VOLLEYBALL the Moment Include "Summer Many Hospitals Since It Was the Women Who Gave Conven Night," a Soft Rock Love Song; Proposed Five Years Ago by Dr
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---~~-- ~------ I I I f\jD family life -Page 8 VOL. XlV, NO. 110 an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary's THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1980 Lewis accuses Registrar House works of hampering vote drive on balanced Laura Lan'more Senior StaffReporter budget As the May 6 Indiana primary nears, County Registrar Coreen Wroblewski continues to make student voter registration as WASHINGTON (AP)-The "difficult as possible," according to Paul Lewis, executive House Budget Committee got coordinator and head of the campus voter registration drive. At ·to work yesterday on a 1981 present, the effort has signed approximately IJO voters of an federal budget· proposal that initial goal of 2500. includes a $1.4 billion surplus After requesting 30 authorized deputy registers and 1500 and tax reductions opposed by registration forms, the Notre Dame group received 4 deputies the Carter Administration at an~ 10~ forms. This. sho~age has. ~eriously hampered this stage of the war on regtstrauon efforts, Lewts satd . .An addiuonal problem 1s the inflation. Registrar's stipulation that to obtain one other form, one must Rep. Robert N. Giaimo, D be turned in. Conn., chairman of the House "We wanted to blitz the campus, in the dorms and dinin~ budget panel, presented the halls," Lewis explained. "But these problems have made It proposal with a declaration that virtually impractical. If we started in the dining hall at 5:00 we'd rising inflation "makes a bal have to stop at 5: 15 when we ran out of forms," he continued. anced budget imperative." The registration drive began last Wednesday on the campus. Giaimo's proposal, which will The group has worked one day in the dinin~ hall, Lewis said. serve as the framework for Lewis stressed that a student can temporarily resign his home House budget action, calls for state registration in order to register in Indiana. ''He could $15.9 billion in new spending reregister at home this summer, in time for the Novemnber cuts, including an end to election,'' he said. Saturday mail deliveries and Lewis cited evidence from Wroblewski that other minority the state share of federal re groups in South Bend are more fairly treated. The black vepue sharing. community has 27 deputies and the League of Women Voters In an inflation-fighting move was alloted 400 registration forms, he reported. last Friday, President Carter Wroblewski justified the discrepancy with several reasons. announced a revised version of The printer of the forms failed to meet the requisition by the his spending plan for fiscal year county, she told Lewis. 1981. He called for S13 billion As a second reason, the Registrar challenged student in spending cuts to balance the residency. "Why does she allow any student registration at all if budget, including a $1.7 billion she believes it's illegal?" Lewis responded. According to reduction in the general reve Richard L. Hill, City Attorney, Notre Dame residents do meet nue-sharing program that residency requirements. would eliminate aid to states .. Wroblewski also maintained her office is understaffed. The Administration officials said student group is trying to be as helpful as possible with the president has yet to make registration procedures, Lewis defended. The world's smc~llest massage parlor :was recently erected in final decisions on most of the the construction· area behind Niewlan!d Science Hall. [Photo cuts. [continued on page 6] by Tom jackman]. Meanwhile, House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill, D-Mass., and about a dozen Democratic members of the House Appro priations Committee met Wed nesday with Carter to discuss McCambridge attacks alcohol abuses the processing of his spending plan. byEariRix ness was indeed an alcoholic. table for a while, but one out of tiona! Council on Alcoholism The committee chairman, She then accused the audience eight of you is on your way to and is currently president of the Rep. Jamie I. Whitten, D-Miss. Academy award winning ac- of "doing a dance around the hell!'' Livengrin Foundation Inc., a later told reporters the group . tress and confessed alcoholic word 'alcoholic.' It makes us At the conclusion of her pre highly successful alcoholism urged the president to set broad Mercedes McCambridge chal think about how far we have sentation, McCambridge re treatment society, in addition to spendin~ targets and permit lenged a small but entranced gone in reducing the stigma,'' ceived a standing ovation from her many other contributions appropnations subcommittees audience in an emotional attack she said. The questioner was the crowd. In addition to her and citations for her work on to decide the details. on contemporary attitudes con speechless. accomplishment on