ➢ Audience Participation ➢ Games ➢ Cubmaster Minute ➢ Closing Ceremonies Pack Meeting Ideas ➢ Pack Meeting – 1 (Christmas) ➢ Pack Meeting – 2 (Lights) Free, customizable placemats are available for packs to use to ➢ Pack Meeting – 3 (Gifts) help promote day camp. Download placemats at ➢ Pack Meeting – 4 (Around the World) ➢ Pack Meeting – 5 (Traditions) ➢ Pack Meeting – 6 (Winter Wonderland) Sources: BSA and Baloo’s Bugle: Let's Celebrate (Dec ’98), Holiday Magic (Dec ’99), What Do You Do at Holiday Time? (Dec 02), Winter Wonderland (Dec ’02), A Cub Scout Gives Goodwill (Dec ’03), Holiday Food Fare Dec ’04), Faith, Hope and Charity (Dec ’05), Holiday Lights (Dec ’03), Celebrations around the World (Dec ’07), Holiday Lights, Holiday Lights (Dec ’08), Holiday Lights, Holiday Lights (Dec ’12), A Cub Scout Gives Goodwill (Dec ’14), Winter Wonderland, Winter Wonderland (Dec ’15), Celebrate, Celebrate (Dec ’16) SHAC Pinterest page: A Cub Scout looks for the bright side of things. They try to make others happy. December is a big month for all sorts of celebrations and opportunities to make others happy. A Scout is cheerful. How does celebrate relate to this point of the Scout Law? As winter comes, it brings with it a wonderland of snow, peace, beauty, and holidays.
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