Town Council 22 nd October 2020 Supporting Paper A

Town Clerk: Miss Joy Norris MSc ACIS

The Town Hall, 1 High Street, , EX15 1AB [email protected] 01884 38249

Minutes of a meeting of the Town Council held remotely on Thursday 24 September 2020 commencing at 19:00 hrs

Present Chair: Councillor K Haslett Councillors: E Andrews, J Buczkowski, M Dale, G Guest, J Johns, J Lockhead, M Rowe and M Smith .

In attendance Officers: J Norris (Town Clerk) M Weston (Deputy Town Clerk)

1X member of the press attended the meeting 4 X members of the public attended the meeting

96. Mayor’s Announcements The following announcement was made Due to the current COVID19 restrictions forbidding the organisation of events that encourage mass gatherings, the marking of both Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday this year will be significantly different to usual. Specifically, it is looking increasingly unlikely that there will be any organised gathering at the War Memorial to mark the 2 minutes of silence or lay wreathes. There is ongoing discussion between the council Officers, the churches and the Royal British Legio n to arrange a Service of Remembrance that is both fitting and COVID safe. Further d etails will be announced when available.”

97. Apologies For Absence Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Dietrich and Knight

98. Declarations of Interests The following declarations of interest were made:  Cllr Haslett declared a personal interest in Agenda No 13 Parking Restrictions New Street, Cullompton as lives in New Street

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 Cllr Haslett declared a personal interest in Agenda No 16 First Notification for the Removal of Payphone Service as lives in New Street which is close to the phone kiosk and has used it in the past

99. Public Participation This agenda item enables members of the public to raise matters which are relevant to Cullompton. Speaker 1- 1. The Speaker made a suggestion that the housekeeping message is displayed on-screen at the start of the meeting 2. Regarding the publication of Councillor phone numbers - why does the Town Council hide phone numbers, the public have a right to speak to their elected representative. 3. Not only should apologies be given at the start of the meeting but the reasons for the apology should be given and approved The Chair responded that the information provided at the start of a meeting would also need to be read out even if it was displayed on a screen at the start of the meeting because not everyone present at the meeting is using a screen The Town Clerk explained that the reason for an apology does not need to be recorded, tegh legislation requires that if it is going to be a long-term or persistent absence then the prior approval of Council is required before the absence reaches six months, if such approval is not given and the Councillor does not attend a meeting for six months then the Councillor automatically loses their seat; it is therefore not a legal requirement nor necessary to record the reason for an apology on every occasion, but if there is going to be a long term absence then an agenda item to approve the reason for absence stops the Councillor falling foul of the six month rule. Cllr Buczkowski responded that he thought it may be useful if people in the waiting room could see the housekeeping information; He also thought it would be useful to clarify the position regarding apologies as when he was chairing a meeting it was his practice to vote to accept the reason and there should be a consistent approach across the Council to avoid any confusion. The Town Clerk cited the relevant legislation regarding apologies as the Local Government Act 1972 S85 which refers to persistent absence.

Speaker 2 1. There is an item on the agenda regarding Casual vacancies, in the past there has been an issue regarding voting – how will that be dealt with? 2. Agenda No 11 list of payments, there are a lot of invoices for Labdons but it doesn’t say which projects the items are for 3. Agenda No 18, No 19 High Street, Martin Smith should have declared an interest as he is part of the Town Team Cllr Buczkowski responded that the Policy Review Working Group is working on a co-options policy based upon advice from the Monitoring Officer and national best practice which it is hoped will be in place before there are any co-options vote and that policy includes voting procedures; there has been confusion about voting for co-options in the past and that should all be addressed by having an agreed policy. Payments will be addressed when get to agenda item

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19:16hrs Cllr Smith declared a personal interest in Agenda No 18, No 19 High Street, Cullompton

Speaker 3 Nearly 3 weeks ago Cllr Smith contacted a PCSO re anti social parking in the main street – has there been a reply? Cllr Smith responded that he did speak to a PCSO but the police have no jurisdiction over on- street parking it is a matter for Mid District Council

100. Minutes (i) The Minutes of the meeting held on 27 August 2020 were considered as a correct record (Supporting Paper A to the Agenda) (ii) The Minutes of the meeting held on 3 September 2020 as a correct record (Supporting Paper B to the Agenda) RESOLVED (i) That the minutes of the meeting held on 27 August 2020 be confirmed as a correct record (ii) That the minutes of the meeting held on 3 September 2020 be confirmed as a correct record.

101. Action List The Action List relating to the Town Council was reviewed. (Supporting Paper C to the Agenda)

102. Motions submitted in Accordance with Standing Order No 9 The following proposal submitted by Councillor Guest was considered a) That on all public domain documents only councillors official emails are provided unless a councillor specifically requests otherwise. b) That councillors private phone numbers can be shared with other town councillors and these can be obtained from the clerk and provided on a specific councillors only contact list.

RESOLVED that each Councillor is asked to complete a form confirming their contact details and stating the permission level for distribution

103. Casual Vacancies An update on the casual vacancies was given to the meeting. (Supporting Paper D to the Agenda)

104. Recommendations and Referrals from the Policy, Finance and Personnel Committee Consideration was given to recommendations from the Policy Finance and Personnel Committee meetings held on 13 August 2020 and 10 September 2020. (Supporting Paper E to the Agenda) The PFP Chair gave the background to the Committee’s recommendations from both meetings.

RESOLVED (i) that the Community Wellbeing Committee Terms of Reference are amended to include “that any request for funding – grant or otherwise - for work on the LEAT should got to the Community Wellbeing Committee for them to determine as they hold the budget regarding the Le at.”

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(ii) that the Climate Change Working Group is dissolved (iii) that £2,500 is vired from the elections contingency budget to public conveniences and £2,500 is vired from the elections contingency budget to play areas in order to assist with meeting the additional running costs associated, in part, with the COVID-19 situation. (iv) that the Town Council puts into place a reserves and contingency policy. ”

105 2020/2021 Budget. Half-year Review To review the 2020/2021 Budget. (Supporting Paper F to the Agenda) RESOLVED to consideration of this agenda item until the next Town Council meeting

106 Payments for Authorisation The accounts due for payment were examined. (Supporting Paper G to the Agenda)

RESOLVED that the payments totalling £32223.58 gross and the Direct Debits and Standing Authorisation items of £29,125.46 gross as detailed on Supporting Paper G to the agenda be approved

107 Parking, St George ’s View This matter was brought to the Council’s attention as a public participation item at the Town Council meeting held on 27 August 2020 and the Mayor requested it be put on the agenda for a future meeting. The email received from the resident raising the matter was provided to Councillors as Supporting Paper H to the Agenda.

RESOLVED (i) write to the resident to confirm the matter has been discussed by Council and explain what the Town Council done to ease the on-road parking situation by making St Andrews car park free overnight parking (ii) Contact McCarthy & Stone and District Council regarding compliance with the construction management plan

108 Parking Restrictions, New Street, Cullompton Consideration was given to an email from the Neighbourhood Highway Officer regarding a request for footpath alterations or parking restrictions at the junction of New Street and Shortlands Lane. (Supporting Paper I to the Agenda)

RESOLVED (20:50hrs) to suspend Standing Orders so that a member of the public with knowledge of the situation can speak It seems that Councillors have misunderstood the highways report that as presented to the Town Council about 8 years ago. The member of the public said that about 10 years ago there was a detailed report regarding From Tiverton Road into Shortlands Lane the first half of it is a private accommodation road and the other half going down to the top of New Street is a bridleway which the County Council have said categorically they will not tarmac, they will not put a footpath all the way through, they will not adopt it.

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RESOLVED to ask to research alternative solutions to double yellow lines such as access through Shortlands Lane to New Street from Tiverton Road .

109 (20:58hrs) RESOLVED that the duration of the meeting is extended until 21:15hrs

110 Disabled badge Holder Parking, Knightswood, Cullompton Consideration was given to the Town Council ’s response to Devon County Council regarding a proposal to revoke Disabled Badge Holders At Any Time on a specified length of Knightswood. (Supporting Paper J ) RESOLVED if not getting rid of it and just changing the time support

111 Public Consultation of the Updated Local Flood Risk Management Strategy for Devon Consideration was given t o the Town Council’s response to Devon County Council with regard to the Updated Local Flood Risk Management Strategy for Devon.

RESOLVED not to make a comment on the strategy as our area hasn’t been designates as high risk and any future development application must include flood mitigation

112 (21:15hrs) RESOLVED that the duration of the meeting is extended until 21:30hrs

113 First Notification for the Removal of Payphone Service Consideration was given to the Town Council’s response to Mid Devon District Council with regard to removal of the public payphone service of the public telephone box near the Community Health Centre, Hill, Cullompton. (Supporting Paper L to the Agenda)

RESOLVED to object to the removal of the public pay phone service (location stated as Community Health Centre (which has not been there for many years) Exeter Hill, Cullompton, as no usage figures have been provided and the location of the phonebox is near to accommodation occupied by older people.

114 Members Questions There were no Members’ questions .

115 No 19 High Street, Cullompton To receive an update and any new information and take any associated decisions regarding No 19 High Street, Cullompton.

Cllr Smith provided an oral update as a written paper had not been prepared.In February the Town Council voted to make an offer and then lease it back to a Community Interest Company (CIC) to develop for new business units. The new information is that contracts have not been signed and mid Devon District Council would look at another proposal Cllrs Smith and Lochhead have met with a member of the public willing to put up £60,000 to buy the freehold and lease it back to CIC in the same way as the Town Council was going to. Would the Town Council give support to such a proposal that is to support a CIC but with a private investor putting up the money so that it takes the risk away from the Town Council?

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The purpose of asking is to see if the Town Council would still approve of the site for business developments and encourage such use.

During discussion governance concerns were raised

RESOLVED that this matter is referred to the Monitoring Officer who is provided with a recording of the meeting and asked for their opinion on what should be done

The voting was as follows: In Favour: E Andrews, J Buczkowski, M Dale, J Johns, J Lockhhead, M Rowe, M Smith, K Haslett Against: G Guest Abstentions: None

The meeting closed at 21:41 hrs

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CULLOMPTON TOWN COUNCIL Planning Services Clerk to Cullompton Town Council Development Management Town Hall Phoenix House 1 High Street Phoenix Lane Cullompton Tiverton EX15 1AB Devon EX16 6PP

Date : 29th September 2020

My Ref : 20/01452/MOUT Officer: Mr John Millar Principal Planning Officer

Dear Sir/Madam

Proposal: Hybrid application for a new cricket facility consisting of an Outline application for a pavilion of up to 2 storeys, indoor cricket centre of up to 2 storeys, scorers hut, ground equipment store, outdoor cricket nets, landscaping and parking (all matters reserved) and a Full application for layout and earthworks for 2 cricket grounds Location: Land at NGR 305210 108255, Horn Road, Kentisbeare, Devon Grid Reference: 305210 : 108255 Area Parish: Kentisbeare 32

As a neighbouring authority I am writing to advise you I have received the above application and would be grateful for any observations which you may wish to make. The application form, plans and other details are available for inspection online via the Councils view and track planning application service. Alternatively type in your address bar

If you are not able to view the application online please call 01884 255255, and ask to speak to Planning Support to discuss other methods of viewing the Planning Application Information.

Your comments should reach the Head of Planning and Regeneration, at the above address, no later than 20th October 2020. Please note when commenting on planning applications electronically you should email your comments to [email protected] not the case officer. This is the planning departments generic email address and this is checked daily. Your comments will be noted onto our planning system, scanned and then passed to the case officer on day of receipt.

Should you wish to check on progress you can contact the case officer on the above number. You are advised to make an appointment in advance should you wish to meet the officer to discuss the proposal.

If no comments are received within this period it will be assumed that you have no observations to make.

The officer dealing with this proposal is Mr John Millar who can be contacted on the telephone number above.

Yours faithfully

Mrs Jenny Clifford Head of Planning and Regeneration

Requests for alternative formats will be considered on an individual basis Please telephone 01884 255255 or email customerfirst@middevon. To contact your local Councillor, his/her name and address can be obtained by visiting our website or telephoning Customer Fi rst on 01884 255255

2NONST Town Council 22nd October 2020 Supporting Paper C 2


Hybrid applicaon for a new cricket facility consisng of an Outline applicaon for a pavilion of up to 2 storeys, indoor cricket centre of up to 2 storeys, scorer’s hut, ground equipment store, outdoor cricket nets, landscaping and parking (all maers reserved) and a Full applicaon for layout and earthworks for 2 cricket grounds at Land at NGR 305210 108255, Horn Road, Kensbeare.

As the applicaon is within the Parish of Kensbeare, Cullompton Town Council is being consulted only as it is a major applicaon in a neighbouring Parish. Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C


That the council has NO OBJECTION to planning applicaon 20/01452/MOUT (Hybrid applicaon for a new cricket facility consisng of an Outline applicaon for a pavilion of up to 2 storeys, indoor cricket centre of up to 2 storeys, scorer’s hut, ground equipment store, outdoor cricket nets, landscaping and parking (all maers reserved) and a Full applicaon for layout and earthworks for 2 cricket grounds at Land at NGR 305210 108255, Horn Road, Kensbeare).

Relevant Local Plan Policies

There are no specic Local Plan Policies associated with this applicaon.


Planning applicaon 20/01409/MOUT is a hybrid applicaon for Full permission to landscape 2 cricket pitches with outline permission for associated infrastructure (pavilion, scorer’s hut, indoor and outdoor nets etc).

The Development

This will be the relocaon of Cullompton Cricket Club from its current locaon at the CCA Fields to a site, outside Cullompton Parish, to land on Horn Road that is inside the Parish boundary of Kensbeare.

The current locaon of Cullompton Cricket Club is earmarked as part of the route of the Eastern Distributor Road and, once this road is constructed, unless Cullompton Cricket Club relocates it will have no cricket ground on which to play.

Although not within the Local Plan Allocaon (Local Plan Policies CU7-CU12 and CU19), it is within the long- term aspiraon for the Garden Village Inhiave.

PREPARED BY THE ASSISTANT TOWN CLERK DATE OF REPORT 30/09/2020 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C

Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C LO NG DR AG KEY

Application boundary

Proposed tree

Proposed hedgerow

Existing tree

Existing tree group/hedgerow LO NG D RA G Attenuation basin













0 50 100m Supporting PaperC Town Council22ndOct2020 N



A - D Cullompton Cricket Club Illustrative Masterplan MS / DE

190307 L 02 01 1:2000 @ A3 Sept 20

Unit 1.14, The Paintworks, Arnos Vale, Bristol, BS4 3EH T: 01392 368866 W: M: [email protected]

Drawing Status PRELIMINARY Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C Relocation of Cullompton Cricket Club to Horn Road

Planning, Design & Access Statement

(Incorporating a statement of community invovlement)

September 2020 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C CONTENTS

1. Introduction 1

2. The application site and its surroundings 5

3. Pre-application discussion and community involvement 6

4. The proposals 8

5. Relevant planning policy & material considerations 11

6. Assessment of technical matters 16

7. Merits of the application and conclusion 41


1a Site Search Gradient Plan 1b Site Search Constraints Plan 1c Site Search Shortlisting Overview Plan 1e Insets of Site Site Shortlisting Overview Plan 1f Summary Assessment Matrix of Shortlisted Locations 2 Illustrative Pavilions Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C 1. INTRODUCTION

Cullompton Cricket Club and the Town Centre relief road

1.1 Cullompton Cricket Club was established in 1892, although it is thought that fixtures had been played well before that date. The Club has owned its current ground and clubhouse at Landspeed Meadow since the 1960s.

1.2 The ground lies on the proposed alignment of the Cullompton town centre relief road. A planning application for the relief road was submitted by Devon County Council (DCC) in June 2020 (ref: 20/00876/MFUL).

1.3 The relief road planning application does not fully accord with the Development Plan or the NPPF as it would involve the loss of a sporting facility (the Cricket Club) which is not surplus to requirements, and for which no replacement site can been identified. The planning application for the relief road and this planning application for the relocation of the Club are therefore linked.

1.4 The relief road application identifies that DCC will provide a compensation package for the establishment of a replacement cricket facility for CCC. However, that package requires a replacement site. The package offered by DCC will enable like-or-like provision, but up to current ECB standards. However, the Clubs planning application would enable a better than like-for-like facility, if further funding can be secured.

1.5 The relief road application sets out a proposed implementation timetable. This would enable the Club to complete the 2022 season at Landspeed Meadow. It would then need to vacate its current site by the end of September 2023. In order for this to happen that Club will need to know that its new facility will be ready for play for the beginning of the 2023 season. Due to the lead in time for the establishment of a new playing surface, implementation works need to commence forthwith. There is a more time to finalize the details of the supporting infrastructure (e.g. the design of pavilion) description of development as set out in Section 3.

The Current Ground

1.6 The Club currently own an area of around 10,000sqm (1ha). This excludes a parking area to the rear of the club house, which is around 1,000sqm (0.1ha) owned by the Cullompton Community Association (CCA).

1.7 The current playing conditions and facilities are not up to current ECB standards. The current ground is characterized by short boundaries, particularly square of the wicket, with the mainline railway forming the eastern boundary. Play occasionally has to stop due to passing trains. Landspeed Meadow is also fluvial flood zone 3 and also suffers from surface

1 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C water ponding after heavy rain. Flooding can cause damage to the condition of the square, the outfield and the pavilion.

1.8 The pavilion itself comprises a single-story building of 310 sqm, including changing rooms, kitchen, bar, toilets and a hall that can hold up 150 people for functions.

1.9 The club currently runs a First XI and Second XI, both of whom participate in the Devon Cricket League on Saturdays , with both teams also participating in the Leagues T20 Cup Competitions. In 2020 the club launched a Third XI to accommodate player number growth

1.10 There is also Codgers" XI which undertakes friendly cricket matches against an array of surrounding teams. This is targeted at older players (over 50) but is also an ideal nursery for Colts (older juniors) as a taster to playing Adult Cricket , with matches undertaken throughout the week and on Sundays.

1.11 The Club offer comprehensive Junior Cricket programmed, which compliments its work with the local schools, with Teams at U10 , U11 and U13 playing in the Youth League. The Club also run an ECB Allstars programme for children aged between 5 and 8. 2020 would have seen the commencement of the ECB Dynamos programme which is for persons 8 and over capturing for progression through the junior ranks.

1.12 In 2019 CCC started a Ladies Section and in 2020 had it not been for Covid 19, the Ladies Team would have been participating in a formal softball league run by Devon Cricket.

1.13 The Club offers its facilities to Cullompton Community College for inter school cricket matches and hosts an array of development cricket squad training days for Devon Cricket (boys & girls) and have for the past 4 or so years hosted the East Devon Colts Finals.

1.14 With the housing development already seen at Cullompton numbers have grown steadily, but the lack of space and single ground (which is not big enough) means that the quantity of cricket being played is adversely impacting the playing surfaces quality as we cant rest the pitches for long enough between games. Physical pitch availability is now capped due to the number of games each respective team etc needs to play to be able to offer cricket in wider age groups at the Junior level. The one ground facility has also meant that the new Third XI were going to have to play at Plymtree Village playing fields (no electricity, running water) and very basic pitch machinery require the Club to take its current machinery to the ground to make it playable!

1.15 The implementation of planned housing development at Cullompton will mean that the demand for cricket will continue to grow. The justification for a two-ground facility to accommodate growth is needed both to provide the capacity already needed and to assist with the ongoing growth plans of the community.

2 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C 1.16 Finally, the Club wants to be able to train both when its wet in the Summer and throughout the Winter months. This is critical to maintain the progress of player skills and competencies. There are no indoor facilities that have available booking capacity to accommodate the Clubs training needs which is seriously compromising the development of cricket in both Cullompton and th e wider County.

Relocation Requirements

1.17 Relocation brings with it the opportunity for the Club to significantly improve its facilities and for more cricket to be played, to the benefit of Cullompton, the wider area and the game.

1.18 The Club is outgrowing its current playing capacity and will continue to do so as Cullompton itself grows as set out in the Development Plan. It has therefore searched for a location that is capable of delivering two grounds. That strategy consequently requires a bigger, better pavilion, capable of hosting two games at once i.e. more changing facilities (mens and womens) and a bigger café/bar area.

1.19 As part of its relocation strategy the Club also require a high quality space for functions, meetings and events. The current clubhouse generates revenue for the upkeep of the Club, and that revenue must be protected and increased to upkeep a larger facility. The Club currently benefits from a walkable edge-of-town centre clubhouse and it needs to ensure that a necessarily more distant location still attracts people to it.

1.20 The Clubs proposals are supported Devon County Cricket Club. Established country cricket infrastructure across Devon is struggling to meet current ECB pavilion standards (disabled facilities, more and bigger changing rooms), and a new venue that delivered these standards to county level would welcome. The location of the proposed relocation site is considered to very good in terms of transport links (M5 corridor). Devon County Cricket Club extol importance of good viewing areas to encourage more spectators and participation.

1.21 In addition, Devon County Seniors operates five sides at over 50 (2), over 60 (2) and over 70 age groups. These teams participate in national competitions against other counties and also play a selection of friendly matches against visiting teams, In excess of 60 matches are played annually.

1.22 The over 60s 1 st XI captain advises that sourcing venues for home fixtures of a suitable standard and within proximity of the county border to reduce travel distances for the opposition is often challenging. The proposed relocation of Cullompton Cricket Club to a new purpose-built facility would be hugely beneficial as it is ideally situated. They strongly support and endorse the proposed move as the addition of a new contemporary facility will benefit Devon cricket as a whole.

3 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C 1.23 The ECB are aware of the Clubs planning application and are supportive.

4 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C 2. THE APPLICATION SITE AND ITS SURROUNDINGS

2.1 A suitable and available relocation site has been identified to the east of Horn Road and south of Long Drag, some 3km north-east from the current ground. This site comprises an area of 9.1ha within larger agricultural field of 13ha, which, this year is being used to grow potatoes. The southern part of the western boundary of the site is currently open. On the north-west boundary of the site lies an irrigation reservoir, which takes water from a side channel of River Ken.

2.2 Section 6 of this statement sets out the reasoned justification for the selection of the relocation, the proposed positioning and orientation of the two grounds within it and the consequential relationship to an indicative layout for the pavilion, indoor school and parking.

2.3 The immediate context of the site can be described as relatively flat agricultural land. Development in the immediate areas consists of scattered houses and farmsteds. The Kingsford Rural Business Centre is around 500-600m the north-west area of. Approximately 800 to the south -west a quite a new agricultural storage barn has been recently been constructed (height to eaves 6.5m and height to ridge 8.8m). A prior notification application for another barn next to it was submitted on August 17 th 2020 (20/01301/PNAG) (height to eaves 7.5m and height to ridge 9.8m).

2.4 To the north -east, beyond Long Drag, and around 650m from the likely pavilion location is the Grade 1 listed Wood Barton Farmhouse. The edge of Kentibeasre is around 1.25km away, and the Church of St Mary 1.75km away.

2.5 There is no planning history for the site itself.

5 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C 3. PRE-APPLICATION ADVICE AND CONSULTATION

Pre-application advice February 2020 3.1 A pre-application meeting was held on Thursday 13 th February 2020 to inform the LPA that a relocation site had been found and that a planning application would be forthcoming for a facility of two grounds. The LPA advised the Club that a location some distance away from the edge of Cullompton would need to be justified against the then emerging, and now adopted Policy DM23 [Community Facilities] (See Section 4).

Statement of Community Involvement August 2010 3.2 On August 11 th (09:00-18:00) the Club hosted a drop in information event to raise awareness of the forthcoming application. The event was advertised by way of a leaflet drop on August 6th to 400 addresses within Kensitbeare Parish. The Parish Council also hosted an item on the event on its website.

3.3 Some 16 people attended. Based on the responses received no changes have been made to the Clubs overall strategy in respect of the proposed relocation site or the master planning of it. The key issue arising was the placement of any form of development on land between Horn Road and Dead Lane on the context of previous parish Council comments on the Culm Garden Village Vision Document. Several attendees question why the site was not closer to Cullompton. Section 6 of this statement explains why the site is justified.

Information Event Flyer

6 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C

7 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C 4. THE PROPOSALS

4.1 The description of development is:

Hybrid planning application.

Full application for the layout and earthworks for two cricket fields.

Outline application (all matters reserved) for a cricket pavilion of up to two storeys, an indoor cricket centre of up to two storeys, a scorers hut, a ground equipment store, outdoor cricket nets, parking and landscaping

4.2 The hybrid application area measures 9.1ha. Within this the full application area measures 4.6ha

4.3 The outline application areas measure 5.17ha. There is some overlap (0.67ha) between the full and outline application area due to the spatial extent for the earthworks that are needed to prepare the two cricket fields.

4.4 The proposed layout of the grounds and indicative layout of the other parts of the site has been designed by Sports Clubhouses and S&C Slatter who are specialists in the design and build provision of new sports facilities across the UK. During the design process, input has been sought from representatives of the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB). The proposals conform to their requirements and they are supportive of the scheme.

