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3-14-1918 Bulloch Times and Statesboro News

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. I HONOR ROLL of business I am going to look to see , IS the Statesboro Bakery. Accept my AND PERSONAL City Seboole for the Month of Jal\u. LOCAL best wishes for your future success, 1918. I 1 .ry. and I am quite sure that you arc Mrs. B. A. has returned Mr. W. S, Preetorius IS a destined Trapnell spending First Grade (Section A)--J. B, to sucqqed in the larger �++++++++++++++++++++++++++t++++++� 'rom a visit in Atlanta. week looking after business matters sense of the word by virtue of the Rushing. Frank Mikell " Glenn Bland • • * '\ has ex- BULLOCH at Luke where he of TIMES Butler, Fla., quality you; goods. I Mrs. Gertrude IS Jr. Oliver Bland, Brett. Moye spending'the tensive landed interests. "It would me I I Katherin� give grent pleasure '1' AND �eek in Savannah, * * * Rufus Lester Cone, Cone Hazel ,STATESBORO NE"W"S' visiting Billy to hear from you at some other time -I' •• • Miss Carrie Johnson last 'I III re�urned John Donaldson Hall the tell me how Deal, '.'Helen fihure; old States- Bulloch T...... E.tabli.hed Mrs, W. H. Ellis left today for a Wednesday to her home 111 Atlanta" Jul,., COD.olld.ted 1917:1 boro is Sbtellboro New•. JaDu.ry 22, 0 QUllln tlodges, D. Barnes, Ruth AI- progressing, together with E.t'b March, 19001892}• STATESBORO. GA., THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1918, ;Visit with relatives in North Carolina. after spending a few days visiting some information about you and • • * Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Johnson, len, Egbert Anderson. your I as to Private J. H. of Ft. business, that your late im- be the usual seasonal decrease III the Metts, Screven, First Grade (Section B)-Bill Sal- .is. tenns of the did not ,F:,er or treaty for • provements Improvements you have amount of animals to market, is vsiiting in the city a"rew days, yer, Anme'Mae G ra coming from GRUB_BS.THUMANN.. b am, Louije Bran-t ONE the terms offered February 21 •• made since I MEATLESS • in fact J THIRTY-ONE ... SHIP� left, anything. "The administration also suggests MUCH INTEREST IN nen. only in the surrender of Caucasian ASKS FOR'ARREST'OF Mr. Townsman Warnock, of Air am more than glad to get infonnation that in those parts of the country Miss Martha Elizabeth Grubb. and Second Grade (Section B)-Henri_ districts of Batoum, Kars and Kara­ was a visitor to the of any kind from the folks back i lanta. city during where the old-fashioned home Dr. Robert Thumann were married on etta Annstrong, Louise McDaniel DAY EACH WUK preser, band, under conditions which make know is a BUILT SINCE 1917 the week. home, you it long distance vation of is still in this SfCRETARY'S TRIP Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the 'Frances pork custom, ;t for WAYCROSS impossible Russia to BANKER • •• Brett, Sampson Stanley, Carl: from here regain the to the U. S. A., and any- practice should be extended at the residence of Rev. R. B, Anderson, of ton Futrell, Carl Pearl Dekle bUR PLENTY OF MEAT' NOW AVAIL. GOOD RECORD MADE FOR FIRST BAKERS MOVEMENTS WHILE IN districts from He stated that Mrs. E. C. Oliver has returned from Renfroe, we Turkey. thing hear is almost second hand. as it will relieve the WARRANTS ISSUED IN the church, who officia- present time, MO:'lTHS OF THE PRO· it was CHICAGO to Mrs. at Presbyterian Olliff, Eugene Clark, Howell Cobb ABLE FOR COUNTRY'S IMME. YEAR; FRANCE BEING FOLLOWED the that a visit her sister, Roach, ed unless ohe. friends care to some- l\ussian understanding; same burden upon transportution to and ted. They left the afternoon Cone, Nita Bell DIATE NEEDS. GRAM HITS STRIDE AT LAST. CLOSELY IN the army was to return to ACCUSE COOPER OF SELLlN(1 �liver. Woods. Evelyn Shup- times write. WASHINGTON. the pre­ WORK CLOTHES f'rorn the houses and IS eco- for S. C., where Dr. Thu. packing war basis. BAD REAL •• • Buhrmaster, Dorotl\)' Washington, March ESETAE BONDS. Ora.ngebu:g, trine: Gle�n "Again wishing you all the success Washington;-Murch 13-Temporary nomically sound as the cost of ll.-Thirty- Washington, Murch ll.-Safe ar- Miss Debbie is a mann 18 United Stutes government Parrish, Lila. saving M, AlexielT said that" Trapnell spending Preetorius, Margaret in the world one 190,400 were com- rival in France peace accept. Mar. and many thanks for suspension of the meatless meal and and at the same ships, tons, of Secretary Baker Atlanta, ll-Detecitve Thoa. few her Mrs. B. A. inspector at the Orangeburg packing Kennedy, paoking operations ed so in !!ussia days with sister, Marguerite .Cail, Lucile kind ANI) WORK GLOVES and and unwiHingly must in­ Keene the your remembrance, I remain, oC special restrictions agninst the use time will home of pleted e1uring January February his party having been formally o� Chicago police force plant. Buie, Lillian Buie. provide supplies evitably be short-lived. r,l'rapnell. Jor America's merchant the . called at the "Sincerely yours, of on was announced at over tleet, announced today the de­ office of Gen­ ••• Miss Grubbs is from Second pork Saturday pork least the months of de- by navy Attorney Davisboro,Ga., A)-Mari. , I German military movements in the Gra�Section DREFUS O. fEEL GOOD.. shipping board announced In eral Clifford Walker of N. ROUSE, flT-.WELL, by the Food Administration tonight creased supplies. tonight. partlRent, ploss ;reports about his today and Bakeel M1'8. W. J. Schaut, Kinston, havng been staying with Mr. and Mrs. dean Anderson, T. J. James F. northern districts of Russia have Cobb, "Pvt. lot the present month 35 more with an movements on the ap­ that an order be issued for Mrs. G. Q. M. Corps, Motor Truck 8S a of its food "The desires to other side are be­ the imme­ C.• is the guest of her sister. J. S. West for several Dr. Coleman, Sarah but months. Cross, Anna Mae �eadjllstment food.administration of tons parently stopped, the enemy is so " Co. No.4,'Q. M. C. _/'- aervation It aggregate 220,951 will be ing' watched closely. officials diate arrest of L. J. of M Thumann has been at th e C Regular Army. AN_o,lrASr program. repeat that does not want to give Many Cooper Wa,­ ... AYS. iaspector umming, Harry Dekle Goff close that it is difficult to retain the Davis, "'U. S. P. O. 709'" pfuccd in service. think cr088, who Is want he * * • No. Increased meat andcon-Ithe the that these are times It possible that the story of his d. atatea, Is Bulloch He is from production impression packing plant. Virginia Kenan, J. J. Kennedy, R J: the government in Petrograd. Its remov­ is for still Although number of if to een­ on the of Miss Inez Peak. of Cedartown, Ohio. necessity greater saving in 'when simplicity and moderation of Iiv- launchings activities, pennitted pass the Chicago charge having given Cincinnati, Kennedy, Natalie Kirby, Mary India "COMFORT" IS WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU al to Moscow is generally expected be. Mrs. J. H. NOTICE.. was make the was.disappoirrtingly low in view of the will'throw worthless bonds in for lanel the guest of her sister, wheat, it declared, ing are not criti�l\lly necessary, but sor, interesting light upon exchange Mathews, Eleanor Maull, Arthur Per- OUR WORK fore the congress opens lIIarch 12. am WEAR THINGS TO WORK IN. roseate statements made of- the of bis in that Brett . VONIA LEE JOHNSON I the McNeel Mar· advisable. its sole desire is secure I,ast fall, object mission to the theatre city. kiins, E'uruee representing change to adjustment * • * Rackley, Guy Raines, ble of ficials of the United Co., Marietta, Ga .. the CLOTHES ARE FULL AND SEWED DOUBLE States of Mr. who Is of Kathleen largest, CUT The suspension is made effective between our different food supplies shipping war. Cooper. president the Break Cold or Scarboro, August Schultz, best and the only monu- board believe the • your LaGrippe . equipped laid First National Bank of On Monday morning, January 27th, M STRENGTH. Tor an indefinite period and it prob- and meet conditions from shipbuilding pro- Emphasis by the war depart. Wayero88 anel ary S'ims, Jeannette ment p I ant In the South. own changing with a few dose. of 666. 10 Thackston Ila They has hit its a former (1 the death entered the door of will last three months or gram stride at last. ment upon the fact that Mr. Baker's MEN member of the house of their own longer. time to and to the SO,OOO TO JOIN rel)­ angel Mae John Georgia Quarries. and it is • ably time, keep public * * • Strickland, Wesley OR WORK Latham. reasonable WHEN YOU WANT WORK CLOTHES The shipping board is its was a resentatives of Is one of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Johnson and took that they can give you Since all restrictions on eonsump- fully and frankly advised of its POSI- directing trip purely military pilgrimage. 1915-1916, Third - Miss Janie of was Grade (Section � Beasley, Claxton, A)-Bea' goods cheaper than other mills. I GLOVES .BUY THEM FROM US-BECAUSE WE efforts now at the more without the most known busineas mea away their little daughter, Lavonia rice tion of mutton and lamb had been tion with the full confidence and re- completing diplomatic significance has widely the guest of Miss Ethel Mitehell last Bedenbaugh, Mary Agnes Cone, will apprceiate the patronage of my than 700 Lee Johnson. Its death was due to adrninis- ship ways in the 132 yards directed attention to the MARCH and financiers in South the food .. 29 Georgia. WILL SELL THE BEST FITTING AND BEST lifted liance that whenever it becomes nee- known Martha friends and the YOU previously, . Louise public in SERV;CE--- week. Crouse, Denmark, Mar_ general. under operatin the The hemorrhage of the lungs. C. W. ENNEIS. tration now asks the public for for WIll by government. desire of President Wilson to see an attorney general very promp� • * • vine I,;OOKING ONES BUILT, FOR NO MORE THAN the, essary renewed appeals saving THIS WILL Donaldson, Emily Dougherty, Of this number 77 can be considered COMPLETE FIRST denied the to order (8nov3m-c) time to deny itself in meats meet the same as III energetic campaign by the al- Iy request the im­ Miss Eila Belle Trapnell, of Pulas- Edna Iler-, Sarah LOIS OTHERS CHARGE FOR POOR being loyal response waged Johnson, Caro- STUFF. us new were DRAFT mediate arrest ANNOUNCEMENT. _--- beef and on one a since. they es- lies. With Americans AND INCLUDE SOME of Mr. hut the last In lyn 01l1y pork day the past." entirely. troops holding Cooper, ki, spent Wednesday visiting Lee, Evelyn Rogers, Janie WANT MEN tablishcd since Hughes 2.000 " April, 1917. Chair- a constantly sector of OF THE sheriff of Ware county was tele­ 2tatesboro. week-Tuesday. increasing the SECOND. man Hn EXPERIENCED WITH vley reported the new battle graphed get In toueh with Mr• *.. I d t umpti f d yards lines. the wishes of the Wash- to. Washington, Mar"h 12.-A move. ��:�:cs� average lou pel' cent and him to be in Mr. Britt of is mo�;' nSo��d Jie::�:";s��il�fl:C��:�;'�� ;�:ns�:�P�"dw:..�nien��I��, �ORSES completed. mgton government undoubtedly will Cooper notify A� Cumming, Atlanta, tel' ' Jr Alber .ad':i�::::tio::�c;;:;:sbellev';,n;vil�:! ., t S rmtn,ith E verett Wil- PLANTING OF GARDENSL "1 don't ment of 90,000 drafted to the school For work in the like to deal in even men, begin lanta the of March the oC his Mr. and Mrs. high auditorium, Portal, enlisted veterinary W.' O. SHUPTRINE itself curtail the use of wheat, and possibtli- have greater weight than here- morning 19. when guest parents, IIams,IW'lb urn W00dcock. I on the Chairman on March 29 and a will be Ga., evening of Feb. 21st. Sub_ corps, 2,000 men not subject to call no Hurley said to�jght. tofore With the allied continue for five hearing entered into by Gov. . for the is chieftains. Sec- . there C M C Third Grade present �ies,,, to be announced later. (Section B) -Willie under the I IIlw actual But I on the Umming� * * ject selective service law are '.-J<+-r++++""+++++++++++++++++++�'++URE, EXCELLENT-AND EFFICIENT. "Gentlemen: the liberal wages paid at these public peace," he says. "We shall aJ'ISO for mails was defeated II

.. I� �... , .. ::':_:_ �'.. �:. �":J' �_._ ..._...1' BUu.oCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEW� PAGE TWO HONOR ROLL ONLY A VOLUNTEER. THURSDAY. MARCH 14, 1318 Buu.ocH 'nMD AND STATESBORO NEWS • ..II!IIIIIIIDIIIIlIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIII!IIIIIIDIIIIIIIIlI-III!II----IIIIII� I (Contributed by Claborne L. Field.) State.boro In.titute for the Moath of Why didn't I wait to be drafted, 1918. February, And be led to the train by a band, .� Bills And put in claim for exemption­ Fertilizer 1'" irst Grade (Section A)-Ruth m.y .t!'.� I Oh! why did I hold up my hand! Allen, Egbert Anderson, D. Barnes, I for the Why didn't wait banquet? . Glenn Jr. Oliver Bland, Bill didn't I wait for -the cheers? ", r Bland, Why '!' THB PIONEER METAL ACTION For the drafted men all the credit HOW MUCH Brannen Katherine Brett Carl got DID YQU EVER FIGURE While I only volunteered. f. Brogg, Rufus Lester Cone, 'Hubert of FERTI­ Newest ON YOUR YOU COULD SAVE \[Crouse, Hazel Deal, John Donaldson, And 'me a nobody gave banquet-- Showincg Helon Hodges, Ouida Nobody SAid a kiood word. Hall, O'Quinn . Spring BY PAYING CASH? NOW THE AIR·()'PLAYER PIANO '. LIZER BILL I James The puff of the engine, the IfTInd of Hodges , Eugene Jones, Lee, the Frank wheels, • IS THE TIME TO FIGURE THAT OUT. Earl Mallard, Ralph Jdallard, W&8 that I ':j tho only good-bye heard. i. tile PiaDO that will Dot be affected by Ollie B. Emily Pow- Then off to I oDly Player •• YOU Mikell, Oglesby, the ship hustled, FIGURE THAT OUT BEFORE To be for next ell J ., GIl8 Sorrier, Vergie trained the half-year BRushing __• It i. abaolutely mouae-proof. And in the shuffle forgottmJ- cIamp •• YOUR NOOE. WE WILL HELP W'ebi. . GIVE . • For I wag only a volunteer. at - Goods First Grode (Section B) 111 enzre .� YOU NEED THE MONEY. >. SeligDlan's YOU IF Cumming, Sarah Moore, And perhaps some day in the future Graham. Wlien my little boy sitlil on my knee, AIR.()'PLAYER PIANOS, ESTEY, MERRILL, MORRIS And his little look at me Second Grode (Section B)-Evelyn eyes BANK OF STATESBORO And ask what I did in the great war Dorothy Parish, Lila Pree­ I will to DI. Dress Silk or Cotton are for the Men Shuptrine, have look back at those eyes '" HYDE PIANOS AND ESTEY ORGANS SOLD Goods, here, Ready-to-Wear family, MIllinery, and Boys' Clothing, Shoes torius, Pearl Dekle Olliff, Louise Mc­ That at me so trustingly peer, Statesboro, Georgia Ann And tell him I wasn't dratled- Daniel, Margaret Kennedy, Ruby AT A GUARAN· for all. In this store is full of come I was only a volunteer. RECT FROM FACTORY TO YOU. fact, busy jammed new, fresh, dainty spring needs. So to the Deal, Frances Brett, Lillian Buie, Lu­ along cile Buie, Glenn Buhnnaster, Howell SEE THE OLD MAIDS at Register, TEED SAVING OF FROM $50.00 TO $200.00, BY with the assortment. Lower Better store service. come. Cobb Cone, Futrell, J. Edgar goods. Large prices. Seligman invites all to iN .Carleton Ga., Friday evening, M!lft!u,hhlIRiiii!W'd11 Carl Renfroe. McCroan, March 22. Second Grade (Section' A)-Mnri- -- ...