Boise State University ScholarWorks

Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents

10-6-1969 Arbiter, October 6 Students of Boise State College

Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by , it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. j J JE,tJ asc Homecoming· ....~rtosusp~nrJ ,_·~3.·~ A.lIin~~ .'''''' . '...... -•.• ~ .starts today publicatiORh>r:iefly g:~~4s~J~)'~.Dr.·"· Fredenek .R._.JY.Itd;:'lIfiIwlr",· With the p,ublication of this issue of thc " ..' c.~I,~ltGUktDl.t,cYo,ca!'l"~'?lt\}.\ ., p.m., .'iCt'~,),Y~~!!~c,:cq~~'i;.tr.7; "...... -.., I1~ 'f ,I Top club to win first trophy Cliff Vaughn, new president of the fiSC Alumni Association. announced that for the first time an Alumni President's Trophy will be awarded during the halft irne activities at the Homecoming Game. This is a large. traveling trophy, to be engraved each year with the name of the organization which has contributed most to Homecoming. Vau~hn also wants it known tnat any student who has ever attended Boise Junior College, B.C. or BSC is considered an alum ifhe left in good standing. All alums, if they have paid their alumni association dues ($2.50 single, Sol family) ma~ attend the rhe free Alumni Association Banquet at the Elks Club. with a social hour prececding, Reservations may be made with Vivian Klein, secretary of the Alumni Association, in the ASB office in the SUB. Vaughn first attended BJC in 1934, when there were only 76 students, and had a class under Pres. Chaffee. lie left school and went back East, where he did government work for six years. In 1941 he re-entered college as a nigh: student. lie is now office manager fur Karnloup s Illstribuling. a wholesale '(H)fling gouds frrm.

AWS tosell

mums this week THE MEMllERS of the 1969 Homecoming A58 social chairman Ben Hambleton, Michelle Committee arc shown in the fhoro abo'·e. The Morris<>n. Ron Obendorf, Julie Lachiondo, and group has arran,ed the week 0 Oct. 6-11 at USC AS8 Vice President Jim Tibbs. Gary Crandall and Fourth year The As s o c ia t e d Women for the students enjoyment. Members in the first ~ Felt pictured in the Felt is the Students will sci I vcllow mums are rear. row (from left) include AS8 Publicity Director chairman for Monday events, Miss Heath for for the lIome.:omllig game, Oct. Wally Allington, Homecoming secrelal)' Suzie Tuesday, Wozniak (Wednesday), Noh fI!ght plans II at BSC. according to Lvnctrc Hush, Homecoming chairman Wayne Millkider, (Thursday), Crandall (Friday), and Chairman Hr own. president. All officers of Kay Heath, and Jim Womi;&k. In the second row Mittlcider is the organizer for the Saturday :\ WS will lake orders for the arc Doug Noh, Pe~y Clabaugh, Kathy Wilkins, events. laid by club mums JUring homt",omillj: w cc I-., lhr lise F1YlIIg Broncos, Inc October 6,10. Thev ;llso may he IS surllng It'S tourt h year as a ur.:hJSn! in thc' inform arion l·J.nlrU~ orgJnJ/~ltlon. J(h·isor r.H"'lh In the SUB dailv from W a v neW h r t c ann 0 un c c d II 311 to I: 3(1 p.rn . Homecoming starts today r",,:ntl,' The [lowcr-, will he availahlc An:ordl/lg to \\lllte. the lrrdav from II :30 a.rn t •• 5:311 ohjcc t rvc of t lu: club IS tOl·n.lhk p.m, 'and agwl from 1l:30 p.m. (cor,'d fmm page 2, ,·or. 2) In Ilron,'o stadium. ()urlllg Olher nH'mbl'rs uf thc sru dcut . and fJlultv of lise to to III p.m. at till' d;Jnre AWS half·tullc lhe Ilolllecollllng Ilnrnc('tHl1ln1! (~Ofnnllttc(,' .ire ICJrn ttl tl\" Jfllf l.·ofulnuc tl\ln~ wlil also have mum, avali;lblc at ()urlllg the rally the tealll, Quecn alld her court will hc Wall\ Alllllftllll. Sun'l' Bush. up to d'll'" Illodern e'lulprill'n't the Jlomel'omlng g;Jm,' (aptllnS. ~nd (o~,'hn will be Inlrodu(cd. The annual hurnlng plcs('nlnl. awards and rruplllt's I't"ggy C ayhaugh,. IIcll for lhe '",vt'St pos"hk ,ost President Brown urgt"d all for the 1I0mc(oming parade Will llambcltoll, Jllite Lldllondo. Cround s,'hool .md flight studenb, aillmni and fnends of of the "n" IS part of lhe pcp rally a,'tivllics. Following the he anrwulllTd. A spcClal troph)' Mldlclk ,\\,.rrJson, I\alll\' trJlnlng In the 1')(,') Cessna 150 the College 10 bul' a mum for this \'Car will he an Alumm Wilkm. and Jim Tibbs. . .tlkra!t IS lundkd h, Boise IlomeclHTlIng and noted that a rally, a darKe 10 whi.:h USC stu.Jelll 110'111 hc admilled wllh ASSI":lllion award to be known Anallon. 'Ind .1 (Hlv·a·t'· pilot rn:elpt mU'1 beprrsented when rallng ,'an he ohtJlllcd v\1th a I.D. cards hcgllls in lll"e sun as the I'resident's Troph)' and the !lowers arc picked up. IlltrlllllU11l 01 4(1 flight twurs. West Ballroom at 9: 30 pm. 110'111 he given to thl" org,mil allon AWS is ln organlLatlon who cOlltributes most to ASS Alumni Whit,· added A C,'ssna 172 to ;lJI wonwn students at I\())\e Frida)' Activities 1I0me.:oming Weck. four'llla"l' alr(rall IS abo Slate, The proceeds fn'rn th .. Friday is 1I0mecoming Parade Followlllj( lhe gamc, an 0PCIl alailable ! in COIll"ert at Il p.m. in the SUB. annoullred rec('ntlv. and student groups will decorate AI-o appearing Will h(' the ;\ \perlal 1II\·CIl·lJ\,· " offelCd Applications for I:'.C.<:. firsl, tloau and enter t11C'1lIin several Young-lloit Unlimited. Tickt·ts hv lhe ASII, as a S50 prill' Will second lind thard class caugories for Judging. for studenls arc S I gent'f:ll he awarlkd to ttl(' ealllpus commercial radio,telephone (;ary Lewis ami tlle Playboys Club pies due admissioll, S2 for reserved Scats . orgilllilatioll that rn"mlls the lirC'nse exams to he given at is the hand lh:ll has been senned For the publi.: prit'es arc S2 nh"t persons III III\'(' blood. liSe, arc now available, for the lIomecominlt Dance in Ilue to IhC' srl1edullII!: of Ilroad"ulinfl Club Secretary Dan general admiSSIOn and S3 "The plire Will he awarded hy delidlitJ(' ,Iatc\. "our duh, the Student Union lIuildinll rcsCfyed scats, the Ilumher of persons recnuted • I.awrence announ,'ed re\'cntl)'. from Il: 30 p.lII. to I a.m. The fratcrnllY and sororitv pICtures Millleidcr noted that the in proportloll to the nUlllhcr of Applications for licenscs arc well'known HOIse band. Toda)"s Will he srhedulcd as 10 tlllle and nil1Y Gillespie COllrer(, the duh mcmbers" Allln}:ton available through the duh which Reliction, will also appear. ptare by the I.nlloi' slaff, l"lll1HlIeIIIcd meets each Wednnday at 4 p,m. 1I0llle,'omillg game lnd the I! ':'lur dub donn't make Tickets arc $3 per l'Ouple. Studn\t\ have to \llIn the in the SUII C;arnet Room. Fees lIolllel' ,: '. _~',,:-,"~_,~.... .t~!~.t{~Je~~~lt~f><~..'£~..7· .:' :.,:.:J ;'< -. ; '.""':" ;. ,;: .:,~_;~,::L~',~~.:;,_;;'<\'i >"'''~'_, '.:: ,:~,~ •

