1953 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 1109 Brig. Gen. Kester _ ~vejoy _ H:~ti~·gs. Col. Earle Gilmore Wheeler: 01S715, Army to release t~e radiant -splEmdor -whic':t; !s 012219, United States Army. of the United. States (lieutenant colonel,­ hidden in the soul · of humanity and to Brig. Gen, Francis William Farrell, 012784, U.S. Army). Army of the United States (colonel, U. S. Col. William Childs Westmoreland, 020223, give ourselves sinc~rely and whole­ Army). Army of the United States (major, U.' S. heartedly to the glorious task of saving Brig. Gen. Gilman Clifford Mudgett, Army). human hearts from despair and human 014966, Army of the United States (colonel, Col. Louis Watkins Prentiss, 014672, United lives from misery and degradation. U.s. Army). States Army. Hear ·us in the name of our blessed Brig. Gen. Garrison Holt Davidson, 016755, Col. Francis Elliot Howard, 016776, United Lord who went about doing good. Amen. Army of the United States (colonel, U. S. States Army. Army). Col. George Edward Lynch, 017715, United The Journal of the proceedings of Brig. Gen. Paul DeWitt Adams, 017306, States Army. Thursday, February 12, 1953, was read Army of the United States (colonel, U. s. Col. Theodore William Parker, 018369, and approved. Army). Army of the United States (lieutenant Brig. Gen. Gerald Joseph Higgins, 019530, colonel, U. S. Army). Army of the United States (lieutenant colo­ Col. Charles Edward Hoy, 018556, Army of MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE nel, U. S. Army). the United States (lieutenant colonel, U. S. Brig. Gen. John Francis Uncles, 014914, Army). A ·message from the Senate, by Mr. Army of the United States ((::olonel, U. S. (NOTE.-Above-named officers were ap­ Carrell, one of its clerks, announced that Army). . pointed during the recess of the Senate.) the Senate had adopted the following Brig. Gen. Richard Warburton Stephens, The officers named herein for appointment resolution ~S. Res. 69) : as Reserve commissioned officers of the Army 015569, Army of the United States _(colonel, . · Resolved, That the Senate has heard with under the provisions of the Armed Forces U. S. Army). · profound sorrow and deep regret the an­ Brig. Gen. Thomas Edward de Shazo, Reserve Act of 1952 (Public Law 476, 82d Cong.): nouncement of the death of Han. Elbert 016479, Army of the United States (colonel, Duncan Thomas, late a Senator from the U.S. Army). To be major generals State of Utah. To be brigadier generals Maj. Gen. Joseph Bacon Fraser, 0247121, Resolved, That the Secretary transmit a Georgia National Guard, to date from May Col. Claude Monroe McQuarrie, 012830, copy of this resolution to the family of the 26, 1952. deceased. United States Army. Maj. Gen. John Calhoun Henagan, 0163943, · Col. William Lenoir Wilson, 016950, Med­ South Carolina National Guard, to date from ical Corps, United States Army. May 26, 1952. THIRTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARV OF Col. Emil Lenzner, 015810, United States Maj. Gen. Albert Edward Henderson, Army. THE FOUNDING OF THE LITH~ 0264146, Ohio National Guard, to date from UANIAN REPUBLIC Col. William Joseph Bradley, 015967, May 26, 1952. United States Army. Maj. Gen. Paul Henry Jordan, 0241877, Mr. McCORMACK . . Mr. Speaker, I Col. Ralph Morris Osborne, 016399, United Tennessee National Guard, to date from May ask unanimous consent to address the States ATm'Y. • 26, 1952. . Col. Wallace Hayden Barnes, 016426, House for 1 minute and to revise and ex­ Maj. Gen. Edward Devlin Sirois, 0174246, tend my remarks. United States Army. Massachusetts Natiqnal Guard, to date from - Col. George Edward Martin, 016802, United May 27, 1952. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to States Army. _ the request of the gentleman from Mas-· · Col. Philip DeWitt Ginder, 016904, United To be brigadier generals sachusetts? States Army. Brig. Gen. Ernest Nicholas Bauman, . There was no obje"ction. Col. Louis Theilmann Heath, 018060, 0262926, Illinois National Guard, to date United States Army. · from May 26, 1952. Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I Col. Edwin Rudolph Petzing, 08463, United Brig. Gen. George Justus Hearn, 0295111, wish to add my voice and the sentiments States Army. Georgia National Guard, to date ftom June of my.heart to the plea which Americans · Col. Charles Harold Royce, 015769, United 8, 1952; . of Lithuanian descent today make in be­ States Army. Brig. Gen. Jesse Scott Lindsay, 0237198, half of their kin in their native land. - Col. Paul Maurice Seleen, 016139, United Kentucky National Guard, to date from May Today marks the 35th anniversary of States Arm!'. 26, 1952. . the founding of the Lithuanian Republic. - Col. Ralph Copeland Cooper, 017741, Brig. Gen. Julius Andres .Stark, OH3760, United States Army. ' Ohio National Gaard, to date from May 26, The present condition of world unrest Col. Eugene Fodrea Cardwell, 038662, 1952. which has tragically placed much of con­ United States Army. . Brig. Gen. Charles Frederick White; tinental Europe under the control and Col. Egbert Wesley Van Delden Cowan, 0285841, California National Guard, to date domination of a godless dictatorship 011744, Dental Corps, United States Army. from May 27, 1952. finds the Republic of Lithuania tempo­ . Brig. Gen. Otis Minot Whitney, 0279172, rarily deprived of its God-given rights to Col. Willis Richardson Slaughter, 05296, Massachusetts National Guard, to date from United States Army. May 26, 1952. liberty and independence. Col. William Lawrence Kay, 010349, United The people in that gallant little nation States Army. are slaves to a government which has Col. Harrison Shaler, 012080, United despoiled them of their homes, their States Army. land, their religion-and their freedom. Col. John Battle Horton, 015150, United HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES States Army. Under the ruthless aggression of So­ Col. Stan.hope Brasfield Mason, 017295, MoNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1953 viet Russia, their social, ethnic, religious, United States Army. and national traditions have been cruelly Col. Robert William Porter, Jr., 010048, The House met at 12 o'clock noon. obliterated in the endeavor to transform United States Army. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, their native land into a Communist Col. Derrill McCollough Daniel, 029500, D. D., offered the foll?wing prayer: satellite. Army of the United States (lieutenant 0 Thou infinite and eternal God, who The cup of sorrow which the Lithu­ colonel, U.S. Army). · hast created us with a capacity for the anian· people have been forced to drink Col. George Andrew Rehm, 012772, United unites us with their sufferings. Our Na­ Sta tes Army. virtues of love and· sympathy and kind­ · Col. Louis Holmes Ginn, Jr., 017341, ness, we thank Thee for this new week tion, as a sovereign, has never recognized Medical Corps, United States Army. called Brotherhood Week. the Soviet absorption of the Republic of Col. James Stewart Willis, 015607, United We penitently confess that we so Lithuania, and on this anniversary of States Army. frequently allow pride and prejudice, Lithuanian independence, it is fitting Col. Holger Nelson Toftoy, 016422, United selfishness and self-interest to supplant that we remind the world of the grievous States Army. and usurp the spirit of friendship and wrong inflicted upon a brave people. We Col. Frank Coftln Holbrook, 016654, United brotherliness which Thou hast ordained join in their sorrow because we cannot States Army. as the natural and normal feeling in the rejoice in their freedom. Sympathy with Col. Max Sherred Johnson, 016745, United realm of human relationships. · their cause is notice to the world that we States Army. . Grant that during this week we may shall give no comfort to the tyrant who Col. Robert Highman Booth,, 018093, Army of the United States (lieutenant colonel, be inspired to cultivate a more congenial has despoiled Lithuania. U. S. Army). and magnanimous attitude toward all The courage of the Lithuanian people Col. William White Dick, Jr., 018384, Army mankind. has surmounted their despair. Their of the United States (lieutenant colonel, · May it be our deepest personal con­ freedom is celebrated everywhere V. S. Army). cern· and our supreme· national interest today-except in their native land. 1110 CONGRESS!ON A~ RECORD.=.. HOUSE. February 16 Descended from an ancient people, Mr. LANE. Mr. Speaker, it is such a. •'courage conquers all things," the not related in any way to the Russians small country, whose people never Roman poet Ovid tells us, and truly cour­ or other Slavic peoples, the Lithuanians harmed anyone. age does conquer all things when it has developed their own language, their own Why then should Red Russia, the larg­ transcended the individual and united culture, and their own traditions. They est land mass in the world fear its iittle with a national spirit whose possessors devised and chose their own form of captive? It is garrisoned by Red armies, · have as their inspiration a righteous and government, and it is but natural that combed by terror-police from Moscow, just cause. they har bor a yearning desire to recap..; bombarded with Red propaganda, and its Such is the quality of courage held by ture their independence and to preserve people subjected to every form of mate­ the heroic people of Lithuania. Such is the ideals of their own culture. rial and psychological pressure. the vitality of their national spirit, and Despite Soviet attempts to communize The contest appears to be so one­ such is the righteousness and justice of Lithuania, despite the forced migration sided, so hopeless. their cause. Like other peoples in East­ of her people to Soviet slave-labor camps, And yet Russia, the Goliath; is afraid ern Europe, the Lithuanians have been the Lithuanian underground is still ac­ of little David. suppressed in the most ruthless manner tive and Lithuanian independence is still Why? as a sovereign people, and they have lost recognized by the United States. What is it in the Lithuanian people their liberties; they have lost their rights During its brief era of independence that the Reds cannot conquer? as a sovereign people, and they have lost after the First World War, Lithuania Perhaps they remember imperial their right ·to the pursuit of happiness. amply demonstrated her worth and at the height of its pagan power, trying But the Lithuanian people have not lost ability as a member of the family of na­ to cope with a little band of Christians their will to live as a free nation, nor tions. By her progress in advancing the who were armed only with faith and have they lost the heroic spirit necessary economic and cultural life of her people, love. to regain that freedom. In the face of she proved her qualification to dis­ What happened to the ancient dic­ constant danger, every true Lithuanian charge the solemn responsibilities of in­ tatorship will happen to the modern one has joined hand in hand with his broth­ dependence. On the basis of justice and while faith in God and the dignity of er, and with a solidarity of purpose that righteousness, on the basis of the solemn man survive to resume their progress. is an everlasting tribute to their na­ principles of the Atlantic Charter, that That is what gives, us confidence on tional traditions they have together re­ independence should be restored to the 35th anniversary of Lithuania's sisted the Communist tyranny fearlessly Lithuania and her people. independence. and courageously. The spark of liberty has smoldered for The people of the United States never On this 35th anniversary of Lithua­ centuries in the hearts of the Lithu­ endorsed the enslavement of Lithuania nian independence, it is fitting that we anians, and their desire to be free has or any other nation. They never will. of the free world pause and reflect overcome all obstacles. Cons~ience may be slow to speak, but thoughtfully upon the fate of those peo­ Our purpose in marking this anni­ at last it is stirring. The American peo­ ple who are now enslaved within the versai"y, therefore, is to hold out to this ple have given a mandate to their Gov­ sphere of Soviet domination. History courageous people the encouragement of ernment to repudiate all secret agree­ has dealt severely with the people of friendship and the assurance of aid and ments, and with a knowledge of their Lithuania, but their spirit remains un­ sympathy. We join with them in their moral as well as material strength, to daunted and their cause undefiled. By aspirations for