4.5 Two grounds of County dimension are proposed, both hosting a square of 14 pitches. Each ground measures 142.7m x 125m boundary to boundary equating to 15,690 sqm. Thus, the playing surfaces alone require 3.13 hectares of land (7.7acres). Although the site is relatively flat, it will be necessary for the site to be reprofiled, as set out the submitted cut and fill and section drawings . The earthworks required to create the actual playing surfaces also relate to the land around them.

4.6 The proposed working area for the earthworks is 46,000 m 2 with a balanced cut and fill volume of 4,250 m3 (so 4,250 m 3 of cut and 4,250 m 3 of fill). Proposed gradients are 1.00% along the line of play and 1.00% across the line of play which is consistent with ECB guidelines for cricket squares and outfields. The cricket squares will be constructed on the same plane as the outfield but raised by approx. 25 mm compared to the surrounding outfield areas. The proposed levels have also been designed to tie-in with the car park, buildings

4.7 The suite of application plans shows an indicative yet probable layout and landscape strategy for the pavilion, indoor school and car parking. The placement of the pavilion flows

8 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C from the proposed fixed location of the two grounds and enable to overlook each playing area. Section 6 provides more information on the proposed layout of the two grounds , the justification for this, and the knock-on effects for the master planning of the rest of the site

4.8 Outline approval is sought for a pavilion up to 1,150 sqm and up to 2-storeys (c. 700sqm GIA footprint) comprising changing rooms storage areas, a kitchen, café bar with a ground floor terrace, a function room and a viewing terrace.

4.9 Outline approval is also sought for indoor cricket centre of up to 2-storeys and 900 sqm (c. GIA 450 sqm footprint).

4.10 As part of the overall facility set of four lane all weather practice nets, a small storage building (for ground maintenance plant and materials) and a scorers hut complete the features for which outline approval is sought. These are shown to the east of the site in the illustrative drawings, but his location is not fixed.

4.11 The precise height of a pavilion and indoor cricket centre of up to 2-stroeys will depend on the roof type (flat or pitched) and the degree to which the structures are sub-terranean, with detailed design being a reserved matter.

4.12 The central core of a two-story flat roofed pavilion, with lower flanks either side, would likely have maximum height of around 7.3metres, whereas a pitched roof would be around 8.8m. Single story flanks would have a maximum height of around 6m (pitched) or 3.5mm (flat) A two storey indoor cricket centre would be partly sub-terranean with a maximum height of around 6.5m (flat roof) or 8.2m (pitched roof).

4.13 Means of access is also reserved. However, The Transport Statement includes a feasibility drawing (A306-01) demonstrating that a suitable access from Horn Road is achievable. Construction accesses for the earthworks to prepare the two grounds are already available via existing field gates.

4.14 The indicative parking layout shows 103 core parking spaces with (including 6 disabled spaces and 6 electric charging point spaces) There are two dedicated coach spaces and an overspill area can accommodate a further 22 car parking spaces or 2/3 coaches. Provision is made for a covered cycle store.

4.15 Existing boundary hedgerows and hedgerow tress with be retained, aside from around 10m to achieve access as set out in feasibility drawing (A306-01). The access point is not fixed but A306-01 shows that access is feasible form Horn Road. An indicative planting scheme is proposed in the landscape and visual assessment (and standalone landscape masterplan) and reflected in the site layout, but the details are a reserved matter.

9 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C 4.16 The only lighting proposed is standard security lighting on the pavilion and indoor cricket centre and some low-level bollard lighting the car parking area. Any further lighting will require a further planning application. The Club do not intend to light the grounds in to achieve day-night play.

4.17 The illustrative outline layout within the site results in a surplus are in the south west corner. Indicative testing layouts (not submitted) confirm that this area could accommodate a hockey pitch, 4no. tennis courts and petanque court. These additional facilities these are not being applied for in this application.

4.18 The current application, if permitted, will allow the first stage of the actual delivery of a replacement facility to begin i.e. the earthworks the replacement grounds. It will take 18 months to 2-years for a new ground to be playable. If permission is granted it will also allow the Club to prepare detailed designs for the pavilion and indoor school and parking to be prepared as part of a reserved matters process, alongside a detailed landscaping/planting scheme, access and other aspects.

10 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C 5. PLANNNG POLICY AND MATERIAL CONSIDERATIONS


Mid Devon Local Plan 2013-2033

5.1 A new Local Plan for the district, covering the period 2013-2033, was adopted in July 2020. The Clubs assessment of the key in-principle policies is as follows.

Policy DM22 [Tourism and Leisure Development]

5.2 The title of DM22 gives the appearance that it might be relevant. Although a cricket facility could be described as a leisure use, it is clear from the supporting text to DM22 that this policy is not designed to sports facilities, but leisure and visitor facilities that come under the umbrella of tourism e.g. Diggerland. Thus, the focus of DM22 is on leisure attractions. Consequently, the Club does not regard this policy as applicable to its proposals.

Policy DM23 [Community Facilities]

5.3 Policy DM23 is relevant and is formed of two parts. Part 1 (of which there are two sentences) relates to proposals for new community facilities and Part 2 relates to the loss of existing community facilities. Part 1 is relevant to this application and covers new recreational land or buildings by virtue of the explanation and broad definition of community facilities in paragraph 4.70 of the supporting text."

5.4 The first sentence of Part 1 of DM23 states that:

The development of new community facilities providing a local community benefit or environmental enhancement will be permitted where they are easily accessible by the local community and well-related to a settlement.

5.5 Section 6 of this planning statement addresses the locational matters that this raise for the Clubs proposals.

5.6 The second sentence of part 1 of DM23 states that:

Proposals for the redevelopment of existing community facilities that enables them to modernise, remain viable and continue to be retained for the benefit of the community will be supported.

5.7 The proposals are for the redevelopment of the Club, and this will enable its modernization and retention for the benefit of the community. In this case, redevelopment will not be in- situ, for the reasons set out in Section 1, but the location of the Clubs proposals do not remove the in-principle support for modernisation and retention of them in Policy DM23.

11 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 DM24 [Protection of Local Green Space and recreational /land buildings] Supporting Paper C

5.8 The title of DM24 gives the impression that it should be relevant, but the supporting text reveals that it is not applicable to the Clubs application. Paragraph 7.73 advises that DM24 does not apply to  sites allocated for an alternative use . The Clubs ground is allocated under Policy CU19 [Town Centre Relief Road], which is a site-allocation policy.

5.9 However, the LPA should still have regard to the spirit of Clause b of DM24 which (for qualifying sites) requires:

equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in a suitable location, prior to the commencement of the development .

5.10 Better provision is not a requirement of CU19 [Town Centre Relief Road], but proposals involving better provision must still be weighed in the planning balance. Moreover, as set out in paragraph 5.26, CU19 (although very recently adopted) is not compliant with paragraph 97 of the 2019 NPPF. The recently adopted Local Plan was examined against the 2012 NPPF.

CU19 [Town Centre Relief Road]

5.11 Clause (b) requires the  provision of replacement open space and sporting facilities elsewhere in Cullompton if these are affected by the delivery of the town centre relief road. Paragraph 3.142 advises that  should the final route impact loss of sports or open space, replacement provision will be need to be made available in a suitable location . The interplay of the supporting text with the policy wording marries suitable locatio n with  elsewhere in Cullompton .

5.12 It is understandable why CU19 would seek the provision of replacement open space elsewhere in Cullompton. However, this does not deal with a situation where there is no suitable (including available) locations in or next to Cullompton. In such circumstances it cannot be the case that either no replacement space is to provided (or the relief road is not permitted) rather that a suitable (and available) location can be countenanced outside Cullompton. Post examination amendments tot eh Cullompton Neighbourhood Plan, as referred to below are relevant here.

5.13 Better provision is not specifically referred to in CU19 in the same way as in DM24. However, as set out in paragraph 5.21, in 2019 NPPF, replacement provision, in CU19 captures both equivalent or better provision.

Other Policies

12 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C 5.14 There are of course other general policies in the Local Plan, covering such matters has heritage, landscape, and ecology and transport, that have a bearing on this application, but it is not considered necessary or useful to rehearse them in this section. The assessment of the effects of the proposals are set out in Section 6.


Emerging Cullompton Neighbourhood Plan (CNP)

5.15 The examiners report on the emerging CNP was published on July 1 st 2020 and Mid Devon Council has accepted the proposed modifications. The CNP will now proceed to a referendum, and will likely become part of the Development Plan in due course. Although the proposed site is in the parish of Kentisbeare the CNP is still relevant.

5.16 Policy WL01 [Existing Recreational Spaces]

Policy WL01 identifies the cricket clubs site as one of seven sites to be protected in accordance with the relevant policies in the Development Plan. This policy has been recommendation for modification to remove specific reference to other policies. The supporting text, as submitted refers to DM25, but the policy referred to DM26 (erroneously). Neither policy is applicable to this application but other policies of the adopted an emerging Mid Devon Local Plan are applicable. In due course WL02 of the CNP, as set out below, will likely be part of the Development Plan too.

Policy WL02 [CCA Fields]

5.17 Policy WL02 [CCA Fields] is focused on the effect of the development of a town centre relief road on the Cullompton Community Association Fields. The CCA owns 32 acres of land but that ownership does not include the cricket clubs site. Paragraph 12.11 of the supporting text to WL02 makes this clear. Nonetheless WL02 seems apply to the all the land identified on Map 10 that accompanies WL02.

5.18 Clause (viii) requires that any relief road proposals should:

replace of any recreational space lost with equivalent or better elsewhere, to be vested in the community.

5.19 Clause (viii) as submitted for examination, was written elsewhere in Cullompton, but the examiner has modified the wording (at the request of MDDC) to meet the basic conditions.

5.20 The stipulation that replacement space must vested in the community is clearly not meant cover the circumstances of this application i.e. where the exiting site is in private ownership

13 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C and where the replacement site is not on the current the CAA fields. The vesting point relates to the circumstances of the football club but not the cricket club.

5.21 The CNP does directly capture the better thrust of DM24 in a way that CU19 does not. The theme of replacement provision permeates into the determination of this application even though the CNP will have no jurisdiction within Kentisebeare. The key point is that replacement provision is needed somewhere suitable and it that cant legitimately be within Cullompton Parish then it will have to be outside it. Policy WL02, as recommended for modification, does not equate suitable location within in Cullompton (parish)

5.22 Finally, the supporting text to WL02 notes that

The Cricket Club (established 1891) owns the freehold of its own site excluding the car park. The 1.01ha. site comprises a cricket pitch, a club house with changing facilities, a bar and function rooms, modern cricket practice nets, an artificial wicket and storage facilities for mowers and other equipment. The Cricket Club has indicated a desire to relocate. The Club has outgrown its current location and, recognising that a growth in population should lead to an increase in participants, it wishes to find space sufficient for two cricket pitches plus a club house and all the ancillary facilities a club of its stature needs. The England and Wales Cricket Board has advised that a site with a footprint of 4.85ha. is required to accommodate this size facility.

5.23 The Club agree with this text, and note that the relief road application is the immediate driver governing the timing of its relocation application. Usefully the CNP identifies the expert view of the ECB that a land area of around 5 hectares is needed. Where a site is bigger than this (due to field boundaries) there may of course be some wastage, or more scope for landscaping and other uses.

Policy WL04 [Outdoor sport facilities]

5.24 The CNP will has no jurisdiction outside the NP area and therefore it is not a directly relevant policy for the application site. Nevertheless, it provides qualified support for a range of facilities and pitches for the town (as opposed to within it), and identifies that Cullompton is a sporting community.

Draft East Cullompton Master Supplementary Planning Document (December 2018)

5.25 A masterplan SPD is a requirement of Policy CU7 of the adopted Mid Devon Local Plan. No applications are to be determined within East Cullompton allocation until the adoption of the final SPD. The Club as consequently had regard to the following as part of its assessment of shortlisted sits.

14 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C a) the issue of permitting a replacement cricket facility within East Cullompton, of around 5ha, in the context of this procedural stipulation that an SPD should first be adopted.

b) what the drat SPD identifies for areas within the East Cullompton Allocation that have been shortlisted (Locations 3, 4 and 5).

Culm Garden Village Vision Document

5.26 The Council backed proposals for a larger Garden Village are capable of being a material consideration although the weight that can be attributed to this is limited. In its assessment of shortlisted locations, the Club has had regard to the Culm Garden Village consultation document (December 2018) and the responses to it.

National Planning Policy Framework

5.27 Section 8 [Promoting heathy and safe communities] is particularly relevant to this application, especially paragraphs 92, 96 and 97.

5.28 Paragraph 96 states that Access to a network of high-quality open spaces and opportunities for sport and physical activity is important for the health and well-being of communities.

5.29 Paragraph 97 states that  Existing open space, sports and recreational buildings and land, including playing fields, should not be built on unless , inter alia (b)  the loss resulting from the proposed development would be replaced by equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in a suitable location ;

5.30 Therefore, the NPPF regards the relocation cricket club as opportunity for its quantitative and qualitative enhancement.

5.31 The NPPF contains various other relevant paragraphs which are not rehearsed here

Inspiring Generations (ECB) 5.32 Inspiring Generations is the game-wide five-year strategic plan to grow cricket in England and Wales from 2020-24. The enhancement of facilities is major part of this strategy and the growth of childrens and womens cricket.

15 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C 6. ASSESSMENT OF TECHNICAL MATTERS

6.1 This section sets out:

a) The justification for the chosen location for the proposals.

b) The justification for the proposed layout and form of the proposals (a Design and Access Statement)

c) An assessment of the environmental effects of the proposals, based on the submitted plans and technical reports.

The Justification for the location of the proposals

Site search considerations for a replacement ground

6.2 The Club have undertaken a process to identify and evaluate potential relocation sites with an area of search extending to around 3km around the current ground. This area captures all locations that could be potentially closer to the current ground than the applications site.

6.3 The locational factors that have been taken into account are:


a) The baseline gradient of land and the consequent earthworks required to level it to ECB standards are a critical factor. The finished levels need to be equal to or less than 1% slope. Locations of over 4%% slope have been discounted early on the basis of the practicality/ extent of earthworks. Consequently, extensive areas arounds the town of Cullompton been discounted on account of the baseline topography. Appendix 1a demonstrates which areas can be shortlisted/discounted on account of the baseline gradient alone.

b) The gradient analysis was produced using QGIS, an industry standard desktop geographic information system application. A Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) composite Digital Terrain Model (DTM) with an accuracy of 1m was utilized with a gradient analysis algorithm. LIDAR data has a root mean square error vertical accuracy of +/-15cm RMSE.

c) To sense check the 4% sieving judgement the LPA is invited to consider to the field (allocated as part of East Cullompton) immediately north of the ribbon development at Stonyford, and immediately east of the Week Farm employment land allocation. The wider, western part, of this field is more than 4% and this gradient, is in the Clubs assessment not suitable for shortlisting.

16 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C Site Size and Shape d) Small pockets of land under 4% gradient that are far too small have been discounted. e) The Club have assessed all locations that at least enable like for like replacement facilities (i.e. a single ground but up to ECB standards) and including sufficient peripheral land for safe hitting zone and for parking. f) However, the Club require a location that enables further expansion i.e. one that is capable of delivering two grounds and other cricket facilities e.g. indoor school. g) The Club have had also regard to the ability of potential locations to accommodate related sporting facilities in the future e.g. tennis courts and a hockey pitch. This is a secondary consideration and the primary driver of the assessment process is cricket.

Environmental Factors h) Flood risk  the club require a location where outside flood zones 2 and 3. There is, unsurprisingly, a correlation between the flattest land around Cullompton and areas of flood risk associated with the Culm and Ken. These areas have been discounted i.e. not shortlisted i) Electrical transmission lines  the club require a location that is not crossed by transmission lines, nor one where the ambience the location is affected by the nearby visual effects and the buzz of the lines. j) Noise  the club require a location where play is not likely to be affected by intermittent noise of passing trains. It also has a preference for a ground where the ambience is not affected by the noise of the M5. k) Accessibility to the adopted highway - the club require a location that does not require a significant access road to make it suitable, due to the cost and deliverability implications. Accesses should not need to cross 3rd party land to reach the new facility. Potential future impacts on Duke Street overbridge are noted in respect of the access strategy for East Cullompton presented during the Local Plan examination process. l) Water Supply  cricket grounds use a lot of water and thus opportunities to use sources other than mains supply have been noted.

17 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C m) Heritage, Landscape an Ecology  the club has had regard to whether any otherwise locations present a conflict with environmental designations. The application site itself has been subject to site specific reports on the effects of the proposals.


n) Timing  the Club has had regard to the likelihood that that potential relocation sites can be made operational in line with the timetable for delivering the relief road.

o) Land availability - the need for there to be a willing landowner is a critical factor. Earthworks will need to commence within months of this application be submitted so that the ground can be ready for play at a time to enable the all of the relief road to be constructed.

Planning policy , Corporate policy and parish boundaries

p) Regard has been had to any conflict with site specific policies in adopted Local Plan (i.e. East Cullompton) and emerging site-specific supplementary policy, including the draft East Cullompton Masterplan SPD.

q) The Culm Garden Village Vision Document (December 2018) represents corporate policy. This is capable capable of being a material consideration, but can be afforded limited weight.

r) The Club has noted whether each shortlisted location is in Cullompton, Halberton or Kentisbeare parish.

6.4 Appendix 1 to this Statement comprises:

1a  Baseline Gradient Analysis Plans

1b  A constraints plans that have informed a sieving process to identify shortlisted locations ( not this does not clearly show transmission lines or flood risk, but both factors are more clearly seen in Appendix 1c)

1c - An overview of the shortlisted locations, and by inference, the areas that have been discounted.

1d - Inset plans that provide a closer view of the locations assessed, and which also show the likely position of one or two grounds at each location. The dimensions of each ground shown are 130m x 130m (16,900sqm) compared to the proposed dimensions of 142.7m x 125m (17,837sm). For the purpose of illustrating a how grounds might be accommodated on each shortlisted location, this difference is immaterial. The illustrative ground dimensions reflect the playing surface of Exeter Cricket Club. The 18 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C club does not have the resources at its disposal to fully work up a layout for each location but has made of reasonable assessment of the probable arrangement of each location.

 1e - A summary assessment matrix for the shortlisted locations based on the following paragraphs , which set out the key points/discussion emerging from the assessment of each location.

6.5 On occasion the ECB guidance document on pavilions and clubhouses (TS5) is referred in respect of the potential layout of each location. The key guidance in TS5 is set out form paragraph 6.92 in the subsection of Section 6 that justifies the layout for the application site. Some of that guidance e.g. not placing a pavilion in the NE corner of the ground has a bearing on the assessment of shortlisted other locations. For example, some shortlisted locations, due to their characteristics (size and shape), could only accommodate the pavilion in a sub-optimal location.

Locational Assessments

Location 1: Five Bridges

6.6 Five Bridge is the only shortlisted location to the west of the M5, highlighting the difficulty in finding a relocation site in the environs of Cullompton itself. The site is in Halberton Parish.

6.7 Whilst the land falls away on all sides, there is something of a flat top. Location 1 comprises two area of land ownership; to the east, two fields (1a) form part of Merrimead Farm, and to the west a single larger field (1b) is part of Moostone Barton Farm.

6.8 No detailed testing layout has been prepared but either option seems capable of hosting two grounds in a reasonable configuration. The eastern option, if developed for two grounds, could not also deliver other sport pitches/courts in the future. Part of the land in the western area would be needed. The split ownership between east and west makes this less likely to be achievable, and thus a wholly 1b approach would be the only one that would offer the prospect for other facilities in the future.

6.9 For location 1a to host two cricket grounds the central east -west hedgerow would need to be removed, at least in part, to allow the pavilion to be positioned to overlook two grounds, resulting in ecological harm. Ideally the pavilion would sit between the two grounds on the western boundary, but existing built form tends to be more towards the B3181, involving a pavilion on the NE corner of the southern ground. Location 1b would not require internal hedgerow removal.

19 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 6.10 A key weakness of this location, as a whole, is that access is very poor with the lane to Supporting Paper C Brithem Bottom very particularly narrow. The narrowness of the lane makes access to both sub-locations awkward (for cars let alone coaches). Location 1b has little frontage to enable forward visibility splays Significant hedgerow would be need for visibility splays for both locations, which may assist in widening part of the lane in respect of 1a. Not all of the lane could be widened i.e. issues would remain closer the junction.

6.11 Neither area is known to be available to relocate the Club.

Location 2: North West of Long Moor

6.12 In some respects this a good site for the relocation of the club, being relatively flat, accessible and big enough to enable two grounds and additional sports facilities. This location is also one of nearest to the settlement limit of Cullompton (inclusive of the Kingsmill Lane Employment land zone). The location is big enough that the presence of electrical transmission lines to the west, although not ideal, is not a severely limiting factor. Nevertheless, the Club want to avoid any visual blight in the vicinity of the new facility.

6.13 A site inspection visit identified that ambience of this location was affected by the constant background noise of the M5, which (although acceptable in planning terms) is not preferable to the Club where quieter options exist.

6.14 Crucially, there is no willing landowner at this time. Due to the exploration of Culm Garden Village many landowners in the area would prefer, at this stage, to promote their land for residential development through a process of plan review. That the land is on the edge of Culm Garden village suggests that a cricket facility would not unintentionally harm its optimal master planning. Whilst the LPA can give limited weight to Culm Garden Village (beyond the East Cullompton allocation) the landowner can give as much weight as it likes to its prospects and how it affects his decision-making in respect of land availability for different uses.

6.15 The arrangement of the grounds in relation to the pavilions sub-optimal. As explained in Section 6 ECB guidance advises on this relationship, the acceptable orientation of the pitches and that it is best to avoid pavilions that would be behind the bowlers arm.

6.16 This location is the only shortlisted location that is covered by an ecological designation, in the form of grazing marsh associated with the Culm (a priority habitat). The Club have not assessed whether this allocation is justified through a survey, but it forms part of the proposals map associated with the recently adopted Local Plan.

Location 3: South of Greenhouse Gardens / Gerbera Way.

20 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 6.17 Location 3 is the only shortlisted location that actually adjoins the settlement limit for Supporting Paper C Cullompton (at Stonyford), and it is the closest (as the crow flies) to the current ground.

6.18 The site is not quite big enough accommodate two 130mx130m grounds. The inset plan for this location demonstrates that is could, accommodate one smaller ground and other facilities, or two smaller grounds. Achieving sufficient parking may also be difficult to achieve, even with smaller grounds.

6.19 The site is located within the East Cullompton allocation of the Local Plan and a key requirement of Policy CU7 that a masterplan SPD is adopted before planning applications are determined. The final version of the masterplan SPD has not been adopted or published for consultation. Figure 15 of the draft SPD (December 2018) identifies this area as a development parcel and as part of a mixed-use employment area. Figure 15 also shows strategic highway links running through part of this location. While the relief road application may cause a new M5 crossing to drop to the south, it cannot be said with certain where a J28A might be located nor its geometry. The use of the site for recreational open space would conflict with process of stipulated by the Local Plan (SPD before planning applications) and the content of the emerging SPD itself.

6.20 Vehicular access could in theory be achieved via Culm Lea, although no junction capacity testing with the Road has been undertaken confirm this. The existing residential access to East Culme House is substandard, and cannot be widened without third party land. Greenhouse Gardens would become the only access route.

6.21 There is scope for noise and disturbance to residents living on Greenhouse Gardens due to construction traffic and once the facility would be operational. It is not clear that this residential street is suitable for the peak flows that a Club with 100 parking spaces would generate.

6.22 It is highly probable that netting would be required along part of the northern boundary to avert ball strikes on houses.

6.23 The land is not available to the Club as the landowner benefits from allocated land, with an emerging SPD identifying this area for higher value uses.

Location 4: North of Honiton Road and East of the 440KV transmission lines

6.24 This site is big enough to one ground, but not two. It is relatively accessible term of its distance from the Honiton Road, but crucially there is an intervening land ownership, and thus 3 rd party land would need to be acquired. This creates a significant deliverability hurdle.

21 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C 6.25 The land is within the East Cullompton allocation of the Local Plan. Policy CU7 stipulates that a masterplan SPD is adopted before planning applications are determined. The final version of the masterplan SPD has not been adopted or published for consultation.

6.26 Figure 15 of the draft SPD (December 2018) identifies this area as a development parcel, and identifies the potential need for a primary highway link running in a north-south direction to the east of the 440KV transmission lines. There is therefore scope for conflict between the early grant of planning permission for cricket ground in this location and the optimal strategic master planning of East Cullompton. Although not identified in Figure 15, there is also scope for a further east-west highway link to be needed through this area. This cannot be ruled out at this stage.

6.27 This location is not available for a cricket ground. Due to the draft SPD identifying its probable use for residential development, a higher value land use can be secured by the landowner in the short to medium term.

Location 5: North of Honiton Road

6.28 This location could host the full range of facilities in a location where access can be achieved directly from the Honiton Road. An ideal arrangement of uses could be achieved as on the application site.

6.29 The land is within the East Cullompton allocation of the Local Plan. Policy CU7 stipulates that a masterplan SPD is adopted before planning applications are determined. The final version of the masterplan SPD has not been adopted or published for consultation.

