Ravi Sarode, MD Director, Transfusion Medicine and Hemostasis Reference Laboratory Professor of Pathology UT Southwestern Medical Center Dallas, TX Disclosure: Sponsored by Chronolog Corporation Disorders

™ - mucocutaneous • Quantitative - • Qualitative - thrombasthenia ¾ Congenital – rare ¾ Acquired - common • Drugs, herbs, fish oil, • Autoimmune ™ – arterial • Thrombocytosis • Hyperactive Investigation of Platelet Function

™ Personal and family history ™ Thorough drug and dietary history ™ Screening tests • Platelet count • Peripheral Blood Smear • PFA-100® • Bleeding time obsolete ™ Diagnostic • Aggregation study • Electron Microscopy Platelet Aggregation Study

™ Light Transmission Aggregometry (LTA) by Optical method • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) ™ Impedance method • Whole blood aggregation (WBA) ™ CLSI published “Platelet Function testing by Aggregometry; Approved Guidelines” - Nov 2008 Specimen Handling

™ Non-traumatic venepuncture ™ Minimum stasis ™ 3.2% Sodium Citrate ™ Evacuated tube or plastic syringe ™ 19-21G needle ™ Gentle mixing ™ Room temperature transport – upright ™ Pneumatic tubing not recommended PRPPRP -- OpticalOptical MethodMethod

™™ FirstFirst introducedintroduced byby BornBorn inin 19621962 ™™ ConsideredConsidered ““thethe ((g)oldg)old standardstandard”” inin plateletplatelet functionfunction evaluationevaluation ™™ PlateletPlatelet aggregationaggregation isis measuredmeasured byby LTALTA ™™ ATPATP secretionsecretion measurementmeasurement--fireflyfirefly luciferinluciferin-- luciferaseluciferase usedused asas chemiluminescencechemiluminescence substratesubstrate forfor ATPATP releaserelease detection;detection; ATPATP secretionsecretion measuredmeasured inin nmolnmol LTALTA -- PRPPRP methodmethod

™™ WBWB centrifugedcentrifuged atat 170g170g xx 1515’’ forfor PRPPRP ™™ RemainingRemaining samplesample rere--centrifugedcentrifuged atat 1500g1500g xx 1515’’ toto obtainobtain PPPPPP ™™ PlateletPlatelet countcount inin PRPPRP shouldshould bebe inin 200200--300300 KK rangerange ¾¾ AdjustedAdjusted byby addingadding PPPPPP oror NSNS (preferred)(preferred) ™™ PRPPRP keptkept inin aggregometeraggregometer wellswells atat 3737°°CC forfor 55 minmin beforebefore studystudy ™™ MagneticMagnetic stirstir barbar inin PRPPRP cuvettecuvette maintainsmaintains plateletsplatelets inin suspensionsuspension PRPPRP -- OpticalOptical MethodMethod

™™ BaselineBaseline lightlight transmissiontransmission throughthrough PPPPPP (clear(clear plasma)plasma) isis setset atat 100%100% ™™ BaselineBaseline lightlight transmissiontransmission throughthrough PRPPRP (opaque(opaque plasma)plasma) isis setset atat 0%0% ™™ AddAdd anan agonistagonist (ADP,(ADP, EPI,EPI, AA,AA, Coll,Coll, Risto)Risto) ™™ PlateletsPlatelets aggregateaggregate -- allowsallows increasedincreased lightlight transmittancetransmittance throughthrough plateletplatelet suspensionsuspension ™™ ResultsResults reportedreported asas percentagepercentage (%)(%) ofof aggregationaggregation ™™ NormalNormal rangesranges areare establishedestablished inin eacheach lablab PRPPRP -- OpticalOptical MethodMethod



Baseline light transmission Increased light PRPPRP -- NormalNormal ControlControl