,'13leKha'rlCI'ednjss",. .' .. ~ . ,:-. . '.~' ". ,':: ,',' '~;'i ___~_'_;'.~_' · ._What type of logic is in effect' when the bc:stis considered the • woist, wheJl the first is tI1c: lasr, when those: i'in" are "out"~ , ---,,- Wbatstyle of diplomacy is,at large if the hand that i;staken in friendship plunges a knife tothequiclt? -. • . '. .' " Who MOWS· if any logi~"or diplomacy' exists inpo'itics·but fairness mould at least be ~cogniul)lcor th~ concemed ate. rats. AU Idaho week was chaired by Governor Don Samuelson In an honorary positil?n and was .advertised .as an en~erprisc: of Idah~'s institutions of higher education. Although the list of members an Samuelson's commrrtee were reprcscntatlvc of most of Idaho, it was. readily apparent that BSC had'failed to take interest in theprogram, That point is extremely falsebecause USC was not approactied to participate untit the day' prior to activities on the M~scow ~~pus last week! If anyone claims that our reprc:sc:ntatlves are unwilling to join in the fellOWShip (should anyexistrofIdaho universities,theo- we must make it obVIOUSthat that case: is certainly not true. "- What is true is the fact that neigher ISU of the U of I wish to fraternize with little BSC now thatwe have the largestenrollment. The little schools are playing adolescent games in order to degrade and belittle this alma- mater. c · Idaho State University's athletic department (which is directed by the administration.of that school) repeatedly refers to. BOIseState !is Boise College in. ItS current football schedule. ThIS. practice of refusing to recogmze the growth and development of BOise State was __ .. __ .. ---also.-f41lowed.lW.-the.lSU:Bengal.until-lc:ttcrs-bc:twccn--the-ARBITER and the Bengal editors arbitrated ltIe dispute. . However, the athletic department shows that the higher-ups at ISU still are playing kid's games. SCHOOL LEADERS pose will IdUo'. leader Doll SaID ..... TlleetBece The Universtiy of Idaho advertised the All-Idaho Week as a presldats art Jim Willms,ASVI;Jack Arbaap, Boise Stile CoIIep; ... Vandal-Bengal enterprise , and although few ASB officers from Boise State 'were able to attend, the Argonaut SeoUMeClue,1daJao State Vaivenity. u or I Arpaaac Phoro published a picture last week that a1ledged jack Arbaugh, Boise State student body president, to be chatting with Gov. Samuelson, .. jim Wilnis ASUI Presidcnt and Scott McClure ISU ASB rprc:sident. !!!!!!!!!!~-----"""-The Po6tiea1Seene The only thing wrong with the picture was that jack Arbaugh did not attend the meeting where, the conversation alledgedly took place, and the person who was supposedly jack Arbaugh was a bearded jose:' unrecognizable to anyone at this end of the state. SlIch back handedness is even more severe when the ASB A tiger by the tail publicity director for the University of Idaho wrote jack A,baugh a (reprinted with permission from Sept. 27 Intermountain ObtcrYCr) letter expressing the appreciation of the University ASB officers for ... -- .... -----bi Bill BaU-- ...... jack's appearance during All-Idaho week. Editorial Pace Editor Now seriously. is this any way for the two oldest institutions The: Idaho State UnivcrSlty Lewbton Nomiq Tribune under state control in Idaho. to act? Perhaps the Boise State College a dministration may have have been apoJogiling ever since. the State Board of Education. ASB officers should turn the table on the ldd to the north and the Hut the state board merely one to the southcast. but as it is now, BSC is taking it in the throat grabbed a Bengal tiger by the tall The students bought Ihe When it conned lSU students building. and they uc gomg to represents the taxpayc:n. 1M , and getting mighty sick abo4,t it as more and more insults drift taxpayers didn't prOduce the: in. into shelling out for the massive run It. h's SImple as that. So the domed football field now under adminlstullon ma)' be m for molK'y for the new facility i the: AjG,SET construction at Pocatello. Thc some headaches on 115 new students did. So it is the hand that forks over the cash public relallons toy rcprcscnta:Uvcs of ·tbc. fCC'"fOOl' runs the ncw mini-dome. ISV This could have been avoided stu den ts, not the rcprcse:n utives Watch for the new concept in college newspapers- students have begun to assert if tht' new mini·domt' had been of the tialn-flSted taxpayers. their authority in deciding what bUilt by tht' taxpayen as all who Ibourd run the U of I Watch for the ARBITER in two weeks. goes on under tht'ir expensive portions of thc educational plant facility, as they ate apparcndy new roof. at a public uDlverslty should be. already doin, at Idaho State. ·II·················································.·· ~. There has been a serIOus Hut the leglslaturc. reprt'1Cnllng And the students at both · . outbreak of democracy at ISU In the people and the old grads. universities Ibould brina to a · . recent ycars. and some member refused to appropnat<> the sere~hin8 halt the policy of · . of thc ISU administration money So Idaho State and the oec:uionilly .ivin, lute carried the conct'pt to thc POint University of Id.'may be enough. the students with visions of Notice to aU freshman males: ..·- .- The administration failt'd to mini-domes dancing in their · .- consult the students in sending green little ht'ads. agreed to The men of the Su~ : ·BSC Souvenirs : out a generous letter to faculty cough up the cuh. Sophomore c.... do hCrtbY. members this year telling them If the students at tht' f ';"'~'I hA•a- che boys Of · . what sections of the new Univenity of Idaho don't have 01111&1 y C -nac .. - . ' the loWly rmhillan claa 10 I · -. sta dlum they could occupy the, authority to dt'cide how tuf'"Of-war to be hddOct. 8 at 5 essc Mementoes i du.ringsfootblall games-at half thelt_nt'w adiletic plant is going 11:30 p.m.ln the field nordl of , • • pnce. "era students, including to uc bUilt and how it win the SUB. . • • the editor of 'the student operate after it is built. th~ Ga CnndaJI ! eClildem'sSweatshirts 5 newspaper, cried foul. and should follow the ISU example, S if Prelidcnt members of the. administration 110to court and win that riJht. (If you h.~ the nmc COIhow := ~: have been apologiZing ever linCe, Tht' final say has bc:c:n with :.• • .._._._._._._._._._._._.~._._._._._._._._., : :. • • ·= . : ~ E-Z Food Mart ! I I ~ E I • S101 *Cold Beverages I : 00IC e o i I t' . I ·Keg Sales I I i I LOcated In the New SUB ·Prepared .SandwiCh •• ·· •·: I Mon.-Fri. 8-6 ·Fried Chicken • E .Slt. 9-12 noon I "FREE ICE WITH BEVERAGE PURCHASE FORPARTlES" I BoI.... Mottf , .:. ~, ..: "~-.'_ - ..... ~ .,1. ... ~ ". "',' '_f .. "I_.~l ;;. •..• ~ .. ,..- ":.' '':-.,'' ~ '".,~, ...... - " .... ,; _ ..... ~, ' .... OCr ".-t' ~/J' ,',,-+- ~ '~'_~.. ' •.• _~'..... ,u.,


