A T l.T•T•TJ T T•TJ DISCOVER THE WORLD OF COMMUNICATION � T•TJ T•T•TJ COMMUTER STUDENTS l.T•T•TJ l.T•T•TJ T•T•T� WELCOME� l.T•T•TJ 0 �T•T•TJ �TT,, N �TT� AT•T•,. June 23-July 3 July 6-17 ,, SESSION ONE SESSION TWO �T•T• Class Begins: Class Begins: Tuesday, June 23 Tuesday, July 6 r�T�T�} Presentations: Presentations: r•T�T•� Friday, July 3 Friday, July 17 r•T T ,, 9-11 :30 AM 9-11 :30 AM r�T• r�T�T�� MAIL ALL FORMS BY JUNE 1 TO: ,. �T•T• Discover the World of Commmunication School of Communication, McKinley 237 �T•T•� American University ,. 4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW �T•T• Washington, DC 20016-8017 ,. �T•T• Phone: 202-885-2098 Fax: 202-885-2019 �•T T ,. Email:
[email protected] Y•T 1, Website: audiscover.org Y•T•T•,. Y•T....� T��------------ Dear DWC Commuter Student, We look forward to your participation in the American University School of Communication Discover the World of Communication Program in Washington, D.C. This summer, you will explore a variety of forms of communication, learn from outstanding professors and working professionals. You will have the opportunity to work with state-of-the-art equipment in what will be a fun, educational and meaningful experience! Please keep this packet to refer to before arrival. No other information will be sent by mail. Session One Session Two Tuesday, June 22 Tuesday, July 6 McKinley Building, Room 201 McKinley Building, Room 201 Morning Check-in: 7:45-8:30 a.m.