Website: © gut informiert! THE GRASSHOPPER PENSIONERS’ CLUB David Baldwin, Secretary, The Grasshopper Pensioners' Club,

Lower Windle, Windle Royd Lane, Warley, Halifax, HX2 7LY. Remembrance 'Phone:01422 832734. email: [email protected] Lunches Issue CHAIRMAN: Bernard Lovewell: TREASURER: Robert Bunn Spring 2020 WELFARE OFFICER: Susan Sutcliffe

widow members, and the manner in which they had EVEN AFTER MORE THAN been treated by Willis Towers Watson, I started to 50 YEARS, WE’RE STILL think about our bachelor and widower members (as ALIVE AND KICKING Sex Equality sprang to mind). Then in early November 2019, I felt that I needed to write to our Trustees to query what happens to the mandatory deduction of 2% from the salaries of male staff, as members of the Widows & Orphans Fund, when there was no longer any liability to the Fund for those members of staff. Although this particular situation will obviously only effect widower and bachelor members, as the Fund’s liability ceased A ‘Freudian Slip’? when their wives pre-deceased them or they have (Please don’t laugh because, as my wife never married, I felt that we needed to know and usually says; “It will only encourage him!’”) the following response was forthcoming: Dear David, Thank you for your email. I will admit to being a bit puzzled about your request for me to pass on your email (attached) to the Trustee. Essentially you are asking the Trustee to confirm that it is paying members benefits in line with the rules when in fact it is their duty to do so. Your email could be read by the Trustee as that the Grasshoppers Pensioner Club is accusing the Trustee of not carrying out its duties in respect of former Martin’s [sic] Bank members. Is this what you really want to do and if so do you have the backing of the Grasshopper club committee to do this? It would be helpful to have the Committee’s confirmation that they endorse this approach to the Trustee. My intention when I got your email was to contact WTW and ask them to confirm that the administration practice that they are following is in line with the rules in relation to © ‘Connection’ Issue 74, Summer 2019 this benefit as that felt like the most appropriate approach Despite how we felt in December 1969, when to address your concerns. If we find that the WTW practice WE ALL KNEW that it was a ‘takeover’, the is not in line with the rules then we can address that for all ‘takeover’ has now been confirmed by future cases and any affected past cases. Do you agree ‘Connection’ (the magazine for UKRF ’ with this alternative approach instead of forwarding your employees and their families’). It is comforting email to the Trustee? Kind regards, Sharon to know that this fact has finally been My agreement was obviously forthcoming but acknowledged, despite it having always been initially, I was ‘snookered’. Then, for once, ‘Lady described as a ‘merger’. The above photograph Luck’ smiled on me when, as a result of my shows the ‘takeover’ sign being fixed beneath incompetence, the daughter of a deceased member the Grasshopper outside our Office at emailed me with a request to remove his name from 68 Lombard Street. our mailing list and for two coasters, in memory of EQUALITY NEWS her late father. This provided me with the required Whilst producing earlier Newsletters, in which ‘Case Study’ and I obtained both her and her I had written about the plight of two of our sister’s permission to reveal their father’s name. Although the benefit will never affect of your former Martins colleagues who are still not those of us who are married (or still alive) members then please urge them to join our elite unless our wives pre- decease us, it will ensure Club always remembering that ‘Life Membership’ is that the ethos of Martins lives on and the still only a mere £5! contributions which were deducted from our The Grasshopper Pensioners’ Club salaries will, eventually, benefit our families There appears to be a misconception that our Club through our estates. is solely for those former members of Martins Bank At the time of writing, no response has been Staff who lived in London and the south. Whilst received but I will keep you all updated as the that used to be the case, it is no result could have implications not only on the longer and is classed by Barclays estates of many of our