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Messages from the A Visit from Young Sporting Heads of Learning PC Jebb Wonders

A reminder about A star-studded Support and praise our social distancing competition for during lockdown responsibilities in those passionate learning and out of school about sport

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Dates For Your Diary

15th February - 19th February Half Term 22nd February Term Resumes 25th February Yr11 Consultation Evening 4th March Yr13 Consultation Evening 25th March Yr12 Consultation Evening 1st April Term Ends A Message from the Heads of School

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to out latest edition of the Heathside Newsletter. Once again this is packed with examples of student work, which reflects how well they have maintained their commitment to and enthusiasm about learning even during this period of lockdown.

We would like to acknowledge and thank all of the staff here at Heathside for their flexibility, positivity and hard work during this half-term. We would also like to thank all the parents and carers who have been supporting and encouraging the children whilst at home. We hope everyone is able to rest and recuperate during the half-term break next week.

Although most of us probably have very few plans in our diaries, you will find lots of suggestions for activities and things to try within this newsletter and even more on our Facebook page.

We wish you all a safe and healthy half-term.

Mrs Bell and Mr Manns, Acting Heads of School

2 Messages from the Heads of Learning

Congratulations Year 7 on completing a half term of remote learning. You have Yr7 learnt so many new skills and coped well with the challenges. You are engaged in lessons and have produced some fantastic work and as a year group you have amassed 20,064 house points - the most for any year group in the school! WOW!

Mr Batting and I want you to have a restful and fun half term. Make sure you take time away from the computer screen and get outside and appreciate the natural environment we live in. Remember that when we return we are both, along with your tutors, here if you need us. Stay safe and ensure that you abide by the governments guidelines with respect to social distancing.

Miss Gatrell Head of Learning Year 7

Beatrice Hansen

Joshua Penfold

Megan Rivers 3 STONEHENGE Geography (Tower of )

The is one of the city’s most famous historical landmarks and has a fascinating history. There are over 23,500 jewels there today, the Tower was founded by William the Conqueror towards the end of 1066. The Crown Jewels were moved to the Martin Tower after the was How was Stonehenge made? demolished. The total value of the jewels is estimated to £20 billion. During the First World War, there was very little harm done to the Tower. Unfortunately, the Second World War damaged the castle but missed the white tower. At the end of the war, the damage was repaired and reopened to the public. https://youtu.be/QCau0GX0Lsk CLICK HERE FOR SHORT VID!! The remains of the Old Palace (except the Jewel Tower) were incorporated into its much larger build, which contains over 1,100 rooms. The Tower of London houses a display of royal armour including a few sets worn by Henry VIII. Some of the armour is beautifully decorated with gold leaf. The armour cost the equivalent of a private jet in today’s money and weighs about the same as all the kit worn by a modern combat soldier. The Tower of London is also a Royal Palace gun salutes are fired from its riverside wharf on important occasion

FUN FACT They believe if the crows What can I expect when I go there? leave the tower of London the kingdom will fall, that is why they clipped one of their wings so they can’t flock!!

The visitor centre at Stonehenge.

What is Stonehenge?

This is what Stonehenge originally would have looked like.

Why was Stonehenge made?

Benjamin Russel

4 A massive well done to all of the students Year 8 for an absolutely fantastic half term of remote learning. Between them, Year 8 have achieved over Yr8 3,750 House Points in the last five weeks! This is a phenomenal achievement and shows just how hard they have all been working in very unusual circumstances. I am so pleased to be able to share just a few examples of the excellent work that has been produced. I am very proud of how the students have coped and adapted to change and the very mature and thoughtful feedback that they have given on the Remote Learning experience. Thanks to their feedback, all students are enjoying more interactive lessons such as Nearpod and Kahoot, as well as being given a reminder of how to access teacher feedback on the work they have submitted.

I really enjoyed ‘popping in’ to all of the Tutor Groups over the last couple of weeks and seeing what a great sense of community there still is during these morning sessions. We have had some very thought provoking assemblies and debate topics, which has led to some interesting discussions on current issues and topics.

I hope all of the families in Year 8 will be able to enjoy some quality time together over half term, taking advantage of whatever opportunities we still have to relax and unwind together – such as walks, cooking, arts and film nights. Please send me some pictures that I can share with the year group!

I hope that the next half term will see us all coming back together in school, but we will all have to wait for Mr Johnson’s announcement before we know what those plans are.

