AUSTRALIA Mr. Carl OBST Phone: +61 2 6252 6646 Head, National Accounts Branch Fax: +61 2 6252 8045 Australian Bureau of Statistics Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 10 2616 Belconnen

AUSTRIA Mrs. Ursula HAVEL Phone: +43 1 71128 / 7648 Head, National Accounts Division Fax: +43 1 714 62 52 Directorate for Macro-Economic Statistics Email: [email protected] Statistics Hintere Zollamtstraße 2b A-1035 VIENNA Mr. Reinhold SCHWARZL Phone: +43 1 71128-7712 Director Fax: +43 1 714 62 52 National Accounts Email: [email protected] Zentralamt Hintere Zollamtsstrasse 2b A-1033 Vienna

BELGIUM Mr. Rudi ACX Phone: + (32 2) 221 24 03 Chef de la Division des Comptes Nationaux Fax: + (32 2) 221 32 30 Financial and Economic Statistics Email: [email protected] BANQUE NATIONALE DE BELGIQUE Boulevard de Berlaimont 14 B-1000 BRUSSELS

CANADA Ms. Karen WILSON Phone: +1.613.951.0439 Director General, System of National Accounts Fax: +1.613.951.3618 Email: [email protected] 20th floor, R.H. Coats Building Tunney"s Pasture K1A 0T6 OTTAWA

CZECH REPUBLIC Mr. Jan HELLER Phone: +420 274 052 865 Director, National Accounts Branch Fax: +420 274 054 144 Email: [email protected] Nav Padesatem 81 100 82 PRAGUE 10

DENMARK Mr. Søren BRODERSEN Phone: + 45 3917 3051 Head, National Accounts Division Fax: + 45 3917 3059 Public Finance Division Email: [email protected] Statistics Sejroegade 11 2100 COPENHAGEN

Mr. Ole BERNER Phone: + 45.3917.3061 Fax: + 45.3917.3059 Sejroegade 11 E-mail: [email protected] 2100COPENHAGEN

FINLAND Mrs. Eeva HAMUNEN Phone: +358 9 1734 3385 Head of National Accounts Unit Fax: +358 9 1734 2450 Email: [email protected] Työpajakatu 13 00580 HELSINKI

FRANCE Ms. Maryvonne LEMAIRE Phone: +33 1 41 17 37 01 Chef du service des comptes nationaux Fax: +33 1 41 17 37 37 INSEE Email: [email protected] 18, boulevard Adolphe Pinard 75675 PARIS CEDEX 14

GERMANY Mr. Wolfgang STROHM Phone: +49 611 75 2130 National Accounts Fax: +49 611 75 3952 Federal Statistical Office Email: [email protected] Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 11 65189 WIESBADEN

GREECE Mrs. Christina KITRINA Phone: +30 210 360 8657 Director, National Accounts Division Fax: +30 210 364 7754 National Statistical Service of Greece Email: [email protected] 42 Akademias Str. ATHENS

HUNGARY Mr. Csak LIGETI Phone: + 36 1 345 64 48 Director, National Accounts department Fax: + 36 1 345 11 92 Hungarian Central Statistical Office Email: [email protected] PO Box 51 H-1525 BUDAPEST

ICELAND Mr. Gamaliel SVEINSSON Phone: +354 5281015 Director, National Accounts Fax: +354 528 1299 Statistics Email: [email protected] Borgartun 21a 150 REYKJAVIK

IRELAND Mr. Bill KEATING Phone: +353 14 984 313 Director Fax: +353 14 972 360 Macro Economic Statistics Email: [email protected] Central Statistics Office Ardee Road, Rathmines DUBLIN 6


ITALY Mrs. Alfonsina CARICCHIA Phone: +39 06 4673 3152 Head, National Accounts Fax: +39 06 4673 3157 ISTAT Email: [email protected] Via Depretis 74B 00100 ROME

JAPAN Mr. Yuji ONUKI Phone: +81 3 3581 9958 Director Fax: +81 3 3581 0716 Department of National Accounts Email: [email protected] Economic and Social Research Institute 3-1-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-Ku 100-8970 TOKYO

KOREA Mr. Yong-Sung AHN Phone: +82 2 759 4371 Head, National Income Statistics Team Fax: +82 2 759 4387 Economic Statistics Department Email: [email protected] BANK OF KOREA 110, 3 - Ga Namdaemun-Ro, Jung-Gu SEOUL Mr. Sung-Jong CHO Phone: +82 2 759 4311 Dirctor General Fax: +82 2 759 4449 Economic Statistics Department Email: [email protected] The Bank of Korea 3 Ga, Namdaemoon-Ro, Jung-Gu 100-794 SEOUL

LUXEMBOURG Mr. John HAAS Phone: +352 47 84232 Head of National Accounts Fax: +352 46 42 89 Unité C1 Email: john.haas@.etat.lu STATEC Centre Administratif Pierre Werne 13, rue Erasme 1468 LUXEMBOURG-KIRCHBERG Mr. Marc ORIGER Phone: +352 478 42 63 Head of Enterprise Statistics and National Accounts Fax: +352 46 42 89 Division des Comptes Nationaux & Statistiques d'Entreprises Email: [email protected] STATEC Centre Administratif Pierre Werne 13, rue Erasme 1468 LUXEMBOURG