former colleagues and as: ‘Non-Regional Club’. current members but also the 1964 Retirement The Club’s origin dates back to Fund albeit to a lesser degree. With this in Whit Monday 1967 at the mind, can I ask anyone/everyone who knows suggestion of Leonard Walton any such former members of staff (widower or (opposite) who at the time was a bachelor) to make contact with me so that once District Director based at 68 Lombard Street, when a (hopefully favourable) response is received, I its inaugural meeting took place in the Boardroom can bring knowledge of their existence to Willis of 68 Lombard Street. In its original Constitution, it Towers Watson? was to be known as ‘The London District Two Dates for Your Diaries (Grasshopper) Pensioners’ Club’ and continued in (and hopefully more to follow) this guise after the takeover before becoming ‘The Well it was until 6.00 p.m.on Friday 17th Grasshopper Pensioners’ Club’. More-recently, with January when I was about to email this dwindling membership, our Memorandum of Newsletter to the printer then I received John Association was changed and membership was Hendry’s email which advised me that opened to anyone who had actually worked for Barnsgate Manor had gone into Liquidation! Martins Bank and this remains the same today. (My For those of you who, now like me, live away thanks to Bill Webb for clarifying the history of the Club not only for from the south east, I was going to say: ‘Why me but everyone). So, if you know any of your former not think about a short break close-by Barnsgate Martins colleagues who would like to become a Manor Restaurant where our member of our unique and exclusive Club then why AGM is held, before attending our not encourage them to join? An application for AGM and Spring Lunch? Having membership can be copied from our website: returned to ‘God’s Own County’ (aka ‘Yorkshire’) in August 2019, I then printed and posted to me with your cheque can vouch for taking in such sights payable to: ‘The Grasshopper Pensioners’ Club’. as Rye or the Seven Sisters among many others’. Our 2020 MORE REGIONAL LUNCHES? Spring Lunch will now be held What do you think? Following the success of our 2019 Regional ‘Remembrance on TO BE ADVISED If you enjoyed WITH THE NEW Lunches’ we would appreciate meeting your VENUE and the your thoughts about holding reservation form will Lunches in similar locations former still be published in to those in which our 2019 colleagues the next edition of our ‘Remembrance Lunches’ were then why not held. This would be subject to Newsletter after a new venue has been again in the Club’s finances identified. So why not make still 2020 a special 2020? year for us ‘Martians’ by having a short break permitting, the interest on the south coast either before or after shown and the number of meeting your former colleagues at our new members wishing to attend, as 2019 was a special venue? year in our history for which additional funding was 2020 London Lunch forthcoming from Barclays, but this will not be However, we can confirm that our 2020 London repeated in future. Please let me have your Lunch will, once again, be held at The Union thoughts, especially if you enjoyed meeting your Jack Club on Thursday 19th November 2020 former colleagues again after so many years in and hope to see even more of our members 2019. Please remember; the Club is run for you, its there than those who attended our ‘50th members, and long may it continue to thrive despite Anniversary Remembrance Lunch’ in 2019. If having a definite lifespan (for obvious reasons). As you know, and/or are in contact with, any Brian Mare said to me in 2012: ‘This is the only Club of which I am a member that I know will REMEMBRANCE cease to exist at sometime in the future’. Sad LUNCHES but true but, I believe that for all of those who worked for Martins, the surviving staff must 16th December ensure that it continues to exist to the last man or woman left standing. One good aspect about ‘Everything Martins’ is that, thanks to Jonathan Snowden, our bank will live on and we should be ever thankful to Jonathan for his efforts in continuing to develop his website, which can always be viewed at:, where time stands still at midnight on 12th December 1969 and those times will never be forgotten. Now back to the: REMEMBRANCE LUNCHES MANCHESTER,

