Bx1remiR leta pow ex.mlple far "Pro-li&n" to follow. See JNIIe 5.

THE SHIEl~·) Fans pack Roberts Stadium Thursday for NBA benefit by Jeff Anderson least four months. Miller was the crowd fa­ On Thursday night. the vorite, and when he was sit­ scoreboard at Roberts Sta­ ting on the bench In the fourth dium read the Dallas Maver­ quarter whlle the Pacers were Icks defeated the Indiana Pac­ losing, the fans let him know ers 103-91. but the real win­ they wanted him In the game ners of the night were the fans. by chanting "Reggie, Reggie.· In an NBA game that fea­ Still, Miller sat out the rest tured some of the biggest of the game. He said prior to names In Midwest college his­ the contest that Pacer coach tory, the sold-out crowd had Is regulating all plenty to cheer about. the players' minutes. , for­ "I've practiced hard, but merly of Kentucky University; we've only had one exhibition Jimmy Jackson, formerly of game.· Miller said. "Coach Ohio State; Popeye Jones, for­ regulates our minutes In merly of Murray State; and games and somewhat In prac­ . enough said; all tice so the burnout effect drew cheers every time they doesn't happen.· touched the ball. Miller said his summer EVen a west coast roolde. was shorter than most be­ Jason Kldd. had support from cause of hJs trtp to Toronto the crowd. with Dream Team II for the Of course, the roof prob­ World Championships of Bas­ ably would have come off had ketball; but he said It was Indiana's native son, Damon enjoyable. Bailey, been at the game. But "It was the best collection the former lU stand-out and of players In the photo by Jsff Anderson Indiana Pacer rookie recently world,· Miller said. Indiana Pacer power forward Antonio Davis dunks the basketball as Dallas defender Ji.mmy Jackson and had surgery on both of his · Pacer teammates {13) and Derrick McKey (9) look on. The NBAgame was played at Roberts knees and will be out for at (continued on page five) Stadium ;;;; a benefit for the Evansville ARC Child Ufe . Active vice president receives award from alma mater by Brian Harris Sherrtanne Standley, 49. vice presi­ as possible. She Is Involved In Leadership dent for University Relations. Standley "I don't do well In the limelight," Evansville, the board of dtrectors for "It's really an honor. I'm surprised. was referring to the 1994 Distin­ she said. "I'm more comfortable In the Operation City Beautiful. the Evans­ Impressed and flattered,· said guished MPA Aluumus Award she re­ supporting role, not out front.· ville-Vanderburgh County Public Edu­ ceived Oct. 15. Standley received the award based cation Foundation, and the Women In Standley said Dr. Bill MaXam, pro­ partly on her high level of Involvement Business Committee for the metro­ fessor of political science at Indiana In both professional and cMc organi­ politan Evansville Chamber of Com­ State University and former director zations. merce. of the Master of Public Administration A 1980 alumnus from JSU's Mas­ She was the recipient of Who's program, called a few months ago to ters of Public Administration program Who Among American Women In 1979, tell her she had been chosen, and In the department of political science, the USI Alumni Association Distin­ asked tf she would accept and make a Standley Is active In the National Con­ guished Service Award, Sigma Tau speech. She agreed. ference on Institutionally Related Delta Administrator of the Year Award Maxam was her mentor while she Foundations Steering Committee and and Outstanding Young Women of was pursuing her master's degree In the Indiana Council for Advancement America In 1976. public administration, she said. and Support of Education. Other events of the day Included Standley said she Is the second She Is also a founding member an outstanding teaching assistant person to receive the award. Last year's and former officer of the Master of award. a panel discussion on the need award went to State Representative Public Administration Club; Is a former for-lnternationallztng public adminis­ John Gregg. member and officer In the Cincinnati tration, workshops on access to the She was the keynote speaker at chapter of Women In Communica­ Information superhighway, and the luncheon, speaking on "The Fu­ tions; and Is a former member of the grantsmanship for public adminis­ ture of Education: Public Policy Impli­ Public Relations Society of America. trators. cations. • Standley serves In many clvtc Besides her master's degree, Although pleased to have received groups, such as the Steering Commit­ Standley received a bachelor of sci­ the award, Standley says she prefers tee In the See Jane Run program of the ence degree In the School of Educa­ to remain behind-the-scenes as much Women's Political Caucus. tion from Indiana University In 1967. Sherrianne Standley 2 The Shield -- Monday, Oct. 24 , 1994 Campus & Community Bulletin Board