Ilomecoming! One th!ng to revolutionary idea are seldom Ever wondered just what goes sitting-down-type job, either say about the event. Participate the ones to finish it. into making up the universalized that or my sources are not the in the activities as they are a lot As one Senator requirements for one of these authoritarian types they have of fun. Hopefully from now on from one of the plains states so Bachelor's degrees? Well, society professed to be. The only valid, this will be a column about aptly state~ "What we: should do has a set of norms for what reasonable alternative is to by Art Galus various clubs and organizations. about VIetnam IS Simply, seems to be what r.o. Public has automatically. put. in three t!' announce that we have WON! ' been s n ow e d-w ir h-r h e- The world is a groovcy place, If I miss anything let me know four hours out ofclass hacking It and I'll see what can be done to in big bold headlines and then sheer-power-of, namely the _"'.nd-.people are what's for each hour in class recording remedy the "failure to pull out. Thusfreeing the enemy ability to speak on a higher level, it. happening. In fact, people' communicate." to work in the rice-fields. The to reason more accurately, more The times no longer allow themselves are fun to watch and I was informed by the only other alternative is to concisely. in less time; to achieve instantaneous fortune nor as fun to get in the know with. and attain more than the Alumni Association that they employ Moshe Dyan for six overnight successes without The next time you catch hard-working straight could if are presenting a trophy fo,r best days, well-maybe eight at the prior liard labor in the halls yourself bein~ too critical of the his functioning lifetime were float and gr

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page 5

I • ~._~.,.,-_ .• "'-~""'''' ._ • .J -.:,-''-~ .. " .. _- ... -,c. ""

Ten coeds VI

Ten beauties sponsored by outstanding girl student, a sundry organil~tiol1S _about cheerleader and a member of the campus arc ealllralglllng lor the national honor sociery, Barbara honor of becoming Queen and maintained a 3.9 GPA during her reigning over the week of three vears of high school. festivities leading up ~o the ~Ig. A : 21·year-old . . senior in gridiron dash featuring BOIse elementary education, Cathy State and Colorado State, Wentz is sponsored by the The Alpha Kappa Ps i Esquire club. At present she is Fraternity is sponsoring Barbara Esquire Club Sponsor, drill team Brown, an Ill-year-old captain and AWS senior freshman majoring in interior representative. She has been decorating. .Barbara was the BARBARA BROWN Golden Z publicity chairman, CATHY WENTZ CINDY SULLIVAN 1969 Idaho Dairy Princess, 19,68 Alpha Xi Delta SOCIal chairman National, "make-it-yourself with and SNEA secretary. wool" winner, one of SIX Chaffee Hall IS sponsoring national dress review winners for Cindy Sullivan, a 19'year'old 1968, and this year was awarded sophomore in I'ursinl{' the Laura Moore Cunningham Maxine Thayne IS the Tau Scholarship to BSC. In high Alpha Pi candidate, an 18 year school Barbara was the most 1969 Boise State Broncos

10. 34. Hoshaw. H Roberts. G 11. Zimmerman. 53. 73. Buckles. T a 35. Brown. F 54. Bauwens, LB 12. Guthrie. 74. Markholt. T a 36. Herring. F 55. C 13. Hauser. 75. Sterling. DT Slivers. SP 37. Roach. F 56. 14. Ebright. Malcolm. DE 76_ Buck. T a 38. Haley. F 57. Phillips J•• C 15. Autele. 77. Charlson. T a 39. Burgener. LB 58. McFarlin. LB 20. Grayson. H 78. Gray. T 40. Pooley, FLKR 59. Mayer. DE 21. Kelly.oH 41_ 79. Phillips,G.• T Sayler, F 60. Fickbohm. G 80. 22. Smith L.•H 42. Dykman. SE Olsen.DH 61. Walker. LB 81. 23. Bowles.oH 43. Smith Coo TE Bell. OS 62. Fisher. G 82. 24. Lapp. OS 44. Stewart. ORE Marshall. FLKR 63. Svitak. MLB 83. Holmes. DE 25. Staples,DH 45. Rodriguez. LB 64. Hoopai, G 84. Skow. DE 26. Baker, OS 46. Baird. D .• SE 65. Hilton. G 27. Wright. H 47. Harris, LB 85. Cullen, SE 66. .Garrison, LB, DT 86. Davis. FLKR 28. Jenkins, H 48. McDonough. H 67. {;reever,DT 87. Rusev. TE 29. Merrill,oH 49. Kealoha.DH 68. McIver. G 88. 30. Forrey. OS 50. Wilson.LB 69. Woolsey.G Ricketts. OK; 31. 89. Toney. TE ,- ____ Murgoitio. OS 51. 70. Ellert,DT 32 Pitts. LB 52. Marr.C 71. Borah,DT , \ 33. Johnson. OS 72. Lima,DT .\r " ' MAXINE TIIA YNE MADELINE SWEET Faculty