6.30 This area fromscore of what will likely be one of the early delivery phases of the East Cullompton allocation, and sits on the main access point. Location 5 is also the potential location for primary school and the local centre, as identified in the Draft SPD. The location of a cricket club here would undoubtedly negatively affect the optimal masterplan for the East Cullompton allocation.

6.31 The landowner, being a probably early phase of the East Cullompton allocation (by virtue of the need for a primary school to be operational early), is not making his land available for the cricket club.

Location 6: Land South & South East of Aller Barton Farm

6.32 This is an extensive flat area and has been divided up into three sub-areas (6a, 6b and 6c) Any sub-area could accommodate two grounds and other sporting facilities, most probably in a reasonable configuration.

22 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C 6.33 Aller Barton Farm is accessed from a small junction with the Honiton Road and the initial stretch of trackway is narrow with no passing places, and with land either side in separate ownerships. Beyond this, access is currently through and around the farm yard. Accessibility is a key reason why this area has been rejected.

6.34 The land is not known to be available for the Clubs needs at this time. Due to the exploration of Culm Garden Village many landowners in the area would prefer, at this stage, to promote their land for higher value uses through process of plan review.

6.35 Although this land has no statutory planning status yet, there is a risk that a planning permission for a cricket facility in this area could negatively affect the optimal master planning of a wider Garden Village. Area 6 would be a key part of a wider Garden Village, if eventually allocated, and it cannot be said at this stage whether a cricket club could be placed within it in a way that would definitely not would interfere wi th its optimal master planning e.g. key road alignments or land hungry social infrastructure (schools).

Location 7: Upton

6.36 This area comprises fields that can be accessed from a minor, yet adequate road leading off Old Hill and the Duke Street overbridge. The area is the close, by actual travel time, to the current ground (Location 1 is nearer if you can fly over the M5).

6.37 Field 7a is affected by the alignment of 440KV transmission lines, and what is left is big enough for only one ground. Fields 7b and 7c is are in another ownership (the same ownership as location 6) and present large flexible areas that could the Clubs cricketing requirements, with 7c have more flexibly for other sporting facilities. Part of Field 7b floods, but it is assumed that parking could go in this area of the site here rather than the playing areas. The boundary of location 7b cuts through the middle of the field but could be further extended to the east if more land was required.

6.38 Evidence accompanying the Local Plan 2013-2033 shows that the delivery of the proposed junction 28A will lead to the demolition of the Duke Street overbridge to create new slip road, thereby requiring a much more circuitous route to arrive in this location (making it the most inaccessible) until such time as any road linking it more directly to the Honiton Road/East Cullompton allocation is delivered. Thus, whilst the location is very accessible in the immediate term and has the potential to be accessible, but less so, in the longer term, it is likely to be more remote in the years in between.

6.39 Critically, the land is not available for a cricket facility, for the same reason that Location 6 is not available.

Location 8: North of Honiton Road and West of Horn Road

23 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C 6.40 This location, between 132KV transmission lines and Horn Road, is sub-divided into a smaller southern area (8a) and a bigger northern area (8b). Area 8a, due to its shape, is only big enough for a single ground, and so a two-ground concept would have to straddle the hedgerow ditch dividing area 8a from area 8b, and thus require its removal (ecological harm). It is therefore more likely that a complete facility in 8b would be pursued.

6.41 The land is not known to be available for the Clubs needs at this time. Due to the exploration of Culm Garden Village many landowners in the area would prefer, at this stage, to promote their land for higher value uses through a process of plan review.

6.42 Although this land has no statutory planning status, there is a risk that planning permission for a cricket facility in this area could negatively affect the optimal master planning of the Garden Village. It seems quite likely that a significant access road would need to be bisect area 8a and indeed area 8b. It would unwise to reduce the master planning options for areas 8a by placing a cricket facility within it. A minor access road into area 8b, cutting in from Horn Road before sweeping north through a gap in the hedgerow might be less problematic. Location 8 is in separate ownership to Location 9, and thus the later would unlikely to be available for an access from the north.

Location 9: West of Horn Road (Central)

6.43 This is a similar location to Location 8, albeit less flexible given its shape and size and only the southern part has baseline gradient of less than 4% gradient. The inset plan shows that this location it cannot accommodate two 130m x 130m grounds and so a compromise would be needed (likely a pretty small second ground to the north of a larger southern main ground, involving more cut and fill cost).

6.44 Under a single ground scenario, there is scope to be able to accommodate the pavilion on the east of SE, but under a two ground scenario a pavilion (serving both grounds) would end up overlooking the NE corner of the bigger southern ground (the location that the ECB guidance in TS5 identifies should be avoided.

6.45 It seems possible to accommodate other facilities that the preferred location could host in the future (hockey, tennis and petanque).

6.46 A particular constraint affecting Location 9 is its very narrow site frontage with Horn Road, but access, with the requisite viability splays, seems just about achievable.

6.47 The land is in a different ownership to Location 8 but is not available to the cricket club, for the same reason that location 8 is not available.

Location 10 West of Horn Road (North)

24 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 6.48 Location 10 is formed of two fields. The inset location plan demonstrates that this location Supporting Paper C could accommodate a single ground and a reasonable layout for the relationship of the pavilion to that ground.

6.49 Accommodating two grounds at 130m x130m (as shown) would involve the removal of the central hedgerow and two hedgerow trees. The pavilion would be paced on the Horn Road side, and parking would be biased towards the road (and therefore present to the NE corner for the southern ground, which is to be avoided). It is not clear if the site is wide enough to accommodate sufficient parking for a two-ground scenario in a way that suitable relates well to the pavilion. Parking may be need to the south of the southern ground, reducing the scope for other pitches/courts.

6.50 It would be possible to host two grounds whilst reducing but not completely avoiding hedgerow removal. A smaller ground of 110m (N-S) by 130m (E-W) could be located in the southern field, with a larger ground in the northern field. Some internal hedgerow removal would still be needed (c.50-60m) to enable the pavilion to be located so that that it served both grounds (the NE corner issues would remain). In this scenario some parking would likely be needed to the north pf the northern ground.

6.51 Location 10 is in the same ownership as the preferred location. However, it is not available to the cricket club, as on the basis of the Culm Garden Village Vison Document (December 2018) the landowner considers that housing development is more likely to a t least be forthcoming (subject to plan review) to the west of Horn Road, than between Horn Road and Dead Lane.

Location 11: East of Horn Road (North) (THE APPLICATION SITE)

6.52 Location 11 is the application site.

6.53 It is flat, big enough, and the right shape (a reverse L) to enable two full size grounds in a way that enables them to ideally relate to the pavilion (See paragraph 6.94). The ground can be kept away from horn road thus avoiding risk of ball strike on users of the highway (low risk, but it happens). Surplus land with the field is also available accommodate other sports pitches/courts off Horn Road (pending and subject to a further planning application and funding at some point in the future)

6.54 The use of this location cricket facility will not disturb the master planning of East Cullompton ( as it its outside it) It does lie within on the in the periphery of the Culm Garden Village area of exploration. Its use as cricket facility is far less likely to curtail the optimum longer-term internal master planning of Culm Garden Village (road infrastructure and schools etc) should this proceed. The Club notes the Culm Garden Village Vision

25 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 document (December 2018) and the question-mark that is placed over the land between Supporting Paper C Horn Road and Dead Lane, and the consultation responses that were submitted. There were various views on whether this land should be left alone or put to a productive use (other than agriculture), and if so, what that productive use should be (housing or other).

6.55 One of the key attributes of this location is its immediate proximity to an irrigation reservoir (in the same ownership). Location 11 therefore benefits from the potential to draw on rainwater harvesting. The landowner has been agreed the reservoir can be used to water the ground. An extraction license will be needed for a use other than agriculture from the EA.

6.56 Critically, the landowner is making this land available to the Club.

6.57 Developing the land as a cricket facility will mean that it will never be housing development, thereby largely maintaining the openness of this land, aside for the pavilion and an ancillary structure. There would be a change in its character from agricultural to recreational. By implication the rest of the field  to the east - would also remain open, as would land to the north (south of Long Moor)

6.58 The site is accessible from Horn Road and does not require third party land to achieve access In common with other all but one of the shortlisted locations it is to the east of the M5, and in common with these options, travel from within Cullompton is likely to be car based until such time as East Cullompton is developed and full extent of Culm Garden Village is (perhaps) confirmed with wider cycle and public transport services then being able to connect it to the current extent of town Cullompton. It is currently around a 4.5km, 16- minute cycle to the site from the High Street via Long Moor. The site is therefore without cycling distance (5km) of Cullompton and the route is pretty level and quiet (once one navigates the M5 junction). It is recognized that the junction could dissuade some from cycling, and also that cycling is a less practicable option when transporting cricket kit. However, some may choose to leave their kit in the bigger better pavilion that is proposed. The UK also seems to be on the cusp of legalizing forms of mircomobility transport on roads (e.g. electric scooters) which are ideal for c.5km distances for those not wishing to use pedal power. The Future of Transport Regulatory Review attests to this possibility (March, 2020).

6.59 The justification for the proposed layout of the proposals within location and the na ture of their environmental effects are set out later in this section.

Location 12: East of Horn Road (Central and South)

6.60 Location 12 is formed of 4 fields (12a-12d) that run south from the application site to the Honiton Road.

26 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 6.61 Locations 12a-c are in the same ownership as Location 11. Location 12d is in separate Supporting Paper C ownership.

6.62 Beginning with 12a and 12b, a single ground could be accommodated on either field (with 12a being slightly preferable), with a pavilion, parking and indoor school being placed in the W-NW of each field. The accommodation of two grounds, necessarily orientated East- West, becomes a bit of a squeeze and field 12a offers more room for parking, and an indoor school off Horn Road. In both cases the pavilion would need to be located in the middle of the field, which would mean it would be disassociated from parking and indoor school, and that it would on the NE corner of the western of the two western grounds (to be avoided according to TS5). Neither fields 12a or 12b could accommodate additional uses in the future within their boundaries, but the field that was not used for cricket could of course be used for such other uses.

6.63 In theory the hedgerow (including hedgerow trees) and between 12a and 12b could be removed, wholly or in part to enable an optimal layout (as achieved on Location 11), but that would of course entail a level of harm that can be avoided on the application site.

6.64 Field 12c, although quite big, is a single ground location by virtue of its shape. It would need to be combined with field 12b to enable two grounds. Even if the grounds themselves are placed each side of the intervening hedgerow, some hedgerow removal would still be needed to place the pavilion between the two grounds and to allow for hard-standing.

6.65 Neither location 12a, b, or c would benefit from the on-site potential for rain water harvesting that is available to the application site

6.66 Neither location 12 a, b or c is available to the Club with the landowner assessing that, if Culm Garden Village was to breach Horn Road, that housing is likely to be more acceptable in central and southern locations to the west of the irrigation ditch that crosses that the Horn Road /Dead Lane area. Further north and east the political sensitivity of housing development edging closer to Kentisbeare will increase (even if it were justified in planning terms).

6.67 Whilst the LPA give limited weight to Culm Garden Village (beyond the East Cullompton allocation, the landowner for location 12a, and c can give as much weight as it likes to its prospects and how it affects his decision-making in respect of land availability for different uses.

6.68 Location 12d, which is immediately north of the Honiton Road is in a separate ownership. Achieving a single ground and optimal layout is not an issue. Achieving two grounds is just about spatially achievable, but the boundary of the southern ground would be very close to

27 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 the Honiton Road, and a 6 hit between long on and long off would could onto the road. It is Supporting Paper C reasonable to assume that netting would be needed to protect users of the highway.

6.69 Rather like Location 2, there is some highway noise, and whilst not a planning issue this is a negative cricketing factor that the Club as taken into consideration

6.70 In a two-ground scenario the pavilion could be located optimally as for the application site, but due to the narrowness of the site, parking would like be located in the north (again to reduce the scope for ball strikes, this time on Horn Road). Essentially, this location seems able to host two grounds but less optimally than the application site, does not benefit from the potential of the reservoir, and there is not the surplus land for future uses.

6.71 As with locations 12a-c, location 12d is within the wider Culm Garden Village are of exploration, and in the question mark area previously referred to in the December 2018 Vision document, but limited weight van be afforded to the potential for East Cullompton to develop into a wider Culm Garden Village project, until a process of plan revie w is very far advanced.

6.72 Critically, the land is not known to be available for a cricket facility

Location 13: South of Aller Cross

6.73 Field 13 has been shortlisted as an option as it is within the search zone 3km, but strategically it is no better in access terms that the application site (in the context of Policy DM23).

6.74 The size and shape of the site is such that two ground could be accommodated in a reasonable albeit sub-optimal configuration. The northern ground could be served by a pavilion on the SW corner, but this would present due north of the southern ground. This is not ideal, but acceptable, and the NE corner of a ground could be avoided. 132 KV transmission lines cut across the southern corner of the wider field that location 13 forms a part of. The proximity of transmission lines is a factor weighting against this location from the Clubs perspective, although a cricket facility could still function here.

6.75 There would appear to be some scope to accommodate other pitches/courts in the north of this field.

6.76 Overall, it is not sequentially more suitable that the application site. Location 13 adjoins the Culm Garden Village are of exploration. The availability of this location to the Club is unconfirmed.

Location 14: Five Cross Way

28 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C 6.77 The gradient and constraints mapping reveals a large are of flat land in the Five Cross Ways area. Further inspection then reveals that much of the area is crossed, and affected by 132 KV transmission lines. Further, the field boundaries are often quite small. The location is affected by the same medium-term accessibility issues as Location 7

6.78 Nonetheless, a shortlisted option present itself in the form of field 14a and this can comfortably accommodate one ground but not two grounds. To accommodate two grounds, has to use field 14b to the east (and accept hedgerow removal). Under this scenario the pavilion would have to go to the NE of the ground in field 14a. Further east, another field could be used could be used for other pitches/courts in the future.

6.79 Alternatively, a two-ground layout could use field 14c, to the south of 14a. The second ground would involve less hedgerow removal for the ground itself, but field trees would need to be cut down and a length of hedgerow (with trees) would need to be removed off Chaldon Lane to locate a pavilion that overlooked both grounds. The southern part of field 14c could be used for other pitches/courts.

6.80 This area does not haver the water abstraction potential of Location 11, and has nt been confirmed as b eing available to the Club

Conclusions on Locational Assessment

6.81 The evaluation process for the shortlisted locations can be summarized as follows.

6.82 There are no locations that adjoin the main part of Cullompton to the west of the M5 that people would walk to.

6.83 Location 1, is the only location to the west of the M5 (albeit in Halperton Parish). In absolute terms it is not well-related to Cullompton in terms of physically proximity or accessibility, but relative to other locations it is one of the better performing locations. However, it is not suitable or available. If this is accepted then then one must accept the need to relocate the Club to the east of the M5.

6.84 Most of the shortlisted locations to the east of the M5 are not well-related to Cullomptons settlement boundary (aside from at Stonyford and Kingsmill).

6.85 Locations 2 and 3 adjoin or are in close proximity to the settlement boundary, but they are neither suitable or available for the reasons set out. If this is accepted, one must then look to a location yet further to the east of the M5.

6.86 Locations 4 and 5 (as well as location 3) are within East Cullompton allocation (Policy CU7). Both of these locations have serious but different suitability/policy issues and neither is available to the Club

29 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C 6.87 If this is accepted, then one must conclude that are no locations to the east of the M5, that adjoin or are near to the settlement boundary, or are allocated for development, that can accommodate the cricket clubs requirements, and that are available to the Club.

6.88 All the remaining locations (8-14) are more rural and thus not  easily accessible [by walking and cycling] by the local community and well-related to a settlement (Policy DM23 ). However, Section 6 demonstrates that no such location for the relocation of the Club exists and thus, sequentially a more rural location can be justified.

6.89 Locations 6-7 and 8-12 form two distinct strategic groupings to the north and south of the Honiton Road and are all in the wider Garden Village area of exploration. Locations 13 and 14 can be described as outliers to the south-east. It is no strictly necessary to compare these locations against each other in terms of ease of accessibility as they are all, strategically rural/open countryside, although Upton (Location 7) offers a location that is perhaps the most cyclable in terms of distance in the short term. Section 6 has transparently evaluated all the rural shortlisted locations and justified why Location 11 has been selected. Land availability and deliverability is a factor that sets Location 11 above the other locations, but even if other land was available, Location 11 is justified based on the other assessment variables alone.

6.9 0 If Location 11 is not accepted then there is currently no alternative land for the Club to relocate to.

Justification for the layout and form of the proposals (Desgin and Access Statement)

6.91 The assessment of each short-listed location has touched in the arrangement/layout options that it offers, and any constraints. This sub-section now sets out the specific ECB guidance on layout of grounds and demonstrate that the Club proposals within Location 11 (the application site) adhere to these.

6.92 The ECBs Technical Note (TS5) on Pavilions and Clubhouses (2009) gives advice on what makes a good pavilion. This is not just about detailed design (internal and external) but also about its position relative the facility as a whole. TS5 advises that:

There are many aspects to a good pavilion but mainly it should serve the current and future needs of the club, players, officials and spectators of all ages, culture, ability and gender. It should also be attractive, high quality, efficient, economical to maintain and give value for money.

and that

Addressing issues such as design, site, orientation, composition, accommodation, size and arrangement of spaces, flexibility, sustainability, energy performance, materials, robustness,

30 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 security and costs will make the best use of available money and guide the project towards a Supporting Paper C successful outcome.

6.93 In respect of whole site planning, TS5 advises, that:

The individual circumstances of each project will influence the design. A logical approach to site analysis should be adopted when deciding the best location for a pavilion or clubhouse. Taking advantage of the natural elements and surroundings such as trees, gradients, views and orientation will help make the most of the site. The shape and contours of the land will affect the final location, as will proximity to services and main road access.

6.94 On pavilion locations, TS5 advises that:

Corner sites offer the most dynamic views for spectators and waiting batsmen, giving full context of the field and the best per spective for watching the bowlers delivery and batsmen striking the ball. The best one of these is the north-west corner as the area in front of the pavilion will be in the sun; parasols or awnings can be used to provide shade on hot days. The south-west and south-east corners also give great views of the game but any viewing terrace in front of a pavilion here will inevitably be in the shade of the building for part of the day. The view from the north-east corner of the pitch will be into the afternoon sun and should be avoided , but be mindful that tall buildings, hills and trees around site will affect where the sun sets.

6.95 And that:

Its not good practice to put the pavilion to the north or south of the pitch as this is directly behind the bowlers arm. Sight screens occupy the area parallel to the batting crease and are moved regularly depending on the wicket in use and the batsmans preference. As you might expect, these could obstruct the view. Other possible pavilion areas are to the east and west. These give a flat side view of the field of play so are less interesting to watch cricket from, but should not be discounted entirely.

6.96 On orientation on the pitches, TS5 states that this should

generally run north south wicket to wicket but the axis can vary from 325 degrees (west-of-north) to 55 degrees (east-of-north). The best common orientation with other sports is 345 degrees.  6.97 There is therefore an important relationship between acceptable orientation of the pitches and the acceptable location of the TS5 also refers to sun path and wind orientation. All the key guidance is all summarized in the diagram below.

31 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 ECB TS5 Pitch Orientation and Pavilion Location Considerations Supporting Paper C

6.98 The of the height of the pavilion above the ground and views is also a consideration. TS5 highlights advantage of an elevated view of play for spectators from social spaces within the pavilion is highlighted.

TS5 promote elevated views of the playing area

6.99 On parking and arrival TS5 states that:

The car park should be conveniently located while preventing glare from cars causing a nuisance to players and equally cars being damaged by stray cricket balls. It doesnt have to be adjacent to the road or clubhouse although there should be space for drop-off, deliveries and disabled users close to the building along with access for emergency services vehicles. If the car park is behind the bowlers arm then a suitable screen or fence will be required to minimise interruptions to play. Provide a suitable path with appropriate lighting if there is a short walk. The sequence of arrival from the road can add to the drama of the occasion  a glimpse of the building or controlled views

32 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 from the road to a welcoming entrance. If signs are required, they should be clear, simple and Supporting Paper C logical. 6.100 On landscaping TS5 states that:

The soft and hard landscaping around the building can improve the quality of the setting and perform other functions like shelter from the wind. Plants can add texture and aroma that will give interest and delight. Sensitive landscaping with native species can enhance local biodiversity. Thoughtful selection of plants and carefully designed irrigation systems can dramatically reduce the need for watering. External surfaces in the vicinity of the building should be well drained and thoughtfully selected as light coloured paving can sometimes cause glare. Permeable surfaces will avoid problems with puddles, avoid the need for surface falls towards drains and reduce the storm-water surge in the surface water drainage system. Resin-bound gravel can be flexible enough to accommodate tree growth. Smooth surfaces are preferable for wheelchair users. 6.101 TS5 advises that all relevant site and club issues can be addressed, combined and distilled into one masterplan. Critically the guidance advises that the masterplan should always take the long-term view, with the intention being to capture the vision of the future (e.g. to avoiding spoilt future plans by building new nets or a car park in the perfect place for a second pitch.

6.102 TS5 contains an indicative masterplan for a two-ground location, that to a very high degree reflects Cullompton Cricket Clubs own proposals. Of particular note, given the two-ground masterplan is the concept of a corner pavilion giving dynamic views of play (phase 1) and a closely associated building for indoo r nets (for winter or wet weather training) (phase 2)

ECB TS5 Illustrative Layout for Two Grounds

33 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C 6.103 TS5 go onto provide detailed guidance for the detailed design of the pavilion which will be taking into account at reserved matters stage. It is notable that page 25 of the guidance notes that its aim is  to help create contemporary pavilions with modern concepts and materials while safeguarding the traditions of cricket and therefore securing a future for the game. Page 25 exbibits 3 representative structures and advises that

Modern materials and efficient building forms and structures create robust, efficient and beautiful buildings. The plans provide the same accommodation as traditional pavilions but in a more modern way. The simple elevations and materials make very attractive, contemporary club facilities.

6.104 As can be appreciated from the application plans, the layout of the proposed site fully accords with the ECBs technical guidance, whilst also leaving surplus land for future sports pitches/courts.

6.105 The two grounds occupy the eastern part the site and the application proposes to fix their location. The indicative layout for the rest of the facility naturally places the pavilion to the west in a location presents to both grounds. The proposed indoor school is situated close by to enable it to be linked. The car park is accessed from Horn Road and relates well to the proposed structures. The indicative arrangement of the parking area enables the surplus land to the south of is big enough for a hockey pitches, 4 tennis courts and a petanque area. On the extreme east outdoor cricket nets are shown, with a scorers hut and small maintenance shed. The position of these elements is not fixed and is flexible. There is plenty room around the edge of the facility to introduce structural planting as identified in the landscape and visual assessment (with the detail being reserved).

34 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C Proposed Site Layout from Landscape and Visual Assessment (ground locations fixed, other aspects indicative but probable)

6.106 The detailed design of the pavilion and indoor school and parking area is a reserved matter. The ECBs technical note, TS5 advises on all the detailed design consideration for a cricket pavilion, which will be taking into account at reserved matters stage. This includes the environmental sustainably of the buildings. Current building regulation will set the minimum standards to be achieved.

6.107 Where an assessment has been undertaken using BREEAM or an equivalent methodology, a demonstration that energy credits have been achieved can be used as further evidence that Regulation 25B has been met.

6.108 Section 1 of this Statement has given an indication of the level of floorspace for which approval being sought across the two key structures and the likely maximum height of those structure.

35 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 6.109 Appendix 2 of this statement presents a range of representative buildings/pavilions that Supporting Paper C convey something of the potential approaches to the key structures that could be taken (e.g. of no of storeys, roof types, materials, architecture). No one example ats as a template, but it is clear the outline approval can be given in the knowledge that a suitable detailed design response can be achieved.

Assessment of the effects of the proposals

6.110 To inform and evaluate the proposed layout standalone reports were instructed during July and August 2020, and the headlines form each are set out below. It will be understood that the only two key structures, and parking are proposed within a 9ha site and that the majority the land will remain open, but with an altered character.

Landscape and Visual (Clifton Emery)

6.111 The key findings of the Landscape and Visual Study are:

 Direct views are afforded into the site as from Horn Road due to the relatively low height of the hedgerows and absence of trees.

 Direct views are afforded into the site from Long Drag. The field itself is not visible but the upper storey and the roof would be visible.

 Filtered views will be afforded from the Grade 1 listed Wood Barton ( as noted and evaluated by Aradis in respect of the absence of harm generated by the proposals to the significance of Wood Barton).

 Medium and long-range views are all obscured by intervening vegetation and undulating landscape. This includes important receptors such as the Blackdown hills AONB.

6.112 In summary, the receptors most vulnerable to the visual impacts are users of Horn Road and Long Drag and to a lesser extend Wood Barton. All other medium and long-range views including the Blackdown Hills AONB have shown to be obscured.

6.113 On seasonality, the report notes that, most of the trees in the surrounding landscape are deciduous and therefore less effective as screening in winter. However, the trees across the landscape, both grouped and scattered, create layers that are still effective as screening and filtering views of the site from the surrounding landscape. The density of the existing hedge banks maintains low level screening even in the winter months.

