april 5-11, 2013 | rhode island’s largest weekly | Free

art land of make- Believe corey grayhorse’s ‘artiFicial memories’ at craFtland _by Greg Cook | p 11

Brown Bird is not a folk Band The Warren duo crank it up and get cerebral on their new Fits of Reason _by Chris Conti | p 8

this hacking politics spring in their steps JUst in Lessons from an Internet uprising | p6 !Festival Ballet’s Up Close On Hope | p 14 BUNDLING IS A BEAUTIFUL THING Save money and get the features you want in one convenient bundle.

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april 5, 2013 contents on the cover F PHOTO By cOREy gRAyHORSE in thiS iSSue

p 12

p 8 p 14

8 brown bird is not a folk band _by chris conti Channeling influences from Plato to Queens of the Stone Age, the Warren-based WATCH ALL OF THE duo crank it up and get cerebral on their new disc, Fits of Reason. MADNESS HERE! 11 art _by greg cook Land of make-believe: corey grayhorse’s “Artificial Memories” at Craftland.

12 theater _by bill rodriguez A case of black and white: Ocean State plays Mamet’s race card.

14 dance _by johnette rodriguez Spring in their steps: festival ballet providence presents “Up Close On Hope,” featuring six world premieres. 24 film “Short Takes” on ginger & rosa and the gatekeepers.

in every iSSue THE WHISKEY REPUBLIC 6 4 phillipe & jorge’s 10 8 days a week cool, cool world Young Jean Lee presents Straight White Male IS YOUR 161 to go | Hall of Fame updates | at Brown | run A Hard Day’s Night Black and white | Art alert | Hail and through | The Fringe

farewell | Kudos and congrats get6 primitive at AS220 | Heather Henson & Ibex Puppetry celebrate flight; go 4 the city _by derf under7 the sea at Leviathan | And more! 6 this just in 26 moon signs _by symboline dai Hacking politics: a guide | At Brown, torture in watercolor 26 10jonesin’ _puzzle by matt jones

carolina chocolate drops | p 10 11


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providence associate publisher Stephen L. Brown Bud Light Buckets Managing editor Lou papineau news editor david ScharfenBerg editorial design Manager janet Smith tayLor contributing editors BiLL rodriguez, johnette rodriguez

FEATURING Bud Light Pitchers providence | portLand contributing writers rudy cheekS, chriS conti, vol. xxvi | no. 14 greg cook, chip young contributing photographer richard mccaffrey Stephen m. mindich contributing illustrator daLe StephanoS publisher + chairMan E-mail [email protected] everett finkeLStein peter kadziS account executives jennifer aLarie, Bruce aLLen, chief operating officer executive editor joShua cournoyer, dayna mancini officeS senior vice president a. wiLLiam riSteen for your chance to win the Bud Light integrated Media account coordinator adam providence 150 cheStnut St, providence, ri 02903 401.273.6397 | fax 401.273.0920 oppenheimer portland 65 weSt commerciaL St, Suite 207, portLand, me 04101, 207.773.8900 | circulation jim dorgan [director], michaeL johnSon KING OF THE GAME TABLE! fax 207.773.8905 [manager] national sales office 150 cheStnut St, providence, ri 02903, 401.273.6397 x 232 | fax 401.272.8712 website providence thephoenix.com the phoenix Media/coMMunications group chairMan Stephen m. mindich chief operating officer everett finkeLStein subscriptions BuLk rate $74/6 monthS, $156/1 year, aLLow 7-14 dayS for deLivery. executive editor peter kadziS senior vice president a. wiLLiam riSteen (401)-588-5158 caLL 401.273.6397 THE PHOENIX NEWSPAPERS | FNX RADIO NETWORK | g8WAvE copyright © 2013 By the providence phoenix, inc. aLL rightS reServed. reproduc- tion without permiSSion, By any method whatSoever, iS prohiBited. printed by MASS WEB PRINTINg | PEOPLE2PEOPLE gROUP maSS weB printing co., inc., 314 waShington St, auBurn, ma 01501 | 508.832.5317 515 South Water St. Providence, RI 4 April 5, 2013 | the providence phoenix | providence. thephoenix.com

phillipe + Jorge’s cool, cool World 161 to go Play ball; when ‘wireless’ meant ‘radio’; on the green

Phillipe was on suicide watch when BLACK AND WHITE never offered the electrifying and world- cater to at least a dozen or more minorities fnews broke that the New England With the Masters golf tournament in Au- famous homeboy James an honorary mem- and members of the opposite sex, although Patriots had allowed Wes Welker to sign gusta, Georgia just around the corner, P&J bership. In fact, if these mint-julep-soaked you can bet that no one from the old guard with the Denver Broncos. And when the are reminded by RJ Smith’s biography of crackers hadn’t been forced by the PGA to is sitting at the tables of these untouch- Red Sox opened the season April 1 against Mr. James Brown, The One, that the Godfa- admit some token “nigrahs” (as they would ables to share drinks after a round. the damn Yankees in New York, P. had his ther of Soul also called Augusta home. doubtless call them) and women (provided Brings to mind an old joke about Au- gun to his head once again. Surely, the home of the Masters, Au- they were rich and connected) in recent gusta: When Tiger Woods, already a cel- Countless preseason previews, includ- gusta National Golf Club, an historically years, it would still be one of the most pres- ebrated and nationally known amateur ing one in that Bible of the Sweaty Sci- racist and misogynist collection of old, self- tigious (and proudly) all-white men’s golf champion, played in his first Masters, he ences, Sports Illustrated, predicted the BoSox important, wealthy, bigoted white fools, clubs in the United States. Now it has to arrived at the gates of Augusta National, will finish last in the American League but was halted by a security guard, who East. So your superior correspondents was well-versed in keeping dusky folks and were expecting the team to be down 11-0 dames out of the premises. “Excuse me, after three innings. Well, it seems the Sox THE CITY _by derF young man, but we can’t let you in here,” hadn’t read — or perhaps, weren’t capable he told Woods. “There is a nice course of reading — all the dire predictions. And down the road, about a three-wood away, the team took home an 8-2 win. Starter Jon where you can play.” Lester looked sharp. So did the bullpen. “But I’m Tiger Woods,” the future Mas- And nearly the entire lineup contributed to ters champion explained. the beatdown of the Yanks’ C.C. Sabathia, “Oh, I’m sorry, son, I didn’t recognize who is still a hell of a pitcher even if he you. In that case, the course is probably looks like a walking bag of laundry. just a seven-iron away.” One down, 161 to go. And for now at least Rim shot with a bull’s-eye putter, please. P. was left reaching for his Pernod instead of a pistol. Hope springs eternal. KUDOS AND CONGRATS ...... to Ocean State Action executive director HALL OF FAME UPDATES Kate Brock, who has resigned her post to The Rhode Island Radio Hall of Fame re- join Governor Chafee’s policy team. Go get cently announced its latest inductees. ’em, Kate. Kudos and congrats to former Providence mayor and local radio fixture Buddy Cianci ART ALERT — the mighty Bud-I; John “Coach” Col- This Saturday, April 6, from 5 to 7 pm, letto; Bill Corsair; and Newport’s Bob Sul- there’s an opening for an AS220 art show livan. But a special tip of the sombrero to that P&J can heartily recommend. John the other two inductees: Mike “Dr. Metal” Hunter Housley, Eric Fulford (of Empire Gonsalves and Fred Grady. Revue fame), John A. Castillo, and Uriah For Jorge (Rudy Cheeks), the induc- Zoegar will exhibit new work. The show is tion of Dr. Metal is especially poignant, up through April 27. as Mike started out in professional radio as a producer for the Fox & Cheeks show HAIL AND FAREWELL on WHJY in the mid-’80s. As many of you It looks like, after years of behind-the- know, Mike perished in the Station night- scenes lobbying from Phillipe and Jorge, club fire, but his memory lives on for regu- the Providence Phoenix has finally dumped lar listeners to the late-night “Metal Zone” editor David Scharfenberg. Good riddance show he once hosted. to bad rubbish, we say. Fred Grady’s show ran into the wee We jest, of course — only to prevent us small hours of the morning in the ’50s and from openly weeping over the fact that ’60s, on the way right-hand side of the AM our journalistic majordomo has chosen to radio band. His WPAW show was largely take a new job as an online reporter at the responsible for turning generations of Vo renowned National Public Radio affiliate Dilunduhs on to jazz; Jorge used to go to WBUR in Boston. P&J have no doubt that bed with his transistor radio under his pil- he will take Beantown by storm. low. It’s where he first heard Miles, Monk, As our readers might guess, dealing Coltrane, and the Ellington band — a real with P&J — trying to rein in a couple of education. Thank you, Professor Grady. wiseass miscreants and avoid libel and Also being honored with the Hall of slander suits — is a job unto itself. Not only Fame’s Shepard Award is Barbara Smith, has David done that admirably, but he who started in the traffic department and became one of the best reporters — politi- continued to work in the business end cal or otherwise — in Our Little Towne. He of things for WPRO for an astounding 48 has broken numerous stories in his time years. Congratulations to all. on Chestnut Street and offered intelligent, Speaking of halls of fame, we urge thorough coverage of countless happenings you to get your tickets ASAP to the Rhode overlooked by other media outlets. In the Island Music Hall of Fame’s second an- process, P&J and others affiliated with the nual induction ceremony and concert on Phoenix have been the beneficiaries of the April 28. Last year’s event sold out and respect and visibility his hard work and in- this year’s will likely do the same. An sight have brought to the paper. afternoon concert will feature tributes David will be greatly missed by P&J and to George M. Cohan, Bobby Hackett, Sis- doubtless by the Phoenix’s readers as well. sieretta Jones, Jimmie Crane, and a special Boston’s gain is Providence’s loss, but we performance by original members of coun- don’t begrudge him his departure for a sec- try music legend Eddie Zack’s Hayloft Jam- ond. He deserves the new opportunity. ^ boree. Headlining the evening show will be inductees Paul Geremia, Steve Smith Send cupcakes and Pulitzer-grade tips to p&j@ and the Nakeds, and the Cowsills. phx.com. 4 April 5, 2013 | the providence phoenix | providence. thephoenix.com phillipe + Jorge’s cool, cool World 161 to go Play ball; when ‘wireless’ meant ‘radio’; on the green

Phillipe was on suicide watch when BLACK AND WHITE never offered the electrifying and world- cater to at least a dozen or more minorities fnews broke that the New England With the Masters golf tournament in Au- famous homeboy James an honorary mem- and members of the opposite sex, although Patriots had allowed Wes Welker to sign gusta, Georgia just around the corner, P&J bership. In fact, if these mint-julep-soaked you can bet that no one from the old guard with the Denver Broncos. And when the are reminded by RJ Smith’s biography of crackers hadn’t been forced by the PGA to is sitting at the tables of these untouch- Red Sox opened the season April 1 against Mr. James Brown, The One, that the Godfa- admit some token “nigrahs” (as they would ables to share drinks after a round. the damn Yankees in New York, P. had his ther of Soul also called Augusta home. doubtless call them) and women (provided Brings to mind an old joke about Au- gun to his head once again. Surely, the home of the Masters, Au- they were rich and connected) in recent gusta: When Tiger Woods, already a cel- Countless preseason previews, includ- gusta National Golf Club, an historically years, it would still be one of the most pres- ebrated and nationally known amateur ing one in that Bible of the Sweaty Sci- racist and misogynist collection of old, self- tigious (and proudly) all-white men’s golf champion, played in his first Masters, he ences, Sports Illustrated, predicted the BoSox important, wealthy, bigoted white fools, clubs in the United States. Now it has to arrived at the gates of Augusta National, will finish last in the American League but was halted by a security guard, who East. So your superior correspondents was well-versed in keeping dusky folks and were expecting the team to be down 11-0 dames out of the premises. “Excuse me, after three innings. Well, it seems the Sox THE CITY _by derF young man, but we can’t let you in here,” hadn’t read — or perhaps, weren’t capable he told Woods. “There is a nice course of reading — all the dire predictions. And down the road, about a three-wood away, the team took home an 8-2 win. Starter Jon where you can play.” Lester looked sharp. So did the bullpen. “But I’m Tiger Woods,” the future Mas- And nearly the entire lineup contributed to ters champion explained. the beatdown of the Yanks’ C.C. Sabathia, “Oh, I’m sorry, son, I didn’t recognize who is still a hell of a pitcher even if he you. In that case, the course is probably looks like a walking bag of laundry. just a seven-iron away.” One down, 161 to go. And for now at least Rim shot with a bull’s-eye putter, please. P. was left reaching for his Pernod instead of a pistol. Hope springs eternal. KUDOS AND CONGRATS ...... to Ocean State Action executive director HALL OF FAME UPDATES Kate Brock, who has resigned her post to The Rhode Island Radio Hall of Fame re- join Governor Chafee’s policy team. Go get cently announced its latest inductees. ’em, Kate. Kudos and congrats to former Providence mayor and local radio fixture Buddy Cianci ART ALERT — the mighty Bud-I; John “Coach” Col- This Saturday, April 6, from 5 to 7 pm, letto; Bill Corsair; and Newport’s Bob Sul- there’s an opening for an AS220 art show livan. But a special tip of the sombrero to that P&J can heartily recommend. John the other two inductees: Mike “Dr. Metal” Hunter Housley, Eric Fulford (of Empire Gonsalves and Fred Grady. Revue fame), John A. Castillo, and Uriah For Jorge (Rudy Cheeks), the induc- Zoegar will exhibit new work. The show is tion of Dr. Metal is especially poignant, up through April 27. as Mike started out in professional radio as a producer for the Fox & Cheeks show HAIL AND FAREWELL on WHJY in the mid-’80s. As many of you It looks like, after years of behind-the- know, Mike perished in the Station night- scenes lobbying from Phillipe and Jorge, club fire, but his memory lives on for regu- the Providence Phoenix has finally dumped lar listeners to the late-night “Metal Zone” editor David Scharfenberg. Good riddance show he once hosted. to bad rubbish, we say. Fred Grady’s show ran into the wee We jest, of course — only to prevent us small hours of the morning in the ’50s and from openly weeping over the fact that ’60s, on the way right-hand side of the AM our journalistic majordomo has chosen to radio band. His WPAW show was largely take a new job as an online reporter at the responsible for turning generations of Vo renowned National Public Radio affiliate Dilunduhs on to jazz; Jorge used to go to WBUR in Boston. P&J have no doubt that bed with his transistor radio under his pil- he will take Beantown by storm. low. It’s where he first heard Miles, Monk, As our readers might guess, dealing Coltrane, and the Ellington band — a real with P&J — trying to rein in a couple of education. Thank you, Professor Grady. wiseass miscreants and avoid libel and Also being honored with the Hall of slander suits — is a job unto itself. Not only Fame’s Shepard Award is Barbara Smith, has David done that admirably, but he who started in the traffic department and became one of the best reporters — politi- continued to work in the business end cal or otherwise — in Our Little Towne. He of things for WPRO for an astounding 48 has broken numerous stories in his time years. Congratulations to all. on Chestnut Street and offered intelligent, Speaking of halls of fame, we urge thorough coverage of countless happenings you to get your tickets ASAP to the Rhode overlooked by other media outlets. In the Island Music Hall of Fame’s second an- process, P&J and others affiliated with the nual induction ceremony and concert on Phoenix have been the beneficiaries of the April 28. Last year’s event sold out and respect and visibility his hard work and in- this year’s will likely do the same. An sight have brought to the paper. afternoon concert will feature tributes David will be greatly missed by P&J and to George M. Cohan, Bobby Hackett, Sis- doubtless by the Phoenix’s readers as well. sieretta Jones, Jimmie Crane, and a special Boston’s gain is Providence’s loss, but we performance by original members of coun- don’t begrudge him his departure for a sec- try music legend Eddie Zack’s Hayloft Jam- ond. He deserves the new opportunity. ^ boree. Headlining the evening show will be inductees Paul Geremia, Steve Smith Send cupcakes and Pulitzer-grade tips to p&j@ and the Nakeds, and the Cowsills. phx.com. 6 April 5, 2013 | the providence phoenix | providence.thephoenix.com

“Nobody’s really done a comprehen- sive accounting of [the anti-SOPA fight], which is pretty ridiculous.” This Just In _DAvID sEgAl

online the Arts Hacking Politics: a guide Charlie hall drinks and dabbles Last year, the Internet briefly up- around the passage or defeat of a piece The Industrial Trust Building in Providence looks plies for a group of 40 students and started call- fended everything we know about of legislation I think is literally un- like a hairspray can with a condom on top. This ing restaurants. The Florentine Grille in North American politics. precedented, at least on such a narrow is what Charlie Hall — Rhode Island’s unofficial Providence took a chance, and the man who once It was January and a pair of bills timeframe. comedian laureate — is telling a room full of opened for Jerry Seinfeld and Rosie O’Donnell had designed to squelch online piracy of Right after the blackout, there were boisterous guests at Chester’s Restaurant in Har- begun a new chapter in his career. “That’s my movies, music, and pharmaceuticals a series of articles that looked at that mony, Rhode Island. day now,” he says. “Getting up, planning how — known by the acronyms SOPA and on kind of a two-week horizon — what Each person is seated in front of an easel, a much paint I’m going to buy, what colors to buy, PIPA — seemed poised for passage. came before. But [the push to defeat white canvas, a set of paintbrushes, a water cup what painting I’m going to do.” Hollywood had put the legislation] was at for rinsing, and a paper-plate palette with multi- Here at Chester’s, Hall is roaming the room its considerable political least an 18-month to colored dabs of acrylic paint. Hall is standing to instruct, encourage, and lightly insult his muscle behind the leg- two-year effort. And at the front of the room, wearing a Flintstones- guests. “OK, your trees got a little bit out of islation. And it enjoyed of course, that work print smock and painting the city skyline on a hand,” he tells one woman. Midway through the broad, bipartisan sup- was only achievable canvas of his own. Providence is the Big City if lesson, a member of the wait staff appears with a port. because of infrastruc- you’re from Woonsocket, he says: “It’s like going tray of pinkish, sloshing shot glasses — “Dabble But Silicon Valley ture that had been to New York or Paris.” Devils” — and Hall pauses for a trivia contest. and Internet freedom put in place over the Local shtick is a cornerstone of “Drink and “What is a primary color?” he asks. “How long activists feared the leg- course of the previ- Dabble,” the learn-to-paint-while-you-imbibe did it take for Leonardo da Vinci to paint the islation was so blunt, so ous decade or two by event Hall has produced up to three nights per Mona Lisa’s lips?” A shot goes to the first person poorly written, that it activists and organiza- week around the state since October. “You don’t to answer correctly. (There is no single win- would cripple the web’s tions. look like Cranstonites — your hair isn’t big ner when Hall asks, “Many feminists thought open architecture and So it’s really this enough,” he tells a group of women sitting at Georgia O’Keeffe’s giant flower paintings were stifle innovation. flourishing of this a table in the back of the room. “Where are you actually veiled representations of what?” and the And when big Inter- issue space that had guys from? . . . Smithfield! So this is a big night room erupts with “Vagina!”) net outposts like Google been maturing for out for you!” he says to another table a few min- When the city outlines are completed, Hall and Wikipedia staged an 10 years or 20 years utes later. encourages his students to add a dash of “height- Internet blackout and — and represents this While he jokes, Hall — a RISD grad — takes ened” color to the paintings: purple, yellow, urged a public revolt, a coming-of-age for the the audience on a step-by-step guide to paint- green, bright blue. Then it’s time for final details long-building netroots Internet public and ing other skyline standouts: the former Hospital like the arched window in the former Fleet Center movement exploded — politicization of Inter- Trust Tower and the Textron building. At previ- and the reflections in the Providence River. One smothering Washington net issues as Internet ous events he’s taught his charges how to paint intrepid participant paints a gondolier floating in with tweets, emails, and phone calls issues, not just as vehicle to facilitate WaterFire, The Towers in Narragansett, and their the foreground. that killed the bills. contacts around other issues. own pet lizards and chickens. As the evening winds down, the women Somewhere near the center of that “Dabble” started at a critical time for Hall, he in the room — only two of the guests are men movement was former Rhode Island SO WHAT EMERGES FROM THIS COMPILA- says. Attendance was down for his sketch-com- — snap photos with smartphones and fawn over State Representative David Segal, who TION YOU’VE PUT TOGETHER? WHAT WILL edy send-up of local politicians, the “Ocean State each other’s work. Their results are remarkably co-founded advocacy group Demand WE LEARN HERE THAT WE DON’T KNOW Follies,” as it neared its twentieth year. And his varied; some buildings are square and squat, oth- Progress with the late Aaron Swartz af- ALREADY? There’s still this dynamic Massachusetts spinoff, “Mass Hysteria,” was at- ers are tilted and wobbly. Brightly psychedelic is ter leaving Ocean State politics. on Capitol Hill where people want to tracting even smaller crowds. Hall was beginning the color scheme of choice. Segal, along with Internet activists fit this into their pre-standing para- to wonder how he was going to meet his mort- You may want to put the paintings face-up in David Moon and Patrick Ruffini, has digms: the notion that this was Google gage payments. the trunk of your car if they aren’t yet dry, Hall edited a new book on the uprising titled vs. Hollywood. That just demeans the Then one night, he woke up on his couch advises as guests file out. “Unless — of course Hacking Politics: How Geeks, Progressives, the real organizing that groups like ours around two in the morning and saw participants — you’re from Johnston and there’s a body in the Tea Party, Gamers, Anarchists and Suits Teamed — which has never received a penny on a dating reality TV show attending something way.” Up to Defeat SOPA and Save the Internet. from Google — were doing to pull this called a “Paint and Sip” event. “I said, ‘I could “Drink and Dabble” takes place weekly at various restau- At the heart of the book: essays together. Google didn’t intervene in a steal that idea,’” he says. In the following weeks, rants around the state. Learn more atdrinkanddabble.com. by big names in the Internet freedom serious way until the very end of the he bought smocks, canvases, and other sup- _Philip Eil space, including Harvard law professor battle. Lawrence Lessig, novelist Cory Doc- And it also demeans the work of mil- torow, and former Congressman Ron lions of people who, of their own voli- Paul. tion, chose to engage in this effort. And There are also essays from a musi- it doesn’t speak to the fact that there cian, the co-founder of Reddit, and are now these structures that are more Swartz, who committed suicide earlier and more entrenched, on our side, that this year amid charges that he’d ille- will facilitate this sort of work happen- gally downloaded millions of academic ing again in the future. articles with the intent to disseminate It also speaks to what aspects of the them for free on the Internet. fight are not replicable. While Google I spoke with Segal this week about didn’t govern all of the activism, they the forthcoming book, available for pre- and other platforms played an impor- sale at hackingpolitics.com (in keep- tant role in it and one that they’re only ing with the editors’ Internet freedom going to be willing to play when it ethic, readers can pay what they’d like aligns with their self-interest. for the e-book version). The interview is There was this notion in the im- edited and condensed. mediate aftermath of SOPA that there was some switch that could just be WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING TO DO WITH THIS pulled and you would be able to create BOOK? Nobody’s really done a com- this outpouring of concern from the prehensive accounting of [the] effort, Internet. So it speaks to the [extent] to which is pretty ridiculous. I think it which that’s not precisely the case and nt is safe to say that it is the single [big- we need to calibrate our expectations gest] narrowly directed activist effort and continue to work really hard and do — non-electoral. It’s not something like that progressive organizing if we want k E natalja the civil rights movement as a whole. to see such successes down the line. COMEDIAN “You don’t look like Cranstonites — your hair isn’t big enough,” says Hall. [But] to have 20 million people engage _David Scharfenberg providence.thephoenix.com | the providence phoenix | April 5, 2013 7

Foreign Affairs at brown, torture in waterColor

Stroll down College Street from Brown CAN YOU TELL ME ABOUT THE MAN IN THE EXHIBI- fUniversity during the next few weeks and TION POSTER? I was never given any notes or I changed my life you’ll find Providence’s iconic spires and sky- anything about anybody or told much, but AT CCRI. scrapers slightly obscured by a banner hang- he was a guy that I was told had a very ardu- ing from a streetlight outside Brown’s List Art ous history of being tortured. “Expect a lot,” Building. [they said.] So when I unfolded my book that The banner reads “DANIEL HEYMAN, Da- morning — I was working on an accordion vid Winton Bell Gallery” and features a water- book — I opened it up to twice the amount of color portrait of a man with his eyes closed. pages that I usually did. So I started painting On the corresponding painting hanging in him and I started taking notes. And he starts List’s lobby, the man’s head and shoulders talking about his interrogation. When he are surrounded by hastily scrawled text. started to tell us, he broke down and started “THEY TOOK ME TO ABU GHRAIB,” one to cry and left the room. We had no idea section reads. “FIRST THEY GOT ME NAKED where he was; he didn’t come back to the ho- AND CHAINED ME TO THE CELL. I WAS TIED tel for about five hours. When he came back

IN THIS WAY, FOR 6 MONTHS. IT WAS WIN- he agreed to continue his testimony and I CHANGE YOUR LIFE . ACHIEVE DREAMS TER AND COLD AND THEY PUT A FAN ON AND started a new painting. That’s the painting in SPRAYED ME WITH WATER. WHEN THEY the poster. He never really looked up during CAME TO INTERROGATE ME THEY BROUGHT that entire interview. REGINA THE DOGS. SOMETIMES I WAS CHAINED ON CASTRO ’12 WHAT WAS THE EFFECT OF SITTING IN ON THOSE 50 General Business THE GROUND. EVEN WHEN I HAD MY MEAL, 4.0 GPA MY HANDS WERE CUFFED IN FRONT.” INTERVIEWS? Extremely sad. It made me very, To learn more about “AFTER EACH INTERROGATION,” the very angry. Disbelief, depression. And also in Regina’s experience a very weird way, [it was] ex- at CCRI, visit tremely uplifting being able www.ccri.edu/dreams. to be a listener for some peo- ple that have had a terrible thing happen to them. Part of what’s happened to them is that they’ve been silenced violently. Being a listener for that person is a very positive thing. [Witnesses] would tell Apply now at us over and over again after www.ccri.edu/oes/ admissions. they talked to us, “I cannot tell you how grateful I am Financial aid is available to those that you listened to me.” who qualify. I HAD TO CRANE MY NECK AND TWIST MY HEAD TO READ THE TEXT IN MANY OF THESE PAINTINGS. WAS THAT INTEN- TIONAL? Absolutely. I want you, the viewer, to par- ticipate in some way in this testimony. As an American TEsTIMONY an image from the exhibit. society we paid for this war, propagated this war, we didn’t protest this war (some Great Food • Great Music • Great Fun • Exotic Drinks narrative continues later, “THEY CARRIED people did, but not particularly effectively). ME BACK BECAUSE I COULD NOT WALKED In general, the war was extremely supported Friday, April 5 [sic]. THEY THREW ME PASSED OUT IN MY by Democrats as well as Republicans. And ROOM.” these results of the war should be known. Grace Kelly On the bottom corner of the page: “RE- And you don’t just know things with your Fourth year in a row named “Alto Saxophonist Rising Star” annual Downbeat Magazine Critics Poll LEASED MAY 2006. 30 MONTHS. THEY GAVE brain, you know them with your body. It was Aug 2012 Young Grace Kelly amazes the crowds with her playing and vocals! 8pm $20 ME 20 DOLLARS.” a struggle for these people to live through it The man is among the 50 Iraqis whom and it was a struggle for them to tell me. And Saturday, April 6: Willie J. Laws Heyman — a Guggenheim Fellow and critic so it shouldn’t be given to you in an easy way. Willie J. Laws is the hottest Texas guitar slinger living in NE. Come to Chan’s and check him out for yourself. 8pm $10 in RISD’s printmaking department — heard It should be given to you in a way that makes Sunday, April 7: SOUL & ROLL SUNDAYS AT CHAN’S testify before human rights attorneys in Jor- you participate. Beginning in April and then the 1st Sunday of each month join us for our Soul & Roll Sundays AT CHAN’S with Rocktail Renditions. dan and Turkey between 2005 and 2008. The Let’s have some R&R together! Special guest: The Stormin’ Horns. 4pm FREE interviews were for a lawsuit against Ameri- YOU MENTION PICASSO’S LEGENDARY MURAL Friday, April 12: Johnny Hoy and the Blue Fish can contractors hired to interrogate Iraqis. “GUERNICA” ON YOUR WEBSITE, AND AFTER Johnny Hoy & The Blue Fish migrates from the Vineyard to Chan’s once again for a fantastically fun show. 8pm $12 As the men described their ordeals, Heyman SEEING THE SCALE AND SUBJECT OF THIS PIECE, I WAS REMINDED OF THAT WORK. IS THIS A Saturday, April 13: Anthony Gomes painted their portraits and wrote excerpts Canadian born now hails from Chicago, the exciting high energy singer-guitarist returns to Chan’s with his explosive style. 8pm $20 from their testimony in swirls of words be- KIND OF AMERICAN “GUERNICA” FOR THE IRAQ side the images. WAR? I love “Guernica” and I adore Picasso Monday, April 15 & Tuesday April 16: Ana Popovic One night is never enough with Ana! Particularly with her new release entitled ‘CAN YOU STAND THE HEAT’ These portraits — included in the exhibit and I always have. Picasso had this way of (worldwide release April 16th, 2013). 8pm • $24 “I am Sorry It is Difficult to Start” at List until working on different aspects of his work in May 26 — serve as a sort of companion piece to kind of bits and pieces. He would work out Friday, April 19: Debbie Davies Always a Chan’s crowd favorite. Debbie’s magical guitar playing and vocals never disappoint. the recent “Costs of War” report out of Brown’s his ideas in smaller works and then from 8pm $15 Watson Institute for International Studies: a time to time, he would produce a summa- Saturday, April 20: Greg Abate, Harry Allen and friends. by-the-numbers compendium of the blood and tion picture, a kind of old-style masterpiece, Jazz Saxophonist Greg Abate and Harry Allen team up for a great night of swinging jazz joined by Greg Wardson, Todd Baker and Artie Cabral 8pm $15 treasure expended in the Iraq War. something that [said]: “OK, now I’ve worked Tuesday, April 23: Tommy Castro The costs on display in Heyman’s work are out a little bit about this new thing, Cubism, The amazing and multi award winning Tommy Castro one again graces the Chan’s stage. To sum up this evening in a two words… less quantifiable, but no less shattering. Visi- and now I’m going to make ‘Les Demoiselles Masterful Blues! 8pm $25 tors who enter the building are met by the D’Avignon.’ I’m gonna pull it all together.” Wednesday, April 24: Open Mic Blues Jam with Lil Cousin 7-10pm FREE artist’s imposing, etching-on-plywood mu- And I’ve always thought of that as a goal of ral, “When The Photographers are Blinded, my own: from, time to time, [to] sum it all Thursday, April 25: Community Champions Performance Series 2013 - When you begin to laugh, you begin to heal.” 7pm $15 Eagles’ Wings are Clipped,” which Heyman up, bring it together and make a major state- Recovery Comics: created when he returned stateside. It fea- ment. But “Guernica” is made by a Spaniard Friday, April 26: Nick Moss and the Flip Tops tures maimed and contorted bodies; a blind- about his own country being attacked. And in Chicago blues at it’s best. Guitar Ace Nick Moss lead his talented tight band The Flip Tops for another evening of high energy of rockin’ blues. 8pm $15 folded photographer taking aim at his next that sense, I could never do that, unless I was Saturday, April 27: Fat City Band shot; and eagles with deformed genitalia working with 9/11 imagery or something. I’m What can we say; Fat City Band equals a party. Always a fun time when this high energy band comes to Chan’s! 8pm $12 clutching rifles in their talons. a part of the country of the aggressor. I caught up with Heyman over the phone (401) 765-1900 The Bell Gallery will host an opening reception for from Pennsylvania, where he had just attend- www.CHANSEGGROLLSANDJAZZ.COM ed a symposium on the Iraq War at Haverford “I am Sorry It is Difficult to Start” on Friday, April 5 at College. The interview has been edited and 5:30 pm. condensed. _Philip Eil