'.' Waterballoon Toss


nv TilE LOOK ON NEIL (;ALLANT'S FACE its obvious what happened just after this picture was snapped of Gallant rehearsinlt for the water balloon fighr set for Tuesday noon at the Bascbnll TALK AIIOUT A SICK Mt\! diamond behind the SUIl. What made Galll1llt 80 upset about the AA class fuel Injected· !le\",1II'1 whole matter of getting wet was. the fact that It wasn't even for the faculty srock-ehnu!lat Saturday. According to Wllyue Mittleider. spectators should wear Oct. 9 on the basehall dllln: rain gear. Heacock's Spec/aIls out of thi

page 6 'J forQueen

old freshman in horticulture. sophomore physical education Circle K club candidate for JIIaJor minoring in English, is the homecoming queen is Madelaine Kappa Sigma candidate. Cindy is Sweet who, aside from being a a member of the 'BSC ski dub, _ 20 year old junior elementary the BSC ski ream and Alpha Chi education majot, is a member of Omega sorority in which she Tri Delr Sorority, in which serves as social and activities Madelaine is' recommendation chairman. chairman and panhellenic BSC Rodeo Association representative. She has also presents Sue Ellen Smith as their served as vice president of homecoming candidate. Sue Driscoll Hall and social chairman Ellen majors in physical of Morrison Hall. education and is a 19·yc:ar-old. The Sigma Gamma Chi freshman member of the rodeo SUE ELLEN SMITH CONNIE COLEMAN fraternity is sponsoring Julie club. . KATHY BROWN Peterson a. 19-year-old From these ten girls. five will sophomore major in secretarial be chosen as finalists for science. She hloS also served as Homecoming Queen. The queen historian of the mormon and her court will be announced institute of religion. Oct. 8 at 9:30 p.m. during Cindy Fiske, a 'l9-yeu-01d Cabaret night. Noise and Float Parade Route


Noise Parade

I. , ~\.:·'·'·"··'.··.·· -, ..$.,' Ii,~ . .t "

, I KNOW A RACE CAR WilEN I SEE ONE, nOYI Cathy' Spain (left), Art GallIS, and Steve Tyson discuss the feasibility of t N E I ()r. Del Heacock inspects hi. decorating Galus's hotrod Yamaha. A noise parade starting from iwcrcd three-wheeler In 1Ultlcillatlon Ann Momson Park Thursday evening at 6.45 and ending up at tricycle race to be held Thursday! Bronco Stadium is open to USC students who wish to decorate their ,I. Needlcss to say, it look. 05 it vehicles and honk their way through town. Following the parade is 11 ~ar'lIrl\cing. rally at the stadium . ....;..------~page 7 "' ...,.,,~,.' J., • ...... _~ '. i...... ,,'.....,."

Suba'i players to present

Shakespeare's ,t Tempest" room. nor facility for changing by Del Corbett Actors in leading roles include as often and differently as the USC Drama Dept. Sam johnson, Gary Bermeosolo, - Tempest script states, Therefore, Dave Boyanton, Sherene it becomes necessary to use A classic play of fantasies and Stirnwiese, and Linda strong suggestions of elements in iIlusions, Shakespeare's "The Watkinson. a particular place rather than the Tempest" will be presented Oct. Also in the cast are Alan many complete realities called