freedom and will con­ regain the initiative over communism. their courage to resist the oppressor, tinue to refuse to recognize the predatory This is the best news that the op­ they have given testimony to their de­ termination to remain faithful to their power which has usurped their land and pre~sed people of Lithuania have had in their government. years. And this encouragement will tradition of national heroism, and by Our late beloved President, Franklin reach through to them in spite of every their valor in servitude, they have in­ Delano Roosevelt, out of the-wealth of his frantic effort by the Kremlin to prevent spired the entire free world to carry on, own bouyant hope and courage, once told the truth from being known. · as they are carrying on, in the cause of freedom: To us all, the people of Lith­ a group of Americans of Lithuanian Thank God for the faith and courage descent that ~thuania will one day uania have proved that "Courage con­ of the Lithuanian people, and for the quers all things." have a new birth of freedom. leadership of the American people in On this 35th anniversary of the found­ championing the cause of freedom every­ Mr. PATTERSON. Mr. Speaker, per­ ing of the Lithuanian Republic, it is our haps there has never been a time since where. Lithuania's loss of independence when fervent prayer that the dawn of that day The long night of Communist terror is not far distant, and that then the sun­ its recovery seemed more imminent. is coming to its end. The declaration of President Eisen-· light of libert y will again shine through­ Slowly, perhaps, but inevitably. out the noble little democracy on the hower that secret agreements of the past shores of the Baltic Sea. are to be repudiated, establishes this as a policy of the new administration. It GENERAL LEAVE TO EXTEND RE­ is evident that the promise by the Presi­ LITHUANIA IN EXILE OBSERVES THE MARKS ON 35TH ANNIVERSARY OF dent that a policy of liberation will be LITHUANIAN INDEPENDENCE . 35TH ANNIVERSARY OF HER NA­ instituted shall also be carried out. TIONAL INDEPENDENCE Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I I will be proud to support a liberation ask unanimous consent that all Members rath.er than a containment policy. Too Mr. VAN ZANDT. Mr. Speaker, I ask who desire to do so may extend their long have the brave and freedom -loving unanimous con~ ent to address the House remarks ~t this point in the RECORD on people of Lithuania suffered under a for 1 minute and to revise and extend the 35th anniversary of the independ-· tyrant's heel. my remarks. ence of Lithuania. Meanwhile, we must encourage. the The SPEAKER. Is there objection to The SPEAKER. Is there objection to every breath of independence within en­ the request of the gentleman from the request of the gentleman from slaved peoples. Let the celebration of Pennsylvania? Massachusetts? the 35th anniversary of Lithuania's in­ There was n·o objection. There was no objection. · dependence be a heartening sign to all [Mr. VAN ZANDT addressed the House. Mr. RADWAN. Mr. Speaker, courage others who have Ibst freedom but not His remarks appear in the Appendix.] is a quality of mankind that knows no the desire for it. boundaries. Venerated in all societies· Mr. KLEIN . . Mr. Speaker, I wish to include a message which I sent to the LITHUANIA: UNCONQUERED and in all eras, it is a characterisic of human greatness that rises above all Lithuanian Americans on their 35th an­ Mr. LANE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ others. Nor is courage a quality neces­ niversary of Lithuania's independence, mous consent to extend my remarks at sarily confined to the individual. Rath..;·. February 16, 1953: this point in the RECORD. er, it is something that often transcends I ·am happy to greet Lithuanian Americans The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the individual and ultimately joins with on the 35th anniversary of LithlJania's inde­ the request of the gentleman from Mas- others·on a higher plane of human en-' pendence. sachusetts? - .... It is indeed tragic that your kinfolk. in deavor where there i~ created a united the homeland are under the heel of domi­ There was no objection. spirit of courage universal in scope. · nation of the oppressors in the Soviet Union; 1953 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - ·HOUSE 1111 Freedom and liberty are unknown there mination to regain their freedom and in their commemoration. To these peo· and we can all only look forward to the day independence. ple who did so much in the regeneration when the Lithuanian peo"ple are free from this domination and, in fact, when all free­ On this February 16 I wish to reas­ and rebuilding of independent Lith­ dom-loving people will once more be free to sure my countrymen whose relatives and uania, who gladly made sacrifices for · determine the type of government which friends are in Lithuania that we shall the well-being and happiness of unfor­ they wish to live under. not cease working for the restoration of tunate Lithuanians, we can say that we · the Republic of Lithuania. Our Gov­ ardently hope that in the not too distant Mr.. RODINO. Mr. Speaker, all peo· ernment has never recognized the Soviet future, Lithuanians will also be celebrat­ pies, at one time or another in their his­ Union's shameless attempt to annex and ing independence day in their beloved tory, have had their time of troubles. enslave Lithuania. ~ fatherhind. In the fortunes of nations, as in the case In the years between 1918 and 1940 Mr. MADDEN. Mr. Speaker, on Feb­ of men, there are rises and declines. the Republic of Lithuania dramatically ruary 16, 1953, all Lithuanians and This has certainly been true of Lithu· demonstrated its ability to play an im­ friends of Lithuania observe the 35th ania. And, on the very borders of east portant role in .world affairs. The eco­ anniversary of the declaration of inde­ and west, not strong .enough to withstand nomic and social gains of . those years pendence, which created the free Repub­ the advancing hordes from the east, the were the wonder of all observers. The lic of Lithuania. The culture of Lithu­ country has repeatedly fallen victim to world has a moral obligation to bring this ania extends back through the centuries superior forces. heroic