8 April 5, 2013 | the providence phoenix | providence.thephoenix.com Brown Bird is not a folk Band The Warren duo crank iT up and geT cerebral on Fits oF Reason

_by chris conTi

Brown Bird’s David Lamb and ing Lamb’s exhausted state of mind: “I’ve fMorganEve Swain challenge them- worked my fingers to the bone, not a pret- selves (and anyone who still insists on ty little penny have I got to show/I ain’t calling them a folk band) on their stun- looking for much, just a little bit of rest ning new , Fits of Reason (via local by the side of the road.” But Fits of Reason label Supply & Demand). The devil still leads with loftier concerns on “Seven dances all over Lamb’s lyrics, though this Hells”: “The seventh hell inside impales time around he’s mingling with modern- and divides us/And scatters our skin with day Western thinkers and 18th-century the seed/Of our deeds devoured, of other authors whose views and writings have worlds showered/As our demon celestials clearly inspired his intellectual wordplay. bleed.” The foot-stomping/clip-clopping struc- Skim through the lyrics on any Brown tures and Swain’s cello and fiddle remain Bird album and it should come as no steeped in American roots, bluegrass, and surprise to learn that Lamb was the son jazz, and the duo’s penchant for incor- of a minister; he left his home and the porating Middle Eastern and European Catholic Church behind following high rhythms is fully intact. But it’s the addi- school. tion of electric guitar and bass that lends “My dad’s background has been yet another layer to Brown Bird’s distinc- ingrained in me, but I also never stropped tive sound. seeking out my own beliefs and exploring Brown Bird’s nationwide tour kicked different ideologies,” Lamb told me. off this week, and the duo will stop by And that makes a song like “Barren the Met for a hometown throwdown on Lakes” that much more intriguing, when Friday. Lamb sings, “We’ll bathe in the blood of Here’s their backstory: Lamb began salvation’s name/fast and feast upon its writing and recording under the name flesh and prey.” Brown Bird in 2003 while living in Seattle. The moniker was inspired by his dog at Turning iT up the time, a brown Shar-Pei named Bird. Both Swain and Lamb noted the heavier “I just figured the name was simple music they were listening to while record- and ambiguous. I didn’t want it to imply ing Fits of Reason, from Middle Eastern any particular genre, but rather left wide psych-rock bands of the ’60s and ’70s to open for interpretation” Lamb said when Metallica and Mastodon, and Lamb and I we spoke over the phone earlier this week, enthusiastically praised the first Queens of just before heading for the first show in the Stone Age album as one of the greatest Thomaston, Maine. He released Bottom of rock records of the last 20 years. That led the Sea in 2008 and met Swain (born and me to referencing Fits of Reason as perhaps raised in Newtown, CT) and local guitarist Brown Bird’s “Desert Sessions,” which got Mike Samos here while on a solo tour and a hearty chuckle from Lamb, while Swain asked them to join him; The Devil Dancing declared, “I don’t know if I would call this (2009) was their first team effort (Jeremy Short, our ‘loud’ record, because the next one rayhorse and Jerusha Robinson also appear on that g may be louder!” Lamb’s six-string keeps disc). The current formation is a full-time pace with the galloping tambourine on orey duo, with occasional guests like Swain’s c “Seven Hells,” and his snake-charmer brother, violinist Spencer (of Zox fame). BURNING BRIGHT swain and lamb. riff on “Nine Eyes” won’t leave my head. “Having just the two of us in the band The duo get rocking on the instrumental is both limiting and freeing at the same “Iblis” (an Islamic reference to the devil), time,” Swain told me. “We can’t layer a keep things interesting and challenging,” immersed in reading different philoso- while “Hitchens” opens up with Swain’s lot of different things if the two of us can’t said Lamb. phies and religious teachings,” she said. jazzy bass line before Lamb comes in with reproduce it live.” The duo self-produced the new album “It dominated all of our conversations, a subtly ominous riff. Lamb and Swain rolled the dice and at Machines With Magnets in Pawtucket; and he would incorporate some of that MorganEve shines on “Bow For Blade,” left their full-time jobs (at a shipyard Lamb praised Keith Souza and his staff: into the lyrics, so it was sort of all-encom- singing like the Andrews Sisters while and coffee shop, respectively) in 2011 “Keith and those guys are the best kind passing.” delivering the lines, “Toil cheek to cheek right before the release of Salt for Salt. of engineers, in that they don’t interfere Lamb and Swain share an apartment and bow for blade/Braced in flame and Momentum had been building steadily: with the creative process, but they will in Warren, which includes a small “music souls to keep/desire won’t let the monster they accepted an invite to support local push you to the limit in order to get the room” where the songs are usually fleshed sleep/We burn bright and broil in our friends the Low Anthem on a European very best take possible.” out. Lamb’s consumption of the written crusade.” Swain’s voice floats perfectly tour in 2010, did a string of West Coast word is trumped only by his consump- alongside Lamb’s on the hellbent waltz of dates with the CA trio the Devil Makes HiTTing THe books tion of coffee while working from home, “Wayward Daughter” as well as the hyp- Three, and made a successful appearance Leaving your day job behind in favor of a while Swain prefers the nighttime setting notic closing track “Caves.” at the 2011 Newport Folk Festival (which musical career obviously has its benefits, accompanied by a glass or two of whiskey. The Fits of Reason disc will be available at led to a well-received main stage slot in including one advantage Lamb has applied The aforementioned Fits of Reason press the show (a vinyl release is forthcoming) ’12). Salt for Salt was the duo’s breakout to his craft-— reading. And lots of it, par- release opens with a quote from 18th-cen- and is available for download at iTunes album; national publications such as ticularly during those long drives between tury author Thomas Paine (who penned and brownbird.bandcamp.com. Get ready Paste, Magnet, and Under the Radar took shows. The Fits of Reason press notes cites Common Sense in 1776), which led to the to feed off the energy Brown Bird bring to notice, and NPR deemed it one of the lyrical influences ranging from philoso- album title: “Reason obeys itself; and the stage, with Swain thumping away and best folk of 2011 — though Swain phers such as Plato and Omar Khayyam ignorance submits to whatever is dictated Lamb in constant motion. Their live show will be the first to inform/remind us that to modern-day British-American author to it.” The notes state that Paine directly is quickly becoming the stuff of legend. “Brown Bird is not a folk band.” Christopher Hitchens. inspired the “flurry of cerebral themes” The duo’s last two gigs at the Met were That disclaimer is reinforced by Fits of “I really appreciate the luxury of hav- and that the album “grapples with the sold out and downright bananas, so get Reason’s adventurous sonic palette; Lamb ing more time to read now,” Lamb said. human condition in a smooth but unapol- there early. ^ and Swain stated in separate phone inter- “When I would come home from working ogetic departure from the band’s previous views that they strive for innovation dur- at the shipyard, I wasn’t really reading release.” BROWN BIRD + LAST GOOD TOOTH + ALEC K. ing the album’s writing and recording because I was always exhausted.” The remarkably different approach is REDFEARN & THE EYESORES | Friday, April 5 @ process. “We are always trying to push MorganEve cited the literary presence immediately apparent. Salt for Salt opens 8 pm | The Met, 1005 Main St, Pawtucket | $17, ourselves beyond our own abilities, to in the new work: “[David] was totally with “Fingers To the Bone,” clearly depict- all ages | 401.729.1005 | brownbird.net From a brand you trust. Half off all the time. PUBLIC AUCTION Public Auction of Bank Owned Property LARGE PROPERTY WITH COMMERCIAL/MIXED USE POTENTIAL “Banks says Sell this Property!” 69 MONTGOMERY STREET PAWTUCKET, RI April 10, 2013 11:00 AM Multi Unit Multi Level Zoned Commercial Property in Historic Pawtucket with Off Street Parking. Tenants in place with vacancy. Mixed office and open space. Garage for Storage or Rental. This is Jack’s Ride. Basement. Excellent opportunity for artist, small business, design studio or investment. Rent roll in place with room for growth. Banks says it has to go! It’s always SOLD! with Salvadore! Terms: 3% Broker Participation. Terms of Sale online at www.siaai.com. For 750 Boston Neck Rd. 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Wifi • keno • awesome View f a week …and great food too! 8 dayS 895 Matunuck Beach Rd • Matunuck,RI (401) 782-3740 • www.oceanmist.net the fringe, fab faux, and final four _compiled by lou papineau facebook/oceanmist • twitter/oceanmist

OPEN FOR BREAKFAST thursDAY 4 EVERYDAY! iDentitY crisis MON. – FRi. 10 AM The New York Times set the bar OPEN 9AM ON SAT. & SuN. pretty high, declaring that OPEN 9 AM ON MON. hOliDAYS. Young Jean Lee is “the most adventurous downtown play- wright of her generation.” Every Tuesday: REGGAE! Ticket Madness! Lee is in residence for six weeks at Brown University Tues. 4/9: WRIU’s Peter Dante and is staging her new play- in-progress, Straight White Men. The Brown brain trust Fri. 4/5: says the work “explores how straight white men react as THE their once-unchallenged cul- tural predominance begins to MALLETT erode. The show will use the conventions of the ‘well-made sunday | carolina chocolate drops play’ as a starting point for @ Lupo’s BROTHERS its examination of straight white male identity.” They BAND note that “‘Lee and her team of their individual talents, the RISD Auditorium at 4 pm are interrogating, creating, despite the abstraction of the (with a kite-building work- tuesDAY 9 destroying, questioning, jazz they make — no ‘tunes,’ shop at 2:30) | $20, $10 under making and remaking” the no grooves, a taste for 13 in advance ($5 more at the play. Watch it evolve at Leeds tonal ambiguity and the door) | 401.421.4278 | first- riDDim mAster pLUS Theatre, 77 Waterman St, obliteration of chord changes works.org It’s finally warming up, but Providence, through the 14th and fixed rhythms — they’re it’s always tropical when NORTHERN (Wed-Sat 8 pm, Sun 2 pm) | always after music that pArADise founD peter DAnte spins the reg- $15, $12 seniors, $7 students | comes from the heart and the The one element needed gae at the Ocean Mist in LANDS 401.863.2838 | brown.edu/go/ gut.” The trio — saxophonist when revitalizing a canon? Matunuck | oceanmist.net tickets George Garzone, bassist John Verve. Ever since the Lockwood, and drummer Bob cArolinA chocolAte Drops Deep Eddy Vodka Launch Party! Gullotti — will headline the hit the trad-acoustic scene in weDnesDAY 10 With the Deep Eddy Bettys handing out friDAY 5 “Is This Jazz?” show at AS220, 2006, they’ve kept this no- schwag and the WBRU crew giving 115 Empire St, Providence. tion front and center. At CCD see the seA hAppY just to Florestan’s Way and Mark performances, the fiddle is away a Fender guitar! Medeiros & the Loose Ends scratched with abandon, the Leviathan, a film by Lucien DAnce with them share the bill at 9 pm | $10 | banjo is smacked around, Castaing-Taylor and Véréna the fAb fAux have been 401.831.9327 | as220.org and the jug is blown with Paravel, is a truly immersive perfecting their “Ultimate mucho gusto. “We’re kind of experience. The filmmak- Every Sat. 3:30 to 6:30 Beatles Experience” for 15 an older model: we’re actively ers used multiple miniature years. The NYC group spins sAturDAY 6 entertaining,” said fiddlist/ cameras — on crew members, THE OCEAN MISTICS authoritatively through pop’s banjoist/vocalist Rhiannon below the sea, in piles of most recognizable songbook, the fAb four Giddens has said. “It’s not an fish, attached to machinery with Special Guest Stars Every Week! accenting musicality rather ‘I’m going to stand here and — to capture life on a fishing than theatricality. Jimmy The college basketball Final sing and you can listen if you expedition off the coast of Vivino (the leader of ’s Four takes place today in want to’ kind of thing. We New Bedford. Slant magazine band), (the bass- Atlanta, and the wbru want to push it to the next enthused, “It becomes so that ist on Letterman, who has rock hunt Final Four is level.” Giddens and fellow you can no longer even ask played with all four Beatles), at the Met, 1005 Main St, multi-instrumentalists Dom yourself how such and such Frank Agnello, Rich Pagano, Pawtucket. The Brother Flemons and Hubby Jenkins shot or effect was achieved; and Jack Petruzzelli button Kite, Kid Mountain, Lolita will push it at Lupo’s, 79 its impossibility is central to down all the particulars. Black, and Torn Shorts will Washington St, Providence. the disorienting effect, to the Fri. 4/12: This time around at the bring their best at 8 pm | $5 | Original Jelly Roll Soul opens sense that you’re seeing the Stadium Theater, Monument 401.729.1005 | themetri.com at 7:30 pm | $22 advance, world as nobody does, and FUNKNUGGET Square, Woonsocket, they’ll $25 day of show, $30 gold there’s magic in not know- be playing A Hard Day’s Night circle + reserved mezzanine | ing.” Film Comment deemed it (1964), ’ 13-song sunDAY 7 401.331.5876 | lupos.com a “spectacular . . . optic-aural BLOOMSLANG masterpiece in its entirely. overload whose aim [is] to But since the total playing skY high knock us off our bearings.” Sat. 4/19: time of the original disc is monDAY 8 The Magic Lantern folks will only 30 minutes and 45 sec- Spring is the ideal time to screen Leviathan at the Cable DR WESTCHESTERSON onds, they’ll also deliver a take in heAther henson AnD Car Cinema, 204 South Main second set of career-spanning ibex puppetrY’s presentation bArbeD bArbs St, Providence, at 7 pm | $7 | The Shades faves. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! of “Celebration of Flight.” We added michAel iAn blAck 401.272.3970 | cablecarcinema. Showtime is 8 pm | $39-$69 | They say the program “[uni- to our Twitter feed when com 401.762.4545 | stadium fies] the concepts of dance, he came through town last theatre.com kite, and puppet movement year, and his acerbic (and with her themes of seasonal sometimes alienating) posts thursDAY 11 Rolling In... force of nAture movement and the Earth’s have kept us tickled. He’ll 4/20: The Kenny Mehler Band , 4/26: Hope Road, Last year, our erstwhile col- energy flow.” The tale fea- unload his brainy barbs at 4/28: 3:30 -6:30 The Senders league Jon Garelick wrote, tures fanciful creatures URI’s Edwards Auditorium mix it up 5/1: The Natural Mistics and Ticket Madness! “the fringe have always (dragonflies, cranes, worms), in Kingston. The winner of The Roots Cafe’s monthly 5/5: Cinco de Mayo with TURKUAZ emphasized the elemental kites, flags, music, and URI’s “Last Comic Standing sweet little VArietY show — primitive — forces that more; there’s lots of audience Contest” will be among the serves up Red Eye Flight, drive their music. Despite participation, too. FirstWorks special guests at 8 pm | $10 | Hank Sinatra Jr. and more at 8 the unparalleled mastery presents the extravaganza at ticketmaster.com pm | $6 | rootsprovidence.com providence.thephoenix.com | the providence phoenix | April 5, 2013 11 “beSt PLace to PLay PooL iN ri” “as voted in the 2012 the CHEERFUL CHORE Providence Phoenix readers Poll” detail from Laundry ’12 Ladies. 2026 Smith Street North ProvideNce ri Art 401.232.1330 Like uS oN Facebook For www.ribbb.com a Free hour oF PooL! Facebook.com/ribbb ri biLLiardS Never chargeS a cover! Land of make beLieve FRI 4/5 NO COvER Corey Grayhorse’s ‘artifiCial MeMories’ at Craftland _By GreG CooK

“It’s like getting to run away into a photograph,” SalTy JoHnSon Band f Corey Grayhorse tells me of her photos. “If I built it I could go there.” The photos exhibited in “Artificial Memories” at Craft- land (235 Westminster St, Providence, through April 6) de- SAt pict amazing wonderlands of Rainbow Brite colors, vivid 4/6 patterns, fashion and masks, cute kids, svelte ladies, and the occasional nightmare wolf. NO COvER In her pictures, a clown and kids dash across a snowy field or a lady and a giant bunny eat breakfast in bed. A kid marauds around a room on a hobbyhorse as the baby- sitter screams. A crowned Madonna is surrounded by a SUpeRBad court that seems part masked lucha libre wrestlers, part skull-faced calaveras from the Day of the Dead. Green- and bronze-haired ladies push each other around a laun- FRI 4/12 NO COvER dry mat in carts. A group of wigged characters line up alongside a striped carnival tent. A veiled woman holds a child wearing a Mickey Mouse mask in her lap, like some bizarre Madonna and child scene. “It’s sexual. It’s fashion. It’s cartoon. It’s fairy tale. It’s happy. It’s sad. It’s scary,” the 32-year-old Cranston resident says. THe ReMnanTZ “It didn’t really hit me that I wanted to shoot this way until about six years ago,” Grayhorse explains. “I just kind of hit this wall in my life where I was really bored SAt 4/13 NO COvER with this reality. I was a bit sad” from being away from where she grew up. “I was having all these wonderful dreams. And I had a bad breakup with a friend . . . And I ODD OFFSPRING detail from Mother of Mickey. just wanted to escape from a lot of shit in life that really weighs me down.” She grew up in Venice, California, and studied for year-old daughter Katia) reading in a white, high-backed three years at a community college in Santa Monica, chair in a neat living room recently made the front page of Black & WHITe Band where she began photographing in color, but left before Reddit — you know, “the front page of the internet.” graduating, and moved to Providence in 2001. “What I’m trying to get the viewer to see is when Her living comes mainly from commercial photogra- things seem scary they’re not because there’s a softer side phy — portraits, fashion, lifestyle, products, some edito- to them, a funner side to them,” Grayhorse says. “I think FRI FREE rial, and boudoir photography for Providence Pinup. “It’s the monsters are looking for that happy place . . . The tO ALL like a Sears [portrait] session, but not,” Grayhorse notes. darkness and the monsters are coming into place because 4/19 PAtRONS In the coming months, she’s scheduled to exhibit at they need that.” SIGN uP the RISD Museum, Candita Clayton Studio in Pawtucket, She stages her scenes at her home, friends’ homes, the and DNJ Gallery in Los Angeles. And this week, she’s a Dirt Palace in Olneyville, a local bodega with a great fruit NOW new contributor to the Phoenix. display, and other businesses. She imagines a world that is Grayhorse’s art photo of a giant white bunny with mon- more bright and spectacular, where the sensations are more RIBBB FIRST annUal ster fangs and sharp claws (played by Katerina Pedersen) powerful, where the monsters are more obvious. For a while, lurking behind a little girl (played by Pedersen’s then 3- she primarily shot with lots of studio lighting, but lately BaRaTHelon! she’s been enjoying staging her oddities outdoors, in the natural light of the real world. Monday “My models are usually 8 friends, or they don’t start off uNLimited PooL as friends, but they become friends by the end of shooting,” FOR JUST $9 FROM 6PM-CLOSE • Grayhorse says. Her 10-year-old oPeN 8 baLL tourNameNt at 7Pm daughter Cailee has frequently stolen the show. She also uses $15 eNtry & caSh PriZeS some pro models, but says she favors non-professionals. THURSday “I don’t want it to come off Open Mic Singer looking like a fashion shoot,” SOng Writer night Grayhorse says. “That just Hosted by: Dino Larson looks a little more contrived or Sign up begins at 7pm. posed. It doesn’t end up look- Come share your talent! ing like an artificial memory. I like using real people because it COLLEGE looks like it’s actually them . . . People that already are Ladies pLay pooL FRee NIGHT! characters and aren’t afraid to ^ FRom 8pm-cLose FREE POOL W/ let their inhibitions go.” $3.99 16oz sangRia COLLEGE ID! MOTLEY CREW Grayhorse’s Carnival Kids Series #1. Read Greg Cook’s blog at $2 weLL Rum dRinks FRom 6pm-11pm Ask your bartender gregcookland.com/journal. about drink specials! 12 April 5, 2013 | the providence phoenix | providence.thephoenix.com PresentsPresents

FETE BOX OFFICE HOURS: theater WED - FRI 12PM TO 6PM VALET PARKING AVAILABLE A cAse of blAck And white SCAN TO LIKE FETE ON FB! Ocean State playS MaMet’S Race card

_By Bill rOdriguez

103 DIKE STREET • PROVIDENCE, RI • (401) 383-1112 fIt’s inarguable that to some extent rac- “Belief, sir, hamstrings the advocate, who is FACEBOOK.COM/FETEMUSICBallroom TWITTER.COM/FETEMUSIC TICKETS & INFO VISIT FETEMUSIC.COM ism in America is a disease that the then anchored to the facts.” civil rights era did not completely inoculate Lawson’s black partner, Henry Brown, this country against. The argument is about gets to open the play with a litany of stereo- ALAN EVANS TRIO || BOO CITY exactly what that extent has been, and Da- typical racial/racist truisms, to Strickland: FISHBONE vid Mamet’s provocative play Race explores “You want to tell me about black folks? I’ll that matter with fulminating energy and help you: O.J. was guilty. Rodney King was some insight. Being unleashed by the Ocean in the wrong place, but the police have the State Theatre Company (through April 14), right to use force. Malcolm X was noble when the production is a qualified success that he renounced violence. Prior to that he was keeps us riveted from start to finish. misguided. Dr. King was, of course, a saint.” Two lawyers are presented with a case That’s worth quoting at length because MICHAEL SAVANT RATKINGSOULSHOT OF NEXTHYPE that would be dangerous to lose: a wealthy it echoes Mamet’s reductionistic attitude white man has been accused by a black toward race and racism presented here. If woman of rape. you tell me I’m confusing his attitude with FRIDAY APRIL 12 THURSDAY APRIL 25 MONDAY APRIL 29 The accused, Charles Strickland (Sean that of his characters, I’ll point out that the McGuirk), has come to them because one conventional wisdom that racial harmony is lawyer is white, Jack Lawson (Christopher possible through mutual tolerance and un- Swan), and the other is black, Henry Brown derstanding gets no expression here except An evening of comedy with (Damron Russel Armstrong). As a bonus for to dismiss it as naïve. u d o g jury sympathy, their Ivy League law clerk This play is absorbing and gives us plenty Susan (Nakeisha Daniel) also is black. of contentions to chew on, but it’s ulti- b e n s o n The office we are in, location unspecified, mately cynical: empty calories. After all,  has enough class to help clients feel they are there’s no interesting play in the process  in competent hands (thanks to scenic de- of racial accord. To paraphrase Tolstoy, all HEAVEN’S BASMENT, signer Kimberly V. Powers). Good art on the happy families are boring. So the playwright walls, bottles of Fuji water on hand to rehy- packs the house with many engaging but TRACERS drate anybody sweating in nervous guilt. ultimately empty arguments, such as that, The lawyers don’t want to take the case, as Lawson contends, “Jews deal with guilt. SATURDAY MAY 18 THURSDAY MAY 3023 FRIDAY MAY 24 since in a manner of speaking they can’t win Blacks deal with shame.” I think that if I even if they do win. Get Strickland off and were a self-respecting black person, I’d con-  the public perception will be that once again sider my part of that statement to be about  :06/(%6#-*/&34 some wealthy white guy trampled the rights as racist as they get in polite society.    of some poor black person. Allow him to be Nevertheless, the story carries us along convicted and, well, that just isn’t allowed with its dips and turns. Strickland’s fate for a law firm in such a prominent case. Re- hinges on a red sequined dress. A postcard luctantly, because of an error by their clerk, to an old college roommate pops up, to his they have to represent him. embarrassment. Susan’s loyalty comes into Strickland very much wants them to be- question. HEAVEN’S BASMENT lieve he’s not guilty. When he declares that As far as the performances go, McGuirk TRACERS he is innocent, Lawson breaks the bad news maintains an understandable distraction to him: “Nobody fucking cares.” as the client, Daniel projects dignified in- SATURDAY MAY 25 He tells Strickland that all that matters telligence as the law clerk, and Swan goes THURSDAY MAY 30 THURSDAY*/$0/$&35 JULY 18 is his vindication. Lawson goes on about not through fascinating permutations of con- just the elusiveness of truth but the unlikeli- cern as his case changes. Unfortunately, ness of ever determining it. “There are no Armstrong is allowed by director Amiee facts of the case,” he says. “There are two Turner to woefully overact, though he does fictions. Which the opposing teams each calm down to a more plausible tone toward Lounge seek to impress upon the jury.” The law, in the end. Making Brown bombastic is a le- 41 CENTRAL ST. Providence RI • (401) 270-1801 his professional opinion, is “an alley fight.” gitimate choice, but he doesn’t manage to    WWW.FH13.COM ^ THU FETE & GENERAL ASSEMBLY PRESENT He’s practical as well as cynical, saying, make it seem natural. 4/4 EX COPS FRI WBRU PRESENTS with MEAN CREEK, MOTION & THE MODERN DAY 4/5 IAMDYNAMITE with THE VIRGINMARYS FRI 4/12 SUN OF SOUND SAT MAIDEN 4/6 NEW ENGLAND (Iron Maiden Tribute) with CHINSTRAP, JETPILOT MON WBRU PRESENTS 4/22 SUN NEW POLITICS 4/14 BORN RUFFIANS with COASTA, NGHBRS with MOON KING THU 4/25 FRI HOLLY WILLIAMS 4/19 GRAPH RABBIT with ANDERSON EAST with TRANSIT STREET COLLECTIVE, VOLCANO KINGS WED 6/26 MON SEAN BONNETTE AUTHORITY ZERO 4/22 of ANDREW JACKSON JIHAD with BALLYHOO! ark turek with IAN GRAHAM, SKINNY MILLIONAIRES M ‘AN ALLEY FIGHT’ Swan, armstrong, daniel, and Mcguirk. 12 April 5, 2013 | the providence phoenix | providence.thephoenix.com Direct from BroaD way theater Listen local. Rhode Island PublIc RadIo RIPR.oRg A cAse of blAck And white Ocean State playS MaMet’S Race card

_By Bill rOdriguez

It’s inarguable that to some extent rac- “Belief, sir, hamstrings the advocate, who is fism in America is a disease that the then anchored to the facts.” civil rights era did not completely inoculate Lawson’s black partner, Henry Brown, this country against. The argument is about gets to open the play with a litany of stereo- exactly what that extent has been, and Da- typical racial/racist truisms, to Strickland: vid Mamet’s provocative play Race explores “You want to tell me about black folks? I’ll that matter with fulminating energy and help you: O.J. was guilty. Rodney King was some insight. Being unleashed by the Ocean in the wrong place, but the police have the State Theatre Company (through April 14), right to use force. Malcolm X was noble when the production is a qualified success that he renounced violence. Prior to that he was keeps us riveted from start to finish. misguided. Dr. King was, of course, a saint.” Two lawyers are presented with a case That’s worth quoting at length because that would be dangerous to lose: a wealthy it echoes Mamet’s reductionistic attitude white man has been accused by a black toward race and racism presented here. If woman of rape. you tell me I’m confusing his attitude with The accused, Charles Strickland (Sean that of his characters, I’ll point out that the

For use against a white McGuirk), has come to them because one conventional wisdom that racial harmony is or light background lawyer is white, Jack Lawson (Christopher possible through mutual tolerance and un- Swan), and the other is black, Henry Brown derstanding gets no expression here except (Damron Russel Armstrong). As a bonus for to dismiss it as naïve. jury sympathy, their Ivy League law clerk This play is absorbing and gives us plenty Susan (Nakeisha Daniel) also is black. of contentions to chew on, but it’s ulti-

The office we are in, location unspecified, mately cynical: empty calories. After all, For use against a black or dark background has enough class to help clients feel they are there’s no interesting play in the process in competent hands (thanks to scenic de- of racial accord. To paraphrase Tolstoy, all Sunday, april 21 at 8p signer Kimberly V. Powers). Good art on the happy families are boring. So the playwright (401) 421-ARTS • www.ppacri.org walls, bottles of Fuji water on hand to rehy- packs the house with many engaging but drate anybody sweating in nervous guilt. ultimately empty arguments, such as that, The lawyers don’t want to take the case, as Lawson contends, “Jews deal with guilt. since in a manner of speaking they can’t win Blacks deal with shame.” I think that if I even if they do win. Get Strickland off and were a self-respecting black person, I’d con- the public perception will be that once again sider my part of that statement to be about some wealthy white guy trampled the rights as racist as they get in polite society. of some poor black person. Allow him to be Nevertheless, the story carries us along Get your official convicted and, well, that just isn’t allowed with its dips and turns. Strickland’s fate for a law firm in such a prominent case. Re- hinges on a red sequined dress. A postcard Direwolf luctantly, because of an error by their clerk, to an old college roommate pops up, to his Bookends they have to represent him. embarrassment. Susan’s loyalty comes into Strickland very much wants them to be- question. Playing Cards lieve he’s not guilty. When he declares that As far as the performances go, McGuirk he is innocent, Lawson breaks the bad news maintains an understandable distraction to him: “Nobody fucking cares.” as the client, Daniel projects dignified in- MercHaNDiSe He tells Strickland that all that matters telligence as the law clerk, and Swan goes is his vindication. Lawson goes on about not through fascinating permutations of con- Daenerys & just the elusiveness of truth but the unlikeli- cern as his case changes. Unfortunately, at the following Cox Solutions Stores: Drogon ness of ever determining it. “There are no Armstrong is allowed by director Amiee Collectible facts of the case,” he says. “There are two Turner to woefully overact, though he does 1224 N Main St, Providence & Warwick Mall fictions. Which the opposing teams each calm down to a more plausible tone toward Bust seek to impress upon the jury.” The law, in the end. Making Brown bombastic is a le- his professional opinion, is “an alley fight.” gitimate choice, but he doesn’t manage to ^ He’s practical as well as cynical, saying, make it seem natural. Hand of the King Lapel Pin WATCH SEASON 3 SUNDAYS 9/8C