-- + Any Way to Get the Money, Boy•. dean Anderson, T. J. Cobb, James F. MEETING AT THE UNDERWEAR SHIRT WAIST WHITE AND COLORED Anna ?rae Coleman, Sarah Cross, BAPTIST rl •• 1 .. U. S .: . Jerome Iro··etta_ FRANCE HELPED Mr. Editor: Dekle WOMEN'S GOWNS of quality high and _ good cambric, Cumming, Hnrry Davis, IN ALl THE NEW STYLES, VOILES, ORGANDIES FABRICS I have read as good papers as the R. J. Kennedy, Natalie Kirby, M"ry + REPRESENTATIVE Our meeting will come to a close FACTO�Y low neck, long and short trimmed but once in a while Arthur sleeves, embroidery Savannuh News, Mathews, Eleanor Maull, SHEER WHITE NAINSOOK, 36 inches a line AT MOST NE[oED TIME P�r- Sunday night. The Lord has been Ga. AND SILKS wide; it sends forth an editorial that is all k ins, Preston, Box 211 Statesboro, and fashioned. A value 98c Nainsook of Montgome�y Eunice]GOff'1 gruclous and the people huve been .+ neatly specially good yarn exceptional value; three different PLAN TO REBUILD WRECKED r-ight. Not long ago that paper con- Ruckley, Guy Raines, Kathleen Scar- *. lots. Posted will ntver overlook kind in their attendance and co-oper- shoppers thi8 sale, CITIES IN RETURN IS dcmned the midway, or side shows, Sarah " FRENCH boro, August Schultz, Smith, �oI_oI_oI_oI_oI_oI_oI_.;..!_+oI_+++++++++++++++++++++++O!.+++ii Price per yard ------30e aDd 2Sc: ution i but we arc anxious that every. WOMEN'S GOWNS of "V" neck 98,; to 53.84 35c, MEETING WITH FAVOR. being put in connection with county Jeannette Thuekston, Ilu Mae Strick- high grade cambric, body in Statesboro shall receive a as n useless and hurtful rIY�M.Y..N...,....,.rh.N Wt.,IA,/V �y h Y•• WHITE CHECK FLAX a fine cloth of ususual March 11.-The plan fnirs being land, Lillie Hendrix, Lurline Hagin, "._r. with also low neck and lace ON, very Atlanta, Ga., blessing. We want to see all the long sleeves, short sleeves, . MADE IN CREPE DE CHINE, GEORGETIE AND I also .;: merit in finish and are wrecked French f'eaturc of the Iair. John Latham. • wearing qualities. They much to rebuild cities, notl�ed Wesley town out-and-out for God. There is and tuck now than such remu rkuble your editorial on the line, Third Grade (Section trimmed $1.25 cheaper you'll uy them later, the yard 3Se which is gaining snm� w�lch A)-B�atriee for the and With all higher ground Christian, WASH SILK II headway throughout the country, is was very commendable rIght Bedenbaugh, Mary Agnes Cone, Mur- � I there is an open door for the unsaved; ..: FANCY WHITE VOILE, 38 and 40 inches wide; comes It IS an undeniable endorsed by Former Gover- thinking people. tha rouse, Louise Denmark, Emily .. WOMEN'S CORSET COVERS made of soft strongly nnd God is calling to us to seize our muslin, in plaids, stripes and dainty effects. The we are fact that these ru-e hired to J1ILLINE'RY price nOT has three nephews in things Dougherty, Edna I1er, Beatrice Jones, Slaten,who birthright. asking-for these goods should cause spirited come to draw the mutter r neatly lace and trimmed 25c buying_2Sc: one of them being already crowd, Carolyn Hughes Lee, Bonnie Louise � embroidery unif�rm, �o Brother Phillips is being used ... in France. "Less how hurtful to the morals of the peo­ Loraine WHITE a fine and sheer finish­ on the firing line Page, Evelyn Rogers, Waters, of God to and make LINGERIE, very fabric, that mightily re-open � tban 150 states Mr. Sla- ple, s!lying nothing of tho money Janie Best, Henry Ellis, Edward Ken- !:��DIES' DRESS SKIRTS ed soft for the needle, just what you want for yehrs ago,'; plain the old way back to God. Now, =­ WOMEN'S CORSET COVERS of fine nainsook, beau- making is But to the ton in an indorsement of the plan spent. any way get nedy, Joe William Donaldson, Dan MY FIRST SHOWING Spring and Summer underwear. Per and while God is in our midst and souls yard_3Oe 3Se side­ which has been widely published, "our money. If the members of. these Lester, JI'., John Mooney, Jr., Alfred tifully trimmed, several styles to select from 65c nre being saved, let us pray and work WOOL, COnON AND SILK COLORED were to It would OF BATISTE, 40 inches wide, soft comes colonists were with money shows put work, Monsalvatge, Floyd Nesmith, Wilbur finish; provided �e ns never before during these closing in all for the in the good tints and shades; used a deal for from the treasury and munitions from better country, especially Oglesby, Albert Smith, Everett WiI- great days of the meeting for our loved PATTERN HATS AND Beautiful Silk It IS la­ Skirts, Fancy Spring Patterns, dainty the the arsenals and that has these critical times. truly Iiams, Wilburn Woodcock. underwear. Specially priced. yard 3Se o� France, ones and our people. May there be that some who made possible our independ- mcntable people pro­ Third Grade (Section B)-Denver NOVELTIES IS NOW ON PLAIN WHITE VOILE. largely great joy in our community because Packets to ' We have a collection of these Iess to be will endorse and GIRLS' Big juat in, $5,48 $9.49 ence In 1871 wrote thnt religious Webb, Douglas McDougald, Robert DRESSES ever Washington of the visitation of God in saving n,nd � THE LADlES ARE popular fabrics. Price per yard_75c. 65e and 3Se 'if did not offer immediate foster such tbings. Homer Alice Kath- ;01 France Benson, Schultz, His ... Skirb to WHITE to the sanctifying people. ,Dainty Dresses for Children 2 to 14 years, in Ginghams, $3.48 $8.48 ORGANDY, 44 and 48 inches washes it would be useless to offer sup- Yes, it is any way get money erine Lanier, Mae Johnson, INVITED TO SEE THEM. 'fool wide; help You will see on cards circulated Bible tells us Ithe beautifully, very fine and sheer; three lots to chose later' _ and France these times. The Mae Willie Ander- port' responded "�h� Lucy Deal, Myrtle the for the remainder of the Madras and Percale 59c, 75c, 98c, $1.2'5 Waah Skirt. to from. the root of all evil. subjects 98e, $1.48 $3,98 Price per yard--- 75c aDd 6Se with men and millions. her love of money i� Jones. 9Oc, Today son, Hephzibah Come to hear talks . meeting. these Our Saviour was and valor and courage have saved the eiv- betrayed put Fourth Grode (Section �)-:-Jnna I and pray for God to bless and use of the world her sacrifices to death for a small amount of money, Willie maation Everett, Madge Barnes, them for His and evil nature is still in the hu­ Belli glory. have been tremendous. Surely we that Waters, Edna Mae Ralph Bowen, Yours for victory would aid in restoring what France man race and can be eradicated only lard, Edwin McDougald. .11rs. E. Botoen Our Men's Wear is well with the J. F. SINGLETON. J� "I • Department supplied spring a of wrought by fixings=Men's lost in aiding us. She has been OUT by change heart,. Fourth Grade (Section A) -Harry Clothing, Suits, on condition of ancient now our can Holy SPITlt, repent­ Pearl Felton Ringwald, Mikell,Mal-I _ people friend; Moore, FOR SALE 1,000 bushels white or odd etc.. now while stock is nncc. Pants, Furnishings, Hats, Shoes for a Buy the show an that carries Grace Anderson, at Sc complete. appreciation Blackburn, Dorothy Spanish pinders, per pound. Doubtless some fellow who has had higher obligation than gratitude in rc- Gladys Beasley, Juanita Bland, Eve- Apply to F. M. Nesmith. Grove- evil at­ Ga Rte. 1. whole Let a or a and the n hand in getting up these land, .. (14mar4t_p) it be work shoe find storing the homes rebuilding lyn Green, S. L. Moore, Jr., Margaret family. dress-up pair, you'll it at Seligman's. tructions and over his finnn­ devastated cities of those whose losses rejoices Cone, Sam Latham, Helen Parrish, TO PROnATE WILL. CITATION. eial will to church the ORGANIZE SUNDAY.SCHOOL. were sustained in our behalf, as much success, go Evelyn Alvaretta Kenan, Wil- Do at the store that sells for Clark, GEORGIA-Bulloch County. GEORGIA-Bulloch County. your spring shopping less. next sit in front and sing, 'as their own." Sunday, lie Morgan Hagan, Prince Preston, L. O. Rushing and J. J. E. Ander­ To the heirs at law of Mrs. M. A. E. is A few of the interested members "The old time religion good enough Josie Franklin, Dwight Gulledge, Ar- son having applied as executors for Lee. deceased: I will of Union church made n can­ in solemn form of the last You are MAKE WORK EASIER (�r me," or H] will work, pray chie Vernon Baptist probate hereby notified that John McDaniel, Cuil, Mary E so vass of that on last Wed­ will and testament of Queen A. Her­ Rushing has made application for to lead the erring in the way," and Martha Esther' community Mallard, Donaldson, of said the heirs at an order to tional factor of protound in.....rd in­ Stale.bere are Pleased To rington, county, authorize and requiru SAVANNAH MAN VISITS People on. His religion is not a good kind­ nesday and Thursday, boosting their Prectorius, Blanche IHcElveen. law of said Queen A. Herrineton are Morgan S. Rushing, executor of Mrs. fluence upon owr national life, mov­ Learned How it Ha. Been Done. which will be FRANCE FOR RED CROSS wont stand the test. Sunday-school organ­ to at the court M. A. E. to VOLUNTARY SUPPORT Fifth Grade apnenr Lee, execute to him a It's hard to attend to duties (Section A)-Arlene hereby required ing toward mutual understanding and Food Will WiD the pretty ized at that church on deed Now, I know it is nn unpopular the fourth Sun­ of ordinary for said county on the pursuant to the tenns of a bond With a back; Bland, Sallie Byrd, Madge Cobb, Eula to our social constantly aching in for title from Mrs. sympathies helpful life, Savannah, Mar. G. A. Gor_ to condemn for the day, March 24th, at 10 ·o'clock. Ev­ first Monday April. 1915, next, M. A E Lee G.-Go!. With annoying urinary disorders. thing sin, guilty Jimmie Louise Par­ and now an of our War Howard, Olliff, when said application for probate dated. February zeu., 19Hi, to that impressive don, a prominent Savannahian who Doan's Pills have made ones sure to offended. erybody seemed 8EST FOR Kidney are almost greatly interested, REO CROSS get rish, Durward Scnr· will be heard. certain lot of land and in national and work Watson, G,l'ace lying being unity solidarity. has been interested in Red Cro.... easier. Our while in the teach­ nnd we feel very much the orlt Saviour, flesh, boro. encouraged. S. L. MOORE. Ordinary. city of Statesboro, Bulloch ""unty I believe that the effect inevitable So thousands have gratefully testi- has been ordered to France to the condemned sin and He A BOOSTER. Georgia; located on the east side of H. P. DAVISON SAYS CONGRES­ of the eervo jed. ing people, Fifth Grade (Section B)-Lena of contribution to Red part NOTICE TO PROBATE WILL. South Main government for six months. Co!. Gordon at was His were street, fronting said world I. comln, to goes They'r� for bad backs. persecuted. apostles Bernanl Kath­ SIOHAL APPROPRIATION FOR Cross would be the Ringwald, Simmons, i. street a distance of 75 more or discourogement hi. own for weak Spring Nice, Bul- GEORGIA-Bulloch feet, G lhe position that expense and wjll take up tho They're kidneys. imprisoned for condemning sin. John leen County. and RED Kingery. less, running back eastward be­ CROSS WOULD BE MIS­ und discontinuance of private sup­ I. In com, work Statesboro people gratefully recom_ Lack of fresh food and J. C. Mock having applied as next Bell:luru ; behind the lines. He is the first the Baptist was beheaded for con­ vegetable tween parallel lines to the ef mend Sixth Grade (Section A)-Walter of kin for in solemn form of right port and its conversion ultimately i AAROJ!l to tbe .tage Savannah Doan's. probate TAKE. Ill' inn to see volunteer over interrupted, habits make wav of the Savannah & service demning sin. So it goes all the chunging StatcLboro the Jdrs. G. H. Mock, 48 N. Main St., Aldred,' Eunice Waters, Kathleen the last will and testament of G. H. from n great voluntary humane move· where pri­ in France of this these trying weeks for anyone in­ railway, bounded north by lands .f type. Statesboro. says: "Whenever my back world. MOl'k, of said county, the heirs at law American Red Cross mary and Im­ Monts, Harry Aiken, Hubert Shup­ clined to' Ca­ E. M. Anderson, east Savannah & ment to a department of government Roes I am run constipation. Foley are re­ by If out arid feeling down And as for the display, of said G. H. Mock hereby National Headquarters porlant thing agricultural trine, Basil Cone, Robert Donaldson, thartic Tablets are just the for Statesboro railway. south by lands of ita from trouble, I use Doan's thing to be and appear at the court .� support wholly by taxation; place FEED OUT kidney it is short of a quired Mrs. L W D. C. 10 II fa I. YOUR HOGS SIX nothing humbug. Any indigestion, biliousness, gns on stom­ Armstrong, and weot by Washington, claimed other Kidney Pills and they never fail to Myrtis Aldennan, .Emylu Trapnell, of ordinary for said county on the South Main by voluntary organiza­ enough toad fanner can fertilize a small plltch and ach. furred tongue. headache, or other street; and vou are Wr­ January 1918. WEEKS bring me good results. My work is Katherine Fairfield Monsal­ first in next, when said 17, tion or I can conceive EARLII;:R Parker, condition Monday April ther notified that said annlication ol'ganizatons. to keep a!lve. n ears of com or indicating clogged bowels. will DUlde easier after using this medi­ raise few big big application for probate will be heard. be Dear Mr. In every lot of hog-s on feed two or vatge, Julia Cross, Thelma Cail, Car­ Cause no bad after effects. Sold heard by me on the firct My Huntress: extreme circumstances where it might Food hRS now ....a. ·Another of the has used by Monday family "talks of cotton or big turnips for dis­ S. L. MOORE. Ordinary. in three weeks quickly and actually eat l;e Lee Davis, Benton Preston. Bulloch Drug Co. April. 1915. Pennit me to be in emergency or neces­ taken a �om\· Dean's Kidney Pills with fine results. This acknowledge �with udvisable, less than othOl·s. If all would fatten while the balan"" of his crop is March 7th. 1918. •nant paRlllon 10 the war. '1'18 play, We recommend them highly." Sixth Grade (Section B)-Myrtice thanks the receipt of your letter of sity, for the govemment to ask Red like these. the entire drove woud be NOTICE. S. L. MOORE. Ordin,", ' Amcrlcan Price 60c at all dealers. Don't ever 80 sorry. This he does to be reople must prepnre for the Zetterower. BOYS' CLUB MEMBERS. 