UNDERPASS ANTICIPATED FOR INLET BEACH LOCAL | B1 PANAMA CITY LOCAL & STATE | B1 PCB TOURISTS RELAX ON PEACEFUL HOLIDAY Tuesday, September 3, 2019 www.newsherald.com @The_News_Herald facebook.com/panamacitynewsherald 75¢ Dorian taunts coast aft er merciless blow to Bahamas Gulf Power crews began working early Monday in Pensacola to deploy to Florida’s East Coast in advance of Hurricane Dorian, a massive storm expected to skirt the state’s Atlantic coastline beginning today. [PHOTO COURTESY GULF POWER] Area emergency, utility crews deploying to state’s East Coast Hurricane Dorian Blanding, a National Guard Diana Odom and Robert Kern, of Wellington, Fla., make their way in Hurricane Dorian expected along training center about 30 miles at dawn Monday as a squall approaches in Palm Beach, Fla. Odom, 26.8° N, 78.4° W, as of 8 p.m. EDT Florida’s Atlantic inland from St. Augustine, who says the couple frequents the beach for sunrise, said Monday it Mon., stationary, with 140 mph coast today through which is included in the hur- was “just cabin fever.” [LANNIS WATERS/GATEHOUSE MEDIA] maximum sustained winds Wednesday ricane warning area. South Walton Fire District 85˚W 80˚W 75˚W 70˚W By Jim Thompson Chief Ryan Crawford, who By Kimberly Miller way inland, while legions of 315-4445 | @Jimtnwfdn | jthomp- also serves as Northwest Flor- GateHouse Media utility trucks and emergency
[email protected] ida’s Statewide Emergency responders mobilized to pre- 40˚N Response Plan coordinator, WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. pare for the worst. Airports, 2 p.m. SANTA ROSA BEACH — “is responsible for the coor- 2 p.m.