Pint Glasses Magnets ark turek M Call 1-800-817-1406 to order for $10 per month for 6 months ‘AN ALLEY FIGHT’ Swan, armstrong, daniel, and Mcguirk. 14 April 5, 2013 | the providence phoenix | providence.thephoenix.com


PHOENIX.COM The Roi H dance LUNCH • DINNER • NIGHTLIFE 150 Chestnut St. Providence Spring in their StepS (401) 272-2161 TheRoiProv.com Festival Ballet’s Up Close on Hope Open 7 Days • Complimentary Valet Parking after 4:30 In the “Jewelry Knowledge” District _BY Johnette RodR iguez Creative Cuisine – Modern Day Comfort Food fFestival Ballet Providence’s Up New Craft Beers Arriving Every Week! Close On Hope can be counted on to present new works and to Libidinous Libations spotlight new company members. Quietly deranged bar staff The spring program, which is at Festival’s Black Box Theatre April 5, 6, 12, and 13, offers 10 pieces, Nominated “ Best New Restaurant 2013” six of them shown for the first by the Readers of The Providence Phoenix time, and three by current com- pany members, including Mihailo Now booking sit down dinners for up to 110. “Misha” Djuric, FBP’s artistic director. Cocktail Receptions for up to 200. Other reliable factors for UCOH Weddings * Office Parties * are: a range of music that encom- Pagan Rituals * Fun! passes classical, contemporary, and everything in between; at NEvER A COvER least one (in this case two) classic pas de deux which gives dancers a Every Thursday 9:30 pm chance to showcase their dancing REVIVAL THURSDAYS with chops; and a wide variety of narra- tive and abstract dances. KRIS The narrative pieces this time around were completely captivat- HANSON & ing and engaging, though there were certainly breathtaking mo- JON TIERNEY ments in each of the dances — and Plus Special Guests! the line between narrative and ab-

stract can often be difficult to dis- a. cemal ekin Friday 4/5: Dinner & Jazz cern. But the storytelling in New TECHNICAL PRECISION alberto and Whitney York choreographer John Drake’s perform “the unexpected.” “The First Thirty Years,” set to TISH ADAMS Eric Clapton’s “Mean Ole World,” Jazz, blues danced with charm and skill by Louisa however, danced beautifully by Jennifer and a few surprises start 9:30 Chapman, was unmistakable. From the Ricci, Alan Alberto, and Ian Matysiak, and playfulness of childhood, Chapman moved has startling partnering among them — into the flirtatious strut of adolescence to e.g., when she runs up one dancer’s back Saturday. 4/6: Dinner & Jazz the walking-out-the-door to leave an abu- and across his shoulders while supported THE TONY CIPOLLA JAZZ TRIO sive husband. by the other dancer. Boston Ballet’s George Birkadze re- Djuric’s 1985 piece, “The Unexpected,” start 9:30 turned to Festival with “Rhapsody for set to Dan Fogelberg, also provides surprise Two,” set to Gershwin’s “Rhapsody In partnering moves, among them Alan Al- Every Sunday: 9PM Blue.” Both the dancing and the acting berto holding Ruth Whitney upside down conveyed such attitude and conversation in a horizontal split and stretching one KARAOKE between Ilya Burov and Emily Loscocco of his legs out under one of hers mid-air. that it was hard to imagine I’d ever lis- The technical precision of this piece is with tened to this music without hearing its jaw-dropping, and that includes the gentle sensual and seductive motifs. touch of Alberto, as he begins to woo Whit- dj A.J. The two classic pas de deux were Vasily ney in this tender, romantic dance. Vainonen’s “Flames of Paris” (from 1932) Former company member Mark Ha- and Victor Gsovsky’s “Grand Pas Classique” rootian returns with his 2008 “Identity,” Every Wednesday: (from 1949). In the former, two new com- set to Tool’s “Parabol” and “Lateralus.” pany members — Eugenia Zinovieva and With eight dancers, featuring Elizabeth So you think you’re a Brainiac? Toleu Mukanov — were given the chance to Mochizuki and Ilya Burov as soloists, shine, he with variations on grand jetés, this piece looks at how we recognize who TRIVIA she with en pointe hops. In the latter, the we are: through the people we love, the more seasoned dancers — Vilia Putrius and friends who push and pull at us to be dif- CONTEST! Mindaugas Bauzys — made very challeng- ferent, even strangers we meet on the ing moves look elegant and smooth: he street. Harootian also uses sharp angles Prizes! with entrechats, in which the pointed feet and unusual stances to convey difficult hu- beat back and forth; she with double fou- man interactions.

ettés (when one leg whips around) and one Amherst-based choreographer Thomas If you go out tonight, first go here If you Multitudes (of) Marvelous, Magnificent, C slow straight-legged pirouette. Amazing. Vacanti’s “Enroulement,” set to a Kevin Magical, Meritorious Monday Moments. Two pieces, including “Pieta,” also by Volans composition, means a “curling” or Birkadze, to Handel’s aria for Cleopatra, “unwinding,” which establishes the canon- Tuesday’s Tableau (of) Teeming Talents and company member Alex Lantz’s “Sides like movements of the four dancers, as they of Farewell,” to Edvard Grieg, expressed weave in and out among each other. Hands Triumphantly Transcend Traditional Topics. deep mourning, in questioning gestures, are flourished, arms are swept out, steps arms held open, eyes to the sky; attempts follow the music tightly, with only an occa- Fri. 4/12: The Superchief Trio at comfort, in catching and holding poses; sional half-hip swivel by the two women. Sat. 4/13: Fran Curley and a giving-in to anguish, as a dancer slid Up Close On Hope always leaves audience to his knees. Vilia Putrius’s “Musica,” set members in awe of the dancers’ strength, to Astor Piazzola, is dark and existential, the choreographers’ creativity, and the ar- Call (401) 272- 2161 made with square angles, almost robotic tistic expression that emerges from those ^ movements, and off-balance poses. It is, collaborations. Brunch, Dinner, Craft Beer, Cocktails & More

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Unless otherwise noted, these list- ings are for Thurs Apr 4 through Thurs Apr 11.Times can and do change without notice, so please Film call the theater before heading out.

AVON CINEMA THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDER- Thurs: 1:25, 4:40, 7:40, 10:30 | Fri-Sat G.I. JOE: RETALIATION 3D | Thurs: STONE | Thurs: 4:20, 9:15 late show: 12:30 12:30, 3:15, 7, 9:35 | Fri-Thurs: 12:30, 260 Thayer St, Providence | OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL 3D | SPRING BREAKERS | Thurs: 2:45, 4:45, 3:50, 6:50, 9:30 | Fri-Sat late show: 12 401.421.3315 Thurs: 3:45, 6:40 5:15, 7:05, 9:35, 10:05 | Fri-Thurs: 1:55, G.I. JOE: RETALIATION | Thurs: 1, 3:50, BARBARA | Thurs: 1:45, 6:30 SAFE HAVEN | Thurs: 1:05, 6:50 4:20, 6:55, 9:15 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:40 7:30, 10:05 | Fri-Thurs: 1, 4:20, 7:20, 10| ON THE ROAD | Thurs: 4 EVIL DEAD | Starts Fri: 1:10, 4:30, 7:20, THE CALL | Thurs: 11:45, 2:05, 4:25, Fri-Sat late show: 12:30 STOKER | Thurs: 8:40 9:30 6:55, 9:15 | Fri-Thurs: 1:35, 3:55, 6:30, 9 ADMISSION | 12:10, 7:40 THE GATEKEEPERS | Starts Fri: 2:10, JURASSIC PARK 3D | Starts Fri: 12:50, | Fri-Sat late show: 11:20 THE CROODS 3D | 11:30, 2, 4:30, 6:55, 4:20, 6:30* [*no show Mon], 8:35 3:45, 6:40, 9:20 OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL 3D 9:20 CABLE CAR CINEMA THE HOST | 1:15, 4:10, 6:50, 9:25 | Thurs: 12:35, 3:30, 6:35, 9:20 | Fri- THE CROODS | 12, 2:30, 5, 7:25, 9:50 | 204 South Main St, Providence | G.I. JOE: RETALIATION 3D | 4:40, 7:15 Thurs: 12:20, 3:35, 6:45, 9:40 Fri-Sat late show: 12:15 401.272.3970 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION | 1:40, 9:35 OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL | OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN | Thurs: 4:10, The Best in Independent Cinema LORE | Thurs: 6:30 ADMISSION | 1:20, 4:10, 7:05, 9:35 Thurs: 1:05, 4, 6:55, 9:50 | Fri-Thurs: 4:10, 7:10, 9:55 | Fri-Thurs: 12:40, 3:40, GINGER AND ROSA | Starts Fri: 7, 9 | Sat: THE CROODS | Thurs: 4:10, 7 | Fri- 12:50, 4:05, 7:15, 10:10 6:30, 9:25 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:10 12, 2, 6, 8 | Sun: 1:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 | Thurs: 1:05, 4, 7, 9:10 THE CALL | Thurs: 12:40, 3, 5:15, 7:45, Mon-Tues: 7, 9 | Wed: 5 | Thurs: 7, 9 OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN | 1:30, 4:15, SHOWCASE CINEMAS 10:05 | Fri-Thurs: 2:45, 5:10, 10:10 | Fri- HAPPY PEOPLE: A YEAR IN THE 6:45, 9:25 SEEKONK ROUTE 6 Sat late show: 12:20 TAIGA | Thurs: 4:30, 8:45 | Fri: 5 | Sat: THE CALL | 1:10, 4:30, 7:25, 9:30 Seekonk Square, Seekonk, MA | OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL 3D 4, 10 | Sun: 3:30 | Mon-Tues: 5 | Wed: OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL | 508.336.6789 | 12:20, 3:30, 6:35, 9:35 | Fri-Sat late 9 | Thurs: 5 Thurs: 1, 9:15 | Fri-Thurs: 1, 3:55, 6:35, EVIL DEAD | Starts Fri: 12:25, 2:55, show: 12:25 MAGIC LANTERN PRESENTS 9:15 5:10, 7:30, 9:45 OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL | LEVIATHAN | Wed: 7 JURASSIC PARK 3D | Starts Fri: 12:50, 12:50, 4, 7:05, 10:05 ISLAND CINEMAS 10 3:55, 7:15, 10:05 CINEMA WORLD 105 Chase Ln, Middletown | THE HOST | 12:40, 3:45, 6:45, 9:35 SHOWCASE CINEMAS 622 George Washington Hwy, 401.847.3456 TYLER PERRY’S TEMPTATION | 1:10, NORTH ATTLEBORO Lincoln | 401.333.8676 THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDER- 4:05, 7:20, 9:55 640 South Washington St, North OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL 3D | STONE | Thurs: 1:20, 7:25 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION 3D | Thurs: Attleboro, MA | 508.643.3900 ROOM 237 Thurs: 5:10 SAFE HAVEN | Thurs: 3:40, 9:35 3:40, 7:05, 9:40 | Fri-Thurs: 7:35, 10:10 THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDER- IN YOUR DREAMS SAFE HAVEN | Thurs: 4:05, 6:45 EVIL DEAD | Starts Fri: 1:20, 4:10, 7:30, G.I. JOE: RETALIATION | Thurs: 4:10, STONE | Thurs: 3:55 HAPPY PEOPLE: EVIL DEAD | Starts Fri: 11, 11:45, 1:45, 9:50 7:35, 10:10 | Fri-Thurs: 1:05, 4:10, 7:05, SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK | Thurs: GINGER & ROSA A YEAR IN THE TAIGA 2:45, 4:30, 5:30, 7:30, 8:15, 9:45, 10:30 | JURASSIC PARK 3D | Starts Fri: 12:45, 9:40 1:05, 6:40 4/5 .. 7, 9 4/5 ... 5 MAGIC LANTERN Fri late show: 11 3:40, 6:50, 9:25 ADMISSION | Thurs: 12:50, 3:50, 6:40, EVIL DEAD | Starts Fri: 1:05, 3:25, 5:40, 4/6 .. 12, 2, 6, 8 4/6 ... 4, 10 PRESENTS 4/7 .. 1:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 4/7 ... 3:30 JURASSIC PARK 3D | Starts Fri: 10:30, THE HOST | 1, 3:50, 7:15, 9:45 10:05| Fri-Thurs: 12:30, 7:25 7:55 | Fri-Sat late show: 10:25 4/8 - 4/9 .. 7, 9 4/8 - 4/9 ... 5 LEVIATHAN 1:30, 4:15, 7:15, 10:05 TYLER PERRY’S TEMPTATION | 1:20, THE CROODS 3D | 12:15, 2:35, 4:55 JURASSIC PARK 3D | Starts Fri: 1:20, 4/10 .. 5 4/10 ... 9 THE HOST | 10:45* [*no show Apr 4], 4:15, 7:20, 9:50 THE CROODS | 12:45, 3:05, 5:25, 7:45, 4:15, 7:10 | Fri-Sat late show: 10:10 APRIL 1 @ 7PM 4/11 .. 7, 9 4/11 ... 7, 9 1:30, 4:20, 7:15, 10 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION 3D | 1:30, 4:20, 10:15 THE HOST | 12:45, 3:45, 6:45 | Fri-Sat TYLER PERRY’S TEMPTATION | 11:10* 7:25, 9:50 OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN | 12:55, 4, late show: 9:40 204 S. MAIN ST. PROVIDENCE RI 02903 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION | 12:40, 3:15, 7:10, 10 TYLER PERRY’S TEMPTATION | 1:45, CABLECARCINEMA.COM 401.272.3970 [*no show Apr 4], 1:55, 5:15, 7:45, 10:15 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION 3D | Thurs: 6:45, 9:10 THE CALL | Thurs: 12:25, 2:40, 5, 7:25, 4:45, 7:40 | Fri-Sat late show: 10:15 2:45, 8:15 | Fri-Thurs: 11:40, 8:15 ADMISSION | 1:10, 7:20 9:50 | Fri-Thurs: 3, 5:15, 9:50 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION 3D | 1:25, 4:10, 7 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION | Thurs: 12:45, THE CROODS 3D | Thurs: 4:40, 9:10 | OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL 3D | | Fri-Sat late show: 9:30 1:45, 3:45, 4:45, 5:45, 7:30 | Fri-Thurs: Fri-Thurs: 4, 9:25 6:35, 9:30 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION | 1:55, 4:40, 10:55, 12:45, 1:40, 2:40, 3:45, 4:45, THE CROODS | Thurs: 12:20, 2:30, 6:50 | OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL | 7:30 | Fri-Sat late show: 10 5:45, 7:30, 10 | Fri-Sat late show: 10:50 Fri-Thurs: 1, 6:50 12:35, 3:30 ADMISSION | 4:20 | Fri-Sat late show: ADMISSION | 1:35, 4:40, 7:25, 9:55* OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN | 12:45, 3:45, 9:35 [*no show Apr 11] 7:10, 9:45 SHOWCASE CINEMAS THE CROODS 3D | 12:20, 2:40, 5, 7:20 | THE CROODS 3D | Thurs: 4:30, 9:30 | THE CALL | 4:15, 9:55 WARWICK Fri-Sat late show: 9:35 Fri-Thurs: 11:30 am OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL 3D | 1200 Quaker Ln | 401.885.1621 THE CROODS | 12:50, 3:10, 5:30, 7:50 | THE CROODS | Thurs: 1, 2, 2:45, 3:30, Thurs: 4:10, 9:40 | Fri-Thurs: 12:50, 6:40 THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDER- Fri-Sat late show: 10:05 6:05, 7, 8:30 | Fri-Thurs: 10:30, 12:15, 1, OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL | STONE | Thurs: 11:40, 7:35 OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN | 12:30, 3:30, 2, 245, 3:30, 4:25, 6:05, 7, 8:30, 9:35 Thurs: 1:15, 7 | Fri-Thurs: 3:20, 9:15 EVIL DEAD | Starts Fri: 11:45, 12:15, 7:05 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:50 FORMERLY ALMALFI OCEANSIDE OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN | 10:40* [*no 2:10, 2:40, 4:40, 5:10, 7:10, 7:40, 9:25, THE CALL | 12:40, 3:05, 5:25, 7:45 | Fri- NEW NAME SAME SPECTACULAR VIEW show Apr 4], 1:20, 4:35, 7:10, 9:45 JANE PICKENS THEATER 9:55 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:40, 12:10 Sat late show: 10:20 SPRING BREAKERS | Thurs: 1:45, 5:05, 49 Touro St, Newport | 401.846.5252 JURASSIC PARK 3D | Starts Fri: 1, 4:10, OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL | 7:40, 10:10 | Fri-Thurs: 4:50, 10:25 LES MISÉRABLES | Thurs: 7 7:05, 10:10 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:30 Thurs: 1, 4:15, 7:15 | Fri-Thurs: 12:35, THURSDAY 4/4: THE CALL | Thurs: 2, 5:20, 7:50, 10:05 | LIFE OF PI | Thurs: 4:15 THE HOST | Thurs: 12, 4:15, 7:05, 9:55 | 3:55, 6:55 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:55 BRIAN TWOHEY 7-11pm Fri-Thurs: 11:15, 1:50, 5:20, 7:50, 10:20 BARBARA | Starts Fri-Sat: 4:30, 7 Fri-Thurs: 12:55, 3:55, 6:45, 9:40 | Fri- IDENTITY THIEF | Thurs: 1:35, 7:25 | THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDER- | Sun: 2, 4:30 | Tues-Wed: 4:30, 7 | Sat late show: 12:25 Fri-Thurs: 1:20, 6:50 FRIDAY 4/5: STONE | Thurs: 4:55, 7:25, 9:40 | Thurs: 4:30 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION 3D | 1:50, 4:25, AUTISM FUNDRAISER W/ DJ AND DANCING 6-10pm Fri-Thurs: 10:50, 1:10, 7:45 EXHIBITION: MAMET | Thurs: [4.11]: 7 7, 9:35 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:15 SWANSEA STADIUM 12 SATURDAY 4/6: OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL | G.I. JOE: RETALIATION | 11:35, 2:20, 207 Swansea Mall Dr, Swansea, MA | TRIBECCA 7-11pm Thurs: 1:15, 2:15, 4:10, 7:05, 8:05, 9:45 | PROVIDENCE PLACE 4:55, 7:30, 10:05 508.674.6700 Fri-Thurs: 10:35, 1:15, 4:10, 7:05, 9:40 CINEMAS 16 ADMISSION | Thurs: 1:10, 3:45, 7:10, ADMISSION | Thurs: 1:25, 4:25, OPEN DAILY 11:30am-1am | SUNDAY BRUNCH 10am-2pm SNITCH | 5, 7:20, 9:35 Providence Place | 401.270.4646 9:50 | Fri-Thurs: 1:10, 3:45, 6:40, 9:10 | 7:05,9:40 IDENTITY THIEF | 7:35, 10:10 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION: AN IMAX 3D Fri-Sat late show: 11:50 EVIL DEAD | Starts Fri-Sat: 12:40, 3, 1 Beach Street Narragansett, RI • 401-792-3999 THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW EXPERIENCE | Thurs: 11:30, 2, 4:30, THE CROODS 3D | 11:30, 2, 4:30, 6:50 5:20, 7:10, 7:40, 9:30, 10 | Mon-Thurs: www.oceansideatthepier.com | Fri: 11 pm 7, 9:30 THE CROODS | 12, 2:30, 5, 7:20, 9:45 | 12:40, 3, 5:20, 7:40, 10 THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDER- Fri-Sat late show: 12:05 JURASSIC PARK 3D | Starts Fri: 1:10, EAST PROVIDENCE 10 STONE | Thurs: 12:10, 7:40 OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN | 1:15, 4:20, 7, 9:50 60 Newport Ave, East Providence | EVIL DEAD | Starts Fri: 11:40, 12:10, 7:15, 10:15 JURASSIC PARK | Starts Fri: 4 401.438.1100 2:25, 2:55, 4:50, 5:20, 7:25, 7:55, 9:50, SPRING BREAKERS | 12:40, 3, 5:20, SPRING BREAKERS | Starts Fri: 12:40, These listings are for Thurs Apr 4 10:20 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:05, 12:35 7:55, 10:10 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:20 3:10, 5:30, 7:50, 10:10 only. Call for updates or go to JURASSIC PARK 3D | Starts Fri: 1:30, THE CALL | Thurs: 12:10, 2:35, 5:10, THE HOST | Thurs: 1, 4:20, 7:10 | Fri- eastprovidencecinemas.com. 4:30, 7:30, 10:30 | Fri-Sat late show: 12 7:25, 9:40 | Fri-Thurs: 9:15 | Fri-Sat late Thurs: 12:55, 3:45, 6:55, 9:45 ARGO | Thurs: 12:40, 3:05, 5:30, 8 JURASSIC PARK: AN IMAX 3D EXPERI- show: 11:30 TYLER PERRY’S TEMPTATION | 1:15, ESCAPE FROM PLANET EARTH | ENCE | 1, 4, 7, 10 OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL 3D | 4:30, 7:25, 10:05 Thurs: 1, 3:10, 5:05, 7, 9 THE HOST | 12:45, 3:50, 6:40, 9:30 | 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION 3D | Thurs: IDENTITY THIEF | Thurs: 12:45, 3, 5:15, Fri-Sat late show: 12:20 OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL | 1:05, 12:40, 1:40, 4, 6:50, 7:50, 9:25 | Fri- 7:30, 9:45 TYLER PERRY’S TEMPTATION | Thurs: 4, 6:55, 10 | Fri-Sat late show: 12 Thurs: 1, 4:40, 5:10, 7:20, 10:05 THE IMPOSSIBLE | Thurs: 1:20, 3:40, 11:50, 1:55, 2:25, 4:35, 5:05, 7:20, 7:50, SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK | 12:50, G.I. JOE: RETALIATION | Thurs: 1:10, 6:50, 9:10 9:55, 10:25 | Fri-Thurs: 1:20, 1:50, 4:45, 3:40, 6:35, 9:20 4:30, 5, 7:20, 9:55, 10:25 | Fri-Thurs: 21 AND OVER | Thurs: 1:15, 3:20, 5:20, 5:15, 7:20, 7:50, 9:55, 10:25 | Fri-Sat late 12:30, 1:30, 4:10, 6:50, 7:45, 9:25 7:20, 9:30 show: 12:25 SHOWCASE CINEMAS THE CROODS 3D | Thurs: 12:50, 3:10, LIFE OF PI | Thurs: 12:50, 3:30, 6:40, G.I. JOE: RETALIATION 3D | Thurs: 3, WARWICK MALL 4:10, 5:30, 7:55, 9:20, 10:20 | Fri-Sat: 9:20 5:30, 8, 10:30 | Fri-Thurs: 1:15, 4:05, 400 Bald Hill Rd | 401.736.5454 1:25, 4 | Sun-Thurs: 1:25, 4, 7:05 DJANGO UNCHAINED | Thurs: 7:40 6:35, 9:05 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:35 IDENTITY THIEF | Thurs: 2:15, 4:50, 9:45 THE CROODS | Thurs: 12:30, 1:20, 2:50, LINCOLN | Thurs: 12:30, 3:25, 6:20, 9:15 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION | Thurs: 12, THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDER- 5:10, 7, 7:30, 9:50 | Fri-Thurs: 12:35, MAMA | Thurs: 7:35, 9:40 2:30, 5, 7:30, 10 | Fri-Thurs: 1:45, 4:35, STONE | Thurs: 11:50, 7:20 2:55, 5:15, 7:35, 9:55 LES MISÉRABLES | Thurs: 1:10, 4:20 7:05, 9:35 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:05 EVIL DEAD | Starts Fri: 11:45, 2:15, 4:45, OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN | 1:05, 4:20, WRECK-IT RALPH | Thurs: 12:55, 3:15, ADMISSION | 9:25 7:35, 10:20 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:35 7:15, 9:55 5:25 THE CROODS 3D | Thurs: 2:20, 4:50, JURASSIC PARK 3D | Starts Fri: 1:10, THE CALL | Thurs: 12:35, 2:55, 5:15, 7:15, 9:45 | Fri-Thurs: 11:30, 2, 4:25, 6:50 4:15, 7:15, 10:15 | Fri-Sat late show: 7:35, 10:05 | Fri-Sat: 10:20 pm | Sun- ENTERTAINMENT THE CROODS | Thurs: 11:25, 1:50, 4:15, 11:50 Thurs: 9:30 CINEMAS 6:45, 9:10 | Fri-Thurs: 12, 2:30, 4:55, THE HOST | 12:45, 3:45, 6:45, 9:40 | OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL 3D | 30 Village Square Dr, South 7:20, 9:45 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:10 Fri-Sat late show: 12:25 3:40, 9:40 Kingstown | 401.792.8008 OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN | Thurs: 1, 1:30, TYLER PERRY’S TEMPTATION | 1:20, OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL | THE CROODS 3D | Thurs: 12:50, 9:20 4:05, 4:40, 6:50, 7:25, 9:40, 10:15 | Fri- 4:05, 7, 9:55 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:30 12:45, 6:45 16 April 5, 2013 | the providence phoenix | providence.thephoenix.com providence.thephoenix.com | the providence phoenix | April 5, 2013 1 7

Unless otherwise noted, these list- ings are for Thurs Apr 4 through Unless otherwise noted, most Thurs Apr 11.Times can and do shows start aroUnd 9 pm. Call to Confirm times. change without notice, so please Film call the theater before heading out. listings