Today, 24 Tuesday, 25 to 4:30 p.m. in UC 118. to noon in UC 118. Accountln& Club, 4:30p.m. in L Activities Programmint Red Ribbon Week begins, con- NatlonalQualltyForumlivesat­ 100. Board, noon to 1:30 p.m. in UC tlnuing through Friday. ellite downlink, 8 a.m. in the Uni- 118. USI Secretaries and Associates verslty Conference Center. Local Student Government Associa· Student Christian Fellowship, Craft Sale, 9 a .m . to 2 p .m. at speakers to discuss "E-Qual and tlon House, 4:30 to 6 p.m. in UC noon to 1 p .m. in FA 58. the WiightAdminlstratlon Build- "Koalaty Kids... 118. MASH Judicial, 2 to 4:30 p .m. lng corridor. The sale continues Water Polo, 9 to 10:30 a.m. at the Interfraternity Councll, 5 to 6 in uc 118. through Friday. pool. Anyone interested can join. p.m. in UC 113F· Single Parent Awareness Net· Social Work Club, noon to 1 p .m . MASH Judicial, 7 to 10 p.m. in Black Student Union, 3 to 5 work, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p .m . in in UC 118. UC 118. p.m. in UC 113F. Weekly Bible Study, : to Hope of Heart, 9 to 10:30 p.m.in Soccer Team vs. Lindsey Wil- uc 11-8. 12 30 Math Club, 3 p.m. in SC 190. 1:30 p.m. in UC 113F. UC 113F. son, 7 p .m. History Club Film Festival •• Fall films •• Rock-a-Bye Baby, Newman Club hayride, 9 p.m. at Panhellenic, 9 to 11 p.m. in UC Les Miserables, 7 p.m. at Red 1:30 and 6 p.m. in Forum I. The the Outdoor Education Center. 113F. Bank Library. There is a one- event is free and open to the pub­ time fee of $3 to cover cost of lie. Wednesday, 26 U.S. Marine Corps recruiter on WDlardLibraryisfeatunngapho- pizzas and soft drtnks. Solar Bron Pointe will paint tography exhibit of the artwork of Pep Band, 7:30 to 11 p .m. in campus. There will be an Inter­ pumpkins at 2 p.m. in the Hobby Jeanne Knight until Oct. 30. The GLH. view Seminar for high school stu­ Room. exhibit is free of charge and open Baptlst Student Union, 9 p.m. dents at 8 a .m. in UC 350. CommunlcatlonsArts Club, 3 :30 · to the public. in Wright Building 8113A. Overeaten Anonymous, 11 a .m.


liPB . pr~ent~ r.Dr. Scavo~es OCT 27 FORUM ONE VAmPIRE


NO t>.~NG!!



201 VIRGINIA AT H~IDHBACH "Well, I don't see any fingerprints. Whoever did this f. 200 ~.VIRGINIA AT HUDHBACH must have worn gloves." Student workers downtrodden by lack of incentives