4th December A regular event, but supported by the Club for the first time in 2019, organised by George

Hamilton which was held at The Pinewood Front to Back, left to right: ?; Gerry Carey; Sue Sutcliffe (nee Hotel, Handforth, Wilmslow and attended by Warrington); (arch photobomber - only joking) Alan Blackburn; 57 former members of staff and their guests Ken Quirk; Charles Pocock; Brenda Wood (nee Aked); some of whom are included in the following Ingrid Bush (nee Smith); Michael Brown; Judith Brown; photographs Bas Bush; Colin Redshaw.

(Round the tables anti-clockwise from 9 o’clock) Brian & Patricia Cook, Peter & Vivien Liddiard, Sheila Marshall, Michael & Mary Horwood and David Pinnell.

Guy Taylor, Ken Quirk, Alan Thomond, Janet & Malcolm Bailey, Ian Cooper and Gail Hamilton.

Shirley & Eric Mellor, Kath & Irving Pattison, Barbara Hannah, Margaret Ashworth, Pauline Skilling, Joan Jacobs, John Greer & Maureen Thomas.

Front to Back, left to right: Joan Harper (nee Burd); Frank Mawdsley; Joan Jones; ?; Myra Sutton; Ann Ashcroft; Jean Pilley; Mary Milne; John Robertshaw; Howard Pilley; Sheila Brown; Brian Browne; ?; Lesley Crombie; ?; ?; ?;/ ?; ?:/ ?; Richard Barlow; CONTACT HAS ALSO BEEN LOST WITH: Mr. M Coombs: Addressee gone away. Michael Darlington, Roger Smithson, Carol & Graham Miss H. Walter: Not at this address. Tickle, Christine & Jeff Cain, Susan & Michael Benfield, Does anyone know their new addresses? Neal McNamara: I had intended to attend both the London and Liverpool lunches but, due to a family accident I had to change my plans for which I send my apologies for absence but wish to be remembered to everyone who remembers me from my time with Martins in the Liverpool area followed by my time in London. I have happy memories of Martins; playing rugby against other districts, which I continued with at Brighton District after the merger. I have met David Winckles at the London Lunch and a few others and remember some of the Merseyside group who meet from time to time. Some kind comments: Thank you so much David for all the arrangements you, Ken and Co made to ensure we all I would like to offer had a lovely day last Monday in sincere thanks for Liverpool. It was so good to your kind comments meet up with Martins on behalf of my colleagues and make new fellow Committee members and Ken acquaintances. Thank you Quirk again. Tony and Marilyn Fell What an amazing day and huge thanks to all of you who made it happen. Please ensure Front to back, left to right: Alan Thomond; Geoff Kelly; Jill Kelly; Mike Turner; Tom Gilkes; Mike Turner; John our thanks are passed all concerned. Brian Roberts. Pepper; Jill Backhouse, Rod Backhouse I am emailing to say 'thank you' for a very enjoyable and (More Liverpool Photographs on Page 5) appreciated the 'trip down memory lane'. Sue Williamson. A Time to Remember when: How many people actually thanked you and others The Mind is Willing, But The Body is Not involved I don’t know but please pass on at least my ‘well As you read this Newsletter you will no doubt done’. Barry Hopkins. remember the many ‘Apologies for Absence’ in Many thanks to you for organising the event. Yes it was the supplement to the December Newsletter in good to be with so many former colleagues all having which too many of our former colleagues had aged like us! Philip and Carol Jones wanted to attend at least one of the Firstly congratulations to you and your colleagues for Remembrance Lunches but were unable to do organising the Remembrance lunch in Liverpool. I spent 9 years in Liverpool, finally in the “Box” as a clerk to the so because of their age and age-related health General Managers. One of my last tasks was proof problems. This aspect was particularly reading the act of parliament which was a key part of the poignant in a case where a former colleague merger process. Many of my colleagues at that time have from the Wirral had longed to attend the passed on but I was delighted to meet several former Liverpool Lunch and struggled to do so but colleagues at the event. Everyone seemed to have had a finally had to admit defeat a mere two hours good time many old friends and walk round Liverpool before the Lunch was due to commence. As last visited 25 years ago. Mrs A K Bromley was the Mike Cadwallader, who attended the Liverpool widow of Ken Bromley and she also recently, I believe, Lunch, wrote: ‘There is an incredible emotional died. Kind regards, David Mitchell. attachment to Martins Bank. Just think about Dear David. I enjoyed the lunch and met up with Michael Widdup with whom I worked at Martins Bank, that..... emotionally attached to a bank!!’ Too true Settle from 63-64, we had a lovely reminisce. I had to Mike and this certainly is something that we bail out just after 3pm when you were reading out the will never see again. Now some more apologies: apologies and sadly wasn't around for the photographs. Mick McClay: Having spent all of my Martins Give yourselves big pat on the back, great organisation career in Liverpool I would have loved to have and I wish everyone connected with the Grasshoppers a attended the Liverpool Lunch but age and health very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Michael wouldn’t permit it. Please remember me give my Wilkinson regards to everyone who remembers me from those David, many thanks for the email and contents. times. Mick. Congratulations to you and the committee for the Brian Constable Unfortunately, Brian finally had to arrangements you made so successfully. With best admit defeat shortly before setting off on the day of wishes for Christmas to you, your wife and all the the Liverpool Lunch but sent a message committee. Sue & Norman Eccles in which he asked to be remembered to When chatting to Derek McRonald, it turned out we had all of his former colleagues who both worked at Hoylake branch on the Wirral, we are remember him and actually made it to both from Birkenhead, and he and I went to the The Racquet Club as well as those who read this (Continued on Page 8) Newsletter and remember Brian.