DUSK | Providence | Dynasty Electric AS220 | Providence | Irish traditional Gallant + host Steve Allain Paul Lowe Jr. Plainville, MA | Jamie Proctor & VulGarrity + Omega Sound DJs music | Soul Control + Loma Prieta CADY’S TAVERN | Chepachet | Mercy DAN’S PLACE | West Greenwich | GILLARY’S | Bristol | Project DCQ THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDER- Thurs: 1:25, 4:40, 7:40, 10:30 | Fri-Sat G.I. JOE: RETALIATION 3D | Thurs: AVON CINEMA CLUBS EAST BAY TAVERN | East Providence + Goodtime Boys + Weak Teeth + Bullets Empty Bottle GREENWICH HOTEL | East Greenwich STONE | Thurs: 4:20, 9:15 late show: 12:30 12:30, 3:15, 7, 9:35 | Fri-Thurs: 12:30, | DJ Sleazy Mean Man’s Dream CHAN’S | Woonsocket | 8 pm | Willie EAST BAY TAVERN | East Providence | 7 pm | Open mic 260 Thayer St, Providence | OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL 3D | SPRING BREAKERS | Thurs: 2:45, 4:45, 3:50, 6:50, 9:30 | Fri-Sat late show: 12 EAST PROVIDENCE YACHT CLUB | BOVI’S | East Providence | Rock-a- J. Laws Band | DJ Sleazy IRON WORKS TAVERN | Warwick | 401.421.3315 Thurs: 3:45, 6:40 5:15, 7:05, 9:35, 10:05 | Fri-Thurs: 1:55, G.I. JOE: RETALIATION | Thurs: 1, 3:50, BARBARA | Thurs: 1:45, 6:30 THURSDAY 4 Lost Souls Blues CITY SIDE | Woonsocket | What EAST PROVIDENCE YACHT CLUB | Ronnie Sands SAFE HAVEN | Thurs: 1:05, 6:50 4:20, 6:55, 9:15 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:40 7:30, 10:05 | Fri-Thurs: 1, 4:20, 7:20, 10| ON THE ROAD | Thurs: 4 See Club Directory for phone numbers and ELEVEN FORTY-NINE | Warwick | BRITISH BEER COMPANY | Bristol | Matters? Brain Fruit JAVA MADNESS | Wakefield | 11 am | EVIL DEAD | Starts Fri: 1:10, 4:30, 7:20, THE CALL | Thurs: 11:45, 2:05, 4:25, Fri-Sat late show: 12:30 STOKER | Thurs: 8:40 addresses. Corey Young Colby James & Jon Tyler CLUB ROXX | North Kingstown | ELEVEN FORTY-NINE | Warwick | Russ Partridge | 2 pm | Open mic 9:30 6:55, 9:15 | Fri-Thurs: 1:35, 3:55, 6:30, 9 ADMISSION | 12:10, 7:40 THE GATEKEEPERS | Starts Fri: 2:10, BILLY GOODE’S | Newport | Open mic 1149 BAR & GRILL | Seekonk, MA | 8 BROOKLYN COFFEE & TEA HOUSE Uncle Chubby 8:30 pm | Milt Javery KNICKERBOCKER CAFE | Westerly JURASSIC PARK 3D | Starts Fri: 12:50, | Fri-Sat late show: 11:20 THE CROODS 3D | 11:30, 2, 4:30, 6:55, 4:20, 6:30* [*no show Mon], 8:35 BRITISH BEER COMPANY | Bristol | pm | The Rock | Providence | 8:30 pm | Rhode Island CORINNE’S | Pawtucket | Cover FÊTE LOUNGE | Providence | 11 pm | | 8 pm | Johnny & the East Coast 3:45, 6:40, 9:20 OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL 3D 9:20 Kate Russo & Blake Thompson FÊTE LOUNGE | Providence | 10 pm | Songwriters Association Night with Girl Born Casual Rockers THE HOST | 1:15, 4:10, 6:50, 9:25 | Thurs: 12:35, 3:30, 6:35, 9:20 | Fri- THE CROODS | 12, 2:30, 5, 7:25, 9:50 | CABLE CAR CINEMA CITY SIDE | Woonsocket | Them Goldmine Chuck Williams + Bethel Steele + Joe CUBAN REVOLUTION | Providence | GAME 7 SPORTS BAR & GRILL | Continued on p 18 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION 3D | 4:40, 7:15 Thurs: 12:20, 3:35, 6:45, 9:40 Fri-Sat late show: 12:15 204 South Main St, Providence | Apples FIREHOUSE 13 | Providence | 8:30 pm G.I. JOE: RETALIATION | 1:40, 9:35 OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL | OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN | Thurs: 4:10, 401.272.3970 EAST BAY TAVERN | East Providence | IAMDYNAMITE + the Virginmarys LORE | Thurs: 6:30 ADMISSION | 1:20, 4:10, 7:05, 9:35 Thurs: 1:05, 4, 6:55, 9:50 | Fri-Thurs: 4:10, 7:10, 9:55 | Fri-Thurs: 12:40, 3:40, | DJ Midnight GALWAY BAY | Pawtucket | Jamie Lee GINGER AND ROSA | Starts Fri: 7, 9 | Sat: THE CROODS | Thurs: 4:10, 7 | Fri- 12:50, 4:05, 7:15, 10:10 6:30, 9:25 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:10 EAST PROVIDENCE YACHT CLUB | & the Bobby Fleet Band 12, 2, 6, 8 | Sun: 1:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 | Thurs: 1:05, 4, 7, 9:10 THE CALL | Thurs: 12:40, 3, 5:15, 7:45, Rory & the Blues Hounds GAME 7 SPORTS BAR & GRILL | Mon-Tues: 7, 9 | Wed: 5 | Thurs: 7, 9 OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN | 1:30, 4:15, SHOWCASE CINEMAS 10:05 | Fri-Thurs: 2:45, 5:10, 10:10 | Fri- FÊTE LOUNGE | Providence | 8:30 pm Plainville, MA | Gay Barboza HAPPY PEOPLE: A YEAR IN THE 6:45, 9:25 Sat late show: 12:20 SEEKONK ROUTE 6 | Ex Cops+ Mean Creek + Motion and GILLARY’S | Bristol | What Matters? TAIGA | Thurs: 4:30, 8:45 | Fri: 5 | Sat: THE CALL | 1:10, 4:30, 7:25, 9:30 Seekonk Square, Seekonk, MA | OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL 3D GREENWICH HOTEL East Greenwich Foxwoods EntErtainmEnt the Modern Day | 4, 10 | Sun: 3:30 | Mon-Tues: 5 | Wed: OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL | | 12:20, 3:30, 6:35, 9:35 | Fri-Sat late 508.336.6789 GILLARY’S | Bristol | DJ Rich Fraioli | Juxo & Friends 9 | Thurs: 5 Thurs: 1, 9:15 | Fri-Thurs: 1, 3:55, 6:35, EVIL DEAD | Starts Fri: 12:25, 2:55, show: 12:25 GILLIGAN’S ISLAND | Westerly | IRON WORKS TAVERN | Warwick | MAGIC LANTERN PRESENTS 9:15 5:10, 7:30, 9:45 OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL | Open mic hosted by Bob Lavalley Reasons LEVIATHAN | Wed: 7 JURASSIC PARK 3D | Starts Fri: 12:50, 12:50, 4, 7:05, 10:05 YES GREENWICH HOTEL | East Greenwich KNICKERBOCKER CAFE | Westerly | 3:55, 7:15, 10:05 ISLAND CINEMAS 10 | Hotel Songwriter Sessions 8 pm | John Fries April 5 THE HOST | 12:40, 3:45, 6:45, 9:35 SHOWCASE CINEMAS CINEMA WORLD 105 Chase Ln, Middletown | IRON WORKS TAVERN | Warwick | LIGHTHOUSE BAR AT TWIN RIVER TYLER PERRY’S TEMPTATION | 1:10, 622 George Washington Hwy, 401.847.3456 NORTH ATTLEBORO 8 pm | Betsy Listenfelt | Lincoln | 8:30 pm | Boogie Nights THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDER- 4:05, 7:20, 9:55 Blackberry Presents Lincoln | 401.333.8676 640 South Washington St, North KNICKERBOCKER CAFE | Westerly | MARINER GRILLE | Narragansett | OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL 3D | STONE | Thurs: 1:20, 7:25 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION 3D | Thurs: Attleboro, MA | 508.643.3900 8 pm | Open mic with host band 7:30 pm | The Dunn Brothers with Alicia Keys Thurs: 5:10 SAFE HAVEN | Thurs: 3:40, 9:35 3:40, 7:05, 9:40 | Fri-Thurs: 7:35, 10:10 THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDER- the Keep It Rolling Band Gil Pope SAFE HAVEN | Thurs: 4:05, 6:45 EVIL DEAD | Starts Fri: 1:20, 4:10, 7:30, G.I. JOE: RETALIATION | Thurs: 4:10, STONE | Thurs: 3:55 April 6 LUPO’S HEARTBREAK HOTEL | THE MET | Pawtucket | Brown Bird + EVIL DEAD | Starts Fri: 11, 11:45, 1:45, 9:50 7:35, 10:10 | Fri-Thurs: 1:05, 4:10, 7:05, SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK | Thurs: Providence | 7:30 pm | Pentatonix Last Good Tooth + Alec K. Redfearn 2:45, 4:30, 5:30, 7:30, 8:15, 9:45, 10:30 | JURASSIC PARK 3D | Starts Fri: 12:45, 9:40 1:05, 6:40 LUXURY BOX SPORTS BAR & & the Eyesores Presents Fri late show: 11 3:40, 6:50, 9:25 ADMISSION | Thurs: 12:50, 3:50, 6:40, EVIL DEAD | Starts Fri: 1:05, 3:25, 5:40, GRILL | Seekonk, MA | Chris from MULHEARN’S | East Providence | Jeri JURASSIC PARK 3D | Starts Fri: 10:30, THE HOST | 1, 3:50, 7:15, 9:45 10:05| Fri-Thurs: 12:30, 7:25 7:55 | Fri-Sat late show: 10:25 nataliE ColE What Matters? & the Jeepsters Anjelah Johnson 1:30, 4:15, 7:15, 10:05 TYLER PERRY’S TEMPTATION | 1:20, THE CROODS 3D | 12:15, 2:35, 4:55 JURASSIC PARK 3D | Starts Fri: 1:20, MEDIATOR STAGE | Providence | 7 pm MURPHY’S LAW | Pawtucket | 8 pm | April 13 April 12 THE HOST | 10:45* [*no show Apr 4], 4:15, 7:20, 9:50 THE CROODS | 12:45, 3:05, 5:25, 7:45, 4:15, 7:10 | Fri-Sat late show: 10:10 | Open mic hosted by Don Tassone Mark Phillips Mature Audience 1:30, 4:20, 7:15, 10 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION 3D | 1:30, 4:20, 10:15 THE HOST | 12:45, 3:45, 6:45 | Fri-Sat THE MET | Pawtucket | 7:30 pm | NARRAGANSETT CAFE | Jamestown TYLER PERRY’S TEMPTATION | 11:10* 7:25, 9:50 OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN | 12:55, 4, late show: 9:40 Sideshow + Say Hello To Goliath + | The Smokin’ Toads [*no show Apr 4], 1:55, 5:15, 7:45, 10:15 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION | 12:40, 3:15, 7:10, 10 TYLER PERRY’S TEMPTATION | 1:45, Sayings NEWPORT BLUES CAFE | Never In Presents G.I. JOE: RETALIATION 3D | Thurs: 6:45, 9:10 THE CALL | Thurs: 12:25, 2:40, 5, 7:25, 4:45, 7:40 | Fri-Sat late show: 10:15 NEWPORT BLUES CAFE | Felix Brown Vegas 2:45, 8:15 | Fri-Thurs: 11:40, 8:15 ADMISSION | 1:10, 7:20 9:50 | Fri-Thurs: 3, 5:15, 9:50 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION 3D | 1:25, 4:10, 7 Jim Jefferies NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | Dennis NEWPORT GRAND | Summer School G.I. JOE: RETALIATION | Thurs: 12:45, THE CROODS 3D | Thurs: 4:40, 9:10 | OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL 3D | | Fri-Sat late show: 9:30 McCarthy Band THE NUTTY SCOTSMAN | Chepachet April 13 1:45, 3:45, 4:45, 5:45, 7:30 | Fri-Thurs: Fri-Thurs: 4, 9:25 6:35, 9:30 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION | 1:55, 4:40, THE NUTTY SCOTSMAN | Chepachet | Illusions 10:55, 12:45, 1:40, 2:40, 3:45, 4:45, THE CROODS | Thurs: 12:20, 2:30, 6:50 | OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL | 7:30 | Fri-Sat late show: 10 Second Show Added | Country-oke with Timay OAK HILL TAVERN | North Kings- 5:45, 7:30, 10 | Fri-Sat late show: 10:50 Fri-Thurs: 1, 6:50 12:35, 3:30 ADMISSION | 4:20 | Fri-Sat late show: Mature Audience 133 CLUB | East Providence | 8:30 pm town | Fun with Dick & Jane ADMISSION | 1:35, 4:40, 7:25, 9:55* OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN | 12:45, 3:45, 9:35 | Mac Odom Band OCEAN MIST | Wakefield | The [*no show Apr 11] 7:10, 9:45 SHOWCASE CINEMAS THE CROODS 3D | 12:20, 2:40, 5, 7:20 | THE PARLOUR | Providence | Mercier Mallett Brothers + Northern Lands Presents THE CROODS 3D | Thurs: 4:30, 9:30 | THE CALL | 4:15, 9:55 Fri-Sat late show: 9:35 WARWICK Zeiner Carbone Sims ONE PELHAM EAST | Newport | Fri-Thurs: 11:30 am OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL 3D | THE CROODS | 12:50, 3:10, 5:30, 7:50 | 1200 Quaker Ln | 401.885.1621 POWERS PUB | Cranston | Chicago Dalton & the Sheriffs Steven Wright THE CROODS | Thurs: 1, 2, 2:45, 3:30, Thurs: 4:10, 9:40 | Fri-Thurs: 12:50, 6:40 THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDER- Fri-Sat late show: 10:05 Robbery 133 CLUB | East Providence | Stone Leaf ForEignEr 6:05, 7, 8:30 | Fri-Thurs: 10:30, 12:15, 1, OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL | STONE | Thurs: 11:40, 7:35 OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN | 12:30, 3:30, April 20 PVD SOCIAL CLUB | Providence | Joey PATRICK’S PUB | Providence | Second 2, 245, 3:30, 4:25, 6:05, 7, 8:30, 9:35 Thurs: 1:15, 7 | Fri-Thurs: 3:20, 9:15 EVIL DEAD | Starts Fri: 11:45, 12:15, 7:05 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:50 MAy 5 Mature Audience Bada$$ + Pro Era + Flatbush Zombies Avenue OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN | 10:40* [*no 2:10, 2:40, 4:40, 5:10, 7:10, 7:40, 9:25, THE CALL | 12:40, 3:05, 5:25, 7:45 | Fri- + the Underachievers + DJ Statik PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | The show Apr 4], 1:20, 4:35, 7:10, 9:45 JANE PICKENS THEATER 9:55 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:40, 12:10 Sat late show: 10:20 Selektah Baker Brothers Presents SPRING BREAKERS | Thurs: 1:45, 5:05, JURASSIC PARK 3D | Starts Fri: 1, 4:10, OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL | 49 Touro St, Newport | 401.846.5252 RALPH’S DINER | Worcester, MA | PERRY’S BAR AND GRILLE | Nar- 7:40, 10:10 | Fri-Thurs: 4:50, 10:25 LES MISÉRABLES | Thurs: 7 7:05, 10:10 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:30 Thurs: 1, 4:15, 7:15 | Fri-Thurs: 12:35, Baliset + Lore + Mairin + Atlatl ragansett | Northeast Groove Marc Anthony THE CALL | Thurs: 2, 5:20, 7:50, 10:05 | LIFE OF PI | Thurs: 4:15 THE HOST | Thurs: 12, 4:15, 7:05, 9:55 | 3:55, 6:55 | Fri-Sat late show: 9:55 THE ROCK JUNCTION | West POWERS PUB | Cranston | Nigel & Fri-Thurs: 11:15, 1:50, 5:20, 7:50, 10:20 BARBARA | Starts Fri-Sat: 4:30, 7 Fri-Thurs: 12:55, 3:55, 6:45, 9:40 | Fri- IDENTITY THIEF | Thurs: 1:35, 7:25 | April 20 Greenwich | Bobaflex Jenn THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDER- | Sun: 2, 4:30 | Tues-Wed: 4:30, 7 | Sat late show: 12:25 Fri-Thurs: 1:20, 6:50 THE ROI | Providence | Kris Hansen & RALPH’S DINER | Worcester, MA | STONE | Thurs: 4:55, 7:25, 9:40 | Thurs: 4:30 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION 3D | 1:50, 4:25, Jon Tierney Dirty Gerund Poetry Show + First Presents Fri-Thurs: 10:50, 1:10, 7:45 EXHIBITION: MAMET | Thurs: [4.11]: 7 7, 9:35 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:15 SWANSEA STADIUM 12 THE ROOTS | Providence | 8 pm | Kin Friday Ruckus Review OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL | G.I. JOE: RETALIATION | 11:35, 2:20, Bill Engvall 207 Swansea Mall Dr, Swansea, MA | Ship + Castle RHODE ISLAND BILLIARD BAR & Thurs: 1:15, 2:15, 4:10, 7:05, 8:05, 9:45 | PROVIDENCE PLACE 4:55, 7:30, 10:05 508.674.6700 THE SALON | Providence | DJ Dox BISTRO | North Providence | Salty April 27 Fri-Thurs: 10:35, 1:15, 4:10, 7:05, 9:40 ADMISSION | Thurs: 1:10, 3:45, 7:10, ADMISSION | Thurs: 1:25, 4:25, CINEMAS 16 Ellis Johnson Band Mature Audience SNITCH | 5, 7:20, 9:35 9:50 | Fri-Thurs: 1:10, 3:45, 6:40, 9:10 | 7:05,9:40 Providence Place | 401.270.4646 SIDEBAR BISTRO | Providence | 7 pm RI RA | Providence | DJ Judah IDENTITY THIEF | 7:35, 10:10 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION: AN IMAX 3D Fri-Sat late show: 11:50 EVIL DEAD | Starts Fri-Sat: 12:40, 3, | Scott Free Trio THE ROCK JUNCTION | West Green- THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW EXPERIENCE | Thurs: 11:30, 2, 4:30, THE CROODS 3D | 11:30, 2, 4:30, 6:50 5:20, 7:10, 7:40, 9:30, 10 | Mon-Thurs: arEtha Franklin THE SPOT | Providence | Sophistafunk wich | Shotgun Still Penn & Teller | Fri: 11 pm 7, 9:30 THE CROODS | 12, 2:30, 5, 7:20, 9:45 | 12:40, 3, 5:20, 7:40, 10 VINTAGE | Woonsocket | 7 pm | THE ROI | Providence | Tish Adams MAy 26 THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDER- Fri-Sat late show: 12:05 JURASSIC PARK 3D | Starts Fri: 1:10, MAy 18 Mango Quartet THE ROOTS | Providence | Luna’s On Sale April 5 at 10 am STONE | Thurs: 12:10, 7:40 OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN | 1:15, 4:20, 7, 9:50 EAST PROVIDENCE 10 THE WHISKEY REPUBLIC | Provi- Ladies’ Night with Sister Funk + EVIL DEAD | Starts Fri: 11:40, 12:10, 7:15, 10:15 JURASSIC PARK | Starts Fri: 4 60 Newport Ave, East Providence | dence | 9 pm | DJ Vinny Vibe DJ Girl Lightning 2:25, 2:55, 4:50, 5:20, 7:25, 7:55, 9:50, SPRING BREAKERS | 12:40, 3, 5:20, SPRING BREAKERS | Starts Fri: 12:40, Terry Fator 401.438.1100 THE SALON | Providence | Upstairs These listings are for Thurs Apr 4 10:20 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:05, 12:35 7:55, 10:10 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:20 3:10, 5:30, 7:50, 10:10 June 2 FRIDAY 5 | DJ Nick de Paris & DJ La Rochelle | only. Call for updates or go to JURASSIC PARK 3D | Starts Fri: 1:30, THE CALL | Thurs: 12:10, 2:35, 5:10, THE HOST | Thurs: 1, 4:20, 7:10 | Fri- See Club Directory for phone numbers and Downstairs | DJs Hoska & Osheen eastprovidencecinemas.com. 4:30, 7:30, 10:30 | Fri-Sat late show: 12 7:25, 9:40 | Fri-Thurs: 9:15 | Fri-Sat late Thurs: 12:55, 3:45, 6:55, 9:45 addresses. SIDEBAR BISTRO | Providence | 7 pm ARGO | Thurs: 12:40, 3:05, 5:30, 8 JURASSIC PARK: AN IMAX 3D EXPERI- show: 11:30 TYLER PERRY’S TEMPTATION | 1:15, Seinfeld AS220 | Providence | 8 pm | Is This | Marty Ballou Trio ESCAPE FROM PLANET EARTH | ENCE | 1, 4, 7, 10 OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL 3D | 4:30, 7:25, 10:05 Jazz? featuring George Garzone & SPEAKEASY @ LOCAL 121 | AuguSt 3 Thurs: 1, 3:10, 5:05, 7, 9 THE HOST | 12:45, 3:50, 6:40, 9:30 | 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION 3D | Thurs: the Fringe + Steve Johnson + Mark Providence | 11 pm | Official Brown IDENTITY THIEF | Thurs: 12:45, 3, 5:15, Fri-Sat late show: 12:20 OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL | 1:05, 12:40, 1:40, 4, 6:50, 7:50, 9:25 | Fri- Medeiros Bird album release after-party with 7:30, 9:45 TYLER PERRY’S TEMPTATION | Thurs: 4, 6:55, 10 | Fri-Sat late show: 12 Thurs: 1, 4:40, 5:10, 7:20, 10:05 THE BEACH HOUSE | Portsmouth | Ark Life + Smith & Weeden + Tristan Buddy Guy and THE IMPOSSIBLE | Thurs: 1:20, 3:40, 11:50, 1:55, 2:25, 4:35, 5:05, 7:20, 7:50, SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK | 12:50, G.I. JOE: RETALIATION | Thurs: 1:10, 8 pm | Friday Night Open Jam Omand + more 6:50, 9:10 9:55, 10:25 | Fri-Thurs: 1:20, 1:50, 4:45, 3:40, 6:35, 9:20 4:30, 5, 7:20, 9:55, 10:25 | Fri-Thurs: George Thorogood BRITISH BEER COMPANY | Bristol | 39 WEST | Cranston | Brother to 21 AND OVER | Thurs: 1:15, 3:20, 5:20, 5:15, 7:20, 7:50, 9:55, 10:25 | Fri-Sat late 12:30, 1:30, 4:10, 6:50, 7:45, 9:25 Able Thought Brother AuguSt 10 7:20, 9:30 show: 12:25 SHOWCASE CINEMAS THE CROODS 3D | Thurs: 12:50, 3:10, BROOKLYN COFFEE & TEA HOUSE | TOMMY’S LOUNGE | Pawtucket | Billy idol LIFE OF PI | Thurs: 12:50, 3:30, 6:40, G.I. JOE: RETALIATION 3D | Thurs: 3, 4:10, 5:30, 7:55, 9:20, 10:20 | Fri-Sat: WARWICK MALL Providence | 8 pm | Kian Xie Rock-a-Blues 9:20 5:30, 8, 10:30 | Fri-Thurs: 1:15, 4:05, 1:25, 4 | Sun-Thurs: 1:25, 4, 7:05 June 1 400 Bald Hill Rd | 401.736.5454 CADY’S TAVERN | Chepachet | VANILLA BEAN CAFE | Pomfret, CT | DJANGO UNCHAINED | Thurs: 7:40 6:35, 9:05 | Fri-Sat late show: 11:35 IDENTITY THIEF | Thurs: 2:15, 4:50, 9:45 THE CROODS | Thurs: 12:30, 1:20, 2:50, Relative Sound 7:30 pm | Open mic with Mark Man- LINCOLN | Thurs: 12:30, 3:25, 6:20, 9:15 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION | Thurs: 12, THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDER- 5:10, 7, 7:30, 9:50 | Fri-Thurs: 12:35, CHAN’S | Woonsocket | 8 pm | Grace deville & Raianne Richards + hosts MAMA | Thurs: 7:35, 9:40 2:30, 5, 7:30, 10 | Fri-Thurs: 1:45, 4:35, STONE | Thurs: 11:50, 7:20 2:55, 5:15, 7:35, 9:55 Kelly Faith Montaperto & Kala Farnham LES MISÉRABLES | Thurs: 1:10, 4:20 7:05, 9:35 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:05 EVIL DEAD | Starts Fri: 11:45, 2:15, 4:45, OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN | 1:05, 4:20, CITY SIDE | Woonsocket | Good Ol’ THE WHISKEY REPUBLIC | WRECK-IT RALPH | Thurs: 12:55, 3:15, ADMISSION | 9:25 7:35, 10:20 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:35 7:15, 9:55 Boys Providence | 5 pm | Brian Twohey | 5:25 THE CROODS 3D | Thurs: 2:20, 4:50, JURASSIC PARK 3D | Starts Fri: 1:10, THE CALL | Thurs: 12:35, 2:55, 5:15, CLUB ROXX | North Kingstown | 9 pm | DJ Dirty DEK 7:15, 9:45 | Fri-Thurs: 11:30, 2, 4:25, 6:50 4:15, 7:15, 10:15 | Fri-Sat late show: 7:35, 10:05 | Fri-Sat: 10:20 pm | Sun- The Senders ENTERTAINMENT THE CROODS | Thurs: 11:25, 1:50, 4:15, 11:50 Thurs: 9:30 CORINNE’S | Pawtucket | Mullett SATURDAY 6 6:45, 9:10 | Fri-Thurs: 12, 2:30, 4:55, THE HOST | 12:45, 3:45, 6:45, 9:40 | OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL 3D | CINEMAS CUBAN REVOLUTION | Providence | See Club Directory for phone numbers and 7:20, 9:45 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:10 Fri-Sat late show: 12:25 3:40, 9:40 foxwoods.com | 800-200-2882 | Shows subject to change 30 Village Square Dr, South Infusion Experience addresses. OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN | Thurs: 1, 1:30, TYLER PERRY’S TEMPTATION | 1:20, OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL | Kingstown | 401.792.8008 DAN’S PLACE | West Greenwich | THE APARTMENT | Providence | Jeff THE CROODS 3D | Thurs: 12:50, 9:20 4:05, 4:40, 6:50, 7:25, 9:40, 10:15 | Fri- 4:05, 7, 9:55 | Fri-Sat late show: 12:30 12:45, 6:45 Uncle Chubby Duo Byrd & Dirty Finch + the Rationales

Providence Phoenix - color Junior Page (6.5x9.5) [email protected] 18 April 5, 2013 | the providence phoenix | providence.thephoenix.com

delic Clown Car SUNDAY 7 133 CLUB | East Providence | 7:30 pm | O’ROURKE’S BAR & GRILL | See Club Directory for phone numbers and Mac Odom & Chill Warwick | Coppolla Turner Overdrive addresses. O’ROURKE’S BAR & GRILL | listings THE PARLOUR | Providence | Jay Ber- AS220 | Providence | 8 pm | The Empire Warwick | 5:30 pm | Tom Lanigan ndt & the Orphans + Barn Burning Revue hosted by the Superchief Trio RI RA | Providence | 9:30 pm | PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | Frank CADY’S TAVERN | Chepachet | Karaoke contest with Big Bill ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Viele Open mic blues jam hosted by the THE ROOTS | Providence | 7 pm | 127 Dorrance St. ProviDence, ri 401-421-7200 PERRY’S BAR AND GRILLE | Rick Harrington Band Blues/jazz jam with the Who Dat Narragansett | Violin River Quartet CHAN’S | Woonsocket | 4 pm | Soul Band thurSDay 4/4 Continued from p 17 POWERS PUB | Cranston | Jessi & Roll Sunday with the Rocktail SPEAKEASY @ LOCAL 121 | LIGHTHOUSE BAR AT TWIN RIVER Fanuele Renditions + the Stormin’ Horns Providence | Pete Donnelly of the Scott Free trio | Lincoln | 8:30 pm | Lotus Land [Rush PVD SOCIAL CLUB | Providence | CORINNE’S | Pawtucket | 5 pm | Figgs + the ‘Mericans tribute] Sexy Saturdays hosted by Jahpan Open jam with Wolf & the Daddies THE WHISKEY REPUBLIC | THE LOCALS | North Providence | RALPH’S DINER | Worcester, MA | ELEVEN FORTY-NINE | Warwick | Providence | Rock Star Karaoke with FriDay 4/5 7 pm | Tammy LaForest | 7 pm | Ghost Ocean + Foreign Tongues + 10 am | Milt Javery Van Pelt Entertainment Tammy Laforest + Joe Auger American Verse + more GILLIGAN’S ISLAND | Westerly | Marty Ballou trio LUXURY BOX SPORTS BAR & RHODE ISLAND BILLIARD BAR & Steve Chrisitan MONDAY 8 GRILL | Seekonk, MA | Run For Covers BISTRO | North Providence | Superbad GEORGE’S OF GALILEE | Narragan- See Club Directory for phone numbers and SaturDay 4/6 MARINER GRILLE | Narragansett | RI RA | Providence | The Complaints sett | 2 pm | Second Avenue addresses. 7:30 pm | Shawn Reilly THE ROCK JUNCTION | West KNICKERBOCKER CAFE | Westerly BOVI’S | East Providence | John All- Ben Mallare & THE MET | Pawtucket | 8 pm | WBRU Greenwich | Perry Hill | 4 pm | Mystic Blues Festival Party mark’s Jazz Orchestra Rock Hunt Finals with the Brother THE ROI | Providence | Tony Cippola Trio & Rally with Ricky “King” Russell & GREENWICH HOTEL | East Greenwich eMMa KurMan-FaBer Kite + Kid Mountain + Lolita Black + THE ROOTS | Providence | 8 pm | the Cadillac Horns | 7 pm | Hotel Jam Night Torn Shorts Mark Cutler & Men of Great Courage LIGHTHOUSE BAR AT TWIN RIVER NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | The MURPHY’S LAW | Pawtucket | 6 pm | + the Bob Kendall Band | Lincoln | 2 pm | Dean & Marilyn House Combo Steve Fredrick | 9 pm | DJ Franko THE SALON | Providence | Upstairs | THE LOCALS | North Providence | 10 THE NUTTY SCOTSMAN | Chepachet NARRAGANSETT CAFE | Jamestown Parallel with DJs Damian Daviid & am | Patti DeRosa + JaimeMichaels | Rat Ruckus [open mic jam] | Evan Goodrow Band 11:11 | Downstairs | Turn Up Saturday LUPO’S HEARTBREAK HOTEL | THE PARLOUR | Providence | Reggae NEWPORT BLUES CAFE | The with DJ Ill Will Providence | 7:30 pm | Carolina Choc- Night hosted by Upsetta Interna- Joshua Tree SIDEBAR BISTRO | Providence | 7 pm | olate Drops + Original Jelly Roll Soul tional and the Natural Element NEWPORT GRAND | Gary “Guitar” Ben Mallare & Emma Kurman-Faber MARINER GRILLE | Narragansett | Band Gramolini & the Grinders SONOMA BISTRO | North Kingstown | 4:30 pm | Dave Moretti & Juxo PERKS & CORKS | Westerly | 8:30 NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | Tim Second Avenue THE MET | Pawtucket | 4 pm | Rhode pm | Songwriters’ open mic Taylor and Tom Ferraro SPEAKEASY @ LOCAL 121 | Island Legends Jam with Melissa & THE SPOT | Providence | Joe Marson THE NUTTY SCOTSMAN | Chepachet Providence | 9 pm | Caroline Hecht the Robcats featuring Tom McDer- | 8:30 pm | 990WBOB’s Mondays | Karaoke with Sergio THE SPOT | Providence | Danny Pease mott, Greg Lioce, and Rob Nelson on Blast OAK HILL TAVERN | North Kings- & the Regulators + Paranoid Social MURPHY’S LAW | Pawtucket | Sun- town | Islanders Club + Donovan day Night Blues Jam TUESDAY 9 Now Come In and OCEAN MIST | Wakefield | 3:30 pm | 39 WEST | Cranston | World Premiere NARRAGANSETT CAFE | Jamestown See Club Directory for phone numbers andad- VANILLA BEAN CAFE Pomfret, CT dresses. Play One Today! The Ocean Mistics | | | 1 pm | Tim Taylor Blues Band CarryiNg OLIVES | Providence | Those Guys 8 pm | Kris Delmhorst OAK HILL TAVERN | North Kingstown AS220 | Providence | 8:30 pm | ONE PELHAM EAST | Newport | THE WHISKEY REPUBLIC | | 4 pm | Kearsley Brainfruit + Killiney Woods + 50% OFF 50% OFF Green Line Inbound Providence | The Kulprits ONE PELHAM EAST | Newport | Chicken Broth Jack ALL CASIO ALL PEAVY GUITARS 133 CLUB | East Providence | Psyche- The Shiny Lapel Trio Continued on p 20 KEYBOARDS! AND GUITAR AMPS! PICKERS, FOLKSTERS, AND BLUEGRASS LOVERS 2352 Mendon Road, WE NOW CARRY: ROVER BANJOS, KENTUCKY Cumberland, RI 02864 MANDOLINS, LANIKAI UKULELES UNDER A MILE CLUB DIRECTORY FROM EXIT 10 OFF 295 THE APARTMENT PEARL LOUNGE • RENTALS • RETAIL www.ricksmusicalinstruments.com | 401.228.7222 | facebook.com/1150Oak 42 High St, Westerly | themalted | 401.331.3000 | 393 • REPAIRS • LESSONS 373 Richmond St, Providence | ELEVEN FORTY NINE | 401.884.1149 | barleyri.com Charles St, Providence | pearl 401-658-3404 theapartmentri.com 1149 Division St, Warwick + MARINER GRILL | 401.284.3282 | 142 restaurant ri.com THE ARENA BAR & GRILL | 1149 BAR & GRILL | 508.336.1149 | Point Judith Rd, Narragansett | PERKS & CORKS | 401.596.1260 | 401.369.7100 | 641 Atwood Ave, 965 Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA | marinergrille.com 48 High St, Westerly | perksand Cranston | the arenari.com eleven fortynine restaurant.com McNEIL’S TAVERN | 401.725.4444 | corks.com www.narrowscenter.org AS220 | 401.831.9327 | 115 Empire St, FÊTE | 401.383.1112 | 103 Dike St, 888 Charles St, North Providence PERRY’S BAR & GRILLE | 401.284.1544 Providence Providence | fetemusic.com THE MEDIATOR | 401.461.3683 | 50 | 104 Point Judith Rd, Narragan- THE BEACH HOUSE | 401.682.2974 | FIRE LOUNGE & GRILL | 401.467.8998 | Rounds Ave, Providence sett | perrysbarandgrille.com 506 Park Ave, Portsmouth | 557 Warwick Ave, Warwick | MERRILL LOUNGE | 401.434.9742 | 535 POWERS PUB | 401.714.0655 | 27 Aborn beachhouseri.com facebook.com/FireLoungeAnd North Broadway, East Providence St, Cranston | powerspub.com BIKI’S BAR | 401.921.3377 | 2077 Grill THE MET | 401.729.1005 | 1005 Main PVD SOCIAL CLUB | 71 Richmond St, West Shore Rd, Warwick FIREHOUSE 13 | 401.270.1801 | 41 St, Pawtucket | themetri.com Providence BILLY GOODE’S | 401.848.5013 | 23 Central St, Providence | fh13.com MOZZARELLA’S | 401.305.3112 | 1021 RALPH’S DINER | 508.753.9543 | Twenty minutes from Providence 16 Anawan Marlborough St, Newport GAME 7 SPORTS BAR & GRILL | Mineral Spring Ave, North Provi- 148 Grove St, Worcester, MA | St, Fall River MA (near Battleship Cove) (508) 324-1926 • Doors open @ 7pm, show BOVI’S | 401.434.9670 | 278 Taunton 508.643.2700 | 60 Man Mar Dr, dence | mozzarellas grill.com myspace.com/ralphsdiner starts 8pm unless otherwise noted. Ave, East Providence Plainville, MA | game7sportsbar MULHEARN’S | 401.48.9292 | 507 RHODE ISLAND BILLIARD BAR & BIS- BRITISH BEER COMPANY | 401.253.6700 andgrill.com North Broadway, East Providence TRO | 401.232.1331 | 2026 Smith St, Nominated Providence Phoenix Best Venue for Folk 2013! | 29 State St, Bristol | britishbeer. GEORGE’S OF GALILEE | 401.783.2306 | MURPHY’S LAW | 401.724.5522 | 2 North Providence | RIBBB.com com/local/bristol 250 Sand Hill Cove Rd, Narragansett George St, Pawtucket | murphys RI RA | 401.272.1953 | 50 Exchange Thurs. 4/4: Singer Songwriter powerhouse pianist BROOKLYN COFFEE & TEA HOUSE | | georgesofgalilee.com lawri.com Terrace, Providence | rira.com 401.575.2284 | 209 Douglas Ave, GILLARY’S | 401.253.2012 | 198 NARRAGANSETT CAFE | 401.423.2150 THE ROCK JUNCTION | 401.385.3036 | Providence | brooklyncoffeetea Thames St, Bristol | gillarys.com | 25 Narragansett Ave, Jamestown 731 Centre of New England graysoN hugh house.com GILLIGAN’S ISLAND | 401.315.5556 | | narragansettcafe.com/ Blvd, West Greenwich | therock with opener Caroline DoCtorow CADY’S TAVERN | 401.568.4102 | 105 White Rock Rd, Westerly NEWPORT BLUES CAFE | 401.841.5510 junctionri.com 2168 Putnam Pike, Chepachet | GREENWICH HOTEL | 401.884.4200 | 286 Thames St | newportblues.com THE ROI | 401.272.2161 | 150 Chestnut NEWPORT GRAND Fri. 4/5: From NRBQ… cadystavern.com | 162 Main St, East Greenwich | | 401.849.5000 | 150 St, Providence | theroiprov.com CAROUSEL GRILLE | 401.921.3430 | myspace.com/greenwichhotel Admiral Kalbfus Rd, Newport | THE ROOTS | 276 Westminster 859 Oakland Beach Ave, Warwick | INDIGO PIZZA | 401.615.9600 | 599 newportgrand.com St, Providence | 401.272.7422 | thE thecarouselgrille.com Tiogue Ave, Coventry NEWS CAFE | 401.728.6475 | 43 rootscafeprovidence.com CHAN’S | 401.765.1900 | 267 Main St, IRON WORKS TAVERN | 401.739.5111 | Broad St, Pawtucket THE SALON | 401.865.6330 | 57 Eddy Woonsocket | chanseggrollsand 697 Jefferson Blvd, Warwick | NICK-A-NEE’S | 401.861.7290 | 75 St, Providence | thesalonpvd.com sPaMPiNato jazz.com theironworkstavern.com South St, Providence SIDEBAR BISTRO | 401.421.7200 | CHIEFTAIN PUB | 508.643.9031 | 23 JAVA MADNESS | 401.788.0088 | NOREY’S | 401.847.4971 | 156 Broad- 127 Dorrance St, Providence | BrothErs Washington St [Rt 1], Plainville, MA 134 Salt Pond Rd, Wakefield | way, Newport | noreys.com sidebar-bistro.com | chieftainpub.com javamadness.com THE NUTTY SCOTSMAN | 401.710.7778 THE SPOT | 401.383.7133 | 101 CITY SIDE JR’S BOURBON STREET ROCK HOUSE Sat. 4/6: | 401.235.9026 | 74 South | | 812 Putnam Pike, Glocester | Richmond St, Providence | Main St, Woonsocket | citysideri.com 401.463.3080 | 1500 Oaklawn Ave, facebook.com/TheNuttyScotsman thespotprovidence.com CLUB ROXX | 401.884.4450 | 6125 Cranston | mardigrasmulti club.com OAK HILL TAVERN | 401.294.3282 | STELLA BLUES | 401.289.0349 | 50 hEathEr MaloNEy Post Rd, North Kingstown | THE KNICKERBOCKER | 401.315.5070 | 565 Tower Hill Rd, North Miller St, Warren | stellabluesri. kbowl.com 35 Railroad Ave, Westerly | Kingstown | oakhilltavern.com com aNd JoE FlEtchEr CORINNE’S | 401.725.4260 | 1593 theknickerbockercafe.com OCEAN MIST | 401.782.3740 | 895 39 WEST | 401.944.7770 | 39 Phenix Newport Ave, Pawtucket | LADDER 133 | 401.272.RIBS | Matunuck Beach Rd, Matunuck | Ave, Cranston | 39westri.com aNd thE corinnesbanquets.com 133 Douglas Ave, Providence | oceanmist.net TINKER’S NEST | 401.245.8875 | 322 CUBAN REVOLUTION | 401.932.0649 | ladder133.com OLIVES | 401.751.1200 | 108 North Main Metacom Ave, Warren WroNg rEasoNs 60 Valley St, Olneyville | LIGHTHOUSE BAR AT TWIN RIVER | St, Providence | olivesrocks.com VANILLA BEAN CAFE | 860.928.1562 | thecubanrevolution.com 877.82.RIVER | 100 Twin River Rd, 133 CLUB | 401.438.1330 | 29 Warren Rts 44, 169 and 97, Pomfret, CT | DAN’S PLACE Weds. 4/10: | 401.392.3092 | 880 Lincoln | twinriver.com Ave, East Providence thevanillabeancafe.com Victory Hwy, West Greenwich | LOCAL 121 | 401.274.2121 | 121 Wash- ONE PELHAM EAST | 401.847.9460 | VANITY | 401.649.4667 | 566 South danspizzaplace.com ington St, Providence | local121.com 270 Thames St, Newport | Main St, Providence | vanityri. DEVILLE’S CAFE | 401.383.8883 | THE LOCALS | 401.231.2231 | 11 thepelham.com com los 345 South Water St, Providence | Waterman Ave, North Providence O’ROURKE’S BAR & GRILL | VINTAGE RESTAURANT | 401.765.1234 devillescafe.com LUPO’S HEARTBREAK HOTEL | 401.228.7444 | 23 Peck Ln, War- | 2 South Main St, Woonsocket | DUSK | 401.714.0444 | 301 Harris Ave, 401.331.5876 | 79 Washington St, wick | orourkesbarandgrill.com vintageri.com loBos Providence | dusksprovidence.com Providence | lupos.com THE PARLOUR | 401.383.5858 | WARD’S PUBLICK HOUSE | 884.7008 | EAST PROVIDENCE YACHT CLUB | MACHINES WITH MAGNETS | 1119 North Main St, Providence | 3854 Post Rd, Warwick | 401.434.0161 | 9 Pier Rd, East 401.261.4938 | 400 Main St, Paw- facebook.com/ParlourRI wardspublickhouse.com 4/12: ENtraiN, 4/13: Paula PouNdstoNE (sold out), Providence tucket | machineswithmagnets. PATRICK’S PUB | 401.751.1553 | WHISKEY REPUBLIC | 401.588.5158 | 1150 OAK BAR & GRILL | 401.654.4466 com 381 Smith St, Providence | 515 South Water St, Providence | 4/14: aNais MitchEll aNd JEFFErsoN haMEr – child soNgs, 1150 Oaklawn Ave, Cranston | THE MALTED BARLEY | 401.315.2184 | patrickspubri.com TheWhiskeyRepublic.com 4/15: roBErt cray BaNd, 4/19: JaNiVa MagNEss Upscale Mexican Cuisine EXCELLENT SELECTION OF TEQUILA NOW SErvINg TABlESIDE We’re Hiring! guACAMOlE! THANkS FOr NOMINATINg uS FOr Try Our BEST MExICAN TEQuIlA rESTAurANT FlIgHTS! 2013!