Interpersonal skills such as speak­ ers. Ask any of them. average. Ing and listening. Utilize evalua­ Many students want on-cam­ If I could not keep up with the In Karen Bonnell's Broadcast tion methods. Stabilize employ­ pus jobs because they live on cam­ pace, I would simply tell them to Cable Management class, she :en­ ment. pus and do not drive. Campus jobs cut my hours. courages her students to be Theory I realize I am just a peon In the may be the only job students with­ We should be given the chance Y and Z managers. university's chain of command, but out transportation can afford to to work as much as we want, as But It Is very frustrating . to I feel downtrodden because of the accept. long as It does not Interfere with Implement these beliefs Into my treatment of student workers. Student workers are only al­ our grades. system, since US! Is clearly a I am sure student workers are lowed to work 20 hours a week. I I like my job. and I like what I Theory X employer when It comes thankful people for having a job In can easily work 25 to 30 hours do, but it makes me want to scream to student workers. this weary employment market, but without harming my 3. 7 grade "Where's the labor union?" Douglas McGregor was an In­ we ar.e above high school educa­ dustrial psychologist who deter­ tion. It Is very frustrating to re­ mined that manegerlal types Influ­ ceive minimum wage. enced employee motivation. He said It Is not just receiving mini­ Dancing with Death livens Theory X Managers believe the av­ mum wage, but It Is the known fact erage worker Is lazy, must be given that we will never get a raise. no responsibility and likes to be There Is no Incentive. Even If told what to do. our work Is good - we will not evening, evokes bad puns McGregor also said Theory Y receive a raise, or a pat on the managers know people need work back. b~ Lisa Sloat I begged my friend. Chuck, to make as much as they need rest or play, Fast-food establishments In Death go away, to make Death stop are committed to work and can use University Plaza are offering $5 to Last weekend, I danced with Death. pestering me. Chuck merely laughed self-direction and self-control. $5.50 an hour. These are jobs that Death stepped on my toes. I guess at my plight. He said people will seek and anyone can get - even people who Death Is awkward. "But Lisa,· he said. "what do you accept responsibility. and most haven't received a high school di­ Actually, It was a guy dressed as expect when you flirt with Deathr people are creative and Imagina­ ploma. Death for a masquerade ball. ! ·certainly hadn't expected Death tive. He said workers' Intellectual I do not want a job at a fast-food The dance was part of the festivi­ to follow me Uke a puppy dog all night. potential Is poorly utilized. restaurant, but I am finding It ties at ConTact. a science fiction con­ It Is difficult enough to deal with Theory Z Is a combination of harder to pay my bllls. And the vention sponsored by the Evansville Death. and friends like Chuck do not American and Japanese beliefs. university policy on student work­ Science Fiction Association every fall. make It easter. I should have learned McGregor says managers must ers' wages makes me feel like a The convention was filled with by now not to hang out with a man maintain Integrity and have the machine - like they believe I am Kltngons, assorted aliens and other whose sense of humor Is even more employee's trust. lazy and do not want any responsi­ creatures of the night. but none cap­ twisted than mine. A company philosophy must be bility. tured my attention as much as this Suddenly, I was In Death's grip, developed and communicated. Cre­ They make my feel like a poor thin guy In the black cape and face being pulled from my chair and dragged ate structures and Incentives, al­ beggar wandering Clarke Lane for Yc:J.J..U.L. •vwaro. ueam s aoor. I screamed and low general lines authority to guide, an occasional $40 check. It Is very Maybe I had a· Death wish but I kicked, fighting Death. At last I broke but do not be too rigid. Develop disappointing to all student work- couJdn•t help myself. The bad puns free from the clutches of Death and just came out. ran, unable to face Death. Of course If didn't help that I'd had Eventually I returned. because I several beers and a mass quantity of was now fascinated with Death. When THE SHIELD this blue drink I'd discovered. (Here's I went back to the party, Death was a hint: Never drink anything blue If waiting for me. I saw Death across the EstabUshed 1968 you wish to avoid Death.) hotel lobby and cried out "Take me 8600 Unb.Jerslty Blvd. So as Death walked the dance Death!" • Evansvaie, Ind. 47712 floor, I approached Death and asked The people In the lobby looked at NewsUne (812) 465-1645 Death to dance. Death obliged. me, looked at Death and then left very Advertising (812) 464-1870 Mter my dance with Death, I sat quickly. JEFF ANDERSON ...... EDITOR with friends, chatting and drinking Then Death lost his cool and be­ BRIAN HARRIS ...... ASSISTANT EDITOR more blue stuff. gan to laugh at me. I had finally gotten RACHEL NAVILLE ...... ADVERTISING COORDINATOR I could feel Death's presence In the to Death. BRYAN HARPER ...... ADVERTISING COORDINATOR room. Death was looking over my Mter an evening filled with bad HEATHER BORGUS ...... SPORTS EDITOR shoulder. I scoffed at Death. I tried to puns, Death was no longer silent. I SHARON BECKMAN ...... COPY EDITOR Ignore Death, but Death would not be found Death amusing and I laughed In LISA SLOAT...... OPINION EDITOR Ignored. the face of Death. MARIA TUDELA ...... ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR When Death asked me If I'd ever But alas, I never felt the kiss of C. MATT BILLMAN ...... CARTOONIST danced with the devil In the pale Death because Death Is not romantic. CATHRYN SCHWINDEL ...... PHOTOGRAPHER moonlight, I told him he was weanng But I did ask Death to dinner. so LINDA MULL/S ...... CLASSIFIED MANAGER the wrong make-up for that pick-up now I have a date with Death. AMY LANTAFF ...... BUSINESS MANAGER line. The morning after Death, I awoke RON ROAT...... FACUL TY ADVISOR Death lurked behind me, threat­ and the sun was shining brightly, the The Shield ia printed by the Mount Carmel Register Co., Mount Carmel, II., and ia publiahed avery ening to take me. I was surrounded by birds were singing and I realized there Monday and Thuraday, except university holidaye. Advertising copy may be daiivar~ aaven daya Death's cloak. prior to publication to Tn. Shield or mailed. The opinion• expressed in TN Shield are not nace.. arily Is Ufe after Death. thoea of the Univaraty of Southam Indiana. ita administratk>n, faculty or atudent body. TN Shi•ld welcomes lett:ara to the editor on any topic, not just those appearing in the newsp~r . Submiaaiona Edltodu repreaent the opinion of the newspaper. Columl» are the oplnlllD ahoutd be typawrttan, aigned and ..elude the author'a name, address and te~phon. nu~er for varification purpoaea. Brief letters will be given priority. Letters may be dropped off at the UC O..k of the wdter. Letten to the editor l'eple6ent oplnloDB of reaclels md not or at The Shield offic:a In UC 116 and must be turned in no later than the Frida before ublicaUon. neceNarlly of TheSlfeldstaff. Letters may be ecUtecl for length or fo•lfbeL The Shield- Mo Oct. 24, 1994 5 Radical Pro-Lifer faces consequences of extremist actions by Elisa Harding not only broke a state law, but a and give her name. This childish be­ was held In contempt of court In Ohio. federal law as well. havior needs to be punished. If I were Now It seems Patanellt Is leaving a Abortion Is a hot topic across the In some pointless act of disobedi­ aresldentofCambden County, I would legacy of "life" related to crimes across counby, but Cheny Hill, N.J., added ence, Patanelll refused to give her be angry at having to pay for this the Eas tern part of the United States. a special twist to the controversy. So­ name to the authorities- reminiscent brat's disobedience. While In jail, Patanellt did not pay called "pro-lifers· all used the same of a child's temper tantrum. However, In addition, they found out this one cent of child support. For a woman tactic of chaining themselVes to an Instead of going to her room, she went "Pro-Life" woman disregarded the lives dedicated to other women's bodies , abortion clinic. to jail for 14 months. of those she brought Into this world. she certainly shows no concern for As a result. the women seeking This story happens across the The clinic activity had not been her her own living, breathing children. abortion services or reproductive country countless numbers of times. first brush with the law. She denied her own children the counseling could not be served. Activists get arrested. go to jail and A few weeks before, she was or­ necessities of life. Patanelll should Chaya T. Patanellt Is one of those consider themselves true to their dered to pay over $175 a month In spend less time In other women's Insensitive protesters. She took It upon cause. child support to her two children. She wombs and more time being a mother. herself to save the women of New But. some Pro-Choice activists now Jersey from themselves, by chaining demand that Patanelli pay for the cost herself to a steering wheel outside the of her time In jail. At approximately clinic. $55 a day, Patanelll owes the people Federal Law extended a previous of Camden County over $21,500, not law (RICO) to ensure that clinics re­ Including court costs. main accessible to women who need Why not? She actually put herself their services. In other words, Patanelll In jail by refusing to unchain herself