Ms Murphy

Head of Learning Year 8 Emily Grant

Oona Blundell 5 Ami Simpson Zayna Kothari

Devan Khodiyar

6 Well done Year 9 on your continued efforts in live lessons and engagement. You have produced lots of creative work this week. I have received examples of great work and many positive comments from your teachers which I have Yr9 the pleasure in sharing with you and your parents:

We have 2 beautiful pieces from Art from Aikaterini Pitsiora and Anabella Von Eynern. Also, Saffron White created a feeding table for wildlife. I am so proud of how you are all managing the many new challenges. Have a wonderful half term break when we get there.

Miss Ebdy Head of Learning Year 9

Positive messages from Ms McDougall: ...and Mrs Sanders

Well done to: Marianne Croxson, Emily Brunner, Athena Morgans, Isabella Smit, Dylan McGurk, Freya Maya Benzimra, Sami Holmes, Ingram, Lexi Class-Kirtley, Park Marcy Turner, Lily Chen Jones, Athena Morgans, Nikith Gamage, Oliver Santos, Alex Taylor and Eliott Taylor.

Saffron White

7 The repetitive use of exaggerated Analysis of the vocabulary displays trauma to the father and "slashed my fury" conveys poem ‘Nettles’ to the reader that the father has some repressed pain from previous events In the poem "Nettles" the father-son and is taking it out on the nettles. This relation is presented as painful. This also displays a theme of vengeance to is evident when it says, "I saw white the plants because they hurt his son. blistered beaded on the skin." The use of enjambment shows the fathers pain Jessie Luswata from the war and losing his two sons never ends. The plosive alliteration of Anabella Von Eynern "blistered" and "beaded" is effective because it gives martial imagery. This makes the reader feel sorrowful towards the father's memory and how a small incident can trigger a traumatic memory.

Maya Bemzira

Aikaterini Pitsiora

8 As we reach half term, I would like to congratulate the hard-work, resilience, and commitment that the year 10 student’s have shown Yr10 during these challenging times. Again, the student’s attendance to online lessons has been outstanding. I wish the year 10 students to have a lovely half term break (which they well deserve). I would recommend that students find the right balance between relaxation and revision during the half term break. I will be distributing to students (via teams) a pack of subject specific topics to help students revise key areas that they have covered so far during their GCSE studies.

So far I have been given lots of positive feedback from staff regarding year 10’s work and attitude this week. Please see below examples: Mrs Blake – English Mrs Saunders - English Miss Ebdy - French “Danielle Hirdes is doing “Well done to Daphne Morris, “I want to say a huge well done really well. She is fully Emily Rees, Finn Foley who to 10X French for all their effort engaged with everything we all have contributed positive in French. They are truly an are doing and makes some comments and shown excellent outstanding group of students valuable chat contributions.” engagement in online English who go above and beyond in lessons this week.” their studies. They always go the extra mile and more.”

Finally, I have set the students a fun activity for the students to take part in during half term. Students need to create their own ’Forced Perspective’ photo whilst they are out on their daily walk or exercise. If students can email myself by Monday 22nd February, there will be prizes for the top three entries. Thank you.

Mr Tachon Head of Learning Year 10

Dear Year 11s, you have worked incredibly hard over the past 6 weeks. The intense online assessment period has given you and your teachers Yr11 a better indication of your current level. We can now identify what you must improve on for future formal assessments.

I have been impressed with your commitment to online learning. In addition to this, it is great to see some of you taking on virtual work experience outside of school. This week, we have seen the start of the NHS work experience placements and the creative writing workshops. It is vital that we take up these opportunities.

Now, we wait for the Department for Education's conclusion on the consultation. We can then plan how the GCSEs will proceed.

It has been an interesting half term. I hope that you all enjoy your week off, you deserve it!