Risto 0.25 mg = 2%

AA 0.5 mM = 62%

Coll 2 μg = 70% Coll 1 mg = 54%

Risto 1.25 mg = 91% ADP 10 μM= 73%

AA 0.5 mM = 1.5nm

Coll 2 μg = 1.0nm Coll 1 mg = 54% WBAWBA-- ImpedanceImpedance MethodMethod

™™ FirstFirst introducedintroduced byby CardinalCardinal andand FlowerFlower inin 19801980 ™™ MeasuresMeasures electricalelectrical resistanceresistance betweenbetween twotwo electrodeselectrodes immersedimmersed intointo wholewhole bloodblood samplesample ™™ SimultaneousSimultaneous ATPATP secretionsecretion measurementmeasurement-- fireflyfirefly luciferinluciferin--luciferaseluciferase usedused asas aa chemiluminescencechemiluminescence WBAWBA-- ImpedanceImpedance MethodMethod

™™ WBWB diluteddiluted 1:11:1 withwith 0.90.9 %% salinesaline (450(450 µµLL each)each) ™™ SamplesSamples withwith stirstir barsbars keptkept inin wellswells atat 3737°°CC forfor 55’’ ™™ ElectrodeElectrode assemblyassembly consistsconsists ofof twotwo wireswires ¾ Reusable = palladium and Disposable – gold plated ™™ ACAC voltagevoltage inin millivoltmillivolt rangerange appliedapplied toto circuitcircuit ™™ DuringDuring equilibriumequilibrium monolayersmonolayers ofof plateletsplatelets formform ¾ Stable impedance value established ™™ AddAdd agonistsagonists (ADP,(ADP, AA,AA, CollColl andand Risto)Risto) ™™ PlateletPlatelet aggregateaggregate onon wireswires -- increasesincreases electricalelectrical resistanceresistance toto flowflow ofof electricelectric currentcurrent ™™ AggregationAggregation measuredmeasured inin OhmsOhms ((ΩΩ)) WBAWBA-- ImpedanceImpedance MethodMethod

ADP + - More aggregation Less current flow

Increased resistance

Expressed as Ω WBAWBA-- NormalNormal ControlControl

Risto 0.25 mg = 0 Ω ADP 10 μM=12 Ω

Risto 1 mg = 8 Ω

AA 0.5 mM=24 Ω Coll 2 μg=24 Ω

AA 0.5 mM=1.60 nm

Coll 2 μg = 0.66 nm

Thrombin 1 U = 0.75 nm

ComparisonComparison BetweenBetween WBAWBA andand PRPPRP

Impedance method Optical method

Blood volume 6 cc >12 cc

Test milieu Physiologic, RBCs & Platelets only WBCs present Centrifugation Not required Required ;activation, exhaustion of platelets Large platelets Present Lost

Platelet count 100-1000K 200-300K

Icteric, lipemic, Can be used Cannot be used hemolyzed ≈ 60 min ≈ 110-125 min Total test time

CaseCase 11

™™ AA 66--yearyear oldold boyboy onon valproicvalproic acidacid forfor seizuresseizures ™™ PresentedPresented withwith plateletplatelet typetype bleedingbleeding tendencytendency ™™ NormalNormal plateletplatelet countcount andand PFAPFA--100100® ™™ PRP=PRP= ArachidonicArachidonic acidacid (63%)(63%) andand ADPADP (64%)(64%) normalnormal maximummaximum aggregationaggregation ™™ WBAWBA == therethere waswas nono responseresponse toto thesethese agonistsagonists CaseCase--11

Patient = 0 Ω Patient =63%

Control = 14 Ω

Control 76%

WBA = AA 0.5mM PRP = AA 0.5mM CaseCase--11

Patient = 0 Ω

Control = 5 Ω

Patient =64%

Control 66%

WBA = ADP 10 µM PRP= ADP 10 µM CaseCase--22

™™ 4949--WFWF--tennistennis playerplayer ™™ PresentsPresents withwith worseningworsening bruisingbruising ™™ SpontaneousSpontaneous largelarge bruisesbruises whilewhile onon fishfish oiloil ™™ SimilarSimilar largelarge bruisesbruises whenwhen onon 81mg81mg ASAASA ™™ ThreeThree vaginalvaginal deliveriesdeliveries withwith excessiveexcessive postpartumpostpartum hemorrhagehemorrhage ™™ MostMost significantsignificant hemorrhagehemorrhage followingfollowing hysterectomyhysterectomy HbHb droppeddropped fromfrom 1414 toto 88 g/dLg/dL ™™ BleedingBleeding afterafter neuromaneuroma removalremoval fromfrom footfoot ™™ ScheduledScheduled forfor extensiveextensive pelvicpelvic floorfloor surgerysurgery 0.5 = Ø Ω ↓