36 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 The following recommendations to mitigate landscape and visual impacts are made and are Supporting Paper C shown in plan form on page 28, and have been translated to the submitted layout.

 Retain all the existing hedgerows and trees to mitigate against close range visual impacts

 Additional tree planting to fill up the gaps in-between the retained hedgerows to mitigate against close range visual impacts

 New hedgebanks in south eastern corner of the site to mitigate against close range visual impacts

 Introduction of further hedgebanks around the car park to further reduce the scale of the field and to screen parked cars and reinforce local landscape character.

 Opportunity [at detailed design stage] for the Cricket Club building itself to reference locally found farmstead typologies to reinforce local landscape character.

Heritage Statement (Arcadis)

6.114 The submitted Heritage report focus on above ground matters. A desk-based archaeological assessment has not been requested DCC but a geophysical survey has been. A survey has not been possible over the summer due to the potato crop but will be undertaken in October and prior to determination There is no evidence that the site is of high arachnological potential (hence DCCs advice) , and thus the survey is unlikely to reveal anything of interest.

6.115 Designated built heritage assets within a 1.5km study area of the site have been assessed. It is considered that the proposed development will not result in harm to the significance of any designated heritage assets. While the proposed development will be partially visible on the periphery of filtered seasonal views from the Grade I Listed Wood Barton, the site is not considered to contribute to its significance and such views are not considered to result in harm to its significance.

6.116 Locally listed built heritage assets within a 1.5km study area of the site have been assessed (notably Bradfield House Park and Gardens) . The proposed development would not result in any harm to the significance of locally listed assets.

6.117 The proposals therefore accord with the principles of the NPPF and Mid Devon District local planning policy.

Ecology (Ethos)

37 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 6.118 An extended Phase 1 survey was carried out at the end of May2020 to assess the potential Supporting Paper C ecological impacts of the proposals and to make recommendations for further surveys s reserved matters stage.

6.119 The site is dominated by intensively managed arable farmland of low conservation value and is bordered by species-rich hedgerows featuring mature oak trees assessed to hold high biodiversity value. The River Ken was located on the northern boundary and two large ponds were present off site to the north-west of the site boundary. The hedgerows on this boundary, particularly H1 and H2 were dominated by mature trees and it was assessed that these habitats were suitable for a range of protected species.

6.120 The proposals will result in the loss of the arable field while the hedgerows are being retained (save for access, recalling that that access is a reserved matter). The replacement of intensive agriculture with grass cricket grounds would likely enhance the ecological value of the site. Successful mitigation of the proposals, as a whole, will hinge upon limiting impacts on the boundary features through disturbance (to create the access) and from lighting.

6.121 The report notes that there is no development aside from the playing surfaces (which are still 30m away) proposed near to the riparian habitat of the River Ken (evidence of Otter) and that the space between the northern ground and the Ken could be used to create an area of tussocky grassland. The eastern boudanry (H4) is unaffected by the proposals.

6.122 The earthworks for and seeding of the proposed location for two grounds can be permitted without the need for additional surveys. Construction accesses for these works can use the existing field gates that currently agricultural vehicles to enter the site.

6.123 At reserved matters stage, the establishment of the operational access (9.5m and 10m radii) from Horn Road will require the removal of a short stretch of hedgerow (H5). This hedgerow has the potential to host dormice and a phase 2 survey will be need to confirm presence, or otherwise. If the presence of dormice is confirmed an avoidance mitigation strategy will be needed within the site.

6.124 The presence or otherwise of amphibians will also need determined by survey prior to the submission of reserved matters, with hedgerow removal for access being the potential source of disturbance. If the presence of amphibians is confirmed a mitigation strategy will be needed within the site.

6.125 The report notes the scope light spill above ambient levels from the built-up part of the facility, and the need for bat activity and roosting surveys. The result of these surveys will generate the need for mitigation (e.g. alterative roost boxes) at reserved matters stage, or not, as the case may be.

38 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C 6.126 Precautionary working practices have been recommended to protect a range of species during the construction phase

Trees (Ethos)

6.127 The Tree Survey confirm that nature of the trees around the boundary of the site. The feasibility drawing for access is based on access between T3 (category b, moderate quality) an T2, category c (low quality). The trees to the north of T2 are also category c trees. Access is not being applied for at this stage but the choice, based on the indicative layout pf the parking area, it to access the site between T3 and T2 or to move north a little, and to remove T2.

Flood Risk and Surface Water Drainage (Abley Letchford Partnership)

6.128 The FRA has demonstrated that:

 There are Ordinary Watercourses in the form of unnamed field ditches within the boundaries of the site which will not present a residual risk of flooding to the site greater than that of the existing.

 The detailed Fluvial flood map, for fluvial sources, provided by the GOV.UKs Flood Map for Planning indicate that the site area is entirely located with Flood Zone 1; assessed as having a less than 1 in 1000 annual probability of river or sea flooding (<0.1%).

 Whilst the detailed flood map provided by GOV.UK indicates pluvial flooding within the site boundaries (just off Horn Road), any future risk of pluvial flooding will be mitigated by the onsite drainage and flood attenuation features provided within the development.

 A detailed review of available data indicates a low risk from secondary flooding sources, such as groundwater, sewers, reservoirs or canal.

 Post development impermeable areas have been calculated using the layout masterplan to determine the area of the proposed roads, buildings and hardstanding. This totals 0.70 ha. The remaining circa 8.1 ha will consist of sports pitches and facilities or open space, all of which will be permeable.

 The attenuation basin (460m 3) in combination with source control techniques and other site controls will ensure that the proposed development will not pose an increase in flooding elsewhere.

39 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020  Exceedance flows can be safely accommodated within the Development and safe access Supporting Paper C and egress is afforded.

6.129 Figure A306 presents the surface water drainage strategy

6.130 Overall, the proposal should not be precluded on flood risk grounds as the Develop ment will not be at risk from existing sources and will not result in an increase in flooding downstream.

Transport (Abley Letchford Partnership)

6.131 The application is supported by a Transport Statement, Travel Plan Statement and Access Feasibility Drawing (A306-01 P2).

6.132 The Transport Statement identifies that the proposal with not have severe effect on the operation of highway network. The lack of public transport options is acknowledged but the site is within cycling distance of Cullompton, Willand and Kensitisbeare, and some user so the site will cycle. The Statement also set out the proposed level of car parking (including electric vehicles charging points), coach parking and covered cycling spacers.

6.133 A Travel Plan Statement is submitted with the objective of reducing single occupancy car trips.

6.134 Access is a reserved matter but the access drawing serves to demonstrate that a suitable access, with appropriate visibility splays can be achieved using the application site and highway land. There is flexibility at reserved matters stage for the precise point of access to move to achieve the same broad illustrative layout for the parking and drop off area.

40 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C 7. CONCLUSIONS

7.1 In order for the town centre relief road and its significant benefits to be delivered a new home for Cullompton Cricket Club is needed. Policy CU17 makes the link between the delivery of the relief road and the need to relocate any sports Clubs that are on the route. Whilst the Football Club can be relocated elsewhere on the CCA fields, the Cricket Club cannot, and a wholly new relocation site is needed.

7.2 Irrespective of the highway planning context, the club operates from sub-standard facilities, faces growing demands on the existing ground, and will continue to attract new players as Cullompton itself expands, as planned to do so in the recently adopted Local Plan to 2033. 2600 hoes are planned at East Cullompton (a likely population increase of 6,000+), and major development is also taking place elsewhere around the town. The Club is a Cullompton success story and its proposals link to ECB efforts to increase participation, with improved facilities is part of that strategy.

7.3 The NPPF recognizes that the relocation of sports clubs is an opportunity to improve their facilities and the application proposals respond to this in term of the playing areas, the pavilions and also the indoor school. The increased capacity with benefit other clubs (e.g. Devon County Seniors) and the indoor will enable cricket to taught and practiced in wet weather and year-round. It is a facility that can be used by small clubs in the area who find if difficult to secure time slots at facilities in Taunton and Exeter.

7.4 The location of the new facility at Horn Road has been justified having regard to its credentials assessed against the comparative suitability and availability of other shortlisted locations. Each locations creden tials has been discussed in Section 6.

7.5 Whilst DM23 requires that new community facilities are  easily accessible by the local community and well-related to a settlement, Section 6 demonstrates that no suitable and available sites exist for a relocated and enhanced cricket club that are well related to Cullompton or easily accessible (by foot). One has to look east of the M5.

7.6 Although the proposed location is not within walking distance of Cullompton, the site offers a level cycle of 2.8miles/4.5km (15 mins) from the junction of the High Street with Tiverton Road. The likely route of would be along the quieter Kings Mill Road and Long Drag rather than along the Honiton Road. While players with large kit bags are unlikely to arrive by bicycle, it is possible that junior players, spectators and umpires, or those leaving their kit at the Club may cycle. Secure, covered cycle space provision is proposed.

7.7 It is acknowledged that cyclists would need to cross J28, but this is common to all locations aside from 1, 7 and 14, but these have other suitability (including access) and availability

41 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 issues. Cleary, although cycling is an option to get to the application site, most of players Supporting Paper C will drive the 6 minutes from the High Street. Either way the location is accessible to Cullompton by short car journey or cycle, and well related in term of travel times, if not physically attached or walkable.

7.8 Full weight can be given to the adopted allocation of East Cullompton (2,600 dwellings), which will place additional 6,240 residents in close proximity to the proposed site (within 600m of the site boundary as the crow flies). Whist no development has taken place and it will be several years before thee is site is built out, the proposal relocation site can be read as being linked to the adopted growth objectives for this part o the district.

7.9 Limited weigh can be given to a wider Culm Garden Village concept. Nevertheless, The Councils vison document for Culm Garden Village shows a development area up to Horn Road with question mark of the for the approach in the area between Horn Road and Dead Lane. Housing development between the north east corner of the East Cullompton allocation and Horn Road would enable the new facility to connect directly to Culm Garden Village/East Cullompton, with the internal network of off-road routes also shortening the cycling route into the High Street. The use of the application site for cricket would lock-in buffer land (that would not be housing) for Kentisbeare, an issue arising form the December 2018 consultation.

7.10 The proposed layout of the new facility at Horn Road has been justified in Section 6 having regard to ECB guidance note on pavilions and clubhouses (TS5). The layout is based on the optimum establishment two grounds (fixed) and in relation to the pavilion , hence the north-south rather than east-west orientation of the grounds. Keeping play away from Horn Road will remove any risk from flying cricket balls to users of the highway, and avoid the need for netting. The design approach also enables the pavilion and indoor cricket nets to be placed as far west as possible, towards existing site boundaries, whilst maintaining an acceptable distance to the playing areas

7.11 The proposed layout also enables the development of other sporting facilities off Horn Road, subject to planning.

7.12 Section 6 also addresses the environmental and transport effects of the proposals. It will be appreciated that the bulk of the facility is given over to the playing surfaces, other grassed areas and landscaping, following by parking and then structures (the pavilion and indoor school).

7.13 There will be no harm to the significance of heritage assets by virtue of harm to their settings. The change in landscape character is not a significant issue an there is no material visual harm. A planting scheme will strengthen the boundaries of the site including 180m of 42 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper C new hedgerow on the eastern boundary linking hedgerow 4 to hedgerow 6. This will generate significant net gain for biodiversity, as will tusssocky grassland between the northern ground and the spur of the River Ken. Targeted species surveys will be need at reserved stage when access is applied for and the other aspect to of the layout are proposed to be fixed. There is no reason why the application should be refused in terms of the operation of the highway.

7.14 Appendix 2 presents some representative examples to shows that a suitable pavilion of up to 2 storeys can be achieved more than satisfactorily through good design and the use of suitable materials. The landscape and visual report identifies the opportunity for the pavilion to reference locally found farmstead typologies to reinforce local landscape character.

7.15 The application accords with the Development Plan, taken as a whole, and should be approved.

43 CULLOMPTON TOWN COUNCIL Planning Services Clerk to Cullompton Town Council Development Management Town Hall Phoenix House 1 High Street Phoenix Lane Cullompton Tiverton EX15 1AB Devon EX16 6PP Tel: 01884 234266 Fax: 01884 234235 e-mail: [email protected]

Your Ref : Date : 22nd September 2020

My Ref : 20/01409/MOUT Contact: Mrs Alison Fish Area Team Leader

Dear Sir/Madam

Proposal: Outline hybrid application for the erection of 5.2ha of B2 and B8 industrial units and Detention Basin and Full permission for the erection of 4 industrial units (Plots 5,9 and 10) (4327sqm) Class B1, B2 and B8 Uses and creation of new vehicular access, parking and landscaping Location: Land at NGR 303082 107667 Stoneyford Devon Site Vicinity Grid Ref: 303082 / 107667 Parish: Cullompton 21

I have received the above application and would be grateful for any observations, which you may wish to make. They should reach the Head of Planning and Regeneration, at the above address, by first post, no later than 13th October 2020. If no comments are received within this period it will be assumed that you have no observations to make.

If commenting on planning applications electronically please email your comments to [email protected] not the case officer. This is the planning service generic email address which is checked daily. Your comments will be noted onto our planning system, scanned and then passed to the case officer on day of receipt.

Should you wish to check on progress you can contact the case officer on the above number. You are advised to make an appointment in advance should you wish to meet the officer to discuss the proposal. Alternatively, you can view and track this application on our website by entering the above reference number.

Please allow up to 48 hours, from the date of this letter, for plans and documents associated with planning applications to be loaded onto the website.

The officer dealing with this proposal is Mrs Alison Fish who can be contacted on the case officer number above.

Yours faithfully

Requests for alternative formats will be considered on an individual basis Please telephone 01884 255255 or email [email protected] To contact your local Councillor, his/her name and address can be obtained by visiting our website or telephoning Customer Fi rst on 01884 255255

2NONST Mrs Jenny Clifford Head of Planning and Regeneration Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper D2


Outline hybrid applicaon for the erecon of 5.2ha of B2 and B8 industrial units and Detenon Basin and Full permission for the erecon of 4 industrial units (Plots 5, 9 and 10) (4,327sqm) Class B1, B2 and B8 Uses and creaon of new vehicular access, parking and landscaping at Land at NGR 303082 107667, Stoneyford, Devon Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper D2



DATE OF REPORT 30/09/2020


That the council has NO OBJECTION to planning applicaon 20/01409/MOUT (Outline hybrid applicaon for the erecon of 5.2ha of B2 and B8 industrial units and Detenon Basin and Full permission for the erecon of 4 industrial units (Plots 5, 9 and 10) (4,327sqm) Class B1, B2 and B8 Uses and creaon of new vehicular access, parking and landscaping at Land at NGR 303082 107667, Stoneyford, Devon) with the following reservaons:

1. Tha t Footpath 2 is signicantly improved to make the path more accessible in the vicinity of the development. 2. That sucient screening is planted to screen the development from those living at Stoneyford. 3. Tha t sucient improvements to the capacity of Juncon 28 of the M5 are made to accept the increased number of large goods vehicles that this development will create. 4. Tha t there is in place to maintain to a sasfactory standard on an ongoing basis to ensure that:are arrangements in place at the retenon basis to ensure that: a. It is correctly constructed in order that there is no formaon of a pool of stagnant water at it’s base, and b. It does not become lled with silt and clogged with vegetaon and will funcon as it is designed to do.

Relevant Local Plan Policies

The Planning Authority’s recently (July 2020) adopted Local Plan (Policy CU17 extracted in this report) states that this site is Week Farm and is allocated for 10.7 hectares of empoyment development up to 15,000m 2 of oor space. Use classes will be from B1 to B8:

• B1 Business. B1(a) is for oces, B1(b) is for Research and Development and B1(c) is for Industrial Processes. • B2 General Industrial (excluding incineraon purposes, chemical treatment, landll or hazardous waste processing). • B8 Storage and Distribuon that includes open air storage.


Planning applicaon 20/01409/MOUT is a hybrid applicaon for planning consent to develop 4 large industrial units (to be sub-divided into smaller units as required) and outline consent to further develop the site to a maximum of 11 industrial unite (to be sub-divided into smaller units as required). There are two aspects to the development:

• Development of the industrial units in several phases. • Development of the Green Infrastructure allocaon in this vicinity. Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 The Development Supporting Paper D2

The proposed land allocaon is known as Week Farm; there has been recent development of other aspects of Week Farm for industrial use east of the exisng Kingsmill Industrial Estate. This proposal is immediately north and east of the exisng Mole Valley Farmers; the Stoneyford dwellings will have the Green Infrastructure allocaon, including the retenon basin, immediately north of it.

The Green Infrastructure allocaon will accommodate the retenon basin that will act as temporary water storage and a ow management tool in the event of very heavy rainfall that might otherwise result in ooding. The experience in the construcon of these devices at other locaons by other developers in Cullompton has been, somemes, less than sasfactory. There was grave concern about the health aspects of one of the basins at Kingsher Reach as it retained a relavely small pool of water at its base that became stagnant aer periods of dry weather with the aendant health risks.

The development for use classes B1 to B8 will consist of industrial units that are sub-divided as required. Waste from these units will be stored in dedicated facilies within the unit and there will be car parking provided at each unit. The applicaon is to develop 3 plots (at this applicaon) with the remaining 8 being developed at some point in the future; a proposed site layout is included in this report. Further development of the site (for which this applicaons seeks outline consent) will be subject to further Reserved Maers applicaons as the development progresses.

The land allocaon for this proposal is idened in the Planning Authority’s Local Plan Policy CU17. It is immediately adjacent to land allocated for the proposed Eastern Extension/Garden Village Iniave.

One of the criteria for the development listed in Local Plan Policy CU17 is the “Protecon and enhancement of the exisng Public Right of Way”. It has been brought to the aenon of the council, by the volunteer Footpath Warden, that, whilst the development seeks to protect the exisng Public Right of Way, it does lile to enhance it; all that is called for in the plans is the installaon of a pedestrian friendly “kissing gate or similar” to replace the exisng eld gate at the juncon of the Public Right of Way and the proposed pedestrian access to this proposed development. TownTOWN Council COUNCIL 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper D2

Application for Planning Permission. Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Publication of applications on planning authority websites. Please note that the information provided on this application form and in supporting documents may be published on the Authority’s website. If you require any further clarification, please contact the Authority’s planning department.

1. Site Address



Property name Sebale Business Park

Address line 1 Honiton Road

Address line 2

Address line 3

Town/city Cullompton


Description of site location must be completed if postcode is not known:

Easting (x) 303264

Northing (y) 107402


Land to the north of Honiton Road, Cullompton

2. Applicant Details

Title Mr

First name R

Surname Toghill

Company name Goldmix Ltd

Address line 1 C/O XL Planning Ltd 1A Fore Street

Address line 2

Address line 3

Town/city Cullompton


Planning Portal Reference: PP-09002122 2. Applicant Details

Postcode EX15 1JW

Are you an agent acting on behalf of the applicant? Yes No

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number

Email address

3. Agent Details

Title Miss

First name Hannah

Surname Cameron

Company name XL Planning

Address line 1 1A Fore Street

Address line 2

Address line 3

Town/city Cullompton

Country Devon

Postcode EX15 1JW

Primary number

Secondary number

Fax number


4. Site Area

What is the measurement of the site area? 5.29 (numeric characters only). Unit Hectares

5. Description of the Proposal

Please describe details of the proposed development or works including any change of use. If you are applying for Technical Details Consent on a site that has been granted Permission In Principle, please include the relevant details in the description below.

Hybrid planning application for the erection of B2 and B8 industrial units, seeking full permission for the erection of 4123sqm GIA across three plots, to include the creation of a new access, car parking and landscaping. Outline permission is sought for the remaining 4.26ha, with all matters reserved, save for access.

Has the work or change of use already started? Yes No

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09002122 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper D2

6. Existing Use

Please describe the current use of the site


Is the site currently vacant? Yes No

Does the proposal involve any of the following? If Yes, you will need to submit an appropriate contamination assessment with your application.

Land which is known to be contaminated Yes No

Land where contamination is suspected for all or part of the site Yes No

A proposed use that would be particularly vulnerable to the presence of contamination Yes No

7. Materials

Does the proposed development require any materials to be used externally? Yes No

Please provide a description of existing and proposed materials and finishes to be used externally (including type, colour and name for each material):


Description of existing materials and finishes (optional):

Description of proposed materials and finishes: Metal/composite cladding, brick


Description of existing materials and finishes (optional):

Description of proposed materials and finishes: Profiled metal cladding


Description of existing materials and finishes (optional):

Description of proposed materials and finishes: Aluminium


Description of existing materials and finishes (optional):

Description of proposed materials and finishes: Aluminium

Are you supplying additional information on submitted plans, drawings or a design and access statement? Yes No

If Yes, please state references for the plans, drawings and/or design and access statement

Please see supporting statements and plans

8. Pedestrian and Vehicle Access, Roads and Rights of Way

Is a new or altered vehicular access proposed to or from the public highway? Yes No

Is a new or altered pedestrian access proposed to or from the public highway? Yes No

Are there any new public roads to be provided within the site? Yes No

Are there any new public rights of way to be provided within or adjacent to the site? Yes No

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09002122 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper D2

8. Pedestrian and Vehicle Access, Roads and Rights of Way

Do the proposals require any diversions/extinguishments and/or creation of rights of way? Yes No

If you answered Yes to any of the above questions, please show details on your plans/drawings and state their reference numbers

Please see submitted supporting statements and plans

9. Vehicle Parking

Does the site have any existing vehicle/cycle parking spaces or will the proposed development add/remove any parking Yes No spaces?

Please provide information on the existing and proposed number of on-site parking spaces

Type of vehicle Existing number of spaces Total proposed (including Difference in spaces spaces retained)

Cars 0 181 181

10. Trees and Hedges

Are there trees or hedges on the proposed development site? Yes No

And/or: Are there trees or hedges on land adjacent to the proposed development site that could influence the Yes No development or might be important as part of the local landscape character?

If Yes to either or both of the above, you may need to provide a full tree survey, at the discretion of your local planning authority. If a tree survey is required, this and the accompanying plan should be submitted alongside your application. Your local planning authority should make clear on its website what the survey should contain, in accordance with the current 'BS5837: Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction - Recommendations'.

11. Assessment of Flood Risk

Is the site within an area at risk of flooding? (Check the location on the Government's Flood map for planning. You Yes No should also refer to national standing advice and your local planning authority requirements for information as necessary.)

If Yes, you will need to submit a Flood Risk Assessment to consider the risk to the proposed site.

Is your proposal within 20 metres of a watercourse (e.g. river, stream or beck)? Yes No

Will the proposal increase the flood risk elsewhere? Yes No

How will surface water be disposed of?

Sustainable drainage system

Existing water course


Main sewer


12. Biodiversity and Geological Conservation Is there a reasonable likelihood of the following being affected adversely or conserved and enhanced within the application site, or on land adjacent to or near the application site? To assist in answering this question correctly, please refer to the help text which provides guidance on determining if any important biodiversity or geological conservation features may be present or nearby; and whether they are likely to be affected by the proposals.

a) Protected and priority species:

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09002122 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper D2

12. Biodiversity and Geological Conservation

Yes, on the development site Yes, on land adjacent to or near the proposed development No

b) Designated sites, important habitats or other biodiversity features: Yes, on the development site Yes, on land adjacent to or near the proposed development No

c) Features of geological conservation importance: Yes, on the development site Yes, on land adjacent to or near the proposed development No

13. Foul Sewage

Please state how foul sewage is to be disposed of: Mains Sewer Septic Tank Package Treatment plant Cess Pit Other Unknown

Are you proposing to connect to the existing drainage system? Yes No Unknown

If Yes, please include the details of the existing system on the application drawings. Please state the plan(s)/drawing(s) references.

Please see the submitted plans.

14. Waste Storage and Collection

Do the plans incorporate areas to store and aid the collection of waste? Yes No

Have arrangements been made for the separate storage and collection of recyclable waste? Yes No

15. Trade Effluent

Does the proposal involve the need to dispose of trade effluents or trade waste? Yes No

16. Residential/Dwelling Units Please note: This question has been updated to include the latest information requirements specified by government. Applications created before 23 May 2020 will not have been updated, please read the ‘Help’ to see details of how to workaround this issue.

Does your proposal include the gain, loss or change of use of residential units? Yes No

17. All Types of Development: Non-Residential Floorspace

Does your proposal involve the loss, gain or change of use of non-residential floorspace? Yes No Note that 'non-residential' covers ALL uses execept Use Class C3 Dwellinghouses

Please add details of the use classes and floorspace (if the relevant use class is not shown, please select 'Other' and provide details)

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09002122 17. All Types of Development: Non-Residential Floorspace

Use Class Existing gross Gross internal Total gross new Net additional gross internal floorspace floorspace to be lost internal floorspace internal floorspace (square metres) by change of use or proposed (including following demolition (square changes of use) development (square metres) (square metres) metres)

Other B2/B8 0 0 4123 4123

Total 0 0 4123 4123

Loss or gain of rooms For hotels, residential institutions and hostels please additionally indicate the loss or gain of rooms:

18. Employment

Are there any existing employees on the site or will the proposed development increase or decrease the number of Yes No employees?