(Liverpool ‘Remembrance Lunch’ continued)

Left to Right: Alan Blackburn; Nigel Kenwright; Martina Parry (nee Jones); Barrie Brookes; Joan Gray; Carmel Bradley; Mike Carter; Carol Jones; Philip Jones; Peter Helliwell.

Left to Right: Neil Matthews; Jessica Aynsley; Angela Eales (nee Slater); Peter Aynsley; Jackie Gascoigne; ?; Anne Watson; Norman Eccles; Christine Kent; John Robertson; Phil Wolstenholme; Peter North; Eric Nicholson; Ian Duckett; Janice Jones; Tom McBride; Malcolm Jones; Angela Gill (nee Cameron), Sheila Chambers (nee Hubbard) ; Pauline Purslow (nee Brennan); Pauline Stringer (nee Rowbottom). REMEMBRANCE LUNCHES LONDON

12th December

Left to Right: ?, ?, Jackie Chubb, Ken Sandy, Beryl White, ?, Robin Lucas, Robert Bunn, Derek McRonald , Marian Vaughan (nee Eldridge), Frank Belcher, ?, Brian Williams

Left to right: Marilyn Lovewell, John Charlton, Pamela Charlton, Bernard Lovewell, Patricia O’Brien, Basil Bush, Ingrid Bush, Brian Hubble, Joe Edwards, Ken Quirk, Ros Edwards, Colin Redshaw, Mary Hunter, Nick Kingan, Sue Sutcliffe, Bill Webb.

Left to Right: Barry Dimaline. Peter Waters,; John Chapman, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Carmel Bradley, Angela Tyson (nee Lamb), ?, Frank Belcher, Sue Lawrence, ‘Jock’ Hendry, Sashi Mehta, Graham Davis, William JF de Sa, Malcolm Coombs, Mike Sharp, Elaine Sharp, Dennis Guildford.

Left to right: ?, Brian Barnes, Barry Turnwell, ?, ?, Alan Brumham, ?, ?, Pat Wilson, Kenneth Richardson, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Dee Mutter, ?, Arthur Rowe. More Alexandra Court memories. Derek Lunt writes: When I was in charge of the Liverpool District Training Branch it was part of my remit to join up with Course Members for Dinner which I always enjoyed. Normally my visits were without problem but on one occasion I had to sort out a difficult situation which had upset the Management. It concerned the shoes of one of their residents who regularly left his shoes outside his door for polishing. It seemed that on a prior morning when he sought to collect them he found a pair of ladies high heeled shoes there instead of his own. In normal circumstances it would have been laughed off as a prank but the fact that he was a High Court Judge did cloud the situation. One wonders whether one of our Grasshopper colleagues may have a red face when reminded of the incident. Derek I’m certain that everyone who had the undoubted ‘pleasure’ of staying at ‘The Alex’, will remember the High Court Judge and having to wear a tie for dinner or be reported for being ‘improperly dressed’, REMEMBRANCE LUNCHES LEEDS

27th November (I know that you’ve seen this before but now with names)

Numbered: 1. Peter Bailey; 2. Geoff Beevors; 3. Graham Ellis; 4. Barry Dimaline; 5. Jack Foster; 6. David Shay; Above 6 Betty Foster;7. Rosemary Donnelly (nee Brough); 8. Malcolm Thornton; 9.?; 10. Margaret McClay; 11. Brenda Northrop (nee Farey);12. David Baxter;13. Jane Carr (nee Gardner); 14. David Baldwin; 15. Jean Overend (nee Plume); 16. Maureen Cooper (nee Beadnall); 17. Elsie Altass; 18. Mick McClay; 19. Michael Widdup; 20. Pauline Wade (nee ?) 21. Kathy Beevors (nee Collinson); 22. Dorothy Comer; 23. Angie Packard; 24. June Nelson (nee James); 25. ?; 26. Robert Dewhirst; 27. Gordon Mounsey; 28. Jeremy Bauer; 29. Pam Pennington (nee Thomas); 30. Colin Redshaw 31. Ann Conyers; 32. Peter Hole, 33. Richard Mashiter; 34. John Robertshaw; 35. Barry Kay; 36.?; 37.John Driver; 38. Brian Horn; 39. Karen Mounsey (nee Brazier); Below 39: Carol Thornton; Un-numbered: Between 21 & 20: Heather Williams; Below 25 & 26: Jackie Gascoigne; Above 11: Liz Wright; Behind 10: Susan Hope.

