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Supreme Chancellor Palpatine continues to strip away constitutional liberties in the name of security while influencing public opinion to turn against the Jedi. And a conflicted Anakin fears that his secret love, Senator Padme Amidala, will die. Tormented by unspeakable visions, Anakin edges closer to the brink of a galaxy-shaping decision. It remains only for Darth Sidious to strike the final staggering blow against the Republic-and to ordain a fearsome new Sith Lord: Darth Vader. Based on the screenplay of the final film in George Lucas s epic saga, bestselling Star Wars author Matthew Stover s novel crackles with action, captures the iconic characters in all their complexity, and brings a space opera masterpiece full circle in stunning style. 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STAR WARS READERS’ ADVISORY REFERENCE: These are non-fiction books that are a good resource as to what’s going on in Star Wars books and movies. If you’ve ever wondered about a character, an alien or a starship (or pretty much anything else) you’ve seen or read about in Star Wars, then check out these books. General Works -A Guide to the Star Wars Universe by Bill Slavicsek (791.437 StaYs) -The Illustrated Star Wars Universe by Kevin J. Anderson (791.437 gStaYa) -Star Wars Encyclopedia by Stephen J. Sansweet (791.437 qStaYs) -Star Wars Technical Journal by Shane Johnson (791.437 qStaYj) -Star Wars: the Essential Chronology by Kevin J. Anderson (791.437 qStaYa) -Star Wars: the Essential Guide to Planets and Moons by Daniel Wallace (791.437 qStaYw) -Star Wars: the Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology by Bill Smith (791.437 qSmi) -Star Wars: the Ultimate Visual Guide by Ryder Windham (791.437 qStaYw) -Star Wars: the Visual Dictionary by David West Reynolds (j791.437 StaYr) -The Unauthorized Star Wars Compendium by Ted Edwards (791.437 StaYe) -Wildlife of Star Wars by Terryl Whitlatch (791.437 qStaYw) Episode I: The Phantom Menace -Inside the Worlds of Star Wars, Episode I by Kristin Lund (j791.437 StaYl) -Star Wars: Episode I: Incredible Cross Sections by David West Reynolds (j791.437 StaYr) -Star Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Menace: Illustrated Screenplay by George Lucas (791.437 StaYl) -Star Wars: Episode I: the Visual Dictionary by David West Reynolds (j791.437 StaYr) -Star Wars: the Making of Episode I, the Phantom Menace by Laurent Bouzereau (791.437 qStaYb) Episode II: Attack of the Clones -Inside the Worlds of Star Wars, Attack of the Clones by Simon Beecroft (j791.437 StaYb) -Star Wars, Attack of the Clones: Incredible Cross-Sections by Curtis Saxon (j791.437 StaYs) -Star Wars, Attack of the Clones: the Visual Dictionary by David West Reynolds (791.437 qStaYr) Episode III: Revenge of the Sith -The Art of Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith by J.W.
How the Star Wars Saga Evokes the Creative Promise of Homosexual Love: a Gay-Centered Psychological Perspective
How the Star Wars Saga Evokes the Creative Promise of Homosexual Love: A Gay-Centered Psychological Perspective Roger Kaufman Published in Finding the Force of the Star Wars Franchise: Fans, Merchandise and Critics Edited by John Shelton Lawrence and Mathew Kapell New York: Peter Lang Publishers, 2006 On the surface, it appears that few of the main characters in the six-film Star Wars space opera have any sexual romantic love in their lives. Only two heterosexual romances are featured in the movie saga, and the first of these, the fateful courtship of Padmé Naberrie (Natalie Portman) and Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen), is portrayed as horribly destructive for the individuals involved and for their entire civilization. The second relationship, a fitful flirtation between Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher), is distinctly secondary to the primary plot. Yet when the Star Wars film narrative is viewed from a gay-centered psychological perspective, a vibrant galaxy imbued with the propulsive, creative “intelligence” of archetypal homosexual love is revealed. It’s not clear to what extent George Lucas knowingly intended these themes of gay love to be a primary aspect of Star Wars symbolic meaning, but I will suggest that, whether the filmmaker is conscious of it or not, the distinctive allure of homosexual romance is so potent, inspiring, politically relevant and potentially curative that it has found its way from the depths of his mind to the scripts and screen. At the same time, I will highlight what I suspect are homophobic aspects of Lucas’s approach, which muffles and sometimes twists the depiction of same-sex love and its archetypal significance in the Star Wars universe.
