Higher Willmore energies, Q-curvatures, and related global geometry problems.

Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurface ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe problem. in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834;

University of Auckland, Department of Mathematics

MATRIX February 2019

Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurfaceHigher Willmore ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe energies, Q-curv. and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; A conformal energy

It was observed by Blaschke 1929, Willmore 1965 and others that Z H2 dA =: Willmore energy (or bending energy 1920) Σ=surf 3 is invariant under the conformal motions of E (basically 3 3 SO(4, 1) action). These are the local maps ρ : E → E that preserve angles.

This property is linked to applications e.g. solid mechanics including cell membranes, relativity and string theory, and geometric analysis – Willmore conjecture concerns absolute minimisers. Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurfaceHigher Willmore ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe energies, Q-curv. and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; The Willmore equation

So the Euler-Lagrange equation (wrt variation of embedding) for the Willmore energy is important:

2 ∆ΣH + 2H(H − K) = 0; K = Gauss curvature. | {z } B = Willmore Invariant

The WI is an extremely interesting invariant for embeddings 3 into Euclidean space E , 2 3 ι :Σ −→ E ,

It is conformally invariant and has linear leading term ∆ΣH.A rare quality! One can show that it is a fundamental conformal curvature quantity. Question: What is the meaning of the Willmore invariant? Are there analogues in higher dimensions? This turns out to be linked to the problem of finding all conformal hypersurface invariants!

Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurfaceHigher Willmore ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe energies, Q-curv. and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; Yamabe and its singular variant

(M, g) a (n + 1)-dimensional Riemannian (M, g). Problem (Y): ∃ a smooth real-valued positive function u on M satisfyingg ¯ := u−2g has scalar curvature Scg¯ = −n(n + 1)η? Set u = ρ−2/(n−1) then problem governed by the Yamabe equation:

h n i n+3 − 4 ∆ + Sc ρ + n (n + 1) ηρ n−1 = 0 η = 1, 0, −1. (1) n − 1 – solved by Yamabe, Trudinger, Aubin, Schoen (1960–1984).  Problem (sY): ∃ a smooth real-valued positive function u on M satisfyingg ¯ := u−2g has scalar curvature Scg¯ = −n(n + 1)η? [Set u = ρ−2/(n−1) then] problem governed by 2  Sc S(u) := |du|2 − u ∆ + u = η. (2) n + 1 2n Q: Solutions where u changes sign? If so nature of Z(u)? NB: ∃ example solutions η = 1 – e.g. on .

Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurfaceHigher Willmore ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe energies, Q-curv. and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; Conformal-to-(almost)-Einstein equation

The metricg ¯ := u−2g is Einstein i.e. Ricg¯ = λg¯ iff there is u > 0 s.t.

trace-free(∇a∇bu + Pabu) = 0. (AE) – almost Einstein eqn

where Ric = (n − 1)P + gJ, J := traceg (P). We drop u > 0 and study. Best to replace u by conformal density of weight 1 σ ∈ Γ(E[1]), where E[2n + 2] =∼ (Λn+1(TM))2. Then (AE) is conformally invariant. AE is overdetermined so study by prolongation. It is equivalent to the closed first order system:

∇aσ − µa = 0

∇aµb + Pabσ + ρg ab = 0 b ∇aρ − Pabµ = 0

g is the conformal metric, ⊗n+1g : (Λn+1(TM))2 −→' E[2n + 2].

Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurfaceHigher Willmore ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe energies, Q-curv. and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; The tractor connection and D-operator

The above system can be collected into a linear connection – in fact the conformally invariant tractor bundle T and connection ∇T . Given g ∈ c this is given by

g 2 T = E[1] ⊕ T ∗M[1] ⊕ E[−1], E[1] := (Λn+1TM) 2(n+1)

T b ∇a (σ, µb, ρ) = (∇aσ − µa, ∇µb + Pabσ + g abρ, ∇aρ − Pabµ ), and ∇T preserves a conformally invariant tractor metric h

b T 3 V = (σ, µb, ρ) 7→ 2σρ + µbµ = h(V , V ).