country back to its rightful place and modern civilization is grateful to· Early in modern times, Lithuania was/ in the family of free nations. the contribution made by the intellectual' overrun by the Russians. Independence Mrs. BUCHANAN. Mr. Speaker, when leaders of this-one of the oldest nations was lost, and the country became a part the czarist government of Russia crum­ on the European continent. of Czarist Russia. . For more than 100 bled in November of 1917, all subject During its history, Lithuania has en­ years, Lithuanians endured this heavy nationalities under Russia's oppressive joyed long periods of freedom, self-gov­ yoke. They dreamed, planned, and regime saw their chance for liberation. ernment, and progress. Lithuania has worked to regain national independence. One by one, all of them, scattered in also undergone periods of domination Toward the end of , they saw all parts of Eastern Europe to the cau­ and control by more powerful neighbor their opportunity. When the Czarist casus, proclaimed their national inde­ nations who have made every effort to Government of Russia collapsed, they pendence. Brave and proud Lithuanians extinguish the light of liberty in the saw their chance. On May 16, 1918, they who had weathered many severe storms minds and hearts of the Lithuanian proclaimed their independence. From in this history, who had developed strong people. that day to 1940, Lithuanians ·enjoyed and sturdy national characteristics An example of this came in 1795 when the blessing of freedom. And, in free· under adversity, who had successfully Russia occupied Lithuania and inflicted dom, they rebuilt their country as a kept alive their love of freedom and lib­ a period of enslavement lasting for over model democracy of the eastern Baltic. erty, proclaimed their national inde­ a century and a quarter. During this Once again in 1940, however, the envious pendence on this very day, on February time the patriotism and loyalty, which eyes of greedy neighbors fell upon Lith­ 16, 1918, 35 years ago. is always alive in the hearts of Lithu­ uania. Soviet tyranny simply could not For the next ·22 years, prior to the. anians, enabled its people to constantly tolerate free Lithuania as an independ­ tragic events of 1940, all friends of free­ carry on the incessant fight against the ent neighbor. In June of that year, dom followed the steady progress made conquering tyrant who was temporarily under some flimsy pretext, the Red army by Lithuania. All Lithuanians may welt in. control of their government. moved into Lithuania. In less than a be proud of the splendid record of per· On February 16, 1918, Lithuania un­ month, the whole country was Soviet­ formance during those 22 peaceful years. shackled the tyrant's irons and declared ized, and was annexed to the Soviet Lithuania's political, economic, cultural its independence by establishing the Union. Sinc.e then, the Lithuanians and social life developed along broad Lithuanian Republic. Soviet Russia rec­ have had to carry the weight of oppres­ democratic lines. .The standard of liv­ ognized the Lithuanian nation as a free sion, imposed upon them by the Kremlin. ing steadily rose. In short, during that and independent state. Since the end of the war, the outside relatively short and peaceful time Lith­ This free nation immediately, under world has received only fragmentary in­ uania became a model democracy in its self-governing constitution, again formation from Lithuania. We know northeastern Europe. demonstrated that if allowed to conduct very little of the situation there. That In 1940 the independent Lithuania be­ its own internal affairs it would rapidly little is both heartening and dishearten­ came a tragic casualty of World War rise as one of ·the important nations not ing. On the one hand, we hear of purges, II. · First, it was brought by brute· force only of the European continent, but of of arrests, and wholesale deportations to under the heel of the Red army. Then, the world. This progress as a free na­ distance parts of the Soviet Union. On when two tyrannies began to wage their tion continued up until the year 1940 the other hand, reports reach us of life-and-death struggle in 1941, Lith­ when the Russian tyrants again brought underground forces working against the uania came under the Nazi yoke. Fi­ disappointment, sorrow, and disillusion­ tyrannical government showing that the nally, toward the end of that war Red ment to the liberty-loving people of spirit of independence has not died, even forces came in once more as liberators Lithuania. · under the most adverse circumstances. and have been there as conquerors ever As chairman of the Special Congres­ Today Lithuanians are not allowed to since. This liberation, on the Soviet sional Committe Investigating the Katyn acknowledge their independence day. model, has been so complete that since Forest Massacre, testimony was pre­ But we who have the privilege of cele..; 1945 Lithuania has been isolated from sented in our hearings that Lithuania brating this day can express the hope the free world, sealed off from all pass­ was one of the nations of Europe who that freedom shall soon be regained in ers-by and eavesdroppers. Soviet bull­ lost millions of its population through Lithuania. dozers have been at work trying to up­ massacres and genocide during the last Mr. DODD. Mr. Speaker, I congratu­ root the spirit of independence and of decade by both the Communists and Nazi late my fellow citizens of Lithuanian freedom. Patriotic and liberty-loving tyrants. Over a million of Lithuania's origin on this 35th anniversary of Lith­ Lithuanians have either been silenced, people have been murdered or taken uania's independence. I also join with incarcerated, or carted by freight cars prisoner by the Soviet Union during re­ them in their fervent hope that we may to distant parts of the Soviet Union. cent years. Arrests, murders, and de­ soon celebrate this day with unreserved · During the last several years there have portations have been inflicted by the joy, as the Republic of Lithuania once been rumors, constantly repeated, that Communists upon the Lithuanian peo­ again becomes a free nation. Lithuanians have been evicted from the ple. They are in constant fear of the In my own State of Connecticut I have