5th grade Name______First Quarter Listening Project “ in Excelsis Deo” Homeroom Teacher______From L’Homme Armé By Josquin des Prez Directions: Go to “Quarterly listening project” on Mrs. Gaston’s ACA webpage to complete this assignment. You may turn in your project any time before the due date. This project is due on or before Friday, Sept. 26th (+10 extra credit if turned in by Sept. 5th). Turn it in to Mrs. Gaston, another specials teacher, or the music project drawers in the art room. It is 10% of your grade for the quarter.

Section I. Music (25 points) Listen to the 5th grade music link on the webpage, and then answer all of the questions in the boxes below. Remember that there is a link to a list of music terms and definitions on the webpage.

Tempo (speed): Dynamics (volume): Instrumentation 1. Circle one: 3. Circle all that you hear (more and Voices: same tempo different tempos than one is okay if you hear it): 4. Circle all that

you hear or see: 2. Circle all that you hear (more piano Orchestra than one is okay if you hear it) mezzo piano crescendo Band adagio rallentando mezzo forte decrescendo Strings andante accelerando forte sudden changes Woodwinds allegro rubato Brass Percussion

Other: Female singer(s) 5. This music is sung in . Are all the singers singing the same words together at Male singer(s) the same time throughout the piece? ______6. Fill in the blanks as instructed: This music sounds ______to me (emotion word) because I hear ______. (describe things like voices/instruments, tempos, dynamics, etc.)

Section II. Composer (25 points)

Use the biography link on Mrs. Gaston’s Listening Project webpage, and read the biography for the composer.

Composer’s full name: ______

Year of birth: ______Year of death: ______Composer’s nationality:______

Using complete sentences, list 2 interesting things the composer did in his life, or things he accomplished.


______2. ______(Don’t forget Section III on the back)

Section III. Music & Art (25 points) This piece of music was composed a very long time ago, in the 1480s or 1490s. This was around the time Columbus discovered America over 500 years ago! It sounds very strange and unfamiliar to our ears, and we’re not really sure how to listen to it at first. It was written as a to be sung as part of a Catholic . The music seems sad and somber to us, but it is actually a hymn of reverent praise. The translation of the Latin text in the beginning is, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will.” Imagine the space below is a stained glass window. If the window were to look like the music sounds, what would it look like? Draw the stain glass window you imagine as you listen to the music. Your artwork be in color and fill in the entire box. Ask yourself these questions before drawing, you will be graded on these aspects: ♫ What type of design is it? Is it abstract (shapes and patterns), or does it illustrate an event? ♫ Will the outlines between the different colors of glass have sharp angles, or flow in curves? What does the style of the music seem to tell you about that? ♫ What colors best represent the sounds I hear in the music? Should the colors be pale or bright? ♫ You do not have to consider the words of the song when imagining your artwork, but knowing the words might help you understand the “emotion” of the music and help you imagine your artwork.

IMPORTANT last item! (15 points) Explain two of the four choices you made from the questions above your drawing. Use complete sentences. Each answer must have one of your art choices and what you heard in the music that inspired the choice. Read the example to see how to form your sentences, but do not copy it as one of your answers.

Example: I chose the color blue because the voices are light and airy.

1.______2. ______