See you soon. Best wishes,

Mr Hakamali Head of Learning Year 11 9 We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our Sixth Form students for all of their hard work over the last half term and embracing the challenges 6th of remote learning in such a positive manner. Year 13 students have worked very hard this week in completing their 'online assessments' and students will form receive feedback and areas for development after the half term break. We would encourage all students to have a break from their screens over half term and therefore, we have created the 'Screen free half term challenge' and would encourage all our Sixth Form students to participate in this and share their experiences with their tutors after half term:

Mr Martin, Mr Clark and Mrs Best

Are you up for the half term screen free challenge?       We challenge you to complete 10 of the following activities throughout half term. No laptop No phone No PC No Xbox No PS Can you do it? Get household members to take TO START EACH Go for a WALK. Push yourself, Make yourself a healthy Play a board game with picture of you on their DAY: PUT YOUR DEVICE AWAY STRIDE out and blast those breakfast and enjoy your siblings. cobwebs away! having time to eat it. phones completing the Wake up at a good AND THEN CHOOSE AN challenges. time ready for the ACTIVITY WHICH YOU day ahead. WANT TO DO…

Play a card game. Teach someone Bake! Put your bake-off skills to Go for a Dance around your how to play a card game or get them the test by trying a new recipe and Do some to teach you kitchen like nobody is testing it on your family. If it’s run colouring – watching! successful, save the recipes for adult

when you go to university / leave colouring home. book, paint by numbers, doodle Meditate

WHO DO YOU It is PANCAKE DAY on Tuesday Contact a Jigsaw Hand write a DIARY ENTRY th friend or THINK YOU ARE? February 16 February. Try some puzzles of how lockdown is making relative you Draw up a family tree. new fillings or have a go at make Will you you feel and what you are up haven’t seen for How many generations of savoury pancakes instead. READ -a book, a De complete? to. Pop it in an envelope, seal a while. Speak to grandparents can you go newspaper, clutter 500? 1000? it and place it somewhere to them, DON’T text! back to? Observe their childhood your It’s the new read in a year’s time. names? Where did they Keepy favourite story, bedroom lockdown magazine… live? What were their Uppy! How long can and go to and indulge in jobs? you go for? Already redesign surprisingly reading the King or Queen of your living relaxing! something that Talk to your parents about Keepy Uppy? Try space. will whisk you what it was like being a teenager in Do you have a musical using a tennis ball Sit back away into the 1980s or 1990s? What music instead or throw in and instrument sat gathering dust? another world…. did they listen to? Where did they some hip moves to hang out? What was their first job? RELAX! Not played since Year 9? Provide

wow your friends post Their first car? you family with an impromptu lockdown! concert (after some practice of course…!) Pamper your pet! Get in Learn a new Make life Listen to your favourite FINISH: Groom, walk, play ball. touch skill which easier for music – on a speaker…. Ditch a card or with someone You and your pet will WRITE GET DOESN’T the ear Wow! Epic effort! How do you letter to someone nature: else in your benefit! CREATIVE! require a pods! feel? who has helped you Take a YouTube home. Offer Draw, model since this lockdown or make video for to do some started and post it to household Email Mr Martin some photos NATURE WALK in something. instruction them. jobs, make your local area and of what you got up to avoid the Dig out some old photos…. Not the lunch or look closely for signs screen over half term and we’ll on your phone, but actual printed perhaps just of spring. This can be Ride photos… you are all of the age Practice offer a cup share these after the break. plants, animals, birds, where they existed once! Enjoy some of tea! your insects. bike looking back and reminiscing. YOGA

There has been an important update with regards to the deadlines for students making decisions with regards to university choices. In a 'normal' UCAS cycle, the deadline for decisions is early May but due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation, the deadline for students to decide their choices on UCAS has been put back to 10th June. This change has taken place to give your son/daughter longer to make a more informed decision as we are still awaiting the outcomes from the grading consultation. Universities can often put pressure on students with regards to 'guaranteeing accommodation choices' but we would advise students to hold off making their final choices until later in the year so that Mr Clark and Mr Martin can support students in this process. For your reference, a list of UCAS confirmed dates can be found here.

Mr Martin, Mr Clark and Mrs Best

109 Year 7 Visit from PC Jebb Our Year 7s had a visit from PC Jebb this week to remind them of the importance of following social distancing rules both in and out of school. He reiterated the potential consequences of gathering in groups, and ran through current social distancing guidelines.

Please continue to follow social distancing guidance during the half term holiday. Social distancing helps us to contain the virus and will make it possible for children to go back to school and meet up with friends again in the future.

20/21 Half-Way House Point Total

Half way through this academic year we can reveal the current house point positions below. It's a very tight race and achievement points will continue to be awarded after half term, with house competitions running during half term and beyond.