Existing Employees

Please complete the following information regarding existing employees:

Full-time 0

Part-time 0

Total full-time 0.00 equivalent Proposed Employees

If known, please complete the following information regarding proposed employees:

Full-time 40

Part-time 0

Total full-time 40.00 equivalent

19. Hours of Opening

Are Hours of Opening relevant to this proposal? Yes No

20. Industrial or Commercial Processes and Machinery

Does this proposal involve the carrying out of industrial or commercial activities and processes? Yes No

Please describe the activities and processes which would be carried out on the site and the end products including plant, ventilation or air conditioning. Please include the type of machinery which may be installed on site:

General industrial and warehouse/distribution. One known end user, see Design and Access Statement.

Is the proposal for a waste management development? Yes No

If this is a landfill application you will need to provide further information before your application can be determined. Your waste planning authority should make it clear what information it requires on its website

21. Hazardous Substances

Does the proposal involve the use or storage of any hazardous substances? Yes No

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09002122 Type text here

22. Site Visit

Can the site be seen from a public road, public footpath, bridleway or other public land? Yes No

If the planning authority needs to make an appointment to carry out a site visit, whom should they contact? The agent The applicant Other person

23. Pre-application Advice

Has assistance or prior advice been sought from the local authority about this application? Yes No

If Yes, please complete the following information about the advice you were given (this will help the authority to deal with this application more efficiently):

Officer name:

Title Ms

First name



Date (Must be pre-application submission)


Details of the pre-application advice received

Positive discussions relating to the form of application and requirements, relating to policy CU17.

24. Authority Employee/Member With respect to the Authority, is the applicant and/or agent one of the following: (a) a member of staff (b) an elected member (c) related to a member of staff (d) related to an elected member

It is an important principle of decision-making that the process is open and transparent. Yes No For the purposes of this question, "related to" means related, by birth or otherwise, closely enough that a fair-minded and informed observer, having considered the facts, would conclude that there was bias on the part of the decision-maker in the Local Planning Authority.

Do any of the above statements apply?

25. Ownership Certificates and Agricultural Land Declaration CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP - CERTIFICATE A - Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 Certificate under Article 14 I certify/The applicant certifies that on the day 21 days before the date of this application nobody except myself/the applicant was the owner* of any part of the land or building to which the application relates, and that none of the land to which the application relates is, or is part of, an agricultural holding** * 'owner' is a person with a freehold interest or leasehold interest with at least 7 years left to run. ** 'agricultural holding' has the meaning given by reference to the definition of 'agricultural tenant' in section 65(8) of the Act. NOTE: You should sign Certificate B, C or D, as appropriate, if you are the sole owner of the land or building to which the application relates but the land is, or is part of, an agricultural holding.

Person role The applicant The agent

Title Miss

First name Hannah

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09002122 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper D2

25. Ownership Certificates and Agricultural Land Declaration

Surname Cameron

Declaration date 20/08/2020 (DD/MM/YYYY)

Declaration made

26. Declaration

I/we hereby apply for planning permission/consent as described in this form and the accompanying plans/drawings and additional information. I/we confirm that, to the best of my/our knowledge, any facts stated are true and accurate and any opinions given are the genuine opinions of the person(s) giving them.

Date (cannot be pre- 20/08/2020 application)

Planning Portal Reference: PP-09002122 109000





B 5 M Mid Devon Local Plan 2013 - 2033 GI Publication Stage Policies Map

CU1 - CU6 (Proposed Submission) Cullompton




d a Kings Mill o R Industrial

d n Estate a l l i




GI CU1 - CU6 CU20 AL/CU/9



t e e r GI t S

h g i CU7 - CU12 H CU13 Cemetery A373

T iver ton R GI oad Supporting PaperD2 Town Council22ndOct2020



r CU16



CU14 t




t CU19 Ho niton Road

AL/CU/12 CU19 107000 Rugby Club

Sports Centre CU21

CU20 © Crown copyright and database rights 2016. OS 100022292 Scale 1:11000 Note: The Ordnance Survey will not have updated the base to show recent changes. Consequently, not all development may be shown. January 2017 N Type texthere

Proposed deleted/partially Proposed mixed use allocation Safeguarded area for Floodplain deleted sites school expansion Swallow Way Proposed commercial allocation Settlement limit Area for town centre relief road Proposed amendment to Proposed green infrastructure GI AL/CU/10 settlement limit Ancient monument Town centre boundary Conservation area 5 County wildlife site M Golf CU15 Primary shopping area Course (2007 data) Proposed residential allocation

ll 1 Safeguarded area for i 8 H Priority habitats k 1 o 3 railway station o r B Proposed contingency b d a P housing site allocation 301000 302000 303000 304000 Historic Environment Record. The northern part of the site has probably been disturbed by the construction of the Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 greenhouses,Supporting Paper but D2 the southern part still has potential for containing archaeological deposits. Archaeological investigation and mitigation will be required. Extract from Mid Devon District Councils Local Plan Adopted July 2020 Policy CU17

Week Farm

A site of 10.7 hectares is allocated for employment development, subject to the following:

a) 15,000 square metres of employment floorspace within use classes B2-B8; b) Provision of a vehicular link from the Kingsmill employment area to Honiton Road; c) Archaeological investigation and appropriate mitigation; d) Protection and enhancement of the existing Public Right of Way; e) Transport assessment and implementation of a travel plan and other non-traditional measures to minimise carbon footprint and air quality impacts; f) Provision of 2 hectares of green infrastructure to include the retention of land in the floodplain, providing a landscape buffer to the west of the site as an area of informal open space; and g) Capacity improvements at Junction 28 M5 to deliver a strategic highway improvement as demonstrated by capacity studies completed to assess the impact of the traffic generated from the site.

3.134 The site is located east of the M5 motorway, adjacent to an existing area of significant employment development. The site could accommodate approximately 15,000 square metres of employment floor space. This is a lower density than would be expected for employment uses generally and is comparable to that anticipated on the consented adjacent site.

3.135 The site is allocated for B2-B8 use. However, the Council will consider proposals for alternative employment- generating uses on their merits. Development in this location will increase pressure on the motorway junction. Signalisation works at M5 Junction 28 were undertaken in 2015. Devon County Council queue length monitoring at junction 28 of the M5 motorway indicates congestion at the AM peak. The dev elopment will need to mitigate its impact upon the junctions capacity through implementation of an improvement scheme, either to the existing junction or in the form of more extensive junction improvement works involving a second overbridge required in connection with development east of Cullompton under policy CU7. A transport assessment to accompany a planning application would need to consider the impacts on the local and strategic road network including Junction 28 of the M5.

3.136 This site lies within a landscape that has evidence of prehistoric and Roman activity recorded in the Devon County Historic Environment Record. To the west, recent archaeological work has demonstrated the presence of prehistoric and Roman settlement in and around Cullompton. There is potential for the site to contain archaeological deposits associated with the known prehistoric and Roman activity in the vicinity, so archaeological investigation and appropriate mitigation will be required.

3.137 In order to improve accessibility the site will enable the creation of an additional point of access linking the site itself, along with the wider Kingsmill employment area, to Honiton Road. This is seen as an important advantage of the development of the site that will help to relieve pressure on the existing access to the area. 87 3.138 The site is bounded to the west by the River Ken and its associated floodplain. Development of the area of floodplain should be avoided and retained as green infrastructure, which may be designed into the development as an informal recreational area for those working at the site.

Policy CU18

Venn Farm

A site of 4.4 hectares is allocated for employment development, subject to the following: Supporting PaperD2 Town Council22ndOct2020

Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2020. All rights reserved. Licence number 100022432

PROJECT: DRAWING: STATUS: PLANNING ISSUE SEBALE BUSINESS PARK SITE LOCATION PLAN REV DESCRIPTION DATE REV DESCRIPTION DATE 0 25 50 75 100 125 CLIENT: DRAWING NO: REVISION NO: 1 PLANNING ISSUE 19/08/20 GOLDMIX LIMITED GL/SLP/202 I Scale 1:1250 Metres XL Planning Ltd PAGE SIZE: 01884 38662 SITE ADDRESS: DRAWN: CHECKED: 1A Fore Street A1 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SITE Cullompton [email protected] Ian Darling NO SITE LOCATION PLAN SEBALE BUSINESS PARK Devon SL 0001 scale: 1:1250 PAGE 1 HONITON ROAD JOB NO: DATE: PAGE: Ex15 1JW CULLOMPTON GML1 August 19, 2020 01 EX15 1QM Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper D2 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper D2



Proposed Industrial & Office Development Plots 5, 9 & 10 Sebale Business Park, Honiton Road, Cullompton EX15 1QM For Goldmi x Limited & Red Diamond Distribution Limited

Prepared by: Pinnacle Architectural Design and Project Management Limited The Studio Breakwater Court Berry Head Road TQ5 9AG

On behalf of: Goldmix Limited 4 Ashton Road Marsh Barton Trading Estate Exeter EX2 8LN

Red Diamond Distribution Limited (RDD) Unit 8 Westgate Park Industrial Estate Walsall WS9 8ER

Pages 1 – 6 inclusive.

1 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper D2 1.0 INTRODUCTION

The site is located immediately to the East of Junction 28 of the M5 Motorway with frontage to the A373 Honiton Road. Cullompton town centre is located 0.5 miles to the West on the opposite side of the M5.

The complete development site occupies an area of 5.29 hectares/13.05 acres and at present is zoned as agricultural pasture land.

Mid Devon District Council local plan review 2013 – 2033 identifies the site under policy CU17 as an area allocated for employment development. The land immediately to the North and East is identified within the plan review as policies CU7 – CU12 and is proposed for mixed use development including residential.

The site had a comprehensive soil and archaeological investigation carried out in December 2019. No contamination was found and nothing was reported of interest by the archaeologist in attendance. The developer has identified a requirement and potential strong demand within the area for this type of development and employment creation.

The developer has identified a requirement and potential strong demand within the area for this type of development and employment creation.

This Design & Access Statement should be read in conjunction with any detailed Planning Statement, Ecological Appraisal, Flood Risk/Drainage Assessment, Landscaping scheme/specifications and Transportation Assessments which may accompany this application and prepared by other specialists.



Red Diamond Distribution (RDD) is a specialist importer of materials handling and ancillary equipment to the UK market. Formed 7 years ago to import Mitsubishi forklift trucks the group now manages a wide portfolio of products. As well as importing fork lift trucks RDD also owns a number of dealers across the UK operating from 5 locations. These businesses supply trucks to the end user market, this involves sales, service and support functions. Group revenues are in excess of £40m per annum. RDD employ around 70 people in the UK.

The company is owned by an experienced group of Directors who all work in the business on a daily basis. Their policy is to reinvest profits back into the business, hence the project in Cullompton. They believe very strongly that their staff is critical to their success, have a very high loyalty level, a local recruitment policy and an apprentice programme in all locations.

As part of their group expansion programme Red Diamond Distribution Limited have identified a need in this part of the West Country for their expertise in the supply and distribution of new and second hand serviced fork lift trucks. This follows their successful takeover of Bristol Forklift’s, in 2018, the South West’s leading independent provider of materials handling equipment, short and long term rental and service back up. Not only does this mean job security, seamless continuity of supply and support but also Red Diamond’s commitment to the Mitsubishi brand.

The steel framed building will form the headquarters in this area for RDD the country’s leading supplier and distributor of Mitsubishi forklift trucks together with maintenance and repair. The building will be split into three sections, storage for new and used forklifts, workshop for their maintenance and repair and an ancillary two storey office element housing depot and service manager, tele-sales with

2 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 additional sales staff who are often out on the road. The warehouse will employ sixSupporting engineers. Paper D2 Cycle storage is to be contained within the unit with skips for waste materials, gas canisters and a bunded waste oil compound sited in a fenced and gated compound, see site layout drawing for detail.


The two storey office and industrial unit provides a gross external area of 1610.5square metres/17,336square feet.


The site identified as Plot 5 covers an area of approximately 0.42ha/1.04acres and is located to the north of the proposed estate road which runs east to west.

The site slopes from the southeast to the northwest at a gradient of approximately 1 in 18.

The two storey offices face south west running parallel with the proposed estate road and are separated and screened by a substantial landscape buffer. The building runs parallel with the contours of the site with the finished floor slab based on a cut and fill design. The car park and yard area faces southeast and is also shielded from the estate road by a substantial area of landscaping. Provision has been made for suitable articulated vehicular access with a banjo turning area.

There are 30 car parking spaces allocated to the development with 1 disabled space situated directly outside the main entrance to the office development. Provision has been made for 8 secure or covered cycle spaces. Wall mounted cycle racks are to be contained within the industrial building envelope.


The industrial/warehouse unit is single storey with a traditional pitched roof at 6º incorporating double/twin skin roof lights to approximately 10% of the roof area, laid in a strip pattern, with solar panels in between as part of a carbon reduction scheme. Eaves height above finished floor level will be 6.9 metres with the ridge height set at 8.4.

The two storey offices will have a floor to floor height of 3.525 metres and suspended ceilings set at 2.7 metres above finished floor level.

The unit has been designed to an institutional standard, on a cut and fill basis to reduce height, create a sympathetic scale and lessen any impact on the surrounding areas and vantage/view points as much as possible.



The steel framed industrial units have been designed as single storey structures and at this moment in time are speculative with no firm end user in mind. The scheme seeks to achieve a mix of ancillary B1 (soon to become the new Class E), B2 and B8 Use Classes which is more beneficial for letting or sale purposes. The industrial buildings have been designed on a linear basis capable of sub division into various size units with associated and designated car parking. Cycle and refuse storage is to be contained within the individual units or sited in enclosed compounds as denoted on the site layout drawings.


3 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 The single storey industrial unit, designed as a single block, provides a gross externalSupporting Paperarea D2 of 1698 square metres/18,277 square feet. The unit is capable of future sub division into various sizes as detailed on the drawings. The unit has been designed in such a way to afford the possibility for a future tenant/purchaser to install a part first floor mezzanine across the front of the unit. First floor windows have been designed in at this stage to facilitate such a future possibility.


The site identified as Plot 9 covers an area of approximately 0.5ha/1.23acres and is located to the south and eastern boundary.

The site slopes from the north east to the south west at a gradient of approximately 1 in 25.

The industrial unit has been designed on a cut and fill basis with associated batters and small retaining walls as necessary. There will be the requirement for a new access road into the site from the A373 Honiton Road and this will be designed to an adoptable standard with footpaths both sides. There are 50 car parking spaces allocated to the development with 7 disabled spaces situated directly outside the units. Provision has been made for 14 secure or covered cycle spaces. Wall mounted cycle racks and refuse storage are to be contained within the industrial building envelope.

Provision has been made for suitable articulated vehicular access with a banjo turning area.


The industrial units are single storey with a curved roof incorporating double/twin skin roof lights to approximately 10% of the roof area, laid in a strip pattern, with solar panels in between as part of a carbon reduction scheme. Eaves height above finished floor level will be 7.5 metres.

The unit has been designed to an institutional standard, on a cut and fill basis to reduce height, create a sympathetic scale and lessen any impact on the surrounding areas and vantage/view points as much as possible.



The steel framed industrial units have been designed as single storey structures and at this moment in time are speculative with no firm end user in mind. The scheme seeks to achieve a mix of ancillary B1 (soon to become the new Class E), B2 and B8 Use Classes which is more beneficial for letting or sale purposes. The industrial buildings have been designed on a linear basis capable of sub division into various size units with associated and designated car parking. Cycle and refuse storage is to be contained within the individual units or sited in enclosed compounds as denoted on the site layout drawings.


The single storey industrial units, designed as two blocks, provide a gross external area of 1045 square metres/11,252 square feet. The units are capable of future sub division into various sizes as detailed on the drawings. The units have been designed in such a way to afford the possibility for a future tenant/purchaser to install a part first floor mezzanine across the front of the unit. First floor windows have been designed in at this stage to facilitate such a future possibility.


The site identified as Plot 10 covers an area of approximately 0.35ha/0.87acres and is located to the south and western boundary.

4 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper D2 The site slopes from the North West to the South East at a gradient of approximately 1 in 17.

The industrial units have been designed to step down following the line of the natural contours, and finished floor levels are formed on a cut and fill basis with associated batters and small retaining walls as necessary. There will be the requirement for a new access road into the site from the A373 Honiton Road and this will be designed to an adoptable standard with footpaths both sides. There are 31 car parking spaces allocated to the development with 10 disabled spaces situated directly outside the units. Provision has been made for 20 secure or covered cycle spaces. Wall mounted cycle racks and refuse storage are to be contained within the industrial building envelope.

Provision has been made for suitable articulated vehicular access with a banjo turning area.


The industrial units are single storey with a mono pitched roof at 6º incorporating double/twin skin roof lights to approximately 10% of the roof area, laid in a strip pattern, with solar panels in between as part of a carbon reduction scheme. Eaves height above finished floor level will be 7.6 metres at the highest point reducing to 5.75 metres at the lowest.

The units have been designed to an institutional standard, on a cut and fill basis to reduce height, create a sympathetic scale and lessen any impact on the surrounding areas and vantage/view points as much as possible.


In terms of ecology Devon Wildlife Consultants have undertaken an interim ecological appraisal of the site. This initial appraisal confirmed the need for a range of further studies pertaining to bats in terms of flight line and foraging activity, dormice and breeding birds.

The majority of trees within the hedgerows on the site will be retained and an area of approximately 20,000m² on the western extent of the site will be set aside as a mitigation zone with incorporated wetland planting, native thicket and wet woodland planting.

Twelve bat and twelve bird boxes are to be installed on retained trees and new buildings in accordance with the ecological report.

The hedgebanks on site will be retained with the exception of the removal of a section of dividing hedgerow to create the new access road running east to west and the widening of the existing access point along the southern boundary of the eastern field. The incorporation of wetland planting and wildflower meadow seeding around the proposed sustainable drainage scheme (SUDS) will create and enhance a green corridor through the site.

The ecological appraisal carried out by Devon Wildlife Consultants their conclusions and the designs proposed mitigation measures demonstrates the sites suitability for this type of development without any adverse impact on ecological matters.

Plot by plot detailed landscaping schemes are to be designed and specified by a landscaping consultant appointed by the client/developer.


The industrial buildings require a practical selection of materials suitable for their intended use. HPS200 or similar colour coated profiled trapezoidal external cladding panels, laid horizontally, together with mini-micro rib “flat” composite panels, to Plot 5, have been chosen for their durability and long life low maintenance.

5 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper D2 The use of brickwork to 900mm above finished floor level will provide a strong anchor on which the cladding above will sit. It is intended to use a red multi brick with a horizontal soldier course of buff coloured bricks 215mm high at the junction of the brickwork and cladding.

The roofs will be finished in colour coated (Merlin Grey BS 18B25) profiled steel composite roof sheets. The horizontal wall cladding is to be colour coated Metallic Silver RAL 9006 with Merlin Grey flashings, bargeboards and trims. The curved bull nosed eaves concealing the gutter above will also be coloured Merlin Grey BS 18B25. Polyester powder coated double glazed aluminium windows and doors have also been specified, colour Anthracite Grey RAL 7016, together with insulated sectional overhead doors colour Merlin Grey BS 18B25.


There will be a requirement for a new vehicular and pedestrian access to the site from the A373 Honiton Road. This access road will be designed to an adoptable standard. Turning areas have been provided within the site boundary and there will be no need for vehicles to reverse out onto any part of the access road.

A pedestrian “level approach” to the office and industrial units has been achieved and designated car parking spaces have been denoted directly outside the main entrance, incorporating both able bodied and disabled car parking spaces. Provision has been made for the secure storage of cycles within the industrial section of the units to promote sustainable modes of transport.

Ground floor level to the industrial units incorporates a uni-sex fully compliant Part M disabled toilet with an adjacent tea making facility.

At both ground and first floor levels to the offices on Plot 5 provision has been made for uni-sex fully compliant Part M disabled toilets with a rest room at ground floor level and a tea station at first floor. Allowance has been made for the installation of a future disabled Part M compliant lift.

A detailed transport assessment, Flood Risk Assessment together with mitigation measures in the form of individual cellular storage tanks to each site, silt traps and oil separators, attenuation ponds etc. etc. has been designed and prepared by AWP Partnership. These should be read in conjunction with all other detailed reports which form part of this Planning Application.


6 Devon County Council (Various Streets, Devon) (Waiting Restrictions & Parking Places) Amendment Order

Devon County Council propose to make this under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to introduce in:

AXMINSTER No Waiting At Any Time on specified lengths of Castle Hill, Castle Street, Chard Road, Chard Street, George Street, Market Square, South Street and Victoria Place; No Waiting 9am-6pm on a specified length of South Street; No Waiting Mon-Sat 9am-6pm on specified lengths of Castle Hill, Castle Street, Market Square, North Street and Willhayes Park; Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 9am-6pm 30 Minutes No Return Within 30 Minutes on specified lengths of Castle Hill, Market Square and Victoria Place; Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 9am-6pm 1 Hour No Return Within 1 Hour on specified lengths of Chard Street and South Street; Loading Only 9am-6pm on a specified length of South Street

BARNSTAPLE No Waiting At Any Time on specified lengths of Vicarage Street; No Waiting 8am-6pm on specified lengths of Vicarage Street; Limited Waiting 8am-6pm 1 Hour No Return Within 1 Hour (Exemption for Residents Zone B Permit Holders) on a specified length of Summerland Street; Disabled Parking Maximum Stay 3 Hours No Return Within 3 Hours on a specified length of Boutport Street

BEER No Waiting At Any Time on specified lengths of Barline, Barnards Farm, Causeway, Court Barton Hill, Mare Lane, New Road and Townsend; No Waiting 9am-6pm between 01 Apr - 30 Sep on specified lengths of Mare Lane, Short Furlong and Underleys

BUCKFASTLEIGH Revocation of No Waiting 9am-6pm on specified lengths of Bridge Street, Church Street and Silver Street

COMBE MARTIN Limited Waiting 10am-7pm between 15 Mar - 31 Oct 30 Minutes No Return Within 30 Minutes on a specified length of Road from High Street to Bowling Green Lane

CREDITON No Waiting At Any Time on a specified length of Bowden Hill; No Waiting Mon-Sat 8am-6pm on specified lengths of Bowden Hill and Dean Street

CULLOMPTON No Waiting At Any Time on a specified length of Fore Street; Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 8am-6pm 1 Hour No Return Within 1 Hour on a specified length of High Street; Revocation of No Waiting At Any Time on a specified length of Exeter Road; Revocation of Vet Permit Holders Only At Any Time on a specified length of High Street

DARTMOUTH No Waiting At Any Time on specified lengths of Britannia Avenue, Collingwood Road, Newcomen Road, South Ford Road and South Town; No Waiting Mon-Sat 8.30am-5pm on specified lengths of Britannia Avenue; Limited Waiting 9am-6pm between 1 May to 30 September 2 Hours No Return Within 2 Hours on specified lengths of Newcomen Road and South Town; Revocation of Limited Waiting 1 May to 30 September 9am-6pm 1 Hour No Return Within 1 Hour on specified lengths of Higher Street and Oxford Street; Revocation of Limited Waiting 1 May to 30 September 9am-6pm 2 Hours No Return Within 2 Hours on a specified length of Above Town No Waiting At Any Time on specified lengths of Exeter Road (Service Road), Exeter Road, Orchard Gardens and Road to Lanherne Estate; Limited Waiting 8am-6pm 1 Hour No Return Within 1 Hour on a specified length of Road to Lanherne Estate;

DOWN THOMAS No Waiting At Any Time between 01 Apr - 30 Sep on a specified length of Bovisand Lane

EAST PORTLEMOUTH No Waiting At Any Time on a specified length of East Portlemouth Corner to Mill Bay

EXETER No Waiting At Any Time on specified lengths of Church Hill, Danesway and Harrington Lane; No Waiting 9am-6pm on a specified length of Stream Court

EXMINSTER Revocation of Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 9am-6pm 30 Minutes No Return Within 1 Hour on a specified length of Main Road

HEATHFIELD No Waiting At Any Time on specified lengths of Battle Road, Cavalier Road and Old Newton Road; No Waiting 8am-6pm on specified lengths of Cavalier Road and Wentworth Road

HOLBETON No Waiting At Any Time between 01 Apr - 30 Sep on a specified length of Battisborough Cross to Coastguard Cottages Corner, Mothecombe

KINGSBRIDGE Residents Parking 10am-11am and 2pm-3pm on specified lengths of Wallingford Road

NEWTON ABBOT No Waiting Mon-Sat 8am-6pm on specified lengths of Garston Avenue; Pay & Display (Tariff B: 30 mins 30p, 1 hour 60p) Mon-Sat inc bank hols excl Christmas Day 8am- 6pm Max Stay 1 Hour (Exemption for Residents Zone C Permit Holders) on specified lengths of Garston Avenue; Residents Parking At Any Time Zone C on a specified length of Garston Avenue; Revocation of No Waiting At Any Time on specified lengths of Queensway; Revocation of No Loading At Any Time on specified lengths of Queensway

NEWTON FERRERS No Waiting At Any Time on specified lengths of Newton & Noss Footpath 19 and Riverside Road East; No Waiting Mon-Sat 9am-6pm on a specified length of Riverside Road East

PLYMPTON No Waiting At Any Time on specified lengths of Beechwood Way and Western Wood Way, Langage Business Park

SEATON No Waiting At Any Time on specified lengths of Beer Road, Eyrecourt Road, Sea Hill and Seafield Road; No Loading Mon-Sat 8am-6pm on specified lengths of Beer Road; Limited Waiting 9am-6pm 30 Minutes No Return Within 1 Hour on specified lengths of Eyrecourt Road; Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 9am-6pm 30 Minutes No Return Within 1 Hour on a specified length of Eyrecourt Road; Disabled Badge Holders Only At Any Time on a specified length of Eyrecourt Road; Loading Only Mon-Sat 8am-6pm on a specified length of Beer Road; Revocation of Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 9am-6pm 1 Hour No Return Within 1 Hour on a specified length of Sea Hill SHALDON No Waiting At Any Time on specified lengths of Marine Parade and Ness Drive; No Waiting At Any Time between 01 May - 30 Sep on a specified length of Marine Parade; Revocation of No Waiting 8am-6pm on a specified length of Ness Drive

SIDMOUTH No Waiting At Any Time on specified lengths of All Saints Road, Hillside Road, Road Past Old Farmhouse (Hillside Road), Road Past Red Maples (Hillside Road), Road To Victoria Cottage Hospital, Hill Road, Station Road, The Triangle (Western Spur) and The Triangle; No Waiting 10am-6pm on specified lengths of Station Road and The Triangle; No Waiting Mon-Fri 8am-9am and 3pm-4.30pm on specified lengths of Woolbrook Road; No Loading At Any Time on specified lengths of Station Road, The Triangle (Western Spur) and The Triangle; Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 10am-6pm 30 Minutes No Return Within 30 Minutes on a specified length of Station Road; Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 10am-6pm 1 Hour No Return Within 1 Hour on specified lengths of All Saints Road, Road to Victoria Cottage Hospital and The Triangle

TEIGNMOUTH No Loading 10am-5pm on a specified length of Teign Street

TIVERTON No Waiting At Any Time on a specified length of Leat Street (A3126); No Waiting Mon-Fri 8am-6pm on a specified length of St Pauls Square

TORRINGTON Revocation of No Waiting At Any Time on a specified length of Cornmarket Street (Access Road leading to The Shambles)

Residents, charity business occupier permits £30 annually, visitor permits £30 per batch of 30, business permits annual cost: 1 st permit £30, 2 nd permit £75, 3 rd permit £150; guest house/hotel visitors permit £30 per batch of 20 permits. Essential visitor permits are free.