There is also a 2nd order conformally invariant Thomas operator:

 (n + 2w − 1)wf  g Γ(E[w]) ∈ f 7→ DAf =  (n + 2w − 1)∇af  −(∆f + wJf )

g where J is trace (Pab), so a number times Sc(g). Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurfaceHigher Willmore ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe energies, Q-curv. and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; The scale tractor g If IA = (σ, µa, ρ) is a parallel tractor then µa = ∇aσ, and 1 ρ = − n+1 (∆σ + Jσ). This gives the first statement of: Proposition 1 I parallel implies IA = n+1 DAσ. So I 6= 0 ⇒ σ is nonvanishing on −2 an open dense set Mσ6=0. On Mσ6=0, g¯ = σ g is Einstein. −2 1 Conversely if g¯ = σ g is Einstein then I := n+1 Dσ is parallel. ¯ 1 Drop parallel and study the scale tractor I := Dσ := n+1 Dσ: g 2 I 2 := I AI = g ab(∇ σ)(∇ σ) − σ(J + ∆)σ (3) A a b n + 1 (cf. (2)) where g is any metric from c and ∇ its Levi-Civita connection. This is well-defined everywhere [on (M, c, σ)], while where σ is non-zero, it computes 2 Scg¯ I 2 = − Jg¯ = − whereg ¯ = σ−2g. n + 1 n(n + 1) 2 −1 ∴ I gives a generalisation of the scalar curvature (× n(n+1) ).

Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurfaceHigher Willmore ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe energies, Q-curv. and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; Non-zero generalised scalar curvature I 2

The singular Yamabe equation is the equation I 2 = 1 . Proposition (G. JGP 2010 )

Let (M, c, I ) be Riemannian of signature with I 2 positive. Then Z(σ), if not empty, is a smooth embedded separating hypersurface and the manifold M stratifies into M = M− ∪ M0 ∪ M+ according to the strict sign of σ. The components M \ M∓ are conformal compactifications of M±.

Proof. 2 g ab 2 From I = g (∇aσ)(∇bσ) − n+1 σ(J + ∆)σ: Along Z(σ) we have 2 ab I = g (∇aσ)(∇bσ)(> 0 by assumption). in particular ∇σ is nowhere zero on Z(σ), and so σ is a defining density. Thus Z(σ) (if 6= ∅) is a smoothly embedded hypersurface by the implicit function theorem.

Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurfaceHigher Willmore ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe energies, Q-curv. and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; The picture

Thus if I 2 > 0 we have:

M− M0 M+

σ = 0

σ < 0 σ > 0

−2 With g± = σ g on M±. Since σ is a defining density for M0 this exactly means that M \ M∓ conformally compactifies (M±, g±). 2 Then M0 has a conformal structure c0 from g|⊗ TM0 . In particular this applies to a singular Yamabe solution I 2 = 1. But then we’ll see there are additional conditions on the (M0, co) embedding (and (M±, g±) are asymptotically hyperbolic.) Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurfaceHigher Willmore ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe energies, Q-curv. and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; Conformal compactification and Loewner-Nirenberg

A conformal compactification of a complete Riemannian n+1 manifold (M , g+) is a manifold M with boundary ∂M s.t.: −2 • ∃ g on M, with g+ = u g, where • u a defining f’n for ∂M: ∂M = Z(u)& dup 6= 0 ∀p ∈ ∂M.

⇒ canonically a conformal structure on boundary: (∂M, [g|∂M ]). Our question/variant: Given g (or really c = [g]) can we find a defining function u ∈ C ∞(M) for Σ = ∂M s.t.

−2 n+1 Sc(u g) = −n(n + 1)? NB: This satisfied for H Ball Answer - Yes: Loewner-Nirenberg, Aviles and McOwen, ACF. Smoothly? Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurfaceHigher Willmore ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe energies, Q-curv. and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; The obstruction density of ACF Can we solve Sc(u−2g) = −n(n + 1)? formally (i.e. power series) along the boundary? Answer: No - in general can get: Theorem (Andersson, Chru´sciel,& Friedrich) ∞ −2 n+1 ∃u ∈ C (M) s.t. Sc(u g) = −n(n + 1) + u Bn. and Bn|∂M is the obstrn to smooth soln of L-N. problem. Further

B2|∂M = δ · δ · ˚L + lower order is a conformal invariant of Σ2 = ∂M.