BEST MExICAN rESTAurANT 2011 BEST MArgArITA 2010 The Phoenix Media/Communications Group, publisher of The Providence Phoenix, 3 Course Meals Only $19.95 Sun-Thurs! The Portland Phoenix and Boston at Nite, has the following openings in its Providence location: In the heart of Federal Hill, 351 Atwells Ave., Providence Staff accountant (401) 454-8951 • WWW.DONJOSETEQ.COM The role will require solid understanding of all aspects of accounting, from transaction entry to production OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK•10% DISCOUNT W/COLLEGE ID OR THIS AD, NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER PROMOTIONS OR OFFERS of basic financial information. Responsibilities include: • Post all cash transactions and reconcile bank accounts monthly saT. 4/6: Free! Blues Weds. 4/10: Free! 8:30pm • Invoice customers for ads placed and run. Make collection calls as necessary. Bluegrass ThroedoWn! Tim Taylor From The Cape… • Perform all accounts payable work, including invoice entry, check writing, WiTh Tom Ferraro and answering vendor questions. CraB grass Bluegrass Band every sun. 3pm Free! • Work with outside accountant monthly to review financial results. Thurs. 4/11: Free! • Answer questions from management regarding variances from projected and historical results. aCousTiC Jam WiTh viC Foley Come shoW yer sTuFF! ExPErIEncE rEquIrEMEnts: three to five years experience in a general accounting role. The dennis Public accounting experience is helpful, but not required. In-depth experience with quickBooks. every mon. Free! mCCarThy Familiarity with Great Plains a plus, as it holds historical information The house ComBo you never knoW WhaT Will happen! Band InSIde advertISIng SaleS repreSentatIve – Boston at nite Coming up: 4/12: Kina Zore’ (afro-pop), 4/13: Dylan lucas – cD release party! the Inside sales representative will work out of our Providence, rI office and will be responsible for achieving 4/17: ranK strangers, 4/20: BecKy chase BanD , assigned sales goals, executing a comprehensive sales strategy, and maintaining relationships with clients. the ideal 4/24: four BriDges, 4/27: paul geremia candidate would have at least one year of sales experience and be comfortable dealing with issues of an adult nature. Responsibilities include: Nick-A-Nee’s 75 South St., Providence 861-7290 • servicing & maintaining existing client base with weekly phone calls • Providing customer service to walk-in business & new clients via the phone • Meeting sales goals • Prospecting new business from other media in order to expand client base QUIT-SMOKING STUDY FOR CLEAN & • coordinating layout of section, working with art & traffic department on ad proofs SOBER ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSERS • Handling and processing payments from customers & clients • tracking advertising trends and adjusting sales plan accordingly Have you quit drinking and drugging? Do you now want to quit smoking? A research study is being conducted to edItorIal/grapHIc deSIgner compare a stop-smoking medication to nicotine patch treat- the Editorial/Graphic Designer join the full time staff in our Providence location. responsibilities include: ment. Receive a medical exam, smoking counseling and • responsible for producing graphically and typographically strong editorial layouts and covers free medications. The study requires visits or calls weekly • responsible for assembling and finalizing ad designs from a semi-complete form to final for print or Web, for 13 to 14 weeks, then at 3, 6 and 12 months. After you while maintaining integrity of content, art, design & brand are found to be eligible, earn up to $295 in merchandise • responsible for pagination and prepress for Phoenix newspapers. certificates for completing the study. • Design of all additional marketing/sales materials including: surveys, posters, banners, supplements. • creation of press-ready documents for all manners of printed materials. If interested call (401) 863-6464 or toll-free 1-877-374-6577 • create, process, and maintain the organization of digital assets. The Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies at Brown University skIlls rEquIrED: Proficient with InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator; Working knowledge of Flash, html and knowledge of prepress production and printing processes strong organizational skills and the ability to meet strict deadlines while managing multiple projects Ability to multitask and pay attention to detail while managing interns effectively is important Enjoy collaborating with others and contributing ideas, but comfortable working independently Education and experience: Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design or related field. 2 - 4 years graphic design experience; previous print publication and/or media company experience a plus. Photography and illustration skills also a plus. To be considered for either of these positions, please send resume and cover letter to [email protected].

the Phoenix Media/communications Group strongly supports equal employment opportunity for all applicants regardless of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age, marital status, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, sexual orientation, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by state or federal law. 20 April 5, 2013 | the providence phoenix | providence.thephoenix.com

O’Donnell | 7:30 pm | Catch A Rising the Arts, 16 Anawan St, Fall River, AND PEACE” | A senior voice recital Star at Twin River, 100 Twin River MA | $20 advance, $23 day of show | by Benjamin Freeman with works Rd, Lincoln | $10 | 877.82RIVER | 508.324.1926 | narrowscenter.org by Faure, Ravel, Debussy, Weill, twinriver.com THE VAL RAMOS FLAMENCO Sondheim, Winehouse, Monk, listings IMPROV JONES | Thurs + Sat 10 pm ENSEMBLE | 7:30 pm | Zeiterion Wonder, and more | 7 pm | Grant | 95 Empire Black Box, 95 Empire St, Theatre, 684 Purchase St, New Recital Hall- Brown University, 1 One of RI’s largest live music venue’s Providence | $5 | improvjones.com Bedford, MA | $25 | 508.994.2900 | Young Orchard Ave, Providence | RACHEL FEINSTEIN | Thurs-Sat 8 zeiterion.org Free | 401.863.3234 | brown.edu/ Live Entertainment Every Thursday-Sunday pm | Comix at Foxwoods, 350 Trol- music Continued from p 18 ley Line Blvd, Mashantucket, CT FRIDAY 5 “IF MUSIC AND SWEET POETRY THE BEACH HOUSE | Portsmouth | | $20-$40 advance | 860.312.6649 | BRET MICHAELS | 8 pm | Twin AGREE: WAR AND SONG IN BRIT- Karaoke with Johnny Angel foxwoods.com River Event Center, 100 Twin River AIN, 1580-1620 & 1900-45” | A Friday 4/5- the senders GREENWICH HOTEL | East Greenwich Rd, Lincoln | $35-$75 | 877.82RIVER | Senior Honors Recital programmed | 7 pm | Open mic FRIDAY 5 twinriver.com and performed by Jacob Scharfman Saturday 4/6- uncle chubby OCEAN MIST | Wakefield | DJ Peter LAURIE KILMARTIN + MIKE ENGELBERT HUMPERDINCK | 8 [voice, with Taylor Im, pianoforte, Dante FINOIA | Fri 8 pm; Sat 8 + 10:15 pm pm | Park Theatre, 848 Park Ave, and Douglas Freundlich, lute] with ONE PELHAM EAST | Newport | Stu | Comedy Connection, East Provi- Cranston | $45-$65 | 401.467.7275 | lute songs by Dowland and Morley Sinclair from Never In Vegas dence | $15 parktheatreri.com and art songs by Quilter and Finzi THE PARLOUR | Providence | Vintage HARDCORE COMEDY SHOW | 10:30 THE FAB FAUX present A Hard Day’s | 2 pm | Grant Recital Hall- Brown DAILY DRINK SPECIALS, GREAT PUB FOOD Vinyl Breakdown with the Colonel pm | Comedy Connection, East Night and more | 8 pm | Stadium The- University, 1 Young Orchard Ave, 6125 Post Road, North Kingstown RI THE ROOTS | Providence | 7 pm | Strict- Providence | $15 atre, 28 Monument Sq, Woonsocket | Providence | Free | 401.863.3234 | ly Jazz Jam with the Mango Trio COREY MANNING | 8 pm | Catch A $39-$69 | 401.762.4545 | stadium brown.edu/music THE SALON | Providence | 8:30 pm | Rising Star at Twin River, Lincoln theatre.com PUMPKIN HEAD TED | 2 pm | War- Now Booking Original Bands Call: 401-256-2667 Kimi’s Movie Night | $22 POOR OLD SHINE | 7:30 pm | Sandy- wick Public Library, 600 Sandy Ln | THE SPOT | Providence | 7 pm | COMIC HYPNOTIST FRANK SAN- woods Center For the Arts, 43 Muse Free | 401.739.5440 | warwicklibrary. Creation Tuesday hosted by Matt TOS JR. | 10:15 pm | Catch A Rising Way, Tiverton | $10 advance, $12 org Martin & Psychedelic Clown Car Star at Twin River, Lincoln | $22 door [BYOB + food] | 401.241.7349 | TEN STRINGS, with guitarist David ADAM DODD + ALEX MOORE | Fri 8 sandywoodsmusic.com Spadazzi, bassist Dennis Pratt, and WEDNESDAY 10 pm; Sat 8 + 10:15 pm | Comedy Zone THE SPAMPINATO BROTHERS | 8 drummer Ben Boisclair performing See Club Directory for phone numbers and at Showcase Warwick, 1200 Quaker pm | Narrows Center For the Arts, 16 standards and “the Latin side of addresses. Ln | $10 | 401.885.1621 | showcase Anawan St, Fall River, MA | $20 ad- Gershwin, Porter, and Jobim” | 2 pm DUSK | Providence | Metal Night cinemas.com vance, $23 day of show | 508.324.1926 | William Hall Library, 1825 Broad EAST BAY TAVERN | East Providence PAULA POUNDSTONE | 8 pm | | narrowscenter.org St, Cranston | Free | 401.781.2450 | | DJ Midnight Garde Arts Center, 325 State St, New TOM RUSH | 8 pm | Greenwich Ode- cranstonlibrary.org FETE LOUNGE | Providence | 8:30 pm London, CT | $25-$40 | 860.444.7373 | um, 59 Main St, East Greenwich | $32 | The Funky Autocrats gardearts.org + $50 | 401.885.4000 | theodeum.org WEDNESDAY 10 GILLIGAN’S ISLAND | Westerly | THE BIT PLAYERS | Fri-Sat 8 pm | LOS LOBOS | 8 pm | Narrows Center Karaoke with DJ Deelish Firehouse Theater, 4 Equality Park SATURDAY 6 For the Arts, 16 Anawan St, Fall KNICKERBOCKER CAFE | Westerly | Pl, Newport | $15 | 401.849.3473 | BATTLEFIELD BAND | 8 pm | Sandy- River, MA | $75 | 508.324.1926 | 8 pm | Neal Vitullo & the Vipers firehousetheater.org woods Center For the Arts, 43 Muse narrowscenter.org NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | The FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE with impro- Way, Tiverton | $20 advance, $23 THE RHODE ISLAND COLLEGE JAZZ Bluegrass Throedown series presents vised song + dance + skits + more | door [BYOB + food] | 401.241.7349 | COMBOS | 7 pm | Helen Forman Crab Grass 8 pm | Everett, 9 Duncan Ave, sandywoodsmusic.com Theatre at the John Nazarian Center NOREY’S | Newport | Lisa Mills Providence | $5 | 401.831.9479 | THE BEE EATERS | 8 pm | Black- For the Performing Arts at Rhode 133 CLUB | East Providence | Karaoke everettri.org stone River Theatre, 549 Broad St, Island College, 600 Mt Pleasant Ave, with Big Bill LATINO COMIX FIRST FRIDAY with Cumberland | $13 advance, $15 day of Providence | Free | 401.456.8144 | ric. O’ROURKE’S BAR & GRILL | Davian Velez, Michael Gunnz, and show | 401.725.9272 | riverfolk.org edu/mtd Warwick | Bill Gannon DJ Porky Chizzy | 10:30 pm | Comix BROTHER SUN | 8 pm | Rose Garden THE PARLOUR | Providence | Route .44 at Foxwoods, Mashantucket, CT | Coffeehouse at the Congregational CLASSICAL + Megan Jean & the Klay Family Band $20 advance Church, 17 West St, Mansfield, MA THE SALON | Providence | BSR DJ RACHEL FEINSTEIN | See listing | $20 | 508.699.8122 | rosegardenfolk. Night with DJs from Brown Student for Thurs com THURSDAY 4 & Community Radio DIN CHECK PRESENTS 5 DECADES CMW FELLOWS STRING QUARTET THE SPOT | Providence | Free Funk SATURDAY 6 OF BOLLYWOOD | 5 pm | Park The- with pianist Ben Nacar will perform All-Stars PAUL BOND | 8 + 10 pm | Catch A atre, 848 Park Ave, Cranston | $10 | works by Beethoven and Grieg | 7 Rising Star at Twin River, Lincoln 401.467.7275 | parktheatreri.com pm | RISD Museum, 224 Benefit THURSDAY 11 | $22 THE GNOMES | 8 pm | Stone Soup St, Providence | Free with Museum See Club Directory for phone numbers and IMPROV JONES | See listing for Thurs Coffeehouse, St. Paul’s Episcopal admission [$12, $10 seniors, $3 ages addresses. RACHEL FEINSTEIN | See listing Church, 50 Park Pl, Pawtucket | $16 5-18] | 401.454.6500 | community AS220 | Providence | The Semblance for Thurs advance, $18 door | 401.921.5115 | musicworks.org + Ask the Dead + Like Eating Glass LAURIE KILMARTIN + MIKE stonesoupcoffeehouse.com BILLY GOODE’S | Newport | Open mic FINOIA | See listing for Fri THE HARVARD KROKODILOES | 7 FRIDAY 5 + SATURDAY 6 BRITISH BEER COMPANY | Bristol | ADAM DODD + ALEX MOORE | See pm | George Kent Performance Hall, 2013 PIANO EXTRAVAGANZA | Fil Pacino listing for Fri 119 High St, Westerly | $20, $10 un- Apr 5 8 pm, pianist Shuann Chai CITY SIDE | Woonsocket | Sweet THE BIT PLAYERS | See listing for Fri der 18, $55 families | 401.596.8663 | and violinist Shunske Sato perform Tooth & the Sugar Babies chorusofwesterly.org works by Beethoven, Schubert, Bar- EAST BAY TAVERN | East Providence SUNDAY 7 HEATHER MALONEY + JOE tok, and Czerny | Apr 6 8 pm, Chai | DJ Midnight COMEDY SHOWCASE | 8 pm | Come- FLETCHER & THE WRONG REA- with pianist Manabu Takasawa and GILLIGAN’S ISLAND | Westerly | dy Connection, East Providence | $10 SONS | 8 pm | Narrows Center For pianists chosen by audition from Open mic hosted by Bob Lavalley BRING YOUR OWN IMPROV | 6 pm the Arts, 16 Anawan St, Fall River, students in the URI piano program GREENWICH HOTEL | East Greenwich | Warwick Museum of Art, 3259 Post MA | $15 advance, $17 day of show | [both concerts $10, $5 students] | Apr | The Ghost Notes Rd | $5 | bringyourownimprov 508.324.1926 | narrowscenter.org 6 1-5 pm, Adult Amateur piano com- HOGAN’S ALLEY | Lincoln | 7 pm | JIM SPINNATO’S R-RATED THE IDOL KINGS [TRIBUTE TO petition + Apr 7 11 am-5 pm, Young Second Avenue HYPNOTIC HYSTERIA | 8 pm | Comix JOURNEY & JOHN MELLENCAMP] Pianists competition [free] | Fri-Sat | IRON WORKS TAVERN | Warwick | at Foxwoods, Mashantucket, CT | | 9 pm | Newport Grand Event Cen- Fine Arts Center Concert Hall at Uni- 8 pm | Betsy Listenfelt $15-$25 advance ter, 150 Admiral Kalbfus Rd | Free | versity of Rhode Island, 105 Upper LUXURY BOX SPORTS BAR & 401.849.5000 | newportgrand.com College Rd, Kingston | 401.874.2431 | GRILL | Seekonk, MA | Chris from MONDAY 8 LIVINGSTON TAYLOR | 8 pm | Sta- uri.edu/music What Matters? MICHAEL IAN BLACK | 8 pm | Ed- dium Theatre, 28 Monument Sq, MEDIATOR STAGE | Providence | wards Auditorium, University of Woonsocket | $26-$36 | 401.762.4545 | SATURDAY 6 Open mic hosted by Don Tassone Rhode Island, Upper College Road, stadiumtheatre.com MANHATTAN STRING QUARTET MURPHY’S LAW | Pawtucket | 7 pm | Kingston | $10 | facebook.com/ THE LURGIO-NORBREGA QUARTET performing works by Mozart, Bar- Tom Lanigan RhodeIsland.SEC | 8 pm | Peeptoad Coffeehouse, North tok, and Beethoven | 7:30 pm | Goff NEWPORT BLUES CAFE | Felix Brown Scituate Baptist Church, 619 West Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Rd, NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | Dennis WEDNESDAY 10 Greenville Rd, North Scituate | $15 | Rehoboth, MA | $15, $13 seniors, $6 McCarthy Band LEUKEMIA AND LYMPHOMA BENE- 401.392.1322 | fosteringarts.org students + children | 508.252.5718 | 133 CLUB | East Providence | 8:30 pm FIT | 6:30 pm | Comedy Connection, MICHAEL JOHNSON | 8 pm | Com- carpentermuseum.org/Arts.htm | Mac Odom Band East Providence | $20 mon Fence Point Community Hall, THE PROVIDENCE SINGERS and THE PARLOUR | Providence | Raven CONNECTICUT COMIX ALL-STARS 933 Anthony Road, Portsmouth | $20 the Brown University Chorus King with John Romanoff, Mike Finoia, advance, $23 door | 401.683.5085 | performing “Fit For a Queen,” a THE ROI | Providence | Kris Hansen & Kevin Fitzgerald, Dan Kalwhite, commonfencemusic.org program of music performed during Jon Tierney and Geri Wulle | 8 pm | Comix at PEARLY BAKER BAND | 7 pm | the Queen’s 1953 coronation, includ- THE ROOTS | Providence | 7:30 pm | Foxwoods, Mashantucket, CT | $10- Zeiterion Theatre, 684 Purchase ing works by Handel, Byrd, Parry, Sweet Little Variety Show with Red $20 advance St, New Bedford, MA | $15 | Walton, Howells, Williams, Willan, Eye Flight + Hank Sinatra Jr. + more 508.994.2900 | zeiterion.org and others | Apr 6 7:30 pm at Brown THE SALON | Providence | Tighten THURSDAY 11 THREE TALL PINES | 8 pm | Peep- University’s Sayles Hall, on the Col- Up! [soul + funk + boogie + early COLIN KANE | 8 pm | Comix at Fox- toad Coffeehouse, North Scituate lege Green, Providence + Apr 7 3:30 hip-hop] woods, Mashantucket, CT | $20-$40 Baptist Church, 619 West Greenville pm at St. Mary’s Church, 330 Wood SPEAKEASY @ LOCAL 121 | Providence advance Rd, North Scituate | $15 | 401.392.1322 St, Bristol | Sat-Sun | Sayles Hall | 8 pm | Allysen Callery + Ryan Lee IMPROV JONES | See listing for Thurs | fosteringarts.org at Brown University, Waterman Crosby + the Sugar Honey Iced Tea LOL THURSDAY | See listing for Thurs and George sts, Providence | $26, $5 SUNDAY 7 students | 401.751.5700 | providence BRIT FLOYD: THE WORLD’S singers.org GREATEST PINK FLOYD SHOW | 8 RHODE ISLAND PHILHARMONIC COMEDY CONCERTS pm | The Vets, 1 Avenue of the Arts, COMMUNITY ORCHESTRA perform- Providence | $39.50 | 401.421.ARTS | ing works by Beethoven and Mahler ppacri.org | 8 pm | St. Ann Arts and Cultural THURSDAY 4 POPULAR ELVIS LIVES: THE ULTIMATE ELVIS Center, 84 Cumberland St, Woon- BOB MARLEY | 8 pm | Comedy Con- TRIBUTE ARTIST EVENT | 3 pm | socket | $15, $5 students + seniors | nection, 39 Warren Ave, East Provi- Garde Arts Center, 325 State St, New 401.248.7070 | riphil.org dence | $25 | 401.438.8383 | ricomedy THURSDAY 4 London, CT | $49 | 860.444.7373 | connection.com GRAYSON HUGH + Caroline Doc- gardearts.org SUNDAY 7 LOL THURSDAY hosted by Frank torow | 8 pm | Narrows Center For “GLADLY BEYOND: SONGS OF TIME THE RHODE ISLAND COLLEGE 20 April 5, 2013 | the providence phoenix | providence.thephoenix.com providence.thephoenix.com | the providence phoenix | April 5, 2013 2 1