broadway, alcohol abuse. The lecture was Asked whether Carter had cerning alcohol and alcohol In criticizing the stigma at film, radio, and television, Mc co-sponsored by student go ~greed, Whitten said, "You abuse last night in the library tached to alcoholism, McCam Cambridge was formerly the vermnent, the student umon [continued on page 6] auditorium. bridge described the acknow honorary chairman of the Na- and psychological services. McCambridge blasted those ledgement of her alcoholism who tolerate alcohol abuse in before the Senate in an attemtp their families and among their to call attention to the disease Talks with' Carter friends. "Nobody becomes an as' 'the roughest morning of my alcoholic without the consent of life. My disease is as legal as the family or the employer. To diabetes, under the law. Alco the degree that you tolerate holism is the only disease B~gin, Sailat to visit Washington intolerable behavior, you are where the victim is held re conducted in accordance with doubtful agreement will be responsible for it.'' WASHINGTON (AP)-Prime sponsible if the treatment fails. Minister Menache:m Begin of the principles of the Camp reached by the May 26 deadline She defined alcoholism as a You will feel sorry for the Israel and President Anwar David accord," which the three disease and cited medical re diabetic and you will throw the spelled out in the Camp David Sadat of Egypt will visit Wash leaders signed in September accords. search supporting biochemical alcoholic in the drunk tank,'' 1978, Powell said. predisposttton to alcoholism. "I ington for separate talks with Begin said Tuesday the talks she charged. President Carter in April, personally believe that it is "We are eminently salvagea The agreements reached be- were stalled on three Egyptian White House officials announc tween the United States, Israel demands - that Jerusalem A largely inherited,'' McCam ble, and well worth the while," ed yesterday. bridge said. McCambridge said about alco and Egypt provided for negotia- rabs participate 10 Palestinian A girl in the audience did not holics. She challenged the au White House press secretary tions to settle the question of elections, that the Palestinaia:n initially accept the concept of dience to confront ,their alcoholic J ody Powell, announcing the Palestinian autonomy on the government include legislative biological causation and des friend and to "love that person new move in the b6gged-down West Bank of the Jordan River as well as executive powers, and the Gaza Strip, Arab terri- and that Israeli security ar cribed a friend who ''drinks too enou~h to have him hate you for talks over Palestinian autono much because she is lonely.'' a whtle.'' my, said the dates for the tories occupied by Israel follow- rangements be a subject for ''What is important is why you In response to a comment that meetings had not been set. ing the 1967 Middle East war. dgreement by the Palestinians. drink and what it does to you,'' most people only drink to get Powell said the Israeli and Israel, Egypt and the United In 1978, Carter closeted the McCambridge responded. An comfortable, McCambridge Egyptian leaders would visit States have agreed to accele- two Mideast leaders at Camp alcoholic is a person who drinks emphasized that "alcoholics Washington "to review the rate the pace of the negotiations David for 13 days until they against his or her best in start drinking for the same progress and pace of autonomy on self-rule for the 1.2 million agreed on two framework a terest." To a shocked audience, reasons everyone else does. It negotiations for the West Bank Palestinians or the occupied greements that were honed in~ McCambridge said that the girl made me comfortable for a and Gaza." west Bank of the Jordan River ' the formal peace treaty SIX who drank to relieve her loneli- while - it is making you comfor- ''The negotiations are being and Gaza Strip. But it appears l months later. .. > I' -~-- ~ ------- ~------------------'--'---'----·~ ·News in brief Thursday, March 20, 1980-page 2 Assailant seriously wounds former Evansville mayor Right to Life stresses education by Tim Vercellotti paign one step further by Willke, who are leaders in the presenting a program entitled fight for a human life amend EVANSVIllE Ind. (AP)- Former ~ayor Russell G. Lloyd,, a One of the main objectives of "A Seminar of Abortion" last ment. 47-year-old attorney and father of SlX, was gunned do~n ~n the Notre Dame/Saint Mary's night in Walsh Hall. The seminar treated two ques the living room of his home yesterday and doctors said his Mary Anne Hughes, the co tions, one dealing with the chances of survival were ''very minimal.'' A 36-year-old Right to Life group is the education of students on the ordinator of the group, narrated point at which life begins, the woman seen driving away from the house in a pickup truck a slide presentation based on other concerning the protection was arrested about an hour later.