Where appropriate there will be the usual exemptions including those in relation to picking up/setting down passengers, loading/unloading goods & disabled persons vehicles.

Draft order, order being amended, plans & statement of reasons at from 12 th October until 16 th November. Only if you do not have access to the internet you can phone 0345 155 1004 for more details. Please note that phone lines may be busy due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Objections & other comments specifying the proposal & the grounds on which they are made must be in writing to the address below or via to arrive by 16 th November 2020 . If you make a submission be aware that contact details & points contributed may be made publicly available in accordance with our legal obligations. Receipt of submissions may not be acknowledged but those received will be considered & may be shared within Devon County Council & our partners. Further information on personal data at

12 th October 2020 reference IMR/A20975-5470

County Solicitor, County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter EX2 4QD statement of reasons Over time discrepancies have come to light between what is marked on the ground and what is detailed within the traffic regulation order. This order aims to resolve these discrepancies. Specific details of what is proposed at each location can be found attached to the relevant plan within the deposit documents.

The restrictions are proposed to avoiding danger to persons or other traffic using the road or for preventing the likelihood of any such danger arising, for facilitating the passage on the road or any other road of any class of traffic (including pedestrians) and to preserve/improving the amenities of the area through which the roads run. Devon County Council (Various Streets, Devon) (Waiting Restrictions & Parking Places) Amendment Order

Devon County Council make the following order under sections 1, 2, 4, 32, 35, 45, 46, 49, 53, part IV of schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 & of all other enabling powers

1 This order comes into force and may be cited as “Devon County Council (Various Streets, Devon) (Waiting Restrictions & Parking Places) Amendment Order ”

2 The schedules in part 1 are added to Devon County Council (Traffic Regulation & On-Street Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2020 as amended and the lengths of road in part 2 are revoked from the corresponding schedules of that order

TOWNS INCLUDED 1. 2. 3. Beer 4. Combe Martin 5. 6. Cullompton 7. Dartmouth 8. Dawlish 9. Down Thomas 10. East Portlemouth 11. Exeter 12. Heathfield 13. 14. 15. Newton Abbot 16. Newton Ferrers 17. 18. Seaton 19. Shaldon 20. 21. 22. Tiverton



Schedule 1.001 No Waiting At Any Time

Castle Hill, Axminster the south-west side from its junction with Market Square for a distance of 9 metres in a north-westerly direction

Castle Street, Axminster the west side from its junction with Castle Hill in a south-westerly direction for a distance of 3 metres

1 Chard Road, Axminster (i) the north-west side from its junction with Latches Walk to a point 64 metres north-east of that junction (ii) the south-east side from its junction with Chard Street in a north-easterly direction to a point 44 metres north-east of its junction with Hilary Close

Chard Street, Axminster (i) the north-west side from its junction with Lyme Street in a northerly and north-easterly direction to a point 120 metres south-west of its junction with Latches Walk (ii) the north-west side from its junction with Latches Walk to a point 34 metres south-west of that junction (iii) the north-west side from a point 78 metres south-west of its junction with Latches Walk for a distance of 30 metres in a south-westerly direction (iv) the south-east side from its junction with Lyme Street in a north and north-easterly direction to its junction with Chard Road

George Street, Axminster both sides from its junction with Chard Street in a southerly direction to its junction with Lyme Street

Market Square, Axminster the north-west side from its northern junction with Victoria Place/Castle Hill for a distance of 3 metres in a south-westerly direction

South Street, Axminster (i) the west side from a point 117 metres south-west of its junction with Lyme Street in a south-westerly direction for a distance of 7 metres (ii) the west side from a point 69 metres south of its junction with Lyme Street in a southerly direction for a distance of 16 metres (iii) the west side from a point 36.5 metres south of its junction with Lyme Street in a southerly direction for a distance of 14 metres (iv) the west side from a point 160 metres south-west of its junction with Lyme Street in a south-westerly direction to its junction with Silver Street

Victoria Place, Axminster (i) the east side from its junction with Chard Street for a distance of 23 metres in a northerly direction (ii) the west side from its junction with Chard Street to a point 9 metres north of its southern junction with Market Square

Schedule 2.032 No Waiting 9am-6pm

South Street, Axminster the west side from its junction with Lyme Street in a southerly direction for a distance of 27.5 metres

Schedule 2.037 No Waiting Mon-Sat 9am-6pm

Castle Hill, Axminster (i) the north-east side from a point 14 metres north-west of its junction with North Street to a point 7 metres south-east of that junction

2 (ii) the south-west side from its junction with Castle Street in a south-easterly direction for a distance of 10 metres

Castle Street, Axminster (i) the east side from its junction with Castle Hill in a south-westerly direction for a distance of 79 metres (ii) the west side from a point 3 metres south-west of its junction with Castle Hill in a south-westerly direction for a distance of 76 metres

Market Square, Axminster (i) the inner side from its southern junction with Victoria Place to its northern junction with Victoria Place (ii) the outer side from its southern junction with Victoria Place to a point 19 metres south-west of its northern junction with Victoria Place/Castle Hill

North Street, Axminster (i) the east side from its junction with Castle Hill in a northerly direction for a distance of 88 metres (ii) the east side from a point 9 metres south of its junction with North Street (south-eastern spur) for a distance of 9 metres in a southerly direction (iii) the west side from a point 33 metres north-east of its junction with Willhayes Park in a south-westerly direction to a point 66 metres south-west of that junction (iv) the west side from its junction with Castle Hill in a northerly direction for a distance of 21 metres

Willhayes Park, Axminster (i) the north side from its junction with North Street in a westerly direction for a distance of 11 metres (ii) the south side from its junction with North Street in a westerly direction for a distance of 10 metres

Schedule 4.037 Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 9am-6pm 30 Minutes No Return Within 30 Minutes

Castle Hill, Axminster the north-east side from a point 7 metres south-east of its junction with North Street in a south-easterly direction for a distance of 8.5 metres

Market Square, Axminster the north-west side from a point 3 metres south-west of its northern junction with Victoria Place/Castle Hill for a distance of 16 metres in a south-westerly direction

Victoria Place, Axminster the north-east side from a point 23 metres north of its junction with Chard Street for a distance of 27 metres in a north-westerly direction

Schedule 4.040 Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 9am-6pm 1 Hour No Return Within 1 Hour

Chard Street, Axminster the north-west side from a point 34 metres south-west of its junction with Latches Walk for a distance of 44 metres in a south-westerly direction

3 South Street, Axminster (i) the west side from a point 50.5 metres south of its junction with Lyme Street in a south-westerly direction for a distance of 18.5 metres (ii) the west side from a point 85 metres south of its junction with Lyme Street in a south-westerly direction for a distance of 10 metres (iii) the west side from a point 27.5 metres south of its junction with Lyme Street in a southerly direction for a distance of 9 metres (iv) the west side from a point 124 metres south-west of its junction with Lyme Street in a south-westerly direction for a distance of 36 metres

Schedule 8.009 Loading Only 9am-6pm

South Street, Axminster the west side from a point 95 metres south of its junction with Lyme Street in a southerly direction for a distance of 22 metres


Schedule 1.001 No Waiting At Any Time

Vicarage Street, Barnstaple (i) the north-west side from a point 43 metres north-east of its junction with Higher Maudlin Street to its junction with the A39 (ii) the south side from its junction with Boutport Street for a distance of 7 metres in an north-easterly direction (iii) the south-east side from the western junction of Vicarage Lawn in a north-easterly direction to the eastern junction of Vicarage Lawn (iv) the south-east side from its junction with Magdalene Lawn in a north-easterly direction to its junction with the A39

Schedule 2.013 No Waiting 8am-6pm

Vicarage Street, Barnstaple (i) the north-west side from a point 37 metres north-east of its junction with Boutport Street to a point 43 metres north-east of its junction with Higher Maudlin Street (ii) the north-west side from a point 8 metres north-east of its junction with Boutport Street to a point 17 metres north-east of that junction (iii) the south-east side from the eastern junction of Vicarage Lawn in a north-easterly direction to its junction with Magdalene Lawn (iv) the south-east side from a point 7 metres north-east of its junction with Boutport Street in a north-easterly direction to its western junction with Vicarage Lawn

4 Schedule 4.203 Limited Waiting 8am-6pm 1 Hour No Return Within 1 Hour (Exemption for Residents Zone B Permit Holders)

Summerland Street, Barnstaple the north-east side from a point 7 metres north-west of its junction with Salem Street for a distance of 31 metres in a north-westerly direction

Schedule 7.018 Disabled Parking Maximum Stay 3 Hours No Return Within 3 Hours

Boutport Street, Barnstaple the east side from a point 31 metres south of its junction with Queen Street for a distance of 18 metres in a southerly direction


Schedule 1.001 No Waiting At Any Time

Barline, Beer the north-east side from its junction with Mare Lane for a distance of 17 metres in a south-easterly direction

Barnards Farm, Beer both sides from its junction with Causeway in a northerly direction for the entire length of the public highway

Causeway, Beer the north side from its junction with Townsend in a south-easterly direction to its junction with New Road

Court Barton Hill, Beer the west side from its junction with New Road for a distance of 83 metres in a northerly direction

Mare Lane, Beer (i) the east side from its junction with Causeway to its junction with Barline (ii) the west side from its junction with Townsend for a distance of 33 metres in a southerly direction

New Road, Beer the north side from its junction with Causeway to its junction with Beer Road

Townsend, Beer (i) the north side from its junction with Causeway in a north-westerly direction to the entrance into Rattenbury Cottages (ii) the south side from its junction with Mare Lane in a north westerly direction to its junction with Ash Hill Court

5 Schedule 2.033 No Waiting 9am-6pm between 01 Apr and 30 Sep

Mare Lane, Beer (i) the north-west side from a point 33 metres south of its junction with Townsend in a southerly direction to its junction with Underleys (ii) the south-east side from its junction with Barline to its junction Underleys

Short Furlong, Beer both sides from its junction with Mare Lane in a westerly direction for a distance of 7 metres

Underleys, Beer (i) the north-west side from its junction with Mare Lane in a south-westerly direction to a point in line with the north-eastern building line of No.1 Underleys (ii) the south-east side from its junction with Mare Lane in a south-westerly direction to its junction with Park Road


Schedule 4.081 Limited Waiting 10am-7pm between 15 Mar and 31 Oct 30 Minutes No Return Within 30 Minutes

Road from High Street To Bowling Green Lane, Combe Martin the south-east side from a point 10 metres south-west of its junction with High Street for a distance of 45 metres in a south-westerly direction


Schedule 1.001 No Waiting At Any Time

Bowden Hill, Crediton the north side from a point 8 metres south of its junction with Union Road in a westerly direction for a distance of 12 metres

Schedule 2.016 No Waiting Mon-Sat 8am-6pm

Bowden Hill, Crediton the west side from its junction with Union Road in a southerly direction for a distance of 8 metres

Dean Street, Crediton (i) the east side from a point 19 metres north of its junction with Park Road to its junction with East Street (ii) the west side from a point 19 metres north of its junction with Park Road to its junction with Bowden Hill


Schedule 1.001 No Waiting At Any Time

Fore Street, Cullompton the west side from its junction with Exeter Hill in a northerly direction to its junction with Tiverton Road

Schedule 4.015 Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 8am-6pm 1 Hour No Return Within 1 Hour

High Street, Cullompton the west side from a point 9 metres north of its junction with St Andrews Road for a distance of 36 metres in a northerly direction


Schedule 1.001 No Waiting At Any Time

Britannia Avenue, Dartmouth the east side from a point 14 metres north of its junction with Collingwood Road to a point 11 metres south of that junction

Collingwood Road, Dartmouth (i) the north-west side from its junction with Britannia Avenue for a distance of 41 metres in a north-easterly direction (ii) the south-east side from a point 39 metres north-east of its junction with Britannia Avenue for a distance of 5.5 metres in a north-easterly direction (iii) the south-east side from its junction with Britannia Avenue for a distance of 23 metres in a north-easterly direction

Newcomen Road, Dartmouth the east side from a point 10 metres south of the southern property boundary of no. 32 Newcomen Road for a distance of 43.5 metres in a southerly direction

South Ford Road, Dartmouth the west side from its junction with Victoria Road to the north eastern boundary wall of No. 2 Mariners Homes

South Town, Dartmouth the east side from its junction with Warfleet Road in a northerly direction to a point 108 metres south of its junction with Newcomen Road (the northern boundary line of No.1 South Town)

Schedule 2.071 No Waiting Mon-Sat 8.30am-5pm

Britannia Avenue, Dartmouth (i) the east side from a point 14 metres north of its junction with Collingwood Road for a distance of 32.5 metres in a northerly direction (ii) the west side from a point 25 metres north-west of its junction with Carey Road for a distance of 66.5 metres in a northerly direction

7 Schedule 4.066 Limited Waiting 9am-6pm between 01 May and 30 Sep 2 Hours No Return Within 2 Hours

Newcomen Road, Dartmouth the east side from a point 53.5 metres south of the southern property boundary of No. 32 Newcomen Road in a southerly direction to its junction with South Town

South Town, Dartmouth the east side from its junction with Newcomen Road (the northern boundary line of No.1 South Town) for a distance of 108 metres in a southerly direction


Schedule 1.001 No Waiting At Any Time

Exeter Road (Service Road), Dawlish both sides from its northern junction with Exeter Road for a distance of 22 metres in an easterly then southerly direction

Exeter Road, Dawlish the south-east side from a point 10 metres south-west of its junction with Exeter Road (Service Road) to a point 37 metres north-east of that junction

Orchard Gardens, Dawlish (i) the east side from its junction with High Street for a distance of 2.5 metres in a north-westerly direction (ii) the west side from its junction with High Street for a distance of 4 metres in a north-westerly direction

Road to Lanherne Estate, Dawlish the north-west side from its junction with Exeter Road for a distance of 34 metres in an easterly direction

Schedule 4.060 Limited Waiting 8am-6pm 1 Hour No Return Within 1 Hour

Road to Lanherne Estate, Dawlish the north side from a point 34 metres north-east of its junction with Exeter Road for a distance of 89 metres in an easterly direction


Schedule 1.002 No Waiting At Any Time between 01 Apr and 30 Sep

Bovisand Lane, Down Thomas both sides from a point 14 metres south-west of its junction with Sound Caravan Park in a westerly direction to the end of the public highway


Schedule 1.001 No Waiting At Any Time

East Portlemouth Corner To Mill Bay, East Portlemouth both sides from a point 125 metres west of the eastern boundary of property "Arran" for a distance of 41 metres in a westerly direction


Schedule 1.001 No Waiting At Any Time

Church Hill, Exeter (i) the north-east side from its junction with Main Road in a north-westerly direction to a point 11 metres north-west of its junction with Danesway (ii) the south-west side from a point 8 metres south-east of the northern building line of 11 Church Hill in a south-easterly direction to a point 64 metres south-east of its junction with Harrington Lane

Danesway, Exeter (i) the north-west side from its junction with Church Hill in a north-easterly direction for a distance of 10 metres (ii) the south-east side from its junction with Church Hill in a north-easterly direction for a distance of 11 metres

Harrington Lane, Exeter (i) the north side from its junction with Church Hill in a westerly direction to a point 5 metres west of its intersection with the extended eastern property boundary of number 5 Harrington Lane (ii) the south side from its junction with Church Hill in a westerly direction for a distance of 30 metres

Schedule 2.032 No Waiting 9am-6pm

Stream Court, Exeter both sides from a point 6 metres south-east of its junction with Haven Road in a south-easterly direction to its south-eastern end including the end


Schedule 1.001 No Waiting At Any Time

Battle Road, Heathfield (i) the north-west side from a point 22 metres north-east of its junction with Cavalier Road in a south-westerly direction to its junction with Battle Road Side Road to International House

9 (ii) the south-east side from a point 49 metres south-west of its junction with Cannon Road in a north-easterly direction to its junction with Old Newton Road (iii) the south-east side from a point 126 metres south-west of its junction with Musket Road in a north-easterly direction to a point 78 metres north-east of that junction (iv) the south-east side from a point 9 metres north-east of the south-western property boundary line of no.9 (Sparkworld) for a distance of 22 metres in a north-easterly direction

Cavalier Road, Heathfield (i) the north-east side from its junction with Battle Road for a distance of 12.5 metres in a north-westerly direction (ii) the south-west side from its junction with Battle Road for a distance of 24 metres in a north-westerly direction

Old Newton Road, Heathfield the south-west side from its junction with Battle Road for a distance of 10 metres in a south-easterly direction

Schedule 2.013 No Waiting 8am-6pm

Cavalier Road, Heathfield the south-west side from its junction with Wentworth Road for a distance of 70 metres in a south-easterly direction

Wentworth Road, Heathfield the south side from its junction with Cavalier Road for a distance of 5 metres in a south-westerly direction


Schedule 1.002 No Waiting At Any Time between 01 Apr and 30 Sep

Battisborough Cross to Coastguard Cottages Corner, Mothecombe, Holbeton both sides from a point 180 metres south of its junction with Battisborough Cross to its junction with Road to Old Coastguard Cottages (approximately 1,790 metres)


Schedule 6.020 Residents Parking 10am-11am and 2pm-3pm

Wallingford Road, Kingsbridge (i) the east side from a point 124 metres north of its junction with Waterloo Road for a distance of 71 metres in a northerly direction (ii) the west side from a point 187 metres north of its junction with Welle House Gardens for a distance of 24 metres in a northerly direction


Schedule 2.016 No Waiting Mon-Sat 8am-6pm

Garston Avenue, Newton Abbot (i) the north-east side from its junction with Bury Road for a distance of 5 metres in a north-westerly direction (ii) the south-west side from a point 113 metres north-west of its junction with Bury Road for a distance of 14 metres in a north-westerly then southerly direction

Schedule 5.150 Pay & Display (Tariff Newton Abbot B) Mon-Sat 8am-6pm Max Stay 1 Hour (Exemption for Residents Zone C Permit Holders)

Garston Avenue, Newton Abbot (i) the north-east side from a point 24 metres north-west of its junction with Bury Road for a distance of 12 metres in a north-westerly direction (ii) the north-east side from a point 43 metres north-west of its junction with Bury Road for a distance of 10.5 metres in a north-westerly direction (iii) the north-east side from a point 61 metres north-west of its junction with Bury Road for a distance of 11 metres in a north-westerly direction (iv) the north-east side from a point 78 metres north-west of its junction with Bury Road for a distance of 11 metres in a north-westerly direction (v) the north-east side from a point 97 metres north-west of its junction with Bury Road for a distance of 10 metres in a north-westerly direction (vi) the north-east side from a point 115 metres north-west of its junction with Bury Road for a distance of 7 metres in a westerly direction (vii) the north-east side from a point 5 metres north-west of its junction with Bury Road for a distance of 11 metres in a north-westerly direction

Schedule 6.014 Residents Parking At Any Time Zone C

Garston Avenue, Newton Abbot the south-west side from a point 4 metres north-west of its junction with Bury Road for a distance of 109 metres in a north-westerly direction


Schedule 1.001 No Waiting At Any Time

Newton & Noss Footpath 19, Newton Ferrers (i) the north-east side from its junction with Riverside Road East for a distance of 3.5 metres in a south-easterly direction (ii) the south-west side from its junction with Riverside Road East for a distance of 11 metres in a south-easterly direction

11 Riverside Road East, Newton Ferrers (i) the north side from its junction with Newton Hill to the western building line of no.13 Riverside Road East (ii) the south side from a point 2.5 metres east of its junction with Newton & Noss Footpath 19 in a westerly direction to a point 17 metres west of that junction

Schedule 2.037 No Waiting Mon-Sat 9am-6pm

Riverside Road East, Newton Ferrers the south side from a point 2 metres west of the extended western building line of no. 8 Riverside Road East for a distance of 54 metres in a westerly direction


Schedule 1.001 No Waiting At Any Time

Beechwood Way, Langage Business Park, Plympton both sides from its junction with Western Wood Way for a distance of 112 metres in a north-easterly direction

Western Wood Way, Langage Business Park, Plympton (i) the east and south side from its junction with Holland Road in a north-westerly and north-easterly direction to the end of the public highway (ii) the north side from a point 453.5 metres north-west and north-east of its junction with Holland Road for a distance of 94 metres in an easterly direction to the end of the public highway including the northern spur (iii) the north side from a point 390 metres north-west then north-east of its junction with Holland Road for a distance of 32 metres in a north-easterly direction (iv) the west side from a point 59 metres north-west of its junction with Holland Road for a distance of 38.5 metres in a northerly direction (v) the west side from a point 116 metres north-west of its junction with Holland Road for a distance of 122 metres in a northerly direction (vi) the west side from a point 270.5 metres north-west of its junction with Holland Road for a distance of 40.5 metres in a northerly direction (vii) the west side from its junction with Holland Road for a distance of 20 metres in a northerly direction


Schedule 1.001 No Waiting At Any Time

Beer Road, Seaton (i) the north side from its junction with Queen Street to a point 68 metres east of its junction with Highcliffe Crescent (ii) the south side from a point 59 metres south-west of its junction with Castle Hill in an easterly direction to a point 17 metres east of its junction with Sea Hill

12 (iii) the south side from a point 30.5 metres east of its junction with Sea Hill in an easterly direction to its junction with Queen Street

Eyrecourt Road, Seaton (i) the south side from a point 70 metres east of its junction with Sea Hill in an easterly direction for a distance of 7 metres (ii) the south side from a point 20 metres east of its junction with Sea Hill in an easterly direction for a distance of 5 metres (iii) the south side from a point 48 metres east of its junction with Sea Hill for a distance of 5.5 metres (iv) the south side from its junction with Sea Hill in an easterly direction for a distance of 5 metres

Sea Hill, Seaton the west side from its junction with Beer Road to a point 6.5 metres south of its junction with Seafield Road

Seafield Road, Seaton the south side from its junction with Sea Hill for a distance of 6 metres in a westerly direction

Schedule 3.011 No Loading Mon-Sat 8am-6pm

Beer Road, Seaton (i) the south side from its junction with Sea Hill in an easterly direction for a distance of 17 metres (ii) the south side from a point 30.5 metres east of its junction with Sea Hill in an easterly direction to its junction with Queen Street

Schedule 4.029 Limited Waiting 9am-6pm 30 Minutes No Return Within 1 Hour

Eyrecourt Road, Seaton (i) the south side from a point 25 metres east of its junction with Sea Hill for a distance of 23 metres in an easterly direction (ii) the south side from a point 53.5 metres east of its junction with Sea Hill in an easterly direction for a distance of 4.5 metres

Schedule 4.038 Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 9am-6pm 30 Minutes No Return Within 1 Hour

Eyrecourt Road, Seaton the south side from a point 5 metres east of its junction with Sea Hill in an easterly direction for a distance of 15 metres