O’Donnell | 7:30 pm | Catch A Rising the Arts, 16 Anawan St, Fall River, AND PEACE” | A senior voice recital CHAMBER ORCHESTRA AND $10, $8 seniors, free under 16 | of puppet film shorts | Presented Island, Greenhouse Rd, Kingston Star at Twin River, 100 Twin River MA | $20 advance, $23 day of show | by Benjamin Freeman with works SMALL ENSEMBLES | 7:30 pm | RIBAHomeShow.com by FirstWorks | 7 pm | Metcalf Au- | Free | 401.874.2983 | uri.edu/cels/ Rd, Lincoln | $10 | 877.82RIVER | 508.324.1926 | narrowscenter.org by Faure, Ravel, Debussy, Weill, Sapinsley Hall at Rhode Island SESAME STREET LIVE! PRESENTS ditorium at the Rhode Island lar/events.html twinriver.com THE VAL RAMOS FLAMENCO Sondheim, Winehouse, Monk, College, 600 Mount Pleasant Ave, “ELMO’S SUPER HEROES!” | Thurs School of Design Museum of Art, listings IMPROV JONES | Thurs + Sat 10 pm ENSEMBLE | 7:30 pm | Zeiterion Wonder, and more | 7 pm | Grant Providence | Free | 401.456.8144 | ric. 7 pm; Fri 10:30 am + 7 pm; Sat 10:30 20 North Main St, Providence | $5 | FRIDAY 5 | 95 Empire Black Box, 95 Empire St, Theatre, 684 Purchase St, New Recital Hall- Brown University, 1 edu/mtd am + 2 + 5:30 pm; Sun 1 + 4:30 pm | 401.421.4278 | first-works.org :ART AND WAR IN IRAQ,” a sym- Providence | $5 | improvjones.com Bedford, MA | $25 | 508.994.2900 | Young Orchard Ave, Providence | THE PROVIDENCE SINGERS | See Providence Performing Arts Center, 220 “CRIME: PULP, ART, AND HOLLY- posium with artists Waffa Bilal RACHEL FEINSTEIN | Thurs-Sat 8 zeiterion.org Free | 401.863.3234 | brown.edu/ listing for Sat Weybosset St | $18-$64 | 401.421.ARTS | WOOD” | A monthly film series with and Daniel Heyman [who have the pm | Comix at Foxwoods, 350 Trol- music ppacri.org facilitator Ron Hagell concludes exhibits “The Ashes Series” and “I Continued from p 18 ley Line Blvd, Mashantucket, CT FRIDAY 5 “IF MUSIC AND SWEET POETRY MONDAY 8 with D.O.A., the 1950 film directed Am Sorry It Is Difficult To Start,” THE BEACH HOUSE | Portsmouth | | $20-$40 advance | 860.312.6649 | BRET MICHAELS | 8 pm | Twin AGREE: WAR AND SONG IN BRIT- THE MUIR STRING QUARTET per- FRIDAY 5 by Rudolph Maté | 6 pm | Providence respectively, at the David Winton Karaoke with Johnny Angel foxwoods.com River Event Center, 100 Twin River AIN, 1580-1620 & 1900-45” | A forming the sixth and final concert THE HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS | Fri- Public Library, 150 Empire St | Free | Bell Gallery]; Meir Wigoder, who GREENWICH HOTEL | East Greenwich Rd, Lincoln | $35-$75 | 877.82RIVER | Senior Honors Recital programmed in the complete Beethoven String Sat 7:30 pm | Dunkin’ Donuts Center, 401.455.8000 | provlib.org teaches on the theory and history | 7 pm | Open mic FRIDAY 5 twinriver.com and performed by Jacob Scharfman Quartet Cycle, featuring String 1 LaSalle Sq, Providence | $20-$115 | of photography at the School of OCEAN MIST | Wakefield | DJ Peter LAURIE KILMARTIN + MIKE ENGELBERT HUMPERDINCK | 8 [voice, with Taylor Im, pianoforte, Quartet in C minor, Op. 18, No. 4; 401.331.6700 | ticketmaster.com WEDNESDAY 10 Communication at Sapir College; Dante FINOIA | Fri 8 pm; Sat 8 + 10:15 pm pm | Park Theatre, 848 Park Ave, and Douglas Freundlich, lute] with String Quartet in F Major, Op. 135; LIVE BAIT: TRUE STORIES FROM MAGIC LANTERN PRESENTS Susanne Slavick, professor of art at ONE PELHAM EAST | Newport | Stu | Comedy Connection, East Provi- Cranston | $45-$65 | 401.467.7275 | lute songs by Dowland and Morley and String Quartet in E minor, Op. REAL PEOPLE hosted by Phil “The LEVIATHAN, A FILM BY LUCIEN Carnegie Mellon University; Rijin Sinclair from Never In Vegas dence | $15 parktheatreri.com and art songs by Quilter and Finzi 59, No. 2 | 7:30 pm | Sapinsley Hall Host” Gooldman with musical ac- CASTAING-TAYLOR AND VÉRÉNA Sahakian, founding director of Sada THE PARLOUR | Providence | Vintage HARDCORE COMEDY SHOW | 10:30 THE FAB FAUX present A Hard Day’s | 2 pm | Grant Recital Hall- Brown at Rhode Island College, 600 Mount companiment by Jerry “The Profes- PARAVEL | 7 pm | Cable Car Cinema, for contemporary Iraqi art; and Vinyl Breakdown with the Colonel pm | Comedy Connection, East Night and more | 8 pm | Stadium The- University, 1 Young Orchard Ave, Pleasant Ave, Providence | $35, $30 sor” Gregoire | This month’s theme: 204 South Main St, Providence | $7 | Nada Shabout, associate professor of THE ROOTS | Providence | 7 pm | Strict- Providence | $15 atre, 28 Monument Sq, Woonsocket | Providence | Free | 401.863.3234 | seniors, $15 students | 401.456.8144 | “Wieners” | 10 pm | 95 Empire Black 401.272.3970 | cablecarcinema.com art history and director of the Con- ly Jazz Jam with the Mango Trio COREY MANNING | 8 pm | Catch A $39-$69 | 401.762.4545 | stadium brown.edu/music ric.edu/pfa Box, 95 Empire St, Providence | $7 | temporary Arab and Muslin Cultural THE SALON | Providence | 8:30 pm | Rising Star at Twin River, Lincoln theatre.com PUMPKIN HEAD TED | 2 pm | War- 401.489.2555 Studies Institute at the University Kimi’s Movie Night | $22 POOR OLD SHINE | 7:30 pm | Sandy- wick Public Library, 600 Sandy Ln | WEDNESDAY 10 SPRING BOOK SALE | Apr 6 9 am-5 of North Texas | List Art Center, 64 THE SPOT | Providence | 7 pm | COMIC HYPNOTIST FRANK SAN- woods Center For the Arts, 43 Muse Free | 401.739.5440 | warwicklibrary. “TWENTY FINGERS!,” with pm + Apr 7 1-5 pm | Weaver Library, READINGS College St, Providence | Free | brown. Creation Tuesday hosted by Matt TOS JR. | 10:15 pm | Catch A Rising Way, Tiverton | $10 advance, $12 org pianists Michael Lewin and Judith 41 Grove St, East Providence | edu/campus-life/arts/bell-gallery Martin & Psychedelic Clown Car Star at Twin River, Lincoln | $22 door [BYOB + food] | 401.241.7349 | TEN STRINGS, with guitarist David Lynn Stillman | 1 pm | Sapinsley Hall 401.435.1986 | eplib.org “B.R. AMBEDKAR: RESHAPING ADAM DODD + ALEX MOORE | Fri 8 sandywoodsmusic.com Spadazzi, bassist Dennis Pratt, and at Rhode Island College, 600 Mount THE RHODE ISLAND BUILDERS THURSDAY 4 THE POLITICAL IMAGINATION IN WEDNESDAY 10 pm; Sat 8 + 10:15 pm | Comedy Zone THE SPAMPINATO BROTHERS | 8 drummer Ben Boisclair performing Pleasant Ave, Providence | Free [sug- ASSOCIATION’S HOME SHOW | See ANN HOOD will read from, discuss, MODERN INDIA” | A talk by Dr. See Club Directory for phone numbers and at Showcase Warwick, 1200 Quaker pm | Narrows Center For the Arts, 16 standards and “the Latin side of gested donation $10] | 401.456.8144 | listing for Thurs and sign her new novel, The Obituary Ananya Vajpeyi, of the Centre for addresses. Ln | $10 | 401.885.1621 | showcase Anawan St, Fall River, MA | $20 ad- Gershwin, Porter, and Jobim” | 2 pm ric.edu/mtd SESAME STREET LIVE! PRESENTS Writer | 7 pm | Books On the Square, the Study of Developing Socities in DUSK | Providence | Metal Night cinemas.com vance, $23 day of show | 508.324.1926 | William Hall Library, 1825 Broad “ELMO’S SUPER HEROES!” | See 471 Angell St, Providence | Free | New Delhi | 2:30 pm | Brown Univer- EAST BAY TAVERN | East Providence PAULA POUNDSTONE | 8 pm | | narrowscenter.org St, Cranston | Free | 401.781.2450 | listing for Thurs 401.331.9097 | booksq.com sity’s Watson Institute, 111 Thayer | DJ Midnight Garde Arts Center, 325 State St, New TOM RUSH | 8 pm | Greenwich Ode- cranstonlibrary.org St, Providence | Free | 401.863.2809 | FETE LOUNGE | Providence | 8:30 pm London, CT | $25-$40 | 860.444.7373 | um, 59 Main St, East Greenwich | $32 DANCE SATURDAY 6 SATURDAY 6 watsoninstitute.org/events_detail. | The Funky Autocrats gardearts.org + $50 | 401.885.4000 | theodeum.org WEDNESDAY 10 MOVING TO THE MUSIC 5K | A road “POETS AND PLAYERS,” with cfm?id=2018 GILLIGAN’S ISLAND | Westerly | THE BIT PLAYERS | Fri-Sat 8 pm | LOS LOBOS | 8 pm | Narrows Center race and family fun walk to support Rhode Island poet laureate Rick “CASE STUDIES WITH THE ATF” | Karaoke with DJ Deelish Firehouse Theater, 4 Equality Park SATURDAY 6 For the Arts, 16 Anawan St, Fall PERFORMANCE the community outreach program- Benjamin, actor/author Ricardo A talk by Doug Klapec, from the Bu- KNICKERBOCKER CAFE | Westerly | Pl, Newport | $15 | 401.849.3473 | BATTLEFIELD BAND | 8 pm | Sandy- River, MA | $75 | 508.324.1926 | ming of Amicable Congregational Pitts-Wiley, pianist Paul Bisch, and reau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms 8 pm | Neal Vitullo & the Vipers firehousetheater.org woods Center For the Arts, 43 Muse narrowscenter.org Church in Tiverton | Entry fee is $15 bassist Mibbit Threats | Sat-Sun Sat and Explosives | Part of the Forensic NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | The FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE with impro- Way, Tiverton | $20 advance, $23 THE RHODE ISLAND COLLEGE JAZZ FRIDAY 5 pre-race day, $20 day of | Tiverton 7:30 pm; Sun 3 pm | Mixed Magic Science Partnership Seminar Series | Bluegrass Throedown series presents vised song + dance + skits + more | door [BYOB + food] | 401.241.7349 | COMBOS | 7 pm | Helen Forman UP CLOSE ON HOPE featuring Four Corners, Main St, Tiverton | Theatre, At Hope Artiste Village, 999 3:30 pm | Pastore Hall at the Univer- Crab Grass 8 pm | Everett, 9 Duncan Ave, sandywoodsmusic.com Theatre at the John Nazarian Center world premieres by George Birkadze, amicable5k.com Main Street, Pawtucket | $20, $10 sity of Rhode Island, 51 Lower Col- NOREY’S | Newport | Lisa Mills Providence | $5 | 401.831.9479 | THE BEE EATERS | 8 pm | Black- For the Performing Arts at Rhode John Drake, Thomas Vacanti, Alex THE RHODE ISLAND BUILDERS students | 401.305.7333 | mmtri.com lege Rd, Kingston | Free | chm.uri. 133 CLUB | East Providence | Karaoke everettri.org stone River Theatre, 549 Broad St, Island College, 600 Mt Pleasant Ave, Lantz, and Vilia Putrius | Fri 8 pm; ASSOCIATION’S HOME SHOW | See TRAER SCOTT will discuss and edu/forensics/seminars.php with Big Bill LATINO COMIX FIRST FRIDAY with Cumberland | $13 advance, $15 day of Providence | Free | 401.456.8144 | ric. Sat 7:30 pm | Black Box Theater, 825 listing for Thurs sign her new book of photographs, “CURATING THE CITY: TEMPO- O’ROURKE’S BAR & GRILL | Davian Velez, Michael Gunnz, and show | 401.725.9272 | riverfolk.org edu/mtd Hope St, Providence | $50, includes SESAME STREET LIVE! PRESENTS Newborn Puppies | 4 pm | Books On the RARY INSTALLATIONS, PERMA- Warwick | Bill Gannon DJ Porky Chizzy | 10:30 pm | Comix BROTHER SUN | 8 pm | Rose Garden wine and light snacks | 401.353.1129 | “ELMO’S SUPER HEROES!” | See Square, 471 Angell St, Providence | NENT IMPRESSIONS” | The series’ THE PARLOUR | Providence | Route .44 at Foxwoods, Mashantucket, CT | Coffeehouse at the Congregational CLASSICAL festivalballet.com listing for Thurs Free | 401.331.9097 | booksq.com second part presents “Parades and + Megan Jean & the Klay Family Band $20 advance Church, 17 West St, Mansfield, MA COMPLEXIONS CONTEMPORARY THE HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS | Papier-Mâché,” a panel discussion THE SALON | Providence | BSR DJ RACHEL FEINSTEIN | See listing | $20 | 508.699.8122 | rosegardenfolk. BALLET | 8 pm | Zeiterion Theatre, See listing for Fri SUNDAY 7 with Doug Kallfelz, a partner at Night with DJs from Brown Student for Thurs com THURSDAY 4 684 Purchase St, New Bedford, MA | SPRING BOOK SALE | See listing ERIC JAY DOLIN will discuss and Union Studio Architecture & Com- & Community Radio DIN CHECK PRESENTS 5 DECADES CMW FELLOWS STRING QUARTET $35-$40.50 | 508.994.2900 | zeiterion. for Fri sign his book, When America First Met munity Design; Diana Johnson, THE SPOT | Providence | Free Funk SATURDAY 6 OF BOLLYWOOD | 5 pm | Park The- with pianist Ben Nacar will perform org China: An Exotic History of Tea, Drugs, and an independent art consultant; All-Stars PAUL BOND | 8 + 10 pm | Catch A atre, 848 Park Ave, Cranston | $10 | works by Beethoven and Grieg | 7 SUNDAY 7 Money In the Age of Sail | 2 pm | Provi- and Buff Chace, managing general Rising Star at Twin River, Lincoln 401.467.7275 | parktheatreri.com pm | RISD Museum, 224 Benefit SATURDAY 6 HEATHER HENSON AND IBEX dence Public Library, 150 Empire St | partner of Cornish Associates | 5 pm THURSDAY 11 | $22 THE GNOMES | 8 pm | Stone Soup St, Providence | Free with Museum UP CLOSE ON HOPE | See listing PUPPETRY present “Celebration of Free | 401.455.8000 | provlib.org | Providence Athenaeum, 251 Benefit See Club Directory for phone numbers and IMPROV JONES | See listing for Thurs Coffeehouse, St. Paul’s Episcopal admission [$12, $10 seniors, $3 ages for Fri Flight,” a “spectacle of puppetry, “POETS AND PLAYERS,” | See list- St,| Free | 401.421.6970 | providence addresses. RACHEL FEINSTEIN | See listing Church, 50 Park Pl, Pawtucket | $16 5-18] | 401.454.6500 | community kites, and aerial artistry” [preceded ing for Sat athenaeum.org AS220 | Providence | The Semblance for Thurs advance, $18 door | 401.921.5115 | musicworks.org PARTICIPATORY by a kite-building workshop at 2:30 FIMLMAKER JEFF ZIMBALIST | + Ask the Dead + Like Eating Glass LAURIE KILMARTIN + MIKE stonesoupcoffeehouse.com pm; reservations required] | 4 pm | MONDAY 8 [The Two Escobars, Favela Rising] will BILLY GOODE’S | Newport | Open mic FINOIA | See listing for Fri THE HARVARD KROKODILOES | 7 FRIDAY 5 + SATURDAY 6 RISD Auditorium, 17 Canal Walk- MARTHA COLLINS will discuss Viet- discuss his work | 7 pm | Brown Uni- BRITISH BEER COMPANY | Bristol | ADAM DODD + ALEX MOORE | See pm | George Kent Performance Hall, 2013 PIANO EXTRAVAGANZA | FRIDAY 5 way, Providence | $10 | 401.421.4278 | namese literature and read some versity’s Salomon DeCiccio Family Fil Pacino listing for Fri 119 High St, Westerly | $20, $10 un- Apr 5 8 pm, pianist Shuann Chai NEW ENGLAND BARN DANCE with first-works.org of her translations of Vietnamese Auditorium, Waterman and George CITY SIDE | Woonsocket | Sweet THE BIT PLAYERS | See listing for Fri der 18, $55 families | 401.596.8663 | and violinist Shunske Sato perform fiddler and caller Dudley Laufman THE ANNUAL SERVICE OF TRIB- poems | 7 pm | Weaver Library, 41 sts, Providence | Free | 401.863.7287 Tooth & the Sugar Babies chorusofwesterly.org works by Beethoven, Schubert, Bar- and fiddler Jacqueline Laufman | 6 UTE TO COMMEMORATE THE Grove St, East Providence | Free | | news.brown.edu/pressreleases/ EAST BAY TAVERN | East Providence SUNDAY 7 HEATHER MALONEY + JOE tok, and Czerny | Apr 6 8 pm, Chai pm | Mount Hope Farm, 250 Meta- 76TH ANNIVERSARY OF H.P. 401.435.1986 | eplib.org 2013/03/shearer | DJ Midnight COMEDY SHOWCASE | 8 pm | Come- FLETCHER & THE WRONG REA- with pianist Manabu Takasawa and com Ave, Bristol | $35 [proceeds LOVECRAFT’S DEATH with opening “GLOBAL INDIGENEITY: A MINI- GILLIGAN’S ISLAND | Westerly | dy Connection, East Providence | $10 SONS | 8 pm | Narrows Center For pianists chosen by audition from benefit Community String Project] remarks, a “eulogy” encapsulating TUESDAY 9 CONFERENCE ON INDIGENOUS Open mic hosted by Bob Lavalley BRING YOUR OWN IMPROV | 6 pm the Arts, 16 Anawan St, Fall River, students in the URI piano program | 401.254.1745 | communitystring his life and literary career, and dra- GOT POETRY LIVE! | 6 pm | Blue MUSIC AND PERFORMANCE” | An GREENWICH HOTEL | East Greenwich | Warwick Museum of Art, 3259 Post MA | $15 advance, $17 day of show | [both concerts $10, $5 students] | Apr project.org matic readings from his poetry and State Coffee, 300 Thayer St, Provi- exploration of contemporary indig- | The Ghost Notes Rd | $5 | bringyourownimprov 508.324.1926 | narrowscenter.org 6 1-5 pm, Adult Amateur piano com- prose, with master of ceremonies dence | $3 | 401.383.8393 | gotpoetry. enous music throughout the Ameri- HOGAN’S ALLEY | Lincoln | 7 pm | JIM SPINNATO’S R-RATED THE IDOL KINGS [TRIBUTE TO petition + Apr 7 11 am-5 pm, Young SATURDAY 6 Christian Henry Tobler | 3 pm | Ladd com/News/topic=23.html cas, ranging from Alaska to the Second Avenue HYPNOTIC HYSTERIA | 8 pm | Comix JOURNEY & JOHN MELLENCAMP] Pianists competition [free] | Fri-Sat | CAJUN DANCE with the Magnolia Observatory, 210 Doyle Ave, Provi- American Southwest to Bolivia and IRON WORKS TAVERN | Warwick | at Foxwoods, Mashantucket, CT | | 9 pm | Newport Grand Event Cen- Fine Arts Center Concert Hall at Uni- Cajun Band and fiddler Darren Wal- dence | 401.349.0562 WEDNESDAY 10 Brazil with presentations by Trevor 8 pm | Betsy Listenfelt $15-$25 advance ter, 150 Admiral Kalbfus Rd | Free | versity of Rhode Island, 105 Upper lace | 7:30 pm | The German Club, “A SALUTE TO SPRING/BONJOUR DONALD C. JACKSON will read Reed [Hopi, Columbia University], LUXURY BOX SPORTS BAR & 401.849.5000 | newportgrand.com College Rd, Kingston | 401.874.2431 | 78 Carter Ave, Pawtucket | $15 | PRINTEMPS” with music by Josée from, discuss, and sign his book, Michelle Bigenho [Hampshire Col- GRILL | Seekonk, MA | Chris from MONDAY 8 LIVINGSTON TAYLOR | 8 pm | Sta- uri.edu/music 508.636.3867 Vachon; “Play Ball,” a living history Celebrating Life: An Appreciation of Animals lege], David Samuels [NYU], Aaron What Matters? MICHAEL IAN BLACK | 8 pm | Ed- dium Theatre, 28 Monument Sq, ENGLISH COUNTRY DANCE with play about the role that baseball in Verse and Prose | 5:30 pm | Brown Fox [Columbia], and Anthony Seeger MEDIATOR STAGE | Providence | wards Auditorium, University of Woonsocket | $26-$36 | 401.762.4545 | SATURDAY 6 instruction by dance leader Martha played in the lives of people living Bookstore, 244 Thayer St, Providence [UCLA/Smithsonian Institution] | Open mic hosted by Don Tassone Rhode Island, Upper College Road, stadiumtheatre.com MANHATTAN STRING QUARTET Griffin and music by Bill Ouimette and working in the Blackstone Val- | Free | 401.863.3168 | bookstore. 1 pm | Brown University’s Watson MURPHY’S LAW | Pawtucket | 7 pm | Kingston | $10 | facebook.com/ THE LURGIO-NORBREGA QUARTET performing works by Mozart, Bar- and Peter Rivard | 7:30 pm | South ley; and refreshments | 1:30 pm | brown.edu Institute, 111 Thayer St, Providence | Tom Lanigan RhodeIsland.SEC | 8 pm | Peeptoad Coffeehouse, North tok, and Beethoven | 7:30 pm | Goff Kingstown Land Trust Barn, 17 Museum of Work and Culture, 42 Free | 401.863.2809 | watsoninstitute. NEWPORT BLUES CAFE | Felix Brown Scituate Baptist Church, 619 West Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Rd, Matunuck Beach Rd, Kingston | $10 | South Main St, Woonsocket | $15 | THURSDAY 11 org/events_detail.cfm?id=2054 NICK-A-NEE’S | Providence | Dennis WEDNESDAY 10 Greenville Rd, North Scituate | $15 | Rehoboth, MA | $15, $13 seniors, $6 401.539.3009 | kingstonenglish 401.769.9675 | rihs.org JOHN YAU will read from his poetry “THE THOUGHT OF AIDS: HUMANI- McCarthy Band LEUKEMIA AND LYMPHOMA BENE- 401.392.1322 | fosteringarts.org students + children | 508.252.5718 | countrydance.org THE RHODE ISLAND BUILDERS | 7:30 pm | Brown University Mc- TIES AND THE EPIDEMIC” | A col- 133 CLUB | East Providence | 8:30 pm FIT | 6:30 pm | Comedy Connection, MICHAEL JOHNSON | 8 pm | Com- carpentermuseum.org/Arts.htm ASSOCIATION’S HOME SHOW | See Cormack Family Theater, 70 Brown loquium with Christopher Castiglia, | Mac Odom Band East Providence | $20 mon Fence Point Community Hall, THE PROVIDENCE SINGERS and listing for Thurs St, Providence | Free | 401.863.3260 | of Pennsylvania State University; THE PARLOUR | Providence | Raven CONNECTICUT COMIX ALL-STARS 933 Anthony Road, Portsmouth | $20 the Brown University Chorus SESAME STREET LIVE! PRESENTS brown.edu/cw David Clark, of McMaster Univer- King with John Romanoff, Mike Finoia, advance, $23 door | 401.683.5085 | performing “Fit For a Queen,” a EVENTS “ELMO’S SUPER HEROES!” | See sity, in Canada; Lawrence Cohen, THE ROI | Providence | Kris Hansen & Kevin Fitzgerald, Dan Kalwhite, commonfencemusic.org program of music performed during listing for Thurs of the University of California, Jon Tierney and Geri Wulle | 8 pm | Comix at PEARLY BAKER BAND | 7 pm | the Queen’s 1953 coronation, includ- Berkeley; Ann Cvetkovich, of the THE ROOTS | Providence | 7:30 pm | Foxwoods, Mashantucket, CT | $10- Zeiterion Theatre, 684 Purchase ing works by Handel, Byrd, Parry, THURSDAY 4 MONDAY 8- TALKS University of Texas, Austin; Bish- Sweet Little Variety Show with Red $20 advance St, New Bedford, MA | $15 | Walton, Howells, Williams, Willan, THE RHODE ISLAND BUILDERS AS- THURSDAY 11 nupriya Ghosh, of the University of Eye Flight + Hank Sinatra Jr. + more 508.994.2900 | zeiterion.org and others | Apr 6 7:30 pm at Brown SOCIATION’S HOME SHOW | Apr 4 + 2013 SPRING BOOK SALE | Apr 8, California, Santa Barbara: Deborah THE SALON | Providence | Tighten THURSDAY 11 THREE TALL PINES | 8 pm | Peep- University’s Sayles Hall, on the Col- 5 3-9 pm + Apr 6 10 am-9 pm + Apr 7 dealers’ night, 5-8:30 pm [admission THURSDAY 4 Gould, of the University of Califor- Up! [soul + funk + boogie + early COLIN KANE | 8 pm | Comix at Fox- toad Coffeehouse, North Scituate lege Green, Providence + Apr 7 3:30 10 am-5 pm | Rhode Island Conven- $30]; Apr 9, friends’ night [members “PLANTS: THEY WHISPER, TALK, nia, Santa Cruz; Cindy Patton, of hip-hop] woods, Mashantucket, CT | $20-$40 Baptist Church, 619 West Greenville pm at St. Mary’s Church, 330 Wood tion Center, 1 Sabin St, Providence | only; you can join at the door], 4-8 AND EVEN MOVE” | A talk by Roger Simon Fraser University; Kendall SPEAKEASY @ LOCAL 121 | Providence advance Rd, North Scituate | $15 | 401.392.1322 St, Bristol | Sat-Sun | Sayles Hall pm] Apr 10, 10 am-5:30 pm; Apr Hangarter, creative plant biologist Thomas, of the Columbia Law | 8 pm | Allysen Callery + Ryan Lee IMPROV JONES | See listing for Thurs | fosteringarts.org at Brown University, Waterman 11, 1-8:30 pm; Apr 12 + 13, 12-5:30 and professor of biology at Indiana School, and Dagmawi Woubshet, of Crosby + the Sugar Honey Iced Tea LOL THURSDAY | See listing for Thurs and George sts, Providence | $26, $5 pm [fill a bag for $5] | Rochambeau University | Noon | Brown Universi- Cornell University | Go to the web- SUNDAY 7 students | 401.751.5700 | providence Library, 708 Hope St, Providence | ty’s Granoff Center, Martinos Audi- site for the complete schedule | 9 am BRIT FLOYD: THE WORLD’S singers.org 401.467.2700 x 2 | friendsofrocham- torium, 154 Angell St, Providence | | Brown University’s Pembroke Hall, GREATEST PINK FLOYD SHOW | 8 RHODE ISLAND PHILHARMONIC beau.org Free | brown.edu/academics/ 172 Meeting St, Providence | Free | COMEDY CONCERTS pm | The Vets, 1 Avenue of the Arts, COMMUNITY ORCHESTRA perform- creative-arts-council/events/ 401.863.6070 | brown.edu/ Providence | $39.50 | 401.421.ARTS | ing works by Beethoven and Mahler upcoming Departments/Humanities_Center/ ppacri.org | 8 pm | St. Ann Arts and Cultural “SHAPE OF TIME” | A talk by Bar- events/thoughtofaids2013.html THURSDAY 4 POPULAR ELVIS LIVES: THE ULTIMATE ELVIS Center, 84 Cumberland St, Woon- FILM bara Wilks, principal of W Archi- BOB MARLEY | 8 pm | Comedy Con- TRIBUTE ARTIST EVENT | 3 pm | socket | $15, $5 students + seniors | tecture & Landscape Architecture | TUESDAY 9 nection, 39 Warren Ave, East Provi- Garde Arts Center, 325 State St, New 401.248.7070 | riphil.org Part of the Landscape Architecture “GUNS IN AMERICA: MENTAL dence | $25 | 401.438.8383 | ricomedy THURSDAY 4 London, CT | $49 | 860.444.7373 | THURSDAY 4 Lecture Series | 7 pm | Weaver Au- HEALTH” | A panel discussion with connection.com GRAYSON HUGH + Caroline Doc- gardearts.org SUNDAY 7 HEATHER HENSON presents Hand- ditorium in the Coastal Institute Richard Alan Friedman, professor of LOL THURSDAY hosted by Frank torow | 8 pm | Narrows Center For “GLADLY BEYOND: SONGS OF TIME THE RHODE ISLAND COLLEGE made Puppet Dreams, vol. 5, a selection Building at the University of Rhode Continued on p 22 22 April 5, 2013 | the providence phoenix | providence.thephoenix.com EAST BAY TAVERN Thanks for Nominating us www.ric.edu/bannister | Tues-Fri JAMESTOWN ARTS CENTER | ings, Mollie Hosmer-Dillard, Li Jun East Providence’s for Best DJ Night! 12-8 pm | Through Apr 19: “Pan- 401.560.0979 | 18 Valley St | Lai, Erika Sabel, and Dan Talbot] | Hottest Night Spot! carta: A Rhode Island Collectors’ jamestownartcenter.org | Wed-Sat Through May 12: “Faculty Focus,” Exhibition” 10 am-2 pm | Through Apr 12: with works by Charlene Carpenzano listings BERT GALLERY | 401.751.2628 | “Members’ Show 2013” and Dan McManus of the NAM art 540 South Water St, Providence bert KEESEH STUDIO GALLERY 42 Rice NOMINEE | | school | Through May 12: “Shelf gallery.com | Mon-Fri 11 am-5 pm; St, Providence | Fri 11 am-2 pm; Sat- Life,”paintings by Gerry Perrino | Every Friday: Sat 12-4 pm | Through Apr 13: “Lumi- Sun 1-7 pm | Through Apr 5: The Art Through May 19: “Newport Annual nous, Intense and Fresh: The Pastels League of Rhode Island’s Annual As- Members’ Juried Exhibition” Continued from p 21 of Louise Marianetti (1916-2009)” sociates’ Exhibition RISD MUSEUM | 401.454.6500 | 224 Flava Fridays clinical psychiatry at the Weill Cor- BILL KRUL GALLERY | 401.782.1715 | KRAUSE GALLERY | 401.831.7350 Benefit St, Providence | risdmuseum. nell Medical College; Doris Fuller, 142 Boon St, Narragansett | billkrul x 174 | In the Jenks Center at Moses org | Tues-Sun 10 am-5 pm [Thurs Music by “THE ONE” J SLEAZY director at the Treatment Advocacy gallery.com | Daily 10 am-8 pm | Brown School, 250 Lloyd Ave, Provi- until 9 pm] | Admission $12; $10 Hosted by Jahpan / Ft. The ASAP Dancers Center; and Jeffrey Swanson, pro- Through Apr 30: “Coastal Visions: dence | mosesbrown.org | Mon-Fri seniors; $5 college students, $3 ages fessor of psychiatry at the Duke Rhode Island and Maine,” photo- 8 am-4 pm + by appointment | 5-18; free every Sun 10 am–1 pm | University School of Medicine | 4 graphs by Cate Brown Through Apr 26: “Everyday,” with Through May 19: “Grisgorious Plac- Wed + Thurs Fri + Sat pm | Brown University’s MacMillan CADE TOMPKINS PROJECTS | works by Jessica Brilli, Brenda Cirio- es: Edward Lear’s Travels” | Through Hall, 167 Thayer St, Providence | Free 401.751.4888 | 198 Hope St, Provi- ni, and Scott Francoeur June 9: “RISD Business: Sassy Signs DJ MiDNiGHT DJ SLEAZY | news.brown.edu/pressreleases/ dence | cadetompkins.com | Sat 10 am- PAWTUCKET ARTS COLLABORA- and Sculptures by Alejandro Diaz” 2013/03/guns 6 pm + by appointment | Through Apr TIVE GALLERY | 175 Main St | | Through June 16: “Lists: To-dos, Every Fri & Sat: Go Go Dancers! 27: Work by Coral Bourgeois pawtucketartscollaborative.org | Mon- Illustrated Inventories, Collected WEDNESDAY 10 CANDITA CLAYTON STUDIO | Sat 10 am to 5 pm | Through Apr 5: Thoughts, and Other Artists’ Enu- EAST BAY TAVERN 305 LYON AvE EAST PrOviDENcE 401-228-7343 AUTHOR JUNOT DIAZ will discuss 401.533.8825 | 999 Main St, Unit 105, “Drawing From the Multiple,” a merations from the Smithsonian’s OPEN EvErY DAY FrOM 3PM-1AM his work | 4 pm | Smith Center for Pawtucket | canditaclaytonstudio.com print exhibit with works by Court- Archives of American Art” | Through the Arts at Providence College, 549 | Wed 6-9 pm + by appointment + ney Sennish, Jessica Murray, Chase June 30: “Double-and-Add,” works River Ave, Providence College, Provi- chance | Through Apr 27: “Emerging,” Taylor, Suruchi Kabra, Pippa Zor- by Angela Bulloch, Anthony McCall, dence | Free | 401.865.2836 | provi- paintings by Way O’Malley and paint- noza, Augustina Bello Decurnex, and Haroon Mirza | Through July dence.edu/About+PC/ New+ Initia- ings and drawings by Andy Davis and Simonette Quamina 14: “The Festive City,” | an exhibit tives/Smith+Center+for+the+Arts. CHABOT FINE ART GALLERY | PORTSMOUTH ARTS GUILD GAL- of rarely seen prints and books that htm 401.432.7783 | 379 Atwells Ave, Provi- LERY | 401.293.5ART | 2679 East Main provide a glimpse into the festivals “THE ALGERIAN EXCEPTION, THE dence | chabotgallery.com | Wed + Rd, Portsmouth | portsmouthartsguild. of early modern Europe ALGERIANIZATION OF NORTH Thurs 12-6 pm; Fri + Sat 12-8 pm | org | Fri-Sun 1-5 pm | Through Apr 7: AFRICA, AND THE ENCIRCLEMENT Through Apr 16: “Expressions,” new “Town and Country,” a juried exhibit OF ALGERIA” | A talk by Hugh works by resident gallery artists PROVIDENCE ART CLUB | Roberts, professor of North African COLO COLO GALLERY | 508.496.4718 401.331.1114 | 11 Thomas St | THEATER and Middle Eastern history at Tufts | 25 Centre St, New Bedford, MA | providenceartclub.org | Mon-Fri 12-4 University | 4 pm | Brown Univer- Tues + Thurs 12-5 pm; Wed + Fri pm; Sat-Sun 2-4 pm | Through Apr 5: sity’s Watson Institute, 111 Thayer 3-6 pm; Sat 12-6 pm | Through Apr “All Media Juried Exhibition” | “Ste- ARTISTS’ EXCHANGE | 401.490.9475 St, Providence | Free | middleeast 9: “I Wake To Sleep (and I Take My ven Weinberg: New Body of Work” | | artists-exchange.org | 50 Rolfe Sq, brown.org/events/mes-lecture- Waking Slow),” paintings by Mollie Apr 7-26: “Keys To the Cure,” multi- Cranston | Apr 5-14: Our Town, by series-with-hugh-roberts Hosmer-Dillard media artworks by Kelly Milukas Thornton Wilder | Fri 8 pm; Sat 7 “MULTINATURALISM AND MUL- COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF RHODE REILLY GALLERY | 401.865.2400 | pm; Sun 2 pm | $15 TICULTURALISM IN THE SOUTH ISLAND FLANAGAN CAMPUS At Providence College, 549 River Ave | BROWN TAPS | brown.edu/academics/ AMERICAN HISTORY OF THE ART GALLERY | | 1762 Louisquisset providence.edu/art | Mon-Fri 11 am- theatre-arts-performance-studies | At VOICE” | A talk by Ana María Ochoa, Pike, Lincoln | Tues-Fri 11 am-4 pm | 4 pm | Through Apr 12: “Memory Leeds Theatre, 77 Waterman St, Provi- an associate professor of music at Through Apr 19: “Gyre,” drawings Tokens,” paintings by Julia Christ dence | Through Apr 14: Straight White Columbia University | 6 pm | Brown and prints by Yvonne Leonard RHODE ISLAND WATERCOLOR Male, by Young Jean Lee | Wed-Sat 8 University’s Orwig Music Building, CRAFTLAND | 401.272.4285 | SOCIETY GALLERY | 401.726.1876 | pm; Sun 2 pm | $15, $12 seniors, $7 Hope St and Young Orchard Ave, 235 Westminster St, Providence | Slater Memorial Park, Armistice Blvd, students Providence | Free | 401.863.3234 | craftland shop.com | Mon-Sat 11 am-6 Pawtucket | riws.org | Tues-Sat 10 am- GAMM THEATRE | 401.723.4266 | brown.edu/music pm; Sun 11 am-5 pm | Through Apr 4 pm; Sun 1-5 pm | Through Apr 20: gammtheatre.org | 172 Exchange St, 6: “Artificial Memories,” photo- “117th Annual Artist Member’s Show Pawtucket | Through Apr 14: The Real THURSDAY 11 graphs by Corey Grayhorse | Apr SOUTH COUNTY ART ASSOCIATION Thing, by Tom Stoppard | This week: NANCY CARONIA will discuss how 11-May 11: new works by Joseph | 401.783.2195 | 2587 Kingstown Rd, Apr 4-6- + Apr 11 8 pm; Apr 7 2 + 7 our fascination with zombie apoca- Aaron Segal Kingston | southcountyart.org | Wed- pm; Apr 10 7 pm | $36 + $45 lypse tales — an obsession cultivated DAVID WINTON BELL GALLERY | Sun 10 am-6 pm; Fri 10 am-8 pm | NEWPORT ART MUSEUM | by the popular TV show The Walking 401 863.2932 | List Art Center, Brown Through Apr 13: “Open Juried Pho- 401.848.8200 | newportartmuseum. Dead and the film 28 Days Later — re- University, 64 College St, Providence | tography Annual” org | 76 Bellevue Ave | Apr 6 5:30 pm: flect race and gender in the 21st cen- brown.edu/Facilities/David_Winton URI FEINSTEN CAMPUS GALLERY The Marley Bridges Theatre Com- tury | Part of the “Diversity Brown _Bell_Gallery | Mon-Fri 11 am-4 pm; | 401.277.5206 | 80 Washington St, pany presents A Diamond In the Rough, Bag Discussions” series | Noon | Sat + Sun 1-4 pm | Through May 26: Providence | uri.edu/prov | Mon-Thurs part of “Murder At the Museum,” University of Rhode Island Multicul- “I Am Sorry It Is Difficult To Start,” 9 am-9 pm; Fri + Sat 9 am-5 pm | an interactive theater experience | tural Center, 74 Lower College Road, works by Daniel Heyman | Through Through Apr 26: “Our Urban Wild- 5:30 pm | $25, $13 youth Kingston | Free | 401.874.2536 | uri. May 26: “The Ashes Series,” photo- life,” a mixed media exhibit NEWPORT PLAYHOUSE & CABA- edu/news/releases/?id=6522 graphs by Wafaa Bilal VAN VESSEM GALLERY | RET RESTAURANT | 401.848.PLAY | “THE TALLINN MANUAL ON THE DEBLOIS GALLERY | 401.847.9977 | 401.835.6639 | 63 Muse Way, Tiverton newportplayhouse.com | 102-104 Con- The House of Mood Presents: INTERNATIONAL LAW APPLICA- 138 Bellevue Ave, Newport | deblois | sandywoodsfarm.org/vanvessem- nell Hwy | Through May 25: Spreading BLE TO CYBER WARFARE” | A talk gallery.com | Tues-Sun 12-5 pm | Apr gallery.html | April 6-May 1: Works It Around, by Londos D’Arrigo | $49.95 by Michael Schmitt, chairman of 6-30: “Deep Woods,” works by Rob- by | Desiree Brunton, Harmony dinner + theater + cabaret, $34.95 Burlesque & Cabaret the International Law Department ert Sabin and Eleanor Sabin Winters, David Seibert, Joan Mann, theater + cabaret | Fri-Sun, doors at the US Naval War College | 4 pm DORRANCE H. HAMILTON GAL- Penny Jackim, Matthew G. Smith, 6 pm, buffet 6:15 pm, show 8 pm | | Brown University’s Watson Insti- LERY AT SALVE REGINA UNI- Meredith Brower, Nancy Walker, Matinees Wed + Thurs + Sun [and Revue tute, 111 Thayer St, Providence | Free VERSITY | 401.341.2981 | Antone Charlie Barmonde, Ben Butler, El- selected Tues + Sat], doors 11 am, | watsoninstitute.org/events_detail. Academic Center, Lawrence + Leroy len Bromgren, Beth Claverie, Craig buffet 11:30 am, show 1 pm cfm?id=1909 Aves, Newport | salve.edu/academ- Crawford, and Marika van Vessem OCEAN STATE THEATRE COMPANY Saturday, april 27th “RUPTURE IN THE TEMPLE: THE ics/departments/art/gallery | Tues + WICKFORD ART ASSOCIATION | 401.921.6800 | oceanstatetheatre. RISE AND FALL OF FREEMASONRY Thurs 11 am-6 pm; Wed + Fri 11 am-5 GALLERY | 401.294.6840 | 36 Beach org | 1245 Jefferson Blvd, Warwick IN COLONIAL RHODE ISLAND, pm; Sat + Sun 12-4 pm | Through Apr St, North Kingstown | wickfordart. | Through Apr 14: Race, by David at 8:30pm 1849-1772” | A talk by scholar 24: “Logica,” works by Bob Lukens org | Tues-Sat 11 am-3 pm; Sun 12- Mamet | Thurs + Sat 2 + 7:30 pm; Fri doors open at 7:30pm Samuel Biagetti | 5:30 pm | Colony and Molly Regan 3 pm | Apr 5-21: “Members A-Z” + Wed 7:30 pm; Sun 2 pm | $30-$47 House, Washington Sq, Newport | DRYDEN GALLERY | 401.421.6196 | YELLOW PERIL GALLERY | PROVIDENCE PERFORMING ARTS 461 main Street, pawtucket ri $5 | 401.846.0813 x 104 | Newport 27 Dryden Ln, Providence | providence 401.861.1535 | 60 Valley St #5, CENTER | 401.421.ARTS | ppacri.org History.org pictureframe.com | Mon-Sat 8:30 Providence | yellowperilgallery.com | | 220 Weybosset St | Apr 9-14: Sister tickets: $25 online, $30 at door am-6:30 pm | Apr 6-30: “Marinosci Through Apr 14: “Reverse Cowgirl,” Act | Apr 9 + 10 7 pm + Apr 11 + 12 7:30 and Company,” paintings by Angelo new work in a variety of mediums by pm + Apr 13 2 + 8 pm + Apr 14 1 + 6:30 Marinosci, Jr., David Deluca, and artists from Olneyville and the sur- pm | $46-$73 ART Karen McDonnell, and photographs rounding mill complexes, including 2ND STORY THEATRE | 401.247.4200 JM Kennedy Dance and Pole by Charles Lutz, Curtis Aric, David Allyn, Nick Batua, | 2ndstorytheatre.com | 28 Market St, GALLERY Z | 401.454.8844 | 259 Christian Carrera, Dave Cole, Jill Co- Warren | Through Apr 7: One Flew Over Fitness Studio GALLERIES Atwells Ave, Providence | galleryzprov. linan, Nori Dubusker Darling, Yann the Cuckoo’s Nest, adapted by Dale Was- com | Wed-Sat 12-8 pm + by appoint- Weiner, and guest curator Tom West serman from the novel by Ken Kesey | Offering weekly classes in: Basic Pole Fitness, Belly Dance, ALTA LUNA GALLERY | 401.688.0396 ment | Through Apr 27: “The Square Thurs 7 pm; Fri + Sat 8 pm; Sun 3 pm | 297 Hope St, Bristol | altalunagal- Show,” works on three difference MUSEUMS | $25, $20 under 22 Sexy Chair Fitness,The Art of Burlesque, Salsa Dance for Couples, lery.com | Mon-Sat 10 am-7 pm; Sun size canvases [12”x12”, 16”x16”, TRINITY REPERTORY COMPANY 12-5 pm | Through Apr 30: “Rebirth 20”x20”] MUSEUM OF NEWPORT HISTORY | | 401.351.4242 | trinityrep.com | 201 Cardio Hoop, Zumba Toning, Zumba Sentao, Zumba Fitness — Awakening,” a group show that GREEN SPACE GALLERY AT THE 401.841.8770 | 127 Thames St | Washington St, Providence | Through celebrates spring T.F. GREEN AIRPORT | 2000 Post newporthistory.org | Through May Apr 21: Social Creatures, by Jackie Sib- AS220 | 401.831.9327 | 115 Empire St, Rd, Warwick | Through Apr 30: “On 31: “Hearth In Home: Keeping blies Drury | This week: Apr 4-6 + Zumba Classes Offered Providence | as220.org | Wed-Fri and Through and In Between,” new Warm In Early Newport” 9-11 7:30 pm + Apr 7 2 + 7:30 pm | 1-6 pm; Sat 12-5 pm + by appoint- work by Deborah Baronas and NEWPORT ART MUSEUM | $28-$68 4 days a week! ment | Apr 6-27: new work by Graham Heffernan 401.848.8200 | 76 Bellevue Ave | THE UN-COMMON YOUNG PER- Eric Fulford, John A. Castillo, John HERA GALLERY | 401.789.1488 | newportartmuseum.org | Tues-Sat FORMERS | 508.543.2787 x 4 | At use Coupon Code: PHXday41313 Hunter Housley, and Uriah Zoegar 10 High St, Wakefield | heragallery. 11 am-4 pm; Sun 12-4 pm | Admission the Orpheum Theatre, 1 School St, AS220 PROJECT SPACE | 401.831.9327 org | Wed-Fri 1-5 pm; Sat 10 am-4 $10 adults; $8 seniors; $6 students Foxboro, MA | Apr 5-7: How To Succeed for 10% off when you register! | 93 Mathewson St, Providence | as220. pm | Apr 6-May 4: “The Garden,” + military with ID; free under 6 | In Business Without Really Trying | Fri-Sat org | Wed-Fri 1-6 pm; Sat 12-5 pm + by photographs by Alexandra Broches Through May 5: “Legacies In Paint: 7:30 pm; Sun 2 pm | $22, $17 stu- appointment | Apr 6-27: “The Awak- | “Repeat Repeat,” a conceptual in- The Mentor Project,” with work dents + seniors 461 Main Street, Pawtucket RI 02860 ening of Stone,” an installation by stallation by Michael Yefko from a four-month mentoring proj- THE WILBURY GROUP | 401.400.7100 Ariele Affigne | “Wayfinding,” new IMAGO GALLERY | 401.245.0173 | ect with mid- to late-career Rhode | thewilburygroup.org | At the Trinity Home of New England’s 401.305.3400 work by Jori Ketten 36 Market St, Warren | imago Island painters [Paula Martiesian, Theatre at the Southside Cultural Center, Bachelorette Parties www.jmkennedyentertainment.com BANNISTER GALLERY AT RHODE foundation4art.org | Thurs 4-8 pm, Fri David Barnes, Michele Provost, 393 Broad St, Providence | Through ISLAND COLLEGE | 401.456.9765 | + Sat 12-8 pm | Through Apr 13: “10th John Riedel, and Ida Schmulowitz] Apr 6: Body Awareness, by Annie Baker | 600 Mount Pleasant Ave, Providence | Anniversary Invitational Exhibit” and younger painters [Buck Hast- Thurs-Sat 7:30 pm | $15 + $20 22 April 5, 2013 | the providence phoenix | providence.thephoenix.com