HH 9 by the Boise State College Greene, Lee Kelley, Steve for. ' .. players in the suba'i theater. Drakulich, Randy Kitzing, Bill Special sound and lighting Curtain time is 8: 15 p.m. Miller, and Chuck Mark. effects further enhance the Thc power of truth in the oirector'svisions of the play. The human spirit vying with powers CAST AND CREW WORK characteristics designed into of hypocracy , masks of evil and them arc contrastS in pitches and LONG HOURS s o c ia l ' snobbery in the intensities, color ranging from production is designed ,to afpeal harmony and pleasant blues and Total design and construction to the physical, emotion a and yellows to dissonance and stark intellectual sensitivies of the work time for "TilE TEMPEST" will involve aprroximatcly 800 greens and reds. audience, says John Warwick, Distorted light and sound man-hours. AI this must be director. seem to come from strange accomplished according to a Magic and strange occurances places-rout of trees, through the precise time schedule in a . will be employed with almost water, and within vapors. theatre which must also be used total abandon by' the actors to T h esc special effects are for lectures, laboratory classes, emphasize that • Things arc not possible only because of two and rchersals of the show. always what they appear to be," Innovations at the Suba'l The technical work must of the underlying theme of the Theatre: A trio of "musicians necessity beperf~lrmed between fantasy. known' as the "Cambrium those class (Imes arid on Directors, Warwick, Row' Heritage" and by the addition of week-ends. Krernpcrz , and Del Corbett have new electronic light controlling exercised a certain freedom in equipment that helps make: DESIGN their interpretation of the work. theatrical lighting more effective GARY BERMEOSOLO rchcancs his linn in 5baItcspt-e'. "The Ceremonies, rituals and original than was previously possible. Tempest", opening Oct. 10 in the BSC Subal Theatre. The design approach is the use scenes will be added while [he From the prelimmary design the island. ancien t order and language of of what is called "The Dramatic sketch to the finished trees, and mounds of earth Caliban . in league wi~h a Metaphor," a concept developed [he play's scenes will be altered, produ c t-what the audience create realism within the drunken butler and a jester. by a theatrical designer of the and intensified to suit. sees-vis a long progression. fantasy. Yet, says Wanvick. they attempts to kill Prospero. 1930's named Mordecai Gorclik, The purpose says Warwick is Detailed working drawings arc arc ex agge:ratcd enough in His plot is foiled. Prospero who evolved this idea while at [0 render Shakespeare more made for amateur builders to appeamace so that they blend breaks his staff. casts his books the Group Theatre in New York. interesting and meaningful to all work from, mock-ups are: within the fantasy. into the sea, then promises to The f u nc t io n and the levels of the modern audience. assembled. destroyed, and The: shape, line: and hues of free Ariel and return to the Each director is concentrating advantages of the "Dramatic re-assembled as many times as the costumes are: repeate:d in the Melaphor" is the creation of a world of men. on a particular speciality. necessary to arrive at the desired colors and textures of the SCI, Serving Prospero and his strong unity between the Corbett is directing lighting and concept. strengthening unity in the entire duaghter, Miranda. are the concept of the play and all the make-up design, while Krcrnpctz Final models must be presentation. delicate spirit Airel and the is heading the techincal aspect techincal elements employed in small scale constructed as a A brief summary of the monstrous son of Sycorax, with set and costume dcsign. ItS production. Scenery, duplication of, the actual three·hour play: costumes, lighting, make-up, Caliban. Warwick is plav director. finished set. The major character, Propero, 81' raising a tempest, Prospero Costum'es arc the sound and even the stage The theme of the production banished from power in Milan succeeds in wrecking on the properties exhibit this, Warwick responsibility of coed, Toni is carried in the metaphor of by his scheming brother. the shore of the islanii a ship Viani. who costumed all of the said. "Earthy Richncss"-indlcating a King of Naples, established carrying his old enemies. actors last year and this summer The Tempest is being paradox or a self-con t. dommion over an enchanted Though tempted to revenge with help from her assistants. produced on what is termed an Technically the metaphor is island. his wrongs. Prospero uses his art open stage. That is, Ihere is no developed by the use of easy, His deep absorbtion in study. to hea! old wounds, effecting a TilE CAST curtain (u proscenium arch flowing ,curves in the set the cause of his downfall as a match between his daughter and wordly ruler. had ironically The necessarily light schedule closing off the performing area suggesting a grace and fantasy. Ferdinand. is especially apparent to Ihe cast from Ihe audience. . . Earth structures like rocks, enabled him to wrest control of of TI IE TEMPI'Sr, a dcdicaled The physical limilations of group of drama majors and Ihe slage necessilate a setting beginning aCling sludents who known as "simultaneous have missed sleep and meals 10 setting". All s<:enes' in the play make long hours of rehearsal, m u s t always exist on the Warwick added. stagc--Ihere is ncithcr time, ~-••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -. :: Your :: -= .: ~ANPU~/lfA~TINIZIN4§ Sez: ~ • : §TUPENT PI~e()ulIT •- -: I\O"WltED :\'1' ,\1.1. BOISE LOC,\TIONS !!! -:· · ·-. ~10%OFFALL DRY CLEANING§ - . DANCERS Patti Powell and Steve Welker (left) and Jim Bottom. -· - and Marsha Roberts pracitce their steps in a ball scene in "The - -. Tempest", The John Warwick·directed play will open Oct, 10 in the Suhal Theatre. The un-completed set IS shown behind and to the :: Need Those Fall Threads ~ 1969-1970 - .. right of the couples. - .- SEASON - - ~~ruil."lU.-;ar~~"ffit'~~~Il.IF~~i'irUi!'i'ir{ff?J'il5'ULfi!i.~ ~ In A Hurry? ~ TilE TEMl'EST, by William - Shakespeare. - - ~II :~ (fantasy in humor and illusion) -: PICK UP YOUR STUDENT DISCOUNT CARD -: r;j ~ John Warwick. Director October 10·19 ::· AT ANY OF OUR CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: -:: :I Enro l:l I -: - TilE SCAHECHOW, hy l'ercy 725 Vista - , . Shlrtbullders :l l\Iackayc - (a uaj(edy of the ludicrous) - Hillcrest Shopping Center : COLLEGE MEN'S -~ Del Corhett, Director. - ~ Novemher 21-30 - 15th and Washington ~ J~ - m Headquarters for Eoro Shirls HEI\DEHS TIIEATHE - il Fehruary 13-22 - & your Campus Martinizing at 1228 Broadway l - SI.OW DANCE ON TilE -... KII.I.IN(; GHOUND. hy William §ONE-HOUR SERVICE- ,~~II 't\wU ~~ lIanley. (contcmporary contest C)nEHOUR ~,~ ~'a~~~-CfIIm:;-~ hil r\ with the ch;\Os) r~ :cJ.:-w==-_.:6V=-J \", - Del Corhctt, Director ~- NO EXTRA CHARGE Where Style Bcgim I:J Fchruary 13-22 : . "maRTIOlllnO:' ~I (f"l"" SUI'IHSE Sl'IUN(; SIIOW -. THE MOST IN DRY CLEANING ~lft.rt~7&~JlfiJJ~~~,}&.!l).Q~~JlJ-,j - page Il 1

Centennial., Week declared Idaho Governor Don. Samuelson declared the week of Sept. 21-27. as Centennial Week in Idaho. Governor Samuelson helped finalize the plans for the BSC·Whitworth game which was. hcldSaturday~:":':Sept.. 27 at ~, Bronco Stadium . Several special features .,i. big.hlighted Saturday night's contest which BSC won 66·7. The Bronco's band and Br oncettes each devoted a portion of their rounties to the special occasion. BSC's observance of the Centennial has pointed out that over the 100 years. millions of Americans have played. coached. watched or worked in college Ioorbatl. . Both the Bronccttes and the band traveled to the BSC-cal Pol~' game in San Luis Obispo. Calif., OCI. 4- and the San Francisco 49cr game the fo l l o wi ng d av., The. 4ger performance was featured on national television.

HREAK THOSE BEARS!' • ;'~~!!!'!!!'~ BRONCF.TTES CAPTAIN CATIIY WENTZ (Lert), Sreve Svirak. liSC Linebacker, Head Coach Tony Knap, and band chairman Roy Olds confere with Idaho Governor Don Samuelson during the planning for College Cenrcnnial Football Week in Idaho. Gov. ASB officers meet for first·time Samuelson declared the week of Sept. 21·27 for the Idaho observance and heJped in the planning of the commerstive game' with Whitworth College on Sept. 27.

