ROUDHAM & LARLING PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting of Roudham & Larling Parish Council held on Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 7.30 p.m. in the and Roudham David O’Neale Memorial Village Hall, Chapel Lane, Bridgham. Present Councillors Brendan Larwood (Chairman), James Chapman, Sarah Gosling, Brian Inglis, Louise Martin, Dudley Stammers. Julian Gibson (Clerk) 1 Apologies for absence. It was resolved to accept the reason for absence offered by Councillor Nelstrop Martin. 2 Declarations of interest. None. 3 Dispensations. None. 4 Public participation session. None. 5 Minutes. The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 19 October 2017 were confirmed and signed. 6 Matters arising. 6.1 [18, Minutes of 21 September 2017] General Data Protection Regulation. The Clerk has attended the training course, which exposed the “nightmare” which these changes involve. Hopefully the National Association of Local Councils will deal with the appointment of the statutory post of Independent Data Protection Officers to cover parish councils, and produce templates detailing what councils need to do. 6.2 [11, Minutes of 21 September 2017] Harling Road Airfield. Councillor Nelstrop has confirmed that he has received a quotation of £90 for the work involved to create a base at the foot of the Roudham Village Sign onto which the Plaque from the Airfield of Britain Conservation Trust could be fixed The Clerk will now contact the charity and ask for the plaque to be prepared and delivered, and the Council will pay the installation cost. 7 Correspondence. The following correspondence was received: 7.1 CGM Group: Perfect for your Parish Council - Ground maintenance advertising letter. 7.2 Barclays Bank Plc: We’re making important changes: updating your terms, and creating our ring-fenced bank. 7.3 Came & Company: Council Matters - Autumn 2017. 7.4 Breckland Council: Parish Precept Requirement 2018-19. 7.5 Breckland Council: Parish Grant Allocation 2018-19 to 2020-21. 7.6 Breckland Council: Guidance for setting parish/town precepts 2018/19. 7.7 Interprint: Marketing letter. 7.8 Wicksteed Playgrounds: raising funds for your new play area? We’ll match it! 7.9 Clerks & Councils Direct - November 2017. 7.10 Breckland Council: Brownfield Land Register. 7.11 Barclays Bank Plc: Letter in response to complaint about not sending paper statements. 7.12 Barclays Bank Plc: Your Business accounts - at a glance. 7.13 Barclays Bank Plc: Your Community Account - 30 September - 31 October 2017. 7.14 Barclays Bank Plc: Your Active Saver Account - 30 September - 31 October 2017. 7.15 County Council: Better Broadband for Norfolk (BBfN) - Breckland Council Highlight Report November 2017. 7.16 Norfolk County Council: Send Highway Ranger visit defects by 27 November 2017. Minutes 23 November 2017 Chairman’s Initials …….. Page 2017/2018- 17 DRAFT MINUTES SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION AT NEXT COUNCIL MEETING

7.17 Norfolk Constabulary: & Newsletter - October 2017. As this covers the whole of the two Breckland Wards of Harling & Heathlands and Guiltcross (and so the Parishes of , Blo’ Norton, , , , , Harling, Bridgham, Roudham & Larling), the Council agreed this had little relevance to this parish, and that Clerk should not bother to print it out in order to put it in the circulation file, providing he drew any points of of particular interest to the Council’s attention. 7.18 Smaller Authorities Audit Appointments Limited: Notification of external auditor appointments for the 2017/18 financial year. 8 Planning. 8.1 3PL/2017/0793/F: Valley Traction Services Limited, Roudham Road, Harling Road, Roudham. Application for Erection of new warehouse, HGV workshop and industrial buildings. It was resolved that, (a) the Council has grave concerns about the problems of ensuring compliance with the Hours of Operations stated in the application, and hopes that Breckland Council will actively monitor this, rather than simply relaying on neighbours to do this job for it. This is a particular concern because of the proposed HGV workshop, given that HGVs are usually on the road during the proposed hours of operation, and therefore the temptation to work on them throughout the night is great; and (b) the Council is aware that various containers, portacabins and the like which used to be stored on the site edged in red on the location plan have been moved and are now stored on the area edged in blue, despite this being a County Wildlife Site, and apparently without any application for change of use being submitted. The Council suggests that the Planning Enforcement team looks into this; (c) the Council is also concerned of the impact of lighting on neighbours, and hopes that Breckland will apply conditions to ensure that this is not an issue, and monitor it accordingly to ensure that the conditions are complied with; (d) despite these concerns, the Council has no objection on the understanding the Breckland will ensure that these concerns are adequately resolved. 8.2 3PL/2017/1381/LU: Streetgate Cottage, Roudham. Double Garage (Certificate of Lawfulness). It was noted that the Clerk had received the above application. On this occasion Breckland Council is not seeking the Council’s views as the application merely seeks a legal determination based on the scheme submitted. This will be considered solely against the tolerances set out in Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) () Order 2015 (as amended). 9 Meeting dates. The schedule of meeting dates for 2018/19 was agreed. 10 Budget 2018/19. The Clerk presented a draft budget for 2018/19 which was approved. This included provision in the reserves against the possibility of the Council having to pay for contested elections. 11 Precept 2018/19. It was agreed to fix the Precept for 2018/19 at £3,500, an increase of £100. 12 Finance. 12.1 Training. It was resolved that cheque number 100369 for £6.25 to Norfolk Association of Local Councils be signed, being this Council’s share of the cost of the Clerk attending the General Data Protection Regulation training on 1 November 2017. (Local Government Act 1972 s.111) 12.2 Monthly Financial Report. The report for the month ending 31 October 2017 was received. 13 Matters for consideration at next meeting. None. Minutes 23 November 2017 Chairman’s Initials …….. Page 2017/2018- 18 DRAFT MINUTES SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION AT NEXT COUNCIL MEETING

14 Next meeting. The next meeting will be on Thursday, 21 December 2017, at 7.30 p.m. in Bridgham & Roudham Village Hall, Chapel Lane, Bridgham.

…………………………………… Brendan Larwood, Chairman 21 December 2017 Future Meeting dates: Thursday, 25 January 2018 Thursday, 21 June 2018 Thursday, 15 November 2018 Thursday, 25 January 2018 Thursday, 19 July 2018 Thursday, 13 December 2018 Thursday, 22 February 2018 Thursday, 16 August 2018 Thursday, 17 January 2019 Thursday, 22 March 2018 Thursday, 20 September 2018 Thursday, 21 February 2019 Thursday, 19 April 2018 Thursday, 18 October 2018 Thursday, 21 March 2019 Thursday, 17 May 2018 Note: Meetings will only be called if there is business to discuss which cannot wait until the following scheduled meeting date.

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