The Day God Spoke from a Saucepan
WARBURTON, VICTORIA, AUSTRALASIAN APRIL 3, 1967 Volume 71 Number 14 Be Sure to Read: "OPPORTUNITY TO GIVE SACRIFICIALLY" F. L. BLAND, Page 8. HO CAN LIMIT the avenues D. J. SILVER through which God will speak Secretary-Treasurer, Tasmanian Conference, W to the earnest hearted soul, Brings You This Story About— who, in simple and trusting faith, seeks guidance from Him? God spoke to Gideon through a dew-sodden fleece; to Eliezer through the hospitality of a Mesopotamian maiden; to Balaam The Day God Spoke through the braying lips of a humble ass, and this is the story of how God spoke to a literature evangelist through from a Saucepan a saucepan. It was at the 1964 camp meeting in Western Australia that Brother M. V. Should he engage in the literature the habit of wearing a hat, Brother Kuhlmann, a dedicated church elder, ministry? He was within one year of Kuhlmann looked around his camp attended an early morning colporteur long service leave. His church group tent for a suitable container, and meeting and felt again the call to en- needed his support and leadership. selected a small saucepan. gage in the literature ministry. He His wife was not an Adventist. And After very earnest prayer, he drew sought counsel of his pastor, who re- yet he felt that the Spirit of God was out a slip of paper. It said: "Go lated to him the following personal calling him to the work. His troubled now." Again he shook up the three experience. mind sought confirmation. He wanted papers and again he drew from the Some years previously, some childish some assurance to know of a surety saucepan—and again it said: "Go misdemeanour had occurred in the that he was doing that which God now." Brother Kuhlmann reports pastor's home, but unfortunately all would have him do.
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