Date: 28 January 2021 Our Ref: LP2/I&O/Reg18.2 Your Ref: 01828 Contact: Development Strategy Team Telephone: 0116 272 7674/7584/7774 or 7775 Email:

Mr Stuart Bacon Parish Council c/o 3 Mountfield Road LE9 7LW

Dear Sir / Madam

Blaby Local Plan Options Document Consultation

Blaby District Council are consulting on the new Local Plan Options Document. We want to hear the views of residents, community groups, businesses and others with an interest in the District.

This is the second consultation on the Local Plan and builds on the one we carried out in Summer 2019.

The consultation focusses on three key areas:  Options for the location of future development. It sets out the direction that the Council expects to take.  All reasonable site options. These are sites promoted to the Council for built development by landowners, developers and site promoters.  Initial information about the main policies we expect to include in the Local Plan.

Following this consultation, we will consider the comments that have been made and take them into account when writing the Local Plan. There will be further consultation on the Local Plan in 2022, followed by an Examination of the submitted Local Plan by an independent Planning Inspector.

Cat Hartley, Planning & Economic Development Group Manager Council, Council Offices, Desford Road, Narborough, Leicestershire, LE19 2EP Telephone: 0116 275 0555 Fax: 0116 275 0368 Minicom: 0116 2849786 Web:

This document is printed on recycled paper 2.

The consultation will run for 6 weeks. The deadline for comments is 4.45pm on Friday 12th March 2021. The new Local Plan Options Document and supporting documents are available to download on the Blaby District Council website

Due to coronavirus restrictions we are unable to make paper copies of the document available at the Council Offices or libraries. Please contact us if you are unable to view or download the documents on the Blaby District Council website.

Comments can be submitted by email to [email protected] or by sending to Blaby Local Plan Options Consultation, Blaby District Council, Council Offices, Desford Road, Narborough, LE19 2EP

This consultation is taking place under the requirements of Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) () Regulations 2012.

If you wish to discuss the Local Plan please contact the Development Strategy Team at [email protected], the address above or telephone: 0116 272 7674 / 7774 / 7584 / 7775.

If you do not wish to be consulted on Local Plan documents in the future please tell us by using the contact details above. For more information about how the Council uses your information, visit:

Yours faithfully

Planning Policy and Strategy Blaby District Council