great live music By: www.ric.edu/bannister | Tues-Fri JAMESTOWN ARTS CENTER | ings, Mollie Hosmer-Dillard, Li Jun 12-8 pm | Through Apr 19: “Pan- 401.560.0979 | 18 Valley St | Lai, Erika Sabel, and Dan Talbot] | carta: A Rhode Island Collectors’ jamestownartcenter.org | Wed-Sat Through May 12: “Faculty Focus,” Exhibition” 10 am-2 pm | Through Apr 12: with works by Charlene Carpenzano listings BERT GALLERY | 401.751.2628 | “Members’ Show 2013” and Dan McManus of the NAM art 540 South Water St, Providence | bert KEESEH STUDIO GALLERY | 42 Rice school | Through May 12: “Shelf eric Bloom gallery.com | Mon-Fri 11 am-5 pm; St, Providence | Fri 11 am-2 pm; Sat- Life,”paintings by Gerry Perrino | Plus a sPecial Performance By the students from the Sat 12-4 pm | Through Apr 13: “Lumi- Sun 1-7 pm | Through Apr 5: The Art Through May 19: “Newport Annual nous, Intense and Fresh: The Pastels League of Rhode Island’s Annual As- Members’ Juried Exhibition” Continued from p 21 of Louise Marianetti (1916-2009)” sociates’ Exhibition RISD MUSEUM | 401.454.6500 | 224 food catered By: clinical psychiatry at the Weill Cor- BILL KRUL GALLERY | 401.782.1715 | KRAUSE GALLERY | 401.831.7350 Benefit St, Providence | risdmuseum. nell Medical College; Doris Fuller, 142 Boon St, Narragansett | billkrul x 174 | In the Jenks Center at Moses org | Tues-Sun 10 am-5 pm [Thurs director at the Treatment Advocacy gallery.com | Daily 10 am-8 pm | Brown School, 250 Lloyd Ave, Provi- until 9 pm] | Admission $12; $10 Center; and Jeffrey Swanson, pro- Through Apr 30: “Coastal Visions: dence | mosesbrown.org | Mon-Fri seniors; $5 college students, $3 ages fessor of psychiatry at the Duke Rhode Island and Maine,” photo- 8 am-4 pm + by appointment | 5-18; free every Sun 10 am–1 pm | University School of Medicine | 4 graphs by Cate Brown Through Apr 26: “Everyday,” with Through May 19: “Grisgorious Plac- pm | Brown University’s MacMillan CADE TOMPKINS PROJECTS | works by Jessica Brilli, Brenda Cirio- es: Edward Lear’s Travels” | Through 401.751.4888 198 Hope St, Provi- Hall, 167 Thayer St, Providence | Free | ni, and Scott Francoeur June 9: “RISD Business: Sassy Signs desserts By: Become our | news.brown.edu/pressreleases/ dence | cadetompkins.com | Sat 10 am- PAWTUCKET ARTS COLLABORA- and Sculptures by Alejandro Diaz” 2013/03/guns 6 pm + by appointment | Through Apr TIVE GALLERY | 175 Main St | | Through June 16: “Lists: To-dos, 27: Work by Coral Bourgeois pawtucketartscollaborative.org | Mon- Illustrated Inventories, Collected facebook Photo Booth Provided By: WEDNESDAY 10 CANDITA CLAYTON STUDIO | Sat 10 am to 5 pm | Through Apr 5: Thoughts, and Other Artists’ Enu- AUTHOR JUNOT DIAZ will discuss 401.533.8825 | 999 Main St, Unit 105, “Drawing From the Multiple,” a merations from the Smithsonian’s his work | 4 pm | Smith Center for Pawtucket | canditaclaytonstudio.com print exhibit with works by Court- Archives of American Art” | Through fan the Arts at Providence College, 549 | Wed 6-9 pm + by appointment + ney Sennish, Jessica Murray, Chase June 30: “Double-and-Add,” works free airBrush tattoo's By: River Ave, Providence College, Provi- chance | Through Apr 27: “Emerging,” Taylor, Suruchi Kabra, Pippa Zor- by Angela Bulloch, Anthony McCall, dence | Free | 401.865.2836 | provi- paintings by Way O’Malley and paint- noza, Augustina Bello Decurnex, and Haroon Mirza | Through July the facebook.com dence.edu/About+PC/ New+ Initia- ings and drawings by Andy Davis and Simonette Quamina 14: “The Festive City,” | an exhibit tives/Smith+Center+for+the+Arts. CHABOT FINE ART GALLERY | PORTSMOUTH ARTS GUILD GAL- of rarely seen prints and books that /providencephoenix htm 401.432.7783 | 379 Atwells Ave, Provi- LERY | 401.293.5ART | 2679 East Main provide a glimpse into the festivals also sPonsored By: “THE ALGERIAN EXCEPTION, THE dence | chabotgallery.com | Wed + Rd, Portsmouth | portsmouthartsguild. of early modern Europe ALGERIANIZATION OF NORTH Thurs 12-6 pm; Fri + Sat 12-8 pm | org | Fri-Sun 1-5 pm | Through Apr 7: best AFRICA, AND THE ENCIRCLEMENT Through Apr 16: “Expressions,” new “Town and Country,” a juried exhibit th 2013 OF ALGERIA” | A talk by Hugh works by resident gallery artists PROVIDENCE ART CLUB | 16 annual Best reader’s Poll Roberts, professor of North African COLO COLO GALLERY | 508.496.4718 401.331.1114 | 11 Thomas St | THEATER and Middle Eastern history at Tufts | 25 Centre St, New Bedford, MA | providenceartclub.org | Mon-Fri 12-4 University | 4 pm | Brown Univer- Tues + Thurs 12-5 pm; Wed + Fri pm; Sat-Sun 2-4 pm | Through Apr 5: sity’s Watson Institute, 111 Thayer 3-6 pm; Sat 12-6 pm | Through Apr “All Media Juried Exhibition” | “Ste- ARTISTS’ EXCHANGE | 401.490.9475 wednesday aPril 24 St, Providence | Free | middleeast 9: “I Wake To Sleep (and I Take My ven Weinberg: New Body of Work” | | artists-exchange.org | 50 Rolfe Sq, brown.org/events/mes-lecture- Waking Slow),” paintings by Mollie Apr 7-26: “Keys To the Cure,” multi- Cranston | Apr 5-14: Our Town, by series-with-hugh-roberts Hosmer-Dillard media artworks by Kelly Milukas Thornton Wilder | Fri 8 pm; Sat 7 6Pm-10Pm @ fete “MULTINATURALISM AND MUL- COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF RHODE REILLY GALLERY | 401.865.2400 | pm; Sun 2 pm | $15 TICULTURALISM IN THE SOUTH ISLAND FLANAGAN CAMPUS At Providence College, 549 River Ave | BROWN TAPS | brown.edu/academics/ 103 dike st. Providence AMERICAN HISTORY OF THE ART GALLERY | | 1762 Louisquisset providence.edu/art | Mon-Fri 11 am- theatre-arts-performance-studies | At awards show VOICE” Pike, Lincoln Leeds Theatre, 77 Waterman St, Provi- IS | A talk by Ana María Ochoa, | Tues-Fri 11 am-4 pm | 4 pm | Through Apr 12: “Memory an associate professor of music at Through Apr 19: “Gyre,” drawings Tokens,” paintings by Julia Christ dence | Through Apr 14: Straight White Join us for a celeBration of local Businesses as we announce our Columbia University | 6 pm | Brown and prints by Yvonne Leonard RHODE ISLAND WATERCOLOR Male, by Young Jean Lee | Wed-Sat 8 University’s Orwig Music Building, CRAFTLAND | 401.272.4285 | SOCIETY GALLERY | 401.726.1876 | pm; Sun 2 pm | $15, $12 seniors, $7 2013 readers’ choices for “the Best” in over 100 categories! THIS Hope St and Young Orchard Ave, 235 Westminster St, Providence | Slater Memorial Park, Armistice Blvd, students Providence | Free | 401.863.3234 | craftland shop.com | Mon-Sat 11 am-6 Pawtucket | riws.org | Tues-Sat 10 am- GAMM THEATRE | 401.723.4266 | free admission, free food, free music, valet Parking availaBle! brown.edu/music pm; Sun 11 am-5 pm | Through Apr 4 pm; Sun 1-5 pm | Through Apr 20: gammtheatre.org | 172 Exchange St, JAZZ? 6: “Artificial Memories,” photo- “117th Annual Artist Member’s Show Pawtucket | Through Apr 14: The Real THURSDAY 11 graphs by Corey Grayhorse | Apr SOUTH COUNTY ART ASSOCIATION Thing, by Tom Stoppard | This week: Presented by rI's Arts & entertAInment AuthorIty for over 30 yeArs! ProvIdencePhoenIx.com NANCY CARONIA will discuss how 11-May 11: new works by Joseph | 401.783.2195 | 2587 Kingstown Rd, Apr 4-6- + Apr 11 8 pm; Apr 7 2 + 7 Friday, April 5th our fascination with zombie apoca- Aaron Segal Kingston | southcountyart.org | Wed- pm; Apr 10 7 pm | $36 + $45 lypse tales — an obsession cultivated DAVID WINTON BELL GALLERY | Sun 10 am-6 pm; Fri 10 am-8 pm | NEWPORT ART MUSEUM | 8pm by the popular TV show The Walking 401 863.2932 | List Art Center, Brown Through Apr 13: “Open Juried Pho- 401.848.8200 | newportartmuseum. Dead and the film 28 Days Later — re- University, 64 College St, Providence | tography Annual” org | 76 Bellevue Ave | Apr 6 5:30 pm: flect race and gender in the 21st cen- brown.edu/Facilities/David_Winton URI FEINSTEN CAMPUS GALLERY The Marley Bridges Theatre Com- FEATURING tury | Part of the “Diversity Brown _Bell_Gallery | Mon-Fri 11 am-4 pm; | 401.277.5206 | 80 Washington St, pany presents A Diamond In the Rough, Bag Discussions” series | Noon | Sat + Sun 1-4 pm | Through May 26: Providence | uri.edu/prov | Mon-Thurs part of “Murder At the Museum,” George Garzone & The Fringe University of Rhode Island Multicul- “I Am Sorry It Is Difficult To Start,” 9 am-9 pm; Fri + Sat 9 am-5 pm | an interactive theater experience | tural Center, 74 Lower College Road, works by Daniel Heyman | Through Through Apr 26: “Our Urban Wild- 5:30 pm | $25, $13 youth The Mark Medeiros Ensemble Kingston | Free | 401.874.2536 | uri. May 26: “The Ashes Series,” photo- life,” a mixed media exhibit NEWPORT PLAYHOUSE & CABA- edu/news/releases/?id=6522 graphs by Wafaa Bilal VAN VESSEM GALLERY | RET RESTAURANT | 401.848.PLAY | & Steve Johnson “THE TALLINN MANUAL ON THE DEBLOIS GALLERY | 401.847.9977 | 401.835.6639 | 63 Muse Way, Tiverton newportplayhouse.com | 102-104 Con- INTERNATIONAL LAW APPLICA- 138 Bellevue Ave, Newport | deblois | sandywoodsfarm.org/vanvessem- nell Hwy | Through May 25: Spreading BLE TO CYBER WARFARE” | A talk gallery.com | Tues-Sun 12-5 pm | Apr gallery.html | April 6-May 1: Works It Around, by Londos D’Arrigo | $49.95 by Michael Schmitt, chairman of 6-30: “Deep Woods,” works by Rob- by | Desiree Brunton, Harmony dinner + theater + cabaret, $34.95 the International Law Department ert Sabin and Eleanor Sabin Winters, David Seibert, Joan Mann, theater + cabaret | Fri-Sun, doors at the US Naval War College | 4 pm DORRANCE H. HAMILTON GAL- Penny Jackim, Matthew G. Smith, 6 pm, buffet 6:15 pm, show 8 pm | $7 | Brown University’s Watson Insti- LERY AT SALVE REGINA UNI- Meredith Brower, Nancy Walker, Matinees Wed + Thurs + Sun [and 115 EMPIRE STREET, PROVIDENCE RI 02903 tute, 111 Thayer St, Providence | Free VERSITY | 401.341.2981 | Antone Charlie Barmonde, Ben Butler, El- selected Tues + Sat], doors 11 am, | watsoninstitute.org/events_detail. Academic Center, Lawrence + Leroy len Bromgren, Beth Claverie, Craig buffet 11:30 am, show 1 pm cfm?id=1909 Aves, Newport | salve.edu/academ- Crawford, and Marika van Vessem OCEAN STATE THEATRE COMPANY “RUPTURE IN THE TEMPLE: THE ics/departments/art/gallery | Tues + WICKFORD ART ASSOCIATION | 401.921.6800 | oceanstatetheatre. RISE AND FALL OF FREEMASONRY Thurs 11 am-6 pm; Wed + Fri 11 am-5 GALLERY | 401.294.6840 | 36 Beach org | 1245 Jefferson Blvd, Warwick IN COLONIAL RHODE ISLAND, pm; Sat + Sun 12-4 pm | Through Apr St, North Kingstown | wickfordart. | Through Apr 14: Race, by David 1849-1772” | A talk by scholar 24: “Logica,” works by Bob Lukens org | Tues-Sat 11 am-3 pm; Sun 12- Mamet | Thurs + Sat 2 + 7:30 pm; Fri Samuel Biagetti | 5:30 pm | Colony and Molly Regan 3 pm | Apr 5-21: “Members A-Z” + Wed 7:30 pm; Sun 2 pm | $30-$47 House, Washington Sq, Newport | DRYDEN GALLERY | 401.421.6196 | YELLOW PERIL GALLERY | PROVIDENCE PERFORMING ARTS $5 | 401.846.0813 x 104 | Newport 27 Dryden Ln, Providence | providence 401.861.1535 | 60 Valley St #5, CENTER | 401.421.ARTS | ppacri.org If you are of a History.org pictureframe.com | Mon-Sat 8:30 Providence | yellowperilgallery.com | | 220 Weybosset St | Apr 9-14: Sister more herbivorous nature am-6:30 pm | Apr 6-30: “Marinosci Through Apr 14: “Reverse Cowgirl,” Act | Apr 9 + 10 7 pm + Apr 11 + 12 7:30 and Company,” paintings by Angelo new work in a variety of mediums by pm + Apr 13 2 + 8 pm + Apr 14 1 + 6:30 such as myself, please Marinosci, Jr., David Deluca, and artists from Olneyville and the sur- pm | $46-$73 let it be known that ART Karen McDonnell, and photographs rounding mill complexes, including 2ND STORY THEATRE | 401.247.4200 by Charles Lutz, Curtis Aric, David Allyn, Nick Batua, | 2ndstorytheatre.com | 28 Market St, almost anything on the GALLERY Z | 401.454.8844 | 259 Christian Carrera, Dave Cole, Jill Co- Warren | Through Apr 7: One Flew Over Tortilla Flats menu can GALLERIES Atwells Ave, Providence | galleryzprov. linan, Nori Dubusker Darling, Yann the Cuckoo’s Nest, adapted by Dale Was- com | Wed-Sat 12-8 pm + by appoint- Weiner, and guest curator Tom West serman from the novel by Ken Kesey | have fresh vegetables ALTA LUNA GALLERY | 401.688.0396 ment | Through Apr 27: “The Square Thurs 7 pm; Fri + Sat 8 pm; Sun 3 pm substituted for meats! | 297 Hope St, Bristol | altalunagal- Show,” works on three difference MUSEUMS | $25, $20 under 22 lery.com | Mon-Sat 10 am-7 pm; Sun size canvases [12”x12”, 16”x16”, TRINITY REPERTORY COMPANY Huzzah! 12-5 pm | Through Apr 30: “Rebirth 20”x20”] MUSEUM OF NEWPORT HISTORY | | 401.351.4242 | trinityrep.com | 201 — Awakening,” a group show that GREEN SPACE GALLERY AT THE 401.841.8770 | 127 Thames St | Washington St, Providence | Through celebrates spring T.F. GREEN AIRPORT | 2000 Post newporthistory.org | Through May Apr 21: Social Creatures, by Jackie Sib- AS220 | 401.831.9327 | 115 Empire St, Rd, Warwick | Through Apr 30: “On 31: “Hearth In Home: Keeping blies Drury | This week: Apr 4-6 + Providence | as220.org | Wed-Fri and Through and In Between,” new Warm In Early Newport” 9-11 7:30 pm + Apr 7 2 + 7:30 pm | 1-6 pm; Sat 12-5 pm + by appoint- work by Deborah Baronas and NEWPORT ART MUSEUM | $28-$68 ment | Apr 6-27: new work by Graham Heffernan 401.848.8200 | 76 Bellevue Ave | THE UN-COMMON YOUNG PER- Eric Fulford, John A. Castillo, John HERA GALLERY | 401.789.1488 | newportartmuseum.org | Tues-Sat FORMERS | 508.543.2787 x 4 | At Hunter Housley, and Uriah Zoegar 10 High St, Wakefield | heragallery. 11 am-4 pm; Sun 12-4 pm | Admission the Orpheum Theatre, 1 School St, AS220 PROJECT SPACE | 401.831.9327 org | Wed-Fri 1-5 pm; Sat 10 am-4 $10 adults; $8 seniors; $6 students Foxboro, MA | Apr 5-7: How To Succeed Not just a great cantina...it’s a state of mind | 93 Mathewson St, Providence | as220. pm | Apr 6-May 4: “The Garden,” + military with ID; free under 6 | In Business Without Really Trying | Fri-Sat org | Wed-Fri 1-6 pm; Sat 12-5 pm + by photographs by Alexandra Broches Through May 5: “Legacies In Paint: 7:30 pm; Sun 2 pm | $22, $17 stu- Southwestern, Mexican, Creole & Cajun Cuisine since ’73 appointment | Apr 6-27: “The Awak- | “Repeat Repeat,” a conceptual in- The Mentor Project,” with work dents + seniors ening of Stone,” an installation by stallation by Michael Yefko from a four-month mentoring proj- THE WILBURY GROUP | 401.400.7100 www.TORTILLAFLATSRI.com Ariele Affigne | “Wayfinding,” new IMAGO GALLERY | 401.245.0173 | ect with mid- to late-career Rhode | thewilburygroup.org | At the Trinity work by Jori Ketten 36 Market St, Warren | imago Island painters [Paula Martiesian, Theatre at the Southside Cultural Center, facebook.com/TortillaFlatsFans BANNISTER GALLERY AT RHODE foundation4art.org | Thurs 4-8 pm, Fri David Barnes, Michele Provost, 393 Broad St, Providence | Through 355 Hope Street, Providence 751-6777 ISLAND COLLEGE | 401.456.9765 | + Sat 12-8 pm | Through Apr 13: “10th John Riedel, and Ida Schmulowitz] Apr 6: Body Awareness, by Annie Baker | 600 Mount Pleasant Ave, Providence | Anniversary Invitational Exhibit” and younger painters [Buck Hast- Thurs-Sat 7:30 pm | $15 + $20 24 April 5, 2013 | the providence phoenix | providence.thephoenix.com