NEW DONOR COUPON! "I had a great experience up In the players and the owners and the Receive Toronto, and being with those guys threat of a lockout could cause prob­ was fun. It was a long summer, but rd lems this season. rather stay busy than sit on my be­ "It definitely could happen," Miller $25 hind all year.· said. "I think right now as players, Miller said the Pacers all came to we've all got to stay together and hope­ camp In shape, and he said winning a fully something will come up. With the championship Is what they definitely salary cap as well as the draft situa­ want to accomplish this year. tion, some of those things just aren't "We don't know what other people fair that the owners want. and we as are thinking." Miller said. "but I think players have to stick together.· the 13 or 14 guys that are In this For the fans that packed Roberts locker room only have one thing on Stadium for the exhibition game to their minds, and that Is winning the benefit the Evansville Association for championship. We feel we've got the Retarded Children (ARC) Child Life talent and the desire, and we feel we Center, working agreements were probably the furthest things from their Circle 'S' can play with anybody." Miller said only time will tell if the minds. Pacers run In the playoffs will help In the end, It was Evansville ARC them gatn more respect around the that came out as the big winners. All net proceeds will go to the cen­ Food Marts NBA He said the arlditlon of Mark Jackson and Duane Ferrell, two vet­ ter, which provides therapeutic and eran NBA players, as well as the expe­ Inclusive day care for children with rience of going through the playoffs and without disabilities. last year, will help the Pacers take The Evansville ARC Child Life Cen­ that extra step. ter opened In October of 1993 and Is FOR YOUR coNV6..NI6..NC6.. Miller said recent debates about licensed to serve 120 children from the NBA's working agreement between six weeks through five years of age. Circle '5' Food Mart iB proud to announce the addition of 11 Any Card Cash System .. machine in our Btore. CASH available to you 24 hour!? a day 365 day£? a year!

