3427 Miguelito Court, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Phone: 805.541.4509 Fax: 805.546.0525 Email:
[email protected] WWW.OASISASSOC.COM Stormwater Management HYDROMODIFICATION AND LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT Due to the recent development of large, costly end-of-pipe facilities new hydromodifi cation criteria located at the bottom of drainage The California State Water by both the California State Wa- areas, LID addresses stormwater Resources Control Board ter Resources Control Board and through small, cost-effective land- and the Central Coast the Central Coast Regional Wa- scape features located at the lot RWQCB have developed new hydromodifi cation criteria that ter Quality Control Board, new level. will require effective stormwater development and redevelopment management practices. projects will have to be cogni- These landscape features, known zant of implementing stormwater as Integrated Management Practic- management practices into their es (“IMPs”), are the building blocks design. Stormwater management of LID. Almost all components of is the mechanism for controlling the urban environment have the stormwater runoff in order to re- potential to serve as an IMP. This duce downstream erosion, reduce includes not only open space, but water quality degradation, prevent also rooftops, streetscapes, park- fl ooding, and mitigate any adverse ing lots, sidewalks, and medians. effects on the aquatic environment LID is a versatile approach that caused by changes in land use. Low can be applied equally well to new Impact Design (“LID”) is an inno- development, urban retrofi ts, and vative and comprehensive storm- redevelopment / revitalization water management approach with projects. This bioswale, located in San Luis a basic principle that is modeled Obispo, was constructed in 2005.