MEXICO Dr. Jaime ANDRES DE LA LLATA FLORES Phone: + 52 55 52 78 10 75 Head of National Accounts & Economic Statistics Fax: + 52 55 56 15 05 51 INEGI Email: [email protected] Av. Patriotismo n° 711 Torre A - 7° Floor - Col. San Juan Mixoac Delegation Benito Juarez C.P. 03730 MEXICO D. F. 3 NETHERLANDS Mr. Peter VAN DE VEN Phone: +31 70 337 4832 Head of National Accounts Fax: +31 70 337 5981 Email: [email protected] Department of National Accounts Prinses Beatrixlaan 428 2273 XZ VOORBURG

NEW ZEALAND Mr. Jeff COPE Phone: 64 3 964 8986 Chief Economist Fax: 64 3 964 8999 National Accounts Division Email: [email protected] Statistics New Zealand Dollan House 401 Madras Street Private Bag 4741 CHRISTCHURCH

NORWAY Ms. Ann Lisbet BRATHAUG Phone: +47 21 09 4852 Head of Division for National Accounts Fax: +47 21 09 4996 Email: [email protected] Kongens gt. 6 P.O. Box 8131 Dep. N-0033 OSLO

POLAND Ms. Bozena JAKOBIAK Phone: +48 22 608 37 64 Director of National Accounts & Finance Division Fax: +48 22 608 38 76 Central Statistical Office Email: [email protected] Al. Niepodleglosci 208 00-925 WARSAW

PORTUGAL Mr. Daniel SANTOS Phone: +351 21 842 6185 Head of National Accounts Department Fax: +351 21 842 6366 Instituto Nacional de Estatistica Email: [email protected] Av. Antonio Jose de Almeida 5 1000 LISBON

SLOVAK REPUBLIC Pavol BALAZ Phone: 421 2 502 36 522 General Director Fax: 421 2 502 36 500 National Accounts & Prices Section Email: [email protected] Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic Mileticova 3 82467 BRATISLAVA 26

SPAIN Mr. Alfreda CRISTOBAL Phone: 34 91 583 9141 Director of National Accounts Department Fax: 34 91 583 9353 Instituto Nacional de Estadistica Email: [email protected] Paseo de la Castellana 183 28046 MADRID


SWEDEN Mr. Per ERICSON Phone: +46 8 5069 4537 Head, National Accounts Division Fax: +46 8 5069 4296 Email: [email protected] Karlavägen 100 Box 24300 10451 STOCKHOLM

SWITZERLAND Mr. Philippe KUETTEL Phone: +41 32 713 6067 Head, National Accounts Division Fax: +41 32 713 6864 Office Fédéral de la Statistique Email: [email protected] Espace de l'Europe 10 2010 NEUCHATEL

TURKEY Mr. Ferhat ARSLANER Phone: +90 312 425 3582 Director of National Accounts Department Fax: +90 312 425 0614 State Institute of Statistics Email: [email protected] Necatibey Cad. 114 06100 06100 Bakanliklar/ANKARA

UNITED KINGDOM Mr. Robin LYNCH Phone: +44.20.7533.5094 Director, National Accounts Group Fax: +44.20.7533.5903 Office for National Statistics Email: [email protected] 1 Drummond Gate LONDON SW1V 2QQ

UNITED STATES Mr. Brent MOULTON Phone: +1 202 606 9606 Associate Director for National Economic Analysis Fax: +1 202 606 5311 Bureau of Economic Analysis Email: [email protected] US Department of Commerce 1441 L Street, N.W. 20230 WASHINGTON D.C

EUROSTAT / EC M. Bart MEGANCK Phone: +352 4301 33 533 Macro Economic Statistics Fax: +352 4301 34109 Bat. Bech Email: [email protected] 5 rue Alphonse Weicker 27210 LUXEMBOURG (Luxembourg) Mr. Brian NEWSON Phone.: +352 4301 32086 Head of Unit Fax: +352 4301 33029 National Accounts E-mail: [email protected] Batiment Bech 5 rue Alphonse Weicker L-2721 LUXEMBOURG (Luxembourg)

ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Ms. Lidia BRATANOVA Phone: +41 22 917 1772 U.N. Economic Commission for Europe Fax: +41 22 917 0040 Statistical division Email: [email protected] Palais des Nations

5 1211 GENEVA 10 (Switzerland) EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK Mr. Reimund MINK Phone: + 49 69 1344 7639 Advisor Fax: +49 69 1344 7693 Kaiserstrasse 29 Email: [email protected] 60311 FRANKFURT (Germany)

INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND “IMF” Mr. Adriaan BLOEM Phone: +1 (202) 623 6397 Chief, Real Sector Division Fax: +1 (202) 623 6028 International Monetary Fund Email: [email protected] 700 19th Street, N.W. 20431 WASHINGTON D.C. (United States) UNSD M. Ivo HAVINGA Phone: +1 212 963 4859 International Advisor on National Accounts Fax: +1 212 963 1374 Department for Economic & Social Affairs Email: [email protected] UNITED NATIONS 2 UN Plaza DC2-1720 10017 NEW YORK N.Y. (United States)

WORLD BANK Ms. Barbra HEXEBERG Phone: +1 202 473 3733 Economist Fax: 1 202 522 3645 The World Bank Email: [email protected] 1818 Street, N.W. 20433 WASHINGTON D.C. (United States) OECD M. François LEQUILLER Phone: 01 45 24 88 06 Head of National Accounts & Financial Statistics Division Email: francois.lequiller@.org STATISTICS DIRECTORATE OECD 2, rue André Pascal 75016 Paris (France)