Schedule 7.001 Disabled Badge Holders Only At Any Time

Eyrecourt Road, Seaton the south side from a point 58 metres east of its junction with Sea Hill in an easterly direction for a distance of 12 metres

13 Schedule 8.007 Loading Only Mon-Sat 8am-6pm

Beer Road, Seaton the south side from a point 17 metres east of its junction with Sea Hill in a easterly direction for a distance of 13.5 metres


Schedule 1.001 No Waiting At Any Time

Marine Parade, Shaldon (i) the east side from its junction with Ness Drive in a northerly direction to a point on the north side of the vehicle access to the Ness House Hotel (ii) the north-east side from a point opposite the south-east boundary line of no. 7 Marine Parade in an easterly direction to a point 6 metres north of the northern building line of the property known as Ness House Hotel (iii) the south-west side from its junction with Horse Lane to its junction with Ness Drive

Ness Drive, Shaldon both sides from its junction with Road to its junction with Marine Parade (including spurs both sides of Ness Farm House)

Schedule 1.004 No Waiting At Any Time between 01 May and 30 Sep

Marine Parade, Shaldon the north-east side from its junction with Strand to a point opposite the south-east boundary line of No.7 Marine Parade


Schedule 1.001 No Waiting At Any Time

All Saints Road, Sidmouth the south side from its junction with High Street to a point 59 metres west of its junction with Road to Victoria Cottage Hospital

Hillside Road, Sidmouth (i) the north-east side from its junction with Salcombe Hill Close in a south-easterly direction for a distance of 45 metres (ii) the south-west side from its junction with Road Past the Old Farmhouse (Hillside Road) for a distance of 35 metres in a south-easterly direction

Road Past Old Farmhouse (Hillside Road), Sidmouth (i) the north side from its junction with Sid Road to its junction with Road Past Red Maples (Hillside Road)

14 (ii) the south side from its junction with Sid Road for a distance of 16 metres in an easterly direction (iii) the south side from its junction with Hillside Road for a distance of 36 metres in a westerly direction

Road Past Red Maples (Hillside Road), Sidmouth (i) the east side from its junction with Salcombe Hill Road to its junction with Salcombe Hill Close (ii) the west side from its junction with Salcombe Hill Road for a distance of 28 metres in a southerly direction (iii) the west side from its junction with Road Past Old Farmhouse (Hillside Road) for a distance of 16 metres in a northerly direction

Road to Victoria Cottage Hospital, Sidmouth (i) the north-west side from a point 27 metres south of its junction with All Saints Road for a distance of 10 metres in a south-westerly direction (ii) the north-west side from a point 51 metres south-west of its junction with All Saints Road for a distance of 44 metres in a south-westerly direction (iii) the south-east side from its junction with All Saints Road for a distance of 71 metres in a south-westerly direction (iv) the west side from its junction with All Saints Road in a southerly direction for a distance of 6 metres

Salcombe Hill Road, Sidmouth (i) the north side from its junction with Sid Road for a distance of 138 metres in an easterly direction (ii) the south side from a point 83 metres east of its junction with Road Past Red Maples (Hillside Road) to a point 16 metres west of that junction

Station Road, Sidmouth (i) the east side from a point 36 metres south of its junction with The Triangle (Western Spur) in a southerly direction to a point 65 metres south of The Triangle (ii) the east side from its junction with Coburg Road in a southerly direction to a point 90 metres north of its junction with The Triangle (Western Spur) (iii) the west side from its junction with Fortfield Terrace to its junction with The Esplanade (iv) the east side from its junction with The Triangle (Western Spur) in a southerly direction for a distance of 3 metres

The Triangle (Western Spur), Sidmouth both sides for its entire length

The Triangle, Sidmouth (i) the south-east side from its junction with Church Street for a distance of 6 metres in a south-westerly direction (ii) the south-east side from its junction with Station Road for a distance of 66 metres in a north-easterly direction (iii) the north-west side from its junction with Station Road to its junction with Coburg Road

Schedule 2.043 No Waiting 10am-6pm

Station Road, Sidmouth (i) the east side from its junction with The Triangle (Western Spur) for a distance of 90 metres in a northerly direction

15 (ii) the west side from its junction with Fortfield Terrace in a northerly direction to the southern building line of Gwydir Cottage, Station Road

The Triangle, Sidmouth the south-east side from a point 6 metres south-west of its junction with Church Street in a south- westerly direction to a point 83 metres north-east of its junction with Station Road

Schedule 2.114 No Waiting Mon-Fri 8am-9am and 3pm-4.30pm

Woolbrook Road, Sidmouth (i) the north-east side from a point 70 metres north-west of its junction with Manstone Avenue to its junction with Woolbrook Meadows (ii) the south-west side from a point 162 metres north-west of its junction with Balfours to its junction with Bennetts Hill (iii) the south-west side from its junction with Bennetts Hill for a distance of 65 metres in a north-westerly direction

Schedule 3.001 No Loading At Any Time

Station Road, Sidmouth the east side from its junction with The Triangle in a northerly direction to a point 39 metres south of its junction with The Triangle (Western Spur)

The Triangle (Western Spur), Sidmouth the south side from its junction with The Triangle in a westerly direction for a distance of 14 metres

The Triangle, Sidmouth the north-west side from its junction with Station Road in a north-easterly direction to its junction with The Triangle (Western Spur)

Schedule 4.049 Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 10am-6pm 30 Minutes No Return Within 30 Minutes

Station Road, Sidmouth the east side from a point 3 metres south of its junction with The Triangle (Western Spur) in a southerly direction for a distance of 36 metres

Schedule 4.051 Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 10am-6pm 1 Hour No Return Within 1 Hour

All Saints Road, Sidmouth the south side from a point 59 metres west of its junction with the Road to Victoria Cottage Hospital for a distance of 59 metres in a westerly direction

Road to Victoria Cottage Hospital, Sidmouth (i) the north-west side from a point 6 metres south of its junction with All Saints Road for a distance of 21 metres in a south-westerly direction (ii) the north-west side from a point 37 metres south-west of its junction with All Saints Road for a distance of 14 metres in a south-westerly direction

16 The Triangle, Sidmouth (i) the south-east side from a point 71 metres north-east of its junction with Station Road for a distance of 12 metres in a north-easterly direction (ii) the south-east side from a point 66 metres north-east of its junction with Station Road for a distance of 5 metres in a north-easterly direction


Schedule 3.051 No Loading 10am-5pm

Teign Street (Restricted Zone), Teignmouth both sides from its junction with Fore Street to its junction with Chapel Street


Schedule 1.001 No Waiting At Any Time

Leat Street (A3126), Tiverton the south-west side from a point 133 metres north-west of its junction with Melbourne Street for a distance of 47 metres in a north-westerly direction

Schedule 2.014 No Waiting Mon-Fri 8am-6pm

St Pauls Square, Tiverton the north side from a point 23 metres west of its junction with Church Street for a distance of 34 metres in an westerly direction


Schedule 1.001 No Waiting At Any Time

All Saints Road, Sidmouth (i) the south side from a point 53 metres west of its junction with Blackmore View for a distance of 6 metres in a westerly direction (ii) the south side from a point 3 metres west of its junction with Blackmore View for a distance of 40 metres in a westerly direction

Barline, Beer the north-east side from its junction with Underleys for a distance of 17 metres in a south-easterly direction

Barnards Farm, Beer both sides from its junction with Causeway for its entire length

17 Battisborough Cross To The Beach Access C76, Mothecombe, Holbeton the north-east side from a point 180 metres south of its junction with Battisborough Cross to its junction with the beach access road (approximately 1,790 metres)

Battle Road, Heathfield the north-west side from a point 35 metres south-west of its junction with Cavalier Road for a distance of 146 metres in a south-westerly direction

Beechwood Way, Langage Business Park, Plympton both sides for its entire length

Beer Road, Seaton (i) the north side from its junction with Access Road to Beer Road Car Park to a point 264 metres west of its junction with Wessiters (ii) the north side from its junction with Access Road to Car Park for a distance of 59 metres in an easterly direction (iii) the south side from its junction with Castle Hill to its junction with Sea Hill (iv) the south side from its junction with Castle Hill for a distance of 59 metres in a south-westerly direction (v) the south side from its junction with Queen Street for a distance of 44 metres in a westerly direction

Blackmore View, Sidmouth (i) the north-west side from a point 24 metres south of its junction with Blackmore View for a distance of 10 metres in a southerly direction (ii) the north-west side from a point 49 metres south-west of its junction with All Saints Road for a distance of 44 metres in a south-westerly direction (iii) the south-east side from its junction with All Saints Road for a distance of 82 metres in a south-westerly direction

Bowden Hill, Crediton the north side from its junction with Dean Street for a distance of 11 metres in a westerly direction

Castle Hill, Axminster (i) the south-west side from its junction with Market Square for a distance of 9 metres in a north-westerly direction (ii) the south-west side from its southern junction with Market Square for a distance of 9 metres in a north-westerly direction

Chard Road, Axminster (i) the north-west side from a point 120 metres south-west of its junction with Latches Walk to its junction with Victoria Place (ii) the north-west side from a point 64 metres north-east of its junction with Latches Walk to a point 32 metres south-west of its junction with Latches Walk (iii) the north-west side from a point 76 metres south-west of its junction with Latches Walk for a distance of 30 metres in a south-westerly direction (iv) the south-east side from its junction with Hilary Gardens for a distance of 102 metres in a south-westerly direction to the entrance of the Axe Valley School (v) the south-east side from its junction with Hilary Gardens to its junction with Hilary Close (vi) the south-east side from its junction with Hilary Close for a distance of 44 metres in a north-easterly direction

18 Chard Street, Axminster the south-east side from its junction with George Street for a distance of 111 metres in a north-easterly direction

Church Hill, Exeter the north-east side from its junction with Main Road for a distance of 67 metres in a north-westerly direction

Church Street (western Spur), Sidmouth (i) the north side from the rear access road to the Library for a distance of 92 metres in an westerly direction (ii) the south side from its junction with B 3176 for a distance of 56 metres in an easterly direction

Church Street, Sidmouth (i) the north-west side from its junction with Coburg Road for a distance of 19 metres in a south-westerly direction (ii) the north-west side from its junction with B 3176 for a distance of 59 metres in a north-easterly direction (iii) the south-east side from its junction with B 3176 for a distance of 65 metres in a north-easterly direction (iv) the south-east side from its junction with Church Street for a distance of 6 metres in a south-westerly direction

Cornmarket Street (access Road Leading To The Shambles), both sides from its junction with Cornmarket Street for its entire length.

Court Barton Hill, Beer the south-west side from its junction with Townsend for a distance of 83 metres in a northerly direction

East Portlemouth Corner To Mill Bay, East Portlemouth the north side from a point 125 metres west of a line between the eastern boundary of property 'Arran' and the western side of the marked area leading to the slipway at Ditch End. for a distance of 41 metres in a westerly direction

Exeter Road (service Road), Dawlish the east side North of its junction with Henty Avenue on the south west side for a distance of 24 metres in a south-easterly direction

Exeter Road, Cullompton the east side from a point opposite the boundary walls of Nos. 94/96 in a southerly direction for a distance of 28 metres

Eyrecourt Road, Seaton the south-west side from its junction with Seahill to a point 7 metres west of its junction with Vintage Courtyard

Fore Street, Cullompton the west side from its junction with Fore Street to its junction with Tiverton Road

George Street, Axminster both sides for its entire length

19 Hillside Road, Sidmouth (i) the north-east side from its junction with Salcombe Road for a distance of 37 metres in a south-easterly direction (ii) the south-west side from its junction with Salcombe Road for a distance of 37 metres in a south-easterly direction

Lanhearne Estate, Dawlish the north side from its junction with Exeter Road for a distance of 34 metres in an easterly direction

Leat Street (a3126), Tiverton the south-west side from a point 107 metres north-west of its junction with Melbourne Street for a distance of 47 metres in a north-westerly direction

Market Square, Axminster the south-east side from its junction with Victoria Place for a distance of 3 metres in a south-westerly direction

Ness Drive, Shaldon (i) the east and south side from a point 3 metres east of its junction with Torquay Road to a point on the north side of the vehicle access to the Ness House Hotel (ii) the inner side Inner side of island around Ness Farm House for its entire length (iii) the northern side from its junction with Torquay Road to a point 4 metres north of the projection of the northern wall of the building in the south eastern corner of the western car park on Ness Drive (iv) the west side from its junction with Marine Parade to its junction north west of the pond at Ness House Farm (v) the west side from its junction to the north of Ness House Farm on its western leg for a distance of 17 metres in a southerly direction

New Road, Beer the northern side from its junction with Court Barton Hill to its junction with Beer Road

Newcomen Road, Dartmouth the east side from a point 10 metres south of the southern property boundary of No 32 Newcomen Road for a distance of 44.5 metres in a southerly direction

Queensway, Newton Abbot (i) both sides from a point 12 metres north of its junction with Shaldon Road for a distance of 18 metres in a northerly direction (ii) the east side from a point in line with the boundary of Nos. 28/30 Queensway for a distance of 18 metres in a south-westerly direction (iii) the east side from a point 1 metres north of the boundary of Nos. 18/20 Queensway for a distance of 21 metres in a south-westerly direction

Renney Road to Bovisand Park 150, Down Thomas both sides from its junction with Renney Road for a distance of 1130 metres in a westerly direction

Riverside Road East, Newton Ferrers (i) the north side from its junction with Newton Hill for a distance of 98 metres in an easterly direction

20 (ii) the south side from its intersection with the extended eastern building line of road frontage of number 13 Riverside Road East for a distance of 28 metres in a westerly direction (iii) the south side from its junction with Riverside Road West for a distance of 54 metres in an easterly direction

Salcombe Hill Road, Sidmouth (i) the inner side from its junction with Sid Road for a distance of 138 metres in an easterly direction (ii) the south side from a point 83 metres east of its junction with Salcombe Road to a point 16 metres west of its junction with Salcombe Road

Salcombe Road, Sidmouth (i) the east side from its junction with Hillside Road to its junction with Salcombe Hill Road (ii) the north side from its junction with Sid Road for a distance of 86 metres in a northerly direction (iii) the south side from its junction with Hillside Road for a distance of 33 metres in a westerly direction (iv) the south side from a point 36 metres east of its junction with Milford Road for a distance of 16 metres in an easterly direction (v) the west side from its junction with Salcombe Hill Road for a distance of 28 metres in a southerly direction

Sea Hill, Seaton (i) the west side from its junction with Beer Road for a distance of 26 metres in a southerly direction (ii) the west side from its junction with Seafield Road for a distance of 15 metres in a southerly direction

Seafield Road, Seaton the south side from its junction with Sea Hill for a distance of 14 metres in a westerly direction

South Street, Axminster (i) the west side from a point 33 metres south-west of its junction with Lyme Street for a distance of 15 metres in a south-westerly direction (ii) the west side from a point 67 metres south of its junction with Lyme Street for a distance of 13 metres in a southerly direction (iii) the west side from a point 56 metres north of its junction with Silver Street for a distance of 8 metres in a northerly direction (iv) the west side from its junction with Silver Street for a distance of 20 metres in a northerly direction

South Town (b3205), Dartmouth the north-east side from its junction with Warfleet Road in a northerly direction to a point 5.5 metres south of the northern property boundary of No 14 Manor House South Town

St Georges, Axminster both sides for its entire length

Station Road, Sidmouth (i) the east side from its junction with Church Street for a distance of 65 metres in a south-easterly direction

21 (ii) the east side from its junction with Church Street for a distance of 12 metres in a northerly direction (iii) the north-east side from a point 40 metres south east of its junction with Manor Road for a distance of 5 metres in a south easterly direction (iv) the west side from a point 4 metres north of its junction with Fortfield Terrace to its junction with The Esplanade

Townsend, Beer (i) the north side from its junction with Court Barton Hill for a distance of 252 metres in a north-westerly direction (ii) the south side from its junction with Underleys for a distance of 27 metres in a north-westerly direction

Underleys, Beer (i) the east side from its junction with Townsend to its junction with Barline (ii) the west side from its junction with Townsend for a distance of 33 metres in a southerly direction

Vicarage Street, Barnstaple (i) the north side from its junction with King Edward Street to its junction with the Urban Relief Road (ii) the north-west side from a point 8 metres east of its junction with Boutport Street for a distance of 9 metres in a north-easterly direction (iii) the south side from its junction with Boutport Street for a distance of 25 metres in an north-easterly direction (iv) the south-east side from a point 6 metres north-east of its junction with Vicarage Lawn to a point 96 metres south-west of its junction with Vicarage Lawn (v) the south-east side from its junction with Belmont to its junction with the Urban Relief Road

Victoria Place, Axminster (i) the east side from its junction with Chard Street to its junction with Lyme Street (ii) the east side from its junction with St Georges for a distance of 23 metres in a northerly direction (iii) the west side from its junction with Market Square to its junction with Lyme Street

Western Wood Way, Langage Business Park, Plympton (i) the east side from its junction with Holland Road for its entire length. (ii) the north side from a point 479 metres north east of its junction with Holland Road for a distance of 60 metres in a north-easterly direction including the turning head (iii) the north side from a point 385 metres north east of its junction with Holland Road for a distance of 50 metres in a north-easterly direction (iv) the west side from a point 239 metres north of its junction with Holland Road for a distance of 38 metres in a northerly direction (v) the west side from a point 57 metres north of its junction with Holland Road for a distance of 32 metres in a northerly direction (vi) the west side from a point 123 metres north of its junction with Holland Road for a distance of 113 metres in a northerly direction (vii) the west side from its junction with Holland Road for a distance of 19 metres in a northerly direction

22 Schedule 1.004 No Waiting At Any Time between 01 May and 30 Sep

Marine Parade, Shaldon both sides for its entire length

Schedule 1.006 No Waiting At Any Time Except Buses

Dawlish Road, Teignmouth the west side from a point 4 metres south of the projection of the north wall of Holly Court for a distance of 37 metres in a northerly direction

Schedule 2.013 No Waiting 8am-6pm

Cavalier Road, Heathfield the south-west side from its junction with Wentworth Road for a distance of 70 metres in a south-easterly direction

Ness Drive, Shaldon the west side from a point 17 metres south of its junction to the north of Ness House Farm on its western leg for a distance of 5 metres in a southerly direction

Schedule 2.014 No Waiting Mon-Fri 8am-6pm

St Paul's Square, Tiverton the north side from a point 23 metres west of its junction with Church Street for a distance of 34 metres in an easterly direction

Schedule 2.016 No Waiting Mon-Sat 8am-6pm

Dean Street, Crediton (i) the west side from a point 19 metres north of its junction with Union Road to its junction with Bowden Hill (ii) the west side from a point 19 metres north of its junction with East Street to its junction with Bowden Hill

Garston Avenue, Newton Abbot the north-east side from its junction with Bury Road for a distance of 3 metres in a north-westerly direction

Schedule 2.032 No Waiting 9am-6pm

Bridge Street, the west side from its junction with Silver Street for a distance of 20 metres in a southerly direction

Castle Hill, Axminster (i) the north side from its junction with Access Road from Castle Hill to North Street for a distance of 14 metres in a westerly direction

23 (ii) the north-east side from its junction with North Street south-western spur for a distance of 8 metres in a south-easterly direction (iii) the south-west side from its junction with Castle Street for a distance of 16 metres in a south-easterly direction

Castle Street, Axminster (i) the east side from its junction with Castle Hill for a distance of 79 metres in a southerly direction (ii) the west side from its junction with Castle Hill for a distance of 79 metres in a south-westerly direction

Church Street, Buckfastleigh the west side from its junction with Silver Street for a distance of 65 metres in a northerly direction

Market Square, Axminster (i) the inner side from its southern junction with Victoria Place to its northern junction with Castle Hill (ii) the outer side from its southern junction with Victoria Place to a point 16 metres south-west of its northern junction with Castle Hill

North Street, Axminster (i) the east side from its junction with Castle Hill for a distance of 89 metres in a northerly direction (ii) the east side from a point 9 metres south of itsnorthern junction with North Street south-eastern spur for a distance of 9 metres in a southerly direction (iii) the north-west side from its junction with Willhayes Park for a distance of 33 metres in a north-easterly direction (iv) the west side from its junction with Castle Hill for a distance of 21 metres in a northerly direction (v) the west side from its junction with Willhayes park for a distance of 66 metres in a southerly direction

Silver Street, Buckfastleigh (i) the north-east side from its junction with Church Street for a distance of 28 metres in a north-westerly direction (ii) the south-west side from its junction with Bridge Street for a distance of 30 metres in a north-westerly direction

South Street, Axminster the west side from its junction with Lyme Street for a distance of 17 metres in an easterly direction

Stream Court, Exeter (i) the north-east side from a point 6 metres south of its junction with Haven Road for a distance of 119 metres for its entire length including its end (ii) the south-west side from a point 6 metres south of its junction with Haven Road for a distance of 119 metres for its entire length including its end

Willhayes Park, Axminster (i) the north side from its junction with North Street for a distance of 11 metres in a westerly direction (ii) the south side from its junction with North Street for a distance of 10 metres in a north-westerly direction

24 Schedule 2.033 No Waiting 9am-6pm between 01 Apr and 30 Sep

Short Furlong, Beer (i) the north side from its junction with B 3174 Underleys for a distance of 7 metres in a south-westerly direction (ii) the south side from its junction with Underleys for a distance of 7 metres in a south-westerly direction

Underleys, Beer (i) the north-west side from a point 51 metres south-west of its junction with Mare Lane to a point 54 metres north-west of its junction with Short Furlong (ii) the south-east side from its junction with Park Road to its junction with Barline

Schedule 2.043 No Waiting 10am-6pm

Church Street, Sidmouth the south-east side from a point 81 metres north-east of its junction with B 3176 for a distance of 24 metres in a north-easterly direction

Station Road, Sidmouth (i) the north-east side from its junction with Church Street (north western spur) for a distance of 90 metres in a northerly westerly direction (ii) the south-west side from a point 4 metres north-west of its junction with Fortfield Terrace for a distance of 105 metres in a north-westerly direction (iii) the west side from its junction with Seafield Road

Schedule 2.071 No Waiting Mon-Sat 8.30am-5pm

Britannia Avenue, Dartmouth (i) the east side from its junction with Collingwood Road for a distance of 11 metres in a southerly direction (ii) the north-east side from its junction with Collingwood Road for a distance of 46 metres in a northerly direction (iii) the south-west side from a point 25 metres north-west of its junction with Carey Road for a distance of 65 metres in a north-westerly direction

Collingwood Road, Dartmouth (i) the east side from a point 39 metres north-east of its junction with Britannia Avenue for a distance of 3 metres in a northerly direction (ii) the north side from its junction with Britannia Avenue for a distance of 36 metres in an north-easterly direction (iii) the south-east side from its junction with Britannia Avenue for a distance of 23 metres in a north-easterly direction

Schedule 2.080 No Waiting Mon-Fri 8am-9.30am and 3pm-4.30pm

Woolbrook Road, Sidmouth (i) the north-east side from a point 70 metres north-west of its junction with Manstone Avenue to its junction with Woolbrook Meadows (ii) the south-west side from a point 162 metres north-west of its junction with Balfours to its junction with Bennetts Hill

25 (iii) the south-west side from its junction with Bennetts Hill for a distance of 65 metres in a north-westerly direction

Schedule 3.001 No Loading At Any Time

Queensway, Newton Abbot (i) both sides from a point 12 metres north of its junction with Shaldon Road for a distance of 18 metres in a northerly direction (ii) the east side from a point in line with the boundary of Nos. 28/30 Queensway for a distance of 18 metres in a south-westerly direction (iii) the east side from a point 1 metre north of the boundary of Nos. 18/20 Queensway for a distance of 21 metres in a south-westerly direction

The Triangle, Sidmouth (i) the north-west side from its junction with Station Road for a distance of 59 metres in a north-easterly direction (ii) the south-east side from its junction with Station Road for a distance of 66 metres in a north-easterly direction

Schedule 3.011 No Loading Mon-Sat 8am-6pm

Beer Road, Seaton the south side from its junction with Queen Street for a distance of 44 metres in a westerly direction

Schedule 4.000 Unlimited Waiting Bay At Any Time

High Street (access Road to Bowling Green), Combe Martin the south-east side from a point 10 metres south-west of its junction with High Street for a distance of 45 metres in a south-westerly direction

Schedule 4.015 Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 8am-6pm 1 Hour No Return Within 1 Hour

High Street, Cullompton the west side from a point 16 metres north of its junction with St Andrews Road for a distance of 29 metres in a northerly direction

Schedule 4.029 Limited Waiting 9am-6pm 30 Minutes No Return Within 1 Hour

Eyrecourt Road, Seaton (i) the south-west side from a point 54 metres east of its junction with Seahill for a distance of 5 metres in an easterly direction (ii) the south-west side from a point 26 metres east of its junction with Seahill for a distance of 23 metres in an easterly direction

26 Schedule 4.033 Limited Waiting 9am-6pm 2 Hours No Return Within 4 Hours

Chard Road, Axminster the north-west side from a point 32 metres south-west of its junction with Latches Walk for a distance of 44 metres in a south-westerly direction