0.25 = 3 Ω ↓ 1 μg= 4 Ω 1 mg = 0 Ω 0.5 mg = 0 Ω 0.25 mg = 0 Ω 2 μg = 17 Ω AA Coll Risto

0.35 = nm 0.38 = nm

0.20 = nm 0.20 = nm

Case – 2

20 = 7 Ω PFA-100 10 = 7 Ω

ATP ADP ADP = 90 (49-115) Thromb = 0.43 nm ↓ EPI = 132 (83-164) Repeat Study 6 months later

0.5 = 0 Ω ↓

1μg= 22 Ω AA Coll 2μg = 28 Ω

2μg = 0.31 nm ↓ 0.5 = 0.31 nm ↓ 1μg = 0.31 nm

Risto 1 mg = 2 Ω Case – 2

0.5 = 20 Ω 2 μg = 25 Ω AA Coll

2 μg = 0.58 nm Case – 2 0.5 = 0.33 nm ↓

Post- DDAVP 20 μM= 6Ω 0.25 = 0 Ω

10 μM= 3 Ω 0.5 = 4 Ω 1 mg = 10 Ω

ADP Risto CaseCase--22 Post-DDAVP 77--33--0606 11--55--0707 11--99--0707 ThrombinThrombin ↓↓ 0.430.43 ↓↓ 0.590.59 ↓↓ 0.540.54 (0.73(0.73--1.751.75 nMnM)) AAAA 0.50.5 mM(17mM(17--26)26) ↓↓0/0.350/0.35 ↓↓0/0.310/0.31 ↓↓ 88 CollColl 22µµgg (20(20--30)30) ↓↓ 1717 /0.38/0.38 28/0.6128/0.61 2525 /0.25/0.25 ADPADP 1010 µµMM (8(8--18)18) ↓↓ 77 ↓↓ 00 ↓↓ 66 ADPADP 2020 µµMM (9(9--20)20) ↓↓ 77 ↓↓ 22 ↓↓ 33 RistoRisto 1.01.0 mgmg (>5)(>5) ↓↓ 00 ↓↓ 22 1010 RistoRisto 0.250.25 mgmg (0)(0) 00 00 00 CaseCase 22

™™ ReceivedReceived 0.3ug/Kg0.3ug/Kg DDAVPDDAVP halfhalf anan hourhour beforebefore surgerysurgery ™™ UnderwentUnderwent 44 hourhour extensiveextensive pelvicpelvic reconstructionreconstruction surgerysurgery ™™ NoNo significantsignificant bleeding!bleeding! ™™ DiagnosisDiagnosis ¾ ? Mild global dysfunction ™™ SheShe stillstill bruisesbruises offoff andand onon –– muchmuch lessless thanthan fishfish oiloil oror 8181 mgmg ASAASA CaseCase--33

™™ 3333--yryr--WFWF presentedpresented withwith flankflank pain,pain, hematuria,hematuria, painfulpainful lesionslesions onon LL--foot,foot, transienttransient antiphospholipidantiphospholipid antibodiesantibodies ™™ EpistaxisEpistaxis offoff andand onon ™™ TheseThese bleedingbleeding symptomssymptoms startedstarted recentlyrecently ™™ NoNo priorprior bleedingbleeding historyhistory ™™ EmotionallyEmotionally disturbeddisturbed ™™ MedicalMedical SalesSales rep!rep! ™™ HadHad transienttransient pancytopeniaspancytopenias AA 0.25 = 0 Ω AA 0.5 = 1 Ω Coll 1μg= 2Ω ADP10=6Ω

ADP 20 = 7 Ω Coll 2 = 7 Ω Risto 1 = 6 Ω


AA 0.5 = 0.33 nm Thro = 0.59 nm AA = 0.17 nm Coll = 0.12 nm Coll 2 = 0.26 nm

Case – 3 Agonist WBA PRP AA 0.5 = 8% AA ↓ ↓ Coll 2 = 39% PRP ADP 20 = 66% Coll ↓ ↓ ADP N N Risto 1.25 = 68% Risto N N ATP sec ↓ ↓ CaseCase--33