Baltic shore and their place is being dictators and the slave-labor camps often had the privilege of observing the taken by Communist Russians and their within their own borders. courage and strength of Americans of supporters from the Siberian regions. As chairman of the Katyn committee, Lithuanian descent. From this I have In-these tragic circumstances, there can I have filed a resolution which is now acquired a great faith in the people of hardly be a celebration of national in­ pending before the Congress asking that Lithuania, and a firm belief that the ter· dependence day there. the final report of our committee, along rible trials which they are being sub· We in this country, however, join with the seven volumes of testimony, be jected to will not diminish their deter- Americans of Lithuanian descent today submitted to the American delegates at 1112 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE February 16 the United Nations for action bY' that date of the nonaggression pact, the So­ vestigate the circumstances under international body. One of the recom- viet government proposed to the Gov­ which the seizure of the Baltic States mendations of our committee asks that ernment of Lithuania that the validity of was performed. Special attention de­ the United Nations organization imme- this pact be extended for another 10 serves the Kremlin-staged elections to diately make an exhaustive stu~y and years. This was done on April 4, 1934, People's Diet which are constantly pre­ · investigation of all mass murders and and the pact was extended . until De­ sented by the Soviet Government to the genocide, which the Soviet Government cember 31, 1945. public opinion as justification of the is inflicting upon all subjugated nations On July 5, 1933, a Convention for the aggression against the Baltic States. in Europe, including Lithuania. Definition of Aggression was concluded Such an investigation would clearly I do hope that this great international in London between the Republic of show to the American public and the body will follow up and take action Lithuania and the U. S. S. R. Among other people of the world the true nature against the tyrannical aggressor, who is other things, both states agreed to con­ of the Red Russian imperialism. It today keeping so many liberty-loving sider as aggression the invasion by would clear away the confusion now sur­ people under bondage. armed forces, even without declaration rounding the subject in the minds of the The spirit of self-government for the of war, of the territory of the other state. public. Lithuanian people will- never die in the It was further agreed that no considera­ May I take this opportunity to express minds and hearts of all true Lithuanians. tion of a political, military, economic, or my firm conviction that the cause of jus­ The pages of history record that Lithu- other order may serve as an excuse for tice will finally triumph over the forces ania cannot be deprived of its liberty for or justification of aggression. of enslavement and terror and that long. Dictators who rule by fear; slave- In unprecedented disregard of these Lithuania will soon have her place in the labor camps; mass murders; and organ- treaties and other solemn obligations on family of free and independent nations. ized genocide cannot long succeed in the part of the U. S. S. R., the Moscow Mr. ZABLOCKI. Mr. Speaker, today their ruthless disregard cf human rights. Government delivered an ultimatum to' marks the 35th anniversary of the na­ Lithuania will again regain its freedom Lithuania on June 14, 1940, demanding tional independence of Lithuania, and and its constitution. Its fight for free- that free entry into the territory of the free people all over the world once dom and self-governmen~ must continue Lithuania be immediately assured for again raise their voices in encouragement 'til victory is won. units of the Army of the Soviet Union. and sympathy to the people of that Mr. KLUCZYNSKI. On the occasion Less than 12 hours were given· for there­ valiant democratic republic. of the 35th anniversary of the declara- ply of the Lithuanian Government. But Despite oppression and torture at the tion of independence of Lithuania, may even before the expiration of this term, hands of. Communist forces, the spirit of I join with millions of other free people armored columns of the Red army flood­ the once-free Lithuania continues to live around the world who have followed the ed Lithuania, as well as two other and burn brightly in the hearts of her course of recent history of Lithuania Baltic States. sons and daughters, both within their with grief and concern. All of the methods of sovietization homeland and abroad. Occupied by Exactly 35 years ago today the Lithu- under a people's democracy were first totalitarian power. incorporated forcibly anian people, in defiance of the mighty tested in the Baltic countries. The elec­ into the Union of Soviet Socialist Re­ German Empire, proclaimed their de- tions to People's Diet, peqple's govern­ publics, deprived of their individual, termination to sever all bonds that had ment, agrarian reforms, and so forth, political, economic, and religious free­ formerly tied the country to Russia and were all stage-managed by top officials doms, the people of Lithuania long for to restore Lithuania as a sovereign state of the Kremlin installed in Lithuania. the day when their country will once based on democratic principles. The political will of the people was again resume its rightful place in the That happened while the First World counterfeited by so-called elections of family of free nations. War was still in progress and the Lithu- the People's Diet organized under the It is my hope that in this trying period anian territory was occupied by German bayonets of the Red army and the pistols of their history the people of Lithuania armies. of the Soviet secret police agents. will draw encouragement from the warm At the time when the war ended the As soon as the Soviets were established regard which our country has held for proclamation of Lithuania's independ- in Lithuania, it was no longer necessary them. American sympathy with the ence became reality. Soon various na- for the Kremlin to distort the true na­ Lithuanian people has been manifest in