Parliamentary Directory, 1899. 2884
PEERS PARLIAMENTARY DIRECTORY, 1899. 2884 PEERS. A L P H A B ET I C A L L Y A R RA N G B D. N A M }: S 0 F M I N 0 R 8 0 M I T T E D F R 0 M T B I S L I S T. SPEAJn::a.-The Lord Chancellor for the time being. CHAIRMAN 01' COMMITTEE!! & DEPUTY SPEAKER.-The Earl of Morley, P.C. Created. ! Created. 1868. Aberoorn Duke of, in the Peerage of Ireland, sits as SW; Kildare Street & University (Dublin) clubs; & 12 Marquess of .Abercorn (1790) in that of Great Britain, lierrion square north, Dublin K.G .• P.C., c. B. Lord Lieutenant of eo. Donegal, Groom 1730 . .Ash burn ham Earl of, .Athenreum & Travellers' clubs SW; of the Stole to the Prince of Wales, 60 & 61 Green Ashburnham place, Battle. ISussex; Barking h&!l, lltreet, Grosvenor square W; Carlton, Travellers·, NeedhamMarket,Sulfollr; &Pernbrey,Carma.rthenshin! Turf & Marlborough clubs; Barons court, Newtown 1836. Ashburton Lord, Carlton & Arthur'a clubs SW; Stewart, Ireland ; & Duddingstone, N. B Bachelors' club W; & The Grange, .Alresford, Hantll 1801. Abercromby Lord, 14 Groavenor lltreet W; Ferntower, 11892. Ashoombe Lord, P.c. Hon. Col. 2nd Volunteer Batt. Crieff, Perthshire; & 'fullibody house. CJackmannan 1 R. W. Surrey Reg-iment.,17 Prince's gate SW; Carlton Ul71. A berdare Lord, 8:i ]o;aton ~quare SW; Longwood, Win· club SW; & Denbies, Dorking eh ester; & Duffryn, Mountain Ash, South Wales 1895. .Ash ton Lord, .AI ford house, Prmre's gate SW; ~on· 1082. Aberdeen Earl of, in the Peerage of !Scotland, sits u shire club SW; & Ryelands & Ashton hall, LanCil!lt~ Viscount Gordon (1814) in that of the United Kingdom, 1863 .
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