.- TilE ASB SENATE is pictured above in their first meeting last Monday evening; Members from left include Marty Miller and Joe Randall. business; Steve Welker, arts and sciences; W.W. Hendry. dean of student personal Services; Gary Dance. senior president, Gary Johnson. junior president; Kathy Nolan. ASB secretary; Jack Arbaugh. ASB president; Jim Tibbs. ASH vice president; Mel Lowe. ASH treasurerr Gary Crandall, sophomore president. Bob Green, freshman president, Wally Allington. ASH publicity director; Candy SchiUe and Connie Redford, arts and sciences; and Wilma Patterson. vocational-technical. Missing from the photo arc Larry D. Smith. business, Kathleen Hudson and John Cochrane. arts and sciences; Apple leader resigns; and Andrea Lilley. C.P. Broiler and Becky Ackley from education. club seeks new destiny ·..·~~~~··~~~·~~~~:·:··:·····················l • by Jim Graham • Apple, Boise State College lie said there would not be ·• club that had its birth in the any rational (SIC) steps taken on · radical campus upheaval of the campus this year, and · sixties, starting the school year discouraged a planned . TERRACE ROOM with a toned-down policy, and a demonstration of a forthcoming . BOTTLEn CORK LOUNGE pledge to help the campus grow nation-wide college Vietnam war . COFFEE SHOP Instead of divide. protest. There will not be an "Apple won't live," said Mike underground publication this Phillips, club chairman at a vear, Wednesday meeting in the sun However, he suggested that gold room, "unless we make a the club might set up a "bail C'AC1-I:T"00 ALSO TO ,87S radical change. We have to have fund" to aid club members who a concrete base if this might be arrested saying, organization is to survive. I don't "sometimes police go beyond want a split in the organization their boundaries". like we had Ill.~tyear." Phillips will step dowa as "S~l Term. (or BSe Slud~nts" Instead he urged members to chairman because of the club's initiate college social programs internal problems, At next including speakers and films and Wednesday's meeting a to continue last years tutoring five-member committee board program in which volunteer will be chosen' to include a students aided elementary and chairman, secretary and high school students in evening treasurer. There will also be a '"' MA" It. • ~ •• u· ,." 343·3444 344·3201 study programs. financial report next week. ,. sse F;g~tSong

Hold that line for Boise State College Broncos, we're counting hard on you Fight for tradition and your alma mater Fight for the orange and the blue FIGHTI FIGHTI FIGHTI

We'll applaud for you from the grandstand, Broncos We'll cheer you on to victory While we cheer and stand up Keep your sand up For the glory of BSe!.

24 men' enter king beard; judging slated Tuesday noon

Twenty-four contestants have B. jones, Jar Scott, Mike entered the Homecoming King Maywhoor and Richwade. n c:aid ---Contest Kay-neath, ll!t0NCO CHEERLEADERS practicillgforthellorriecollling dash Other students included are Valkyrie president announced with Colorade State are Kris Williams, kneeling, Julie Lachiondo CONTACTS LOST Paul Baird, Kent Merrill, Bill today. The entries have been (left), and Sandy Bord. Standing are Penny Walters and Carol Davis. Holden, Gary Felt, Gene Ami, growing their beards since The cheerleaders wil lead the BSC students in cheers Thursday Oct. Mike Roberts, Gary Barnes, A case containing contact registration week, will be judged 9 at the 8 p.m. Pep Rally, and at the Homecoming game Saturday. Dave Cooper, Ed Weber, Scott lenses and solution was lost Tuesday noon Oct. 7 in the SUB sometime last week on eampus. Vinson, Rob Christensen and Snack bar. IIa rol d K au fman. President If found, the finder is urged to Students competing include neath reminded the contestants contact Annette Roylance at Jack A. Charters, Pat Lee, Art that they all must be present at 343·7624. Lee, J. R. King, Ray Shalz , _.~.-._._._._._._._._._._.- the judging Oct 7. James Kennedy, Terry Adarns.},


ARE YOU SURE THAT YOU lIe~{/omI IIAVE MORE SOAP TIIAN TilE REGULAR SCORING Marsha Rouse returns; PAD? Cassie Maloney of are very much in vogue - IC'r the placement "I the large Valkyries digs into Pat Lee's beard to see what Pat's chances diamond gives interest to a plain gold nuptial ring and speaks to International club I are of winning the coveted title unifies both on the finger. A beautilul backdrop lor ·' of King Beard. King Beard will Mrs. Bill Carson introduced Miss Marsha Roush the outgoing the gems is the Horentine-Imished fourteen karat gold. I be crowned Tuesday, Oct. 7 at The Boise International Club noon in the SUB snack bar. ~eld a meeting Sept. 25. Dr. International Club ambassador · from Boise. She is a BSC ~ I~ugene Ch affc e , outgoing Lllusrrnt ions ,diKhtly enlnrg et! president, introduced the new sophomore. · Philharmonic tickets available president ot..,the club, Gerald R. Mrs. Carson stressed the ...... I Rudd of Albertson's Inc. importance of the International Club goal of "world friendship". The Boise Philharmonic has In his acccpancc speech, ! SPECIAL DISCOU NT TO BSC STUDENTS i Miss Housh left Boise in June, i scheduled several special preview Ru d d ,encouraged 100% for a two week Spanish language Save at least 20% on your diamond purchase! nights for students, officials coopcra,tlon of the membership, ! ! . laboratory study at the announced recently. The book IIe said that "international . .I Experiment in International , ... of four previews is available for relations is not a spectator Living school, Putney, vr. itA CONVENIENT CREDIT TERl\lS $3. This offer is good for Sport." students only. Tickets can be Edward Leats of Two weeks later, she joined '. the other eleven members of her Take up to III months to pay! obtained by writing to: Box MacGregor-Triangle was elected group in Miami, and they flew to '. 2205 Boise. treasurer. CREDIT EASILY ARRANcam Buenos Aires. ..•••• •• Miss Roush stayed in both Boise's Diamond Specialists l... I Buenos Aires and Tucurnan and I ~ Make It a Good One'. I spent two weeks with families in Cordoba and'Rosario. I I I Marquee mess~~es in A-114 T h D 1 I I Messages which are to appear 1IJrdfffiPllJfJJJi