tions, first of all the neighbors of Lithu- ture of the facts. On June 30, 1940, our press and in Congress, as well as in ania recognized the sovereignty of Lithu- Molotov bluntly declared that "the tra­ the official policy of our Government, ania and assumed regular diplomatic ditional Russian policy, practiced since first declared on July 23, 1940, which has· relations. The United States of America the days of Ivan the Terrible, necessi­ refused to recognize Soviet Russia's ab­ granted recognition on July 27, 1922. tated the incorporation of Lithuania into sorption of Lithuania and has persisted The Communist regime which seized the Soviet Union_." The People's Diet, in recognition of the established demo­ power in Russia in 1917 solemnly pro- in its resolution addressed to Moscow, cratic republic. claimed its adherence to the principle frankly admitted that the "liberation" of Mr. Speaker, on this 35th anniversary of self-determination of nations, as ex- Lithuania was accomplished "thanks to of Lithuania's independence I want to pressed in President Wilson's 14 points. the Soviet Union." extend my congratulations to the people A peace treaty was concluded in Mas- I am proud to say that the United of that brave country and to all Ameri­ cow on July 12, 192Q, between the Union States has never recognized the fruits of cans of Lithuanfan ancestry. I join in of Soviet Socialist Republics and theRe- the Soviet aggression on Lithuania and their prayer that the oppression of their public of Lithuania in which the Soviet other Baltic States. On the contrary, native land may soon be ended. Government recognized without any re- it has denounced that act of violence serve the sovereignty and independence and continues to regard Lithuania as a Mr. MULTER. Mr. Speaker, I am of the state of Lithuania with all juri- sovereign and independent republic. happy to make these few comments on dical consequences resulting from such It is to the everlasting credit to this the 35th anniversary of Lithuania's in­ recognition and renounced voluntarily country of ours and especially to the dependence. and forever all sovereign rights possessed United States Congress which, in the Since a celebration thereof is forbid­ by Russia over the Lithuanian people interest of humanity, undertook an his­ den in the homeland this year ·because and territory. toric task to investigate the Katyn mas- of Communist aggression, suppression, For two decades normal and peaceful sacre. It was proved, beyond any doubt, and tyrannical despotism, it is more im­ relations have been maintained between that the horrible executions were carried portant that free people throughout the the two neighbors. Several treaties were out by the same Kremlin rulers who world join with · Lithuanians every­ concluded during·that period of time. raped the Baltic States. where in -letting them know in no un­ On September 28, 1926, a nonaggres- The massacre of 14,000 Polish officers certain terms that we not only under­ sion pact was signed in Moscow by the shook conscience of the world,' but mil­ -stand their plight in their homeland, but representatives of the U. S. s. R. and lions of people behind the Iron Curtain will do all within our power to ease their those of Lithuania in which the Soviet . subjugated and doomed to physical de­ burden. government reaffirmed its obligation struction offer an even more· frightful To the 1,000,000 loyal Americans of to respect Lithuania's sovereignty, in- example of Soviet crimes. Lithuanian descent, I say that they are tegrity, and territorial inviolability in all And I suggest that this Congress not one bit less ·patriotic and loyal to circumstances. Before the termination should enact necessary legislation to in- the United States by continuing to show 1953 CONGRESS! ON AL . RECORD- HOUSE 1113 a very active interest in their friends day which will see again Lithuania 'Marshal Stalin. Since that ignominious and relatives in Lithuania. among the society of the free nations of day the Lithuanian people have suffered It is incumbent upon all of us who the world. brutal and inhuman exploitation by the love freedom and liberty to devote our To Americans of Lithuanian descent, powers of the Soviet Government. lives to the strengthening of the spirit we hold out the hope that in the :hear Little do we realize the hardship, pain, of independence in the hearts of men future your anniversary, this 16th day of and suffering which those brave people all over the world. · February, will be celebrated in the man4 endured under the ruthless heel of. the We .must never forget that an attack ner in which we celebrate our own Soviet Government. Thousands upon upon liberty anywhere is an attack upon Fourth of July, celebrating ·once again thousands of' their citizens have been liberty everywhere. Lithuania as a free nation, free from the thrown into slave-labor camps and_grad­ Let us continue to work together to invader, free from the shackles of slav.. ually eliminated through inhuman free the enslaved, no matter where they ery, and again free and independent as treatment. may be. a democratic nation looking forward to Indeed, we are fortunate today that Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts. Mr. the future with the hope of permanent the new President of the United States, Speaker, I wish to express today, on the independence and standing with all free Dwight D. Eisenhower, has proclaimed to 35th anniversary of Lithuania's inde­ nations under God. the entire world that we will no longer pendence as a modern state, my con­ Mr. MORANO. Mr. Speaker, Lithu4 tolerate the secret treaties which have tinuing admiration for and sympathy ania, one oi the first victims of Commu­ enslaved millions of other people-to the with the heroic people qf that inde­ nist aggression and oppression, has lost detriment of those behind the Iron Cur4 structible country. its independence but not its spirit. tain. This policy, as enunciated by the Lithuania has existed for more than As Lithuanians here in the United press, should give faith and comfort to ·soo years, a large part of that time under States and throughout the world som­ those who have been persecuted by the cruel foreign domination. I am con­ berly mark the 35th anniversary of their Soviet Union; and it