Circle 'S' Food Mart 131 S. Red Bank Rd . ® Circle "S" 6 Monday, Oct. 24, 1994 USI busy with many interesting activities

by Rob Kerney the campus. Division. Where are you, my T he Activities lost children? Can you not Moo cow, students of Progranuning Board will hold hear· my voice calling? SGA this fine estabUshment. It Is I, Las Vegas week from Oct. 31 House Is always looking for the fine young blind man who to Nov. 3. There Is a wedding new members. You know commands the wild life of the chapel_that Monday and an when the meetings are, so be Student Government Elvis look-alike contest that there. Association. afternoon. a comedy show on Beware of blind men I am revisiting you Tuesday and •Naked Gun 33 who wear black teddies-"The from the land of Strange and 1/3: The Final Insult• on Rocky Horror Picture Show· Puppies, arooooo K-9s. 'Now, Wednesday. returns, Oct. 2 from 9 p.m. to hold on to your moo ties as we Thursday Is Casino midnight under the UC Bridge. bring you up-to-date. The Night, from 7 to 11 p.m. Call Hey, somebody buy reception for Deb Foster, 464-1 872 for more me a diet. coke. I am thirsty. director of Student Actlvltles, Information. On Nov. 2, SGA Well,gullablechildren went great. Stanley Hall Day will host a lock-up to raise who believe all that, I must was religiously tingly - money for the AIDS Resource depart from you now and crawl looking forward to next year. Group. Save your pennies, back Into the darkness, and Basketball practice dollars and all other forms of cover my presence until I has started. Good luck guys spending materials for this return to your mystical world and gals. Oksoberfest event. of imagination. Knukalaulau. happened on October 23. Hey, SGA Is still looking for boc toy and squeeze me like a was that Elvis? Elvis has left a senator for University ripe melon. Shukakorn.