Schedule 4.037 Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 9am-6pm 30 Minutes No Return Within 30 Minutes

Castle Hill, Axminster the north-east side from a point 10 metres south-east of its junction with North Street for a distance of 42 metres in a south-easterly direction

Market Square, Axminster the north-west side from its northern junction with Castle Hill for a distance of 16 metres in a south-westerly direction

Schedule 4.038 Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 9am-6pm 30 Minutes No Return Within 1 Hour

Eyrecourt Road, Seaton the south-west side from a point 5 metres east of its junction with Seahill for a distance of 16 metres in an easterly direction

Main Road, Exminster the east side from its junction with Dryfield for a distance of 16 metres in a southerly direction

Schedule 4.040 Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 9am-6pm 1 Hour No Return Within 1 Hour

Sea Hill, Seaton the east side from a point 15 metres south of its junction with Seafield Road for a distance of 52 metres in a southerly direction

South Street, Axminster (i) the west side from a point 23 metres south of its junction with Lyme Street for a distance of 10 metres in a southerly direction (ii) the west side from a point 48 metres south of its junction with Lyme Street for a distance of 48 metres in a south-westerly direction (iii) the west side from a point 96 metres north of its junction with Silver Street for a distance of 18 metres in a north-easterly direction (iv) the west side from a point 20 metres north of its junction with Silver Street for a distance of 35 metres in a northerly direction

Schedule 4.049 Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 10am-6pm 30 Minutes No Return Within 30 Minutes

Station Road, Sidmouth the east side from its junction with Church Street western spur for a distance of 32 metres in a southerly direction

27 Schedule 4.051 Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 10am-6pm 1 Hour No Return Within 1 Hour

All Saints Road, Sidmouth the south side from a point 59 metres west of its junction with Blackmore View for a distance of 59 metres in a westerly direction

Church Street, Sidmouth (i) the south-east side from a point 65 metres north-east of its junction with B 3176 for a distance of 6 metres in a north-easterly direction (ii) the south-east side from a point 71 metres north-east of its junction with B 3176 for a distance of 12 metres in a north-easterly direction

May Terrace, Sidmouth (i) the north-west side from its junction with All Saint's Road south westerly for a distance of 24 metres (ii) the north-west side from a point 34 metres south west of its junction with All Saints Road south westerly for a distance of 12 metres

Schedule 4.060 Limited Waiting 8am-6pm 1 Hour No Return Within 1 Hour

Lanhearne Estate, Dawlish the north side from a point 34 metres east of its junction with Exeter Road for a distance of 87 metres in an easterly direction

Schedule 4.065 Limited Waiting 9am-6pm between 01 May and 30 Sep 1 Hour No Return Within 1 Hour

Higher Street, Dartmouth the east side from a point 10 metres north of its junction with Newcomen Road for a distance of 19 metres in a northerly direction

Oxford Street, Dartmouth the north side from a point 2 metres east of its junction with Lower Street for a distance of 10 metres in an easterly direction

Schedule 4.066 Limited Waiting 9am-6pm between 01 May and 30 Sep 2 Hours No Return Within 2 Hours

Above Town, Dartmouth the west side from a point 268 metres south of its junction with Crowther's Hill for a distance of 20 metres in a southerly direction

Newcomen Road, Dartmouth the east side from the southern boundary wall of No. 39 in a north westerly direction for a distance of 19 metres

South Town, Dartmouth the east side from a point 54.5 metres south of the southern property boundary of No. 32 Newcomen Road to a point 5.5 metres south of the northern property boundary of No 14 Manor House South Town

28 Schedule 5.089 Pay & Display (Tariff Barnstaple A) 8am-6pm Max Stay 2 Hours (Exemption for Residents Zone B Permit Holders)

Summerland Street, Barnstaple the north-east side from a point 7 metres northwest of its junction with Salem Street northwestwards for a distance of 31 metres

Schedule 5.150 Pay & Display (Tariff Newton Abbot B) Mon-Sat 8am-6pm Max Stay 1 Hour (Exemption for Residents Zone C Permit Holders)

Garston Avenue, Newton Abbot (i) the north side from a point 8 metres east of footpath to Knowles Hill Road for a distance of 7 metres in an easterly direction (ii) the north-east side from a point 3 metres north-west of its junction with Bury Road for a distance of 86 metres in a north-westerly direction (iii) the north-east side from a point 96 metres north-west of its junction with Bury Road for a distance of 11 metres in a north-westerly direction

Schedule 6.014 Residents Parking At Any Time Zone C

Garston Avenue, Newton Abbot the south-west side from a point 4 metres north-west of its junction with Bury Road for a distance of 80 metres in a north-westerly direction

Schedule 7.001 Disabled Badge Holders Only At Any Time

Eyrecourt Road, Seaton the south-west side from a point 59 metres east of its junction with Seahill for a distance of 12 metres in a easterly direction

Schedule 7.031 Disabled Badge Holders Only At Any Time Maximum Stay 3 Hours

Boutport Street, Barnstaple the east side from a point 31 metres south of its junction with Queen Street for a distance of 18 metres in a southerly direction

Schedule 8.005 Loading Only 8am-6pm

South Street, Axminster the west side from a point 73 metres north of its junction with Silver Street for a distance of 17 metres in a north-easterly direction

Schedule 13.002 Vet Permit Holders Only At Any Time

High Street, Cullompton the west side from a point 9 metres north of its junction with St Andrews Road for a distance of 7 metres in a northerly direction

29 Schedule 13.008 Permit Holders Only 10am-11am and 2pm-3pm

Wallingford Road, Kingsbridge (i) the east side from a point 124 metres north of its junction with Waterloo Road for a distance of 71 metres in a northerly direction (ii) the west side from a point 187 metres north of its junction with Welle House Gardens for a distance of 24 metres in a northerly direction



Devon County Council ) was hereunto affixed ) in the presence of )

document number ______

A Duly Authorised Officer reference IMR/A20975-5470

30 Town Council 22 October 2020 Supporting Paper E 2

Agenda No. 8 Devon County Council (Various Streets Devon) (Waiting Restrictions & Parking Places) Amendment Order

1. Devon County Council are consulting on the above names Amendment Order which was advertised week commencing 12 October 2020. 2. The only purpose of the proposed order is to resolve discrepancies that have come to light between what is marked on the ground and what is detailed within current the traffic regulation order. 3. Comments/objections to a proposal have to be submitted by 16 th November 4. The proposal for Cullompton is as follows: CULLOMPTON No Waiting At Any Time on a specified length of Fore Street; Limited Waiting Mon-Sat 8am-6pm 1 Hour No Return Within 1 Hour on a specified length of High Street; Revocation of No Waiting At Any Time on a specified length of Exeter Road; Revocation of Vet Permit Holders Only At Any Time on a specified length of High Street 5. More information can be found at 4XHiSUf5GSiYxm1_MUYCdg?e=68OJH1

Report Prepared: 14 October 2020 Town Council 22 October 2020 Supporting Paper F

Agenda No 12 , Recommendations and Referrals from the Policy, Finance and Personnel Committee

1. The Policy, Finance and Personnel Committee (PFP) met on 8 October 2020 and considered a Co-option Policy and Procedure as recommended by the Policy Review Working Group. 2. PFP made the following resolution “RESOLVED TO RECOMMENDTO COUNCIL that the Co-option policy is adopted with the caveat that Council must decide whether or not a paper ballot should be allowed and that decision is incorporated i nto the policy” 3. The Co-option Policy and Procedure is attached to this report with section 5.6 containing no text s it will be populated after Council has made its decision regarding whether or not a paper ballot will be allowed.

Subsequent to the Council decision on the allowed methods of voting the following may apply: If Council decides that voting will only be by a show of hands and a paper ballot will not be allowed Council will also need to resolve  To amend Standing Order 3s with the addition o f no 3s (iii) “that voting for Co-options will be by a show of hands (or if the meeting is being held by remote attendance in accordance with Standing Order 3s(ii) ), paper votes will not be allowed” and therefore

 Standing Order 3 S (i) is amended to read Unless standing orders provide otherwise (see 3s(ii) and 3s(iii) ), voting on a question shall be by a show of hands unless moved and seconded and approved by a majority of those present and voting, then a paper vote can be ta ken” Town Council 22 October 2020 Supporting Paper F

Draft 3, October 2020

POLICY TITLE Casual Vacancy Co-option Policy




REPLACES POLICY New Policy POLICY AIM This policy sets out the procedure to ensure there is compliance with legislation and continuity of procedures in the co-option of members to Cullompton Town Council. The Co-option procedure is entirely managed by Cullompton Town Council and this policy will ensure that a fair and equitable process is carried out.

1. Co-option

1.1 The Co-option of a Parish Councillor occurs when a casual vacancy has arisen on the Council and no poll (by election) has been called. A casual vacancy occurs when: i. A councillor fails to make his declaration of acceptance of office at the proper time; ii. A councillor resigns; iii. A councillor dies; iv. A councillor becomes disqualified; or v. A councillor fails for six (6) months to attend meetings of a council committee or subcommittee or to attend as a representative of the Council a meeting of an outside body. 1.2 Cullompton Town Council has to notify the District Council of a Casual Vacancy and then advertise the vacancy and give electors the opportunity to request an election. This occurs when ten electors write to the District Council stating that an election is requested. 1.3 If a by-election is called, a polling station will be set up by the District Council and the people of the parish will be asked to go to the polls to vote for candidates who will have put themselves forward by way of a nomination paper. Cullompton Town Council will pay the costs of the election. The people of the parish have fourteen Town Council 22 October 2020 Supporting Paper F

days (not including weekends, bank holidays and other notable days), to claim the by-election, but the electoral officer will advise the clerk of the closing date. 1.4 If more than one candidate is then nominated a by-election takes place but if only one candidate is put forward they are duly elected without a ballot. 1.5 If ten residents do not request a ballot within fourteen days of the vacancy notice being posted, as advised by the District Council, Cullompton Town Council is able to co-opt a volunteer.

2. Confirmation of Co-option

2.1 On receipt, of written confirmation, from the Electoral Services Office from the District Council, the casual vacancy can be filled by means of Co-option, the Parish Clerk will: i. Advertise the vacancy for four weeks on the Council notice boards and website; and ii. Advise Cullompton Town Council that the Co-option Policy has been instigated. 2.2 The Co-option process will take place as soon as is practicable as it is not desirable that electors in a particular ward be left partially or fully underrepresented for a significant length of time. Neither does it contribute to effective and efficient working of the Council if there are insufficient councillors to share the workload equitably, to provide a broad cross-section of skills and interests or to achieve meeting quorums without difficulty. 2.3 Councillors elected by co-option are full members of Cullompton Town Council although are not eligible to claim an allowance.

3. Eligibility of Candidates

3.1 Cullompton Town Council is able to consider any person to fill a vacancy provided that: i. He or she is an elector for the parish; or ii. has resided in the parish for the past twelve months or rented/tenanted land or other premises in the parish; or iii. had his or her principal place of work in the parish; or iv. has lived within three miles (direct) of the parish. 3.2 There are certain disqualifications for election, of which the main are (see 5. 80 of the Local Government Act 1972): i. holding a paid office under the local authority; ii. bankruptcy; iii. having been sentenced to a term of imprisonment (whether suspended or not) of not less than three months, without the option of a fine during the five years preceding the election; and Town Council 22 October 2020 Supporting Paper F

iv. being disqualified under any enactment relating to corrupt or illegal practices. 3.3 The application form will require candidates to declare that they meet the qualification criteria for holding office and are not disqualified for any reason. 3.4 Candidates found to be offering inducements of any kind will be disqualified.

4. Applications

4.1 Members may point out the vacancies and the process to any qualifying candidate(s). 4.2 Although there is no statutory requirement to do so, candidates will be requested to:

i. Submit information about themselves, by way of completing a short application form (Appendix A). ii. Confirm their eligibility for the position of Councillor within the statutory rules (Appendix B). 4.3 Following receipt of applications, the next suitable council meeting will have an agenda item 'To receive written applications for the office of town councillor and to co-opt a candid ate to fill the existing vacancy'. Copies of the candidates’ applications will be circulated to all Councillors by the Town Clerk at least 3 clear days prior to the meeting of the full Council, when the co-option will be considered. All such documents will be treated by the Town Clerk and all Councillors as Strictly Private and Confidential. 4.4 Candidates will be sent an electronic copy by email of the full agenda of the meeting at which they are to be considered for appointment. Candidates will also be informed that they will be invited to speak about their application at the meeting.

5. At the Co-option Meeting

5.1 Where there are co-options for more than 1 ward to be dealt with they will be taken on a ward by ward basis; the whole process for each ward, including voting, being completed before moving on to the next ward. 5.2 Candidates will be given a maximum of 5 minutes to introduce themselves to Members, give information on their background and experience and explain why they wish to become a Member of Cullompton Town Council. The process will be carried out by adjourning the meeting to allow the candidate(s) to speak. Discussion about the applications will take place in council session without intervention from the candidates or members of the public 5.3 Councillors may ask questions of the candidates but must take care to ensure that all candidates are given the opportunity to provide the same information. Town Council 22 October 2020 Supporting Paper F

5.4 When all candidates have finished giving their submissions, the council will re- convene and proceed to the voting stage of the process. 5.5 Where the number of candidates equals or is less than the number of vacancies the following proposal will need to be made and seconded by a Councillor “ that there being XX vacancy and XX candidate(s), namely xxxxx yyyy in accordance with legislation and the Town Council’s policy the Council formally declares the casual vacancy filled by xxxxx yyyy 5.6 Where the number of candidates exceeds the number of vacancies Councillors will proceed to a vote on the acceptability of each candidate utilising the ‘person specification’ criteria set out in Appendix C and any personal st atements provided by candidates. 5.7 To enter into the voting process a candidate must be proposed and seconded by a Councillor, any candidate who is not proposed and seconded will not proceed any further in the process. 5.8 At the start of the voting process the Chair will ask Councillors to propose and second any of the candidates, the voting will be between all of the candidates who have been duly proposed and seconded. If there are more than two candidates and there is no candidate with an absolute majority in the first round of voting the candidate with the least number of votes will drop out of the process. Further rounds of voting will then take place with the process repeated until a candidate has an absolute majority. 5.9 Councillors have 1 vote in each round of the voting process except in the case of an equality of votes where the meeting Chairman of the meeting has a second, casting, vote. 5.10 In order for a candidate to be co-opted to Cullompton Town Council, it will be necessary for them to obtain an absolute majority of votes available. 5.11 Every Councillor can choose to vote for one candidate or abstain from the vote. For the purposes of calculating the absolute majority, abstentions will not be included in the votes cast and will be counted separately. The absolute majority required by a candidate will therefore be 50% + 1 of the votes cast in their favour at the meeting. 5.12 5.13 If so requested by a member of the council, the vote will be recorded so as to show whether each Councillor present and voting gave his or her vote for, against or abstained. 5.14 If an absolute majority of votes is not attained by either of the final two candidates remaining in the voting process, the vacancy will remain unfilled. Town Council 22 October 2020 Supporting Paper F

5.15 After the vote has been concluded, the Chairman will declare the successful candidate duly co-opted. They will be invited to sign their declaration of acceptance office and then take a place at the meeting table and contribute to the debate of any remaining agenda items however they will not have a vote as they were not summoned to attend the meeting. 5.16 The Clerk will notify Electoral Services of the new Councillor appointment. The successful candidate(s) must complete the ‘registration of interests’ within 28 days of being elected. The form should be handed to the Clerk for forwarding to the Monitoring Officer. 5.17 If insufficient candidates come forward for co-option or a vacancy remains unfilled after the voting process described at 5.3 – 5.4 has concluded, the co-option process should continue, whereby the vacancies are again advertised. Town Council 22 October 2020 Supporting Paper F

APPENDIX A APPLICATION FOR CO-OPTION TO CULLOMPTON TOWN COUNCIL Thank you for your interest in becoming a Cullompton Town Councillor. Please provide the information below to assist the council in making their decision. Please note that your name and the information in the “about you” section will be provided to Councillors to assist in the consideration of candidates for co-option.

Full Name and Title Home address

Home Telephone

Mobile Telephone

Email Address About You. Please provide the council with some background information about yourself. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

*delete as appropriate Town Council 22 October 2020 Supporting Paper F Town Council 22 October 2020 Supporting Paper F

APPENDIX B CO-OPTION ELIGIBILITY DECLARATION 1. In order to be eligible for co-option to Cullompton Town Council, you must be a British subject, or a Citizen of the commonwealth or European Union and, on the relevant date (i.e. the day on which you are nominated or, if there is a poll, the day of the election) be 18 years of age or over. You must also be able to meet one of the following eligibility criteria set out below (please tick which applies to you):

I am registered as a local government elector for the parish; or

I have, during the whole of twelve months preceding the date of my co-option, occupied as owner or tenant, land or other premises in the parish; or

My principal or only place or work during those twelve months has been in the parish; or

I have, during the whole of twelve months, resided in the parish or within 3 miles of it.

2. Please note that under Section 80 of the Local Government Act 1972, a person is disqualified from being elected as a local Councillor or being a member of a local council if he or she is: a. Holds any paid office or employment of the local council (other than the office of Chairman) or of a joint Committee on which the council is represented; or b. Is a person who has been adjudged bankrupt or has made a composition or arrangement with his or her creditors. This disqualification for bankruptcy ceases in the following circumstances: i. If the bankruptcy is annulled on the grounds that either the person ought not to have been adjudged bankrupt or that his or her debts have been fully discharged; ii. If the person is discharged with a certificate that the bankruptcy was caused by misfortune without misconduct on his or her part; iii. If the person is discharged without such a certificate. In 2ai or 2aii above, the disqualification ceases on the date of the annulment and discharge respectively. In 2aiii above, it ceases on the expiry of 5 years from the date of discharge; or Town Council 22 October 2020 Supporting Paper F

c. Has, within 5 years before the day of election or since his or her election, been convicted in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man of any offence and has been sentenced to imprisonment (whether suspended or not) for not less than 3 months without the option of a fine; or d. Is otherwise disqualified under Part III of the Representation of the People Act 1983 for corrupt or illegal practices. DECLARTION I (insert full name) ______hereby confirm that I meet the qualification criteria and am not disqualified for any reason from holding the office of Councillor at Cullompton Town Council and that the information provided on this form is, to the best of my knowledge, true and accurate.


Date: Town Council 22 October 2020 Supporting Paper F


COMPETENCY ESSENTIAL DESIRABLE Personal  Sound knowledge and  Can bring a new skill, expertise Attributes understanding of local affairs and or key local knowledge to the the local community. council.  Forward thinking. Experience,  Ability to listen constructively.  Experience of working or being a skills,  A good team player. member in a local authority or knowledge and  Ability to pick up and run with a other public body. ability variety of projects and a solid  Experience or working with interest in local matters. voluntary and/or local  Ability and willingness to community or interest groups. represent the council and their  Basic knowledge of legal issues community. relating to town and parish  Good interpersonal skills and able councils or local authorities. to contribute opinions at meetings  Experience of delivering whilst willing to see others’ views presentations. and accept majority decisions.  IT literate  Ability to communicate succinctly and clearly.  Ability and willingness to work closely with other members and to maintain good working relationships with all members and staff.  Ability and willingness to work with the council’s partners (e.g. voluntary groups, other parish councils, principal authorities and charities).  Ability and willingness to undertake induction training and other relevant training. Circumstances  Ability and willingness to attend meetings of the council and it’s Committees (or meetings of other local authorities and local bodies) at any time and events in the evening and at weekends. Town Council 22 October 2020 Supporting Paper G

Agenda No 13. Casual Vacancy Provisional Timetable

The Town Council currently has 4 casual vacancies: North - 1 vacancy South – 2 vacancies Outer – 1 vacancy It is suggested that the co-option process for each ward is run simultaneously.

28 October Council considers Co-Option Policy and Procedure

Subject to approval of the policy and procedures on 28.10.2020 w/c 01.11.20 Casual vacancies are advertised and application packs made available

Tuesday 10 November 2020 Information evening (via Zoom)

Wednesday 25 November 2020 Closing date for the receipt of completed candidate forms

Tuesday 8 December 2020 Additional Town Council Meeting for the purpose of dealing with the Co-options

Report Author: Town Clerk Report Prepared: 5 October 2020 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper I


Payments to be made via on line banking

Invoice Date Invoice No Supplier/Payee Goods Description Net VAT Gross Account Code Authorised Authorised RBS ref no 26/09/2020 INV-14615 Atlas Monthly Safety Services 60.00 12.00 72.00 Health & Safety Support 4063 3418 10/07/2020 3321 AS Signs Social Distancing Signs 50.00 10.00 60.00 COVID-19 Expenditure 4175 3442 21/07/2020 3348 AS Signs Pavement Stencil 70.00 14.00 84.00 COVID-19 Expenditure 4175 3443 21/08/2020 831768 Devon Commercial Stationers Stationery 80.69 16.14 96.83 Stationery 4052 3431 25/09/2020 832758 Devon Commercial Stationers Laptop Bag 22.38 4.48 26.86 Office Equipment 4070 3732 30/09/2020 2159 Halcyon Landscapes Grounds Maintenance 168.25 33.65 201.90 Play Area Running Expenses 4125 3419 14/09/2020 139126 Labdon Sanding sheets for cemetery benches 4.74 0.95 5.69 Cemetery Running Expenses 4310 3420 15/09/2020 139303 Labdon Flourescent Tube for office 11.20 2.24 13.44 Town Hall Running Expenses 4405 3421 30/09/2020 141322 Labdon Duct tape 6.12 1.22 7.34 Cemetery Running Expenses 4310 3422 29/09/2020 Leat Conservancy Board Grant towards waders 50.00 - 50.00 Leat Repairs 4910 CB

Public Toilet Running Expenses & 4150 & 27/09/2020 6001 Marbles Public toilet cleaning & play park sanitising 1,990.00 398.00 2,388.00 Play Area Running Expenses 4125 3423 01/10/2020 13633 Microshade Hosting Service 410.59 82.12 492.71 IT Support 4068 3438 30/09/2020 80018343 Mid Devon District Council Trade Waste Collection Oct 20 to Mar 21 467.22 - 467.22 Cemetery Running Expenses 4310 3435 04/09/2020 IN200541267 Mole Valley Farmers Compost 32.49 6.50 38.99 Town Maintenance 4120 3429 17/09/2020 IN200562389 Mole Valley Farmers Pruner & folding saw set 8.32 1.66 9.98 Cemetery Running Expenses 4310 3440 24/09/2020 IN200573117 Mole Valley Farmers Plants for the planter 13.62 2.13 15.75 Town Hall Running Expenses 4405 3439 28/09/2020 IN200578670 Mole Valley Farmers Sandpaper & lawn seed 17.15 0.83 17.98 3436

04/05/2020 SM21563 RBS Asset Inventory Annual Support & Maintenance 165.00 33.00 198.00 IT Support 4068 3426 30/09/2020 28310 RBS Training - Ear Marked Reserves 92.50 18.50 111.00 Staff & Councillor Training 4115 3425 Water at Tiverton Road Allotments Jun-Sep 14/09/2020 1071498318 South West Water 2020 111.24 - 111.24 Allotment Expenses 4200 3430

23/09/2020 1071614282 South West Water Water & sewerage at Cemetery Jun-Sep 2020 55.21 5.06 60.27 Cemetery Running Expenses 4310 3427 26/08/2020 21500412 Spot On Supplies Cleaning Materials 70.09 14.02 84.11 Town Hall Running Expenses 4405 3441 29/09/2020 21502944 Spot On Supplies Face Masks 219.90 - 219.90 COVID-19 Expenditure 4175 3428 30/09/2020 32 Tim Scrace Bus Shelter Cleaning 97.00 - 97.00 Town Maintenance 4120 3434 08/10/2020 52 Tim Scrace Window Cleaning 45.00 - 45.00 Town Hall Running Expenses 4405 3433 30/09/2020 43645 Wasteology Skip Rental 20.00 4.00 24.00 Cemetery Running Expenses 4310 3437 30/09/2020 Gift of A Burrow For Allotments Monies taken by CTC on behalf of GOAB 294.00 - 294.00 Gift of A Burrow for Allotments CB

TOTAL 4,632.71 660.50 5,293.21 Town Council 22nd Oct 2020 Supporting Paper I

Payments to be made by Direct Debit

Invoice Date Invoice No Supplier Goods Description Net VAT Gross Account Code Authorised Authorised RBS ref no 30/09/2020 E2013065572 Allstar Annual Card Fee 17.00 3.40 20.40 Van Running Expenses 4135 3417 26/09/2020 25696101 Opus Town Hall Gas 27.8.20-25.9.20 1.08 0.05 1.13 Town Hall Running Expenses 4405 3424 30/09/2020 2020-34414 Soldo Subscription 1.9.20-30.9.20 5.00 1.00 6.00 General Admin/other 4035 CB 07/10/2020 E2013080065 Allstar Fuel for Van 57.00 11.40 68.40 Van Running Expenses 4135

TOTAL 80.08 15.85 95.93

Approved for payment on ………………………………………………….. Signature …………………………………………………….