TO'J\jy KNAP, HEAD COACH .6 Tony Knap, in his second • year as the Bronco's Head Coach, had a truly outstanding first season in 1968, as the BSC Squad racked U~~!!. 8·2 mark, including a seven-game WI!, streak to end the year. Knap s record as a head coach in four'year competition now stands 34·14·2, a remarkable 70.8% winning fi$Ure. ,'. Knap's coaching career many years, as he spent seven." years coaching football in North J Idaho High Schools, followed by ten years as football and baseball. coach and athletic director at Pittsburg Cal High, School. Tony"'was-assmantfootball .-. coach at for four years, and when john Ralston went to Stanford, Knap spent the next four years as head coach of USU. In 1967, Knap was Dave Skrien's Assistant with the THESE FIVE MEN WILL be Canadian Pro Football participated . in football and leading the Broncos into their Vancouver, B.C. Lions, where he track, earnmg eight varsity forth contest of the season Oct. BSC BRONCOS handled the defense. During his letters. II against the Colorado State stint at Utah State, Knap's Aggie "BCan". From left to risht are DAVE NICKEL, ASSISTANT teams compiled a 26·12·1 Tony Polychronis, defensive line 1969 Football Schedule coadJ; Dave Nickel, offensive 1:30 p.m. record. Coach Nickc:l begins his Oct. 11 Colorado State (Homecoming)) line mentor; Tooy' Knap, head East. State (Cheney) 2:00p.m. As a player, Knap attended second season with the Broncos, Oct. 18 Wash. the University of Idaho. winning football coach; Jim Wagstaff, Oct. 25 So. Oregon (Ashland) l:30p.m. having served as offensive line defensive back coach; and Junior Hiram Scott (Home) 1:30 p.m. 3 letters in football, 2 in coach in 1968. The success of Nov. 1 baseball, and on the gridiorn he Lopc:x, student assistant. Not Nov. 8 Colo. West. (Gunnison) 1:30 p.m. the job done by Nickc:l can be pictured arc George Squires and Idaho State (Home) 1:30 p.m. was named AII-Coast l:irst Team seen in the 3.6 yard·per·rush Nov. 15 and II0 n 0 rable Mention Adam Rita. The Broncos won Nov. 22 College of Idaho (Home) 1:30 p.m. All-American in his Senior year, average-including the yardage their flJ'St home game with at an end position. He received lost by quarterbacks. The Whitworth in a Iandsfidc: victory .1 the H.A. and M.A. degrees from opposition had only 1.9 per 66-7. the University of Idaho. carry. Tourney opens Complete. Coach Knap is only the sixth Nickel, prior to 1968, had two seasons as head football Persons interested in entering man to coach a Bronco Football the P.E. department sponsored team since "DUSty" Kline took coach at Westminster College in Salt Lake City; Utah. Before Game Room tennis tournament may do so by Formal Rentals over in 1933. The sequence has that, Nickel was a graduate contacting Dr. Eugene Cooper at been: Kline. 1933; Mac Eiden. assistant, under then Head his office in the BSC basketball 1934-37; !larry jacoby. 1938-41 Coach Tony Knap, at Utah State pavillion. and 1946 (HjC did not field Universtiy, for one year.. . to sponsor 'I'he tournament has already official teams during World War Dave attended the Universrty started but names will be added 11-1942·45); of , then received the to the schedule. "Competition is 1947·50 and 1952·67 and George B.S. degree form USU in 1965. big buck tough, but we would like more S SHOP Blankley, 1950-51. lie lettered in football at Utah participants and everyone is CAMPU State. The BSC game room is now welcome.l'Coopcr commented. 343·5291 - JIM WAGSTAFF, ASSISTANT rONY POL YCliRONIS. sponsoring a "Big Buck" , contest, according to Kent : : Coach Wagstaff, is in his first ASSISTANT Kehler, director. Any deer : A : year with Boise State,. having Coach Polychronis joined hunter may enter. : ,.. ) nO/SF-AN : Joined the Bronco staff In tame The animals' antlers will be : : BSC March I, taking over the measured at the desk in the : "_ HYATT LODGE ••• FIRST IN HOSPITALITY : for 1969 spring practice will be defensive line duties. His . . in charge of defensive backs and previous coaching experience: game room.· : linebackers. two seasons as assistant football Prizes will be awardcd to the : Between 1966 and early this coach at Lompoc, California; top three winners. Prizes are ",X 'Leicome Alumni '. : year, jim was assistant football One year assistant at now on display in the game V Vt 5 and head track coach at Idaho Westminster, Utah; Two seasons room. ,; : Falls High School. His previous freshman line coach,,,U of Utah; For those who arc not big : coaching experience: One year and 3 seasons graduate assistant, game hunters there will be a : contest for the longest pheasant 1300 S. CAPITOL BLVD.• BOISE. IDAHO· (2081 343·3645 : at Sou th Fremont an St. U of Utah. Anthony, and 3 years as Polychronis received his tail-feather when that season : opens. Football, Wrestling, and Track Bachelor and Master's Degrees at r••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••i Coach at Pocatello Hi. Wagstaff the U of Utah, where he played played Pro Football With. the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, 3 years under jack Curtice and Detroit Lions and Chicago Ray Nagel. lie was Cardinals of the NFL m A II-C 0 nference Offensive • • 1958.59. and with the AFL Guard-Defensive Tackle in Buffalo Bills in 1960-61; lie was 1960, and played in Post-1960 Welcome Back Old Grads! • named all AFL in 1960. East·West Shrine and Hula Bowl • • jim received the B.A. degree Games. In 1961, Tony played at Idaho State, his M. A. at Utah for the CFL Toronto Argonauts. State U. While at. ISU, Wagstaff Come of • in and tackle one our pizzas • which you have helped to make famous • • Enro • Shlrtbullde,. COLLEGE MEN'S BRASS LAMP I i" m_ e.XiJil.U', " Headquarters for Enro Shirts I . I I $1.00 off on one ! t - , Pizza&.41elouse giant pizza j NOW 3 LOCATIONS Tn SERvt'yOU good through 1()'15-69 ,J ~i:t BOISE McCALL CALDWELL Where S'11, Begins • sa YI". AI"" ..... 20' .... til "It -- • ' ..... LM.. .• • page 11 " • _""Iit. \. p ,,-.~

