בס״ד MAR. 2021 | ניסן תשפ״א | VOL. 2 INTENTION A monthly glimpse into the tents of Educational Institute Oholei Torah

״אהלי תורה״ איז ע״ד הלשון ״יושב אהלים״, Oholei Torah" is akin to the term "dwelling in" וואס דאס גייט דאך אויף ״אהלו של שם ואהלו tents," referring to the "tent of Shem and the

של עבר.״ שיחת ש״ק במדבר תשמ״ב tent of Ever." Sichas Shabbos Kodesh Bamidbar 5742

DEPARTMENTS BEIS MEDRASH Shiur 5 | Shiurim 3-4 | Shiurim 1-2 Featured ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Grade 8 8 Grade | 5-7 Grades Principal: R' Chaim Y Wilhelm 3-4 Grades | 2 Grade 123 talmidim Pre1A-1 Grades | Library KINDERGARTEN Elementary – Library Librarian: R' Mendel Levin Crown Heights | East Flatbush 3,000+ titles | All Elementary ADMINISTRATION OFFICES Management – Transportation Development Office | Financial Office Staff: 33 | Buses: 11 | Parking Lots: 2 Registration Office PTA – Achdus Baskets YOUNG JEWISH LEADERS Mrs. Tzippy Dalfin and Mrs. Aida Junik KAYITZ PROGRAM OHOLEI MENACHEM DAY CAMP REB MICHOEL’S MINYAN MANAGEMENT Transportation | Building Management Operations | Kitchen | Maintenance PTA BALLROOM RECREATION CENTER Management – We have Yiddishe drivers Transportation from the community; each Q&A with a big heart and complete dedication. When a driver Q: How many staff work in the greets each student with a Transportation Department? smile and a "good morning" 33 the student's day is elevated. How many buses does Oholei Baruch Hashem we have a Torah have? great customer service 11 department, with fast How many students bus to school response times. daily? We recently produced a PTA–Achdus Baskets Between all of our locations, safety video for the students 1705 bus rides happen every to watch. Over Purim, the unifying single day. Each bus is equipped with Achdus of our community was How many bus runs are done five cameras, GPS, and demonstrated by the 2,500 daily? constant radio Shaloch Manos Achdus 34 communications with the Baskets masterminded and Who staffs the buses? central office. orchestrated by the Oholei Each bus has a bus driver plus a Torah PTA. Under the bus monitor. leadership of Tzippy Dalfin What would the transportation and Aida Junik, each block was department like to share with the represented by an community? ambassador, who received 2- Our transportation is based on 16 boxes which was hand- safety, compassion, and caring, delivered to each address.

ACHDUS BASKETS BY THE NUMB3RS 2,500 shalach manos delivered. 8 th grade packed and delivered. 13 years of success. 10 varieties of gift baskets. 12 months spent by the PTA preparing. Grade 8 With a major focus on the personal attention provided to each bochur, the bochurim look forward to every day. Creating a holistic environment for Grade 8 empowers the bochurim on every level of development and in all aspects of their growth. Here is a glimpse some into recent highlights: Every bochur studied 16 blatt Gemara Makos with Rashi and most Toisfos and passed a test. Shoina Halochos: a special program for learning Kitzur Shulchan Aruch. 8th grade has 5 dedicated Shluchim who act as role models and increase the chayos. Grade 8 is the first year of Yeshiva life where students learn Chassidus in the morning and in the evening. Chof Beis Shvat: the bochurim desired to print the Tanya and did. Extracurricular shiurim are created for and cater to the needs of the students. A wonderful Chodesh Adar trip for a mivtza from Kislev, Teves and Shvat. The mivtza focused on Seder, 80% on tests, duch, and Mikva. 80% of the grade excelled in the full mivtza, while every single bochur participated. Launched a new Yud Aleph Nissan mivtza, including: 1) studying Tanya Perek 32 baal peh; 2) the bochurim made a kovetz limud on sichos for the bochurim; 3) there will numerous raffles, including two raffles for a dollar from the . Purim Mivtzoim: over 40 boys learned to lein Megila, and over 90% went on Mivtzoim. Ach Godol: once a month, 8th grade bochurim pair up with a student from a younger grade. The bochurim receive training prior, preparing them to lead and inspire. Also on yoma depagra the bochurim run a program for a younger grade. This latest featured a hamentashen bake and skits. There are sports leagues to help provide for the guf as the vehicle for the neshama. ֶזה ֵס ֶפר ּת ֹו ְלדֹת ָא ָדם WE ARE PEOPLE OF THE BOOK The Oholei Torah – Levi Yitzchok Library

In 5780, to honor Yud Shvat and 70 Years of the Rebbe's Nesius, a gorgeous library was opened for Elementary school to enjoy. Here are some highlights shared by the head librarian, R' Mendel Levin.

Titles: We host over 3,000 unique titles in Yiddish, Hebrew, and English, and the selection grows constantly. Genres: Comic Books, Picture Books, Chapter Books, Novels, Biographies, Jewish and History, Chassidim, Yomtov, Parsha, and more. Access: The Library is in the Shul, so the older grades use it on a daily basis, at recess. The younger grades, upon a teacher's request, have a library cart come to their classroom. Usage: In addition to in-school access, with a $25 a talmid can borrow books to take home for a week. Every Friday hundreds of boys come to borrow books. System: A sophisticated library software is deployed. Each book has a unique barcode to track who borrows it. It's the same software all major libraries use, called OPELs Library. Bookcases: Currently 12 bookcases house all the books, 6 of which were built a few weeks ago. Each is a beautiful wood custom with sliding tempered glass doors to fit the Shul. The first bookcase was built by Rabbi Shalom Ber Liberow from Monsey, and the new bookcases were just built by Ezagui Furniture. Name: On the Rebbe's 70 birthday, the Rebbe requested that as part of the "70 new institutions" libraries named after his father should be built as well (That's when the Levi Yitzchok Libraries around the world where established). As it was 70 years for the Rebbes Nesius we decided to dedicate a new library to the Rebbe's father Library ID: The students use their ID cards as their Library cards. Their Serial Number and Barcode are the same as for the Library and they increase in rank with Library usage. Living Stories: The Frierdiker Rebbe teaches the importance of reading stories, especially stories of Chasidim and Tzadikim: "Most of Sefer Breishis is stories. It is called Sefer Hayashar because it straightens the mind and heart of a person. Every story needs to add something to its reader." Well Read: In the past decade, many many new children's books of Chasidim and Tzadikim were printed which gets boys attracted and excited to read books, this adds a lot to the Yiras Shamayim of the students. Inspiration: When an anonymous donor called and asked if we were up to do this, we jumped on this irresistible opportunity! It is a major zechus to have started something like this in Oholei Torah, the Rebbe's School for the Rebbe's Students.

To learn more about the Library, please visit OholeiTorah.com/Library.

A special Thank You to the Library assistants who help run and administer the library: Shaya Levertov, Yehuda Leib Liberow, Menachm Mendel and Shneur Zalmen Avichzer.