0 Eagles Hawks Kestrels Falcons 11 Diversity at Heathside At Heathside we have been celebrating LGBTQ+ History Month. The Top 6 made another very engaging Assembly for the whole school which has received very positive feedback. Apparently, SLT have a lot to learn about making engaging Assembly videos! Some students have had a focus on LGBTQ+ History in the PSHE lessons, with more to come after half term, and all years have been encouraged to discuss the topic in Tutor Time sessions in the morning. Ms Murphy has already received some excellent entries to the competition and is looking forward to getting more before the end of the month. Please visit the LGBT+ History Month Website to continue the conversation at home.

12 Supporting Parents Helpfinder from Young Minds Young Minds have created a useful 'Supporting Parents Helpfinder'. By answering six questions, parents can find out how to support their child's mental health during the pandemic and beyond. Find the help finder here: https://youngminds.org.uk/supporting-parents-helpfinder/

How-To Guides for Submitting Work on Teams & Accessing School Email

Students know how to do these things, but parents might find it useful to watch these helpful videos on the school website so that they can best support them at home. The videos can be accessed here: https://www.heathside.surrey.sch.uk/student-portals-and-weblinks/86.html

13 Make & Bake The Art Department have shared these fantastic ideas for a creative and lockdown-friendly half term. There are many more to inspire you on our Facebook page. Figurative Art Create an artwork with you or a member of your household – human or animal! - as the main focus. You could consider… • drawing additions on the floor using chalk

• changing effects and drawing over photos you take on your phone using the free website PIXLR (There are lots of how to videos on YouTube if you want some help with this!) Looking for something creative to do? Why not have a go at some of these activities in your spare time? Pizza Margherita in 4 easy •stsettingeps up scenesMet onho thed floor with other objects and photographing from above •STEP 1 Make the base: Grayson’s •Put the flour into a large bowl, then stir in the yeast and salt. Make a well, pour in 200ml warm water and the olive oil and Art Club bring together with a wooden spoon until you have a soft, fairly wet dough. Turn onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 5 is back! mins untilForc esmooth.d pers pCoverective with pho ato teagra ptowelhy… and set aside. You can leave the dough toCreate rise if your you own like, forced but it’sperspective not essential scenes for a thin In the first lockdown, Grayson Perry, one of Britain’s most crust. by using an object or person in the foreground and background, then famous artists, brought the nation together through photographing from an angle that connects art. Thousands of people submitted their own art work •STEP 2 Make thethem sauce: together as one. Photograph on your with the hope of seeing it showcased on TV! •Mix the passata, basil and crushed garlic together, then season Ingredients phone and send us your outcomes. ethod to taste. Leave to stand at room temperature while you get on Series 2 will begin again in February on Channel 4 asy chicen curry with shaping the base. and they are looking for entries. Why not create a piece of art work based on one For the base •STEP 1 •300gnstronggredi ebreadnts flour •STEP 3 of the themes below (using any media of your Heat the oil in a flameproof casserole dish or large frying pan choice), photograph your work, make a really •1 tsp•2 instanttbsp sunflower yeast (from oil a sachet or a tub) Roll out the dough: if you’ve let the dough rise, give it a quick •1 tsp salt over a mediumknead, heat. then Add split the intoonion two and balls. a generous On a floured pinch surface, of salt roll out the short video and get a parent/carer to submit it via •1 onion, thinly sliced and fry for 8-10 mins, or until the onion has turned golden brown graysonsartclub.com. •1 tbsp•2 garlicolive oil,cloves,plus extracrushed for drizzling dough into large rounds, about 25cm across, using a rolling pin. and sticky. AddThe the doughC rgarliceat needse yandour ginger, toow ben mvery cookingar bthinle r asuforn …it a will further rise in the oven. Lift •thumb-sized piece of ginger, grated minute. The themes for this series are: For• 6thechicken tomato thighs, sauceboneless and skinless the roundsUse anything onto two suitable floured to bakingcreate asheets free standing. or wall attached •100ml passata marble run. No marble? Try screwing up a piece of foil to create your •3 tbsp medium spice paste (tikka works FAMILY submissions close end of 10th •handful fresh basil or 1 tsp dried •STEP 2 own! well) •STEP 4 NATURE submissions close end of 17th •1 garlic clove, crushed Chop the chickenTop and into bake: chunky heat 3cm the pieces, oven toadd 240C/220C to the pan fan/gas and fry 8. Put •400g can chopped tomatoes for 5 mins before stirring through the spice paste and tomatoes, FOOD submissions close end of 24th February another baking sheet or an upturned baking tray in the oven on DREAMS submissions close end of 3rd March For• 100gthe toppingGreek yogurt along with 250ml water. Bring to the boil, lower to a simmer and the top shelf. Smooth sauce over bases with the back of a WORK submissions close end of 10th March •125g•1 ballsmall mozzarella, bunch of slicedcoriander, leaves cook on a gentlespoon. heat Scatter uncovered with cheese for 25- and30 mins tomatoes,or until drizzle rich and with olive oil TRAVEL submissions close end of 17th March •handfulchoppedgrated or shaved parmesan (or vegetarian alternative)slightly reduced. Stir though the yogurt, coriander and ground •handful•50g ofgroundcherry almonds tomatoes, halved and season. Put one pizza, still on its baking sheet, on top of the almonds, seasonpreheated and serve sheet with or tray. warm Bake naan for or 8 -fluffy10 mins basmatiuntil crisp. Serve You can also visit the website for more details, to see examples of last To finish•naan breads or cooked basmati rice, to rice. years submissions and watch the first series of programmes. serve with a little more olive oil, and basil leaves if using. Repeat step •handful of basil leaves (optional) for remaining pizza.