8th, enclosing' resolutions Cross to some special func­ roady mal'ket six weeks carlier perform lhcmselvc� tn sRcrlttce tor more ask for a on. A fel10w never carries By an order of mayor and council sove tlimply kidney remedy-get bragged Seventh Grade NOTICE. and six weeks feed is an item (Section A)-Elise Shut passed by Allentown Chambel' of tion for which funds would be pro­ thon wos fit same tirsl neces­ Doan's Kidney PiIIs--the that ears corn or of the books will be thought that you fully his little of little turnips Those boys who have given me Portal, Ga., open All persons are warned not to understand. Mrs. Mock had. Foster-Milburn Kennedy Nellie Cobb, Ruby Holloway, trade You� Commerce, und by its direction for­ vided or for Red snry. Co., IJanuary by appropriation, The that fatte'ns must Eyes­ be from March for a hog easily for display. The human race is full their names for one of the clubs have 1st, to April 1st, for certain promissory note Clnrk. signed war'dcd to commercial to in some Thp cold fncts nre: in condition. Evelyn Kennedy, Gladys by Luther and orgnnizaztions Oross request, emergency, France, prime physical The B. of deceit. And as for the live tax returns 1'01' the town of Padgett W. A. Thomp­ NOTI�E. stock, Seventh all been mailed a record book and Portal, the Itoly ond IDng-Innd hnve A. Thomas' Hog Powder is a condi­ Grade (Section B)-Josie son, paynble to Ed. Perkins. dated throughout United States and to form of financial aid from Congress, just Thls is to all persons not to we have ull seen fat horses at home somc hulletins. If you have not re- year 1915. Feb. enough food to keep thf'm going tioner fOI' hogs. keeps their sys­ notify ABell, Lou 28. 1915, and due in October members of the dele· but as as our have the ft Virgoinia Grimes, l\,lnry ' Pennsylvania long people tem clean and l1Iire or harllor Hubert und our 31111 we E. a ten or twelve weeles. \\'hen healthy nnd enables my boy. Segars. among neighbors; eeived you book, 'Write me as soon as DAUGHTRY. Mayor, 1915. Said note will not be Dream· Moment Moorc, Myrtle M.abel paid. gation in I that and the means to on inde· them to fatten a minor, 17 years old, who left home Simmons, A. H. IVOODS, Clel·k. Congress. regret spirit go America's tood quickly without falling have seen fmc cows and and fine me ad· LUTHER PADGETT. sllpmp1lts Btop­ hogs possible, giving your correct Picture an old worn there was Feb. IS. Schult.z. (14feb-4t) tire, rolling towards not opportunity for con­ they Should be encouraged the nllied prey to the usuul diseases of hogs. Monday, various (7mRr4t-n) pendently notions hegln consuru· W. f;hickcns of bl'eeds, including dress �1l1{1 your father's initials so 1 its The B A. Thomas' Hog Powder is not G. SEGARS, Eighth Grade-Mae Allen. grave. sultation and wider be­ so to To do otherwise is to deny Ing Into this slender stol'e nnd discussion, go. food. It's Stat.sboro. R. C. the red rooster and hen. We can mail you another book. Those stock strnight medicine and 2Sfeb-2t-p) ,blue 11th Grade-Annie Mae Strickland. :------...;.� A sorry if it's fore so sacrifice and lJo�ln 0 t;;wlrt OIol'('h Into actunl sight, especially yours. your estimable ol'g�nization them the oppOI-tunity of we took the have also seen nice cakes and because it enables pies, boys who have joined either the calf A if the bank-roll is low. fumlne cOIHJlllonH-whlch would CORN WANTED. terrifying sight rccordCQ itself, and 1 am convinced it contribution in this great tragedy, you to feed your hogs much earlier. llnd fine needle work and so on, which STATESBORO RESIDENT GIVEN or club and have not menn defent in short order. agen,cy pig gotten their would be u F. Fl. Balfour F!'"'dwnre Co States- SUDDENLY A CHANGE- mistake, at this time, to which is a blessing to them. .. I want bu.hels of corn. can be seen at aIm os: well·con­ . then must live on I animal so lDuJ'opc 2,000 every UP BY PHYSICIANS. yet, do at once unless you Red boro, As if that old carcass support Cross, even in part, by Sincerely yours, by magic totetring Amertcn's Your -->I _ WiU shelled or in shuck. ducted h"",e without paying a nickel have for s..'1me. If surplus. sRTtng Ga.-u_d_v_. buy j'Given five yon up by doctors. my only sPok�n ca�'t has been transformed. cong'l'cssiO'llal appropriution. [un­ (Signed) H. P. DAVIDSON, In('l'ense. our u\'Alloble stocks I Will cash or trade flour. to look at them. I find 011e In LOST-New U. S. . pay un J on the wrIte n� auto tire. 32x3r� hope operation. rebelled neghborhood, cut-l derstand the business man's side of Chairman, Red Cross \\Tar Council. just thAt much nlld Retunlly teeds R. H. WARNOCK. B. DARSEY. me ns I am me so 1 can �8�it81 NEW! on rim; lost either between Pulaski W. ting 75 years old. find one for IT'S BRAND o�en, you. the the some In I'he with question, claims upon his time, C. B. Huntress, Esq., person countries and Excelsior or between Pulaski A neighbor advised trying Mayr's J G. IT'S BEAUTIFUL! I LIDDELL, County Agent. and which we nrC' nA�oclated In ollr Wonderful Remedy for stomach trou- money staff, the diversion in his Allentown Chamber of Commerce, and Statesboro about February 2Sth. ==",'======IT'S OVERSIZE! wnr ngnlnst thp ('('ntraJ Powers. Finder will be rewarded for return. ble. I got relief right away. I had commullity creuted by canvassing Allentown, Pa. not eaten for 10 and was IT'S PUNCTURE-PROOF! Our slIrplus wheur hos aht:ll.d:t W. H. BUlE, Pulaski, Ga. (7m2t) days as yel· I, Free Flower Seed campaig"ns llnd the inequality that --�....,.- -....,..-- low as a gold piece. I could have lived IT'S ALL A TIRE POSSIBLY BE. heen shipped to the ai!te5. monum�nt to. C�Ut.D marks the distribution of the common only a few but for this medi­ days Hastings' Catalogue II. f\. IWOD ADmNrSTRATlON cine." It is a harmless has been burden, but I am convinced that he Sea Island BanK simple, prep­ Phon(4996, P. O. Box UI2 It actually re-created by the Clear Your aration that removes the reUs You About It catarrhal application of a patiently should abide these minor mucus from the intestinal tract and Complexion No matter whether you farm on a ills for the I am the inllammntion greater good that, "lIays which causes scale or with This Stat�sboro, Georgia large only plant vegetables Savannah, is practically nil stomach. liver and in- or Georgia convinced, being accomplished. flowers In a small way, you need Old Reliable testim,l As 1 boe Red ailments, including appendi- Hastings' 1918 Seed Catalogue. It's Cross, with it.s wide· citis. One dose will convince or your· ready now and we have n copy for .... ncuu operations, it is a great aux­ Rcmedg- ref.nded. Sold I ASSETS OF BANK money by W. H. El- If for OVER $7000,000,00 fOU absolutely free, you write It, to the . lis Co., drugg-ists.-adv. AND THE BANK-ROLL HARDLY KNEW IT! iil;!l'Y government ill wal', made mentioning the name of this paper. Handles Everything. til. more helpfu because it claims '\\' ------___ In addition to HANcocK' YOU CAN OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH showing you about all The Gtory of Gates Half-Sole Tires is the most � tbe va'rletles of no time 'from a rapidlv expu:lc:cc! ANNOUNCEMENT. vegetablcs, farm · ONLY ONE DOLLAR. clover wondel"ful tire tale ever told. Hurry to our ... grass, and flower seeds, our administration pressed' by many GA .. Feb. 1915. ELDORA, 12. catalogue tells how can tree Service we will make your dream a SULPHUR COMPOUND you get a Station, no KEEP UP SAVING FOR 5 YEARS AND HERE IS THE To the People of the First Used in problems, recruits operatii1g per­ blotcbu Congre8- flve splendid varieties of easily grown, LeIDetelJ. and, service free, For pimples. black-hnds. freckles. sional District of reality. Mounting sonnel from those liable for RESULT, -NOT COUNTING INTEREST, AND WE PAY Georgia: yet beautiful flowers, with which to military 1 am a candidate for :���:s�c�f�nf�r�lt::: ':����tc�!� Co·ngress. sub_ beautify your home duty, and no financial bur­ 1U1phur. Asa 1� YOU INTEREST. surrouBdlngs. WE HAVE imposes thl, II.clcntlfic compounLil)t ject t<> the white democratic primary Good seeds of THE BEST lion, It 500thes and heals: taken . almost every kind QUARRY CONNECTIONS IN den or the 1lation­ iDterMII�- to be held this responsibility upon 1 cent a in five years will be 18.25 year. arc scnrce this seasoD, nnd YOU can't THE WORLD. day $ al 1 see it as the ��tl�1�����:"f!,:�f;rl��ellgro!itue lI1y work in the courts as nolicitor a!!ord to take chances In secd treasury. orgflllizu. _ your the 10 cents a day in five years will be 182.50 GArE5�J�TIRE5 Physicians aCl'ce that 5ulphur 15 one of general. and my interest wili tion and the of farming supply. Hastings' Seeds are depend. WE HAVE THE LATEST expression that pat­ 50 cents a day in five years will be _ 912.50 require my attention until the late MACHINERY, AND HIRE d:ee; "ble seeds, the kind you can always riotic citize1lry anxious to pay more ���h:�C�I���b��pr�l.'1:�r�Q��kt':; or summer. ONLY THE BEST -It's bealth deep. a in five will be _ spring After then I will on MECHANICS. Cast As Much $1.00 day years 1,825.00 having "good luck" with. 1/2 than tnxe!:S to win the section df'pend help war, C!lgel' lure tn :lsI: for HANCOCK SULPHUR go into every of the district, You are to or larm 80 going garden For It has been used willa saUl· prices write or eithe AUTHORIZED SERVICE STATION. to en I'e for its sons called to arms COMPOUNI). BEGIN THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. meeting the people and I will discuss this not Insure success phone Savannah or spring. Why StatellOl"� I '�dor)' l'csull' for oyer 25 years. the. problems 'confronting- them. so tar as office. and to extend the hand of possible by starting with tile ready and the bottle A little later I will issue S()c $1 my plut- right seed? Don't take ebancas that I bounty to those in need in othel" form CECIL W. upon which I will stand or fall. you do not baye to In seeds. BRANNEN, Mgr. S. C. l\JEVIL lBl CO. Y.:!.'!f Ce lands. I see it !'::::;� To those who do not know I ask LATHAM, J. us a mqbile :!:doll�,d��!5��d l��:rrcae"�� me, WritE for 1918 a direct. today Hastings' Savannah, Ga. Sale. orga"iza-I wo wHl scnd you. bottle to Main Street Ga. free from! SEA ISLAND you suspend judgment until you Catalogue. It's free and will both In- Manager, 46 W�st Statesboro, tion, gislative delay cup- SULPHUR BANK ' HANCOCK LIQUID have heard from 23 W. Main me.. terest and help you to succeed In 1918. St., State.boro, IGa. allie of wide service qt easy of ac- CoMPANY' I am i-H. Made by 'fhe International Baklmore. Mde yours respectfully, G. HASTINGS CO.. Seed. Ph_ 3117. I men, complis ment by our g ,vernment, W. F. SLATER. A�.nta, GI.-AaVt. that in emergehey or disaster can act

...... instantly. I see it as a great educlI- IhL------__ �-..-.:_�---- -�---""::--"'!:-..._: THURSDAY, MARCH 14,1918 BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS BULLOCH TIMES AND �=��==�T;.;H�U�RS�D�A�L�'M�A�R�C�H�I�4�,1�'�1�8 PACE FOUR STATI!��9�N�E:;:.W�S==� I 1'1'1 I 1·1-+++++· Catarrh ...·1 '+++++++++'+'1'1 I 1+''''''1·1 1 1 1 1 I North Dakota. Montana and Idaho. Don't Let Drag PLANT VELVET BEANS - BULLOCH TIMES conditions have not been IS NOT 1J1SPOSED where the FOOD ADMINISTRATION You into Consumption AND the most favorable, and whei e m sprays! inhalers, atomizers, 'elUea been decid­ Avoid Its Dangerous Stage. '!He\:." some sections they have ol and other local applications. U-be '�UlteBbOro LIMITATION ON PERISHABLES 1S a more serrous stage .. PUT PRiCE There a most satlrlae unfavorable dur-ing the past two caused S. S. S has proven edly Catarrh than the annoyance it Amusu because Theatre PUBLISHED WEEKLY and tory remedy for Catarrh years the stopped-up air �I�"��i���'�� by passages, I tts and re­ Worth an Acre as direct to source, ,. i $10 other goes Eetween CHANGE THE ticed by those the supply of refrtgeru tor cars, and WOld mny not be out at place at this! farmers who have gro« n velvet beans nlmost dally we read of distur bance COMING -I- but have not made to TER FOR THE BRIGHTER ONES OF THE and the brunt of battle. the Food Acmlntstruuon at Waahing time No attempt has been the ttrst year very ott en abandon them r, om their umcns First It IS a de -1- thnt step step and 1 e or stabilize the ice of �. 01 been able to realize by ton \\ tshes the Iat mers, truckers gulut PI crops SPRING. tbe second l ear This Is because mnnd for wages and ShOI tel closer our higher :1 uit of the to be In or Ihls character 1 he reasona for A GOOD GARDEN DEPENDS ON HOW YOU PRE· lho In the COl 0. these things ar e commg growers countr-y t difficulty harvesting hour s then a protect uguinst the lin not and formed of thts fact, and assured that this are dlfflcult to understand PARE YOUR GROUND. HOW YOU PREPARE POUR + crop but" ben the results on the sue I COST $500,000 5,00 SCENES ticn of other Iabo: et S Into theh far ever It one wI1I enough DRESS·UP "" the velvet fal I ernov cd as porta In so as humanly posaible y appreciate stop long THIS IS YOUR TIME, ceectlng yenrs n.1 e seon wn�ut we 31 e not so GROUND DEPENDS ON YOUR GARDEN TOOLS. + ter r It.OJ y, all oj whIch causes fm diS pffOl t \\ II be made to aid them In mar La study lhe situation a tew minutes beans al e the third yenr news Item 111 AND WE HAVE A BEAUTI· planted were Look at the TOO, • + I we at VICW .