Catalogue of Pathepictures Selected for Educational, Religious and Social Groups
Nineteen Twenty Five Catalogue of Pafhepictures Selected for Educational, Religious and Social Groups Pathe Exchange, Inc. U. S. A. Scanned from the collection of Karl Thiede Coordinated by the Media History Digital Library Funded by a donation from David Pierce Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Media History Digital Library Nineteen Twenty Five Catalogue of Pafhepictures {t) Selected for Educational, Religious and Social Groups Pathe Exchange, Inc. U. S. A. Introductory THIS catalogue is issued annually as an aid to non-theatrical exhibitors of pictures in the securing of programs, and to assist the Pathe offices in meeting the requirements of social, religious and educational groups. In making selections and classifications we have been guided, so far as has been possible, by lists made by ministers, teachers and better film committees in various parts of the country. We welcome criticism of and comment upon these classifications and, knowing the importance of a knowledge of the needs of one's own group, we invite customers to preview pictures in the projection room of any of the Pathe Branch Offices. Albany 35-37 Orange St. Atlanta, Ga. 102 Walton St. Baltimore, Md. 506 E. Baltimore St. Boston, Mass. 30 Church St. Buffalo, N. Y. 505 Pearl St. Butte, Mont. 116-118 W. Granite St. Charlotte, N. C. 221 W. 4th St. Chicago, 111. 418 S. Wabash Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 124 E. 7th St. Cleveland, Ohio 2100 Pavne Ave. Dallas, Texas 1715 Commerce St. Denver, Colo. 1426 Welton St. Des Moines, Iowa lOO 1^ E.
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