ethod www.bbcgoodfood.com Giant cooie cae •STEP 1 ngredients Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and grease a 22cm •175g unsalted butter, softened springform cake tin. Beat the butter and sugar in a large •200g light soft brown sugar bowl until pale and fluffy, then mix in the egg, extra yolk •1 egg , plus 1 yolk and vanilla extract. •2 tsp vanilla extract •STEP 2 •250g self-raising flour Combine the flour, cornflour and baking powder, then fold •2 tsp cornflour into the butter mixture until fully incorporated – it will be •2 tsp baking powder quite thick. Add the chocolate chips and mix until evenly •100g milk chocolate chips distributed. •50g white chocolate chips •STEP 3 •vanilla ice cream , to serve Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for 20-25 www.bbcgoodfood.com mins or until light golden brown. Leave to cool for 5 mins. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream. 14 Creative Writing Workshop with Tomos Roberts Tomos Roberts, spoken-word poet and film-maker, spent last Wednesday morning messaging Jacinda Arden, joined Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby on This Morning and then spent the afternoon delivering a fantastic creative writing workshop for some of Heathside’s lucky Year 10 and 11 students.

Abigail Rose, Year 11, reports on her experience:

The Future of Creativity – Creative writing with Tomos Roberts

In February, myself and a handful of other students had the incredible opportunity to have a Teams creative writing meeting with the amazing writer, Tomos Roberts. In the meeting, Tom shared with us his background and why he loves writing. He opened up and explained his reasons for writing one of his most famous publications ‘The Great Realization’. Tom explained how he thought life, during the current pandemic, was bleak and gloomy. He was obsessed with the thought that he wanted to give a hopeful message during these hopeless times.

We had the opportunity to ask our own questions and articulate our own thoughts about creative writing. Some questions were: When do you know when to express yourself? Best advice and tips for sitting English GCSE? This opened up a discussion and helped myself and others understand more about the story and the process of creative writing. He believes that you should express yourself, even if that’s just at home because internally you will feel better and maybe if you feel more optimistic, the world will become more full of hope. He explained how everyone has varied ways of expressing themselves but that every expression was beautiful.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and found it insightful to see what motivations drive the creativity behind his poetry. It was uplifting and optimistic and gave me an encouragingly pos- itive outlook on life. I think his story was eye-opening and I gained lots of new ways to help boost my own writing career.

Explore more of Tom’s Literary work here: https://www.probablytomfoolery.com/

15 Careers Day 27th February We are pleased to let you know about GT Scholars FREE online Careers Day on Saturday 27th February 2021 from 9:30am to 4:00pm. The event is open to all parents and young people aged 13-18. You do not need to attend the whole day as you can choose which sessions you would like to attend.

Please note that registration is completed independently from the school and students/parents should make themselves aware of GT Scholars privacy and data policies. Students will need parental permission to sign up.

Students can meet professionals from a range of companies such as PWC, Goldman Sachs, E-ON, and Atkins Global. This event will give young people an idea of the careers that are in high demand and how they can start to develop their own career pathway.