+ I turb�lnce nrc "lbout the size of the kellng their crops satisfactorily Ihe rl0m nn economIc pOlllt While It Is bardly pl.cllcal >It this It IS reInted -1- wherein AND SERVICEABLE LINE OF + BUY OUR GOOD GARDEN TOOLS AND YOU t todny's papel pre8ent senson J his announcement The ploductlon of 811 vegetables and FUL time to grow veh at benns In eVall nvetagc I�lbol nglt:: tOI 's estimate of + I ever revealed on SOc and $1.00; women are belllg employed + story Imy stage. Admission, Matinesa, thnt nesro l!i a \ el) IlIIpOltdnt. one and should set fl'llits Is a highly specllllzed lmsinesK THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF WILL HAVE A GOOD GARDEN WITH LESS WORK + acre of Cal n In thp stote, each ncre of Gr�atest to putllOtU:im Hnd faIrness + nrgnt, $1.00. Scats now on sale at the Theater. laborers In Savannuh \\ It tllerefore a rathet uncertnln G 01 ns T611road at rest the feurs of those ho bn Vo Is, THAN YOU ARE NOW DOING WITH THOSE OLD COlO gro\\ n in l\llddle nnd Soulll ]f n gavel nment winch has power GINGHAMS, VOILES, SILKS, NOV· \VOl k heretofOi e done by bern as to \\ helhcl buslnes!:I It costs a gl ent deal to ':i: bave velvet benns In theml of the crItics who have been ster'lest in their exactions of American dra­ CUTl y on tho debal111g they t gin. should Many to em 1 y on W.l1 till the WE WORN OUT THINGS YOU HAVE BEEN USING. + hand­ ough dl,\ltlng tho because or the ELTY CLOTH AND FANCIES COl n in NOlth matists announce has "Put Over" the American men Negro women 10 GeOl gin 1)I\0111d plant tltlcl{ crops during llioduce speclelJ ClOp -I- �Lnd -ns much of the thelr belief that D. W. Griffith great honol able and WOl + of pOI fectly thy anu cOle fOI nn{ount or fCllllIzCl \\ hlth must + as ,\ould seem to IS a tOWUl ds the J)lescnt YE'lil and SPIRY lurge HAVE EVER GeolblR cOllllltlons at last. Mr. Gllffith's wonderful "The Birth of a Nation." ling cross ties step SHOWN. GAR· + 1 play spectacle.drama, men II am the eve I walhs be the considCl oble amount 'I' BUY THEM RIGHT NOW AND GET YOUR s1I1ce been j Dung y·duy thClI fl Ult plantatIons as c refully U3 uAed, very + mal{o PI actical conditIOns whICh have long + For many year3 America's dramatists wrote plays ;;f particular State., Cities or 10- of has not Cl to conti 01 these In of labor employed and the high cost DEN READY EARLY. rho Medium runrh 01 Alabama va of war-tal n Ilfe, PO\\ lhe past endured by the women + cRhtJes, rangl�lg from "Alabama" to "The Henrietta," and from "Way Down East" to labor IS It It IS now mOl e and clenI Incident to tllllspOltatJon and dlstrl 1Jrand seems to be the hest val leI y that of (Ilstulblng leadc1s, It time generally The Famous Star Slippers riety It seem a httle out place + USE OUR iT STANDS HARD WEAR. +t "The but no man" cmed to the whole and of Europe I han e\ el berO! e tha t butlon through refllgelRtor curs or colli HARDWARE; y cun be recommendeu at lhe I Great D'Vide," gra9p 'spirit genuia the PO\\ 01 from some\\ hm c A. ly recogDlzeu + plesent but It IS U nat.ural got to frUits and ,lrc an IlUllorlnut �toruge plnnts J.� Methods of '01 consldel America until Mr. Griffith a suggestion for his theme out of Dixon'. "The Leo­ co,\templnte, would be to t lke hold 01 vegetables and all kinds low cut shoes + planting Y picked meallS t.hat good thlllg .1- of waT It lhe essentIal nature of In· be no actual to it. conscquence and es�entlal pal t of the humnn die Rellltzlng -I- ably nnd there seems to I and the "Clansman," and started develop them With an Hon hand until the \\al pard's Spots" war men "ho ha\ie In dustI les Qf this the Food Ad t Indicate tbat we nrc at The tory, and ,lew ot the necessity of ClUBS, F. H. BALFOUR HARDWARE CO. dlttn available ns ) to IS 0\ 01 and te"eh a lesson to them NEW GOODS EVERY DAY. LET US SHOW YOU. t th,s labol U1 e wken meat., rats RDd other concen Ullnlstration IS not dlt;posed thel e t one method Is SUPOTlor to the otber been performlllg saving ... + that Will slay by them fOI a time aftel Ilmltallon on the WE IN SHOWING OUR GOODS. row and for the Week March e IS no one else tinted products tor hlpmpnt abro,ld rore, to put an,) sule DELIGHT " !\.dvocntos at planting 111 the PrograTn Beginning 15. to do wnt WOI k Thel 1-+++++++'1-+-1-+++++++-:.+++++++++++++++-1-++-1'++ the end has come neces that of of thiS character 10\\S arc about \\ and It Is both aly and deslrnble pllce ClOPS between the equally of nce and the Fox also Para· to fall back upon but the omen. FRIDAY. M "'RCR lv-Episode No 2 "Vengeance Woman." comedy; \\hlle a trurl{ house our 0\\ n people eat a larger ploportlon cnuse glo\\cr mtg-ht IT HERE. divided nave been taken from the GET TWE BEST--GET shall m(\ke an mount 1'.lack Sennettt comedy, "Intel n..ltlonnl Sneak" they CAN A NATION LIFT ITSELF on lrtsb be-I who have con\ yances will of Irults and vegetubles By dOJOg so, mulie a good IHoOt pot�1.toes, I The northern pllrt of tbe slltte which had been legal ded as of I MARCH 16-Vlwgraph �'entule fenturlng Mlldled Monlllng and Wailace MacDonald work BY will the other he that etrolt to proC'Ule the attendance have to use or SATURD"'Y, ITS BOOT STRAPS? tbey not only supply system evelY ClOP grO\\8 year the Enrly, GeorgiA I reulm and picks m "The PllOcess of Pnrk Row" A (II amll of a young newspnpor I eporte who ron Bcr08D one romance theu proper given "Ilh desirable mlner,ll salls, but II. mnv be 131SCd. a.t a 1088 or Ilt only a any who may not othenVise be able bean This bean will mnture In a axes What does th,s menn? We ovel the Involved McDOUGALD-OUTLAND Is not thut he did not wllte up Just what he did m thiS �se make" fllscmotmg romance In human appeal. and Clln the American people spend as larger JlI opal tlon of nourishment than slight gain expense COMPANY, to reach the sorV1ces to 136 days While the yield 1251 the work have are to 1t Is also thnt the commission so Yo: III make A Iso V·L S·E "Frauds and Free Lunch" I must know that they much and hve as well as befol e the fruits und vegetables SUPIlOl:led cleal "ASK THE MAN WHO TRADES HERE. Sundey afternoon at 3 o'clock a large, Its earty maturity comedy. have to Our can cut down merehallts of this It ad\ Isable for the northm n 18-1 am SUI e be to hear IS to In been 10 the pust shail lit same time coutn!n people bnndllng plOduce Will be held very MONDA MARCH you Wlil dehghted that Mary Pickford appear domg "ar, nnd the SUppOl t un specml mothers' service I Y. are in of Ga. the Me other und those the" consumption 01 fat and of pro­ li1nd engaged one the most CHto, part of tbe state Although another entitled "The Little Prmcess,' an Artcrnft picture. The scenarlon was be done by hands. filmy on which the fate of clVlhzntlon It IS requested that every person at­ dehghtful photoplay tein In the form of lean meat with Hnsta ble and uncertam businesses 1D dlum can unquestionably be women Ul1d chlldren Early written MnrlOn from the book Frllnces whose �orks bave won hands are white IS staked? shall wear a white flower as by Frances by Hodgson Burnett. great maleIinl advantage aod substitute this country lnvestlg thons reveal the tendmg grown In some localities In Nortb I to to learn u renown M'ss P,ckfolU the of a who enJoys riches and suffers and her We are gomg begIn A no more than an rndlvul­ a token of 10\ e fOl mother plays part girl poverty many notlon, thorefor larger quantities of perish fact that a commiSSIOn merchant may Georgia, It requiles from 160 to 176 "e s an of In situattons as le..on 10 hardships befme huve cnn hnve Its cdmlTeI wlil hnve opportumty seemg her abound mil' With bumor as well pathos. unl, cuke and eat It too abies In tblS way, they will not only often do business ttt a 108s for sev STATEMENT OF CONDITION days for this variety to mature Those much further the wny STUMP BLOWING In tl'e ("Qurse of the play ns Sarah Crew. she teils the Arllblnn Night In the plcturlzatlOn of gone along ThiS natlon IS composed of a hundred be kept In good phYSical condition. but ernl months and of necessit,} be torc Interested In tbe pr01j.\lction of vel girls tales. lo make all his three DEMONSTRATION the val whIch of Oriental alC shown mJJlJon people who nre tr yrng Just a great waste of essential foods will ed plofit during vet beans and a study of iety mngl1lficent setting splendor FEED THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK RAISE STOCK ted months of ear" hen his volume secure a or circular 48 of MARCH 17-Wllham Fox "The Honor for the thu�to t"onsurne as much as In the be prC\ en the,} should copy TUESDAY. Super·Plcture. Systom," tlllnking man. E\ ery Individual should, the1 elore, or bUSlOess IS unmlUally I;ood and his STATESBORO.GA Those farmers Interested In clean­ the Slate College of Agllculture or wom"n and folks of AmerlcR There are 10 and out of our m· prospelOUS days befole the war, and young 500.000 p"soners drlftmg penal at to sales 1 and umfcn ru Ga Planting time bemg agam hand. undertake, even ID a city lot pro Itpld off thelT fanns Will have write Prof John R Fam Alhens, stltutlons half a rmIllon pllsoncrs nrc from these institutIOns each every have enough left 0' er to burn up Ing stllmps yearly, (hschntged year to as much of the as Flom the fOJ egolng It sbould not be our farmers should not forget put duce peTlshables at the close of buslne.. March 1918 lt will cost brcathe untold mllhons In the fOI demo 4th, a chance to get at what ycnr 1.500 persons thC!r last behmd prison bars In tillS country How to deal With th"se priS­ fight nnd utilize tbem fOi the ben concluded that the Food Administra In a htte someth extra for the hogs )los.lble IS nil' nnd It c.ln·t th m pel stump and to see how lt oners IS told In the glgnntlc'pllson film ."The Honor Svstem" AdmiSSIOn. 15 nnd 25c for thnt day. OCllICY liberty be done ent. of bls own and tlon will take ItB lund oil all I 01 e to f(1.l1l1ly cnnning perish Condenled from to of the and cattle which th.y gomg Report Comptroller Currency done Mr G of the SEED CORN ON us to Guy Menns. agll TESTS Moreo\ er, for go 011 trYing to nl esen iag the SUI plus for future use nbles and allm\ the llIall\et to control, have faT market the commg summel of DuPont do would com­ nod 01 and othel I C'tll til I nl dep." tlnent the It, gIve greuter aid �nd ]TIvClY fruit tree should be sillayecl speculltion hOrlllling pol LIABILITIES now offCi s a con· RESOURCES The packmg plant th"t tbe la! 01 II ult Icles inimical to Ule welfare of either Powder WIll spend three fort to the enemy thun anythIng the pllllled ge�t supply Company. SOUTH SIDE OF tmual murket fOl ]Ivestoclt. and the not for 1110ducer or cOlHmmer to be and Dlscounts $890,27124 Capital StocJt ....•.... $ 50.00000 I the DRILL Amellcan people could do, because It mny be made available. only pJllcliced da) s 10 Bulloch county showlllg ILonns . .".'. and I 1.35213 Stll plus UndIVided BARNI--'�I�����-�-���������� Will he ca]lzed can the mIddleman At the same time WELL best prices problJly the Ilnd owner but fOI public by falmelS how to use dynamite I have Doesn't Show MEASLES ���,; :;i���R;� would 5ubstnntmte the KaIser's guess Relll Estate . 31.500 00 Plonts . 42.340 76 Discard Eal That COlliSION L1TT��E�A:�L����:� se�\son \\ an effol t will be made to see that HE,.\O-ON summel as ell '1 he mtenslve culti· IN the and 8umptlon jus 10VCI(hafts SC\­ spr1l1g him come because durmg thnt the UnIted States would llevel lrulllItule nnd Fixture 2,92196 National Bunk Notes asked to here 90 PEl Ccr.t Gum" ,1:lOn In Ou.t(­ been In the h�\blt vnllon of all sal ts of trucl{ CIOPR such lice be done so far as Is humani Our fmmers have States Bonds ... 155,40000 stand1l1g' _ no mCI s have asked me fOI 111 I After a of four' weeks, be a fonTlHiuble enemy 50.000 eral fal Other Members of Family Senously delay nearly as lettuce kale rad PosHlble lo d Il con cel ned I n tlle Y:Unlted 1 the fall and spinach omons, yro 111 Fedel al Resel ve •.. 1 ttl n: of feedIng only dUring Stock Deposits 643.55716 f fOI matlOll work IS ngnlll progrcsslIlg on the city To the man m the stl eet It may duction and at regal ding blowlI1g stumps III at tbe Same Time tshes, bf'R.ns peas beets tomatoes and llandhng consumption B \I1k Athl.nta _ 2,35000 TWO ARE BADlY HURT then their animals SI1l�,t10� �;ethl�r����t :nrl�'��UC:·�;1 --- J the, allOWing I hr\ e for demonstratIOns alteSlRn weil Mr W. Floyd. seem ho\� the n­ In BAPTIST arranged ummportnnt f!orn should be undertaken order pellsh.bles Cash on WIth othel AT gavel REVIVAl eCl\utlon that Hand. stuffs PJ I every for a In the .Ind pos!:uble, TOGETHER Llttle the 14 year old SOli of to root hvmg sprmg Bonks and WIth Umted at the and hope that MOTOR CARS COME Carl. contractor. today that he bad ment gets the money It needs, as long followlIlg places \\111 add to the production should be stated,

Th,s not do for ..... RACK NEAR morn· summer plan WIll Stutes Treasurer 202,10259 WIll take off a few ON RAILROAD 1 Mr E R died Tuesday � DS It but thiS VIew oVCllooks all the fanners taken tbe se�d corn before Colhns. gets It, , Testing a section which as a stock coun­ , TUESDAY NIGHT poses hours and nttend the demonstratIOn of the BROOKLET as of fol· �:::::rt�� the fundamental question of what -CHURCH END SUNDAY planting IS one precautions I nmg the result pnuemoma ::�I nd:�:Vf:�: wj:�:hagho� To the benefit of tHe market SEED and to after the mo.t arduous search he had _ . loss OIL OF COTTON ...... •.... •. try get IS EDUCATION Total Total 92 nenrest them Monday. Malch 18. can be tallen to "'old °money" Not only the mel VOCATIONAL $785.89792 $785.897 Three men escuped death measles Mr Colhris and all chants, th�t I n.rrowly lOWing "- ...hlch the of Bulloch have pro· IncreaHe A stand ever The wa. lost people reo 9 30 am. M R Akms' place. 2 30 help YIelds perfect rnoto r cars experienced pOint but the pubhc generaliy. should ARE In a head-on coII ISlon a f were LARGE CONGREGATIONS maximum the other members of the family vlded In the pnckmg plant. It IS nec· J A Brannen's Is necessal y t.o Hccure Ute I olf at a depth of 320 feet. and was ahze that war IS not With pm, place, Tuesday, on the Savannah & Swt"soro raIlroad waged EXPLAINED MAY AFFECT PRICES BEING ATTRACTED BY MINIS· condition No and had been BEEN undCl same el188ry that attentIOn be glven to the HAS March 9 30 C S Yield Ilny gIven III at the time. qUickly lost Sight of. It must b. re­ money. but WIth the motelwls nnd 19. am. Cromley's track near Brooklet Tuesday night S. Be S. RAILWAY B PHILIPS one Is able to tell "hetber the corn feedIng of stock throughout the year TRY OF REV, J 2 J E Brannen's under the constant care of trained moved. before work could labor over which com­ Seed Run in Oil place. 30 pm. One A H of IndlUna. however, money �lves Government To Pay One·Half Some High will germinate well or not by looking of tl'ese. Bilby. Green stuff should be now It EFFECTIVE FEB. 3. 