23 Things Oxford Directed So That Participants Could Complete Their ‘Things’ at a Time to Suit Them

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23 Things Oxford Directed So That Participants Could Complete Their ‘Things’ at a Time to Suit Them delivered through the Learning 2.0 blog, a method which allowed the programme to be entirely self- 23 Things Oxford directed so that participants could complete their ‘things’ at a time to suit them. Laura Wilkinson CUSTOMISING THE ‘23 THINGS ’ PROGRAMME Formerly: Deputy Manager of Staff Development, In late 2009 Laura Wilkinson, then deputy man- Bodleian Libraries ager of staff development for the Bodleian librar- Currently: Librarian, ies (formerly Oxford University library services), St Hugh’s College, Oxford came up with the idea of modifying the Learning Tel: 01865 274938 2.0 programme for Oxford’s librarians. This was E-mail: [email protected] made possible because the original programme Twitter: @laurajwilkinson had been shared under a creative commons license, which permits the work to be modified for Emma Cragg non-commercial purposes as long as the original Formerly: Senior Information is attributed. Librarian, Sainsbury Library, Bodleian Libraries The first step towards getting Oxford’s ‘23 Things’ Currently: Academic Support programme up and running was for Laura to Librarian, secure the support of her line manager, the head University of Warwick of human resources. After this she set about Tel: 024 765 28154 assembling a team of web 2.0 enthusiasts to help E-mail: [email protected] with the planning and delivery of the programme. Twitter: @ekcragg Throughout the planning stages, the team only met twice; the rest of the work was done online in (With contributions from: the spirit of the programme, via Google Docs. Angela Carritt (@angelacarritt), User Education Coordinator, Bodleian Libraries; Planning began with the creation of our list of Jane Rawson (@jlrawson), Librarian-in- weekly themes and then the 23 ‘things’ them- charge, Vere Harmsworth Library, Bodleian selves.2 At this stage, it was decided to extend Libraries; the programme from nine to twelve weeks in Penny Schenk (@galoot), Information & order to give the participants a little longer to Communications Technology Technician, complete each task. Once the list of ‘things’ was Bodleian Law Library) drawn up, each member of the team was assigned two or three weeks when they would act as lead. ‘23 Things Oxford’ began on 18 January 2010 and For each week it was the lead’s responsibility to finished 12 weeks later on 9 April 2010. The aim of write the instructions for the week’s ‘things’ and the programme was to introduce all library staff respond to questions relating to the week’s tasks, in Oxford libraries, whatever their role, to web on the blog and via e-mail. All general enquiries 2.0 technologies – working on the principle that were handled by Laura as team leader. exposure is the first stage in learning. In order to make the programme as accessible as LEARNING 2.0 possible for all library staff we made some signifi- cant changes to the original programme. We were The original ‘23 Things’ programme, Learning aware that some participants might be reluctant to 2.0, was designed by Helene Blowers, technol- sign up to some of the social networking sites and ogy director at the public library of Charlotte & so for these tasks we avoided compulsory sign- Mecklenburg County in North Carolina.1 The aim up. We attempted to keep the number of different of the programme was to introduce library staff accounts to a minimum; where possible we used to emerging technologies through the completion Google and Yahoo! services in order to achieve of 23 ‘things’, or tasks. Participants record their this. In addition to the online programme, we also progress on the programme by blogging about decided to run a series of drop-in sessions, one their experience each week. The programme in the first week to help participants get started ran over nine weeks, each week focusing on and two subsequently in the weeks when the a different set of tools and comprising two or ‘things’ required additional hardware or computer three ‘things’. The content of the programme was functionality that not all participants may have SCONUL Focus 50 2010 29 had access to, such as cameras, microphones overwhelming 93% said they would recommend and sound-enabled PCs so they could listen to the programme to their colleagues. podcasts. 