OUR RATING Masterpiece XXXX Good XXX Film Okay XX Not Good X Stinks Z capsule reviews

XXW expertly paced and features some ADMISSION | 2013 | Tina White House and take the President sophisticated editing, which helps Fey stars as a Princeton admis- hostage. This ludicrous actioner alleviate the corniness of the plot. sions screener who begins to strives to be as loud, violent, and Berry is all steely reserve as the oper- reconsider her school’s elitism patriotic as possible; director An- ator and easily outshines the rest of when she meets a promising young toine Fuqua (Training Day) pulls out the cast, which includes Michael Im- applicant who may be the son all the stops, openly evoking 9/11 perioli and Morris Chestnut. | 95m | she gave away for adoption; Paul and playing on the irrational fears Rudd provides romantic interest of Tea Partiers and neoconservatives XXW as the boy’s teacher at a progres- HAPPY PEOPLE: A YEAR everywhere. Gerard Butler stars as a sive school. This is certainly an IN THE TAIGA | 2010 | What Robert former Secret Service agent, his repu- interesting idea, though the movie Flaherty did with title cards in his tation tarnished by a tragic accident, is badly handicapped by Fey, who silent Nanook of the North, Werner who takes the situation in hand, his must venture beyond her usual Herzog manages with declamatory snappy one-liners and iron resolve snippiness into scenes of genuine voiceover in Happy People: romanti- fitting right in with the implausible poignancy and proves unequal cization of the austere, self-reliant premise. With Aaron Eckhart and to the task. Rudd, who’s always lives of hunters and trappers in the Morgan Freeman. | 120m | functioned best as a straight man icebound north. Herzog does it from XX (Role Models, I Love You, Man), has the warmth and comfort of an edit- SPRING BREAKERS | 2013 | no way of bailing her out, though ing suite, where he cut down four Indie veteran Harmony Korine learns the more satirical scenes involving hours of a Russian-made anthro- a valuable lesson: why hang around her Princeton colleagues (among pological documentary by Dmitry with disconsolate small-town weir- them Gloria Reuben and Wallace Vasyukov and added his own colorful dos (Gummo, Julien Donkey-Boy) when Shawn) go off without a hitch. but sometimes intrusive Herzogian you can film young women shaking Paul Weitz (Being Flynn) directed; commentary. As always, Herzog their bare breasts? This lively ex- with Michael Sheen and Lily is turned-on by macho-men in the ploitation flick follows four college thAnk You For Tomlin. | 117m | wilderness, so it makes sense that cuties (Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hud- nominAting us For he falls hard for the Russians who gens, Ashley Benson, and Rachel Ko- XXX Best Cover Club & THE CALL | 2013 | Brad fish and trap sable in the deepest, rine, the filmmaker’s wife) as they Best Weekly Jam! Anderson, the skilled genre stylist most cut-off part of Siberia. They are pull off a masked hold-up of a diner behind the cult horror favorites fun to watch as they shape skis out and, cash in hand, go roaring off to Session 9 (2001) and Vanishing on 7th of tree trunks, hang out with their Florida for the title bacchanal; upon Street (2010), directed this thriller dogs. Happy people? Perhaps. But their arrival they get mixed up with NOMINEE in which a highly proficient 911 there definitely are unhappy people: drug dealer James Franco (wearing operator (Halle Berry) takes a call the native Siberians, who have lost cornrows and grills and channeling thursdAY: from a teenager (Abigail Breslin) their way with Russian-supplied Eric Roberts). Korine gestures toward Karaoke with Rockstar who’s been abducted by a serial vodka. | Russian | 90m | social criticism, but essentially this Entertainment killer (Michael Eklund). The film is just an hour and a half of bongs, XX Half off menu from 6pm to closing! lacks the thematic nuance of OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN | 2013 beers, tits, and ass, thinly dressed as Anderson’s best work, but it’s | North Korean terrorists storm the Natural Born Killers. | 92m | Fri 4/5: Mullett 80’s Tribute Band! sAt 4/6: Cover Girl Top 40 Dance Band! FShort Takes movie reviewS in brieF sundAYs: Voted 2010, 2011, 2012 Best Weekly Jam with Wolfie & XXX The Jam Daddies squabbles, at least for Ginger. Encouraged GINGER & ROSA by her bemused father, and more earnestly 90 minUteS | cAble cAr by “the Marks” and Bella, she throws herself speciAlizing in Functions oF All tYpes! Sally Potter likes to mess around with form into political activism, marching in peace Orlando CoRinnE’s welcomes You to trY our and narrative. Her (1992) adapted the rallies and writing poems about the Bomb. French, cAjun And AmericAn cuisine, hAng out Virginia Woolf novel, with Tilda Swinton as But Rosa has drifted to other interests, with Your Friends And dAnce All night, or book the Elizabethan cavalier of the title who lives which threaten catastrophe closer to home; Your wedding in one oF our Four Function rooms! for centuries and changes genders along the as the world teeters on the brink, so too does way. Her last two films, Yes (2004) and Rage the pair’s friendship. It sounds schematic, www.corinnesbanquets.com (2009), were, respectively, written in iambic but Potter’s assured eye (her style evokes the Find us on Facebook! pentameter and shot on a cell phone. With British New Wave of the ’60s) and the mas- 1593 newport Ave, pAwtucket, ri 02861 (401) 725-4260 her latest, though, she drops the fancy stuff terful performances (Fanning, in particular, and confronts her themes head-on. In part steals every scene she’s in) keep the film autobiographical, this may be her most con- honest. Toward the end it tends more to a ventional film, and it is also her most pow- whimper than a bang (Ginger reads The Waste erful and challenging. Land at bedtime), but few other films have It’s so conventional, in fact, that it can depicted so acutely the crushing disillusion- be compared to other films. It resembles An ment and infinite hope of growing up. Education _Peter Keough (2009), and especially Sandra Gold- XXXW bacher’s exceptional bildungsroman about two best friends growing up, Me Without You THE GATEKEEPERS (2001). Unlike the latter, however, Potter’s hebrew + engliSh | 97 minUteS | Avon film doesn’t span decades, but focuses on Inspired by The Fog of War, in which Errol Mor- one crucial period in the relationship be- ris got Robert McNamara to talk candidly LIVE MUSIC tween the title pair of pals. about his policy role in Vietnam, filmmaker In the sooty, pre-British Invasion Lon- Dror Moreh contacted past heads of the Shin Every Wednesday! don of 1962, Ginger (Elle Fanning) and Rosa Bet, Israel’s internal security force, asking if (Alice Englert) have gotten a head start on they’d speak on camera about their controver- the counterculture to come. Ginger’s father, sial work. Perhaps because Moreh had made FROM A BRAND THAT YOU CAN TRUST. LOADS OF GREAT DEALS ON RESTAURANTS, SALONS,TRAVEL AND EVENTS. 4.10 & 4.17 Lisa Mills ThePhoenix.com/deals Roland (Alessandro Nivola), is a pacifist and a fair-minded documentary on Ariel Sharon, a professor, and the family’s best friends in- six “gatekeepers” of the Shin Bet agreed to his 4.24 Tumbling Bones clude a hip gay couple — Mark One (Timothy proposition, and the result is a remarkable 5.8 Sarah Blacker Spall) and Mark Two (Oliver Platt) — and Bel- behind-the-scenes peek at how Israel’s in- la (Annette Bening), a prickly feminist poet. house CIA/FBI has operated, both honorably 5.15 Tricky Britches Rosa’s alternative lifestyle, however, and questionably, from the Six-Day War until comes more from necessity than choice; now. Those interviewed are all highly intelli- her single mother has to work, leaving Rosa gent, strikingly articulate, and, for the most free to smoke, kiss boys, and ponder eternal part, principled individuals. And almost all love. And Ginger’s circumstances don’t bear concede to dirty work of which they are not Defining Beer Due Diligence close scrutiny. Her mother, once a painter, proud, in dealing too harshly at times with Over 165 Selections of the World’s Best Beers now cooks and cleans and tolerates not just militant Palestinians and in letting Israeli 156 Broadway Newport RI Roland’s infidelities with students, but his ultra-rightists get away with obvious crimes. pseudo-philosophical self-justifications as Great cinema journalism, The Gatekeepers was 401.847.4971 • www.noreys.com HALF OFF EVERYTHING, ALL THE TIME! well. the National Society of Film Critics’ winner Meanwhile, Doomsday approaches. The for Best Documentary of 2012. Cuban Missile Crisis overshadows these petty _Gerald Peary 768 Atwood Ave 340 Warren Ave Cranston, RI E. Providence, RI 401-944-0000 401-435-3300 thePhoenix.com thePhoenix.com thePhoenix.com PHX PHX

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APRIL 13, 2013 10AM—4PM

BENEFIT STREET, BETWEEN WATERMAN AND COLLEGE STS CSI.RISD.EDU | 401.454.6602 26 April 5, 2013 | the providence phoenix | providence. thephoenix.com

_by symboline dai 1 2 3 4 Moon 5 6 7 signs8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 (libra, pisces, cancer, and capricorn). For This week, the moon will be saturday Mercier • Zeiner april 6 others, the decision made today will be 17 18 19 20 waning 21 22 on the 23 weekend. 24 25 This 26 Waning 27 moon28 in p isces. 29 “ n ext30 April 31 when 32 reversed later in the week. however, if you thur. Carbone • Sims could provide encouragement (members of Max Creek the poplar leaves are about the size of a need an opportunity to burrow deep into 4/4 and impetus for those who squirrel’s ear, we’ll plant corn when the your own head (e.g., motivations, appe- Miracle Orchestra etc) have put off spring chores. signs are in the feet; otherwise the corn tites, bad habits and behavioral quirks), to- The mood is “finishing” versus will just shank and hang down,” as charles day is fertile. As much as leo, Sagittarius, “starting,” and decisions made Frazier wrote in Cold Mountain. pisces Gemini, Aquarius, taurus, virgo, Aries want to get moving — hold back. EvEry kArAoke 9pm 1 2 3during 4 the waning 5 6 moon 7 cycle 8 rules 9 the feet,10 so this 11 is a superb12 day 13 for 14 15 16 (which concludes on Wednes- shoe-shopping. the vibe is all about finish- Fri. ing, particularly for capricorn, Aquarius, WedNesday day, when the moon is new pisces, Aries, taurus, cancer, Scorpio, libra, april 10 Jay Berndt and the Orphans17 18 19again) 20 are more 21 likely 22 to 23 stick. 24 and 25 l eo. v26irgo, Gemini, 27 and28 Sagittarius: 29 30 n ew 31 moon 32 in Aries. Fresh starts for all.

SAt. 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 3 6 4 7 5 8 6 9 7 10 8 11 9 12 10 13 11 14 avoid 12 15 folks who13 16 depress 14 you. 15 16 Aries moons bring out the initiative in Barn Burning everyone, and Aries also rules the head. 4/6 Keith McCurdy thursday suNday So, a fine day to get a new spring bonnet. april 4 april 7 Speaking out is exactly what Aquarius, 17 18 19 17 20 18 21 19 22 20 23 21 24 Waning 22 25 moon 23 26 in c24 27apricorn, 252 8 moon 26 void- 29 27 30 Waning 2 8 31 moon 29 32 in p isces. 30 Another 31 excellent 32 pisces, Aries, taurus, Gemini, virgo, leo, EvEry SOULFUL SUNDAYS of-course 6:35 am until 4:41 am thursday. day for shoe-shopping or pedicures; also Scorpio, Sagittarius should do, no mat- An all-day voc moon says plans could working with photographs or visiting those ter how much “trouble” you think this is. SuN. DJ Cadillac Jack come undone, but the ingredients are who are incarcerated (by choice or by law). reticence should be the course of action there for taking another look at structures capricorn, Aquarius, Aries, libra, leo, Aries, for capricorn, cancer, and libra. You folks FOUNDATION MONDAYS (literally, like porches, kitchens, cellars) Scorpio, and cancer will be in a “tradition- could “take a stand” with a loved one, also. EvEry and being creative about use. capricorn al” mode when it comes to spending time i don’t advise this. MON. Reggae Night with Rogue island Dub moons are about being practical, not ro- with others. virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius Foundation and upsetta international mance. But don’t tell that to Scorpio, Sag- need to look beneath the surface, where Moon KeyS 1 2 3 4 5 6 ittarius, 7 Aquarius, 8 9 pisces, 10 v irgo. e 11fficient 12 the 13 truth resides. 14 15 16 this horoscope traces the passage of the moon, not the North Main St. Breakdown yet slow: taurus, cancer, libra, capricorn, sun. Simply read from day to day to watch the moon’s EvEry1 Vintage 2 3 Vinyl 4 and 5 6 7 8 9 Aries, 10 l eo. 11 12 13 14 15 16 MoNday influence as it moves through the signs of the zodiac. | april 8 When the moon is in your sun sign, you are beginning Old Rock n17 Roll 18 w. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 tuE. Friday Waning moon in pisces, moon void-of- a new 28-day emotional cycle, and you can expect The Colonel • Johnny Maguire april 5 course 12:10 am until 3:02 pm when it increased insight and emotionality. When the moon 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Waning 26 moon 27 in Aquarius.28 29 moon void- 30 31 moves 32 into Aries. From now through moves into the sun sign opposite yours (see below), Route .44 • Megan Jean of-course 1:22 am until 9 am Saturday. Wednesday or thursday, avoid initiated expect to have difficulties dealing with the opposite sex, wEd. Schemes and dreams are favored, and projects or coming up with “the cool new family, or authority figures; social or romantic activities 4/10 & the Klay Family Band new people are more attractive than thing.” Folks are more receptive later in the will not be at their best. | When the moon is in Aries, long-time acquaintances. romance is week, except for very conservative pisces, it opposes libra, and vice versa. other oppositions are cancer, taurus, virgo, capricorn, and Scorpio taurus/Scorpio, Gemini/Sagittarius, cancer/capricorn, an “intellectual” attraction, versus leo/Aquarius, and virgo/pisces. the moon stays in each EvEry TRIVIA NIGHT 8pm physical. But most folks are too distract- folks. Aries, leo, Sagittarius, libra, Gemini, sign approximately two and a half days. | As the moon ed. capricorn, Aquarius, Aries, and Aquarius: it’s a “stop and go” day. don’t moves between signs, it will sometimes become “void wEd. w/ 1Trivia 2 Master 3 4GMatt 5 6 7 l ibra,8 Gemini, 9 Aries, 10 Sagittarius, 11 v12irgo, 13 force 14 matters 15 — more 16 is revealed later. of course,” making no major angles to planets. consider cancer: there are more options than you this a null time and try to avoid making or implementing think. leo, taurus, Scorpio: You may think tuesday decisions if you can. But it’s great for brainstorming. | For thur. you’re being practical or diplomatic, but april 9 Symboline dai’s sun-sign horoscopes and advice column, raven17 18 king 19 20 21 22 23 others 24 may 25 resent 26 it if you 27 tell them28 what 29 d ark 30 of the 31 moon in 32 Aries. this day before visit our Web site at thephoenix.com. Symboline Dai can 4/11 to do. the new moon is accident-prone for some be reached at [email protected]. uPCOMiNG 4/13 Sasquatch and the Sick a Billies /Cactus Attack 4/17 Bad Noids, White Load, Holy Night, Discharge, 4/18 Weak Teeth, tenants 4/20 13 Folds 420 Review w. Viking Jesus, Jacob Augustine 4/25 Northern Lands, Shotgun, Denver Boot, Nymphidels, 4/27 Six Star General, Sweet Love, Deadlands, 5/2 Jason Anderson, 5/9 riki rocksteady _by matt Jones 5/16 The ‘Mericans, 5/18 mark cutler, 6/1 Willard grant conspiracy Jonesin’ 1119 north Main st., Providence 02904. F“hey hey hey” — that’s what you’ll say. Kitchen Open daily 4pm / 401-383-5858 across 62 Wedding announcement Mon - Thurs 3pm to 1am 1 in the best case scenario word FrI 3pm- 2am sAT 5pm-2am sun 5pm-1am 7 Become droopy 63 See 58-across Find us on Facebook! 10 rooster 67 Falsehoods 14 nobel prize winner heaney 68 part of USnA 15 it’s hot in hanoi 69 Guiding principles 16 tennis legend Arthur 70 officers from dc 17 Belly laugh noise 71 Before 18 total: abbr. 72 crowd that has places to be 19 revolved 20 1990s children’s show about doWN how machines work 1 Wednesday substance www.TheTimeCapsule.COm 23 Warm, so to speak 2 Steeped stuff 25 chennai is there 3 “Who stole ___ bucket?” 26 major time period (lolrus’s query) 27 Anderson or craven 4 missouri river city 28 prof’s helpers 5 president of indonesia for 30 Watch sneakily over more than 30 years buy sell trade 32 naughty by nature hit 6 pre-1917 russian ruler 37 Kendrick of “Up in the 7 hall of Fame pitcher Warren Air” 8 Sportscaster rashad 38 commie, back in the day 9 mob boss John records, coMIc 39 mounties’ acronym 10 house in honduras ©2013 Jonesin’ Crosswords | editor@J onesinCrosswords.Com 43 Former alternative to 11 powerful bird 35 Green light or thumbs-up 54 “did ___ you say that...” books, Toys, twinkies 12 cinnamon-covered snack 36 one of the “Friends” friends 55 nine, to a nicaraguan 46 like most Braille readers 13 like half of obama’s family 40 Word after shabby or geek 57 term of affection vIdeo gAMes & dvd’s 49 “the heart ___ lonely 21 criticize cleverly 41 nYc institution 59 Kyle, the other member of hunter” 22 “he ___ point, you know” 42 Sony handheld tenacious d 1732 Fall River ave 537 pontiac ave 50 little troublemaker 23 Ja’s opposite 44 it may waft 60 F followers seekonk, ma Cranston, Ri 51 tv chef martin 24 Stuart Scott’s employer 45 Fall activity 64 Faux finish? 508-336-4790 401-781-5017 52 in the red 27 “___ happen?” 46 one way to be reduced 65 corrida shout 56 letter-forming dance 29 phone downloads 47 he plays house 66 Fast plane, for short OpeN 7 DaYs 58 With 63-across, game with 31 Fire setter 48 poor marbles 33 Jim Bakker mistress Jessica 53 crossword puzzle inventor Solution Si on page 21 61 neighborhood 34 12 months old Arthur ___ 26 April 5, 2013 | the providence phoenix | providence. thephoenix.com

_by symboline dai 1 2 3 4 Moon 5 6 7 signs8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 BOWL YOUR BRAINS OUT! (libra, pisces, cancer, and capricorn). For This week, the moon will be saturday april 6 others, the decision made today will be 17 18 19 20 waning 21 22 on the 23 weekend. 24 25 This 26 Waning 27 moon28 in p isces. 29 “ n ext30 April 31 when 32 reversed later in the week. however, if you could provide encouragement the poplar leaves are about the size of a need an opportunity to burrow deep into ONLY and impetus for those who squirrel’s ear, we’ll plant corn when the your own head (e.g., motivations, appe- have put off spring chores. signs are in the feet; otherwise the corn tites, bad habits and behavioral quirks), to- The mood is “finishing” versus will just shank and hang down,” as charles day is fertile. As much as leo, Sagittarius, “starting,” and decisions made Frazier wrote in Cold Mountain. pisces Gemini, Aquarius, taurus, virgo, Aries want $8.95 1 2 3during 4 the waning 5 6 moon 7 cycle 8 rules 9 the feet,10 so this 11 is a superb12 day 13 for 14 to get15 moving 16 — hold back. (which concludes on Wednes- shoe-shopping. the vibe is all about finish- ing, particularly for capricorn, Aquarius, WedNesday day, when the moon is new pisces, Aries, taurus, cancer, Scorpio, libra, april 10 17 18 19again) 20 are more 21 likely 22 to 23 stick. 24 and 25 l eo. v26irgo, Gemini, 27 and28 Sagittarius: 29 30 n ew 31 moon 32 in Aries. Fresh starts for all. OUR 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 3 6 4 7 5 8 6 9 7 10 8 11 9 12 10 13 11 14 avoid 12 15 folks who13 16 depress 14 you. 15 16 Aries moons bring out the initiative in everyone, and Aries also rules the head. MOST thursday suNday So, a fine day to get a new spring bonnet. april 4 april 7 Speaking out is exactly what Aquarius, INCREDIBLE 17 18 19 17 20 18 21 19 22 20 23 21 24 Waning 22 25 moon 23 26 in c24 27apricorn, 252 8 moon 26 void- 29 27 30 Waning 2 8 31 moon 29 32 in p isces. 30 Another 31 excellent 32 pisces, Aries, taurus, Gemini, virgo, leo, SPECIAL EVER! of-course 6:35 am until 4:41 am thursday. day for shoe-shopping or pedicures; also Scorpio, Sagittarius should do, no mat- An all-day voc moon says plans could working with photographs or visiting those ter how much “trouble” you think this is. come undone, but the ingredients are who are incarcerated (by choice or by law). reticence should be the course of action $8.95 gets you there for taking another look at structures capricorn, Aquarius, Aries, libra, leo, Aries, for capricorn, cancer, and libra. You folks (literally, like porches, kitchens, cellars) Scorpio, and cancer will be in a “tradition- could “take a stand” with a loved one, also. and being creative about use. capricorn al” mode when it comes to spending time i don’t advise this. 3 HOURS moons are about being practical, not ro- with others. virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius A NEW PLAY mance. But don’t tell that to Scorpio, Sag- need to look beneath the surface, where Moon KeyS Of Unlimited 1 2 3 4 5 6 ittarius, 7 Aquarius, 8 9 pisces, 10 v irgo. e 11fficient 12 the 13 truth resides. 14 15 16 this horoscope traces the passage of the moon, not the Bowling & FREE yet slow: taurus, cancer, libra, capricorn, sun. Simply read from day to day to watch the moon’s IN PROGRESS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Aries, 10 l eo. 11 12 13 14 15 16 MoNday influence as it moves through the signs of the zodiac. | shoe rental april 8 When the moon is in your sun sign, you are beginning 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Friday Waning moon in pisces, moon void-of- a new 28-day emotional cycle, and you can expect 9pm till Midnight april 5 course 12:10 am until 3:02 pm when it increased insight and emotionality. When the moon 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Waning 26 moon 27 in Aquarius.28 29 moon void- 30 31 moves 32 into Aries. From now through moves into the sun sign opposite yours (see below), WRITTEN & DIRECTED BY Sunday – Thursday of-course 1:22 am until 9 am Saturday. Wednesday or thursday, avoid initiated expect to have difficulties dealing with the opposite sex, Evenings Only Schemes and dreams are favored, and projects or coming up with “the cool new family, or authority figures; social or romantic activities Not Available During Holiday Periods new people are more attractive than thing.” Folks are more receptive later in the will not be at their best. | When the moon is in Aries, YOUNG JEAN LEE long-time acquaintances. romance is week, except for very conservative pisces, it opposes libra, and vice versa. other oppositions are taurus/Scorpio, Gemini/Sagittarius, cancer/capricorn, Scan for an “intellectual” attraction, versus cancer, taurus, virgo, capricorn, and Scorpio leo/Aquarius, and virgo/pisces. the moon stays in each FREE Bowling! physical. But most folks are too distract- folks. Aries, leo, Sagittarius, libra, Gemini, sign approximately two and a half days. | As the moon ed. capricorn, Aquarius, Aries, and Aquarius: it’s a “stop and go” day. don’t moves between signs, it will sometimes become “void 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 l ibra,8 Gemini, 9 Aries, 10 Sagittarius, 11 v12irgo, 13 force 14 matters 15 — more 16 is revealed later. of course,” making no major angles to planets. consider cancer: there are more options than you this a null time and try to avoid making or implementing 508.695.BOWL (2695) think. leo, taurus, Scorpio: You may think tuesday decisions if you can. But it’s great for brainstorming. | For 71 Washington Street North Attleboro, MA 02760 you’re being practical or diplomatic, but april 9 Symboline dai’s sun-sign horoscopes and advice column, 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 www.northbowllanes.com • [email protected] others may resent it if you tell them what dark of the moon in Aries. this day before visit our Web site at thephoenix.com. Symboline Dai can to do. the new moon is accident-prone for some be reached at [email protected].

Jonesin’ _by matt Jones F“hey hey hey” — that’s what you’ll say. across 62 Wedding announcement 1 in the best case scenario word BrownTAPS University's Department of Theatre Arts & 7 Become droopy 63 See 58-across Performance Studies 10 rooster 67 Falsehoods 14 nobel prize winner heaney 68 part of USnA 15 it’s hot in hanoi 69 Guiding principles 16 tennis legend Arthur 70 officers from dc 17 Belly laugh noise 71 Before 18 total: abbr. 72 crowd that has places to be 19 revolved LOCAL 20 1990s children’s show about doWN how machines work 1 Wednesday substance 23 Warm, so to speak 2 Steeped stuff STYLE 25 chennai is there 3 “Who stole ___ bucket?” 26 major time period (lolrus’s query) EXCLUSIVELY 27 Anderson or craven 4 missouri river city @ FROG & TOAD 28 prof’s helpers 5 president of indonesia for 30 Watch sneakily over more than 30 years 32 naughty by nature hit 6 pre-1917 russian ruler 37 Kendrick of “Up in the 7 hall of Fame pitcher Warren Air” 8 Sportscaster rashad 38 commie, back in the day 9 mob boss John 39 mounties’ acronym 10 house in honduras ©2013 Jonesin’ Crosswords | editor@J onesinCrosswords.Com 43 Former alternative to 11 powerful bird 35 Green light or thumbs-up 54 “did ___ you say that...” twinkies 12 cinnamon-covered snack 36 one of the “Friends” friends 55 nine, to a nicaraguan 46 like most Braille readers 13 like half of obama’s family 40 Word after shabby or geek 57 term of affection 49 “the heart ___ lonely 21 criticize cleverly 41 nYc institution 59 Kyle, the other member of hunter” 22 “he ___ point, you know” 42 Sony handheld tenacious d 50 little troublemaker 23 Ja’s opposite 44 it may waft 60 F followers 51 tv chef martin 24 Stuart Scott’s employer 45 Fall activity 64 Faux finish? 52 in the red 27 “___ happen?” 46 one way to be reduced 65 corrida shout 56 letter-forming dance 29 phone downloads 47 he plays house 66 Fast plane, for short 795 HOPE ST . PROVIDENCE 58 With 63-across, game with 31 Fire setter 48 poor CALL US ANYTIME 831.3434 OPEN EVERY DAY marbles 33 Jim Bakker mistress Jessica 53 crossword puzzle inventor Solution Si on page 21 61 neighborhood 34 12 months old Arthur ___ LUPOS.COM LUPOS • 79 WASHINGTON ST. • PROVIDENCE / THEMETRI.COM THE MET • 1005 MAIN ST. • PAWTUCKET THIS FRIDAY, APRIL 5 AT THIS SUNDAY, APRIL 7 AT LUPO’S FRIDAY, APRIL 12 AT CD RELEASE


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