1918 9 30 a and that was the which planted mand IS n place; Wednesday. March 20. WIth a nurses for several At proceed. job Money only smybol of Of Teacher's Salary And Othel's Run Low The reVlval servlceo at the BaptIst at the ear IS at the Stalesboro sanitarIUm days present been one familial 10". suggested by m KE Watson's kept Mr. Floyd busy all the tnterven­ an In· and are • place. The test Is to make and does II fractured E J section but power m eas), IS purchl\smg Spent by Dally Sun. Datly chU1'.b are still progre.. I skull. Reid. Mr Collins somewhaL tmproved. that It would OUI was With condItIOns. pay What Is the 'National Vocational Smce are J G and the re- mil' fOllr weeks. Not only the dlvldual, It means uSing up labor and hlgb prices being paid for )( Sun X Bun. con· LIDDELL. County ),gent not take very mucb Ume. I foreman of the was I II Only duily groWIng 111 mterest Lnrge rUllroad. shghtly wa. too unwell to attend the bUrial farmers to wurzel beet. Vo loca­ plant mangel materlllls Educational Act?' The National cotton seed and for cotton seed all, 25 28 8 28 are for tbe time consumed Joe pornt of mtnn91C velue. but 1tll Saved and loaned to the are attracted by the Injured. and a colored workman. DailY) • The other I gregatlOn. belt.g of hiS httle for their stock ThiS IS Act" as since there Is often a dllference n s wor boy yesterday. abso­ vegetabl� cationnl Educa.tional known and • M P. A SlIort But Statement. tlurntbsl larkge tion at the bottom of the weU It menns the I I M.' Strone IS government, giVIng gO\­ foreefol of the evangehst. Kelly. suffel'ng dislocated IIkeWlSe were to 110 of 011 preachmg are of making Wlt� children of tile fallllly eaail, gr?W and IS highly nutritious the SUlItb Hughes BIll," provides of from 75 pounds per 7:86 There many wa,. I lutely barred further progreCII. ernment control over the commodi­ Rev J B and many memo Womell Wlth backache. rheumatic thigh ton between tbe seed of dllferent va Phillips. tbe test JIIr Thomas Little of Spar reported ta be Improvmg. and hopes EYery fanner should plcnt a patch tbat of money shall be made 686 sore stilf or W,th luck from now on, Mr. ties and servIces needed for WUI pur­ grants been added to the church IIams. muscles. JOints Mr flilhy IS employed for the gOY· good "elles of cotton, 011 mills are Insk!t· 620 bers have Ga. told tbe writer a few yeaTe are entertamed for the rocllvery of and have them for to the Federal Government to the other symptoms of kidney trouble tao to tbe well ready feedmg It IS not a of by 1 ernment a of the Floyd expects complete poses questIon services a survey money, Ing that of seed be established 6 Ii dUTIng the series of should read thIS statement from Mrsl ago tbat he made the te.t In sand \n makmg all of them his stock as early as pOSSible. to the States lor tbe purpose of Co-operaUng to a depth of 550 feet Wlthm the next but of the money stands for ID 01 der that the interior seed Will 608 11 o'c1ock Sat-- the south side of his barn The railroad and was commg thmgs For the service at S C Smnll Clayton. N M "Foley bed on propertIes. The Interment was at Bethel ceme. end that he may huve an al11mul 01 wllh the State� lD the promotion or two weeks Jt IS not a of these not the same ce per ton as 602 WIll P,lls hnve done me more I!:ood sand bed Is unquesllonably tlfe best 1 In from Stilson after Without questlOn bring pr a sermon KIdney nIght prodUCing urday mornmg speCial at 11 o'clock mornmg. for the the Vocational Education This bJ)1 pass 555 medicines" tery yesterday twl' packmg plnnt commg next 01 those 011 content than all oth�r They of making the germination on I motor car Mr things year, the yeal after showing hIgh be for the old folks. and an way hghts hiS all road Rev FOR and es 542 preached the servICes conducted by SALE-Newton'. Whatley's summer dnd "as signed by PI e we'llk Indneys and banish to examine bemg ed COngrCBs Manv fnJ mers hi" become Interest strengthen us It gIves an opportunity wus I but 01 them now who can Reid the sectIOn fOJ emun • etu!'n Prohflc Seed Toola's that. prodUCing light 517 mVltatlOn IS extended to all (hstlll bladder ailments teotl S A of the church Corn. Early Idellt \V11,on �'eblu.ry 23 1917 It ed III the matter and especially those sleep blDg the root development McDamel. pastor \\ the least rom COUlt 10 and Cotton DUCIe Aflft Ith pOSSible deldy .IIHI the 452 to attend It IS requested that those Sold Bulloch Co mil' S latesboro. Improved Seed. PLANTING SPRING WHEAT by Drug of corn will becall" effectIve July I, 1917 who (lIe ploducing "eed runn1r1t; IlIgh Some ears only germm and Express Lonl!: Staple Cotton IC.iKt pOSSible expense The g \ erll- 4 46 I'fneither was uwnre of the presence of In 011 Some of the I millK ilave "======ate 60 to 80 cent of 'the Ill'RmS OLD MAIDS REJUVENATED at Seed FIRST DISTRICT AGRI· \VhaL does It do for OUI State? 1 be large 422 per mont must have the 10 th e 0 ther on th e track Ul\tl I th ey had 22 While the area llght·oi·way ot'fCled a urn for If an ear contains 800 gl Rel!:lster Gn. Mnrch CULTURAL SCHOOL. Statecboro. of wlDter wheat aid to the states by pay llicLldy plem �ml1erlOr 415 average net Jjrovldes amo.j was obtommg "hnt It needs fOl the ef· In menn thele come The neglO qu c� (Sll!:ned) Prof Makeover Ga (7mar3t) In If they dIe grown suffiCient quuntl this would thnt would be togethel sown 1917 was the lalgest on rec· one half the COtlt of salnlles of fectlve Ing prosecution of the wm, and ties to mnJl{ct them in CUI lots Com a loss from 160 to 400 hills from an enough to Jump. bllt the two whIte ord, the condltlOn of the ClOP, .1S I c­ te lcher!:; of trades and borne econom I ;;;==;:;;;:;;;;;;:;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;======:::l!�=�� thIS IS \\ hen the lUunltlcs nre now In ear of this Idnd This Is a consider men were not so pOSSIble only people supervlsOJ s a.nd dl being orguDized qUick. ported on December 1. \\a� the 10\\ est Ics and teachers, S T r:TtTMSHAW SUDenntenoent J educe some sections to seed show a.ble loss In the of corn theIr spendmg ThiS IS not of til subjects I'he grow only production Mr""" Bilby's InJuncs were at first ever recorded, mdlCatmg a pi obuble rectors AgTicultlil I high 011 content 10 order t.1t.ll An ear thnt does not germinate 90 techntcal financc, but plam common state dl local commumty or both, rMY Ing the,) thought to have been fatuI He was productIOn of bush· I only 540.0000.000 may obtain tbls 1)1 cmlUm offered by per cent sbould not be used sense whIch every man, woman, and the uthel one haH of Buch slllarie ren dered unconscIous by a blow on I els Whether the actual that the corn productIOn fOI tenchers' the mills 1l Is also necessary chIld must understand before the na· BCKHles thiS ("ud Sr1.1.111es, the head, caused from coming In C'On­ Will be or less than the estl· Prof E Rast of the Slate Col should a strong root sys g1eater bIll III II tbe Federal Gov Loy SAVE YOUR HOGS develop good I tl011 can reach an end to the futtle tho I)lovldes tact With tbe 011 tank on bls car Dr mate Will of t\griculture shows In a elrcu tern If tbe lOOt development. when depend upon conditIOns pre­ crnmcnt shall PRY one b II( the tol \1 lege effort t& hft Itself Its boot was to attend him He by strops lar entlt)Jld 011 Content 01 Colton the plant Is pulled up, seems Money called vnlhng between now und the time of cosl of preparmg teacbers or these young I When It lS thOloughly no Seed as Influenced lind Se INSURE AGAINST CHOLERA to be weak and does not sbow the IS reported to be Improvmg harvest. und�rstood. vocation \1 subjects by Varlet) merchant "III thmk of a lt patrIOtic to this lection that there Is a difference of st.rong nnd vigorous growth 11 there were to How much money does biJI pro planted spTlng the ear should E D TILLMAN Business recel\ e Bonds 111 trade nor 66 belween tbe best nnd DumbeJ of Liberty Vide for the State of Georglu? Therp $21 poorest large roots, neat ln the nation tlllS "'n acre­ Millions of d�lIan worth of are lost year hogs every year Increase the corn ",ll mvestor With hIS bonds tn seed of 38 vallehes tested when their be discarded any part I •• ' allable from tbe Fedet al I from Cholera. Bulloch age equal to the sum of the record all County Fannen are amone as near a cl v�Llue Is b Ised upon content This yield for 1918 by getting E D Tillman about 50 01 certifi�tes except In extreme ne­ St�1.te funds (his year for Georg thol!e who suatain aged yeru'tl • plalltlDgs In each wheat state circular Is for (ree distribution this great 10••• stand as through tbe sprmg This .um WIll be III by tbe perfect possible dled at hiS near Tuea­ PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING TO THE PUB­ cessity about $84000 J hom� Register I TAKE ",,!hID the last ten there would Department of Pubhcallons of the teetmg of seed corn Georgia pro- years. creal:if:d eacb year unlll 1926 wllt.:!n I after a brief lilness The The fate of the country may de day morning HAVE UP A SHOW ROOM AT of at duced an Increase of about ten mil I LIC THAT I OPENED be sow'n approlggS from ...ery ben varieues the seed which nc Remedy Spring ana or • nd want to c fo. 1917 was 18.511.000 In order tor a scbool to re­ grOwing Hq.ts Plaver Plano, �et AND INVITE THE PEOPLE OF STATESBORO AND School? "Our natIOnal hfe our all he claims for It. of the State of and whole Will clean of all worms and them At Price. Is tbe molto College me a Chrd The of has the benefit of thiS ACt jt must cording to records contain lees tban hogs put Popular your money's worth, drop Department Agncultpre ceive in In Its to make BULLOCH COUNTY TO INSPEC'):..MY LINE BEFORE economIC development vnlI pnss un­ 206 cent 011 sbould abandon healthy conditIOn F E FIELD. Agriculture campaign and 1 WlU come to see you I keel' I earefully studied all these records and be unller publlc supcrvlslOn and can per them the SInister of I Georgia Independent of other sections your plano In ail tbe time FREE I AN AUTOMOBILE. I HAVE A COMPLETE Influence foreIgn must be or at lelUlt understand that tbelr seed tun� BUYING In connect1on trol Its controlhng purpose creations that Will please other data vnth the de! -Here are Spnng Mthnery its of eggs DurIng winter Address JEROME FOLLETTE. Box con!.)'ol If we do not wm The war will flom to For &ale for supply to ftt and girls tor useful ern probably bring U UO by Trapnell Mikell W. T. LINE TO OFFER FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AND war conditIOns and and boys Co., State.boro; new are cent of the 211. Statesboro. Ga (l4.mar·tf) pJ"esent needs, less ton than m every detatl. These Sprmg Stylea month. about 90 per ens demands the maxImum of self sacn ployment, the tnstrucllon must be at per avera,s seAd when Huehes, Statesboro; W. W. Nesmith the ladles Statesboro, R. F In are WOULD BE PLEASED TO GIVE YOU A DEMON­ beheves that It Wlll be pOSSible tnlS olfered to tbe mIll' next fall and loveliness. used Georgia Imported' fice and on the of the tban college gl ade This Instrue D. D. E. m all theIr freshness timely economy part less No.2; DeLoach, Brooklet. R. F. D. No.1· charmmg third In the number to secure an In excess of If tbe mferior varieties Mc: Georgia ranks STRATION AT ANY HOUR THAT SUITS YOUR year acreage lion must be (or cblldren over 14 of cotton utmost American people-economy e\ en to Co., Clito, J. S. are dashmg and llTeslsttble and the twenUetb In the the .e'cord which was seed eltmlnated and Ga.; Rigga' ReJster, The effects of poultry keepers, aCTCuge planted of age, and oflf!halt of the tlmo superior ones CONVENIENCE. the p01nt where the plOch comes" ye�\rs DGa°ugaAld.Outiand.; rcola J al'e In of chickens and twenty the u�rage value of Supply Co., Arcola. Ga. Amenca's foremost makers represented number kept tn 1911 It IS beheved that mcreased must be actual pracftce of a vocatJona.1 planted seed will sktll of FOR third In the number of eggs produced YOURS BUSINESS, tb,·. be Increased at least $6 per aereage. can be secured In states and nature Tbe otber one half 01 the time ton Try Th.s For Sour Stomach th18 showmg. Better bouslng and feeding wllJ do Cub. BumB. Old Sor"s. Te� C. C. of a and with approxlmalely 800,000 tons b.,. J;lrU1888, MIMS, i. kno� to be reasonably prom1slng. Eat mast'cate footl may be �pent on sub�ectB general Addrelll slowly your crushed In for particular_ ter, Eczema, etc. Aotl nature educatIonally Tbls makes It Ing Georgia annually there Rlllg.worm, Proprietor. and that such tncrease. can be made thoroughly Eat but httle meat an Prof J K extenllon would be no les8 than added C' to Green. tle used intemtill, 01 none at all for If Br' for sucb Bchools to send Its 54.000.000 Writ, .... .(.odp.. without upsetting farm plans. The supper. you poSSIble " for tbe CoIle,., to the wealth of our state, n larce por .u � pooltilyman a�nt ute 11 6" stili troubled Wlth sour stomaob tok boy. to the Agricultural College. If J. M. (f:Ili'Ooks ':mmOnS@m:pan"mucbtowardCOrreCtingthesltuatlonl I'D! r· •• total aueage will be greatly intluen ..... t!on of wblcb would be Ga. problema In boulq, I one of Chamberlain'. Tableta befor, tbey desire 80 to do -Prof J T Wh_ paId directly �UNN, Statesboro, ed bJ ",'bat i. don. In lbnneaota, to bed. Into the hands of the farmer" 'JWWWWWWWWNMNlMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWlWlrour lI:olnll: I ler. Stote College or Agl1CU1Lur� \ THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1918 BuLLOcH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS PAGE SIX ( •

Big Pay for FI8h�rmen. for one doy's A now high record hns boon earnings In halibut fishing DI� Carolina mude by the Amerlcnn schooner, of Prince rector, Onptnln Sor-luuo, out Keystone..IlIIIg;QIIIIiWI2IE111Ii1'l!1� % ______record, hold Rupert, B. 0, Tho former man pel' by this vessel, was $30.70 per duy. On the trip ended gnptember the 11. when the catch WIlS Olllt'k�ted\ a dny CottonSeedGrader fiErures were ndvanced to $48.15 f;r eacn mnn. The Director wns gone from port In pounds eight days. It brought 17,000 ubnut 9,000 pounrls 0[ of hnllbut, of which �rtlU JUftt tnote that cup good sec­ first class. 'l'he rest was ? hot were • old Lu 11111110 ColT Steaming The CAN'T � class, nnd brought hnlf a whole dayfU) ond prl?e. "lid r,'!tlly to "Ivo yOU W'e are clnss fish was sold for 10�. cents to Meet Your Need When it To first . Every COnles • Pr�pared of pop mil Il . n mount received for the n pound. 'l'he were w and catch was $2,139. The expenses 'fht.! n IV r Is ndorfully good extru I S309-nn unusual flgure, us nn the III II'"-g t 117-oh, rna honey In cuse supply of genr was tuken 1110ng clean Beuur un k lind got n bright, The share or. the ves­ Q.\I of emergency. there. If len $1.- tin f Lit IHnc1ll whll It·s you sel rnuounted to $435.!lO, vlng tho don't HI", bit of it-then your 394.40 to be dtstrtbuted muong It--port in my cam· In'. too. Calomel lo.e. I You know floral T'affetas, _, you" day colored Noti- Beautiful Foulards, in dots, effects, S 0 P 0 T A 'r 0 E S On the 01' time hills at Georgyt along' buck; l'ewul'd. 40 inches wide. resented, of black E E puign. Very respectfully, what calomel is. It's mercury; quick. DIST. dued colors are' here;- including plenty navy, -Allanta Constllutlon. fy FIRST AGRICULTURAL I figures and in dark and medium grounds. ways popular, are here every wanted Selected Stock \Iv. G. NEVILLE. silver. Calomel is dangerous. It In In I SCHOOL. (7mal'tf-c) and white. Price Priced at $2.00 (7mal'4t) crashes into Bour hile like dynamite, $I.50 $1.00, $1.50, shade. Priced - UP·t 1801.t•• Hlm ••II. Price, pel' yard -:-_$1.75 $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 M a i neG row n I Halg SYRUP-A cramping and sickening you. Calomcl few barrels of Effingham It Is told of Generol the Il1'lt- To the Voters Hnls, attacks the bones and should Devor be fol' w-ill r a t a 1 0 of Bulloch County: county SYl'Up snlc, average W i t e for 1918 C . g • thnt n!ler lunch he In- I amlOunce I'Ish commnnder. into 35 to 85e hereby myself a candi- put your system. gallons balTel; pel' gal­ \ . . date for re-eledien to the oflice of I vn?inhly Isulntes himself In bls �tudy, \\7hen you feel bilious, sluggish, can­ Ion. H.' N. RAMSEY, Springfield, S h U tr -. nee 0 m It Is one of the unwritten lows of and all knocked out aud believe Ga. The P pan y solicitor of the city court of States. nnd stipntcd 7ma"2t-p) Desirable White Goods Colored Wash Gooas Savannah. Ga. boro, subject to the Democrati" pri- general headquorters that he Is not to you nccd a dose of dangerous calomel remember that POSITION WANTED-In mercllntile ma,'y to be held on April 1918. disturbed. In this 01 me- just your druggist sells 3rd, be period several We are a wonderful of I for a few cents a Inrge bottle of Dodson's business; yeal'S' experience; Inimitable showing range pat­ appreciate past favors. and if my of- dilltlon he "ellily sifts out nil thot he Style Priced i Liver TOlle, which is entirely vegetablQ age 35 yeaI'S; f,'om NOl'th Gcol'gilt. Specially terns and colorings in tub materials for i:Hm:li:ii::lili:mU:ii:!I!limm:mnmm: i::iiU:'mm:n:::::n:ii:ii:m I hos heard during tho morning nnd Spring \� l! i:mmmil:ti'!i:ii: and to take and is a. Hefel'enc-e i'ul'nishcu i [ desired. ������:���::;;��;�������:�;;��ill� ����laICO�l(���.