Bronco Babes gain first season win

by Neil Gallant thirty seconds left showing in the first half when Autele hit B'oi se State's freshmen flanker AI Marshell for an BJard footballers held off a last second aerial and a 14·7 Bronco lea . try by Eastern Oregon College at In the first few seconds of the La Grande, Monday to take a second half, backs Gary Hoshaw 21-19 VICtory over the and Jerry lIerring took things Mountaineers. over from Jenkins and Marshell. The win was the first game of Herring took the ball over frorr the-veer-for the fresh. the 8 yard line with 11:00 left ir EOC took the lead early in the period. the second quarter after a third The Mountaineers then staged , scoreless effort by both squads their move offensively as in the first stanza. The quarterback nick Borine liis Ed Mountaineers scored their first Benintendi for two touchdowns. !; touchdown when Ted Thoren one on a 22 yarder in the third went in from one yard out and period and a nine yarder in the Jack Hancock converted to fourth quarter. The two extra make it 7-0, Eastern Oregon. point attempts failed and proved The Broncos came right back to be the margin the Boise squad with lIenrv Jenkins taking a 37 necded. - yard pass from quarterback Ron Bots.e- .- srofe-...-::-.~:1.. ~::-:O-I-'~/-O:-·fl Autele into the end zone. Kicker ~QS!.~~_..E.'(l)?~ ...~ .•..:.:.~2-.~.~~ Jim Fickbahrn then added the ~orlnC-8cnJntetl4i '---f.O.U Irenl dor1r~ (run 'ollC'CU. A STANDOUT DURING LAST Saturday's home opener with Whitworth was Henry Jenkins who returned a punt dunng the first ------,------1 half of play in a 51 yard scamper. Jenkins (28) heads for pay dirt · with a Whitworth punt tucked safely away while Woody Olsen (42) A First Security Bank offers interference. Broncs romp Pirates CHECKING ACCOUNT gives you for lopsided victory ·I for the end zone. Quarterback I • by Neil Gallant Harold Zimmerman then hit · There was no stopping the Dennis Baird for 21 yards and a I Bronco eleven Saturday night as 28-7 half-time lead. On the third play from center · they romped to a lop-sided 66-7 I in the second half, another better control victory over the Whitworth quarterback, Pat Ebright. found Pirates of-Spokane. Wash. I· Everything seemed to click Baird again, this time for 48. for the Boise squad. as they yards and BSC's fifth score. · scored by running. passing and Defensive back Ken Johnson I picked off an Ingall pass and defense. raced it to the 10, where three · Things started when Boise's I Henry Jcnkins took a punt on plays later Ebright hit Kenzie • the Bse 49-yard line, and Davis for his first of two TD's. of your money I scampered 51 yards through five Davis scored on a 67 yard toss • tacklers for the opening score. from Zimmerman for number two. I Kicking specialist Gary Stivers .. ------.-. came on the field and added the Jenkins came up with one of _----- ..._---_._ ..-. 10 · extra point. two BOIse scores the fourth I period. Jenkins carried the ball .':..: --~:::::::::=.:=::==-~:.=- The Pirates came right back ...._- ...... md Tom Ingall's pass to Tom to the end zone from 25 vards 1· Ikall covered 37 yards for the our. Fullback lIenry l-toach Whitworth score. ended the Bronco's attnck as he · That Wlut worth score seemed pushed I yard for the final TD. 1 Boise's Gary Stivers had Wallet·style Folding-style to do stllllcthing [0 the entire · Bronco squad. Pete Skow, things going for him, kicking 1 defensive let t end, picked up a nine straight P.A.T.'s and a 47 Pirate fumhleand rambled 21 yard field goal to put him in the Above all else a First · scoring contest. 1 yards [0 score. After Skow, lillie Security checking account Here's what you receive FREE! Puddiri' Grayson put on a BSC's defensive unit held 1· running exhibition as he Whitworth to a total ground gain gives you better, more • rounded right end and headed of two yards and picked off three Pirate aerials. • systematic control of your A gene rous supply nf checks I The. victory was Boise's money. It shows exactly imprinted with your nume and second 10 as many games this address. You have a choice of · what you spent and who I Badminton club season and the ninth in a row an individual or a joint nccount. dating back to last ycar's play. received the money. Only one signature is required- ----1---· i/I'nitworth-:-~.:-::-:::~ :-~O··''--0--0.-:, seeks members Boist Stole 7 21 2. '~6 on checks. _.Scor-ln9:--BoIS~J~nkinS Slpm-,----,:t'urn FREE · (Stlvtr5 kick). Wt:itworth-Becll 37 pon Our service does the I 'rom lnaln (Hess kick). Bolsr-5k:ow '21 The lise P.E. department is fi.tmble r('(overy (Stlvtrs klck)i Groyson bookkeeping for you-for · now forming a Badminton Club. 11 run ISliv('rs kick); Baird 11 pass from I Zimmerman (Stivers kick); Davis ..8 pmi1 it includes a detailed All intercsted persons should from Ebnght (StlyC(s kickI; Sllvtrs " field goal;' Oovls 67 pon from Zimmer. A handsome wnllet·style · contact any P.E. faculty man (Silvers kick); Jenkins 25 run (~t1. statement with an vtrs kick); Rooch 1 run 15tlvtn kick). checkbook or 11 I member. accurate day· to-day Mrs. Jean Boylcs of the P.E. checkbook, · departmein' would also like any record of all checks paid I one intcrested in joining thc Help Wanted M. or f. and deposits made. Your FREE · tennis or archcry Clubs to 1 contact • her in her office, Arc yuu wanted? Encyclopedia cancelled checks are 385-1531. Thc tennis group B r ita nnica needs male or 1· female students. Remember returned to you-and mects every Wednesday at 3; 30 Deposit slips, too. nre imprinted and even' Friday at 2: 30. The with Encyclopedia Britannica become legal proof of · with your name nnd addre!lS. archers IIlect every ,'v\ori(\ay at 3 you "earn while you learn." payment as well as a !, p.m. in thc stadium . Call 375-H412 Deposit con be mnde by moil. convenient record at We pay postllge nnd supply I ., income tax time. the envelopes. · r----~------~,, AFTER THE G4ME t FREE 1 • t ••• the Plaza'. the place t 1 , t I· I lj: .~. e t · , t First Security Bank ·I Member Federol Del"lSit I",uconce Corl,oralion . I : :'f)) :~( .L~( " • ::s- JJ I s~ 6 offlcos to servo you in tho Boiso aroa I I I 16th and Stato Vista Village Shopping Centor I Capitol Blvd. at the river , Ninth and Idaho 1· Ninth and Bannock 3301 Chlnden Blvd: 421 North Orchard

pagc 12