™™ Interpretation:Interpretation: AspirinAspirin likelike defectdefect HyperactiveHyperactive PlateletsPlatelets

™™ AlsoAlso calledcalled ““stickysticky plateletplatelet syndromesyndrome”” ™™ PersistentPersistent elevationelevation ofof FVIII/VWFFVIII/VWF andand fibrinogenfibrinogen -- thrombophiliathrombophilia riskrisk factorsfactors ™™ SimilarlySimilarly –– increasedincreased plateletplatelet reactivityreactivity couldcould causecause thrombosisthrombosis ¾ Millions of patients on anti-platelets drugs ¾ and resistance (20-30%) is well described ™™ DetectedDetected byby increasedincreased aggregationaggregation responsesresponses toto submaximalsubmaximal concentrationsconcentrations ofof agonistsagonists HyperactiveHyperactive PlateletsPlatelets

™™ ““ThrombosisThrombosis andand bleedingbleeding inin MPD:MPD: identificationidentification ofof atat riskrisk ptspts withwith WBAWBA”” ¾ Manoharan et al, Br J Hematol 1999

™™ ““AggregometryAggregometry detectsdetects plateletplatelet hyperactivityhyperactivity inin healthyhealthy individualsindividuals”” ¾ Paul Bray’s group – Blood 2005 WBAWBA -- HyperactiveHyperactive PlateletPlatelet StudyStudy

™™ SpontaneousSpontaneous aggregationaggregation ™™ ADPADP == 10,10, 5,5, 2.52.5 andand 1.251.25 µµMM ™™ AAAA == 0.5,0.5, 0.25,0.25, 0.1250.125 andand 0.06250.0625 mMmM ™™ CollColl == 2.0,2.0, 1.0,1.0, 0.50.5 andand 0.250.25 µµg/mLg/mL ¾¾ EstablishEstablish normalnormal rangesranges ¾¾ DoDo notnot useuse ATPATP secretionsecretion CaseCase -- 44

™ A 47 year-old female with history of SLE, MI and multiple CVAs despite being on daily 81mg ASA ™ Diagnosed with Hyperactive Platelet Syndrome in the past CaseCase--44

ADP Collagen ADP 2.5 µM; 0 Ω 0.5 µg/ml; 0 Ω AA 5 µM; 8 Ω AA

0.25 mM; 26 Ω 0.125 mM; 24 Ω Collagen (normal = 3-14 ) (normal = 0-10 ) 1 µg/ml; 20 Ω (normal = 7-15 )

ADP AA Hyperactivity 10 µM; 22 Ω 0.063 mM; 0 Ω (normal = 0-3) AA 0.5 mM; 21 Ω with AA and (normal = 9-14 ) Collagen 2 µg/ml; 23 Ω Collagen (normal = 10-17 ) CaseCase -- 55

™™ 5555 yryr malemale withwith aa diagnosisdiagnosis ofof EssentialEssential ThrombocythemiaThrombocythemia ™™ PlateletPlatelet countscounts betweenbetween 500500--700K700K onon chemotherapychemotherapy ™™ DevelopsDevelops suddensudden SOBSOB andand chestchest painpain ¾¾ ChestChest CTCT –– PEPE ™™ ThrombophiliaThrombophilia workwork--upup negativenegative ™™ HyperactiveHyperactive plateletplatelet studystudy Case - 5

32 Ohms 5 Ohms

30 Ohms 36 Ohms AspirinAspirin andand ClopidogrelClopidogrel EffectEffect

™™ WBAWBA detectsdetects antiplateletantiplatelet drugdrug effectseffects reliablyreliably andand quicklyquickly ™™ AgonistsAgonists usedused ArachidonicArachidonic acidacid andand collagencollagen forfor ASAASA ™™ ADPADP forfor clopidogrelclopidogrel (ticlopidine(ticlopidine andand dipyridamoledipyridamole)) DetectionDetection ofof ClopidogrelClopidogrel EffectEffect