In fact B2 = Willmore Invariant! Theorem.[G. + Waldron 2013] For n ≥ 2 s.t.: •Bn is a conformal invariant of Σ = ∂M. •Bn generalises B2 = B. Idea. Use: Lemma 2 Sc(g+) = −n(n + 1) ⇔ I := h(I , I ) = 1

Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurfaceHigher Willmore ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe energies, Q-curv. and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; The conformal Eikonal equation

Problem: For a conformal manifold (M, c) and an embedding ι :Σ → M solve 1 I I A = (D¯ σ)(D¯ Aσ) = 1 + O(σ`), D¯ := D A A n + 1 for ` as high as possible, and σ a Σ defining density. Key point: Proposition (G.+Waldron 2014) 1 A x := σ, y := − I 2 I DA generate an sl(2)! More generally:

[I · D, σ] = I 2(n + 1 + 2w) w = weight operator

From standard sl(2) identities we have [I · D, σk+1] = I 2σk (k + 1)(n + k + 1 + 2w), and this allows an inductive solution (using also other tractor identities).

Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurfaceHigher Willmore ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe energies, Q-curv. and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; Lemma Suppose that σ ∈ Γ(E[1]) defines Σ in (M, c) and

2 k Iσ = 1 + σ Ak where Ak ∈ Γ(E[−k])

is smooth on M, and k ≥ 1, then 0 k+1 • if k 6= (n + 1) then ∃ fk ∈ Γ(E[−k]) s.t. σ := σ + σ fk 2 k+1 satisfies Iσ0 = 1 + σ Ak+1, where Ak+1 smooth; 2 2 n+2 • if k = (n + 1) then: Iσ0 = Iσ + O(σ ).

Proof. Squaring with the tractor metric, using the sl(2), etc

0 2 k+1 2 (D¯ σ ) = (D¯ σ + D¯ (σ fk )) 2 = I 2 + I · D(σk+1f ) + (D¯ (σk+1f ))2 σ n + 1 σ k k 2σk = 1 + σk A + (k + 1)(n + 1 − k)f + O(σk+1). k n + 1 k

Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurfaceHigher Willmore ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe energies, Q-curv. and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; The distinguished defining density and obstruction density

Theorem (G.-, Waldron arXiv:1506.02723) For Σn embedded in (Mn+1, c) there is a distinguished defining density σ¯, unique modulo +O(σn+2), s.t. 2 n+1 Iσ¯ = 1 +σ ¯ Bσ¯. Moreover: B := Bσ¯|Σ ∈ Γ(EΣ[−n − 1]) is determined by (M, c, Σ) and is a natural conformal invariant. For n even B = 0 generalises the Willmore equation in that: n B = ∆¯ 2 H + lower order terms; while for n odd B has no linear leading term.

Corollary (ACF + above implies) On a closed (M, g) if there is a sign changing smooth solution of 2 2  Sc  sing. Yamabe: |du| − n+1 u ∆ + 2n u = 1 then Σ := Z(u) is a higher Willmore hypersurface – i.e. it satisfies B = 0.

Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurfaceHigher Willmore ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe energies, Q-curv. and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; B is variational

For suitable regularisations M of conformally compact M: Z √ vn v1 Vol = g+ = n + ··· + + A log  + Vren + O(). M  

Theorem (Graham 2016: PAMS 2017, arXiv:1606.00069) −2 If g+ =σ ¯ g, where σ¯ an approximate solution of the sing. Yamabe problem then A a conformal invariant of Σ ,→ M and

δA (n + 1)(n − 1) = B δΣ 2 So the anomaly term in the renormalised volume expansion provides an energy with functional gradient the obstruction density, in other words an energy generalising the Willmore energy.

Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurfaceHigher Willmore ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe energies, Q-curv. and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; Extrinsic Q-curvature and the anomaly

In fact – also in analogy with the treatment of Poincar´e-Einstein manifolds – there is nice local quantity giving the anomaly: Theorem (G.- Waldron, CMP 2017, arXiv:1603.07367) 1 Z A = Q n!(n − 1)! Σ

where, with τ ∈ ΓE+[1] a scale giving the boundary metric, Q := (−I · D)n log τ.