�ehs�iy r:�fi�i�t�cli�� \ap: pleasant perfect and Addl'ess P. Box or Beautiful of White Skirt­ Fine full Summet'. There js d,. 8ubstitute for calomel. It is guaranteed 0_ 8, phone 100. of showing Pajama Checks, yard-wide, something pretty and to start )i\'er without (14marlt-p) your stirring you ,ing, 36 to 45 inches wide, priced 'to go at, per yard 17lf2c appropriate for every need and the excellent :::::;;;:\::'"�";:�";:,:':�,���: up inside, nnd can not salivate. 'ONE'"' Don't take calomel I STATESBORO MATTRESS WORKS Cor:Sets ft'om 50c to values to It makes you Gossard $1.0(1 LongCKlths Extra Special- .will appeal you. ��§�Wh J'enovate Gatton, cotton wool, sick the next day j it IOSCR you a day's hair, a lld shuck mattresses. We bolt for $3.50 Beautiful line work. Dodson's Liver Tono straightens make Beautiful qualities of White Voiles, l2-yard of Voiles in plaids, stripes and the fine feather 1'011 mattress. ED_ you tight up and you feel great. Glvo The original front-lacing l2-yard bolt fOf $2.7S floral designs. Prices from 25c to WARD 26 Gordon St. 40 and 45 inches $1.00 _ STONE. A ... BUlL it G tho children HEY to priced 0U G 01 N TO m bCCRIlSO It wide, �r" is ' Corset in i l'erfcct11. unquestioned. fOL bolt $2.50 Eeautiful i§ hnrmlcBs and doesn't gripe, (31ja1l2m) 25c to 12-yard line of Voiles in plaids, stripes and ------from $1.00 nlK NKY ,( , bolt for $1.80 paisely designs. Prices- 35c to SOc WE NOTICJ;:-I have at my place two Gossard;; are the only Corsets 12-yard yd. White 27 to 36 inches hogs. Anyone des"""ibinA' hogs and that completely conform to Pique, wide, Lot of Voiles in stripe�, checks and full marks tlnd for this adver­ Nainsook Extra Specinl- plaids; A�! �:UO;���:;'��GS�:�;���ONEY paying irom to 35c HAl R Fashion's lines, and we offer priced � 25c line; 40 inches wide. Price __ 2Sc Ii tisement and feed can • yd. get �am,e. ·,IO-yard bolt fOt· � $4.00 I R. D. WOODS Statesboro. Houte them with full confidence of 36-inch iE• solid color Gabardine H r.ultm\oMoYIlcfn.oa.. C. White F'I�xon, 40-inches wide, rang- 10-yard bolt fOI'- $3.50 40c yd. .ltll>ll� 0•• (211eb-4t) your unqualified approval. THE [M�NUEL -lUMBER GOM��Nr Oenll,m,n: fur.luRd in bolt fOL $3.00 27-inch solid color Poplins � 35c JDur b.lanto Qldnln. REGISTERED ing price 2Sc, 3Sc, SOc: lO·yard yd. Pornado lIlJ bait ••t Hampshire bonl', Ted­ service of for on die �3335, ready fo,' service. Fec The expert lO-yard bolt $2.50 36-inch color __ � 25c b��t�f':a::�':�'� Touching Courtship. traineq Soft finish 36 solid, yd. h 10 .ofl I Poplin, inches wide, Voiles-: In.;1u;. lOUt, and courtship In other doys, A Fertilizer Especially Adapt. $3.00. hnve bought the 1917 'corsetieres assures you the com­ ./ld lilli, \Ii.' J C�1l doll Touching A.k. f� ••h•• ..' •••d. w. I "ano to. i Georgin State Fair junior champion from ------to SOc Complete of beautiful � fjj! UpallJ "ar ReverDi Homeos contrlhute to column satisfaction of a correctly 30c showing Dress Ging­ res�:��Mpp�yREy�:��m ed to the of plete production Hampshire sow, Bittice 97170. She , can furnish dressed or rough lumber, in mixed or car- ��:':o41:�:,:..:r c:,: levity of the houl'. One nsks: "ne­ Gossard. of above advertised Kidie m-.4. has been bl'ed to Aries PI"ntntion's fitted Buy liberally hams, Cloth, Percales, Madras, Serpentine I!!.�'::a_,'" 11 pf11"D'�"It1n\OII"1 load at that will mean money to those who U. 6AUJ� RECD. member the time you hlld her out R.eady-hemmed Diapers, soft finish loh, prices i' PEANUTS $500.00 boar. Advance 36491. This which are worth 25 to Crepes and other desirable wash fabrics. You nnd "Ile naked If items, fully a and riding you sow contemplate building. We operate large inill, Duggy is not for sale, but muy be seen Priced at $2.00, $2.75, 27x27-inch, per doz $2.00 !� buckwlwnt Ol' corn cukes $2.25,' 35 cent more. No limit to quan­ will find these 1� vou IlkccJ Peanuts at neal' Middle G"ound per gods priced cheaper here 'than '" can fill large or small order� promptly. requil'" phosphoric my place and " nshed her �he Wlillt­ $3.S0, $S.OO, $5.50 up. lfi !,.;i, ileat, nnel you why acid and lime. Bone V... ll�y church. Pedigreed plant;in� seed 24x24-inch, ,Per dOz $1.75 tity allowed to c�n.umera. elsewhere. H ed to !mow, and she f;tult€J'cd, uB-e_ will be on this farm. O. T. brand phosphate s\lpplies n gl'own • LET US K OW YOUR NEEDS AND i j c-n-1HH'." nnd ynu both tltteT'ed, eh Ii, H RPER, R. 4, Statesboro: Ga. .� dOCl. n'!nOVCIIDandru(f. fccclothcRoots of high grade percentage of both. ( the hair. nnd mal'es it ICTOW lone, 60rt and -Pittsburgh P"st. • (21feb-3m-p) allky. Aflpr uaing n few tlmco yuueun tell tbedi!t'ercncc. nnd a.tlerQ IIlUe while it DOWNING PHOS :' TE CO., 'Q'/iII Le co prutty and lonp thnt you cun fix .Bark and Site. to SUit U Exehmto don'tdo WI It up you. "The Gllrnllln.c;," f:'uld Bnron Mon· Office., BRUNS GA. W� clnim. we will alvu yuut mone, bnck. tiCK. chem' of the Helglan IlIlsslon llt n New Pric, 25c by mall on rcecipt of otampo Min•• , NICHOLS, FLA. .... Co. or coin.. Yorlc reception, nrc putting bal'l< 10 �G£NTS WANTED EVEmnNH£RL their wnr brend now." W. S. Agent, PREETORIUS, - . COlD He smiled. ontl ndded: -Br�8"'S , I'! SiDlIJJ(tD$ STATESBORO, CA.,. E�:;';���:�o���:: j "Of course. they nlwnys did put it ...... , \1 i " J' , J·n,,· , 'I!' t"···1 'Ii, '�oii""!IOIiI_IIIII.. D"IVi1:111111111 .. "'"''''TII'r�'''l'''''''''•• j.l , .• ,_ .. " 'r.l U.I.;t .• ; I l' iUIlllIIl!lnlmm':mmUilliliU Ui"!iI!!h.I 1 1.Il.ilIll !..II.I "J..ll n l!.iI.U Il In their sausoge." ( 3jantf) THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1918 Bt1U.OCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS

BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1918 PAGE EIGHT th. 1II8uee of the war be put e1earl� before the people, and labor be re 3PENT OVER 1300 BUT FARMERS' RIGHTS WIITER HAVEN III SAYS MosiOla-People leased to produce the matenal of th, WlII a1s, , war, but the $2,000,000,000 GET BETTER 0 IT'S A FilE REMEDY no �OION'T HIS BATTLE Are be fortbcommg, and httle part STAKED IN WAR Constipated It WlU have been produced by Ameri LILLIAN H. CROWLEY. Ha. All KIa.. .f r By blood In theu IS LIKE DIFFERENT MAN SLNCE JCWae,o, cana TIlth German " STRIKE ",,..dom C)f .... Will K•• aaoI Sto.. LUCKY TAKING TANLAC, AND SAYS p lu,.� � Tl'Ouhl f 1,716,000,000 vein.. HE FEELS BETTD THAN LN ean Mark.u Open To Am.rl. But Cot RW of TIM. ((.'Opyrll'ht, tal7 by tho McClure e".pa­ ean Produe... per_Syndicate) For,ot Wloat H. N...t.d. FOUR YEAIlS. �_ Dr. Caldwell's HE OlD IT. ,CIGARETTE Syrup Pepsin Mt .TELLS �OW Saved weren't a little hard en From the Repubhcan, Giliad, "I over three IIllndred dol- Flour yon &peDt of uHalTf, SOUl bern !annere Ilave as at Pounds mueb Ohio The editor had an Interesting the Perhaps he COUldn't It. iars to the rehef that Tan· .t<e In thl. _r boy? help time wben a trying get as any olber Amerl. "Anybody who baa suffered with use is a combination of laxa­ experience some ago, each of our families this recipe There may have been a reason for bl. simple lac baa dec:iared canl -It I. thetr Tiar ltidney, bladder and trou. if 22,000,000 young gentleman to thIS om.e IrlYen me," Henry Indipatlon delay" Morrow bl... Ilke I did know. It Is no joke," instead of white bread. a it has become tive herbs with aud asked for a copy of tbe Brooks, a well·known painter Jmng "Wbat excuse could he bave? lIfes year pepsin, gentle in He scrutinIzed of�� ='''���e'''''::'re��I;���':l says the elty_ marshal and tax eonlC.'tor TN action, County Repubhean. at 485 % Market three loaves a street, Chattanoop, eotl1>D, eonl, wb..t, rice. ete., abroad of Winter Haven, Fla. One loaf saves 11,000,000 pounds; senger boys are always late, lookIng the man's Cig­ It carefully when a copy was banded � famous; Tenn. The determl....Uon ot tbe Ulllted "I had leYere pains In and arouDtI saved I In the windows somewhere, I suppose, and especially adapted as a for him. and then said "Now I knowl' week for a means 1,716,000,000 pounds remedy "I Stat... tu lend suppllel and toocI to tb. my ItidneYI and In ill' bladder alld year Instead or bere with suit." men who are "What IS it you are loolting for," we "For four years," be continued, getting 11\Y arette for the AlU... lent lb. of eeuoa to 10 sometImes would me after a price to climb out of are unreasonable inquired, "My WIfe sent suffered Wltb the wont IOrt of stom. pve "Dear, you b�couse women and It eenu and abo.e, and lb. of bed as often .. 8 or and elderly people, children. Chamberlam'a Reme­ put prloe II tim.. In a nlaht. Entire Allied with over bottle of Cough ach wsa all to Feed the Army you are anxIous to be on ttme working here, trouble. I out of order food crop up to Ibe bllbeat alure III It put me to a whole lot of Enough dy, and I forgot the name. I went to luff.rlna, Ellznbeth You wtll have to learn to the tIme and I was blholls as I could afly yean not to mention expelUle. fOOQ over there. is the standard in count­ several stores and the clerks named My control your temper or It may get you fighting family remedy U the Alllel win tbl. war AJDericaa sometimes would1J't at and Flour over 111 the line on the be I was badly constipated, too, and digest all, Corn Bread with everythmg I was Rye Into serious trouble The poor boy was I'll p:ettlng alarmed about my con. shelf except 'Chamberlain's.' try everything I ate would sour and form 1 t...poon ••It less homes. Sold every­ ��u::���';o:�e�..n:r!d���yT�:· dition When frlend8 who had found 1 cup eeee me.1 breathless and tried to explain but yoU The reason? Because by druggists And I'll never go home without again, on stomach bloat are built to flour 1 cup mIlk glIB my that would aand8 ot '.blp. belnl lend out about Acid Iron MlDeral started 1 cap rye wouldn't listen. Oan't you see, dear, Chamberlam's Cough Remedy" The the crop. abroad arter the war But me It 2 IUCU 1 .,11 where for 50 cts. me up and make me feel miserable taking The palna In my kid­ table.poonl that the world \\ 1!I not come to an end it's made of Burley � and $1.00-two sizes. Repubhcan would suggest to the pro­ Powdor 2 IhortenlD, we must win to do It Germany plans neys and bladder and in. & t_POODI Royal BUln, tobl.lpoonl of stores that their I t00k th I couId fi d bu t dlll8ppeared becnuso turn out a little dlf· prietors they post every mg n, Invade as It over things I to this country lUllt stead of crawlln&, out of bed at all tobacco and because- and never let them substitute or oat flour be used Instead of flour with equally good thnn clerks, did me any and It looked ran Evidence In tbe hand. Barley flour may rye terently you plnnned?" nothing good Belgium hours of the nIght my aleep so and molted Customers lose faith in stores where got results Sift into bowl udd milk, beaten egg of olrlolnJs this dry ingredients Mrs DnngerOeld looked at her 80n , hke I couldn't get a thmg to reach my government proves peaceful and it did me so much good stand In warm , IS to say noth Stir well Put toto greased pan allow to place substituting permitted, statement Soulhern fa.nners are en I know It ahortenmg with some mlsglvtngs She renllzed troubles I JUst felt and Will help people troubled oven to 45 minutes of the to makers of good lazy good 20 to 25 minutes and bake in moderate 40 mg injustice like I was more and more thut he \\ •• IT'S TOASTED I want to pass the glad gl.lng A trial bottle can be free of goods and the dsnppomtment of cus­ for nothtng all the time I haled to other obtained, ��1�1 g�er�=�;f1�n��,J�:j�b��o��:..�;:f tidings along to others because I White and Blue "Best War TIme Recipes," containing many way to a temper that wns nntu­ Our ne", Red, booklet, hRstr to W tcmers In the even If I tbelr 1II1ves and "Ill be (ree-addre.. charge, by Writing Dr B get up morlllng and, dnughtera know what a time I had '" 10- deliCIOUS and wholesome wheat maIled raj him be no Caldwell, ha,d ,"CIPes for making savIng foods, to and that bod thougbt forced to raise tor 457 had slept eight hours, I was Just as crops Germany cntmp: a real remedy. My dlgestlon at It. Washmgton St, Monticello, IlhnOis. curbIng nnd uppetlte better and r can POWDER 135 William St., New York tll ed as I \\ us when I turned In the got eat ROYAL BAKING CO., Dept. H, took the box of clothes e Hnrrr up­ !