™™ 1717 volunteersvolunteers givengiven 7575 mg/daymg/day xx 10days10days ™™ PlateletPlatelet functionfunction atat baselinebaseline andand onon dayday 1111 ™™ PRP,PRP, WBAWBA andand PFAPFA--100100 ™™ WBAWBA moremore sensitivesensitive toto detectdetect clopidogrelclopidogrel inhibitioninhibition byby ADPADP ™™ FollowFollow--upup showedshowed PRPPRP normalizesnormalizes beforebefore WBAWBA ™™ RBCsRBCs knownknown toto modulatemodulate plateletplatelet functionfunction duedue toto itsits ADPADP contentcontent

Korpanty et al, Platelets, 2007 PostPost--clopidogrelclopidogrel PlateletPlatelet InhibitionInhibition

ADPADP (n=16)(n=16) MethodMethod Pre Post %↓ WBA 10 μM 18 ± 6 5 ± 6 70 ± 35* (Ω)

PRP 10 μM 80 ± 11 53 ± 20 36 ± 25 (%)

PFA-100® 86 ± 13 101 ± 25 17 ± 23 (Sec.)

*P = <0.001 Korpanty et al, Platelets, 2007 DetectionDetection ofof AspirinAspirin EffectEffect

™™ ComparedCompared WBAWBA withwith VerifyNowVerifyNow AspirinAspirin ™™ 5050 volunteersvolunteers givengiven 325325 mgmg xx 3days3days ™™ BaselineBaseline andand dayday 44 evaluationevaluation byby WBAWBA (AA(AA andand Coll)Coll) andand VerifyNowVerifyNow AspirinAspirin ™™ 12/5012/50 (24%)(24%) nonnon--respondersresponders byby WBAWBA ™™ AllAll goodgood respondersresponders (<550(<550 ARU)ARU) byby VerifyNowVerifyNow ¾¾ SeemsSeems thethe cutcut offoff shouldshould bebe muchmuch lowerlower thanthan 550550 ARU.ARU.

Korpanty et al, Thromb Res, 2006 CaseCase -- 66

™™ 5555--yryr--WFWF withwith aa diagnosisdiagnosis ofof basilarbasilar arteryartery aneurysmaneurysm ofof brainbrain ™™ ScheduledScheduled forfor stentstent assistedassisted coiledcoiled embolizationembolization ™™ ToTo preventprevent thrombosisthrombosis atat thethe sitesite ofof coilcoil embolizationembolization plateletplatelet functionfunction hashas toto bebe inhibitedinhibited completelycompletely ™™ GivenGiven ASAASA 325325 mgmg andand loadingloading dosedose ofof clopidogrelclopidogrel 300300 mgmg ™™ AntiAnti--plateletplatelet effecteffect 44 hourshours laterlater –– nono effecteffect ™™ DoubledDoubled ASAASA andand ClopidogrelClopidogrel –– adequateadequate effecteffect Case – 6

AA 0.5 = 6 Ω All = 0 Ω

10 μM ADP = 13 Ω

Coll 1mg = 14 Ω

I. ASA/Plavix - No Effect 2. ASA/Plavix – Adequate


™™ PRPPRP methodmethod isis ¾ Labor-intensive ¾ Time consuming ¾ Injurious to platelets (centrifugation) ™™ Giant,Giant, hyperhyper-- oror hypoactivehypoactive--plateletsplatelets ¾ Lost during centrifugation ¾ Excluded from evaluation ™™ PRPPRP milieumilieu devoiddevoid ofof ¾ RBCs and ¾ WBCs that influence platelet function WBWB--ImpedanceImpedance--basedbased AggregationAggregation

™™ OffersOffers ¾ Rapid evaluation of platelet function ¾ No sample processing ¾ No centrifugation injury to platelets ™™ MoreMore physiologicphysiologic milieu,milieu, RBCsRBCs && WBCsWBCs includedincluded ™™ SmallerSmaller quantityquantity ofof bloodblood requiredrequired ¾ Advantage in young children ¾ Patients with difficulties in drawing blood ™™ MoreMore suitablesuitable andand sensitivesensitive methodmethod forfor ¾ Assessment of anti-platelet therapy ¾ Platelet hyperactivity