is earnestly hoped vinced that the present illegal incorpo­ independence, they may look hopefully that a severe program toward the ration of Lithuania into the Union of to the day when once again the princi­ Union of Soviet Socialist Republics will Soviet Socialist Republics, which never ples of freemen will reign in their land. eventually bring about the liberation not has been recognized by the United Tyranny is weakening while the forces only of the Lithuanian people but all the States, cannot be-however inhuman it Qf freedom grow ever stronger. peoples of the Baltic States. may be for Lithuanians-a permanent Communism is being blocked more ef­ Freedom-loving peoples of the world setback to the development of Lithuania. fectively each new day, and each new do not recognize the illegal annexation The country of Mindaugas and Vytautas day brings new hope for liberation of of Lithuania and continue to recognize can never die. the oppressed; brings new· hope that free the governments in exile throughout the No, the country can never perish, but peoples everywhere will once more rise world. The Ame:dca:1 people shall al4 its people, many of them, are perishing. from under the aggressor's boot, and en­ ways stand in deep sympathy, and with We know how more than · 50,000 were joy once more the inherent principles of respect, for the sacrifices being made by deported to misery and death in the liberty and the dignity of man. . the Lithuanian people. Their courage4 U. s. S. R. on the night of June 14-15, New light of liberty is being cast over ous and firm stand against the unau· 1941, and how 3 or 4 times that number, those countries darkened by tyranny's tho'rized . subjugation by Russia shall at least, have been deported or extermi­ expansion. Our Government promises some day affirm itself by reestablishing nated by the Soviet Union since that a forceful program of peaceful libera­ a free and independent Lithuania. time. tion, and this program, in collaboration Mr. O'HARA of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, Oppressive Soviet exploitation is rob­ with the effective underground move 4 on the occasion of the 35th anniversary bing Lithuania of its natural resources ments of Communist-dominated coun4 of Lithuania's independence I am happy as well as of its people. But not, I be­ tries, holds promise of evolving the lands to have the opportunity of renewed ex· lieve, of its spirit. And certainly not of of the oppressed into the lands of the pression of my great admiration for the its friends and well-wishers throughout free. people of Lithuania and the steadfast.. the free world. While the spirit of independence burns ness and courage that have been theirs I know that all Americans join me in within the breasts of freemen, while an in the resistance of op}9ression during sending warm greetings to the people of abiding faith promotes the will to be free, many trying periods. Lithuania on this tragic · anniversary. no free soul will be conquered; no nation I accompanied the Lithuanian-Ameri· We hope they may have the fortitude will bow in subjection; liberty will prevail can delegation to the funeral of Presi· and the patience to endure until Lithu­ again. dent Harding, and through the good for· ania once again takes its rightful place Mr. BONIN. Mr. Speaker, at the con­ tune of acquaintance with the military in the community of free nations. clusion of World War I the gates of lib 4 in charge of arrangements was able to Mr. KEARNEY. Mr. Speaker, on this erty were opened for the people of Lith4 have placed at the head of the presi· day, February 16, 35 years ago, the gal­ uania. On February 16, 1918, the Na..; dential casket the Lithuanian floral of· lant people of Lithuania declared their tional Council of Lithuania-Lietuves fering. This, it seemed to me, was ap· independence. Taryba-proclaimed Lithuania a free propriate and as the fallen President From the late 1700's until1918 her his­ and independent nation. Thirty-five would have wished, since the grief of the tory had been one of continuous sub­ years later the people of Lithuanian an4 Lithuanians was real, President Harding jugation to the Russian Czars. During cestry are happy to observe this historic having been the friend of their cause. the First World War Lithuania was in­ occasion. Conversely they also observe Men and women of Lithuanian· blood vaded by the German forces and re­ · with sympathy and deep sorrow the 13th have made large contributions to the city mained occupied for a period of over 3 anniversary of the illegal reoccupation of Chicago. I have been signally fortu· years. On February 16, in the year 1918, of their country. nate in numbering many of these good Lithuanian independence was pro 4 During the interval of Lithuania's in4 citizens among my friends, among them claimed and she retained her independ 4 dependence-to wit, 22 years-that na­ Leonora Nimhosk-now Mrs. Gatewood ent status until the outbreak of World tion made many contributions to the and the ·mother of a fine family of chil­ War II. During this period the country civilized world. Unfortunately, however, dren-and her fine and noble father and was forced to accept the quartering of this period of freedom and liberty was mother, both born in Lithuania. Leo· Russian troops along ·the Baltic coast cut 'short on. the 14th day of June 1940., nora Nimhosk was my coworker and sec· and in other portions of the country. when Soviet Russia demanded that the retary when in the name of the radio Later, finding herself helpless, the coun4 Lithuanian Government become sympa­ circle of the Rebuilders we were doing try was overru:r;1 by Russian forces. thetic and subservient to the Soviet our best to leaven in some degree the Although the largest of the three Union. On June 15 of that year the distress of the great depression. It is Baltic countries, Lithuania today is Soviet Army marched into that brave of such blood as that of the immigrants sealed off from the free world by a ring · country and occupied it. .Shortly there­ who came from Lithuania, as did Mr. of iron. We know little of what tran4 after, as we have seen so often in numer­ and Mrs. Nimhosk, her parents, that our spires behind that iron curtain save in ous other countries, the Soviet-sponsored United State~ of America