OBITUARY still in touch with Janet Hanna and Pat Topliss Deborah Duff writes: Alistair had been in poor and see them as often as I can, but since we moved health for many years and sadly his to North Devon a year ago now, it is not so easy. I passing was expected and a relief for will always look back at my time at Cocks Biddulph him as life had become very difficult. as a very special part of my life, working with such a Alistair and I met whilst working in fun group of people. How different Banking is these Cocks Biddulph branch in 1962. We had days. Barclays Bank employees don’t know what they very happy memories of missed! our time there and looking Cocks Biddulph Branch in 1966 back, life seemed one long party! We “worked” alongside the best colleagues you could wish for. We remembered fondly; Roger Smedley, who kept u s in fits of laughter throughout the day, Alan Hoyle, Don Clackson, Alan Apps, Peter Jones, Mike Courtney , Mike Kingdon, Sid Carter, Mike Waverley, Janet Pay Left to right: P Vince, J A B Bannon, B G Williams, A W Hovle, (now Hanna), Carol Damper, who Janet sees R D Blackburn, E A M Price, A T Heath, D E Clackson, R J Gibbs, regularly, Pat Topliss, Shirley Inchcombe, and D S After ,A J Duff, P D Atkins, R F Murray: Seated: Miss S A many more whose names escape me due to my age! I Edwards. Miss G M Grieg, Miss T A Shell, Miss AL Seabrock, must mention Eric Press, Geoff Edwards, Mr Machell G B Handford, Miss B G Locke, Miss A P Turner, Miss B A B Will, and Mr Butterworth. I am happy to say that I am G Ball. (More photographs can be seen on our website) same independent school (Birkenhead School), and Biddulph branch. Now as for George Waring he never we are both members of the Old Birkonian Society! made progress through Martins as a result of a serious It's a small world. Robin Lucas accident. I recall very vividly his seeking to exchange A belated note of thanks David and Ken for a most part of his holiday entitlement for Saturday mornings in successful and enjoyable Anniversary Lunch. order that he could play away games for. Birkenhead Congratulations to the Committee; my thanks for Park Rugby Club. He was a fine player and their hooker. accommodating me at such short notice. Richard It was but a few weeks later whilst playing against Barts Newson that he broke his neck and for the rest of his short life First of all can I say how much I enjoyed the was wheelchair bound. Nevertheless his Club and the Liverpool lunch, it was a memorable occasion and so local Rotary Club brought him to Water Street where a well organised. Graham Kerby role was found for him. The reason why I brought it to I started my career in Martins at Birkdale Branch your attention is that I would see him most days and he where a lovely chap Mr Neal taught me the never ever had anything but a smile on his face. A great intricacies of cashiering. A move to Formby and guy who was an inspiration to all who knew him. David subsequently cashier in charge at Freshfield sub Winckles branch led to a move to LCO as a control clerk, on WE MUST NEVER FORGET NORMAN ECCLES’ large current A/C'S then as number 2 in ‘GOLDEN GRASSHOPPER’ Correspondence Dept and then IC Standing Orders dept. At this point July/August 1969 I was Having hopped from its home in Wiltshire to dispatched to 68 Lombard St as we were to put stos Halifax, it then hitched a lift to Ilkley where it was on computer and Lombard St was the only branch admired by those who attended the Leeds Lunch with the size of our stos. Four days in London at the (aka locally as the ‘Northern Powerhouse Lunch’) banks expense was enjoyable. Whilst I was there I before hitching a was invited (summoned) to have coffee with Mr ride on L&NER Weatherel, after a long chat he asked if there was to London then anything he could do for me. Bearing in mind the returning to propose merger and that I came from Sussex and all Halifax before my family had moved back there I said a Bank move visiting its home to Sussex would be nice. So that is why I a Martian was working in Barclays North Street Brighton on city of Liverpool the memorable day when Martins took over and finally Barclays!! I have happy memories of Martins