FREE Online Careers Day 2021

GT Scholars CAREERS DAY Open to Parents & Young People aged 13 to 18 Saturday 27th Feb 2021 | 9.30AM - 4PM Join the masterclasses & panel sessions Learn from diverse professionals from companies such as EY, PWC, Goldman Sachs, E-ON, FTI Consulting & Atkins Global!


Connect Discover Create Learn from university Join us online to connect Find out about universities admissions teams, meet with HR professionals, learn & apprenticeship professionals from diverse about scholarships, bursaries schemes, how to create an backgrounds & discover & various opportunities outstanding CV and map careers in high demand available to you out your career pathway

Register today to choose your online workshops! https://careersummit.gtscholars.org 16 Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 9th February 2021 was Safer Internet Day and this week students have engaged with this during form time, focusing on this years theme – An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world. Currently with our young people spending more time than ever online, it is important that they are well informed and make responsible decisions online.

The UK Safer Internet Centre and Think U Know have useful resources for parents and carers.

ThinkUKnow Last term some of our year 7, 8 and 9 students were involved in giving feedback to the National Crime Agency on the design of an updated Thinkuknow website for 11-18s which provides advice and support on online safety.

The website design phase is complete and the National Crime Agency will start work on the implementation of this design in a few months’ time. The students’ feedback was extremely helpful and we are proud of the professional feedback they gave.

Thank you to all the students involved, including Frank Moody, Amy Perry, Florence Robb-Kneen, Michael Beaupre and Aidan Murphy-McCreath.

17 National Apprenticeship Week This week is National Apprenticeship week. We are pleased to have been able to offer remote information workshops for both Year 11 and 13 recently. We have seen past Heathside students secure fantastic apprenticeship opportunities after both GCSE and A Level, including The Gordon Ramsay Group, Princess Cruises, BBC and Santander.

If your son/daughter is considering an apprenticeship or would just like to know more, I would recommend the Amazing Apprenticeship Website.

Sports Writing Competition

TV Sports Broadcaster, Rob Walker has set up an exciting sports writing competition for all students in Years 7 to 11. They are looking for passion for sport, rather than excellency in English and will accept audio entries as well as written.

All students have to do is write about a sport they are passionate about and send it in. All the details are on the website at http://www.youngsportingwonders.com/#competition and they have the chance of winning a £20 book token. The top ten will then get a chance to interview a major sports star via Zoom. So far they have the below sports-people on board:

The competition closes 15th March, good luck! 18 Success Beyond School: Parent Events

A termly series of events designed to give parents insider knowledge about the industries young people aspire to break into; delivered by top professionals from those fields.

Key industry-specific knowledge to guide your children

Experience of the industry through interactive simulations

Coaching on how your child can gain a competitive advantage in the race for top jobs

Q&A time with industry experts


THE SKILLS SURGERY REGISTER How to break into careers in medicine, HERE dentistry and veterinary science Wednesday 24th February | 7-8pm GMT

THE POWER OF NETWORKS Expert advice on how your child can build REGISTER a powerful network HERE Wednesday 3rd March | 7-8pm GMT

These events are free of charge and will be delivered via Zoom. 1419 News from your PTA nes from or A

This week, the PTA would like to share how we’ve been spending money we have raised from our activities this academic year. See below some of the new equipment we’ve bought for outdoor areas & the music , DT, sports and humanities departments. All ready for students to enjoy after lockdown.

I� y�� w��l� ���� t� ���� to�, j��� u� �� ���p�� ��� �ot���� JOIN OUR NEXT MEETING Join our welcoming team from all year groups and make mew friends. We organise working bees, events and help where we can. Why not join our next meeting on Teams on 12 �i��i� t���e� £65�0 3rd March? See our social media nearer the 3D ���n��r� £2��0 date for the link. 20 ���bo�rd� £17�0 Sp�rt� h��� �et� £15�0 S�ho�� ��n�, y�� ��� H�m��i��e� ���� y�� �l�� ��� m�n���� mag����� ��b� £375 HEATHSIDE LOTTERY 3 cash prizes with a top prize of £100 every month. Join from £10/month. Click below for more info. Join any �me on-line in minutes. Click the link https://bit.ly/2YNTgtv Full joining informa�on on our website page: https://www.heathside.surrey.sch.uk/force_download.cfm?id=721

We can’t get photos from school right now so these follow us images are just for illustration. eathside A Lorem ipsum dolor sit