has derived ·certain smuggled messages from that and supervised government brought into much strength. I might remark, Mr. indomitable, liberty-loving people still creation a puppet state subservient and Speaker, that one of our outstanding hoping for that day of freedom-that obligated to the will of Soviet dictator and beloved jurists in Chicago is a 1114 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-. HOUSE February 16 Lithuanian-American, himself ,a native 46) which was read a first time and sec­ Sudanese choose their own future and son of Chicago, his parents immigrants ond time, and, with the accompanying Premier Gen. Mohammed Naguib announced from Lithuania. . papers referred to the Committee of the the door was opened wide for a successful understanding on the withdrawal of British It is the destiny of Lithuania to be Whole House on the State of the Union troops from the zone. free, because it is not in the character and ordered to be printed. Talks on Suez are coming very soon, of the Lithuanian people to accept bond· Mr. THOMAS reserved all points of Naguib sai~. age. Someday-and I have faith it will order on the bill. PARADE PLANNED be soon-the Soviet clouds will be lifted Mr. TABER. Mr. Speaker, I ask The final settlement of these two key prob­ and the sun again will shine, unhindered unanimous consent that it may be in lems in British-Egyptian relations could and unobstructed on the land of Lith­ order to take up the 1953 supplemental clear the way toward tightel:' cooperation be. uania. appropriation bill on Wednesday. tween this strategic Moslem nation and the Mr. HELLER. Mr. Speaker, the ob­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Western Powers in the cold war, perhaps in servance of the 35th anniversary of. the ·request of the gentleman from New a Middle East defense command. · There was exultat~on in the foreign offices Lithuanian independence is a good oc­ York? of Cairo, London, and Washington. And a casion for expressing our solidarity with Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi. Mr. public holiday was called for tomorrow in this heroic people and our hope for their Speaker-, reserving the right to object, the Sudan, a l il,nd of desert, forests, and­ achievement of early freedom from the and I shall not object, I believe. that the cotton fields that stretches from central yoke of communism. The people of rules require the report to lay over for Africa to the Red Sea. A ceremonial parade America and those of the free nations 3 legislative days. Is that correct? of celebration is to be held before Gov. Gen. Sir Robert Howe Saturday in Khartoun, the all over the world know how the Lith­ Mr. TABER. That is correct, but I capital. · uanian people have suffered in the last have taken the matter up with the gen- Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, in an­ few years, they know that their cause . tleman from Missouri [Mr. CANNON] and nouncing the Sudanese accord in Britain's is a righteous one, and they hope that with the full committee. Everyone on House of Commons, said it was a reasonable before long their homeland will obtain t he committee is agreeable to this pro­ settlement of this question which has long its freedom and the people of that coun­ cedure. bedeviled our relations with . try will again join the community of Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi. As I Press officer Michael J. McDermott of the free nations. say, I shall not object, but I do hope United States State Department said in On the occasion of this anniversary, Washington the United States is highly the leadership on the majority side will gratified. He termed this "an event of great we send our word of encouragement to not make a practice of this on future importance, representing as it does agree­ all Americans of Lithuanian descent and appropriation bills. ment on an issue which has been the cause to their friends and relatives who are Mr. TABER. We will not do it on of great complications in relation,s between trapped in that little country behind the regular appropriation bills. the two countries for several decades.'' the Iron Curtain. We pray that their Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi. Mr. Here in· Cairo, United States Ambassador spirit of freedom may be rekindleq and Speaker, I withdraw my reservation of Jefferson Caffery drew praise from Naguib their desire to throw off the chains of objection. for his mediation efforts. . "It was through Ambassador Caffery's good enslavement may be strengthened. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to offices," the Premier said, "that many difficult The people of America will never. the request of the gentleman from New points were ironed out. These had a direct recognize the forced subjugation of York? · effect on the successful conclusion of this Lithuania by Communist Russia. The · There was no objection. agreement.'' I..ithuanians are one of the oldest peo­ ples in Europe who have made great cul­ COMMITTEE ON RULES DESIGNATION OF MEMBER TO READ tural contributions to Western civiliza­ WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL AD· tion. The world has not forgotten those Mr. ALLEN. of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, contributions, nor will it forget the sac­ I ask unanimous cor..sent that the Com­ DRESS ON FEBRUARY 23, 1953 rifices now being made by Lithuanians. mittee on Rules may have until midnight The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the spe- We extend to them our greetings on this tonight to file a report on the second cial order agreed to on February 9, 1953, anniversary and our wishes that they supplemental appropriation bill for 1953. the Chair designates the gentleman from will soon regain their national inde­ Virginia [Mr. PoFF] to read Washington's pendence. EGYPT AND BRITAIN TO BURY Farewell Address immediately following HATCHET the reading of the Journal on February PRINTING OF ADDITIONAL COPIES 23, 1953. Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts. Mr. OF IMMIGRATION AND NATION­ Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ALITY ACT ADJOURNMENT OVER TO address the House for 1 minute and to WEDNESDAY Mr. LECOMPTE. Mr. Speaker, I of· include extraneous matter. for a concurrent resolution '