23% of respondents to the survey said that they The original Learning 2.0 programme offered an did not complete the programme. The main MP3 player to all participants as an incentive and reason given for this was lack of time. Other upon completion their names were entered into responses were that the tasks were too difficult a prize draw for a new laptop. We decided that and there were concerns over privacy and the a small incentive was a good way to encourage number of accounts created. participants to complete the programme. CrossRef kindly agreed to sponsor the programme, to fund In addition to the survey responses, we received the prizes.3 Each participant who completed all 23 feedback from the e-mails and blog posts of the ‘things’ by 9 April was given the choice of either a participants. An area that was often cited as a £10 Amazon or iTunes voucher and their names success was the community that the programme were entered into a draw for an iPod Nano. created, both online and in our libraries. Here is a selection of comments from the participants’ final ‘23 THINGS OXFORD ’ – OX23 blog posts, where they were asked to summarise their experiences with web 2.0 during the course Oxford’s ‘23 Things’ programme was delivered of the programme: via the Ox23 blog at http://23thingsoxford. blogspot.com. Each week three or four posts ‘I’m delighted to have mastered so much & to have were published, including an introduction to the explored web 2.0. I feel much more confident tech- week’s theme, step-by-step instructions on how to nically & am delighted that, at last, I know what complete the ‘things’ and ideas for exploring the this stuff actually *is*.’ topic further. The themes for each week were as (Alison’s blog, http://ali-mal.blogspot. follows: com/2010/04/winning-post.html) 1 Introduction and personalised ‘I felt it was an excellent and timely opportunity for homepages me to expand my knowledge of web 2.0 tools and 2 Blogging somehow determine the extent to which they could 3 RSS feeds be effectively used in a University library setting.’ 4 Online photos and images (Cesar’s 23 Things, http://cesar23things.blog- 5 Social bookmarking spot.com/2010/03/final-reflections.html) 6 Podcasting / YouTube 7 Social networking ‘23 things was definitely a worthwhile program, 8 Twitter and I learnt lots, and it’s inspired me to the pos- 9 Wikis sibilities of web 2.0.’ 10 Office 2.0 (James at OIL, http://jamesatoil.blogspot. 11 Widgets com/2010/04/and-now-end-is-here.html) 12 Summary of experiences. FEEDBA C K FROM THE ORGANISERS 138 members of library staff registered to take part in the programme and set up blogs to record their There is no doubt that being involved in the run- progress.4 Of these, 82 participants successfully ning of the ‘23 Things’ programme at Oxford was completed the programme. an enjoyable and rewarding experience. It was also a great challenge. No matter how well pre- FEEDBA C K FROM PARTI C IPANTS pared we thought we were, we still encountered some issues as the weeks went by; none, however, At the end of the programme a survey was sent were insurmountable. One thing we were not to all staff who had registered to take part in prepared for was the unease with which some the programme. It was a deliberate decision to participants greeted the public nature of web 2.0. include participants who had not registered their We had anticipated that signing up to Facebook completion so that we could find out the reasons would be controversial for some and therefore did why they had not finished the programme. The not require it for completion of the task that week; response rate for this survey was 72%. The major- however, we met similar concerns with Linke- ity of respondents said they found the frequency, dIn and modified the task to reflect this. Some duration and level of the tasks just right. An participants chose to remain anonymous, and 30 SCONUL Focus 50 2010 created accounts and blogs under a pseudonym. 2 L.Wilkinson, ’23 Things summary’, in This was fine, and the only time we asked them to ‘23 Things Oxford’, 2009, online [avail- identify themselves was on the registration and able at [http://23thingsoxford.blogspot. completion forms, which only the organisers saw. com/2009/12/23-things-summary.html] This was necessary in order to ensure that anyone receiving an incentive was a member of staff at a 3 Crossref.org, 2010, online [available at http:// library within the University of Oxford. www.crossref.org] One of the most interesting aspects of the pro- 4 E. Cragg, ‘Participants blogs’, in ‘23 gramme was its success as a training programme Things Oxford’, 2010, online [available at that staff completed at their desks. A number of http://23thingsoxford.blogspot.com/p/ participants commented on this on their blogs and participants-blogs.html] expressed a desire to have more training deliv- ered in this way. This was of particular interest as 5 L. Wilkinson, ‘23 Things summer camp, July– most of the training for library staff at Oxford has August 2010’, in ‘23 Things Oxford’, 2010, previously taken place in face-to-face workshops. online [available at http://23thingsoxford.
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