• Q here is an extrinsically coupled Q-curvature meaning e.g.

gΣ −nf gΣ 2f Q b = e (Q + Pnf ) where gbΣ = e gΣ and for n even n 2 Pn = ∆Σ + lower order terms; Pn FSA, and Pn1 = 0,

is an extrinsically coupled GJMS type operator. Q and Pn are from G.-, Waldron arXiv:1104.2991 = Indiana U.M.J. 2014. Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurfaceHigher Willmore ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe energies, Q-curv. and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; Idea of proof

Use a Heaviside function θ to “cut off” an integral over all M

Z dV gτ σ Vol = n+1 θ( − ). M σ τ Then the divergent terms and anomaly are given by

n−k   d n+1 d vk ∼  Vol , dn−k d =0

So Z n−k Z δ (σ) n−1 vk ∼ k and A ∼ δ (σ)I · D log τ M τ M Then via identities, and the sl(2) again Z Z n−k 1 n vk ∼ (I · D) k and A ∼ (I · D) log τ Σ τ Σ

Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurfaceHigher Willmore ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe energies, Q-curv. and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; Solutions to (sY) on the sphere

n+1 Conformal compactification of H by symmetry breaking:

σ˜=0 n n+1 σ˜=1 S = ∂H

N+ n+2,1 R P+ n+1 H A σ˜ = IAX

I n+3 • Affine parallel transport on R gives the conformal tractor n+1 n+2,1 2 connection on (S , c). Thus spacelike I in R (with I = 1) gives parallel tractor I and hence a solution of singular Yamabe I 2 = 1 s.t. Z(σ) 6= ∅. In this case Σ := Z(σ) is totally umbilic (and higher Willmore). There are solutions on other closed mflds: G+Leitner: Commun. Contemp. Math. 12 (2010)

Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurfaceHigher Willmore ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe energies, Q-curv. and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; Above suggests: An “Obata type” question/conjecture

The Obata Theorem states (more than):

Theorem (Obata ) If g¯ is a metric on the round sphere Sn that is conformal to the standard metric g and has constant scalar curvature, then g¯ is Einstein. NB: The metric here takes the formg ¯ = σ−2g where σ is a smooth nowhere vanishing function, and the condition that it has constant scalar curvature is that the scale tractor satisfies 2 ¯ Iσ = constant (where recall I = Dσ). Thus related to the Obata Theorem there is a very nice more general question: Question Let (Sn, g) be the usual round sphere. Let σ ∈ C ∞(Sn), possibly 2 −2 with Z(σ) non-empty, such that Iσ = constant. Then is g¯ = σ g necessarily Einstein on Sn \Z(σ)?

Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurfaceHigher Willmore ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe energies, Q-curv. and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; The Willmore link

Above question is especially interesting if I 2 = const. > 0. Then as a special case of the earlier general result (Corollary): Corollary Let (Sn, g) be the usual round sphere. Let σ ∈ C ∞(Sn), with 2 Z(σ) non-empty, such that Iσ = const. > 0. Then Z(σ) is a (higher) Willmore hypersurface.

2 Above we saw that ∃ solutions to Iσ = const. 6= 0 with Z(σ) totally umbilic. Ifg ¯ = σ−2g is Einstein then Z(σ) umbilic is forced. Hence weaker question: Question Let (Sn, g) be the usual round sphere. Let σ ∈ C ∞(Sn), possibly 2 with Z(σ) non-empty, such that Iσ = constant > 0. Then is Z(σ) necessarily totally umbilic?

Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurfaceHigher Willmore ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe energies, Q-curv. and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; THANK YOU FOR LISTENING

Rod Gover. background: G-. and Andrew Waldron: Conformal hypersurfaceHigher Willmore ... Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe energies, Q-curv. and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; Abstract

Higher Willmore energies, Q-curvatures, and related global geometry problems. The Willmore energy and its functional gradient (under variations of embedding) have recently been the subject of recent interest in both geometric analysis and physics, in part because of their link to conformal geometry. Considering a singular Yamabe problem on manifolds with boundary shows that these these invariants are the lowest dimensional examples in a family of conformal invariants for hypersurfaces in any dimension. The same construction and variational considerations shows that (on even dimensional hypersurfaces) the higher Willmore energy and its functional gradient are analogues of the integral of the celebrated Q-curvature conformal invariant and its function gradient (now with respect to metric variations) which is known as the Fefferman-Graham obstruction tensor (or the Bach tensor in dimension 4). In fact the link is deeper than this in that the Willmore energy we consider is an integral of an invariant that

Rod Govergeneralises. background: the G-. and Branson Andrew Waldron: Q-curvature.Conformal hypersurfaceHigher This Willmore ... is Loewner-Nirenberg-Yamabe partenergies, of Q-curv. fascinating and global problem. problems in press CAG, arXiv:1506.02723, and Renormalized Volume, CMP, 2017; G-., Waldon, Commun. Contemp. Math., in press, arXiv:1611.0834; unifying picture that includes some interesting open problems in global geometry. This is joint work with Andrew Waldron.