�l�t :�II:r���h�� nfodrcerr��lC�:lew����� mythlllg I want now No sour stom­ STAMPS IlIght befOie And I h.,d such u b.ld the 1111011 Their Illnd stairs nnd after a hur­ SALE OF to leed a IIlmy uch hasty orCtlslng. and indigestIOn troubles on my ried out of the hOllse nnd down the taste III my mouth It was all I could \I III be lIevD.tllled lusl lUI Belgian menu llny more," declares Winter t II illS have been-their Innd thell wIll Hllven's FOOD WILL WIN THE WAR street to thc home of bls flnncae, do to eat a bite of bl eakfast and I cIty mnrshal and tax collec. A GERMAN PROPHET which the new doctrme would get their tal, B F Novman Elizabeth Boothby, severnl blocks HElPS BUILD SHIPS \\�'S al1 stuffed ltl and up my hend upon the Gelma" people But If he ��o�Sse'�i1tlo b���� 31��n��h�I�: Awl Iron MlI1cra! IS n mediCinal away .. thloat With c"tal rh Farmers Depended Upon Iron compounded from ore os It As he neared hIs destllllatlon, he (By R M Hutchmson) rmled to plopelly estlmnte the uttlac· TEN THOUSAND TONS SHIPPING lust "Aftel J IS In had wasted a \\hole lot of 1h gmclnmenl nlWR)8 hilS dellcnd dug the mille It IS powerful as snw n loung mnn run dO"D the steps Wilson IS tlOn of the doctl me fOI the German DAILY MADE POSSIBLE BY IN MEMORIAM While' PI eSldent today en n bc Just 11 ful I I a Sunday school WOI kCl s In the state money Lll"lIlg to get lohef, I Ihought cd upon the Southern rllrmpr to do teaspoon p:lass ot the hOllse jump Into his nutomoblle he did not fnll 111 hIS e(lic OF THRIFT STAMPS the foremost exponent of the doc people, pi THE SALE his whether to rRISO mnre rood of water makes a pOWCl ful dose A will take pmt In the ploglnm Rev of \\hut r had tead about Hnd dUll STATE�SUNOAY-SCHOOLS nnd drive 0\\ nl' In Ihe opposite dlrec· Tunlac, twelve·ounce bottle at a tlOn of what the lesult wO\lld be 01 flDunce 1 hey ha\ 0 ber!ll ex seIling dollar neces of _ flghl one of the trme of the Ity destloYlng Mcreh 12 rhllft Challie Tillman, Atl.lnu" tlon He re him os Harold Atlanta, Ga, mude up my mltld to tty und actu­ goes n It On the 27th day of Janual y, 1918, ognl7.ed It, emlltocl from flghtlHl:; thu8 fnr to Oll long ways and doesn't con­ the autocracy \\ lllCh 1 ules IIE\ en If an emplI C were a POSSI I t.aln state's well known song leudel8, Will Yonng, one of his own friends nnd n milItary stamps pUl chased by Geot"glu pub ally, one bottle has put me tn bettel nble them to t nhw morC tood and a (liop of alcohol or IllJurlOUS It pleased the Heavenly Fathel to cull democJ "It would not be It AUGUSTA assisted mon of their Het Dnd In 01 der thnt the aey bllIty," he smd, In other states 1.11 e hn \ 0 t (Ie Ivcd the highest !lllccs dope won't hut t anyone's teeth. TO MHT IN leao the singing He Will be popular :\ooung Germany ots and patllOts hape tlMn 1'\ e been fOI fOUl yems they that \\ould Now the gOVe! n It IS Just a good old concen­ Into illS C,II e little LaW! ence II of jellious anger shot through and freedom of the lemamder of the wOlth n (hop of the blood of for their proclucts highly MIS Al1111e Jones Pyron, of CUI· lOVing pong now building 10,000 tons shipping 1 can �at a squal e menl and enJoy Ii MADE FOR by mont \\nnts tho (al Uler to h III finllnce tl �\ted II on tallie, Old to dlJCestlOn and ELABORATE PLANS hIm be he IS not have to be even If It dId Ga os son of MI and M,s Jim world may prc.el\ ed, shed, for, 1\ to beat the submallnes and lick now for I don't have blood tetsvlilc, I pIanIst Stubbs, day any iloubtc af the'" ar It h" jnst U8 much hl8 duty mediCine 1 he nnmo. Ferro­ ENTERTAINMENT OF CONVEN. He mntlnte,J tile \\ Ith all the "lop" the fil st to I ecognlze that g1\ e tiS we should have to con-1 or dille All \I hlte Sunday·schools 111 the Stubbs however, Unity, the KUlsel, according to ll'ltCl estlng tel\\"ld unl! I foel so fine In the mOl to belp finance the" us It Is to rUlse Chomlcul Cal p, Roanoke, Va, TION MAY 79 roge of the l)rl'\ 10118 hour returned IS buck 0: It nnd was nor even to state It quel alii libel ty by ItS overthlow, by Rich food means quality and state me lequested to send thlee del· La\'lcnce only C1ght yeats old, fact, clearly figUles Just lecelved by Hugh mng I can't stay III bed n mlllute ai 'Vhen HnllY enteted tl10 Ihlng room 'I'he third IAian "III 800n be stl ength have It or a It IS a a second full of snc-nfice but and Liberty Drugp:ISts fresh, Mmch ll-Thc an· beslo s the pastol and supel but, posesslIlg n vel Y Intellectual On the contrary, strlkmg struggle 01 state dlrectOl of thllft ter I wake I feel like WOI Augusta, Go, egates he SO\\ Ellznbeth bending 0\ or n dson, up king noated It If.I the (ulmer's dulX to In 1':011elOUS size twelve·ounce bottle Will the If not the meantime the would have bc· convention of the GeO! Sun Each be flll nlllHi and eal nest desile to fact thut one of first, empae war 111 flom I as can sent nual gla II1tendcllt delegate WIll succeed, bnsl,et ot I'lnl, roscs She looked up suvll1g stumps Geolgln, e\'eI'Y day and wouldn't take any •e5t RM muoh mone� they to be plepUid on receipt of $1.00 . to make thiS same decialatJon _orne a permanent to the 111· oth Unlteo Slates government Solo Brannen's day·school association of Geolgm Will ",shed fl ee cntertalnment fOl lodg beSides being n most conSCIentIOus nt him nna smiled .,first, danger headquarters 111 Washll1gton In thIng In the world fOI whut Tunlac these by Pharmacy. States­ of and to all bonds Thero is nothing hard to uo. boro, Ga -Adv 011 child one e "DllIlI t I src BOIOI,I himself a German-Johann Philip dependence all natIOns er 25 cent of the meet thiS In May 7, and hi eakf.. t.hls the sume might hu\ looked fOl ward Young just tWas WOI ds the pieces has done for me I'm of a chance year Augusta InS' \st, being glad derstand a.bout 8 United Stutes gOY. 1011\0 herc"l' he demnndec1 cIvIlizatIOns" and convention has to a futlll e fOI God Becker would otherwise be to a WOI fOl 8 and 9 Church Sunday·school plan 011 which the blight hlln, yet nation, �hlCh say good d thiS medlcll1�, ernmenl bond You merely subscribe S.I. nstonlshed UD.U D.... to S.cur. "1"es" suld tho girl was on� of the German re of the people are all cndy m.,klng big pi ep becn enteitailled fOI the lust thlee In H18 Wisdom kne\\ best und pel h lpS Becker Thus did a Gelman of the type thrown away m foolish extravagance, and I know I've found the light thlllg through your ban'ker Hnd govern. !lAnd he brought these flowers, Interest on tbe Invest State of Georgm-Bulloch A hns t�lJ,.cn flam SallOW who undel General Germans whom all the world loved are now out two at ment pays you County. alatlOns for the ""nventlOn MI yentS him some hid pubhcans fought turning complete last And I'm gomg to keep on tak Under dldn the?" ment, "lYing rou the wealth of the and by virtue of a power of as commander of the Ba· call the H one of pJOml­ den flam human eyes I Franz SIgel and respected and Wele glad to 6,000.ton ships every day, while Ing It until J'm as sound ns ever" sale In a Merty, Augusta's Yes" ngo t n n nswerpd the now wbole COUDtry a. Becurlty Liberty contained warranty deed to 1------., I of 1849 nent und SUpcllntcnd \Vhlle we �\1 e sad ovel hiS den mllitla In the UpriSlOg thell neighbors, foresee what purchasers of these stamps own a gov. Tanlac IS sold W H bonds are IlJ! Bound IlJ! a dollar secure debt executed Matthew J. bUSiness mell, hnvlIlg frightened nnd be\\lIdcled gIrl "but-" clearly by Elhs 00 , by General 111 as and HendrIX, of Bulloch to ent of St John's Methodist Sund.,y left us \\0 kno\\ he IS safe 111 the arms 'Then this Is "hat I shull do "Ith He IS deSCribed by Sigel would be, and what has since come to ernment secmlty as good gold drugl!'lSts -adv county, Ga, the Truat Co a as a most able and Chlcamauga .• co;Por­ IS chnnmon of the of a 10\ Sa\ who said suffel them" hIS remll1lsce,ICes �e, the lI1escapablc result of the P, us beanng compound mterest at 4'>io per For Letter. of AdmlDlitratlOB. school, genelnl Dwarf mg lor, ution under the law. of the atate of the all to tool, the b�"ket threw all fellow soldlCr stun mlhtallstlc and ccfit Yet this remarkable contrlbu. Matches are committee on angements He has little childl en come unto me HlIny trusty ImpellIlllstlc ratIOned 111 England GEORGIA-Bulloch County TennellSee, dated October 1st, 1912, lovely roses on the tloor and stamped of Ger the and in assoclBted Wlth him on the committee In the schooltoom no one can miss Like the others those early SPirit tlOn of thrift stamps to wlI1nmg Only SIX are Issued to a person at one To all whom It may concen, recorded the om"" of the me and have taken War to which reference IB here made professol of I Catalog ELIZABETH flowers?" ablond, away book whIch he called "How and It IS part of the work of the plat Harlls, Atlanta, ellg. ANDREWS, Itbe mcn on the section gang In the S,\ CHltDRfN STRONG grocery FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND nny seeds reqUired. thousands of 3CCOld- for further deSCriptIOn. 10US school of the UTho exclaimed u"hot negro InbotC1S, When" In that With true pro· campaign to spread thIS edu. 5 The of s.lId corpolUtlOn pedagogy, Candler Chamnan fio"ers," he, Clew of book, Savlllgs capital vannah lards A eighteen " GEORGIA-Bulloch SaId 8ale bemg made for the pur­ ftowers?" mg to statements of the labor au· WIth all the catIOn the workers and those And Invi,orate. Old People shall be twenty·five thollsllnd ($25, County. ology, Emory UIllVClSlty ANNIE MAE phetlc SPirit, and right· among pose of a certain CASON, wele put to wOlk Monday handling With the of G. W Jones, admll1lstrato· of the paymg proml88ory T. W. WOOD & know that IilIl7.n· thorttles of thiS section had In Is· had tIme while 00000) dollars, privilege Besides the spankel s mentIOned SONS, FRANK "Why didn't you They eous of a prophet who have not making Any doctor WIll tell you that the estate of Inte of said note for $1,250.00 bearing even date SMITH, ClOSS tIes from the p.le to the 10lld mdlgnatlOn mcreasmg same to the sum of Jllmes Smith, Va. of the to of as below flfty .SEEDSMEN, RIchmond, beth Is the presltlent Augela be replaced to CIlIIY on the \VOl k a ta delve mto ingredient. V,nol pronted for WIth .ald deed and payable October above, more than fifty of the best ROBERT BRANNEN h. denounced that grow1l1g spmt IIvmg deeply history thousand a county, deceased. having apphed bed For the present the cle \ IS rael, contam the elements needed to im­ ($60,00000) dollars, by WIth Flower Mission oud 1 am the secre- Women men leave to sell certam 1st. 1917, Interest from data at leplaced 111 many lines and lust of domination eIther of thiS count�y or of Germany maJ onty vote of the stockholders, saId lands belonl(lng Will of arrogance the health of delicate chIldren seven \ tel med extl a, but become pet prove to SOld notice IS p:lven (7) per cent per annum ]lay. tury?" of labot sevel 01 months since III the two dollar stock to be dlvded Into shures of one estate, hereby was m the Gennan And should the billion and reatore to old ns soon as the women show whIch glOWing up strength people. that will be heard at able annually. Default having been UNo Tell me Dbout It p�nse" manent . hundred ($100 dollars eac-h All sau! apphcntlOn North and as tlC\\S ts and educatIOnal 00) East, repol mark not be reached the office on the first 111 made m payment of the prln.lpal and "I Elizabeth hnd told J ou that aJ e able to stand the WOl k IJ of the amount of capItal ta be em. my Monday AprIl supposed they labol ?"empJre ���:�:�!:::{o�::::��:�= mterest of saId both reports have indicated They would be value of the would continue and Soda 1918 coupons nota, "ere Becker did not believe It camp8lgn played by them has been 1111 about It We elected to oOico aecoldll1g to an announcement flom actually paid due October under the were used the I alII 111 Commit­ �i;:��b-:'pt�:::,.�!:t.. 111 S L. HOORE. Ordinllry. 1st, 1917, tlme We collect flo" ers eally by oads to establish an empue m Ger- to go on The War Savings some figO the company pOSBlble terms of SRld deed. the debt bereb, the 10ut1dhouses, <-'al and other feels that If the work of Tho.e who have puny, ailing or 6 Petitioners daslre the rll!'ht to from onr friends nnd toke them to the sheds, and of course there was h,s tee, however, become. due and at ('nee. Mr T C Love IS foreman of the manx, run-down chIldren or sue For AdmiaJltratio•. payable I work aged parenta and be sued, ta plead and be Lette,. of our list Halold yard SInce hm e been used IS donp. well not onlv WIll and were sick people on Yonng they In the hold educatIOn this our Said note security deed 1 sectIOn on which the \lomen ale mIstake underestlmatmg may prove at expenBe. Impleaded, to have and use a common Swift gang on GEORGIA-Bulloch & on most of Ihe the roadbed County transferred to the Soutbern Statea hns driven his machine constluctlOn re­ I and Besldea the good It doea children seal, to make all necessary belllg worked He has 01 gamzed the by.laws G W Wilson hnvm&' applied for and Fertilizer Company errnnds for ns but he for France work also and the there IS like I Phosphate Company, paJr Ilged nnd and to do ",lis nothon, egulatlOns, all other es· men and women TREATMENT FOR letters of administratIOn upon the on next week nnd \\e need lOU, Horry" separately, putting The CORRECT COLDS Vonol to restore strength and VItality lhat be for the Incorporated, September 28th, thlllgs may necessary tate 0 late of saId ... of WIlson, 1917 at on to nervous women and over Joseph Elizabeth Imow you were go- them different pomts the Job to weak. successful carrYIng' on of saHI bUSI­ "Does For a Bad Cold when is lowered and the notIce )s hereby STATES Colds are contracted strength run·down men county, deceased, SOUTIIERN PHOSPHATE the worked, ness, IIlcludlllg t Ie right to tog to ask me?" carryon constructIOn, repairs buy, given thut sUld apphcatlOn Will be & FERTILIZER It If are not Bat. COMPANY. • Take Chamberlain s Cough Reme- inflammation bronchitis or while Try you entirely hold alld sell real estate and person "No she doesn't 1 thonght 0, and other work E thiS after eaSily develops lung trouble, heard at my am"" on the first Monday only dy It has stood the isfied, we wdl return your money (360wds) lr,ly test of time nnd al property SUitable to the PUI poses ------Publicity 1 hnve been so noon follow and cold should In April 1918 It this upset he that the women are any our mornIng reported ran be depended upon and pneumoma frequently Without questton I that proves of the grippe COlporatlOn, and to execute S L MOORE our .. Ordinary IN BULLOCH SUPERIOR OOURT­ by Harold's going away TonIght fairness and your protectIon Mil notes und as of m­ -- bonds eVidence a ,=,,,=,,,,:�=,,,=,,=,,=,,"=,,,,::,,,,:,,,,,,,,,,,,=,======,..,,,=,...,,,,...,,,,,,,,_ have immediate treatment with APRIL 1918 At recent of the Federal Trade Commission there Is to be announced nnd I lions of have been con.vinced TERM, hearing engagement people debtedness InCUTl ed, or which may FOR A YEAR'S SUPPORT thIS II B Strange, Plall1tlff. vs Marguer. was am now so tbat you wtlJ ••••••••••••••••• way. be mcull III the conduct of the af. introduced taken from the telling you , ••••••••• ed, correspondence private files of W H ElliS Co DI Statesboro Ite G DaVIS, et ai, Defendants-In understand You will belp us, won't UgglStS, f�\lrs of the Cal POI aLlOn and to seCUIO GEORGIA-Bulloch County & .1 W A EqUIty showed that the had been con­ I. the sume by mOltgage, secullty deed MIS Downey havmg applied S.w� Company ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE To Marguerite G DaVIS, Wdhe Lee Company,�hich .� or othel fOI m of lem under for a year's support fOI herself out of some my heart nnd soul, I'll ex.ntmg for time an educatioAal YO�W��rr:li" estate of hCI decensed Inman and all persons cencerned or sldenng • laws, to anu for cash or on the husband, advertiSing campaign. can on me : GEORGIA-Bulloch County buy sell, You depend day • Interested In WIllie Lee her pelp CI all al W A notice IS hereby g'lven Inman, or: Be' VII of an ordel of the COUlt eOlt such tlcles and thll1gs Downey, tue for nnytblng" I • By property or effects In thiS State The need for this nIght .1' as ore embraced In the that said application Will be henrd at has been to us for sev. Strong of ordmal y of saId county, Issued on usually publicity apparent and ure CIted and admon­ After she lett, Horry walked up of of office on the first In You hereby • Strength body, strength nerves, of fin;t In Will whoesule glocery busmess, and all my Monday Apnl, eral The strength mind, • !