returning to its playing rugby against other districts, which I Wiltshire home. Our thanks must be expressed continued with at Brighton District after the Norman for this unique piece of Martins’ history merger. I have met David Winckles at the London and if anyone can remember where it originally Lunch and a few others and remember some of the hung we would like to know, as would Norman. Merseyside group who meet from time to time. I had This knowledge will complete yet another piece of planned to attend either or both of the the amazing Martins Bank jigsaw puzzle which Remembrance Lunches' but owing to my wife's continues to develop piece-by-piece and day-by-day, accident last May could not leave her. It is good even after 50 years! that the club is in good health so a thank you is due to you and the committee. With kind regards, Neal Does anyone remember grasshoppers like this? McNamara And memories of former colleagues: Carmel Bradley writes: I am still in touch with Edna Hewitt now HELSBY as we both joined on the same day 15th August 1959. We worked together at Woolton Branch in Liverpool and lived near each other till she came ‘down south’, as they say, to I understand that they were specially commissioned Goring-on-Thames but then we came down in 1980. for lady members of the Club and several were Edna would have loved to come to the Liverpool sported by their proud owners at our 12th December lunch, but her husband has health problems, as she London Lunch, where many former colleagues met still has family in Liverpool. Edna wonders if and revisited their time working for Martins. Once anyone remembers her? again, can I ask all widowed lady members to ensure I hope that someone does Martina that they are in receipt of their rightful payment from And a correction and apology (from me) the Martins Bank Widows & Orphans Fund? If in doubt and a sad memory: YOU MUST contact Willis Towers Watson on: 01737 227 David, well done in putting all the letters in your 567 or by email to: recent email but may I take up with you some [email protected] amendments. Ken Osborn, at the time of the merger THE AYES (EYES) HAVE IT was London Superintendent of Branches. He came We are often told to look at buildings above street out of the Manchester District in about April 1967. level to really appreciate their original beauty so Doug C Bourne was Deputy Manager at Cocks this is what I did before How Times Have Changed: leaving Liverpool on A regular feature in the Martins Bank Magazine the morning after our was: ‘Counter Attraction’ (which would never be Remembrance Lunch. allowed in todays ‘PC’ world). The Winter 1966 Although a visit to Edition of the Magazine featured these three Liverpool is worthy in photographs of cashiers and whilst we know the its own right, the whereabouts of Jean Plume (now Jean Overend) experience is far better what about our other two lady cashiers? Are they when you can take time members of our Club? Does anyone know of their to appreciate the whereabouts? architectural beauty of our Head Office building. Wouldn’t it be great to think of holding a 90th Birthday Party for the building in 2022 or even a 100th Birthday Party for it in 2032, by which time it’s resurrection into a Five Star hotel should be complete. I must apologise to Jonathan Snowden, as it wasn’t until I had written this piece that I visited his MYSTERY SOLVED? (Unfortunately not). website again and noticed that there is a link Thumbing through the ‘Summer 1963’ 0Birds.htm on the ‘Head Office Building’ page edition of the Bank’s that takes you to: ‘The Liver Birds’; which also Magazine (which I has similar photographs of the magnificent found in the drawer Portland stone carvings. of a desk in Tyrrel I believe that photographs of parts of our Street, Bradford former Head Office building, simply confirm branch, when it was the reason why it was awarded Grade II* listed my sad duty to close status so that all of our former colleagues who the branch in July have never visited Liverpool and have never 1982) I thought that I seen the Martins Bank Building can see what had solved the mystery surrounding Norman Eccles’ ‘Golden Grasshopper’ when I noticed one on the wall