Alumni invited to Dubois reception from Staff Reports work. Alumni will meet H. An Informal reception Ray Hoops, new president of for alumni who live or work In USI. They will also hear a brief Dubois County will be held update on the university and from 4 :30 to 6 :30 p.m. socialize with other USI Wednesday at Kimball graduates In the Dubois International's Jasper community. Showroom on 12th Avenue off An Alumni Club Is Highway 231. expected to result from the The gathering will be reception, which Chris Neu the ftrst of Its kind In the and Letgh-Lambert-Neu of county, where an estimated Jasper, both 1993 graduates, 380 USI graduates live or are arranging the reception.

Retirement Community FRIENDLY NEIGHBOR OF USI Ground "-' JPKioul ~ • £xqulllle dlninl • Hou1e1ce1p1ns Transpoltallon • Security • UtllltiM • Cable TV • Cultural -a . llec:reallonal fii'ClBR"'' • and more. 7

I SPORTS Monday, Oct. 24, 1994 Western Kentucky falls victim to USI Rugby Club llty Lynnette Reine meters had been run resulting In a try. counter attacking". time," Bartholome ·said. During halft1me, the team had al- "I'm real proud of the team because The next action for the USI rugby Bowling Green, KY - The USI rugby ready scored 20 points to Western they dld well and are Improving each club Is the Midwest Regtonal. club continues to dominate their com­ Kentucky's 10 points. ~ "- \ . \ petition as they oust Western Ken­ In the second half, Western Ken- ~"-. '- ' \ tucky Saturday 43-15. tucky scored a few times. USI contin- q7#.e CJ #. tjp '-\\\ Of the recored points, Danny ued to pull together as a team to main- IIIJ LJIIJ ._,1..1 j \\) ) Woosley lead the team scoring 13polnts which gtves the team an 8-0 record tatn the lead and bring home the win. IInn./1_ n~ tilC' ,!.,!.J.f headed Into the Midwest Regtonals. Woosley said, -The pack played lf7f7y-f70 ULJ~ Coach Steve Bartholome recognized well at times scoring a couple of push D n ~ b p #~n II !/!I JeffBeldl for a well equipped back field over trys which demonstrated strengh." Ow.J#JII.J IJVUIJIJ .'!./ and Aaron Strupp for the organization "We played a good physical game. of the forwards. Our pack played and stayed together ~P'V'tj PW.. In the first half, the first 10 points well and the backs ran hard which rl i.Jj .,1..14 were scored within the first 10 min­ allowed USI to have a solid game", said utes. Following the scoring dpve, the Strupp. team slowed down and Western Ken­ Coach Steve Bartholome summed tucky edged In for a score. After West­ things up by saying, "This Is the best ern Kentucky scored, USI once again competition that the team has had all Rea was able to take the lead, this time for year. USIs good. A few mistakes had been made Beldl took the ball out, gtvtng It to because of the exceptional teamwork ~~e the winger. Before the winger got tack­ demonstrated In the game." led, he drew defense while laying the Woosley said, "In the past weeks, we ball Inside to Beldl. counter attacked, but we failed to do Between Beldl and the winger, 65 this In the game. We need to work on WHo-sWHO CASH? IN AMERICAN DSELL COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES r

IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT The Citizens Action Coalition is now hiring for full and part-time positions . . on our statewide campaign staff Who can apply: . . . . Any Junior or Sen1or With a nununUJD. GPA of 2.5 Work on environmental and consumer issues Who to contact for n1ore inforn1ation: to improve Indiana. The Office of Student Life at ext. 7066 Deadline for resumes is November 4, 1994 full training. 4-10 pm Monday-friday S8/hr. Call 426-2076 ~ I