�y��IO� the Monday March, 1918, Ished to be and at thc next room appear years. gross misrepresentation to which we down the length of the 5C�!!�, rich nourishment such as 1918 have very on whether first builds the forces carrying be at on the hrst articles I\nd things may be mnny,. depend largely you have enough Iron In which up by sold public outcry term of Bul­ times Twice he took dO\ln the reo • S L Ordinary the Superior Court of been blood The world In at the COUlt plofitably handled and sold 111 can· 1100RE. recently subjected has convinced us that we no your makes way for the Ie real wannth. Tuesday April, 1918, loch to answer the should to It strong peo to the blood streams and creates body nectlOn County pelltlon longer cclver of the telephone only put I. house door lJ1 said county between therev.: Ith and what want OU t 0 .1 filed In the above named case and to they generally get , f I I Ie Pa SUPPORT in the I they PIe, 7 desue for II1cor. FOR A YEAR'S delay putting before public the baSIC facts of our business bock ngflln cod liver 011 IS the favorite of phYSICians for correcting the legal haUl s of sale the follow1l1g They tbe Bald ' '. weak, Sickly, nervous, • show cause why a receIver should not mother" words came bnck to peeVish, thin, dyspepllc indiViduals, leal est�t" III Bulloch to Wit poratlOn the right of renewal when on the Bls chest troubles. county, GEORGIA-Bulloch County be for the descnb­ fair-mindedness of the American I. need Iron to bUild them bronchial disorders and and as the laws of Geor. apPOinted property relying people. him to learn to coo up _ I A f'crtUIn tt act of land situated In prOVided by LIllie Smith for "You will have oil uttt.-'d. in Scof". Em.",Oft ill ncn\ Mrs haVing applied ed m said and the other The imported No",esrinu cod liver nlwl1)5 and It have all such other petitIOn why Ihe 17th G M dlstnct of smd county gla that a for herself and five Irol lour temper or It may get American laboratories which K'Ullmntcoe. It free from impurities year's support relief for In i1Ald The refined in our OWll unmu­ eqUitable prayed the American is ·1 con one hundred and fifty rights. powers, priVileges and mlnOl cblldren from the -state of her feeling against packer based on Into serIous trouble" Yes thnt wos Scott &. Bowne N J 17-19 taming should not be largely Joul•• mtles as are InCIdent like petitIOn granted. to mcorpor ---- ac-res, more or less, and bound. deceased husballd J C SmIth, notice the beltef that the the whole trouble He hud been DS .1 (150) WItness the Honorable R N. Har­ income and of the tits E Iltions or permiSSible under tbe laws and III of J well-being producer • �d on the north bv lands IS hereby gIVen that Said applicatIOn hllstl' with Iilllzflileth ns he had been of deman, Judge of said Court, thIB 26th consumer Illannen and James Lane east by the GeorgIa at office on the first are affected the • Will be heard my of 1917. adversely by packers' ' \\ Ith tho mess... boy to be duy December, operations !:el • estute of WIdow south by the Wherefore petitioners pray In 1918 Terrell, Monday APllI, DAN N. in his ho left the pile ot under the nrune and RIGGS, resulting Seizing hilt, Z • lands of J D Strickland and west lIloorporated S L MOORE, Ordlllal y unreasonably large profits. I RON Clerk Superior Oourt, Dullo.h COllnty. leIter. on hIs desk and "ent t see Iuds of T W Groo"er style aforesaid, WIth tbe, powers, • , by (feb7·21.mar7-21) • as estate of John privIleges and lDlIDUnItles herem set YEAR'S Swift & net IS reasonable I. Said land sold the FOR A SUPPORT. Company's profi� ' and represents and as are or here­ hCI nt Rfld • Handshaw, deceased, for the purpose forth, now, may 1!P.�e fO;lllrl home, Joolrlng GEORGIA-Bulloch SUit for Speci6c PerformaDce-Bul_ an factor of said estate after allowed II corporation of County insignificant in the cost of e\ she":lIi of paYing debts be, hVlng. hut flS heoutlflll us or nnd ,.. • Mrs Florence WIUlams havmg ap­ loeb Sup.nor Court, April Term, IRON Terms of sale cash, purchaser pay· SImilar character under the laws of flo\\ ers bending over u hi! ge bnsket of III TONIC plied for a yem '5 sllpport for berself 1918,. fiscal II mil' for title. Georl!'la For the year 1917 the total sales and net thllt hid bepn sellt In for Ihe mls"IOII I and seven mmor children from the J M Miller vs. D C. Newton: profit of Swift Will Iron into your blood and ThIS March 1918 FRED T LANIER, put help restore your health 5th. J Into her fuce cnme n lool\. of I. • T' A PetitIOners estate 01' her deceased husband, G To D C. Newton, Defendant: & were as follows: and st rengtI1 Emlnent P Ilyslclans as J E BRANNEN, Admr ttorney for Company snr-. agree to tke VItal nolice IS given that You are to be aud prIse IIno jov "hlcl! she qulcl.11 sup • E.tate of John Handshaw Will'ums, hereby hereby reqUIred need of Iron by the run-down heard nt an system ZIRON Will said appllcet.lOn Will be my appear at the Superior Court to be Sales pi esscd Thcn 1001.log colm I y d I. give Filed III omce, tblS March 5th. 1918 It to you • SHERIFF'S SALE., office on the first Monday In April, held In and for Bulloch County, Ga., coldly at him she \\lIlted for him to • DAN N RIGGS, • Clerk. 1918 on the fourth Monday In AprIl, 1918, spellk I J E Clifton, R. F D. GEORGIA-Bulloch County $875,000,000. • 3, Lyons, Ga, wntes' "Last ,.., to answer the above entItled .ause Fle went o'er to her and toolr hcr I summer I had fever and had • I Will sell at public outcry, to the Profits typhOid hemorrhages GEORGIA-Bulloch County. pending therein. It being alleged In halld lie bent his head over It 11cnl highest bidder. for cash, before the I- and my health was wretched I seemed to be • Dan N clerk of the said petItIOn that you reside w.tthout unabl�'W; door 111 Ga I, RIggs, supo tentll lind sold court house Statesboro, the State of sel"V1ce back. I had no erlor court of hel GeorgIa. aud by • get my strength appellte I had no In said ""unty, do by on first $34,650,000. "Den rest. cnn you ever my energy I! the Tuesday April 1918, ordered torghe think I that the IS a true pubhcatlOn haYlng been by • I dIdn't was ever gOing to get well 'Ylthon the houi-k of sale, the 04'01· ccrtlfy foregOIng r "flB o! Imr My knees' • legal Hon R N. on beastly temper? jellious and correct copy of the application I Hardeman, January SO, were weak,my IIesh feIt clummy I was In a bad 10wllIg desCTlbed property leVied on old becallse r thollght he brought lite • pretty for charter of W. H. Goff Company 1918 In default of your appearan"" condlllon I heald of • on ..nder a certam fi fa Issued from le""JOd ,_ ZIRON and What a tOniC at said time and the .ourt will flo\\ers ­ and the dlnnel of A J B rd cha r and Wmton mformatlon guest 0 an cd �--- Upchurch Mu Washmgton March 13 -Pres dent charter "I ch des etal eems to be I fOl the pUl po�e gnated the socIety y of the I teo or In PreSident PI Ices SIC by the Victrola ma I of tI e Mettel L bel ty Loal Com SERIOUS SHORTAGE was enjoyed dur W Ison today Ruthol zed Secreta 1 mod lim of comm lJlication be of d SCOl ag ng the pia tl s I y Roosevelt s cabinet MIS S mg the tween In the Joseph m ttee OF SHIP BUII:DERS evenmg Lan. to conduct the fedelal troops field and their J B ClOP through Brown It Gm field an WHITE & CO families at home vmg a'tol ney Wh Ie ve st I! WOl e at Melter a bureau a has nntlonw de campa 1 for of Boston Ih spa Gelman propaganda g and AblUm GaIlleld an Augusta, Ga Draft PLAY AT REGISTER on f om Statesbo 0 came to May Have To B. school d rect delegat , doubt n the m n Is of some gardenmg The bUleau In creaLed Cleveland Put In W II u greet Mr Bu ke At Statesbo 0 1 e Force, ge school boards � ! s to the prof ts to be made t has The superintend Red Cross ¥Worker Honored Old Maids Club Will be Cllts of spoke from the court louse steps to ple educat on al d teachers to co Clrcul ted IIlse cpo ts about the Chicago Feb ll-Feal that an m sented on Friday evening March 22 111 (lvel 3 000 people and to act zent y dustr al draft operate makmg the project a suc Nurses ++'1-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-1'-10-1+. Wm Depa tment s method of co would have to be re at the school By Association d to to auditorIUm at ces. gl welcome and learn From sorted to III 01 de Reglstel I tl ct ng It hus CI e ted a doubt as to I that necessary ship Statesbolo we "ent to Re ds, lle at how tl e '" n be harvested and bUilders might be secured for Jane Van Vrede ClOp govern 0\ Nominated wh ch ce a h entl us nstlc as pI ghly the flCt that the Ae 0 Com ment wOlk was Charles o rector For 1919-1920 Supply expressed by sembly that overtlo ,eo the court sen tor to succeed Senator T Look Who 's Plez general mal ugel of the Emer Here house Mr BUlke Hardw cit 1 hereWith tender es MI•• J ne Van De Vrede of Savan gleeted my gency Fleet CorporatIOn here today nah director or the Friday n t we reached Dubl n on as a member of the Fedelal THE VERY LATEST IN Bureau ot Nurs gl gnat The manufactulers of the country Ing Southern D vis on m 0 clock mOl Amerjcan Red AND + I at 8 ethan 1 200 peo Trude Comm ss on to become effect must see we WHAT WE I rna Is and "h ch fact was not to be that get some of their CroM3 has BUY-HIDES A recently received word SPECIALTY w t on M, pIe lIstened marked nttent to Ive on tI e thirty first day of y best men to ass st m from Mrs Charle. D Lockwood chair publtshed has been pounced upon n bUlldmg ships' TALLOW, 1Ifr Bu ke and fter the meet D an lit the BEESWAX, RUBBER, g 1918 0 v a I said Mr Pez 1f Spring .J1illinery nominating committee of RAGS, SACKS, an excuse to th doubt upon the We do not get them tbe American Nurses Association of there was n highly pleasmg demon SCRAP IRON, FROM ONE "ght of the aontractors w th the thlough the manufacturer we ma), her nomination as director pound TO ALL THE NEW IDEAS IN of tbe all CARLOAD strat on of app oval Pr or to the to SHAPES, COLORS _ to let contI nets have resort to an mdustr al soelatlon lor th� term 01 19191920 government draft, LOTS BRASS he was tl e of the Dub e AND METALS OF speak ng guest f_ mers have long app ec nt" I t ent The ABC whICh would mean AND TRIMMING EFFECTS This Is one 01 tbe blghest honors ALL KIND A pamphlet tIed pract caUy the lIn Clem Assoc at on at an elabor the commHt) 0 " that cn.n be given a member at the ng before advantage of gett g tl sn Castor Beans has been shuttIng down of celtam mdustrles to OLD AUTOMOBILES IN F of glowmg nursing protei3s on and comes 88 a AC1\ ate d nner been undCl my speCial charee of III d mnl ket the release Styles that are appropriate for ANYTHING IN eggs g publ shed by M Evans wh ch g ves their men for the more 1m recognition of M S8 Van De Vrede s THE JUNK LINE The week sed fou d us at Ma W J HarriS te' the seRson 0 n ' for Immediate wear and which THAT YOU MAY celely yours laymg full nfol mat on and answers every portant task that now confronts us splendid service The nomination HAVE TO SELL con where M Bu ke w s the In 1 es he sacrifices one of the TI bel eve that on of thiS can be worn will be connrmed 1_ guest gn ng ey ndopt on on the of More than 1 000 men I ned at throughout thc at the association :j: quest subject growlllg up of B Clarke v ce de It of most dos lable m the fe ler n ra sers WIll cODvention the first week In M George pres pOSitIOns pIa by Southe chicken beans and t IS f01 free dlStll the office of the state COUI cil of de season ty WE WILL SEND OUR TRUCK castOI FOR the C tt7.ens and Southem Bank _I go er ment carrymg WIth It , s ,I be ancl w 11 mater add ANYTHING YOU :t: profitable ally butlo I to those nterested fense durmg the day and declared Notable. amoftl( the new are BOSCHEE S GERMAN SYRUP as a d t one of a of a of on shapes Hagh There, splend spread y $10000 year to the food· Ipply the nnt 'mpor the r to sel ve HAVE TO OFFER :I: Wlllll1gness the govern :f: hotels "th the ent e Ch, r1 I HarriS sucoesslo and ro Crown Mushroom., Watteaus, Bustle effj!cts, 'Ill qutet YOUl cough soothe the In + the personnel made the follow Home Gardentng In the South tance of sunl ght PRISONERS EXCHANGED ment and Macan banks n attendance b ef of of CIoae·"ttmg Sador. Turbans A 1n mutton of a Sale tlnont and lungs t of the g �tatement a new bt Betl Just Issued by the Un t- tatlOn crops methods gro'Vlng YOURS FOO Ml tr as one 13 -'lhe first stop Irr tattan m .he. bronch ul tubes HONEST BUSINESS. I regard BUI ke s p I feel that the defeat of Se latol ed States Depnr�ment of A� Icultu e early plants tools fOI the garden BIG LOAN TO ITALY ever t S A on of nsu r g It good n ght s r est free from of the most successful ndel Hardw ck matter of paramount for fre� d str butlOn takes account seeds fOI the gardel PI epa rat and With The 1JON TON cough ng easy expectofl tlOn taken The people vere eager to Importu He It IS 8 natIOnal neces of the spec",1 crop cond tlOns of the the so I and mprov g ts textUl e n the mOllll g Made and sold III t I learn JlIst , hat Liberty Loan meant slty H, ng be�me conVinced th t Sonthern States and d scusses them cultlv ,t on a d rr gat 0 I of gardel ORA SCARBORO me ca for fifty two years A won I MISS Prop 1 IS IS a preSCllpt on es­ and they went aw IY cnt I prepar the c Democrat!: of state n the ut I zatlOn fOI home msects and d senses affectmg prepared derfl I plcscr pt 01 ass st ng natl re ely patriot my garden ng crops ,er oily for MAL\RIA ar CHILL� n bu Id I ed to do their ,hen the time des re that I sho lId make the lace land that been of EAST MAIN STREET & FEvER g up your general heJllth purt of heretofore has not crops storage vegetables Five or SIX dose� WIll and throw ng off the disease Esbeci comes Hitherto hnve been some nst him I feel It IT to do lo food for Cultural break any case and if CO. they aga Y duty productive human the garden suggestIOns taken as 8 .lly useful In lung tlOuble asthma tomc the Fever Will not -what confused and uncertall1 but are so regardless of the finanCial sacrdlce Becanse of the necess for at e for all the common vege return It C1 0 IP branch tiS etc For sale great ty gIVen acts on the by ltver better ·,han Calomel no so TheIr miSinfOrmatIOn to me ntalls nClel s he natlOa s food \gardent, bles Rt lIoch DI Ig Co 30 I1I d 90 cent S�ates�?a�?o �ide longer I� 10 supphes an " • i dees i not nc or slelten 26¢ bottles i!+.l-+++++++++++'I-++++,01'++++++++-l-i � f I I I I I +!