in a photograph of Canterbury branch. But it was not to be. On closer examination their antennae are

they have missed. Who could ever have even different; so the search continues ... Can anyone thought of adding a carved octopus to the help to resolve the ongoing mystery? underside of a balcony? Look at the detailed LOST (or left) PROPERTY Whilst tidying-up following the Liverpool Lunch, four copies of the ‘Martins Bank Magazine’ were discovered, which I now have safely stored, and which are ready and waiting to be claimed by their rightful owner. DEATH NOTICES It is with regret that we have to report the following deaths: Alistair Duff on 31st October 2019 Eddie Shallcross on 14th October 2019 Trystan Turton on 12th October 2019 wrought-iron balustrade! It’s a pity that it can Please accept my apologies should I have omitted any of our members’ only be appreciated from ground level. deaths but please keep me advised should any occur. MORE MEMORIES FROM 50 YEARS AGO waded out to win the title and trophy from last year's Finishing one and a half points ahead of their winner and 25-mile bay champion, Miss Ruth Oldham, a nearest rivals Barclays Bank, Martins Bank won 20-year-old London University student. Number three the Hull Banks Bowling league 1968-69 was ten minutes behind. Hazel's time for the crossing championship. Winning thirty-four games and was 3 hours, 34 minutes, 47 seconds. losing eleven, they have been undefeated since last AND FINALLY, LAST BUT NOT LEAST November. We welcome our new members and look forward to seeing them at one of our forthcoming lunches in 2020. John C Ainley Alan Huck Alan Appleton Derek Lunt Margaret Ashworth, June Nelson Jessica Aynsley (nee James) (nee Grimshaw) Carol Jones Peter Aynsley Philip Jones Peter Bailey John Keefe John J Bauer Linda Keefe Alan Bradley Barry Kay Roger Brocklehurst Colin Ludford Jane Carr Mick McClay “Miss Anglia TV” presenting prizes to the team: Barry (nee Gardner) George Martin Dimaline - Captain (Hull Story Street), John Anderson Maureen Cooper Eric Mellor (Hull Market Place), John Parkinson (Hull Market Place) Robert Dewhirst Brenda Northrop and Graham Harvey (Hull Story Street). Bob Dyke (nee Farey) Joan Foster Kathleen Pattinson Roy Foster Mrs AM Pickard, Angela Gill Raymond P. Prior Barbara Hannah Julian Taylor Tom Haworth Maureen Thomas Mike Hemson Sandra Wallace Peter Hole B Williams Robert Holland-Martin Joan Wormald (nee Phillips) WE DON’T KNOW HOW LUCKY WE ARE Some Christmas cheer from Virgin Money (the new owner of the Clydesdale & Yorkshire Banks) follows: Pensioners' Annual Lunches Yorkshire & Clydesdale Bank Foundation PLUS Magazine Some members of the newly-formed Grasshoppers I AM very sorry to tell you that funding will no longer be Badminton Club. STANDING: From left to right – provided by the Bank to host the five David Rigby, Peter Webster, Peter Smith, Ian Bruce, annual lunches in Leeds, East Howard Pilley, Bryan Lawrence, Douglas McKie. Yorkshire, Lancashire, North Yorkshire SEATED: Sandra Hoffham, Edna Weaver, Sheila Iddon, Jean Pilley, Hilary Lawrence. and Sheffield. I know this news will In the winter issue of the come as a great disappointment to the hundreds of pensioners who have Magazine last year enjoyed attending these events over many years as well as (1961) we drew to newly-retired pensioners who have just begun to attend attention to the or intended to do so starting next year. Alison Kidd, Head activities of Miss Hazel Holroyd of of Reward & Pensions, CYBG. Elland branch who distinguished Although I acknowledge the fact that many of you do not herself at the annual gala of the have internet access, this is why we produce around 300 Manchester Banks' Amateur printed copies of our Newsletter. However, one of the Swimming Association and her benefits of receiving your Newsletter by email is that it performances in some of the long is possible to increase the size of the pages which makes distance swimming events, the Newsletter easier to read, especially for those including the Morecambe Cross members whose eyesight is not as good as it used to be. Bay Swim and the swim across But, don’t worry, unlike Virgin Money, we will never Lake Bala. Now it is our pleasant stop printing paper copies of our Newsletters as long as duty to congra tulate her on our Barclays funding continues. winning the Morecambe Cross Editor’s note: The opinions in this Newsletter are the author’s, and do Bay ten-mile women's championship on June 17th. not necessarily represent the views of the Grasshopper Pensioners’ She was only six yards in front, thirteen seconds in Club Members or Committee. terms of time, when she