8 The Shield-- Monday, Oct. 24, 1994 Exercise classes to help USI get in shape ready to begin by John P. Mullen 10 p.m. floor exercises that Involve the Intramural program's fitness activities. Both classes will be held In abdominal, hips. along with the Inner A fifth session renewal of a person's Calories beware - you are the Physical Activities Center. and outer thighs. fitness card will enable a participant bound to get burned. With USI's Rhonda Smith and her Students, faculty and staff are to receive a USI fitness t-shlrL intramural aerobics and body certified Olympus Gym crew wlll eligible to participate In these A few basic guidelines should sculpting classes set to begin. those Instruct In the high/low aerobics class. workouts. Sign-ups will take place be followed before beginning a workout excess pounds will dimlnlsh as quickly Beginners as well as advanced aerobic each Monday and Wednesday. program. First, a waiver of llabillty as they appeared. students are welcome to participate In beginning at 4:15 p.m. for the body must be signed by the particlpanl Body sculpting, scheduled to 'thighs 50-minute workout suited to sculpting clus and 8:45 p.m. for the Also, appropriate attire such begin Oct. 24. will meet every Monday work every muscle. aerobics activities. as tights, shorts, t-shlrts, tennis shoes, and Wednesday from 4:30 to 5:30 Kim McGrew will Instruct the A fee of $1.50 per exercise et cetera, along with weights. a towel p.m. Aerobics classes also get Intramural body sculpting class. This session will be collected. However, $5 and water bottle are recommended for underway that day, and these classes 50-minute workout Involves will guarantee four sessions In the the activities. are tentatively scheduled to ga ther participants engaging In a generous Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 to warm-up. arm workout and vigorous

ALL NATURAL PRODUCT ~" Are you stressed? k:" Lack energy? ·~·~{ · Need to lose weight? . / I ~ OW OFFERINd .~\ I ~~ ~ lf J f A Miracle 1?-oduct with GREAT income y otenttal! Crossword 101 " Capitalism " By Gerry Frey l ) ; 4 l ACROSS &II 1-800-783; 1569 ~Write~ '\, 1 Prior fiear»truttone#'press P.0~{4-~ 5 Spud State's capital 10 Shoo 4072. Evansville IN.47724 14 Skin t:>'emish 15 Thick glue 16 Thomas :com· poser 17 Mountain Sta te's capi· tal iu-+-+- 19 N. Y. State college 20 Rower part 21 Arts ' cousin 23 Ditto nee 26 Retained 27 Amer. Trkg. Assoc . 30 Leonardo's Lisa & •.~ ... ~~""~''·'"'" ARIETY others of d 32 Heroic Poems <~~~~::.. ':"'"~..... 36 SioUJ( State's capital ! ·/' :,'· . ~. @ CAFE309. 38 Red spot 39 To Me:French 40 French river - l&.llfJ:T PRICES FOR GREAT 42 Bator :/~::: ...4.::::.::.16::~ :.1?~~-.- Plano sound ? 5 Bach. of Phys. Ed. 44 Doctrines:SulfiX 43 6 American Treaty Org. 46 French school :; ~=::~bl e 7 Followers of a doctrine 48 Co nd ~ional release Terror 8 Wall Street papers 51 Notes 48 . 9 meenie ... 53 Stocking material 49 1 Vane lnrtla s 10 Gopher State 's capital 54 Salutation 50 Actress Samms 11 Reptile:abbrev. 55 Gambling town 52 English school 12 Ms. Bancroft 56 nme periods 54 Bedroom ~e m s 13 Br~ish social events 57 State of agitation 58 Girl 's name 62 Saarinen:arcMect 18 Camel's cousin 59 Egyptian river 22 Fencing sword 60 Necessity 63 Green Mountain State 's 24 Code man 61 Greek god of love capital 25 Noun suffiX 64 Power agcy. 66 Med. school subject 27 Diminish 65 Teac her's 67 Martini garnish 28 Shy 68 Bread spread 29 In unlson:2 words 69 Sub :Under the ta bl e Quotable Quote 31 Japanese dog 70 The clock Is ten 33 Small Islands 71 Irish & Beatty 34 Group of students "Territory is but the body of DOWN 35 Sight. sound, e.g. a na tion. The people who Lobbying grps. 37 1110 Down's state M-TH 11 :00 - 2:00 & inhabit irs hills and valleys 2 Sore 38 Earn 4:00 - 10:00 3 Easy chore 41 Baseball tea m are its soul, its spirit. its life. " FRI. 11 :00- 2:00 4 Preflxes meaning trillion James A Garfield SUN . 4:00 - 10:00