{PDF EPUB} Jericho Moon by Matthew Woodring Stover STOVER, Matthew Woodring
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Jericho Moon by Matthew Woodring Stover STOVER, Matthew Woodring. STOVER, Matthew Woodring. American, b. 1962. Genres: Science fiction/ Fantasy. Career: Novelist. Worked in Chicago, IL area, as bartender, actor, producer, and playwright. Publications: Iron Dawn, 1997; Jericho Moon, 1998; Heroes Die, 1998; Blade of Tyshalle, 2001; The Real Flash Gordon, 2001. Address: c/o Author Mail, Del Rey Books, 201 East 50th St., New York, NY 10022, U.S.A. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. MLA Chicago APA. "Stover, Matthew Woodring ." Writers Directory 2005 . Retrieved June 04, 2021 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/arts/culture-magazines/stover-matthew-woodring. Citation styles. Encyclopedia.com gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). Within the “Cite this article” tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Matthew Stover. Matthew Woodring Stover (born 1962) is an American fantasy and science fiction novelist. He may be known best for his four Star Wars novels, including the novelization of Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith . He has also written several fantasy novels, including Iron Dawn and Jericho Moon . He has written four science-fiction/fantasy hybrid stories featuring a hero named Caine: Heroes Die , Blade of Tyshalle , and Caine Black Knife , with the most recent, Caine's Law , released April 4, 2012.
THE STAR WARS TIMELINE GOLD The Old Republic. The Galactic Empire. The New Republic. What might have been. Every legend has its historian. By Nathan P. Butler – Gold Release Number 42 – 71st SWT Release – 01/01/07 _________________________________________ Officially hosted on Nathan P. Butler’s website __at http://www.starwarsfanworks.com/timeline ____________ APPENDICES “Look at the size of that thing!” --Wedge Antilles Dedicated to All the loyal SWT readers who have helped keep the project alive since 1997. -----|----- -Fellow Star Wars fans- Now that you’ve spent time exploring the Star Wars Timeline Gold’s primary document, you’re probably curious as to what other “goodies” the project has in store. Here, you’ll find the answer to that query. This file, the Appendices, features numerous small sections, featuring topics ranging from G-Level and Apocryphal (N-Level) Canon timelines, rosters for Rogue Squadron and other groups, information relating to the Star Wars Timeline Project’s growth, and more. This was the fourth file created for the Star Wars Timeline Gold. The project originally began as the primary document with the Official Continuity Timeline, then later spawned a Fan Fiction Supplement (now discontinued) and an Apocrypha Supplement (now merged into this file). The Appendices came last, but with its wide array of different features, it has survived to stand on its own alongside the primary document. I hope you find your time spent reading through it well spent. Welcome to the Star Wars Timeline Gold Appendices. --Nathan Butler January 1, 2007 All titles and storylines below are trademark/copyright their respective publishers and/or creators.
Star Wars and the History of Transmedia Storytelling
Star Wars and the History of Transmedia Storytelling Edited by Sean Guynes and Dan Hassler-Forest Amsterdam University Press The publication of this book has been made possible by the Utrecht University Open Access fund. Cover illustration: Zachariah Scott Cover design: Coördesign, Leiden Lay-out: Crius Group, Hulshout Amsterdam University Press English-language titles are distributed in the US and Canada by the University of Chicago Press. isbn 978 94 6298 621 3 e-isbn 978 90 4853 743 3 doi 10.5117/9789462986213 nur 670 Creative Commons License CC BY NC ND (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0) -vignet S. Guynes and D. Hassler-Forest/ Amsterdam University Press B.V., Amsterdam, 2018 Some rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, any part of this book may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise). 9. Publishing the New Jedi Order Media Industries Collaboration and the Franchise Novel Sean Guynes In April 2014, two years after Disney’s purchase of Lucasfilm and its constellation of intellectual properties (IP) in October 2012, Lucasfilm/ Disney announced plans to create the Lucasfilm Story Group that would establish a single canon for the franchise and coordinate world-building efforts across all forthcoming narrative media. Establishing a “true canon—a single, cohesive Star Wars storyline” meant jettisoning the EU of comics, video games, television shows, made-for-TV movies, and novels created since 1977. As the report of the Story Group’s new canon project attested, the EU was largely conceived of as those adventures in the Star Wars storyworld taking place “beyond what is seen on the screen.”1 To save those off-screen stories, the EU was recycled in the new Legends publishing line to encourage continued revenue from no-longer-canonical sources.